View Full Version : Gundam Music
Sat, 10-23-2004, 09:49 AM
We don't have a Gundam forum, so I'm going to use this.
Basically, we all know Gundam has some damn awesome music; both when it comes to OSTs & ops/eds.
So basically, I want you guys to share your thoughts on the music in the form of recommendation. Let's all recommend good Gundam songs that are worth the download, since there are so damn many. State your favorites too. Not only from Seed/Destiny, but from it all. Here are some good tips from my side:
G Gundam - Trust You Forever (Opening 2)
- VERY good and catchy.
Gundam Seed - Anna no Issho Datta no ni (Ending 1)
- Unbelievable song as you all should know.
Gundam Seed - Believe (Opening 3)
- The beginning of this song. Just wow.
Gundam Seed - Realize (Opening 4)
- The best song ever?
Gundam Seed Destiny - Reason (Ending 1)
- Grows with every listen.
V Gundam - Stand Up to the Victory (Opening 1)
- Very, VERY cool track. Makes you all giddy inside when you hear it.
Gundam Wing - Rhythm Emotion (Opening 2)
- Guilty favorite. I enjoy this tune extremely much.
Gundam X - Dreams (Opening 1)
- You deserve death if you haven't heard this. It's the best Gundam song ever made, together with Realize.
Gundam X - Resolution (Opening 2)
- Gundam X has GREAT music.
Well those are my favorites.
Sat, 10-23-2004, 11:34 AM
The battle music in Wing rocks. i forgot the name of the track though -.-
Sat, 10-23-2004, 05:18 PM
Akatsuki no kuruma, listen to that tune and watch the leaves blow in the wind oh my god that gives you the best feeling. other than that i like op, ed of destiny the for ops form seed + metoer and gundam x - dreams is good to havent heard the others tho.
Sun, 10-24-2004, 08:37 AM
White Reflection in Gundam Wing is also real good ^_^
anyone that knows where i can download the ost for gundam wing?
Sun, 06-26-2005, 12:09 PM
Let's revive this thread, it deserves to live.
Right now I'm stuck with Tsuki Hitotsu, which is a bonus song from the Anna ni issho datta no ni (gundam seed ending 1) single.
It's performed by See-Saw, and it rules!
Sun, 06-26-2005, 12:35 PM
Gundam 0083 - Men of Destiny (opener 2)
Love this song! It just tells you that shit is gonna happen real fast. A perfect song for Zeta's prequel.
Victory Gundam - Don't Stop! Carry On! (opener 2)
Just wow...just like Stand Up to the Victory, this song is very carefree. It even inspires me when I'm depressed.
Gundam Wing - White Reflection (Waltz theme)
I know, Wing is evil....but try playing this song while you're in versus mode on Zone of the Enders 2. You'll see what I mean.
Gundam X - Human Touch (ending 1 - English version)
What can I say, I'm mushy... and this is perfect to listen to when I'm in love. ^__^
Turn A Gundam - Turn A Turn (opener 1)
Oh yeah, bitch!! This bleeds giant robot all over it. Whenever I hear, I have to outstretch my hand for the stars, hahaha.
Mobile Suit Gundam - Danger of the Battlefield (Char bgm)
You may not know the title but you know the music. This is when the red Zaku appears and the trumpets go ba-da-baaaa *gigglefits*
Gundam 0080 - Never Give Up Forever (opener)
Very sweet and innocent, fitting the mood of its show to a tee.
Char's Counterattack - Beyond the Time (ending)
God...this song is just powerful for those who cared for and believed in Char's ideal. "You can change your destiny"
That's what I can think of for now. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Sun, 06-26-2005, 12:39 PM
I love following songs: from Gundam:
T.M Revolution: Meteor ( Gundam SEED)
T.M Revolution: Invoke( Gundam SEED )
T.M Revolution: Ignited ( Gundam SEED Destiny )
HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR: Pride ( Gundam SEED Destiny )
See-Saw: Anna ni isshodatta no ni ( Gundam SEED )
Dreams ( Gundam X )
Resolution ( Gundam X )
Rei Fu: I wanna go to a place... ( Gundam SEED Desitny)
Takahashi Hitomi: Bokutachi no Yukue ( Gundam SEED Destiny )
Nakashima Mika: Find the way ( Gundam SEED )
Folowing score are one of my most frequent played files
Sahashi Tosihiko: Freedom and Justice ( Gundam SEED )
Sahashi Tosihiko: Asu he no Hashi ( Gundam SEED Destiny )
Sun, 06-26-2005, 12:52 PM
ignited piano - gsd
Sun, 06-26-2005, 01:28 PM
The Remixes on SEED complete best are awesome.
Sun, 06-26-2005, 02:32 PM
Well I don't know too much about specific track names or anything like that but...
Seed- opening 1 and opening 2 are damn good tracks. I also like the high-paced, battle music that is often background to MS deployments and mothership tactical manuevers and strikes.
G-Gundam - This show had music? I really can't recall...
Wing- ok, I also really liked Rhythm Emotion & White Reflection wasn't too bad either. Some of the battle music were phat Bullet Rain & (I think its called Burn- the one playing in the big duel in the last episode-) but I really like the sort of spacy, eerie music that they play in the background when describing the political situation or whatnot. It's sorta makes you feel complacent and reall fits the whole outer space feeling, I thought.
GSD - again pretty good battle music, the comedy theme is retarded. Opening 1 is still my favorite.
Oh, and if anyone ever played the Gundam Wing: Endless Duel for SNES game, the track for fighting against Heavyarms is incredible!!! I suggest everyone download it, as it is a pretty cool techno track and really perfect for a video game arcade fight like that. It is MIDI-ish quality but still cool
Sun, 06-26-2005, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Oh, and if anyone ever played the Gundam Wing: Endless Duel for SNES game, the track for fighting against Heavyarms is incredible!!! I suggest everyone download it, as it is a pretty cool techno track and really perfect for a video game arcade fight like that. It is MIDI-ish quality but still cool
A lovely OCRemix of that music here. (
Sun, 06-26-2005, 04:06 PM
Dude I was just about to post that, I also love the Heavyarms theme and that OC remix has been one of my favorite remixes the last years.
Sun, 06-26-2005, 05:18 PM
Thanks Souryusen. I may try a couple more remixes, have really never dled anime music, just sorta appreciate it in the context of the show
Sun, 06-26-2005, 05:18 PM
Hm, so many great songs to pick from! Oh well, let's see:
Kuwashima Houko - Shinkai no Kodoku
- It's most likely because of the moment.. but this song makes a tear well up in the corner of my eye each and every time I hear it. Poor Stellar.
Tamaki Nami - Heroine
- At first I thought it was "heroin." Unfortunately, that was not the case. And yeah, that is the only reason I listed it. That, and it's by Nami.
Tamaki Nami - Reason
- I'm in love with this song. Literally.
Gundam Wing - Rhythm Emotion
- Pure sexiness. I fucking love the beat.
Tamaki Nami - Realize
- I don't think I need to add any more praise than already has been given. Oh, who I am shitting? This song makes most other GUNDAM songs seem like shit. Yes, it's that good.
Tamaki Nami - Believe
- The beginning, yeah. And it's by Nami. Can you tell I love Nami? I bet you can.
TM Revolution - Meteor
- Lovely song which is more on the soft side. Didn't this song play before Heine's death in GSD too?
I'd list more, but I'm lazy so that will have to do for now.
Mon, 06-27-2005, 01:22 AM
Hmm my favourites would have to be (In no particular order)
Gundam X - Dreams by Far nothing Comes Near it...
Gundam Wing - Last Impression. Also Mission Accompished cause that song made the first ep kick ass...
Gundam Seed - The best song IMO is Tears by Nicol (also Called Nicols Tears). A close second would be River and Meteor which are by far the best tracks from GS.
GSD - My fav is "Gaia X Chaos X Abyss" and most recently Vestige (Woot for Radio Rips) but id have to say Fields of Hope is the best Destiny Song...
Its interesting cause Wing has a Victorian style distinction and Seed has a completely different sound but both suit the Anime's style brilliantly...
Mon, 06-27-2005, 03:27 AM
Anything from GS and GSD is good. Except for Find The Way. Too slow for me.
Mon, 06-27-2005, 06:37 AM
My turn!
Gundam X - Resolution; Dreams from Romantic Mode
Gundam Wing Endless Waltz - Last Impression from Two Mix
Gundam F91 - Eternal Wind. Great song, highly recommended
G Gundam - Requiem of Stardust; Trust you forever
Gundam Z - Mizyu no hoshi e ai o komete
Gundam ZZ - Anime ja nai, Silent Voice
8th MS Team - 10 years after; Arashi no naka de kahayai te
V Gundam - Winners forever
masamuneehs>I loved the sound track of G Gundam and bought 3 of the albums, just so you know G Gundam does have music and sound tracks....
Mon, 06-27-2005, 04:25 PM
Tera, Tera, Tera.....props for making this thread, and reviving it...
and finally giving me something to post about i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif (After months of just reading others)
Many of you have listed these before...but I just want to get my opinion out there since I love music..
I haven't really seen all that many Gundam series, but here are my no particular order..
Invoke - TM Revolution (GS) -- what can I say? introduced the first Gundam series I watched..and got me hooked..... The bridge in the full version is awesome (break down w/ piano)
Anna no Issho Datta no ni - See Saw (GS)-- ...first episode...when you realize that Athrun and Kira have met again since their childhood departure and the dilemma to come....this song starts playin and gets your blood movin...
I a HUGE fan of the BEGINNING of Believe - Tamaki Nami (GS) -- and the first couple verses...BUT I must say I was disappointed with it....mainly the awkward transition to the choruses and main theme again...they just didn't seem to build as much as I hoped... Just my opinion...but was wondering...anyone else think this? Realize fixed this problem real quick...
Realize - Tamaki Nami (GS) -- although others have beat this one to death...I have to say this is one of the best if not THEE it builds up and keeps its driving rhythm throughout.....awesome..
Meteor - TM Revolution (GS) -- How can you forget the first time Freedom showed up on the battlefield? This moment was....just awesome....."This is Kira Yamato..." *tear*
Justice and Freedom - Sahashi Tosihiko(GS) -- Umm....yeah...basically carried the last couple of episodes for GS.. like the title says...Two brothers in space...finally..nice instrumental.
Reason - Tamaki Nami (GSD) -- 2nd best song in my opinion....first came alive when Shinn came out with his Sword Sillohette (SP?)......
Pride - High and Mighty (GSD) -- Great opening.....
I wanna go to a place - Rie Fu (GSD) -- The ultimate chill and feel good song....reminds me of the connection that Lacus and Kira have.....when they parted..
Those are the ones I can think of now...
On another non-Gundam note..
Daitan ni Ikimashou ~ Heart and Soul - Tamaki Nami is a great, fun song....for those who want to try it out...I highly recommend...
Edit: One more thing.... I want to mention the intstrumental "Hajimari ga Yue - Toshihiko Sakahashi".....oh my...brings back some gusto memories! BTW its on GSD OST II
Mon, 06-27-2005, 09:39 PM
omg i cant believe i forgot about gsd- fields of hope, that song is just plain beautifull and relaxing
Mon, 06-27-2005, 09:44 PM
@chubakka: NP, and welcome to the forums. Stick around!
@darkshadow: Amen! I love that song too. Makes me feel totally chilled out whenever I hear it.
Tue, 06-28-2005, 06:00 AM
and none of you have talked about Zips by T.M. Revolution.....tssk. [very addicting]
Tue, 06-28-2005, 06:11 AM
That's a great song too. Practically anything by TM is good, I have almost all of his albums.
Eurotechno + Pop + Unique voice = Teh win
I'm listening to Nami's Heroine right now, and it rules.
I'm still curious to know what exactly it's connection is to Gundam though...
Wed, 06-29-2005, 08:08 AM
Also listening to Heroine. It has been going on repeat for quite some time now.
Wed, 06-29-2005, 09:33 AM
my favs would be
in GS
-nĘ- thats the japanese name, im not sure whats the english translated, it was played when Cagalli goes to space and leaves his dad behind
-I wanna go to a place... (I love the artise Rie Fu, including her Bleach ending)
Wed, 06-29-2005, 10:45 AM
Heroine is a great song along with other tracks from Nami's album, Make Progress. I really like Fly Away, Daybreak, and Heart & Soul. Maybe Heroine is for Lacus? I dunno how its related to Gundam either =/.
Some of my faves are:
Invoke - Great way to open up Gundam Seed i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif.
Believe - Another good song though I think they ended it too quickly.
Realize - Its Nami Tamaki, come on now, lol.
Meteor - This song along with Invoke really made me start downloading all his other albums, which are kickass to i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif.
Shizukana Yori Ni - Good Tanaka Rie song.
Ignited - Great beat.
Reason - Awesome ending. Just as good (maybe better) than Anna no Issho Datta no ni (sorry Terra i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif)
Life Goes On - Another great ending. I think this was better than Find The Way.
Pride - Another opening with a great beat.
Bokutachi no Yukue - This opening is just pure awesomeness. By far my favorite in Destiny.
Fields of Hope - One of Tanaka Rie's best.
Shinkai no Kodoku - This song was so fitting with Stellar's death. Just wow. Another one of Tanaka Rie's best.
Wed, 06-29-2005, 10:53 AM
I love Nami Tamaki, she's like my Gundam goddess now. I downloaded "Fly Away" on a sheer wim and it blew me away with the first listen.
Really guys....she's this decade's Megumi Hayashibara..
Wed, 06-29-2005, 05:35 PM
That does it, time to go on a Nami downloading spree...
Wed, 06-29-2005, 07:26 PM
You know any place to get any of Nami's (or other jpop artists) albums Terra? Hongfire's torrent section is down -_-.
Wed, 06-29-2005, 10:31 PM
i really need meteor, and mizu no akashi -_-"
Wed, 06-29-2005, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by: darkshadow
i really need meteor, and mizu no akashi -_-"
available here ( d=y)
On topic: I am currently addicted to Akatsuki no kuruma (Wheel of Fate). That song is just awesome, even the other versions of it.
Thu, 06-30-2005, 05:34 PM
Yes that is one kickass song, every time it played in Seed provided the given moments with an added taste of epic beauty.
Thu, 06-30-2005, 11:55 PM
[The second time I watched the ep. [when akatsuki no kurama was played again] I almost cried. I'm a sap.] Anyways, I usually don't download the other songs from the music artists of seed and destiny because I don't understand a lot of Jap. It's just not the same when you can't really understand what they're saying.
weakest anbu
Fri, 07-01-2005, 12:00 AM
gundam wing ending - It's Just Love
i listen to this every morning it makes me wanna slap ppl.
Sat, 07-02-2005, 01:09 AM
all of the gundam seed destiny ops and endings, they r all great in my opinion
both the gundam wing openings r good, the ending suks
the gundam seed songs r alright but i wouldn't say they r my favorites
the song that stellar sings and the song that yzak sings on that suit cd r my #1 favorites
too bad they didn't have athrun singing a song, if he did sing one it would be badass =P
Sat, 07-02-2005, 07:00 AM
so i think u personally lyk two-mix
Sun, 07-17-2005, 10:11 PM
Right now I'm stuck on V Gundam opening 2 - Don't Stop, Carry On!
Jesus what an addictive chorus.
Mon, 07-18-2005, 12:33 AM
Read somewhere about Vestige in the forums. Is it a Gundam song?
Because i'm having trouble finding it.
Mon, 07-18-2005, 02:00 AM
Athrunownzal: Actually Ishida can sing. He made a song for Slayers Try called "But, but, but..." and I have to admit he held his own on it very well. Its a rare song, but you can request it on and listen to it play about an hour later on their station. I feel it's worth one listen at least.
Mon, 07-18-2005, 08:26 AM
@Cion: Yeah that's T.M.Revolution's new Gundam Seed insert song. Debuts in episode 39. The single will be released august 10th.
Mon, 07-18-2005, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
@Cion: Yeah that's T.M.Revolution's new Gundam Seed insert song. Debuts in episode 39. The single will be released august 10th.
must... get....
Mon, 07-18-2005, 08:38 AM
lets see.. my favourites are reason by Tamaki Nami and also bokutachi no yukue by... i got no idea who's the artist is...
Mon, 07-18-2005, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by: kenren
lets see.. my favourites are reason by Tamaki Nami and also bokutachi no yukue by... i got no idea who's the artist is...
Takahashi Hitomi.
Mon, 07-18-2005, 02:29 PM
Tamaki Nami - 1st OP Believe
Tamaki Nami - 4th OP Realize (Best)
Tamaki Nami - 1st ED Reason
TMR - 1st OP Ignited (Very good)
TMR - Invoke (VERY good)
TMR - Meteor (2nd Best)
also, Nami's Heroine has nothing to do with seed nor GSD. its just her latest single. thats all.
Mon, 07-18-2005, 03:01 PM
Vestige is the best I love it
Mon, 07-18-2005, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
@Cion: Yeah that's T.M.Revolution's new Gundam Seed insert song. Debuts in episode 39. The single will be released august 10th.
Ah the one where SF appear, damn that one is good as most seed/destiny music.
Except one!
Tue, 07-19-2005, 12:19 AM
Thanks for the info Psyke =)
Tue, 07-19-2005, 09:58 AM
best opening has got to go to gundam x with dreams and resolution.
then, gundam wing was good.
where can i d/l the second opening for G GUndam?
GS and GSD, i only liked moment and realize. in GSD, pride is is wings of words
i love ALL the ED of GS and GSD..but amongst all that..i'd say i wanna go to a place is probably the best
its such a wonderful song. the animation is great...i mean..if you want a reason to watch GSD, i'd watch it just to see how the music blends in to the series and the animation.
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