View Full Version : Naruto GCN #3 out in Japan!
Mon, 11-29-2004, 10:20 PM
Should have it here in a few days, I'll give a full review on it then.
Mon, 11-29-2004, 11:05 PM
from where are you getting it from?
Tue, 11-30-2004, 01:18 AM
Guys, quick question that I was contemplating starting a new thread about, but I'll ask in here anyway:
I own and have beaten Naruto 1 for GCN, and all this time I've never gotten around to buying 2. Now that 3's coming out, should I just get that instead? Is it going to make 2 obsolete like 2 did to 1? Or would it still be worth it to get 2 as well as 3? Is 3 going to be a completely different game (frankly it doesn't look that way but I'm out of the loop)?
Tue, 11-30-2004, 04:00 AM
lol bud, i would just say get them both, since you can never have to much naruto items.
Wed, 12-01-2004, 12:13 AM
Honestly, we've just barely pissed about with #3, and it is sweet. I forgot my card with the data from #2, so I don't know if any save stuff transfers over. I also don't know exactly how many new characters there are, but I do know this:
GCN Naruto owns my soul again.
The second was a vicious addiction, talking like 10 months of gaming. The third looks to be the same. I'd say to just get #3 because I think the changes to it are a little better, as far as everyone having two forms/special attacks and such, although again we haven't gotten too deep in it. They got rid of seperated versions of characters, such as Sharingan/non-Sharingan Kakashi and such, which should give more characters. I'm hoping Akamaru and the puppet are no longer selectable characters as individuals. I'll have more on it in a week or so.
Deblas: We have a friend in the know in Japan, paid for uber-fast shipping from there (ended up being about as much as the game). You can easily buy it off ebay, but you have to wait for the auction to close before it'll be sent. Never buy from someone with a low # of sells or really shitty reviews on closings.
Wed, 12-01-2004, 12:23 AM
dont bother with #2, i havent seen #3 yet, but lemme just say, that it sounds like they basically take from the previous releases and add to it
i took the opportunity to sell my #2 a few months back on ebay before anybody knew of the 3rd one, and managed to get $55 for it i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
basically im spending $5 to upgrade to a newer model
KameraonFrye: actually, there IS a bonus for having a save of the naruto 2 game, you start out with a whole bunch of cash for buying stuff in the store if you have a naruto 2 save
Wed, 12-01-2004, 03:10 AM
Thanks for the advice guys. I've ordered #3, I'll report how it goes in a few days when I get it. Maybe I'll still get #2 a few months down the track when I want a new game, but I somehow doubt it'll happen if it has all the same characters as #3 minus a few.
Wed, 12-01-2004, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by: Deblas
from where are you getting it from?
From where did you learn english from?
Wed, 12-01-2004, 03:42 PM
GCN 3 rocks.
it grabs your money from GCN 2 so you can buy chars in Anko's shop.
You need to set the autosave or else when you shut it down all your progress will be lost.
Wed, 12-01-2004, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by: Himura_san
Originally posted by: Deblas
from where are you getting it from?
From where did you learn english from?
EDIT: this post was embarrassing. To answer your question Himura_san, I go to a bilingual school
Wed, 12-01-2004, 08:22 PM
^your english is horrible.
where did you learn it from?
Wed, 12-01-2004, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by: Samanosuke
^your english is horrible.
where did you learn it from?
Im serious about this i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif
Wed, 12-01-2004, 08:25 PM
edit: dont listen to what Im saying in this thread
Wed, 12-01-2004, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by: Knives122
it was put up as a joke to Himura's post; I acutally thought what he said in Spanish was quite funny
who said what, me?
Thu, 12-02-2004, 12:22 AM
Freeloader+Naruto 3 Pack ( f7077ebc657a9801287c416ceb460b)
Thu, 12-02-2004, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
Originally posted by: Himura_san
Originally posted by: Deblas
from where are you getting it from?
From where did you learn english from?
HELL THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN!!!!. you think that puerto rico only speaks spanish. so you know there are private and public bilingual schools all around here. ive been bilingual for more than 12 years and im 16. my classes are all in english except spanish. i said one time and i say it again. I dont like people asking me these kinds of questions
His question has nothing to do with you being Puerto Rican. Your use of prepostions was substandard to say the least. His question had nothing to do with spanish. You may not want to jump to such conclusions in the future.
Fri, 12-03-2004, 06:00 PM
Keep on topic guys, take it to PM if you have to.
Fri, 12-03-2004, 06:15 PM
GNT3 is great stuff. I've unlocked everyone 'cept Sandaime and Itachi.
Also, if you have a GNT2 save file on your mem card you'll get an additional 20k in Anko's shop.
My only beef with this game is that Kakashi doesn't have enough mixups.
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
Guys, quick question that I was contemplating starting a new thread about, but I'll ask in here anyway:
I own and have beaten Naruto 1 for GCN, and all this time I've never gotten around to buying 2. Now that 3's coming out, should I just get that instead? Is it going to make 2 obsolete like 2 did to 1? Or would it still be worth it to get 2 as well as 3? Is 3 going to be a completely different game (frankly it doesn't look that way but I'm out of the loop)?
3 is a tad slower than 2, but a better game overall. More characters, transformations, guard breaking. Just skip 2 for 3.
edit2: I'm willin' to answer anyone's questions too.
Fri, 12-03-2004, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by: samsonlonghair
Originally posted by: Deblas
Originally posted by: Himura_san
Originally posted by: Deblas
from where are you getting it from?
From where did you learn english from?
HELL THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN!!!!. you think that puerto rico only speaks spanish. so you know there are private and public bilingual schools all around here. ive been bilingual for more than 12 years and im 16. my classes are all in english except spanish. i said one time and i say it again. I dont like people asking me these kinds of questions
His question has nothing to do with you being Puerto Rican. Your use of prepostions was substandard to say the least. His question had nothing to do with spanish. You may not want to jump to such conclusions in the future.
I never was good at grammar. not even spanish grammar i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif. And youre right, I overeacted and I apologize
Sun, 12-05-2004, 11:08 AM
Just unlocked Sandaime and Itachi.
Itachi's about as cheap as you'd expect, being able to teleport behind you (with an optional delay) and sending kagebunshin across the screen to deal with you rather than dirtying his own hands.
Sandaime is a tad slower than I expected, some of his combos are badass though. He mixes more ninjutsu with his taijutsu than any of the other characters and his primary special is the enma summon.
Both good characters but I think I'll keep using Sasuke. (f+b babbx = a beatdown followed by shishi rendan) i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sun, 12-05-2004, 06:26 PM
dammit when will they make a naruto game for xbox i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif , id love a port of the ps2 game
Sun, 12-05-2004, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by: basey_69
dammit when will they make a naruto game for xbox , id love a port of the ps2 game
Maybe if the Xbox wasn't being outsold by used Wonderswan units they might consider porting a Naruto game to it.
Mon, 12-06-2004, 02:18 AM
i want it on ps2! i dont have a gamecube... *tear*
Mon, 12-06-2004, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by: Zoels
i want it on ps2! i dont have a gamecube... *tear*
why not get naruto narutimett hero 2 ( for ps2?
it's also a good game.
Huge load of Naruto 3 Video clips
Sat, 12-11-2004, 12:30 AM
One thing to add:
I am the god of Tsunade. She has the best attack.
The move that she used against Kabuto to disorient him is in the game. You can hit someone with the move, and their normal controller layout becomes screwed. Like pushing the stick to move right becomes a weapon strike. Hitting the special move button becomes duck. It's wonderful.
**********END OF SPOILER***********
Sat, 12-11-2004, 12:55 AM
Unfortunately, Kam, you hafta actually hit with the move and it's a charged move.. anybody in their right mind would have either sidestepped or kawarimi'd after the first two hits.
You wanna talk badass attacks.. some of the combos Sasuke can do ending in shishi-rendan are damned near instant kills.
One thing I DID notice about Tsunade is that just her B string combo is a half-decent juggle and since she hits like a tank that's saying an awful lot. The fact that she can heal better than 50% of her health in combat is a major plus too.
Sat, 12-11-2004, 09:25 PM
It's true of anyone on the game. There are some characters that I can just naturally pick up and hit hard with, such as her and Neji or Kiba/Akamaru. Then there's ones like Choji and Kakashi that I just can do no good with. But the moves.... my god, the moves are nice. Everything is nice about this. Anyone that owns the second who doesn't have this better get their asses in gear. I have friends that have never seen any of this show that have bought this game in the last week, hehe.
Sat, 12-11-2004, 09:43 PM
I shouldn't have gotten other games. Bleh now I gotta save some $ and then order the bundle from liksang. I also wanna check out this game ( for the hell of it.
Sat, 12-11-2004, 10:47 PM
You really are all about that Shounen Jump Allstar game, AM.
Sun, 12-12-2004, 04:19 AM
My god, I hate you AM. As if my life isn't hard enough knowing that I'll have to get a PSP for the Bleach game, you had to go showing me this. Curses upon ye. =b
It looks bad ass, I was actually wanting a game that combined characters from my favorite animes in a fighting environment. I like a lot of the Shounen, so this'll work out nicely.
Sun, 12-12-2004, 02:07 PM
free nintendo DS ( WiAHJseg8v5KhCI_q0pgBxdGZgAPg1AMIABABGAEgtlQ4AEipO aABnoSD_wOqARpvcmcubW96aWxsYTplbi1VUzpvZmZpY2lhbMg BAQ)
Tue, 12-14-2004, 02:51 AM
I finally have Naruto 3 - after only playing #1, this is just sooooo good, I can't believe it! Why am I sitting here, I should be playing it.
Tue, 12-14-2004, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
I finally have Naruto 3 - after only playing #1, this is just sooooo good, I can't believe it! Why am I sitting here, I should be playing it.
woo.. congrats.
Have a character you're particularly fond of yet? I'm pretty sick with Sasuke and Neji... especially Neji.
Tue, 12-14-2004, 09:58 PM
In the first game I always liked Lee and Haku - however I haven't managed to unlock Haku yet in #3. I'm finding that I like either Neji or Shikamaru - but there's still so many to unlock, it's gonna take months to get every single thing.
Wed, 12-15-2004, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by: Souryusen
You really are all about that Shounen Jump Allstar game, AM.
I guess I am.
Some new screens came out today. They're pretty small but anyhow
Jump Superstars New Screens (
Also seems like Lee's in the game as well. Look really close.
Wed, 12-15-2004, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
In the first game I always liked Lee and Haku - however I haven't managed to unlock Haku yet in #3. I'm finding that I like either Neji or Shikamaru - but there's still so many to unlock, it's gonna take months to get every single thing.
Shikamaru is rediculously overpowered in that game... a good Neji player will kaiten him into submission though. i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Seriously though.. Shika's worse than Itachi, he just lacks the ability to mix it up like our good Uchiha... still, sidestepping alla Shika's teleports can be a pain in the ass.
Thu, 12-16-2004, 11:05 AM
I had a round of Survival - I made it to 34 with Neji, I got something like $8700! I was astounded. What a fast way to make money! I really need shadow mode now, apparently that's a fast way to get it too?
Thu, 12-16-2004, 02:01 PM
Shadow mode is THE fastest way to get money. You can rack up about 10k in 10mins or less. It wont be unlockable until after you purchase Mizuki at the store though. You need to buy Orochimaru to get Mizuki though... and he's about 60k. Best thing I can recommend to you is to go through mission mode on Genin, Chuunin and Jounin levels and earn yourself money that way.. if you beat all the missions in all difficulties it awards you 30k.
Thu, 12-16-2004, 05:02 PM
In #3, all of my friends that liked Shika/Neji have sided with Tenten. I have as well, I'm working on a 2-trap combo of death, but it's hard to work it out. Her little jump-over-you move is as nice as Shika's teleport is. Temari is pretty basic, from my pissing around with her, as her 10+combos can be done by doing one move x3.
Thu, 12-16-2004, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by: KameronFrye
In #3, all of my friends that liked Shika/Neji have sided with Tenten. I have as well, I'm working on a 2-trap combo of death, but it's hard to work it out. Her little jump-over-you move is as nice as Shika's teleport is. Temari is pretty basic, from my pissing around with her, as her 10+combos can be done by doing one move x3.
Temari is crazy cheezy... she can down+x, hit with AAA and then down+x again, once she gets you with that first attack you're pretty well done for. Neji is much the same, get somebody with a b or a chain that launches them in the air and juggle them with dai kaiten and then start the juggle again with another b or a chain before they hit the ground. It's crazy. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Fri, 12-17-2004, 01:54 AM
I had a friend of mine piss me off with Temari tonight, he pulled some silly shit with two traps, combo'd me into one, I flew up and hit the second, then he hit the same combo again for %100.
The best of Tsunade's charge move is hitting someone when they get up, that few seconds of disorientation is sweetness.
We have basically everything but Itachi now, it's nothing an hour or two of Shadow mode wouldn't take care of. Btw, best character for that is definitely Shikamaru. Use his second special and see why.
Fri, 12-17-2004, 08:56 AM
Shika's 2nd special grabs up to 9 of those bunshins and damages them badly enough that one hit should put them down for good. i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Fri, 12-17-2004, 09:15 AM
I wish Shika had his Shadow Neck Bind, but I guess that hasn't been in the anime quite yet so it'll be in #4 if it's made.
Anyway, what is the highest survival number people have reached? As I mentioned before, I've only done it once and I reached 34 with Neji.
Fri, 12-17-2004, 12:21 PM
Over 200 w/Shika. Over 160 w/Gaara. About 130 w/Sasuke. The #'s would be higher if I went for kills more instead of scrambling trying to pick up money. I don't have much reason to do Shadow mode anymore, having unlocked Difficulty 4 and all the characters. All I have left to do is buy different menu announcer girls so that Sakura isn't doing all the work.
Fri, 12-17-2004, 09:48 PM
I got 263 with Shikamaru, hehe. Next highest was Temari with about 170. That shit is just insta-death for all the clones, and Shika's combo teleport goes right to your next victim(s). It gets to be a pain in the ass when there's 9 of them, though. They actually form combos and won't wait for you to finish your special anymore.
Tue, 12-28-2004, 10:28 AM
i just ordered this game christmas eve. im really excited. me and my firends played 2 all the time back when i lived in san antonio. i played this version of it with a new friend and was amazed by who much neji was improved just by the addition of the super kaiten. life is very happy for me indeed. anyways, i look forward to learning chouji and shino.
by the way, as good as sasukes shishi rendan combos are, they dont toot a horn to narutos naruto rendan combos... its too damaging, and now that he can pull the rasengan off when at low health hes enven more powerful. i feel that combining sharingan no sasuke with the normal sasuke was a bad call for him. chidoris no good unless chained to a throw or done on teh anti-wake up, but the sharingan sasuke has over all better moves. its nice that you can cancel into regular sasuke to link the shishi rendan. id like to learn that a little more.
Tue, 12-28-2004, 10:49 AM
Yeah... Naruto's 8 hit NaruRendan/Rasengan combo is pretty f-ing lethal. I flat out refuse to play as Naruto though... I've only ever used him in mission mode.
You're right about Chidori though... anyone who's good at sidestepping won't have any trouble dealing with it and the chances of them actually letting you charge it to the point where it's worth using are pretty small. It works like a charm on newbies though.. they see the lightning and freeze. I see it and throw kunai. i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
The S. Sasuke to Sasuke cancel is really great when you mix it up with a shi-shi rendan combo. S. Sasuke's pretty crazy with all the teleport tricks he gets.. and his d+bb air-x is a pretty neat trick as well. He's a neat character if you like to do tricks.. he doesn't take punishment very well though. There are some good combos that can be done with Katon Gokakyuu no jutsu too.
And yeah... Neji is plenty wicked this time around. If he hits you so much as once it's game over. Daikaiten gives him a damned near infinity combo.
Tue, 12-28-2004, 01:27 PM
Another one on the way!
OMG it's teh 3d Naruto
edit: See full post in the Games topic in General Discussion forum
Tue, 12-28-2004, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by: Souryusen
Yeah... Naruto's 8 hit NaruRendan/Rasengan combo is pretty f-ing lethal. I flat out refuse to play as Naruto though... I've only ever used him in mission mode.
You're right about Chidori though... anyone who's good at sidestepping won't have any trouble dealing with it and the chances of them actually letting you charge it to the point where it's worth using are pretty small. It works like a charm on newbies though.. they see the lightning and freeze. I see it and throw kunai.
The S. Sasuke to Sasuke cancel is really great when you mix it up with a shi-shi rendan combo. S. Sasuke's pretty crazy with all the teleport tricks he gets.. and his d+bb air-x is a pretty neat trick as well. He's a neat character if you like to do tricks.. he doesn't take punishment very well though. There are some good combos that can be done with Katon Gokakyuu no jutsu too.
And yeah... Neji is plenty wicked this time around. If he hits you so much as once it's game over. Daikaiten gives him a damned near infinity combo.
sasukes d+bb has a pretty slow start up, so its easy to stop. unlike orochimarus extremely fast d+B or neji and kibas d+b that dodges most attacks
Tue, 12-28-2004, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by: RasenDori
sasukes d+bb has a pretty slow start up, so its easy to stop. unlike orochimarus extremely fast d+B or neji and kibas d+b that dodges most attacks
I didn't say it was the end-all, just said it's a neat trick.
You tried Hinata at all? She doesn't have the same infinity trick that Neji does but she can guard break like no other. Her side-step attacks work fairly well too, especially if you put a little delay on them.
Tue, 12-28-2004, 08:09 PM
the limited amount of time that ive had to play narto 3 i never saw a gaurd break. i hear that hinata can do some good cross over combos. i started learning her a bit in naruto 2 because she started to peek my interest.
EDIT: about the sasuke combo, im just saying that i find it hard to hit most people with it because of the slow start up
Tue, 12-28-2004, 09:32 PM
Hold on, hold on....
I always wanted to play the naruto GC games... But I figured the text would all be in jap? Is the text in plain english? Is it playable for someone who can't read japanese?
Tue, 12-28-2004, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by: Uberbaka
Hold on, hold on....
I always wanted to play the naruto GC games... But I figured the text would all be in jap? Is the text in plain english? Is it playable for someone who can't read japanese?
It's quite playable. The only problem you may have is navigating the menus which are completely in japanese. Some of the missions may be difficult, particularly the training with Iruka, because the objective is in japanese. has some excellent translations for all the missions and menus however.
Tue, 12-28-2004, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by: Souryusen
Originally posted by: Uberbaka
Hold on, hold on....
I always wanted to play the naruto GC games... But I figured the text would all be in jap? Is the text in plain english? Is it playable for someone who can't read japanese?
It's quite playable. The only problem you may have is navigating the menus which are completely in japanese. Some of the missions may be difficult, particularly the training with Iruka, because the objective is in japanese. has some excellent translations for all the missions and menus however.
How about the manual? How do you learn the tricks? You read that from the game or the manual or do you have to resort to gamefaqs?
Tue, 12-28-2004, 11:02 PM
Gamefaqs is really helpful. Plus, it's fun to work out all the combos and tricks on your own. Makes it more of a challenge.
Tue, 12-28-2004, 11:11 PM
you guys misinterpreted raven btw, he was asking how far you got in survivor mode, not shadow fighting mode
i can get into the early 40s, but then i get caught in one combo from the comp and then lose most of my health i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
im trying to unlock the team survivor mode, but it pisses me off when i spend all that time just to die
i use gaara w/ his strong defense, strong offense (even kawarimi often doesnt save the comp), and that insane down X of his
Wed, 12-29-2004, 12:22 AM
Oh... survivor mode. Made it somewhere into the 80's with Shikamaru (effortless) before I got bored and just let the comp ace me. Shika's the king of cheap... at least when you're fighting the computer.
Wed, 12-29-2004, 12:48 AM
Gee, I was gonna say. To get into the hundreds in Survivor mode, you'd have to have the patience of ... dunno, someone with a lot of patience.
I get bored way too easily in that mode - I made it to the high 50s the other day before I got careless due to boredom.
We're gonna have a huge multiplayer session soon, hopefully I'll earn about 100k, that'd be nice.
Wed, 12-29-2004, 12:52 AM
Temari is the way to earn money cheap in arcade/survivor mode. The money you earn is based off the points you gain.. the points you gain are based off the hits you land. Temari's fan does a shitload of hits without doing a whole helluva lot of damage. I kick supreme ass with Sasuke.. but my record in arcade mode was crushed when I picked up Temari. I'd probably clinched the 1st place spot before I finished the 3rd battle.
Wed, 12-29-2004, 11:41 AM
oh man... my copy comes in tomorrow! i cant wait!
Thu, 12-30-2004, 03:37 AM
Do the story mode first, then buy your missions/extra characters at the same time. Once you get shadow mode, money making is a joke. I can turn out 20k+ with Shikamaru in it, as everyone else has said. Best game I've bought yet, but I say that with a copy of Mech Assault 2 in hand. Also, lest not to forget Fullmetal coming out here next month. =b
Thu, 12-30-2004, 02:56 PM
damn, i cant beat survivor mode....
its like, when i get into the low 40s, all it takes is one opening and the comp takes out half my health with a combo :/
Fri, 12-31-2004, 08:47 AM
crap... my package got delayed to the 3rd... im not happy with that
Wed, 01-05-2005, 08:01 PM
ok screw that team survivor mode
me and my friend managed to get past 50, but it still didnt unlock it
what a waste of time
Fri, 01-07-2005, 11:10 PM
is it even possible to beat survival mode? isnt it just one of those things that just go on and on?
Fri, 01-07-2005, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by: RasenDori
is it even possible to beat survival mode? isnt it just one of those things that just go on and on?
I'm under that impression.
Sat, 01-08-2005, 01:50 AM
yes well....for some reason, all the gamefaqs guides says "beat survival mode" to unlock team survival mode
Sat, 01-08-2005, 09:36 AM
they probally mean get first place
Sat, 01-08-2005, 11:47 AM
no, im pretty sure we did that
Sat, 01-08-2005, 07:17 PM
well i got it after getting first place
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