View Full Version : Appleseed
Sat, 10-23-2004, 02:06 AM
It looks very interesting. There's a OVA that has been out for quite some time it seems.
Anyways here's the url:
Anybody else interested in this?
Swallow Your Soul
Sat, 10-23-2004, 12:27 PM
Yeah the OVA is fairly old (late 80's I think it was). The manga (first 3 books anyway) is pretty good, can't remember that much about the OVA but I saw that before I read the manga...I remember being fairly impressed by it when I saw it (one of the first anime things I saw). I might watch it again before I watch the new movie...
I'm looking forward to the new film, hopefully a sub will be available sometime after the DVD is released next month. The trailer I downloaded a while ago looked well ace.
Sat, 10-23-2004, 04:09 PM
WHY OH WHY when there some people that refers some animes or movies they can't describe what is it about...what is the show about..Are theu some bunnie running true the forest? guys killing whatever is in there way?...drama anime?....
Damn..What a seller man will do when he wants to sell a good new product?...he refer it but not only that...he describe it..he try to give you a good feeling about it...if it will be like ..Hello hey try this new product and he gave you the name of the product and that's all, well that guy wont be able to sell lots of thing and he will surely loose his job huh?
yws i know...i could go on a website and search for it...but did a topic...then do it the good way and a complete one. It should have a rule about this.
Sat, 10-23-2004, 04:11 PM
what are you complaining about??????? he provided you with a trailer... what more do you want???
Sat, 10-23-2004, 04:17 PM
you didnt read huh...
By the trailer...he could have give some more infos...whats the movie about etc...
you too when you gave some anime refering you could give more infos...i'm not saying that you didnt gave any infos in all the refering you gave but there's some that you didnt give any details...only oh hey there a new series that i watch...the first episode is there go dll it... You could have say what sort of anime it is...
But then again i'll say it again im not saying that you always forgot telling infos but there's definitly some that you forget to mention what type it was...and i'm surely not the only one thinking about this...
In general when you want to refer a good anime that you saw and you like you gave infos...(THE TYPE IS A REALLY GOOD INfO BY THE WAY)
Sat, 10-23-2004, 04:20 PM
Well... if he would have seen the movie already he could have elaborate more... but it is not out yet... subbed that is...
So you will just have to settle with what is offered
and when people recommend an anime of a new series more frequently than not the dont know what it is about... all they know is what they read in anidb or the equivalent... you can do the same yourself
Sat, 10-23-2004, 04:34 PM
Well, i always though that when you refer a anime you first watch it to see if it,s good and if it's good, then you refer it and then it your topic you can say what type of anime it is...
Sun, 10-24-2004, 12:20 AM
Okay, I just thought you would think for yourself and go on anidb and look it up yourself.
Do you want me to do every damn thing for you? =/.
I gave you the main site for that new movie. That should have been enough.
- - - -
On a side note. You spelled your own country wrong. Good job.
Sun, 10-24-2004, 12:27 AM
EDIT: I'm dumb, wrong thing entirely. Heh.
Yeah, I need the new movie. Isn't it getting a theatrical release in some parts of the U.S.?
Sun, 10-24-2004, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by: KameronFrye
EDIT: I'm dumb, wrong thing entirely. Heh.
Yeah, I need the new movie. Isn't it getting a theatrical release in some parts of the U.S.?
I haven't heard of anything like this, But if there was it probably wouldn't be released for awhile.
Wed, 10-27-2004, 09:25 PM
It was at the Boston Film Festival on 10/16. Wider release in 2005.
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