View Full Version : maddox crosses the line..

Black Knight
Wed, 10-13-2004, 11:10 PM
from the rules thread, i take it there are a lot of maddox fans out there. i, too, was a huge fan. but he crossed the line with that christopher reeve shit. its bad enough that he pokes fun at a cripple.. but to take one last shot at him after his death? that shit is FUCKED UP. he probably pulled it from his site because he knew nobody found it funny. i sure as hell didnt. anyone who did deserves to be kicked in the head. some people just dont know when to stop..

he wants us to think of him as an arrogant, cocky, confident bastard. he had that image going for a while too. but that last shit he pulled revealed his true nature. hes just an insecure loser who tries too hard to be funny to keep his fanbase..

1 former maddox fan wants to tear his balls off with a rusty spoon.

Wed, 10-13-2004, 11:37 PM
yeah, that's one of the FEW things i don't like about his site. just leave superman alone. D:

Thu, 10-14-2004, 12:02 AM
what did he say... i didnt catch it...

Thu, 10-14-2004, 12:21 AM
pfft, shut up, he's right about everything i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
not that i care anyways, he's american, and they always make fun of canada, so my turn to laugh, bastards...

Black Knight
Thu, 10-14-2004, 05:54 AM
this isnt about canada or america. its about decency. and unless youre implying that canadians dont have a sense for it, shut up.

Poiple Weezard
Thu, 10-14-2004, 08:23 AM
Just a small response to his statements that I posted in a separate forum. A bit of proof (though from a biased source) that Reeves wasn't the jerk that Maddox makes him out to be.

I know its most likely a biased site (but who isn't?), but ChristopherReeve.org (http://www.christopherreeve.org/cr_gt.html) says that he was involved in community service years before his injury.

So what if he wasn't specifically invovled in spinal cord awareness or paralysis? With the amount of different disabilities out there, its no garuntee that he would have chosen beforehand the one that he was destined to befall.

The site also says that his involvement after his injury stretched past simply "finding a cure". Reeve supposedly worked on directing commercials for Johnson & Johnson on parent/child relationships and also commercials for the American Red Cross on volunteerism.

Just to add in that he also spoke out for greater insurance benefits for the underprivledged like himself. I'm not certain, but I doubt that a famous actor/director/producer/chairman would need to rely on insurance companies as much as the common man, and that this was also a selfless act.

Thu, 10-14-2004, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by: Budweineken
what did he say... i didnt catch it...
Yes, what was he saying exactly? It's been taken down as BK said.

Poiple Weezard
Thu, 10-14-2004, 09:58 AM

I think this is the article that BK was talking about. Its the one that upset me.

Thu, 10-14-2004, 11:00 AM
Who the fuck is Maddox.

Thu, 10-14-2004, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Who the fuck is Maddox.
Who the fuck is Terracosmo.


Thu, 10-14-2004, 11:22 AM

Thu, 10-14-2004, 11:29 AM
He owns a popular website http://maddox.xmission.com

oh and i think he wrote that article a while back but just recently updated a few parts, but you're right he does take things too far just to get attention.

Thu, 10-14-2004, 12:01 PM
im a poor, lonely boy living in a cruel world. nobody loves me. not even my family. wont somebody please be my friend?

Thu, 10-14-2004, 01:00 PM
the world is pretty messed up to have stuff like that not only be on the internet, but actually supported by people. this maddox guy is the most hateful and disrespcetful person i have ever seen. people enjoy that stuff? its sick, in my opinion.

Thu, 10-14-2004, 01:46 PM
he says controversial stuff like that all the time

i despise the people who sent him offensive emails about americans moreso than madox himself.

Thu, 10-14-2004, 03:48 PM
After so many years and so much money, there's STILL NO COMPLETE CURE. Well, think about this, MAYBE THERE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A CURE. If you have cancer, you should die, that's a sign to tell you you're an idiot or a threat to the world (probably by your idiocy).

that guy is an absolute fucking disgrace, he should be banned form the forums for that. FYI 90% of people that get cancer DO NOT get cancer from running around without suntan on. i know three people who have contracted cancer (one of whom is not longer with us) none of them smoked or had relatives that smoked, none of them "ran around without suntan lotion on". you are a fucking waste of space, a throwback from fucking medievil times. your the idiot. your the one that shouldnt be here.

and FYI cancer is an ongoing problem, the cause of wich HAS NOT BEEN IDENTIFIED to its fullest extent. yes you get skin cancer from exposure to UV rays, yes you get lung cancer from smoking. but there are far FAR more types of cancer around and the cause to them is often unknown. get your facts straight before you post HIGHLEY offensive drivel like that shit up there.

Black Knight
Thu, 10-14-2004, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by: rickytan
BK, you're now a typical idiot that maddox points out in almost all his posts. This is nothing about decency, in fact, what fucking decency is there in this?

"Oh, look at me, I'm a movie star, I spend thousands of dollars on make-up and hours on my hair. Then I memorise a few lines and go on camera to say it! WOW I HAVE TALENT! Oh no! Now I have paralysis, I'm should spend the money I have to cure paralysis now 'cause I wanna get outta here!!!"

He's just like every other typical asshole who only cares about curing something when THEY HAVE IT THEMSELVES. He could care less about how many people get cured from paralysis, he's still doing it for himself, and it's selfishness. Why the fuck should be he popular for that? In fact, why stop there, let's inject AIDS into all actors and see how fast it'll get cured by all the money they give in, dipshits.

Why AIDS instead of cancer? This cancer business is BULLSHIT. That's right, look at all the years people have been 'raising money' for 'cancer.' After so many years and so much money, there's STILL NO COMPLETE CURE. Well, think about this, MAYBE THERE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A CURE. If you have cancer, you should die, that's a sign to tell you you're an idiot or a threat to the world (probably by your idiocy). And hell, it's not like if everyone who had cancer died would make a difference. It's not like they're half the world's population. And if they were, it'd be a good thing because not only would it now be cancer free, wait, it'll never be cancer free because idiots running around the sun without sun-screen on for hours will development skin cancer.

So that leads to just 1 benefit, the population decrease. Everyone should know there's a population issue and this would help solve it.

Sometimes, you wonder if the scientists have ALREADY given up trying to cure cancer and just stuck with the treatment plan. They just don't want the public to know that there is and never will be an absolute cure due to the fact that idiots with cancer will screw up the world themselves.

im a fucking idiot? i dont even know what the fuck youre talking about. im talking about the lack of decency on maddox's part you fucking shit. dont give me that "this is nothing about decency" crap. he made fun of a fucking dead cripple you ass.

you think acting is that easy? why dont you try it. you do a real good job acting like a dick on the internet but its actually a little harder than that in real life. fucking ignorant...

all those benefits and shit he has for people with disabilities? he doesnt have to do any of it. if he wanted to, he could have had all that research done privately and just for himself. he probably would have saved a hell of a lot more money. again, you show yourself to be an ignorant fuck.

about that cancer remark. i swear, if youre in the nyc area, im gonna fucking find you and beat the shit out of you. i swear. if you live anywhere near me, show some balls and give me a time and a place. not only is what you said indecent in general, it actually hits me pretty hard since i have a couple of family members with cancer.

id ban you right now. i really would. but im hoping youll apologize for that last statement. that shit was fucked up and you dont know how pissed you got me.

Thu, 10-14-2004, 04:32 PM
yeah my grandmother died from cancer.....ass

Thu, 10-14-2004, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by: rickytan
BK, you're now a typical idiot that maddox points out in almost all his posts. This is nothing about decency, in fact, what fucking decency is there in this?

"Oh, look at me, I'm a movie star, I spend thousands of dollars on make-up and hours on my hair. Then I memorise a few lines and go on camera to say it! WOW I HAVE TALENT! Oh no! Now I have paralysis, I'm should spend the money I have to cure paralysis now 'cause I wanna get outta here!!!"

He's just like every other typical asshole who only cares about curing something when THEY HAVE IT THEMSELVES. He could care less about how many people get cured from paralysis, he's still doing it for himself, and it's selfishness. Why the fuck should be he popular for that? In fact, why stop there, let's inject AIDS into all actors and see how fast it'll get cured by all the money they give in, dipshits.

Why AIDS instead of cancer? This cancer business is BULLSHIT. That's right, look at all the years people have been 'raising money' for 'cancer.' After so many years and so much money, there's STILL NO COMPLETE CURE. Well, think about this, MAYBE THERE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A CURE. If you have cancer, you should die, that's a sign to tell you you're an idiot or a threat to the world (probably by your idiocy). And hell, it's not like if everyone who had cancer died would make a difference. It's not like they're half the world's population. And if they were, it'd be a good thing because not only would it now be cancer free, wait, it'll never be cancer free because idiots running around the sun without sun-screen on for hours will development skin cancer.

So that leads to just 1 benefit, the population decrease. Everyone should know there's a population issue and this would help solve it.

Sometimes, you wonder if the scientists have ALREADY given up trying to cure cancer and just stuck with the treatment plan. They just don't want the public to know that there is and never will be an absolute cure due to the fact that idiots with cancer will screw up the world themselves.

okay.. cancer i believe is at least one of the top 5 of the disease that people die from... and not all of them got it because they were smoking or drinking too much, or sun tanning too much etc .. what do you know about cancer anyways? cause from what you said, it's quite obvious that you know very little about it and according to your logic.. people who have deadly diseases should all die? what kind of crap logic is that? what do you know about how people with those diseases feel like?

and for the actor donating his money for curing it.. i don't see what is wrong with it.. after he was paralyzed he understood how much pain that people like him going through.. so he donated money.. and that's wrong because? at least he understood their pain unlike you ^_^ so i have to regard him as a more decent person then you.. who can't even understand that... and he gave strength to people like him, by trying very had to overcome his paralyzed body

Thu, 10-14-2004, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by: rickytan
If you have cancer, you should die, that's a sign to tell you you're an idiot or a threat to the world (probably by your idiocy). And hell, it's not like if everyone who had cancer died would make a difference. It's not like they're half the world's population. And if they were, it'd be a good thing because not only would it now be cancer free, wait, it'll never be cancer free because idiots running around the sun without sun-screen on for hours will development skin cancer.

So that leads to just 1 benefit, the population decrease. Everyone should know there's a population issue and this would help solve it.

Sometimes, you wonder if the scientists have ALREADY given up trying to cure cancer and just stuck with the treatment plan. They just don't want the public to know that there is and never will be an absolute cure due to the fact that idiots with cancer will screw up the world themselves.

You fucking little cunt. Some ppl that have cancer or other shit, dont have a choice about it. Most cancers are not like skin cancer, you shithead. You dont have any way of preventing it. The thing about it is that it can effect anyone, because its simply your own cells mutated to the point were there is no longer programmed death to stop the division of damage or wrong cells. So when you get it, or when someone close to you gets it, tell me if they should die.

I see what maddox saying that Reeves only did the research because he was paralysied but that still doesnt take away from the fact that he did do something. Before you start running your mouth about shit that you have no understanding, place your dads cock back there and keep it there.

Board of Command
Thu, 10-14-2004, 05:46 PM
Ok, I'll probably get a lot of flame for this, but...

I personally believe in Darwinism. I think cancer is just one of nature's weapons like lightning and tornadoes. So far, there still isn't any solution to cancer. Maybe, just MAYBE, it's unbeatable. Maybe, just MAYBE, the people that get cancer are supposed to die, even if they didn't do anything wrong. Seriously, if I got severe cancer I'd just tell them to give me the needle instead of having to suffer. Stats show that the survival rate for cancer is quite low, and even if you survive you come out all messed up.

But anyways, that has nothing to do with Reeves and Maddox. Even as a Maddox fan, I, too, think he went too far this time. I mean, cmon! Don't make fun of the death of some cripple. If Maddox really has this much hatred towards Reeves, he should just let it all out at his funeral.

Thu, 10-14-2004, 06:29 PM
youre absolutely right BK and haku. now wont you two be my friends..? please?

Thu, 10-14-2004, 06:34 PM
rickytan, the problem isn't really what you're talking about, it's just the way you said it. all you did was make yourself look like a jackass.

Thu, 10-14-2004, 06:47 PM
Whoa rickytan, you're sure cool and rebellious because you mock people who develop terrible diseases or get hurt in accidents!

Thu, 10-14-2004, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
rickytan, the problem isn't really what you're talking about, it's just the way you said it. all you did was make yourself look like a jackass.

Totally agree^^^ ... and rickytan most of the stuff you say about cancer is just rediculous, I think you should just stop posting about it. The last one you made is, quite frankly, stupid. I think you should go and do some research about cancer before you say something about it again.

Thu, 10-14-2004, 07:10 PM
really.. ricky.. you don't know nothing about cancer.. ifyou at least have some biology knowledge.. you wouldn't say that..

"People born with it? It's called abstinence! You can't blame anyone else, but your father/mother for your suffering. These things happen to people who are idiots. If you got cancer, then don't have sex, jackasses. It's that simple." you said

first of all people aren't born with it.. it is caused by mutation in the genes that control mitosis... and second of all.. it's not transmissible by sex or etc...

yes sunlight could cause cancer cause it's carcigenic which means it (UV LIGHT) causes mutation... but that is only for skin cancer

and for once i have to agree with mutata


here i was being nice and posted a link for you to study about cancer.. go and study before you POST ANYTHINGi/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Thu, 10-14-2004, 07:14 PM
cancer is not a sexually transmitted disease. idiot.

Board of Command
Thu, 10-14-2004, 07:24 PM
One question: why is rickytan writing pages of arguments about cancer? That's not even the point of the topic.

Thu, 10-14-2004, 07:35 PM
maybe he ate some bad cheese...or mabye said cheese was laced with LSD

Thu, 10-14-2004, 07:52 PM
because he hes sucha fucking moron he htinks we all missed the blatently obvious point in maddox's shit. the point being the guys an asshole because he starts to do stuff AFTER her gets put in a wheel chair, and then people are like what a nice man donating all his money to help find ways around it or even a cure.

unfotunatley for us the guy admits to only reading one response and giving the reason that only tha one guy can write in proper english, well i checked all the other posts and they are perfectley readable. i cant beleive that people such as you exsist. as mnay people have said cancer ISNT an STD. it cant be passed on through sexual intercourse. i really wish you would wake up one day with testicular cancer and then realize that you yourself are stupid becuase you caught a diesese that, apparently, only stupid people can catch. In a lot of instances it has NOTHING to do with being in the sun, smoking, drinking or anything. my auntie has lived a healthy life for 46 years, shes NEVER smoked, drank and she has 2 healthy kids. shes not overweight and we live in england where theres no fucking sun.....EVER. so please explin to me how she caught cancer?

and i do not think cancer just develops for no reason. its just the main reason is still unfound.like i said before you really are a throwback to medievil times, your like the preacher that sits there telling people that AIDS is a punishment for people being gay, or that children born without certain limbs or with othe rhandicaps where evil in another life. you are fucked up.

Black Knight
Thu, 10-14-2004, 07:56 PM
whos not speaking english? you shit. dont pretend you didnt read my post. if you got nothing to say to what i said, then dont say anything until you can. just so you cant complain, ill type this a little more formally.

If you want to talk about research, get your facts straight. It's not the cancer itself that's passed down. Some people are more susceptible to cancer than others. That susceptibility is what is passed down through genes. A man could have a child without having any knowledge of this genetic defect. A child born from a mother/father who has cancer, even if this occurs after the child's birth, is much more likely to get cancer as a result of that defect. You don't necessarily have to have cancer before conception in order to put a child at risk.

Radiation doesn't always come from nuclear power plants or hi-powered medical machines. I, for one, am not going to wear a protective suit to microwave some popcorn. Nor am I going to put sunblock on everyday for fear of getting skin cancer.

Smoking.. I assume you're referring to lung cancer. Ever hear of second-hand smoking? 25% of Americans today are smokers. This means that, statistically, one out of every four people I see on the street is going to be a smoker. Now, I live in a very populated city. There is a lot of people on the streets I walk on. Chances are good that, at the very least, one or two of them is smoking. Do I hold my breath every time I walk past them? Let's not forget the harmful toxins that most people breathe in everyday from air pollution. Are these people idiots for not walking around with an oxygen tank?

Cancer doesn't "just develop for no reason", but, sometimes, there are unavoidable circumstances. After all, the average human can live a MUCH longer life under the right conditions.

Again, you show your ignorance (Not to mention your hypocrisy. Do some research yourself.). You don't get cancer from hanging around people who do.

As for us not "READING it and COMPREHENDING the words".. That's exactly the problem. We do READ it and COMPREHEND it. That's why we have a problem with it. It's not decent and anyone who finds it funny isn't either.

And by the way, those people who died from cancer.. Guess what? People DO give a shit. Even if you don't. Maybe your family members care as little for you as you do for them.. but that's just because you're a prick. In most cases, when somebody dies, people DO care. Just because nobody will show up to your funeral, doesn't mean that the same goes for everyone else. In a way, I pity you. But then I remember how much of an ass you are.

Don't act like you're smarter than us. A lot of your sentences were pretty incoherent.

Oh. Just in case you forgot, Maddox is no god. You seem to worship him and everything he writes. Let me put things into perspective. He's a guy with a "small penis and a hairy back" who hates jocks for being better than him in high school. Not everything he says is right.

btw.. who the fuck uses "quintessential schnook" as an insult you jackass..?

Thu, 10-14-2004, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by: rickytan

Originally posted by: Haku_san
You fucking little cunt. Some ppl that have cancer or other shit, dont have a choice about it. Most cancers are not like skin cancer, you shithead. You dont have any way of preventing it. The thing about it is that it can effect anyone, because its simply your own cells mutated to the point were there is no longer programmed death to stop the division of damage or wrong cells. So when you get it, or when someone close to you gets it, tell me if they should die.

I see what maddox saying that Reeves only did the research because he was paralysied but that still doesnt take away from the fact that he did do something. Before you start running your mouth about shit that you have no understanding, place your dads cock back there and keep it there.

So far, you're the only post I read due to the fact you actually speak english, unlike the other quintessential schnooks. And tell me, what method of getting cancer is there, that cannot be prevented? And people that don't have cancer to start with, but get it later on, it completely due to their impeding intellect.

People born with it? It's called abstinence! You can't blame anyone else, but your father/mother for your suffering. These things happen to people who are idiots. If you got cancer, then don't have sex, jackasses. It's that simple. And don't give me this bullshit about it being incoherent and go kill yourself with your father/mother (both would be better). It's not like 3 people are important to the 10 billions+ around the world. It's not like you are yourself, you're just small piece of shit that some guy created in his testicles. And if it's just a limb, do something called "be a man," and cut it off.

Radiation? Why the hell are you going near radiation (ex. gamma rays, dolts) without protective gear? And where the hell would you find this kind of radiation along with the UV rays highly concentrated without precautions? If you're too much a dolt and go near it, then again, go screw yourself. Smoking? Self-explanatory. You think I'd list every single way to get cancer and how to prevent it? Why don't you do something called "research," shit-head. Not to mention that anyone before you, most likely flaming me, wouldn't understand how to do such a thing.

And if you think cancer "just developes for no reason," then again, you are a complete jackass.

"So when you get it, or when someone close to you gets it, tell me if they should die."

That's the problem, I'm not stupid enough to go ahead get cancer like the other idiots. And also, I don't hang around any friends who are stupid enough to get it either. And sure, some of my family members smoke, and they know they'll get cancer. That's their problem, not mine. It's expected, so I don't give a rat's ass. I warned them, and again, if they're stupid enough to do it, then they won't be close to me.

And again, most of you who disagree with maddox, completely, yet again, missed his point. But, those who can't read will of course, miss his point, and think he's a jackass. That's because YOU are the jackass, who, by the way, is too pissed off to even understand what he's saying. So again, if you are going to flame me, do it with english. And for once, if this is even possible to any of you, try READING it and COMPREHENDING the words.

And btw, those who died from cancer. Guess what? Nobody gives a shit. And don't start this bullshit about naming famous people who died from cancer. People from Europe and Asia, too, give a rat's ass about it.

So I was thinking, and maybe I should just explain every single thing to each and everyone of you. But then, that'd take forever. I always assumed that the people here were intelligent enough to find out the meaning of why I said things. Unfortunately, many of you are just dolls that can only comprehend through 1 word with dictionaries at 1 time. Having to explain all the thinking and reasoning behind 1 thing, just takes too long. So, I won't debate anymore issues as much of you are too dumb-ass to see points without a long explanation.

If everything was so straight forward, and you all acted like that on the 'rules for the girls' list, then yes, this place would be retard planet.

For one, I don't blame anyone for anything. Most people with cancer aren't sitting there blaming anyone. You're just bitching for no reason. Seriously, where are you getting the stats that people that knowingly have cancer are having children. Goddamn that's so dumb. For one, people with cancer just aren't procreating. I doubt they are saying to themselves, "Hmmm.. I have cancer, well maybe I should make a kid." Sorry no.

Every human in the world, has the potential to get cancer, because they are made up of cells. You aren't born magically with it. Your natural healthy cells mutated somehow, by some factor chemical etc, not only radiation. From the food you eat or don't eat, any number of factors.

Christ you're making it seem that all cancers are a product of people knowingly doing it to themselves. Cancer isnt just lung/liver and skin cancers, most of them are just born from living you're life. Without getting into to much detail, I will just say we dont know alot about how any of the food we eat will affect our cells. We are in the dark, so there IS no real way of preventing cancer.

Dont think your body is so awesome that it can't get it. Someday you will get it, unless you get some other disease and die from that or killed by someone. It's just something that happens when you age. Youre cells cant divide correctly, thus mutated cells are born. The programmed death in normal cells arent in cancer cells and thus those cancer cells keep dividing creating more.

I swear, I thought you were joking when you said abstinence. You're really a fucking dumb. It's not a Sexual Transmitted Disease, nor is it something guaranteed to be passed on thru procreation. If you picked up a book for one second, you could see the idiocy of you're statement. Like I said before, cancer isn't just caused by radiation, or smoking. It's the mutation of cells. Which can be caused by a NUMBER of factors. You will get it, you know why because somewhere is that body is yours the cells are mutating at this very minute. See, the difference is cancer cells are mutated in a particular way that is very
detrimental to the individual. Some cells remain in one particular area(Benign) while other spread to other area (Malignant) So what your saying is people with family histories are the only one that can get cancer. Uh...no they are just more susceptible to getting it. You could have a cancer free family history and get it. No doctor will tell you otherwise.

Talking out your ass maybe good for someone that doesn't know about the subject, but it doesn't work when someone knows more then you about it.

Btw. I couldn't give a flying fuck what you think but what I don't like is the litter you create with crap you spew onto the forum. If you got hate, make a website, make a flyer, do something other then here.

You share the same fate as everyone else. You were born, and you will die. Life isn't that long anyways, so before you start talking about how others should die, maybe you should just shut your mouth and enjoy what time you have left.

Thu, 10-14-2004, 08:02 PM

I hope you get cancer and fucking die you fucking cunt.

Thu, 10-14-2004, 08:17 PM
thinking happy thoughts.......thinking happy thoughts.......

Board of Command
Thu, 10-14-2004, 09:23 PM
It's ok now guys, I think rickytan is already in his shame closet. (refer to Simpsons and Skinner)

Thu, 10-14-2004, 09:24 PM

Board of Command
Thu, 10-14-2004, 09:28 PM
Whoa that's harsh...meh serves him right for being an idiot.

Thu, 10-14-2004, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by: Gods_Son


Thu, 10-14-2004, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by: Gods_Son

served that mofo right. Might i add OWNED!

Thu, 10-14-2004, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by: Gods_Son

you also said that to PSJ....

i dont really care about that christopher reed stuff. but what cracked me up was the mothers against maddox petition. 50000 signatures, about 30 of them actually agree with the stupid bitch. halarious.

Thu, 10-14-2004, 11:04 PM
Did rickytan ever actually come up with a coherent or plausible thought? I struggle to find one in any of the posts or quotes. Oh well, he's gone now, apparently.

Thu, 10-14-2004, 11:19 PM
Can't tell, apparently his posts are gone too (which is disappointing, they were funny).

Fri, 10-15-2004, 03:55 AM

1st Maddox is an asshole who created a site with the sole intention of causing offence

2nd BK i think your hipocrit Maddox has posted many things which are vile and posses a total lack of taste and decency and you addmit to having been a fan but only now your complaining because he is offending your sense of decency

3rd Many ppl get cancer with no known reason its just a fact of life that in all our achevments in technology there are all ways gonna be things that we are not going to know or are yet to discover

4th Ppl who get cancer as a result of smoking despite the warnings and then complain about it and go try sue tabbaco companys are not the victims of the tabbaco company but of there own arrogance and inability to accept there own mortality

5th As for ppl givin nothing until its there problem its understandable noone like to think it could happen to them and until it does you can never really understand what these ppl have to deal with

lastly As for Maddox and rickytan and ppl like them you guys need to wake up and realise the world isnt always so negative and that somtimes bad things happen to good ppl for no reason and you don't need to take out your own state depression out on ppl less fortunate

Fri, 10-15-2004, 04:01 AM
Please don't associate that moron rickytan with Maddox.

Fri, 10-15-2004, 11:26 AM
i love the edits to rickytan's posts. yay for teh mods!!

Fri, 10-15-2004, 12:10 PM
maddox for pres.
fuck all you soft motherfuckers cryin >:-)

Fri, 10-15-2004, 05:26 PM
man ..... this is a nice flamey thread here ...

I'll just say... maddox is one of those people .... who is something like the somethingawful crowd. If you don't like sa, you won't like maddox. If you do like sa, you probably will like maddox. It depends on what you find funny and ultimately how seriously you take yourself.

I personally think his original article was very pointed. It demonstrated how people don't think about problems until they happen to them. It pointed out Chris Reeve as a classic case -- he didn't particularly care about spinal cord research until his own got broken. He wasn't crippled in some heroic way, he was crippled by being thrown from a horse, in a day and age when only the extremely affluent have access to horses at all. There's nothing so great about that.

He got a lot of publicity, and did good work. But that's not the point. The point is that he didn't do that work or get that publicity until it was in his own interest to do so. Moreover, thousands of people strive to make breakthroughs in fields like this every day and get no attention. The doctors at research hospitals get no publicity for making daily breakthroughs, but they still do it.

More than Chris Reeve being an asshole, the media, and the people who eat out of the hands of the media without a grain of independent thought or analysis, are assholes. Because they don't cover that stuff. They tell you you should feel bad for the heroic actor who played superman, and then got crippled a few decades later while enjoying his good fortune. And you do. They tell you he's heroic because he was crippled. But what about the other people crippled in other ways, that are more tragic and more noteworthy?

The only reason you care at all, if you care, is that the media bothered to cover it because the guy was famous before it happened.

Not only that, but the thing that enraged the original poster here is that Maddox acknowledged that the guy died. Yeah ... "he died, so ... he no longer is, he was". That's what's pissing you off? Jeesh.

Black Knight
Sat, 10-16-2004, 09:25 AM
yeah comp. thats exactly right. if it was as simple as him trying to be grammatically correct, i wouldnt be offended. it was the joke behind it. i dont have any problem with the article itself. i can see where hes coming from. even if i dont agree.

next hokage: before you use words that you dont know how to spell, also look them up. "hipocrit" is spelled "hypocrite" and being offended by him doesnt make me one. all it does is make me a person with a sense of decency. for example, i would be a hypocrite if i bashed some maddox hater at the same time my first post was put up.

sharingan-kakashi: ........

Sat, 10-16-2004, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by: Black Knight
yeah comp. thats exactly right. if it was as simple as him trying to be grammatically correct, i wouldnt be offended. it was the joke behind it. i dont have any problem with the article itself. i can see where hes coming from. even if i dont agree.

next hokage: before you use words that you dont know how to spell, also look them up. "hipocrit" is spelled "hypocrite" and being offended by him doesnt make me one. all it does is make me a person with a sense of decency. for example, i would be a hypocrite if i bashed some maddox hater at the same time my first post was put up.

sharingan-kakashi: ........

Your right and i posted that at 3am after much vodka (not that my spellings great anyway) but at least you have a sense of decency unlike rickytan if you didn't you wouldn't have created this thread and ppl are entitled to a change of oppinion without being called "hypocrite" (unless your GW Bush) i appologise for any offence i may have caused you but maddox/rickytan is/was/will always be an asshole

Sun, 10-17-2004, 12:08 AM
maddox is a cock sucking little prick who got spanked by his mom's bf.
he's just one of those guys who uses the internet to express himself cuz if he did it in the real world he'd get his ass beaten to a pulp by a 5 yr old girl.

but what i find even stupider is teh ppl who read his articles and then send him angry emails telling him to fuck off and stuff.....like, holy shit, either dont constantly read browse the site, or dont send angry emails. sometimes i wonder if he makes those up or some of them are actually real.