View Full Version : Wisdome teeth
Sat, 10-30-2004, 01:50 AM
I just had my wisdom teeth removed to day adn I ahve to say. it sucked ass. couldn't feel half my face for like seven hours. Can't eat solid food for like three days and the pain medication makes me puke.
But I don't need sympathy. I just want to warn you all.
I will tell you now if you have to have your wisdom teeth removed go for the total knock out appraoch. The Nitrouse was nice, you feel f-ing great till they give you the local. then you pass out then wake up and it's all over. It's the after math that sucks. Make plans to be doing nothing for the next three days. and hope you don't have a bad reaction to Qualude the give you, pass out time baby. Oh yeah be prepared to drool like an Alien from "ALIENS".
If you had your back four teeth removed please tell.
Sat, 10-30-2004, 03:16 AM
does this mean you're talking like your typing? i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
ive had 4 permanent teeth pulled (not wisdom though), so i know how that sucks....sittin around with gauss in your mouth all day.......
fortunately my wisdom teeth retracted under my gums so it prolly will never be a problem for me
Sat, 10-30-2004, 03:25 AM
I'm talking worse than I'm typing because I have tolit paper shoved in my mouth to stop the constant drooling prevoced by the gause an sutchers. I feel like I had a stroke.
Sat, 10-30-2004, 03:26 AM
I was one of the lucky ones. When I had my wisdom teeth out (all four at once) I went under the general and woke up instantly without remembering anything of course. I went home straight away, and over the next few days I had no pain, no blood, no swelling, in fact no discomfort whatsoever.
It was actually a pleasant experience, because I had people waiting on me hand and foot. Hey, I don't mean to brag, but I guess I just did. i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Sat, 10-30-2004, 07:53 AM
I'm glad to see someone that made it out unscathed. It's been sixteen hours and i still have toung numbness. I'm rahter worried that there is nerve damage from the novicaine. but i'll give it another day. But I still can't talk with all the gause and drool.
Sensei Jon
Sat, 10-30-2004, 07:56 AM
What a coincidence, I had mine done yesterday. I am not near as bad as it seems you are, a little swollen a little pain, but nothing I can't handle. I was able to eat spaghetti about 3 or 4 hours afterwards.
Board of Command
Sat, 10-30-2004, 09:36 AM
Aww're scaring me here. I'll probably get mine taken care of the next year or so. But by the sounds of it, you just happen to be an extreme case.
Sat, 10-30-2004, 10:21 AM
I took mine out 2 at a time. Mine were small so the dentist had to scoop it out like ice cream and i would see all the blood on my shirt and stuff. But dont worry left, if this is ur first time. U STILL GOT 3 MORE TIMES HAVE FUN. =P
Sat, 10-30-2004, 12:03 PM
Thanks. I thing the whole numb tung this is do to my body having a reaction to materal of the gause or a chemical in it. At least now I can stop all the drooling I was doing which is nice but solid food is still out of the question. I miss hard foods i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Board of Command
Sat, 10-30-2004, 02:02 PM
You're getting them out one at a time? Or is that normal?
Sat, 10-30-2004, 02:47 PM
Well hey, I guess you could look at it this way, since you can't eat hard food and want to, when you finally do, it'll probably taste better than before
Sat, 10-30-2004, 03:03 PM
woah, sorry for all ur pain man.
i'd never get my wisdom teeth removed. the way i look at it, ppl have been doing just fine for the past 8000 or so years, so y ruin it now.
these dentists just want to make money, so they tell u to get it out, cuz its better for u, bla bla bla. when mine were comming out, i just suffered with the swelling for a day or two, and then it was back to normal.
my advice to eveyone is, dont get them removed. its a lot more pain removing them then keeping them imo.
hope u can eat solid foods soon lefty...imma go enjoy some pizza (mmm, pizza) i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Sat, 10-30-2004, 04:11 PM
Mine were about to impact on my mollers so I had to have tem removed or I would have begun lossing teeth. So Ihad no choice. Corese now I find out that my tonge is going to numb for a few eeks due to them having to move some nerves to get at the teeth. Can talk, can't swallow, can't eat. I feel like a one year old. Of course the drooling helps the over all feeling of being helpless.
Sat, 10-30-2004, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by: Assassin
my advice to eveyone is, dont get them removed. its a lot more pain removing them then keeping them imo.
Gotta disagree there man. The pain beforehand was terrible - it was a constant agonising cramp in the jaw, restricting eating and in some extreme cases talking, and apparently if you leave them in it will reshape your mouth in the years to come? I might be wrong about that though, I'm no dentist, something I heard somewhere. But I think it pays to listen to the doctor, pretty sure it's not just a money grabbing scheme.
Sat, 10-30-2004, 09:34 PM
It's true about your teeth shifting I had about thirteen years of orthodontics flushed down the drain thanks to my wisdom teeth. my lower teeth shifted around like crazy. Worse case scneario is you lose parts of your jaw due to sever infection if you leave them in and need to have them removed.
Sat, 10-30-2004, 09:42 PM
I really hope that doesn't happen to me. they've already taken 4 of my canines for my braces
Sat, 10-30-2004, 10:28 PM
my sis didnt have any problem with her wisdom teeth, didnt have to get them pulled, but im not sure if its because no one in my family has dental problems. (its hereditary)
Board of Command
Sat, 10-30-2004, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
I really hope that doesn't happen to me. they've already taken 4 of my canines for my braces
Yikes man! The first clinic I applied to said they gotta remove mine, but then another clinic said it's fine to leave them in. I went with the second clinic and the results were fine.
Sat, 10-30-2004, 10:34 PM
I had my wisdom teeth removed because the lower two were coming in horizontally, and I was in pain and bleeding a good amount for about 4 days, I know how you feel. Though sitting on a lawn chair in my living room for four days on pain medication was worth it. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif Other people get away with no sutchers and no pain at all.
Board of Command
Sun, 10-31-2004, 01:20 AM
Uhh that's disgusting, I wonder how people lived before modern dentistry existed.
Hmm why is my post before Stoopiders if I was replying to his post???
Sun, 10-31-2004, 01:34 AM
I haven't gotten them removed. But it's really making my back teeth all uneven. I'm going to need braces soon.
I suggest you pull them out.
I didn't, and when it was milking,(coming out), caused me lots of gingivitis problems and my mouth kinda swelled from time to time and smelled like old milk.
Mon, 11-08-2004, 12:23 AM
man, you guys are making me somewhat wanting to go see the freakin dentist (i really hate the dentist)
i havent gotten mine out yet, but ill probably ask about it the next time i go
what sucks more is that i have sensitive teeth, sucks major ass
so not pulling out shifts your teeth, what other things can happen if you dont have them pulled out?
Mon, 11-08-2004, 12:31 AM
Err... pardon me for my ignorance, but why does having your teeth pulled out seem like a normal occurance for you guys?
I had a problem where my jaw is actually slightly bent, to the the extent that my lips are slightly out of synch at times when I'm not talking and my mouth is shut. I had braces for the problem, didn't really wear them, so the htreatment didn't really work. Had the wired ones for my teeth, man I was so glad when they were taken out... when they took those little bits which they stick on your teeth to hold the wire off it seemed to so weired... my teeth felt huge without those things there to reduce the surface area initially...
Mon, 11-08-2004, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by: Assassin
woah, sorry for all ur pain man.
i'd never get my wisdom teeth removed. the way i look at it, ppl have been doing just fine for the past 8000 or so years, so y ruin it now.
these dentists just want to make money, so they tell u to get it out, cuz its better for u, bla bla bla. when mine were comming out, i just suffered with the swelling for a day or two, and then it was back to normal.
my advice to eveyone is, dont get them removed. its a lot more pain removing them then keeping them imo.
hope u can eat solid foods soon lefty...imma go enjoy some pizza (mmm, pizza)
this is the dumbest thing i've read. 8000 years ago, the medical technology wasn't advanced enough to know what the potential pain and damage unremoved wisdom teeth could do. not only that, wisdom teeth could screw up the alignment of your other teeth if the wisdom tooth grows in an awkward position. not EVERYONE'S wisdom teeth grow in straight. i really hope you weren't serious about what you said.
btw, you're not seriously banned from #gotwoot, you noob.
Mon, 11-08-2004, 02:06 AM
needing your wisdom teeth removed is the same as needing to wear glasses
when bad physical characterstics happen to people, they're supposed to not live on and spread their genes to offspring.....
however because of technology and science, they live on perfectly fine....thats why you get stuff like lots of people needing glasses, people needing hearing aids, and people needing wisdom teeth removed
Mon, 11-08-2004, 03:40 AM
yay im perfect, no glasses, i can hear, and no problems with wisdom teeth. yay
anyone else out there perfect like me i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Black Knight
Fri, 11-12-2004, 11:17 PM
i had to get all four pulled at the same time a couple of weeks ago. i guess i have good dentists because it was pretty painless. i have to say though, i was scared shitless when i found out i had to get them removed. thank god for novocaine..
Board of Command
Fri, 11-12-2004, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
needing your wisdom teeth removed is the same as needing to wear glasses
when bad physical characterstics happen to people, they're supposed to not live on and spread their genes to offspring.....
however because of technology and science, they live on perfectly fine....thats why you get stuff like lots of people needing glasses, people needing hearing aids, and people needing wisdom teeth removed
My beliefs exactly. Most physical defects are hereditary, and naturally are not supposed to be passed on. It's all about the human ingenuity vs. natural selection (aka survival of the fittest)
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