View Full Version : Looking for...

Wed, 11-17-2004, 01:32 AM
ya ok this is driving me crazy anyone know where i can find the gundam seed specials i've looked on suprnova and had no luck i've tried download programs no luck now i'm seeing if anyone knows where i can find them some please say they know XP

Wed, 11-17-2004, 01:34 AM
you can try #anime-kraze

try their site to see if they still have torrents up (i doubt it)

www.anime-kraze.com should be the site... you can try changing .com to .net or .org and see if it works

Wed, 11-17-2004, 01:56 AM
Anime-Kraze (http://tracker.anime-kraze.org:8080/)

Link to Anime-Kraze. It's .org btw.

Sat, 11-20-2004, 01:40 PM
If you use Irc, you should head on over to the Seed-Fansubs channel. One of their bots has the Gundam Seed Special that your looking for. Here's a link to their bot list: Seed Fansubs Bot List (http://csoft.net/~krelgoni/sf/).

Channel: #Seed-Fansubs
Server: Rizon

Tue, 11-30-2004, 01:38 AM
cool but ya wat about after special #3 and does you know if anyones subbs yugioh at all ya stupid as it might be i'm into it but i've slowly died down but i'm dying to see wat happens we all have that feeling when it comes to anime XD