View Full Version : DI-604 Help

Mon, 10-18-2004, 06:36 PM
i've been having trouble port forwarding the ports for bittorrent. i'm thorougly confused because its different from my old netgear. someone help?

Mon, 10-18-2004, 06:58 PM
Ok, if you look at this (http://www.portforward.com/dlink/di-604-portforwarding.htm) step by step guide for port forwarding you D-Link 604 router, your should be fine. However, there are some changes that need to be made to this guide for port forwarding Bittorrent. If you look at the post I made in this (http://forums.gotwoot.net/messageview.cfm?catid=27&threadid=12593&highlight_ key=y&keyword1=DI%2D604) thread, you can find these changes. Hope I could help.