View Full Version : Will Kakashi Get There In Time?

Mon, 09-20-2004, 10:59 AM
I feel that the most kakashi can do at this point when he arrives is talk them down. Reveal something about Itachi or the sharingan or tell sasuke that he can get mange without kill naruto etc etc. as far as stopping it physically i dont see it happening. unless he gets hurt and that brings them to thier sense. I feel sasuke and naruto are above him in their current state.


Mon, 09-20-2004, 11:04 AM
i think you're wrong. kakashi isnt just some punk ass no name ninja you can puss around. to think that naruto and sasuke can beat him. nah i just dont think they can even in their current state. the reason they look so powerful is to make it look cool. they arent at jounin level. they arent even near jounin level.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 11:07 AM
Maybe he'll get in time to pick up Sasuke's rotting carcass.
Who knows?i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
but seriously I think he's going to get there and try to talk some sense into Sasuke not that it's going to work but he'll give it a shot.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 11:11 AM
pervert,I respect your opinion cuz noone really knows but kishi but i dont agree with u. I believe either one of them would beat zabuza alone at their current level and he waz a jounin. even haku. you must agree that sasuke 3 pupil + curse seal + chidori is 100 times better than just 2 pupil fag. Plus naruto summoning, rasengan and now kyubi. Im sure they are at jounin level if only in power and not in skill. Maybe they couldnt beat kakashi alone but together i have no doubt.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 11:15 AM
there is no way that they would beat kakashi alone, and there is a very very small non existant chance that they would do it with exellent team work and flawless use of their jutsus. as they are now they would never fight togther to beat kakashi so it is not possible for them to win.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 12:39 PM
Carefully read the saga again

finished? good.

It took 4 lvl 2 sound ninja , to take care of 2 jounins. And they needed to rest afterwards.

Kakashi is just about the strongest jounin introduced from konoha.
plus he knows them , and their techniques etc.

one lvl 2 sasuke won't do shit against kakashi.
Naruto won't attack kakashi.( you could say he's berserk and stuff, but so was he at haku, and there he stopped the second he saw his face. )

Mon, 09-20-2004, 01:03 PM
masamune added some interesting points there. i believe this should be enough to convince you that kakashi is far stronger than both of them.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 02:12 PM
I predict a twist of fate and that Kakashi will die by the hands of Sasuke and gain the mangekyou power! but then again Kakashi is a strong mofo but then again Zabuza woulda beaten Kakashi if it was a one on one situation.


Mon, 09-20-2004, 02:18 PM
they won't lay a finger on kakashi.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 02:57 PM
no kakashi would have beaten zabuza the first time he naruto and the others werent around.

Berserk Ayato
Mon, 09-20-2004, 03:25 PM
Yeah Kakashi can handle Naruto and Sasuke, Naruto is only usling like 5% Kyubi anyways.

I hope that Kakashi gets killed trying to save the two. I mean Kakashi seems moe a of a friend to Sasuke, then Naruto to Sasuke, so maybe if Kakashi gets killed Sasuke can evolve his eyes. But yeah that wont happen, He's gonna break it up with ease probly.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 03:36 PM
I'm still hoping that Kabuto shows up and finally fights Kakashi

Winged Dancer
Mon, 09-20-2004, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by: Masamune

It took 4 lvl 2 sound ninja , to take care of 2 jounins. And they needed to rest afterwards.

Kakashi is just about the strongest jounin introduced from konoha.
plus he knows them , and their techniques etc.

one lvl 2 sasuke won't do shit against kakashi.
Naruto won't attack kakashi.( you could say he's berserk and stuff, but so was he at haku, and there he stopped the second he saw his face. )

Damn, I was gonna say that!!

So anyway, yeah, it seems that while the seal gives you lots of power, at the end it comes down to how good you are, and at Sasuke and Naruto's level it doesn't matter how much power they're using, Kakashi's skill-level is way above them. They wouldn't be able to defeat him even if they worked together, and at their current situation they just can't.

What may happen, given all the people that've showed up lately, is that Kabuto arrives to see what happened - they surely would have expected Kimimaro to be quicker, and if Kabuto does appear, maybe things'll continue Naruto vs. Sasuke, Kakashi vs. Kimimaro.

On the other hand, this saga has been going for almost a year already, so perhaps it'll be ending soon... I kinda hope so. I don't care enough about Sasuke and the next arc might explain other, more interesting things.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 03:49 PM
Also keep in mind, however.......

1) Kabuto suspects if kimimaro had been able to participate in the attack on konoha, then things most likely would have turned out differently. To believe that he could turn the tables of that entire war, I'd say he must be at least some sort of threat against konoha jounins. Also note, that kabuto believes kimimaro and sasuke are very close in strength.

2) Seal 2 Sasuke (although I cant say this for sure until next week), should be equal to this level 2 kyubi naruto. Considering that level 1 kyubi naruto has beaten haku, who supposedly was stronger than zabuza, then seal 2 sasuke should be a close match to even kakashi. 100 level 1 kyubi narutos also wasnt a match for kimimaro, which would suggest a similiar scenario.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by: Masamune
Carefully read the saga again

finished? good.

It took 4 lvl 2 sound ninja , to take care of 2 jounins. And they needed to rest afterwards.

Kakashi is just about the strongest jounin introduced from konoha.
plus he knows them , and their techniques etc.

one lvl 2 sasuke won't do shit against kakashi.
Naruto won't attack kakashi.( you could say he's berserk and stuff, but so was he at haku, and there he stopped the second he saw his face. )

your argument is flawed. 2 lvl2 sound freaks = 1 jounin but that doesnt tell anything about the power of lvl 2 sasuke. for all we know, he could have beat all the sound nin by himself in his current state.
i just hope sasuke will get out of the spot light soon. this arc and all it's ugly seals and dbz repetition is so tiring.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 04:31 PM
This manga needs to be put in perspective... and I think introducing Kakashi into this fight could do just that. You've got Sasuke and Naruto lettin loose with all this "oooh aaah" goodness... Kakashi needs to show up and just utterly dominate the both of them. No breaks in the fighting to say "Such moves!" or any such nonsense... if he shows up on page 1 of ep 232 the fight should be over by page 1 of 233.

That's how I'd do it anyway... if Kishimoto decides that Sasuke presents a serious threat to Kakashi then so be it.. but it does detract seriously from Kakashi's assertion that the cursed seal was not the way to gain true power.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by: Berserk Ayato
I hope that Kakashi gets killed trying to save the two. I mean Kakashi seems moe a of a friend to Sasuke, then Naruto to Sasuke, so maybe if Kakashi gets killed Sasuke can evolve his eyes. But yeah that wont happen, He's gonna break it up with ease probly.

if kakashi did die, i'm going to buy a plane ticket and kick the fucking shit outta kishimoto. but i think i would be only able to write a tiny letter of complaint and send it to japan.

uhm...god, i don't even know what to think. this story can go so many ways and i can see everyone's prediction as being plausible...except kakashi dying.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by: Konohamaru
I predict a twist of fate and that Kakashi will die by the hands of Sasuke and gain the mangekyou power! but then again Kakashi is a strong mofo but then again Zabuza woulda beaten Kakashi if it was a one on one situation.


I totally agree. This is what i was telling my friend the other day. I think Sasuke will kill Kakashi and get his mangekyou sharingan that way. Then he will try to use it on Naruto only to run into the monster fox. This will freak out Sasuke and he will run away to Orochimaru. Then this arc will be over.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 06:24 PM

hate to spoil the fun, but kishimoto doesn't really give a crap about creating an absolute scale of power, nor does he likely have a chart on his bedroom wall about how many level 2 curse seals it takes to beat down a jounin.

if kishimoto feels it fits the story for naruto/sasuke or any combination to injure kakashi, he'll do it.

it's a hard knock life, eh.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 08:22 PM
Could Sasuke kill Kakashi, more than likely he could. Will he? That remains to be seen.

Remember the Itachi/Kakashi fight? Itachi was more than capable of defeating Kakashi without the Mangekyo Sharingan. Now, I'm not saying Sasuke is on par with Itachi with his now activated lvl 2 seal, but he could be close to his brother's strength. We really have no idea how strong Sasuke is right now because we've only seen it for 2 panels.

If Kishimoto decides to kill off kakashi, I won't be happy with it, but it will certainly end the comparison between DBZ and Naruto. In the naruto world, once someone is really dead, they're really dead. It will serve to bring all the nonsense that went on in this arc into something a little greater. If Kishimoto isn't going to make Naruto funny again, he might as well make it serious.

If you don't think Kishimoto is willing to kill off someone with Kakashi's status in the story, try to remember the Third.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 11:03 PM
If you look back at the zabuza fight, when kakashi got serious, he owned zabuza. He owned zabuza the first time, and when he saw naruto letting kyubi go, he owned zabuza in 2 moves, getting slashed and summon no jutsu.

In the Itachi fight, kakashi only got hurt trying to save kurenai. Yeah i agree kakashi would have gotten owned and did get owned by itachi, but i think if he was going one on one against itachi he'd be able to last alittle longer than portrayed in the water fight.(also note that kakashi was the first person itachi faught, and kakashi had used a kage bunshin to repel the water strike of kisame).

Really, kakashi is on such a higher level than sasuke or naruto at this point. Really just ask this, do u think sasuke would be able to stand up to itachi even for the length of time kakashi did? the answer is NO.

Sasuke has never shown anywhere near the amount of forsight kakashi uses in a fight, and his greatest thing at the moment is using a fully developed sharingan.

I'm sorry folks, but kakashi's been using that for a while now. Plus all the different jutsus and summons he has, Theres no way kakashi can lose to sasuke.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 11:50 PM
i think that most everyone here has missed a big point in the plot here either that or forgoten it. First off naruto was sent off on a mission to retrive sasuke. That would mean that kakashi would be trying to do the same and also he would be worried and try to prevent them from killing each other. With that said the most natural thing to expect would that naruto would welcome kakashi showing up and would probally try to get him to hep him. I dont see naruto attacking kakashi at all and at most kakashi will try to interfer with the fight until he can establish the fact of his presense at which point i would expect him to work with naruto in trying to get sasuke back. But even at that i think there will be interfercene on sasuke's behalf as well and that is where i believe that kakashi will come in.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by: Ryllharu
Could Sasuke kill Kakashi, more than likely he could. Will he? That remains to be seen.

Remember the Itachi/Kakashi fight? Itachi was more than capable of defeating Kakashi without the Mangekyo Sharingan. Now, I'm not saying Sasuke is on par with Itachi with his now activated lvl 2 seal, but he could be close to his brother's strength. We really have no idea how strong Sasuke is right now because we've only seen it for 2 panels.

If Kishimoto decides to kill off kakashi, I won't be happy with it, but it will certainly end the comparison between DBZ and Naruto. In the naruto world, once someone is really dead, they're really dead. It will serve to bring all the nonsense that went on in this arc into something a little greater. If Kishimoto isn't going to make Naruto funny again, he might as well make it serious.

If you don't think Kishimoto is willing to kill off someone with Kakashi's status in the story, try to remember the Third.

the third was an old fart with no fan base. there are plenty of kakashi fanboys and girls so his untimely death will spell financial hurting for kishimoto and jump. so kakashis death is highly unlikely.

Tue, 09-21-2004, 02:53 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
100 level 1 kyubi narutos also wasnt a match for kimimaro, which would suggest a similiar scenario.

yea but u gotta remember that the chakra is divided evenly among the clones so wouldnt each clone be 100 times weaker that the orginal before the jutsu

Inazuma Kami
Tue, 09-21-2004, 10:21 AM
Kakashi die ? He is the super Famous copy ninja , he won't die so easily ...

Zabuza vs Kakashi ? : Kakashi went easy on Zabuza
(Kakashi : It seems we are both short on time I'll end this now ) A few sec later Zabuza was having fun with Kakashi's Dogs

Sasuke can't die, Naruto won't accept this fact so easily he'll turn beserk and release Kyuubi.
Kakashi knows that and won't make the situation even worse by fighting.

(See Haku when he put Sasuke and "Near-Death" Stage ...)
(Kakashi :This chakra ...? This degusting chakra belong to..*Glups* there no time, the seal is breaking apart.)

**Quotes maybe wrongs**

I Think this is the moment to introduce a new Caracters (People who can easily argue with Orochimaru/Itachi/Tsunade and may be teach something to Sakura (Miracles do happend))

Tue, 09-21-2004, 11:44 AM
yeah my opinions go with kakashi could knock around sasuke and naruto...
i dont think there at that level...
coz if they make sasuke and naruto able to defeat kakashi...
that would make them elite jounin level ninjas (fighting strength/abilitiy)...

Tue, 09-21-2004, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by: Eurasian

Originally posted by: Berserk Ayato
I hope that Kakashi gets killed trying to save the two. I mean Kakashi seems moe a of a friend to Sasuke, then Naruto to Sasuke, so maybe if Kakashi gets killed Sasuke can evolve his eyes. But yeah that wont happen, He's gonna break it up with ease probly.

if kakashi did die, i'm going to buy a plane ticket and kick the fucking shit outta kishimoto. but i think i would be only able to write a tiny letter of complaint and send it to japan.

uhm...god, i don't even know what to think. this story can go so many ways and i can see everyone's prediction as being plausible...except kakashi dying.

we can start collecting money if that happens ill come with you. ill hold him down and you kick him.

kakashi wont die. but i think that kabuto overestimated the powers of kimimaro a little i mean if he is at jounin level than gaara has already reached jounin level and probably naruto and sasuke to. thats just plain boring.

Winged Dancer
Tue, 09-21-2004, 12:26 PM
Kabuto said that Kimimaro was on par with Sasuke... I don't doubt Sasuke would kill Kakashi if that gave him his mangekyou sharingan, but I don't think Kakashi would lay down and let Sasuke kill him just like that.

Besides, really!! The Third Hokage wasn't that important for the Naruto world. As much as I liked him, he was only a valuable character once Orochimaru started openly attacking the Leaf... other than that, he was basically a background character.

Kakashi, instead, has been Naruto's teacher for a while... and he's gotten #1 in two official "Who's your favorite?" polls. So I don't think they'll be killing him off this soon in the manga. Besides, we haven't heard his angsty backstory yet!! And this arc already had its share of flashbacks.

Therefore, whatever happens, Kakashi lives through.

(Truth to be told, I can even believe you guys are thinking he'll be killed so soon...)

Tue, 09-21-2004, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Kabuto said that Kimimaro was on par with Sasuke... I don't doubt Sasuke would kill Kakashi if that gave him his mangekyou sharingan, but I don't think Kakashi would lay down and let Sasuke kill him just like that.

Besides, really!! The Third Hokage wasn't that important for the Naruto world. As much as I liked him, he was only a valuable character once Orochimaru started openly attacking the Leaf... other than that, he was basically a background character.

Kakashi, instead, has been Naruto's teacher for a while... and he's gotten #1 in two official "Who's your favorite?" polls. So I don't think they'll be killing him off this soon in the manga. Besides, we haven't heard his angsty backstory yet!! And this arc already had its share of flashbacks.

Therefore, whatever happens, Kakashi lives through.

(Truth to be told, I can even believe you guys are thinking he'll be killed so soon...)


No one thought that Hughes in FMA (a rather popular and at least moderately important character) would be killed off, but it happened. He wasn't as popular as Kakashi, but it remains a valid point

**End Spoiler**

I'm still not saying that he will be killed, but he could be killed. We have absolutely no idea how powerful Sasuke has gotten at this point. If Gaara (who was, and is even stronger now) had trouble fighting Kimimaro, who died from disease, and Sasuke is supposedly on par with Kimimaro, and is healthy, Sasuke probably could kill Kakashi.

Again, I'm not saying he will, just making the point that we have no idea what will happen because we know nothing about Sasuke's 2nd level seal.

I doubt we'll learn a lot of the backstory to many characters, even one's as important as Kakashi. The manga (last time i checked) is still called Naruto, and the focus seems to be on the ninjas of that generation.

Sorry about the spoilers and the really long post.

Tue, 09-21-2004, 01:43 PM
I agree with the fact that it doesn't matter the level of anyone in the story, if Kishimoto wants to kill someone for the good of the plot he'll do it.

But since most of you think that neither Naruto nor Sasuke are match for Kakashi, assuming that he does get there on time, what good will it bring to the story to just make him spank them both and take them back to Konoha?? None, infact most (not all) of this arc would have been useless in that sence.
Finishing the arc like that would be bad, going back to konoha and wait to get attacked again by the same guy, same plot, same story over and over again.
If Sasuke goes to Orochimaru on the other hand, it will give continuation and things would get far more interesting if he does, so the tought of getting Kakashi at least beaten by Sasuke, is not that crazy.

Tue, 09-21-2004, 03:45 PM
So then Zabuza catching Kakashi with the water prison no jutsu is just a figment of our imaginations?

Tue, 09-21-2004, 03:54 PM
He captured him, yes. But he can't hold it indefinitely, the moment he let it go, kakashi would be on him like white on rice.

Tue, 09-21-2004, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by: Lucian5000
He captured him, yes. But he can't hold it indefinitely, the moment he let it go, kakashi would be on him like white on rice.

What if Zabuza takes a knife and stabs him while he is inside the water prison?
HUH? HUH ???? HUH!????

Kakashi can't move in the prison. Zabuza can summon a clone to do it.

Tue, 09-21-2004, 04:54 PM
I would assume that the water prison is at least some sort of unpenetrable (sp?) water. It you were able to put a knife through it, why wouldn't Kakashi just be able to escape.

Tue, 09-21-2004, 07:20 PM
What may happen, given all the people that've showed up lately, is that Kabuto arrives to see what happened - they surely would have expected Kimimaro to be quicker, and if Kabuto does appear, maybe things'll continue Naruto vs. Sasuke, Kakashi vs. Kimimaro.

Well, if Kabuto DOES show up, it won't be to see what is taking Kimimaro so long. Kabuto and Oro already know that Kimi is dead. That candle in Oro's chambers that they kept watching was symbolic of Kimi's life. Once that candle burnt out, they knew he was dead. If you remember, as soon as it burnt out Oro said something like "What has happened to Kimimaro doesn't concern me, I'm only interested in Sasuke. He can get here by himself."

I would love to see Kakashi vs Kabuto, and to have them both show up on the scene right now would be an ideal situation. However, I feel that if the two of them did fight right now, it would be a very long and epic battle that would drag this arc out another 3-4 months. At this point I would really like to see the current arc wrap up with the conclusion of the Naruto vs Sasuke fight, and move the storyline along. But this entire arc has been full of surprises and I don't think Kishi is done yet.

Tue, 09-21-2004, 09:04 PM
Actually now that i think about it, zabuza wasn't that strong afterall. He was just lucky that he captured kakashi. If i do recall, that each of his clones have 1/10 his strength AND we've seen sasuke POWNED those clones in less than 5 seconds...

Winged Dancer
Tue, 09-21-2004, 10:01 PM
Well, there's some true there, regarding the BIG SPOILER THING UP THERE. I still don't think Kakashi will be killed, though - sure, Kishimoto might not have a (sorry for the comparision) DBZ-like scale of power in which you can say exactly who is more powerful than who and why.

However, it stays the same for me - four sound ninja, level two, stronger than Sasuke (Sakon defeated Sasuke very, very easily with Sasuke lvl. 1, Sakon might or might had not activated the seal) had trouble defeating two Leaf jounin, and had to rest afterwards. So that means the seal gives you basically strength, speed (possibly) and powers that would be out of your reach, not skill and battle-strategy abilities.

Not only that, it seems that being at lvl. 2 seal uses a lot of energy - Sasuke could just activate lvl. 1 and immediately went to level two, there's no knowing how long he'll really last...

So anyway, I stand by what I said way before... sure, the seal may give Sasuke more strength and some new moves, but Kakashi is the one with experience, and he knows the way Sasuke fights.

'Sides, who better to fight a sharingan user than another sharingan user? And since Sasuke doesn't have the mangekyou yet, its not really dangerous.

Tue, 09-21-2004, 10:30 PM
I think I recall Kabuto telling Kimimaro that the curse seal that Orochimaru gave Sasuke(Heaven) was on par with the one he had(Earth), not that he was as strong as Kimimaroi/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Wed, 09-22-2004, 12:40 AM
Couple of things...

In the Haku fight.. Kakashi admitted that there would have been nothing he could have done if he had been trapped by the Ice mirrors jutsu. Naruto just pounded his way out of it with Kyuubi chakra. From a overwhelming power level, I think Naruto at least and most likely Sasuke may have more raw power available to them then Kakashi.

However, that being said, skill in using his powers, Kakashi far out strips them. So he could easily beat either of them in a fight, due to his skill. But, I think the only way the fight could be stopped at this point is by someone on the level of Jiraiya.

Wed, 09-22-2004, 03:22 AM
Or if he allowed himself to get caught in inexcapable jutsu's, like ..*quickly looks at which forum this is* Ah, good, Manga. Like Gaara's new sand trap *too lazy to get the name*, The ice mirror or the water prison. And Mangekyou Sharingan, obviously.

Wed, 09-22-2004, 07:58 AM
In the Haku fight.. Kakashi admitted that there would have been nothing he could have done if he had been trapped by the Ice mirrors jutsu. Naruto just pounded his way out of it with Kyuubi chakra.

yeah remember this is kyubis chakra...no one else has ever deflected weapons or ninjutsu with chakra except that of the kyubi...naruto cant, kyubi can...but kakashi should still be able to pound his ass around a bit...well at least i hope so.

Wed, 09-22-2004, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by: Guy
I feel sasuke and naruto are above him in their current state.

We must be reading different mangas.

Everybody who thinks that Kakashi will die are idiots. Pure idiots. Stop being idiots. You don't wanna be an idiot do you? Yeah. Thought so. And the FMA comparison is incredibly stupid aswell. Naruto & FMA can't be compared. FMA is a much more harsh and unforgiving series. People don't die that easily in Naruto. Wouldn't surprise me if Chouji survived this whole ordeal either.

Wed, 09-22-2004, 09:05 AM
I dont think kakashi is a huge level above naruto and sasuke in their current state, im sure he could beat either of them. But i dont think it would be a complete asskicking like some of you are suggesting. Also i think they could take out any chunin and quite a large number of the jounins.

Wed, 09-22-2004, 09:43 AM
chuunins yea, but jounins i dont know, theyre jounins for a reason and that reason isnt to lose to a genin

Winged Dancer
Wed, 09-22-2004, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
[We must be reading different mangas.

Everybody who thinks that Kakashi will die are idiots. Pure idiots. Stop being idiots. You don't wanna be an idiot do you? Yeah. Thought so. And the FMA comparison is incredibly stupid aswell. Naruto & FMA can't be compared. FMA is a much more harsh and unforgiving series. People don't die that easily in Naruto. Wouldn't surprise me if Chouji survived this whole ordeal either.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

That's the complete truth. FMA is a much more mature anime (I'm not saying whether that's a good of a bad thing, I don't care), and basically everybody dies, wether they're important or not.

In Naruto, around three (3) important characters have died... the Third Hokage, Haku and Zabuza. Zabuza may not be that important.
Sure, Hayate died, but truthfully he wasn't significant at all. Oh, I know! The Kazekage died!! You know, that guy who appeared once? Oh, and there was that guy! The one Tsunade liked! I think his name was either Dan or PLOT DEVICE #2. WIth her little brother being #1.

What would Sasuke attack Kakashi with, anyway? His most powerful move in the Chidori - which was taught to him by Kakashi himself!! Ooooh, I'm sure Kakashi wont be able to avoid it. Wait, Sasuke still has his fire-based attacks... which never hit anyone at all and which Kakashi has avoided once already, all too easily.

Besides, in Naruto people have regenerative powers and things like that... and Kakashi, being a jounin, surely has some of those weird soldier/chakra pills or a blood-stopping pill on him.

So no, he wont die.
BTW, Naruto is the kind of manga in which characters reveal all of their past in dramatic flashbacks (in case you haven't noticed, I mean), and Kakashi hasn't revealed his yet. He will not die before revealing it. Mark those words, please.

Wed, 09-22-2004, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by: Baranthal
Couple of things...

In the Haku fight.. Kakashi admitted that there would have been nothing he could have done if he had been trapped by the Ice mirrors jutsu. Naruto just pounded his way out of it with Kyuubi chakra. From a overwhelming power level, I think Naruto at least and most likely Sasuke may have more raw power available to them then Kakashi.

However, that being said, skill in using his powers, Kakashi far out strips them. So he could easily beat either of them in a fight, due to his skill. But, I think the only way the fight could be stopped at this point is by someone on the level of Jiraiya.

can you give me a screen shot where he admitted that? i must have missed it.

Wed, 09-22-2004, 02:31 PM
@Winged Dancer: Marry me.

Seriously though, damn well put. My thoughts exactly.

Death BOO Z
Wed, 09-22-2004, 02:38 PM
Terracosmo, aren't both you and winged dancer girls? you don't see me complainning though i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

and Kakashi said that Naruto has more chackra capitabilty than him during the tree climbing trainning, he didn't say anything about Sasuke surpassing him, though.

Wed, 09-22-2004, 02:45 PM
Well you never know ;D

Wed, 09-22-2004, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
@Winged Dancer: Marry me.

a proposal on GW? oh how original i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif


Wed, 09-22-2004, 05:16 PM
Besides, in Naruto people have regenerative powers and things like that... and Kakashi, being a jounin, surely has some of those weird soldier/chakra pills or a blood-stopping pill on him.

Nah, he couldn't have pills. Because he's got the mask stitched to his face.

Wed, 09-22-2004, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure

Originally posted by: Terracosmo
@Winged Dancer: Marry me.

a proposal on GW? oh how original

lol you did the same thing in another thread i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Wed, 09-22-2004, 05:48 PM
well yes......hence my comment -_-

Wed, 09-22-2004, 05:50 PM
Damn, I was expecting you to deny it so I could link you to the proof i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif

Winged Dancer
Wed, 09-22-2004, 06:26 PM
Don't we all love how every topic goes off topic? I sure do!!

@Terracosmo: I'm tempted to i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif

Wed, 09-22-2004, 07:05 PM
On off-topic, Of course we do!
Don't think for a moment that all my 2600+ posts are worth the read.
Actually, don't even think that half of them are... i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

On marriage, So... should we get a villa and a dog now? i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif

Winged Dancer
Wed, 09-22-2004, 07:20 PM
Ah, indeed!! What would married life be without a villa and a dog? And one of those home-made tree-swing!!

Wed, 09-22-2004, 07:22 PM
Not to mention a red car of the exact same model as the one all our neighbors use! And we need a TV too, which will work seldom, so I can scream at it! And a controller which breaks alot. Yes, married life will give us infinite joy!

Winged Dancer
Wed, 09-22-2004, 07:30 PM
Ooooh yes, and you'll go off to work while I'll stay home and clean and cook! And the house must have a white wooden fence, which will always be open because the neighborhood will be completely secure. Ah yes, joy joy!!

Wed, 09-22-2004, 07:36 PM
So how about the kids? 1 boy 1 girl? or 2 boys? 2 girls?

Wed, 09-22-2004, 07:36 PM
I think I'mma move into your neighborhood and drive the property value down.

Winged Dancer
Wed, 09-22-2004, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by: Souryusen
I think I'mma move into your neighborhood and drive the property value down.

OH NOES!!!!!11

Wed, 09-22-2004, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Ooooh yes, and you'll go off to work while I'll stay home and clean and cook!

Now you need to marry me twice. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Winged Dancer
Wed, 09-22-2004, 07:54 PM
Fine, but you pay for the wedding party and the plane tickets =P

Edit: And the children's education and my car and uh, books and computer.

Wed, 09-22-2004, 07:55 PM
Of course, the way of the stereotype would accept no other solution!

Edit to respond to your edit: Throw all the bills to me, with my perfectly average working man paycheck I'll be sure to pay it all with only minor loans!

Winged Dancer
Wed, 09-22-2004, 07:56 PM
Viva the stereotype then!!

Wait, if we're going to live a sitcom, does it mean you'll have a real pretty secretary who always flirts with you?? The bitch!!

Wed, 09-22-2004, 07:58 PM
However you will not know that she is pretty for I will speak only bad words of her! Until of course you beat her up with a frying pan. And me too if I'm unlucky. Argh, that bitch!

Winged Dancer
Wed, 09-22-2004, 08:00 PM
And your mother will probably nag at me all day long about my cooking, while mine will nag at me about my husband, but it shall matter not!

Wed, 09-22-2004, 08:11 PM
Indeed for our love shall be eternally true... until our divorce in a few years. Of course.

Anyway, this has been a most splendid conversation but alas my stereotypical working-class work with insane schedules beckons me to my bed. However be not sad for my number will be on the fridge's door. Fare thee well beloved!

Winged Dancer
Wed, 09-22-2004, 08:27 PM
Oh, may you have a good night, my dear!! I shall have a nice dinner for you when you get home, and fear not, for the dog shall bring you your slippers to your favorite sofa!!

I'm so saving this conversation...

Wed, 09-22-2004, 09:21 PM
Awwee virtual love, doesnt get any better than that(wait...yes it does) i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Wed, 09-22-2004, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by: Knives122
Awwee virtual love, doesnt get any better than that(wait...yes it does)
uh oh terra, you heard it straight from the ladies man himself

Wed, 09-22-2004, 09:33 PM
i'm so jealous of u guys' happily married life.

btw...i couldn't even remember what this thread was about...

Wed, 09-22-2004, 09:44 PM
Yeah.. uh.. anyway. Kakashi's gonna get them both with the rock bottom. The end.

Wed, 09-22-2004, 09:50 PM
Yeah and then he'll follow it up with a Kage Bushin no Peoples Elbows no jutsu

Thu, 09-23-2004, 01:21 AM
a forum where mods spam

too good

Thu, 09-23-2004, 01:27 AM
This thread is now a complete waste, thanks to Terracosmo.

Thu, 09-23-2004, 01:39 AM
I'll try and dig it up, but it was in a conversation with Zabuza was when he did it, It was just after naruto jumped in with Sasuke in the ice mirrors.

Hrm, dug through my manga releases for a sec, it's chapter 25, page 14 of the manga Guy if ya wanna take a look.

Thu, 09-23-2004, 02:31 AM
You are just jealous of my insane charisma, Gods_Son!

@Winged Dancer: Saving it eh? Good idea. Think I'll do that too, it was very entertaining. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

*Insert on-topic remark about Kakashi's superiority to the kids here for the sake of inclusion*

Thu, 09-23-2004, 05:01 AM
wow this topic went through a mayor change... terra isnt off topic bad? set a good example and warn yourself i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Thu, 09-23-2004, 05:29 AM
No! You can't drag this topic back on topic! Back to off topic..

I can be the annoying guy who lives next door..With spiderman!

Thu, 09-23-2004, 07:59 AM
whats with the dancing dudes?

Death BOO Z
Thu, 09-23-2004, 09:21 AM
i dunno what's up with them, but they sure do look like the tenjou tenge openning...

Thu, 09-23-2004, 09:55 AM
damn, that upskirt on the girl is hawt.

Seriously though. Kakashi would never lose to some scrub genins like Sasuke and Naruto. Anybody that thinks this hidden power bullshit is enough to take down Kakashi should just go back to nut-hugging Kyuubi/Oro, and let people who have some thought post here.

Thu, 09-23-2004, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
wow this topic went through a mayor change... terra isnt off topic bad? set a good example and warn yourself


Terra1: Bad, bad Terra!
Terra2: Aw sorry I didn't mean to go so off-topic but...
Terra1: No buts, bitch!
Terra2: i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif You're no fun!
Terra1: Silence, this is a warning!
Terra2: Okay I won't do it again! At least not within the next 24 hours...
Terra2: Ehm I mean I'll never do it again. Honest.

Good enough, glädjedödare? i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Winged Dancer
Thu, 09-23-2004, 10:10 AM
Those kind of dancers are kinda hypnotizing.

And since I helped this go off-topic too, eh... well, its just that I have said basically everything and still think the idea of Kakashi dying just so Sasuke can get his only-good-against-sharingan attack is stupid as hell.

Thu, 09-23-2004, 10:21 AM

You have no chance to survive make your time. Hahaha...

Thu, 09-23-2004, 11:17 AM
You are sharp Hotsuma, sharp indeed!

Mon, 09-27-2004, 09:47 AM
i will attempt to get back on track here...

Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
gaara has already reached jounin level

yeah...what ever happened to gaara? when are they gonna go back to him PWNING Kimimaro?

Mon, 09-27-2004, 11:46 AM
gaara is sitting under a tree the last time i saw him...

there not gonna go back to him pwning kimimaro; he is dead!

but i would like to see the other characters and get past this fight...
will kakashi get there in time? only time will tell

Mon, 09-27-2004, 02:24 PM
gaara didn't 'pwn' kimimaro. don't make stuff up.

Mon, 09-27-2004, 03:33 PM
Nor did he reach jounin level.

Mon, 09-27-2004, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
gaara didn't 'pwn' kimimaro. don't make stuff up.

Mut@t@'s right, kimimaro was about to shove a bone spear through Gaara's eye the second he died. Or it might have been Lee, either way, Gaara was strong enough to not get killed by Kimimaro, which is an accomplishment in and of itself.

Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Nor did he reach jounin level.

He's certainly isn't a jounin in terms of leadership and tactics (he is still mildly crazy) but ALL the super-genins are jounin level in terms of power. They may not know as many techniques, but the ones they have, they seem to have total mastery over.

Mon, 09-27-2004, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by: Ryllharu

Originally posted by: Mut@t@
gaara didn't 'pwn' kimimaro. don't make stuff up.

Mut@t@'s right, kimimaro was about to shove a bone spear through Gaara's eye the second he died. Or it might have been Lee, either way, Gaara was strong enough to not get killed by Kimimaro, which is an accomplishment in and of itself.

Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Nor did he reach jounin level.

He's certainly isn't a jounin in terms of leadership and tactics (he is still mildly crazy) but ALL the super-genins are jounin level in terms of power. They may not know as many techniques, but the ones they have, they seem to have total mastery over.

Super Gennin? I like how you excluded Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Hinata. Oh wait tahts all the girls.

Mon, 09-27-2004, 10:19 PM
it sucks the way kimi died. i was sad. he should of at lease taken a leg or arm from either lee or gaara.

btw terra, is that webcam for real? is it really you there? i saw a pic where some 1 photoshopped in a bubble text and teasing you, but i never thought it be you.