View Full Version : help me

Wed, 10-06-2004, 08:08 PM
help me. i'm new to this torrent i got all the stuff i need. as it's downloading it pops up with urlopen error (10061, 'connetion refused")> what the hell does this mean. i've waisted a whole day of my life. help me. please. i need to see naruto, all my friends know how and they wont tell me. Is this so type of conspricy. please help

Wed, 10-06-2004, 08:24 PM
moved to the BT Support Forum.

Wed, 10-06-2004, 09:41 PM
Connection refused sounds like a firewall problem (this is mainly a guess), try turning it off and see if you still get it.

Wed, 10-06-2004, 10:41 PM
I had that problem; though sometimes that message would keep comming up and my download would still be going. Recently, I switched to a different torrent client called G3 Torrent and I don't have that problem anymore... The client's homepage is http://g3torrent.sourceforge.net/ ... so you should download it.
(fosheezie! Post#1!)

Thu, 10-07-2004, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by: ryu101
I had that problem; though sometimes that message would keep comming up and my download would still be going. Recently, I switched to a different torrent client called G3 Torrent and I don't have that problem anymore... The client's homepage is http://g3torrent.sourceforge.net/ ... so you should download it.
(fosheezie! Post#1!)

not related to the topic but your sig dimensions is over the max size. you should resize it to 400x80