View Full Version : Anyone into Online Gaming/MMORPGs?
Tue, 10-05-2004, 10:55 PM
I've got Final Fantasy XI right now, temp closed my City of Heroes acct, goofed off with World of Warcraft on the stress test, and occasionally play on Xbox Live.
FFXI: I'm on world Diabolos, look for Kamrawn or Hobbz.
Xbox Live: KaM FrYe, generally stick to Crimson Skies and Project Gotham 2, I'll be on for Halo 2 and NFS: Underground 2.
Wed, 10-06-2004, 12:22 AM
World of Warcraft (warcrack?) has owned my life for the last 6 months...
So fun and addicting
Elite Hentai
Wed, 10-06-2004, 01:51 AM
I used to play Planetside (MMOFPS!) a lot, then I borrowed it (and a lot of Naruto eps) to my cousin. Stupidest thing I've ever done. I want, no, need it back!
Wed, 10-06-2004, 02:34 AM
I'm playin WoW now.... soooo great
PvP horde - Kemerek
Wed, 10-06-2004, 02:46 AM
man, i'd love to play mmorpgs, but i need a better computer. if a mmorpg game doesnt run smooth on your comp it really kills the experience. monthly fees are a hassle too...though i've heard these games can take a chunk out of your life..
Wed, 10-06-2004, 05:44 AM
WoW is oficially out already? Damn!
I'm still playing Warcraft3 Dota Dota. not online though, I don't have original cd. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Playing online is too expensive for me, exchange rates kills.
Wed, 10-06-2004, 06:01 AM
hey guys can anyone recomend me a good online RPG. i dont mind paying as i have a job and my pc is top of the line so i can play anything with everything turned on an no slowdown. i was interested in the starwars one a while back has anyone played that what are your thoughts on it? anything else thats good?
Swallow Your Soul
Wed, 10-06-2004, 09:08 AM
Online games - Unreal Tournament 2004. I've never really tried an MMORPG, I'd probably hate them anyway...especially since you have to keep paying and paying i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Elite Hentai
Wed, 10-06-2004, 11:49 AM
I played Star Wars Galaxies for 2 weeks but it was very boring. All the "missions" (destroy this, kill that) are all almost the same. Crafting items is boring too. WoW would probably be much better.
Wed, 10-06-2004, 12:30 PM
I've played some, the last was Star Wars Galaxies. Don't play anymore. Don't have the money, or the time.
I usually play ESF sometimes.
Wed, 10-06-2004, 02:00 PM
WoW isnt out yet, i play DAoC, the rvr (team based player vs. player) is addicting. the new expansion ruined the game though, so this is my last month playing it.
Wed, 10-06-2004, 02:44 PM
i play biosfear (germany, france, uk) aka savage eden (us) aka laghaim (korea, india)
but each country has its own version, so you cant connect to the servers of the other countries.... that would be interesting
main prioritie: lvling, get better items, party-play and guildwars, raise ya own pet
gfx: hm, not compareable to current games, because its running in korea for a few years now
updates: hm, we get major updates in packages, lot of time between them, that suxx
Wed, 10-06-2004, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by: chambers
hey guys can anyone recomend me a good online RPG. i dont mind paying as i have a job and my pc is top of the line so i can play anything with everything turned on an no slowdown. i was interested in the starwars one a while back has anyone played that what are your thoughts on it? anything else thats good?
I'd suggest World of Warcraft, when it comes out... and I heard City of Heroes is cool...
WoW is in beta now, but should go retail soon... if there's any way you could get into the beta, its free... and its really good quality Maybe now you should just buy half life and download steam to get the CS: source, which is basically Counter Strike + pretty x physics engine not an MMO, but damned good anyways
(go with world of warcraft, once you get a job, it should be out)
Wed, 10-06-2004, 03:37 PM
got a link to that biosphere? iam nto in any hurry as i have a tone of games (rome, farcry, doom if i can bring my self to play it...) i can tide me over till i find a suitable one.
how is final fantasy 11??
Wed, 10-06-2004, 03:51 PM
I still recommend FFXI, but that's me. I discourage anyone from playing Star Wars Galaxies, especially with their policies on duping (item duplication), a friend of mine was on the third or fourth end of passed off duped credits and was banned from FFXI for "receiving duped credits" for an item he legitametly made and sold, but because the credits were fake and neither party knew, they both got banned. Enough about that.
WoW is nice, the crafting system is set up to where you never fail, and on some weapons and such your skill level in the craft as well as your actual level has to be high to use some of the more powerful crafted weapons. City of Heroes is nice, very diverse world. I remember one day, aliens attacked the city. That was hell, aliens everywhere. It's got a good system where you can party with someone who has a much higher level than you, and it pulls you up to their level (sidekick style).
Wed, 10-06-2004, 04:18 PM
i used to play star wars galaxies but that got old. im currently playing planetside.
Wed, 10-06-2004, 04:58 PM
I've played SWG (pistoleer) and FFXI (lev 43 Sam/Thf.)
I've suspended my FFXI account cuz classes and clinical keep me busy and I don't play SWG anymore.
Wed, 10-06-2004, 05:01 PM
let me explain daoc, its a good game as long as you dont get too addicted.
everyone is split into 3 realms (countries)
hibernia=magic realm, elves and shit (celtic)
midgard= warrior realm, dwarvers and trolls (norse)
albion= mix of both, theyre humans like highlander and briton (arthurian legend, camelot etc.)
the 3 realms cant talk to each other, and are enemies in a war, you cant go to the mainland of the other realm except the frontier, land all 3 realms claim. so basically you level up, highest is 50, and the idea is to get into grps of up to 8 and kill players of the other realm. but you can play solo or whatever also. they have keeps you take and shit like that.
the other way to play it is on a roleplaying server or player vs. player server, on these servers the players arent split and you can go and talk to whoever you want.
roleplaying server= only pve, dont get to kill other players just monsters
player vs. player= free for all, everyone just killing anyone, no organization, mostly immature punks play there.
Wed, 10-06-2004, 06:23 PM
blah ur crazy its all about ragnarok online
Wed, 10-06-2004, 09:14 PM
MAYBE if you pay for it... RO free server are the biggest load of crap ever. and RO isn't worth paying for, unless you have like a pentium 2 computer... for wow
and for conquer, a free MMO, based in China (basically a 2D version of Hero (jet li movie)) that you can just download, but it kinda sucks... totally better than RO tho (if your reduced to a pathetic PC and need human contact... over a computer)
Wed, 10-06-2004, 10:35 PM
RO is fun but it's not worth the money. i could play diablo 2 online and have more fun with the same gameplay and no fees
Nara Shikamaru VI
Thu, 10-07-2004, 08:14 AM
world Fenrir. Kingdom Bastok. u know which game i'm talking about.
KaneInferno, i agree with u that RO is fun and it's not worth forking out the money just to play it. there are other alternative to enjoy the fun without paying a penny. there are free pirvate RO servers if u know where to look. i'm playing on one that is real reliable and best of all did i mention that it's FREE??
Thu, 10-07-2004, 09:20 PM
kanoha u on crack wow is a closed beta how do i get to play it? lol
Fri, 10-08-2004, 12:52 AM
check now, they are accepting open beta sign ins
Fri, 10-08-2004, 06:40 PM
Actually on the main page it says open beta will start shortly , but wow all the bnet kiddies are going crazy i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Sat, 10-09-2004, 06:24 AM
diablo 2 - oh yeah... all the way... only if you're mature.. or you're have problems..
ro - so sick of it... i did everything possible.. not as fun as you think. ghostring card sucks, doppleganger cards don't stack, etc...
Sat, 10-09-2004, 06:48 AM
Maybe someone could list the MMORPGs that are FREE.. Ok i have got that RO is free if u can find the servers..
But what more is there?? I have never played one of those but i would very much like to get in to MMORPG.. I love RPG and it would be fun to play with ppl.. WoW will probably be the only one i can think of paying for to be able to play.. When it comes out..
Teh Sounder
Sat, 10-09-2004, 07:08 AM
I've been playing final fantasy 11 online for the whole summer it's was kinda sad know that i think about it. I wasted my whole freaken somer play that game but I got the name rocklee, neji was taken.
Tue, 03-13-2007, 08:17 PM
Decided to resurrect this thread instead of opening a new one.
Lucifus's reason: I know quite a bit of ?WooTers are into MMORPGs and to put it simply, we should have a giant WooT get together in one of em. Spend some time with what KitKat calls it, our "Online Family"
It would be kools to get a bunch of WooTers all starting off as noobs and destroying the competition in the name of love and family...
Thinking of getting GuildWars because it simply looks awesome.
HellZ, even one of those free ones would be kool. Some of em are awesome. Others not so much.
I like torrentleeched this new mmorpg "Silverfall" Haven't played it much yets though.
Should any WooTers be playing any mmo's I don't know about. Tell me. I wanna join.:rolleyes:
Edit: After at most an hour and a half of Silverfall. I have determined it to be crap.
Tue, 03-13-2007, 08:32 PM
Well I only play World of Warcraft. :S
Tue, 03-13-2007, 11:18 PM
i have Guild Wars, not the expension though. (only the "original" guildwars)
right now i'm playing Corum Online, still don't know if i like that game or not... because so far, it is mostly only hack and slash type game, i'm level19 and i only found 1 quest to do, which, to me, sucks. I like doing quest, getting rewards and stuff (like in guildwars)
And... i'm still playing Unreal tournament 2004... (still quite fun, and still great graphics))
Tue, 03-13-2007, 11:22 PM
Me too only world of warcraft. on maiev relm
Tue, 03-13-2007, 11:23 PM
Does anyone else playing Ultima Online?
Tue, 03-13-2007, 11:49 PM
Still playing Guild Wars. I have all 3 Chapters, but I think I might be on the lookout for another online MMO to play.
I guess I can always go back to Anarchy Online for a bit til I hear more news about Tabula Rasa; which looks pretty awesome if I must say.
Here's a link in case you've not heard about it before.
Wed, 03-14-2007, 12:05 AM
If it turns out to be good. Gotwoots militia needs to sign up.:rolleyes:
Wed, 03-14-2007, 03:12 AM
Still playing WoW. Been pretty casual about it lately, though. I go out too much. :(
Wed, 03-14-2007, 03:59 AM
I usually play FFXI, i'm a lv 60 NIN/WAR on Bahamut with the same name.
Wed, 03-14-2007, 04:27 AM
well, i play wow on ursin and im allaince. as well i play a private server RO called yggdrasil online. and i played a free game called bots for awhile as well
Wed, 03-14-2007, 08:51 AM
I play WoW as well.
Wed, 03-14-2007, 10:22 AM
Used to play FFXI for about a year (almost right after its release date), and I found that it was the only MMO to date that I've found challenging. It actually took me over a year to hit the level cap.
Stopped MMO's after that, besides the occasional free Korean one such as Flyff. Then my friends and I decided to give WoW a whirl, and it was fun... but I found it to be way too easy for my liking. It didn't require a whole lot of skill -- not even raids or PVP (yes, I got #1 almost every battleground with my mage) did -- which eventually resulted in me quitting.
I've strayed away from MMO's now. They just don't appeal to me anymore.
Wed, 03-14-2007, 10:34 AM
I have never played any Pay to Play MMORPGs but there is a long list of ones I have played ranging from MUDs, MMORPGs, MMOFPSs, Text Based RPGs, and so on. Last one I played was EUDemons Online. For Years, though, I was into MU Online. But now that an American company owns it... It has been ruined.
I have seen someone mention it, we should seriously gang together in a preferably free MMORPG and make a clan/guild called the WootSquad or such and Own the place. We would be Un-Stoppable. We could get someone to Host a Team Speak Server (I would but I already host a Team Fortress Classic server) and just be the Invincible Anime Force from Hell.
Wed, 03-14-2007, 12:32 PM
I'm for it man. Any MMO as long as its decent. I was into MU for about two years. RYL for a couple months.(With Lazie)
I would so love to have a bunch of WooTerz to own with. Even if its just a few. Name a MMO and I'm there.
Wed, 03-14-2007, 01:03 PM
I have seen someone mention it, we should seriously gang together in a preferably free MMORPG and make a clan/guild called the WootSquad or such and Own the place. We would be Un-Stoppable. We could get someone to Host a Team Speak Server (I would but I already host a Team Fortress Classic server) and just be the Invincible Anime Force from Hell.
We used to do that with a game called GunZ Online (not an MMO, more of a shooting game with some light RPG elements) but it was really hard to get everyone together due to people living in different time zones. When everyone was online though, it was a hell of a lot of fun. If you guys settle on an MMO, I'm in. :D
Thu, 03-15-2007, 01:23 AM
Oh man. I used to play GunZ like there was no tommorow before I joined Woot. No one could challenge me with a sword. Left the game at around either 40+ or 50+. Wish I knew about you guys back then. We've got a few people already for this, so we've gotta find an MMO to play. I'll go hunting tommorow. If anyones got any suggestions, let us know.:cool:
dark maginn
Thu, 03-15-2007, 06:17 AM
haha i use to play gunz but gotwoot members never online and use to be lvl 40+ knew all the moves and stuff
Thu, 03-15-2007, 09:45 AM
the last MMORPG that I heavily played was Everquest, way back about 6 or so years ago. Since then I've played Flyff, Maple Story and a bit of World of Warcraft, but none of them held my interest and I gave them up rather quickly.
The gameplay in MMORPGs really start to bore me after a while, and there's no story or other incentive to continue usually, so why bother? After two weeks or a little bit more, I just get this thunderclap realization that I wasted too much time on this thing and that I'm really not enjoying to warrant the amount I put in.
Thu, 03-15-2007, 12:20 PM
I was into MU for about two years.
What was your name in MU, I was in two main guilds in the game (Wiggle Server). I was in EXCIDUS ( My Spelling might be off a little) and I was in YoU_SuCk (Spelling again might be off). You suck eventually changed names if i remember. Just cant remember what the second name was. My main character was an Elf name PikunisMan. It was a joke character at first because my GM for most of the game was an elf called Pikunis. Anyway, back to the topic at hand.
List of Potential Games:
This first one is a Sci-Fi flying shooter MMO: Space Cowboy (
Fantasy Type MMORPG: Last Chaos (
Fantasy Type MMORPG: A3 (
Fantasy Type Martial Arts MMORPG: Xiah (
These are just a few I have seen, If you see another just post it here and maybe we can get something going.
Thu, 03-15-2007, 04:27 PM
I played for about a year and a half on Forsaken MU. Had about 3 resets.
For the other half year I was in MU, I made my own server. Infernal MU. Edited the maps and interface etc. And had about 50 players by the time I closed it down. O and I got a few donations out of people. YepperZ, got at least $1200 bucks out of that easy to make server...:D
At the time I was about 14, Scammed by a kid who didn't even reach puberty....:D
Anyways, Lost Chaos and A3 looks really good. Already downloaded Lost Chaos. Downloading A3 at the moment.
Being Admin is sweet...making whatever rules/getting whatever equipmennt you want. And having rich people with nothing better to do pay ya for items and to be GMs. =)
Thu, 03-15-2007, 04:36 PM
i already have lost chaos, i don't like the "targeting system" (point and click on a monster to attack) because most of the time, when you click, your character start moving in that direction instead of attacking the monster and the camera is awful.
I will go try A3.
edit: A3 seems.. interesting...
" Ruler of the Nation
Every town / nation needs someone to lead them. Form the strongest clan and take advantage of this status. "
But, if i want a Mage, Do i have to be a girl or something?
edit2: forget it, A3 = sucks.
After registration :
" Note: This account will remain free
a) until the highest level of character reaches level 30.
b) until period of one year from today
(Which ever is reached first) "
Great, so the max level you can get is level 30. After that you gotta pay.
Thu, 03-15-2007, 07:37 PM
Total fing gayness...And it seemed pretty good to. Especially that take over city/nation whatever thingy with your clan.
dark maginn
Fri, 03-16-2007, 03:19 PM
aww man i was gonna go get a3 but got to pay pretty gay
anyone going to try xiah??
Fri, 03-16-2007, 04:29 PM
I already tried Xiah (a long time ago)
It was kinda fun. but i wouldn't really see myself play it for a long time.
There is alway the cheap Free to Play games from
But they are either in closed and or open beta. And god knows, that when a Beta ends, most of the time, All Characters get erased and i don't wanna waste my time if it is just going to be erased.
dark maginn
Sat, 03-17-2007, 09:59 PM
2Moons looks pretty good its free to play and its closed beta
Sat, 03-17-2007, 11:22 PM
What about the space cowboy game? I personally liked it when I played it but it might not be your style. Also another one that is good from what I hear is Silk Road online.
Link here: Silk Road Online (
Sun, 03-18-2007, 12:09 AM
last time i played silkroad, it was lagging like hell in town... and outside town too.
maybe they fixed that...
Sun, 03-18-2007, 12:17 AM
Unfortunately, things aren't the way it used to be. MMORPGs take up a lot of time which I don't have anymore, but if someone can find a worth while game, then I wouldn't mind occasionally joining in on the fun.
Sun, 03-18-2007, 12:33 AM
Silkroad was ok for about a week but the quests were to dull only good thing about it was the trade runs
Board of Command
Sun, 03-18-2007, 12:37 AM
I played MU for about a week before uninstalling it. It was pure grind.
Sun, 03-18-2007, 01:12 AM
I got that from the silkroad website (changed the text that was in the bubble though)
I'm gonna go and give silkroad another try.
dark maginn
Sun, 03-18-2007, 08:43 AM
in silkroad i use to have a lvl 50+ archer i dont remember why i quit lol
Tue, 03-20-2007, 07:47 AM
So, anyone found a good game?
(i edited that "banner" i posted just up there,
not the best thing ever, but it is better than a white background.)
dark maginn
Tue, 03-20-2007, 02:43 PM
you went back to SRO?
Tue, 03-20-2007, 02:58 PM
Just gave up on WoW myself and been jumping around aimlessly at some free or trial mmo's. Havent really gotten into any of them yet, seems like i will be waiting for warhammer or darkfall maybe. Been growing a bit tired of mmo's lately but it's usually just temporary.
Anyone got a fast paced/skill based/ refreshing mmo to recommend?
Also been considering picking up some new Diablo 2 style game like hellgate london or silverfall (i think that was the name of it) for example.
dark maginn
Tue, 03-20-2007, 03:42 PM
i was reading through some game magz and saw hellgate london i thought it was pretty cool might go grab it
Tue, 03-20-2007, 05:00 PM
not sure if this is the correct thread to post, since there is not enough info about it i decided not to make another one
dark maginn
Tue, 03-20-2007, 08:24 PM
ummm dragon ball online....its in spanish isnt?? looks cool tho.
Tue, 03-20-2007, 09:16 PM
no, it`s not spanish its french
Sun, 04-01-2007, 10:54 AM
I found another free online game if anyone is willing to try it:
Rappelz - Siege For Glory (
Sun, 04-01-2007, 11:02 AM
no, it`s not spanish its french
Too bad the game is only going to be released in 2008. (That is, IF it is actually going to be released, since i never heard of it before now.)
As for Rappelz. it is a good game, but... It lag quite a lot in the city. The graphic sometime get corrupted and you see yourself underground.. dunno if they fixed that..
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