View Full Version : Filler chapters make things difficult...

Winged Dancer
Fri, 09-17-2004, 01:17 PM
Hey, I've been thinking, and remember how was it that Sasuke and Naruto end up fighting at the hospital roof?

Sasuke had just been cured by Tsunade and hadn't left the hospital yet. Sakura was tending to him (cutting him some apples if I remember) and then Naruto came by and Sasuke snapped and they fought and then Sasuke became teh evil!!!11.

So now, with all these filler episodes, we have Sasuke going out of the hospital real soon, doing silly, silly missions with his friends and making stupid faces at the drop of a hat...

...how will they explain the transition between happy-happy Sasuke and teh evil!!11 Sasuke? How will Naruto and Sasuke end in the hospital room trying to kick each other's ass? Even more, when will Sakura get her chance to cut apples for Sasuke???? (fine, that's not important)

You think they maybe will injure Sasuke again? Or maybe they'll be visiting Lee or something and Sasuke starts remembering how Naruto beat Gaara and then his brother and then he'll drag Naruto to the roof?

Fri, 09-17-2004, 01:21 PM
In order for Sasuke to want to fight Naruto, he would have to remember what Itachi did to him. And I doubt he'd suddenly wake up one morning and go "That bastard Naruto, grr." It would have to be after something traumatizing in order for it to really fit into how bad Sasuke becomes.

Hm........ Maybe over Sakura. Ooh. That's a good way to lead into this.

And I wish Sakura cut apples for me. ;_; [in her bath towel]

Fri, 09-17-2004, 01:27 PM
It will obviously happen when sasuke sees that naruto is just as good as he is, thats really the only way they cant have him randomly remembering Itachi or Gaara unless they show how Naruto is better/stronger

Elite Hentai
Fri, 09-17-2004, 01:32 PM
maybe naruto's gonna outperform sasuke in the next mission and sasuke gets mad because he should be the best. then they can finally start fighting.

Winged Dancer
Fri, 09-17-2004, 02:29 PM
I dunno, remember when Itachi first made an appareance? We had a few scenes with Sasuke looking at the sky and very randomly remembering his brother just before Itachi ::GASP:: arrived at Konoha.
I just hope they put a little more effort there - really, if they are going to do all those fillers they could at least try their best to make Sasuke's transition smooth...

And I predict that Sakura shall never live that towel down. She shall be haunted by its spirit for as long as the series last.

Fri, 09-17-2004, 03:02 PM
you should follow the "Filler saga?" topic......we've been discussing that for a while i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Fri, 09-17-2004, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer

And I predict that Sakura shall never live that towel down. She shall be haunted by its spirit for as long as the series last.

Ohhh yeah.


Elite Hentai
Fri, 09-17-2004, 03:50 PM
sakura must feel so cheap now....

Fri, 09-17-2004, 03:52 PM
Sakura is my new favorite female character. :B

Well... in that towel, that is.

Winged Dancer
Fri, 09-17-2004, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
you should follow the "Filler saga?" topic......we've been discussing that for a while

True, I hadn't visited for a while and just now I read it =P So if it's redundant... well, it'll be erased or whatever.

Right now I have to add that I wish for yet another hot-springs episode! But with all the genins. That way you boys can have the girls wearing nothin' but sexy wet towels and we the girls can have all the boys soaking wet. There, all happy that way! Yeah for more hot-springs episodes!!