View Full Version : Anime Coming This Season

Sun, 09-26-2004, 03:33 AM
Here's a good site someone posted in an irc channel...

It has some anime of the coming season (some already started)... It also contains previews for some of them

I must say that there are some awesome series comming....


the unknown one at the top i did a search and found it to be a movie called Shin Angyo Onshi which looks awesome http://anidb.ath.cx/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=2190

Sun, 09-26-2004, 03:45 AM
Thanks for the link, Bud. Those are some pretty cool Animes coming out. Now, I just need to find some magical way to watch them all. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif There seems to be a lot of Harem style anime, though... is that the new trend???

Sun, 09-26-2004, 03:52 AM
witch ririkaru nanoha holds the staff that cardcaptor sakura holds. and REALLY EXCITED ABOUT BLEACH!!! Tactics look good. Count of Monte Cristo??? gundam seed destiny...still got 6 epi of gundam seed to go.

thanx for the website Bud.

Sun, 09-26-2004, 11:28 AM
Yakitake Jaaapaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan's the one for me. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Grenadier Hohoemi no Senshi sounds interesting. A sniper who likes taking bathes. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Sun, 09-26-2004, 11:29 AM
A Viewtiful Joe anime is coming?! Sweet! And another Rockman.EXE series is coming also and then theres Gundam Seed Destiny i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif. I'm looking forward to these upcoming anime!

Sun, 09-26-2004, 12:20 PM
i also saw the viewtiful joe anime thing and i was kinda suprised
most of the other animes look interesting, some of them, the animation looked like a turn off though

Sun, 09-26-2004, 12:33 PM
Oh, man... I already have trouble keeping up with everything I want to watch... Well with FMA and Inuyasha over (dammit) that opens up two slots... but I'm only on ep 6 of Gundam Seed and I want to complete that before destiny comes out.... It's nice to have problems like this i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Yakitate! Japan also, the manga was hilarious: "And the topic is: MELON BREAD!!! Everyone: GASP! OH NO!" It's more like a sports manga than anything else, and it's another example of how interesting characters and a good plot can make ANYTHING seem fascinating: tennis, go, baking, saving the world from giant mecha....

I've heard good things about Bleach. Samurai gun has samurai so that is automatically on the list. Beck looks decent. I'll try Tactics. And maybe School Rumble: "On the other hand, she was loved by Harima Kenji, he was delinquent by the way, but she didnt notice his love, then he was depressed everyday." Awww... LOL. And what does "viewtiful" mean?

Sun, 09-26-2004, 01:57 PM
Hmmm a lot of these anime look dumb although I am looking forward to seeing:
Tsukuyomi ~Moon Phase~
Samurai Gun

Sun, 09-26-2004, 02:16 PM
some interesting animes on that site, cant wait to check out:
Kannaduki no Miko
Final Approach
Gundam Seed Destiny

ummm, not sure wheater to check out Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters GX or not

Sun, 09-26-2004, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by: Mae

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Yakitate! Japan also, the manga was hilarious: "And the topic is: MELON BREAD!!! Everyone: GASP! OH NO!" It's more like a sports manga than anything else, and it's another example of how interesting characters and a good plot can make ANYTHING seem fascinating: tennis, go, baking, saving the world from giant mecha....
More like a sports manga? Good call. Yes, that's exactly what it is - though until I read Yakitate! Japan, I'd have denied the possibility that anyone could make a manga about baking as a competitive sport...

Another one to look forward to is Genshiken - like Otaku no Video, this one hits very close to home for a number of anime fans...

- abunai

Sun, 09-26-2004, 02:49 PM
Some of the ones im looking foward to are:

Sonabozu, Tactics, Fantastic Children, Count of Monte Christo, Gundam SEED Destiny, Bleach, Shin Angyo Onshi, Samurai Gun, Beet, Mai-Hime, Gunbuster 2, and Haruka 8, Rozen Maiden (Bee Train Fan Here), Ring ni Kakero, Black Jack, Grenadier, and Kannaduki no Miko

I think i listed most of them... but those are the ones i think have some promise

Sun, 09-26-2004, 03:17 PM
Wow! Viewtiful joe i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

and much more. Can't wait

Sun, 09-26-2004, 03:41 PM
Nice looking list there i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Sun, 09-26-2004, 05:15 PM
oh cool GONZO is doing Count of monte cristo i hope it is good great story

also bleach looks wicked good so does samurai gun

Sun, 09-26-2004, 05:16 PM
GS 2
samurai gun
tactics, those are the ones Im watching, its gonna be a long and expensive fall/winter

Sun, 09-26-2004, 05:54 PM
Ryusei Sentai Musumet looks like a sailormoon reincarnation hehe

Sun, 09-26-2004, 06:03 PM
Hmm..a lot of those look interesting, guess my watch list will be larger than usuall once these start.

Sun, 09-26-2004, 07:04 PM
What is that boxing one?

Sun, 09-26-2004, 07:38 PM
Out of what I saw I plan on watching.

Gundam Seed Destiny
Onmyo Taisenki

Sucks that ADV licensed tactics I kinda wanted to see it.

Sun, 09-26-2004, 07:43 PM
yea...alots is coming out but i doubt fansubs can sub them all

Sun, 09-26-2004, 09:05 PM
that's true anime freak..well, can only hope that they do, but i'm sure at least those anticipated ones like bleach, GS 2 etc will, just have to see about the others.

Sun, 09-26-2004, 10:08 PM
well more anime the happier we will be.. heh.. ^_^ hopefully we find something we will enjoy.. and i m sure we will

Mon, 09-27-2004, 06:52 AM
These animes look and sounds intresting

Bleach- i read the manga so im not sure yet if i want to start watching th anime

Beet the Vandel Buster

Gunbuster 2

Fantastic Children


Samurai Gun

Count of Monte Cristo

Ring ni Kakero 1


Mon, 09-27-2004, 08:56 PM
hmm looked at em and id like to see bleach tactics gunbuster 2 (still need to see 1 but it looks good) kakyusei 2 and final aproach all look pretty good.... i dont know if counte of monte cristo will be good as an anime the book was great though

Fri, 10-01-2004, 05:25 AM
Dont expect count of monte cristo to be as the book cause the story doesnt soudn like the book the only thing in common is the count.

Fri, 10-01-2004, 01:03 PM
probably some of the plot main points are there... but this is a futuristic tale (maybe like a samurai 7 type of series)...

Mon, 10-04-2004, 02:21 AM
saw the latest promo for gankutsuou/count of monte cristo, thought it looked quite interesting. The animation was kind of different though..., and it's definitely futuristic, and also said something about punk opera.

Mon, 10-04-2004, 02:33 AM
yeah i also heard that about that punk opera... I hope it doesnt turn out to be overwhelmed by the music... i dont want 5 min dialogues per episode..

Mon, 10-04-2004, 09:18 AM
Okey suddenly Count of Monte Cristo doesnt sound as good after hearing futuristic and punk opera....

Mon, 10-04-2004, 09:43 AM
what on earth is punk opera???

genshiken i think sounds really good. i know that otakus have a stigma attached to them in japan so i think it sounds really interesting.

but thanks for posting up all your lists! i've got one huge holiday coming up soon so i can have all the time in the world to watch anime! (thou some of them don't sound that good..) plus i still haven't finished watching evangelion.... -_-...

Mon, 10-04-2004, 07:06 PM
they updated the site recently, posted some new anime up.

Major - A Baseball anime
*jumps with glee*
now, if only a football anime was made...

Mon, 10-04-2004, 07:13 PM
quote from the site "Also, Thanks the all the people mailing me about the mystery anime, which turned out to be Shin Angyo Onshi"

I was the one who emailed him.... where is the credit?


some more promising anime

the sequel to Kimi Nozo.... with Akane as the center piece... Akane Maniax

Meine Liebe... another bee train...

Major.. baseball

Shelter+Heaven... looks interesting from the pic

and I really want to see how that tATu series turns out

Tue, 10-05-2004, 04:33 AM
Originally posted by: gaaralovessand
they updated the site recently, posted some new anime up.

Major - A Baseball anime
*jumps with glee*
now, if only a football anime was made...

If you mean the real football and not american football im with you on a football anime it would rock.

Tue, 10-05-2004, 04:53 AM
Originally posted by: Budweineken

and I really want to see how that tATu series turns out

Whaaaaa? tATu anime? wtf?

Ohyah, thanks about the Great Detectives Poirot and Marple, I dig the shit out of that show. What other detective stuff is coming up, aside from that other one you just posted about?

Tue, 10-05-2004, 05:07 AM
Originally posted by: Budweineken
quote from the site "Also, Thanks the all the people mailing me about the mystery anime, which turned out to be Shin Angyo Onshi"

I was the one who emailed him.... where is the credit?


some more promising anime

the sequel to Kimi Nozo.... with Akane as the center piece... Akane Maniax

Meine Liebe... another bee train...

Major.. baseball

Shelter+Heaven... looks interesting from the pic

and I really want to see how that tATu series turns out

taTu is just a movie so its not sure they will make anime about it.

Tue, 10-05-2004, 05:09 AM
oh right movie... i wondered why i read series.. but whatever... movie or series... i want to see how any anime featuring tatu turns out to be

Tue, 10-05-2004, 08:31 AM
Its the anime about the group taTu are you sure and who want to see anime about them?

Tue, 10-05-2004, 02:40 PM
yeah it's an anime about that group.... and i never meant to say that i wanted to see it because im excited about it... im just interested on how the heck they are doing an anime about them

Tue, 10-05-2004, 03:17 PM
Im not sure if this was posted already in the site... but here is another preview....

Tsukuyomi (http://dotneko.net/[mahou]_Tsukuyomi_Moon_Phase_Ep_01_Preview_[2DCA396A].avi)

Wed, 10-06-2004, 01:52 AM
They must be hardcore fans to make an anime abou that group....

Wed, 10-06-2004, 02:12 AM
yeah... but if you think about it... there are three strenghts that might make it a good movie...

#1... they are not your normal girl band... they are fucked up... so this can also be a fucked up movie

#2... if by any remote chance they bring some cool action scenes it might be worth the watching

#3... they are lesbians

Wed, 10-06-2004, 02:37 AM

all good points specielly #3i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif

Fri, 10-08-2004, 08:57 AM
Hadn't anybody realize that there are alots of new anime lately ready for dl.

Fri, 10-08-2004, 12:10 PM
yeah, I noticed..which means a lot more to d/l

Fri, 10-08-2004, 12:14 PM
i dont think that link you first posted works anymore, bud

Fri, 10-08-2004, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by: animefreak
Hadn't anybody realize that there are alots of new anime lately ready for dl.

Hummm... wouldnt it be because the new anime season just started??????????????

Ass -> he changed the link here.... http://www.battledolls.com/new/default.asp

Mon, 01-10-2005, 04:47 AM

I hope this show gets subbed fast when its out!!