View Full Version : Is this normal speed?
Wed, 10-20-2004, 10:17 PM
I have BitTornado verson 3.7 and I am trying to download the Naruto archive, but the download rate is never more the 10kb/s and most of the time less than 5kb/s. Is that the "normal" speed or am I doing something wrong.
I have a 2.5 gig comp with a DSL connection
I have a firewall, but it says I am uploading data. Is the firewall interfering with the dl time?
Edit: The light on the Top of the download box is always yellow. Is that a problem?
Wed, 10-20-2004, 10:23 PM
you may have port forwarding problems. turning off your firewall works but you can just forward the ports. search for it, there should be 10000000000 threads for it. or you may be setting your upload rate too high and it might be working your dl speed. there could be other factors too obviously.
anyway, this is the one thing i don't like about bt. the speed ALWAYS varies for me. it's usually in the 200kb/sec to 250kb/sec for me (for most anime downloads) but for some reason when i dl certain files (especially big files like movies), i can't get anything above 20kb/sec. and yes i have my ports forwarded and all that. maybe someone with more knowledge can answer this.
Fri, 10-22-2004, 12:33 AM
It depends on the seeds:leechers ratio, as you probably know. If a billion people are trying to get the same file, it could mean that it'll go slower or faster for you, but most likely slower. Things like the Naruto archive wouldn't have that many peers or seeds anymore, it would be better to get them from IRC. That's why I hate BT so much, it's so very temperamental when it comes to speeds and performance.
My advice is to either get Naruto from IRC, or just be patient.
Mon, 10-25-2004, 09:40 PM
what kinda speed u guys been having using BT? I heard there are those who's been having 400 kb/sec, is this true? so far i been having 85kb/sec mosts of the time, and i have high speed cable modern. I think the bt is working properly cuz is show a green light which is normal.
hey Lisk, try to download Bt from Bittornado, because its show you colors. If is it yellow mean u have a firewall, green mean fine, red mean no seed or tracker, black mean it's no longer exist. I think the site was
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