View Full Version : just started drawing..

Wed, 09-15-2004, 03:42 AM
Hey all, i just started drawing recently...had the urge i guess, i never really tried to seriously draw before, and i need some tips/criticism, so far the hardest thing is keeping things in proportion @_@ also hands...hands suck.. >_>

anyway heres the drawing im looking for tips on


and heres a couple others i did recently too for the fun of it


i know its not really fanart, (except the 2 gaara ones which i guess should go in the fanart thread but they arent the point of this thread) but this is one of the only forums i goto that i like ^^;

Wed, 09-15-2004, 07:48 PM
I think you should improve on shading. Use more lines? instead of shading it in like it was a colour book.

Wed, 09-15-2004, 10:43 PM
i havnt even tried to shade the drawing in question @_@ its all just ALOT of eraser marks >_> i plan on inking and coloring/shading my drawings in photoshop instead

Thu, 09-16-2004, 02:23 AM
That can be just as hard if you don't have a good tablet. I should know I have Five by four inch tablet. I'm in the fucking pergatory of photoshop. If you do take the photoshop route do the image at about 300-600 dpi and use a failry small brush to get good detail and to hid the uneveness of the lines you make. Good luck.

Thu, 09-16-2004, 03:33 AM
yup coloring is a bitch in ps with a mouse, trust me i dont have a tablet and i feel it on my wrists

small images sizes are good for what lefty said, but i personally like to use big image sizes for the detail

looking at some of your drawings and you saying that you erase a lot, do you draw hard?
if you draw lightly it may help you sketch out how you want it to look like then go over it darker

just keep practicing, im sure youl improve

Thu, 09-16-2004, 04:40 AM
oh i already color stuff in photoshop, i know all about photoshopping, its just drawing i suck at right now @_@

Thu, 09-16-2004, 08:21 PM
youll hate me for saying it but...practice, practice, practice