View Full Version : Who are really the strongest?

Hinata <3
Thu, 09-09-2004, 05:59 AM
I have always wonder who really is the strongest one in
the series ?
Is it Oro? I dont know he did beat up the 4th...
But ho is it really ?
Personally i dont think that oro is the strongest it could really be anyone of the
older characters...Ho is it ?

Thu, 09-09-2004, 06:00 AM

Thu, 09-09-2004, 06:03 AM
Itachi without a doubt.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 06:17 AM
Konohamaru... did you see that pimp as fugg trap he set up?

that is the best, most intricate trap we've seen al series. (A FUCKING FIVE YEAR OLD IS BETTER THAN SAKURA!!!!!!!!)

Thu, 09-09-2004, 07:32 AM
Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
I agree that he's better than sakura but Itachi is the strongest

Thu, 09-09-2004, 08:01 AM
Itachi, unparalleled at the moment

Thu, 09-09-2004, 08:12 AM
Itachi is not unparalleled at the moment... there is no way to tell yet if he is stronger than Jiraiya or not.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 08:18 AM
That is my opinion shut the hell up.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 08:39 AM
so far introduced, probably itachi

Thu, 09-09-2004, 10:16 AM
my guess is that Kyuubi would be the strongest.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 10:30 AM
I wonder if you know how stupid you sound... your telling me to shut up for stating my opinion?

Don't start flaming just cos somebody doesn't agree with you or doesn't want to wank over the monitor everytime Itachi appears on the screen like you do.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 11:00 AM
gaara by miles. the kage of a village tried to have him assasinated, and naruto was VERRRRRYYY lucky beating him. i doubt anyone could take gaara from what we have seen of the guy.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by: chambers
gaara by miles. the kage of a village tried to have him assasinated, and naruto was VERRRRRYYY lucky beating him. i doubt anyone could take gaara from what we have seen of the guy.

not necessarily... oro murdered him in a hurry... btw, itachi is so far the strongest we've seen

Thu, 09-09-2004, 11:05 AM
oro never encounters gaara

Thu, 09-09-2004, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by: chambers
gaara by miles. the kage of a village tried to have him assasinated, and naruto was VERRRRRYYY lucky beating him. i doubt anyone could take gaara from what we have seen of the guy.

oh my god i wish you never posted.

still its kyuubi and if he doesnt count its itachi.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 11:07 AM
yeah you can wish i never posted if you want but just because iam right doesnt mean i cant post.

i would like to see if gaaras/narutos demon would have any effect on mangekyou sharingan.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 11:22 AM
We haven't seen enough of Itachi to really form an opinion about him.

If Oro still had his arms, I would say him.

And to tell the truth, we really haven't seen too much from Jiraya in a real fight either.

My guess is that it would be a toss up between Jiraiya and Itachi. Hopefully we'll see more from them soon so people don't have to keep relying on their manga knowledge.

As for Gaara, at that point in the series, he was reallly impressive. But after seeing the sannin fight, I don't think he's the strongest. Gamabunta gave him a run for his money. Imagine what Jiraiya and Gama could have done. Or Tsunade with Katsuyu helping. Heck, Manda alone against Gaara would have been a treat to watch.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 11:36 AM
gambunta did NOTHING to gaaras demon (sorry dont know the spelling) he jumped a few times threw a few bubble things at him and then was too tired to carry on!!!

Thu, 09-09-2004, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by: chambers
gambunta did NOTHING to gaaras demon (sorry dont know the spelling) he jumped a few times threw a few bubble things at him and then was too tired to carry on!!!

I think the reason why he got tired so quickly was because he took a DIRECT hit from one of those energy balls from Gaara's demon.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 11:59 AM
ok then fair enough, he took a direct hit, meaning he couldnt dodge it, either way he was still incredibly lame, id like to see how gaaras demon fares against mando

Thu, 09-09-2004, 12:05 PM
You all are morons. Udon is the ultimate strongest.

Oops shit. I shouldn't spoil.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by: Stoopider
You all are morons. Udon is the ultimate strongest.

Oops shit. I shouldn't spoil.

LOL Nah, Tonton will kick Udon's butt any time. That little piggy is a killer ninja in disguise. i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif

With all seriousness, I would say it is a toss up between Itachi and Jiraiya right now. Itachi looks really strong beating up all the Jounins, and we have not really seen Jiraiya at full strength battle yet. Itachi did put caution concerning a potential fight with Jiraiya, so we will not know until they fight.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 01:28 PM
i'd have to say naruto is probably the strongest. remember itachi's conversation with the shark guy? he said the best scenario was that working together they might be able to take him down with them, but never beat him and live

Thu, 09-09-2004, 02:51 PM
Wow looks like I have created a new Udon after all with my Ton Ton post, lol.

Strongest is Kyubi. No question. Then comes Shukaku, then either a sannin or itachi, followed closely by Naruto's yellow frog summon!

Thu, 09-09-2004, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by: chambers
yeah you can wish i never posted if you want but just because iam right doesnt mean i cant post.

i would like to see if gaaras/narutos demon would have any effect on mangekyou sharingan.

You aren't right though.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by: chambers
gambunta did NOTHING to gaaras demon (sorry dont know the spelling) he jumped a few times threw a few bubble things at him and then was too tired to carry on!!!

He cut off that guy's arm i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Thu, 09-09-2004, 09:01 PM
udon?? i have never wanted to give an anime character anything. i want to give him a kleenex!! yah! tonton kicks ass.

High Wind
Thu, 09-09-2004, 09:13 PM
As far as I can tell I think its Itachi

Being able to put enemies into a coma (And most likely even mentally destroy them) with a glance is pretty powerful in my opinion

PS: To the thread starter, I believe Orochimaru killed the 3rd not the 4th i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Thu, 09-09-2004, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by: High Wind
As far as I can tell I think its Itachi

Being able to put enemies into a coma (And most likely even mentally destroy them) with a glance is pretty powerful in my opinion

PS: To the thread starter, I believe Orochimaru killed the 3rd not the 4th

The 3rd kind of killed himself i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

But I think Oro would have gotten him eventually if the 3rd hadn't used that sealing technique. Being able to summon the dead is an awesome ability.

Good thing the 3rd stopped him from summoning the 4th.

Though during that darkness jutsu at the end, Oro could have slipped in another summon (maybe getting Kazekage). That would have been really cool.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 09:30 PM
orochimaru is a pussy.

as for the most powerful one we have encountered, i would say itachi, tsunade and jaraiya and maybe the pussy.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 09:33 PM
no no no no no, the strongest is obviously the leaf squirrel comeon that thing is badass and can easily beat itachi with a swipe of its tail

Thu, 09-09-2004, 09:33 PM
no no no no no, the strongest is obviously the leaf squirrel comeon that thing is badass and can easily beat itachi with a swipe of its tail

Thu, 09-09-2004, 11:15 PM
of cousre itachi well heeven brokes the peverts thing thingie

Thu, 09-09-2004, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by: chambers
gaara by miles. the kage of a village tried to have him assasinated, and naruto was VERRRRRYYY lucky beating him. i doubt anyone could take gaara from what we have seen of the guy.

Obviously you are incorrect. The kage of the village ordered people to have him assasinated, he never did it himself. PLUS sand is a weak village compared to Leafs. Thats why those sand nins he sent for Gaara got owned.

I'm pretty sure Gaara did shit when sound and sand attacked leaf, absolute shit. Gai sensei would have beat the living shit outta him. Any jounins of the leaf could. They would probably kill him before he transforms any further.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 11:27 PM
any of the sannins and itachi could EASILY put gaara to sleep forever and ever if they wanted to before the shukaku awakens. they also could beat gaara's ass even after shukaku is out. i'm also positive that jounins and like kakashi and gai can beat gaara before and after shukaku is awake.

without shukaku (i really don't care about how the name is correctly spelled) awake, gaara is not skilled enough to put up a fight against sannins, itachi, and kakashi/gai. the only ones who would have some trouble beating gaara after shukaku is awake are jounins like kakashi and gai.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 11:39 PM
I don't see why anyone thinks of Jirayia as competition to Itachi. Jirayia was severely outclassed by Orochimaru. Yeah sure, he was poisoned. However, Orochimaru was unable to use any Jutsus (which is obviously his strong side), or his arms for that matter. Orochimaru has also admitted that Itachi currently is stronger than him. Not to mention how easily Itachi defeated Jirayias technique.

There just isn't any competition.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 11:41 PM
He didn't defeat Jiraiya's technique easily dude. He was definitely tired out after that.

Thu, 09-09-2004, 11:51 PM
hmm Id say ATM would be Itachi because of his speed and Sharingan, however Jiraiya seems to have enough power that even itachi fears him. also Orochimaru was facing Jiraiya when he had a very hard time molding chakra as well as a problem with mobility. As for in the series I beleive it will be Naruto because the fact that he can have double chakra, his and then when he runs out of that he uses the Nine-tails.

Uchiha Barles
Fri, 09-10-2004, 12:33 AM
The strongest we've seen so far, are clearly the third, the sannin, and itachi, in no particular order. There is no way Gaara can handle any of them. I'd give him about 20 seconds at best against anyone one of them.

Fri, 09-10-2004, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by: chambers
yeah you can wish i never posted if you want but just because iam right doesnt mean i cant post.

i would like to see if gaaras/narutos demon would have any effect on mangekyou sharingan.

still gaara isnt the strongest a newborn would be able to figure that out with his ass.

Fri, 09-10-2004, 01:04 AM
Seriously doubt Gaara being the strongest either way he did loose to Naruto. I think so far it would be Itachi and I think his mangekyou sharingan would work on Gaara, and it would be easy for him to torture Gaara because all he has to do is make him see his past and pretty sure Itachi would take on Gaara's demon as well, he is extremely fast and all you have to do is hit Gaara to wake him up if that happened.

Fri, 09-10-2004, 07:20 AM
I agree. The Gaara and Shukaku are no match for the Sanin or Itachi. Flip all Itachi needs to do is just look into Shukaku's sicly yellow eyes and torture him to death.

As for Gai and Kakashi, yea they would also have no trouble with Gaara... after all, Gai just smacked aside Gaara's sand with ease when he intervened in the prelim match. As for when Shukaku comes out, I think the only difficulty would be the size of Shukaku, not his strength. I think if Gai or Kakashi could summon a big enough turtle or dog, then Shukaku would go down easy... afterall Naruto took him down with Gamabunta.

Fri, 09-10-2004, 10:40 AM
He was definitely tired out after thatThat wasn't the main reason for his fatigue. The main reason was his repetitive use of Mangekyou earlier, which is apparently a very demanding technique to use.

Fri, 09-10-2004, 02:22 PM
Garra is not the strongest, gai could easily kick his ass.

But as far as we've seen Itachi is the strongest, i'd say oro but since oro said that Itachi can beat him.

Fri, 09-10-2004, 05:41 PM
i don't think itachi is stronger than the sanin since itachi ran away right afther he beat sasuke and being chase by jiraiya.

Fri, 09-10-2004, 06:15 PM
Itachi is the strongest by far the only chars i saw that might be able to fight him is Jiryara/Gai/oro Jiryara can prolly hang with him for a while but eventally itachi will learn new moves gai is just fast as hell and he dont have to use his eyes to fight him but gai wouldnt stand a chance just sayin he is the only one that can fight with him for a while. Oro is strong but he couldnt compete with jiryara/itachi. Naruto will become the strongest by far kyubbi strikes fear in everyones eyes. Naruto soon will be able to do the rasegen with clones that is what i suspect.

Fri, 09-10-2004, 08:12 PM
I am the strongest...

Fri, 09-10-2004, 08:14 PM
*Adds "Gaara is the strongest Naruto character" to chambers' list of brilliant statements alongside "Kakashi knows all jutsus ever"*

HooP MoNsTeR
Fri, 09-10-2004, 08:34 PM
Jiriya or however you spell it is the strongest! cmon now, itachi and shark guy ran from him, and itachi stated in that episode that at best, the result of them fighting would be everyone dieing.. thats a very serious statement coming from one with a reputation of itachi.

Fri, 09-10-2004, 10:23 PM
Choiji is the strongest.. he'll squish your lil' body with his meat tank.

Sat, 09-11-2004, 03:01 PM
Itachi's wimpy, he used up most of his power just to escape Jiraya....he's acting cool to look better than he really is.
the strongest is probably within the sannins. but they were originally a team (healer, technique freak, dropout) it's hard to make one of them the best, assuming oro has normalized arms.
Technique-wise it's Oro&gt;Jira&gt;Tsu (oro knows like everything, tsu is limited to healing)
Strength-wise Tsu&gt;Jira&lt;&gt;Oro
Speed is equal.
Endurance: Oro&gt;Jira&lt;&gt;Tsu (oro was never really bothered by any hits he took except the one that screwed his arms, nor with chakra burn. probably because of his forbidden technique stuff. Jira has his no giving up mood, Tsu is somewhat frail but healing makes up for it.)

Sat, 09-11-2004, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by: Aramis
Itachi's wimpy, he used up most of his power just to escape Jiraya....he's acting cool to look better than he really is.
why do people talk when they have no idea what they're talking about?


blah, i'll explain why you have no idea what you're talking about.

it was absolutely crystal clear why itachi had to retreat. not only did use the mangekyou sharingan, a technique that seems to exhaust the user to the point of retreat, itachi used it a total of three times in a single day. also, itachi and kisame were in no hurry to capture naruto. we don't know the reason but it was pretty obvious that it was not a now or never situation.

Sat, 09-11-2004, 03:19 PM
I highly doubt Gaara could be the strongest, considering Gai was able to jump in and completely wipe out his Desert Coffin attack to save Lee.

Sat, 09-11-2004, 04:10 PM
Gaara is a sissy. All you have to do is punch him when he is in his Shukaku to wake him, then whoop on him. Gai would easily do that. Not to mention the Sannins.

Mon, 09-13-2004, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@

Originally posted by: Aramis
Itachi's wimpy, he used up most of his power just to escape Jiraya....he's acting cool to look better than he really is.
why do people talk when they have no idea what they're talking about?


blah, i'll explain why you have no idea what you're talking about.

it was absolutely crystal clear why itachi had to retreat. not only did use the mangekyou sharingan, a technique that seems to exhaust the user to the point of retreat, itachi used it a total of three times in a single day. also, itachi and kisame were in no hurry to capture naruto. we don't know the reason but it was pretty obvious that it was not a now or never situation.

what was the third time?

other than kakashi and sasuke

Mon, 09-13-2004, 05:04 PM
i think the 3rd time is when he tried to escape and used that black fire technique. i think it was called Amaterasu.

Mon, 09-13-2004, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
*Adds "Gaara is the strongest Naruto character" to chambers' list of brilliant statements alongside "Kakashi knows all jutsus ever"*

lol did he really say that about kakashi? BWHAHAHHAAHAHHAAHAHAHA that guy cracks me up.

i've said it before and ill say it again kyuubi is the strongest, if he doesnt count then itachi is.

Mon, 09-13-2004, 06:06 PM
I have always maintained that Goku be da man.

Mon, 09-13-2004, 09:09 PM
okay, look.

after reading some of the posts, its between gaara, naruto, jiraiya, itachi, and oro
- naruto defeated gaara, and naruto is only a genin (or you could say chuunin). that eliminates gaara as the strongest, because naruto is stronger.
- naruto just barely learned Rasengan. jiraiya and oro can do rasengan without even trying. naruto still has many techniques to learn, so he is NOT the strongest.
-oro might be the strongest, but right now, he has no arms. so we can eliminate him too.
-so its between jiraiya and itachi.

itachi used mangekyou on kakashi in ep 82, and 1 day COULD have passed (maybe, maybe not, its debateable) between ep 82 and 83. which is plenty of time to rest and recuperate. in ep 85 itachi used mangekyou again, on sasuke. then jiraiya came and nearly defeated itachi with that frog stomach technique. itachi and kisame were running like hell to escape from the walls... and they would have been defeated if itachi did not use the black fire technique (amaterasu) to escape.

i dont think we can tell whether jiraiya or itachi is stronger. we'll just have to watch and see. i think tsunade would be right behind them though.

Mon, 09-13-2004, 09:57 PM
Gamabunta with kagebunshins.

Mon, 09-13-2004, 11:07 PM
he got the third not the 4th. The fourth woulda kicked his ass.

HooP MoNsTeR
Mon, 09-13-2004, 11:57 PM
onii you forgot .. Kakashi is completely eliminated, because according to jiraiya Kakashi is same skill as Kabuto, Naruto being an official genin, owned Kabuto... And... I thought the only people who can do rasengan that are alive is naruto and jiraiya. Oro cant do it with ease, he has no chance at all, he has no use of his arms... and even so the 4th would of stomped oro and it took him like what? 4 years to master it? I think it would take oro a long time, naruto did it in a week because he always has something to fight for, to sacrifise everything, oro does not.

Tue, 09-14-2004, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by: HooP MoNsTeR
onii you forgot .. Kakashi is completely eliminated, because according to jiraiya Kakashi is same skill as Kabuto, Naruto being an official genin, owned Kabuto... And... I thought the only people who can do rasengan that are alive is naruto and jiraiya. Oro cant do it with ease, he has no chance at all, he has no use of his arms... and even so the 4th would of stomped oro and it took him like what? 4 years to master it? I think it would take oro a long time, naruto did it in a week because he always has something to fight for, to sacrifise everything, oro does not.

Everyone is eliminated because Hokages are the best, if you want to use elimination method.

I'm telling you its Gamabunta with kagebunshins.

Hinata <3
Tue, 09-14-2004, 02:45 AM
Hinata is sthe strongest end of story i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Tue, 09-14-2004, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by: HooP MoNsTeR
onii you forgot .. Kakashi is completely eliminated, because according to jiraiya Kakashi is same skill as Kabuto, Naruto being an official genin, owned Kabuto... And... I thought the only people who can do rasengan that are alive is naruto and jiraiya. Oro cant do it with ease, he has no chance at all, he has no use of his arms... and even so the 4th would of stomped oro and it took him like what? 4 years to master it? I think it would take oro a long time, naruto did it in a week because he always has something to fight for, to sacrifise everything, oro does not.

Naruto did NOT own Kabuto in that fight. In fact, he lost that fight. Kabuto was the last man standing, thus making him the winner. Sorry to burst your bubble, buddy.

Anybody that thinks Naruto is the strongest now, or even closest to, is just a fucking idiot. He's not even in the top ten, letalone being the strongest.

Anyways.. Itachi is strongest now, without a doubt. He broke through Jiraiya's jutsu (being exhausted, after using the Mangekyou Sharingan twice in one day - which Kisame warned him about). If he wanted he, could beat Jiraiya. If Jiraiya could barely handle a man w/out arms, he's fucked against a guy like Itachi who can fuck you up by just looking at you.

Top five off the top of my head. (ATM)

1. Woman Naruto henges into for his sexy no jutsu
2. Itachi
3. Jiraiya
4. Tsunade
5. Oro (w/out the arms)

Tue, 09-14-2004, 10:40 AM
Didnt they say in one of the episodes theat the third had been the strongest hokage so far

Tue, 09-14-2004, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by: Hotsuma

Anyways.. Itachi is strongest now, without a doubt. He broke through Jiraiya's jutsu (being exhausted, after using the Mangekyou Sharingan twice in one day - which Kisame warned him about). If he wanted he, could beat Jiraiya. If Jiraiya could barely handle a man w/out arms, he's fucked against a guy like Itachi who can fuck you up by just looking at you.

Top five off the top of my head. (ATM)

1. Woman Naruto henges into for his sexy no jutsu
2. Itachi
3. Jiraiya
4. Tsunade
5. Oro (w/out the arms)

No... Jiraiya was drugged against Oro, Itachi was exhausted after busting out of Jiraiya's jutsu... Anyway, even if Itachi wasn't exhausted it wasn't if that was all Jiraiya could do... also, he didn't if look as if though he broke a sweat doing what he did.

Tue, 09-14-2004, 10:54 AM
yea jiraiya was still drugged and still he could do badass stuff like summon gama bunta. but i still think itachi is just a little bit stronger.

Tue, 09-14-2004, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter

Originally posted by: Hotsuma

Anyways.. Itachi is strongest now, without a doubt. He broke through Jiraiya's jutsu (being exhausted, after using the Mangekyou Sharingan twice in one day - which Kisame warned him about). If he wanted he, could beat Jiraiya. If Jiraiya could barely handle a man w/out arms, he's fucked against a guy like Itachi who can fuck you up by just looking at you.

Top five off the top of my head. (ATM)

1. Woman Naruto henges into for his sexy no jutsu
2. Itachi
3. Jiraiya
4. Tsunade
5. Oro (w/out the arms)

No... Jiraiya was drugged against Oro, Itachi was exhausted after busting out of Jiraiya's jutsu... Anyway, even if Itachi wasn't exhausted it wasn't if that was all Jiraiya could do... also, he didn't if look as if though he broke a sweat doing what he did.

I explained why Itachi was tired. It was because of the consecutive Mangekyou Sharingan usages. If you wanna compare what's been done so far, Itachi still has the upper hand. As of now, all he's done was just stare people down, and STILL fuck em up. We haven't even seen him try to perform seals or jutsus.

Tue, 09-14-2004, 11:15 AM
mkaes you wonder just how incredibly strong the 4th was, i mean the 3rd an oro had a pretty close fight, and the 3rd retired his position to the 4th like what atleat ten years earlier? so as strong as the 3rd was ten years ago the 4th surpassed him, be it due to an incredble power of his own or a deteriorating power of the 3rd.

Tue, 09-14-2004, 11:22 AM
The third was probably still pretty old when the Fourth was nominated as Hokage. But I can imagine him (the Third) being stronger than the fourth, when he was at his prime. The god of Shinobi. That's a hella big title.

Tue, 09-14-2004, 06:47 PM
Hotsuma I appreciate your argument on why Itachi was tired... but I'm just saying that even if Itachi wasn't tired it wasn't as if though Jiraiya was tired after doing that summon of the frog's throat. They could have continued fighting.

As for Itachi not performing seals to do a Jutsu, and on that basis saying that he has stronger seal sequence Jutsu stored up is not quite correct... the Rasengan does not involve seals yet that does seem to be a very powerful Jutsu. It could be that the Jutsu's he has used are his strongest, regardless of whether he makes seals for them or not.

I think it's safe to say that a fight between Itachi and Jiraiya is a mouth watering prospect to look forward too, one where they fight properly.

Whether or not Jiraiya is stronger than Itachi or not, it does seem though that Itachi can only get stronger, since he is quite young, and Jiraiya will get weaker, since he is already in his fifties and already probably past his peak.

Also, despite the third being known as the strongest ninja of his time, that doesn't necessarily mean that he is the strongest of all time. Nidaime and Shodaime were also known to be the best of their time. Yondaime it seems died probably before he got to the peak of his powers, since I guess that would be around 40 years old. It would be interesting to see a match up between all the Hokage's, the Sanin and Itachi when they were/are at their peak.

On a seperate note... do any of you guys think that Kakashi will ever become strong enough to take the title of Hokage? He is probably the best Jounin around in Konoha, with the exception of Gai who may be as good as him... but he is still pretty far off from Hokage level right now.

Tue, 09-14-2004, 11:07 PM
only if kakashi stops reading those echi novels i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
judging by the way he's portrayed as a genius ninja, i don't see why he wouldn't have the potential.

Tue, 09-14-2004, 11:15 PM
I seem to recall an episode where Iruka was lecturing his class (Konohamaru and his cohorts) outdoors, when Iruka points out that the third hokage was the greatest of all. At that point, the third shows up and says "was?"

Tue, 09-14-2004, 11:30 PM
Gai sensei is the strongest.

Tue, 09-14-2004, 11:39 PM
you don't need to not be a perv to be hokage ....

hell, Jiraiya (a hokage candidate) WRITES those novels.

As far as strengths go, it's definitely still up in the air, and definitely rock-paper-scissors. As was said, luck is part of your skill as a ninja. It was lucky for kabuto he anticipated and started to heal before Rasengan even hit him -- because otherwise he would have died. It was lucky for Naruto to have tsunade standing by to heal him, or he would have also died. It was lucky for Oro that Tsunade's body hit its limits (after being multiply stabbed, slashed, impaled in various ways, and knocked around the place).

We haven't seen Jiraiya truly "tested" yet ... we haven't seen his REAL limits. We've seen his limits on chakra-inhibiting poison. We've seen Oro at his peak. We've seen the "ultimate techniques" of the first and second hokages (in the fight with the third).

The first and second weren't definitely stronger than the third, and were probably somewhat weaker. They had BIG trump card techniques, but the third could beat those. Then, we don't know if they would be fighting at their full peak potential, since they're reanimated and not in full control of their faculties.

Oro probably won against the Third because he has no ethical limitations. He pulled out SEVERAL forbidden things in that fight (sacrifices required to reanimate those two hokages, sacrifices required to have his shiny new body which he showed off ... probably sacrifices or at least a lot of killing required to even have the Kusanagi sword).

Yeah, Itachi used mangekyo sharingan twice in one day. Maybe three times (if you count the woman he was controlling to distract jira). Yeah, he was forced to pull off Ameratasu. Yeah, he did so. Jiraiya wasn't expecting a technique powerful enough to burn a rock frog's fireproof esophagus ... we don't know what effects it might have had if it had hit him instead.

Gaara is definitely strong, but inconsistently so. Note that he was easily the match for Jounins in the village of sand, but .... Gai could call off his attack. But could Gai have hurt him? How about hurt him and left unharmed? I don't think we've seen evidence that either Gai or Kakashi has the ability to summon something so huge that it could compete with Shukaku -- kakashi barely had the chakra lying around to match a couple techniques and use sharingan and dog summons to beat zabuza, how could he have the mountains of chakra that Naruto's kyuubi-pool offers?

I don't think anyone's out of reach of anyone else at this point. Maybe out of reach for a couple years ... but not uncatchably so.

I would have to say for simple lack of insight and lack of speed, Naruto is weaker than the "ordinary" class of jounins though. I think we'll see some sort of demonstration of that in 101, judging by the preview (though kakashi is probably not quite the "normal" jounin).

If there's a single "strongest" around right now (outside of summon masters and demons), I'd have to say it's Jiraiya. He's got the extensive knowledge of techniques, fundamental understanding, raw power, speed, and great insight in general. Next would be Itachi -- for sheer immediate destructive power. Third is Orochimaru -- because he's deadly, but can't use techniques without Kabuto's help (due to the arms not exactly being functional). I think that if Orochimaru had a good counter for Itachi's jutsu speed and mangekyo sharingan he'd be stronger (he obviously has more endurance and better defenses). Tsunade's strong, but she's mainly a good healer, and that's where her jutsu prowess focuses. Fifth, I'd say Kabuto, Gai, Kakashi are tied. Below them the other jounins (Asuma, Kurenai, and the lot of them) and below that the kids (Naruto, Sasuke, Neji, Lee when he's healed).

Of course, all of that is subject to changes. Remember that this isn't exactly a "snapshot" anime .... time passes, people grow. And of course, its' all at the mangaka's discretion anyway. The only "absolute" way to find out "for sure" would be to ask him directly.

Wed, 09-15-2004, 12:12 AM
the kabuto thing...that wasn't luck. kabuto was prepared. yah i thought he was lucky, but he saw it coming.

yah, i agree that we probably didn't see the 1st and 2nd hokage fight at full potential.

that woman didn't count as the 3rd time itachi used mangekyou, i don't think. it's 3 times including the amateratsu.

ur right that kakashi nor gai probably don't have something against shukaku but u never seen them fight so there's no evidence that they can't beat gaara. they r jounins for a reason.

wouldn't it be great if everybody had a counter for the mangekyou? but nobody does...so far thus making itachi really really strong. itachi has great endurance too. and i don't see the defense of Oro, unless i missed something. but ur right that we hadn't seen enough of jiraiya fighting to determine if he or itachi is stronger. jiraiya is older and knows a lot. but itachi was anbu leader...what age was it? 13 or something.

Wed, 09-15-2004, 12:21 AM
Kakashi and Gai could beat (kill) Gaara before he got into Shukaku mode. Lee, Sasuke and Naruto weren't able to, because they weren't skilled enough. But Gai is as fast, if not faster than Lee and obviously packs a bigger punch. Plus, he can -probably- make use of gates better than Lee can.

Kakashi can pierce through with his Chidori, or maybe genjutsu him w/his Sharingan.

Anyway, good analysis on characters, complich. Though I still think Itachi has an upper hand as a ninja, over Jiraiya, simply because he's far more cunning and crafty than Jiraiya can, in addition to Jiraiya's weaknesses.

Wed, 09-15-2004, 12:40 AM
one big thing i've never really stressed was jiraiya's age compared to itachi's. the sannin are just getting too old. age obviously is a factor in a fight between a young fighter and an old fighter. we saw an example of this during the hokage vs orochimaru fight. it's just logical that jiraiya would be fatigued much earlier than itachi in a fight.

Evil Eyes
Wed, 09-15-2004, 07:24 AM
I think the strongest alive ninjas we have now in Naruto are:
Itachi, Jiraiya, &amp; Tsunade
Then followed by armless Oro.
Since we haven't seen the full strength of Itachi, Jiraiya, &amp; Tsunade, I'll consider them equal for now.
Itachi didn't show much, but from the little we saw I think he's just incredible.
Jiraiya was drugged when he faced Oro, so we can't really judge him.
Tsunade used an extremely huge amount of chakra (Healing herself, healing Naruto, getting fatal wounds from Oro, and then using her seal which requires tons of chakra) before she fought seriously, so I doubt that she showed everything she got during the fight. Plus her physical strength is just insane.

Anyway, the 3rd in his prime&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;all

Wed, 09-15-2004, 02:05 PM
using the genesis regeneration doesn't really use the chakra in the caster's body.. it uses the chakra from that point on her forehead where she had been gathering it for a lot of time. she seems to have some technique with which she can store some of her chakra every day to be used for the regeneration technique when in dire need. the weakness is that it regenerates you by basically aging you faster, and thus reducing life span.
so she used some heavy duty healing a couple times, and summoned the slug queen. that doesnt use incredible amounts of chakra...

Evil Eyes
Wed, 09-15-2004, 05:33 PM
She said that healing consumes too much chakra before she healed herself. I bet she used a huge amount when she healed Naruto since his injury was said to be impossible to cure.

Anyway, we still don't know who's the strongest, but for now I'll stick to:
Itachi = Jiraiya= Tsunade&gt;armless Oro&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;Kakashi=Kabuto=Gai

Wed, 09-15-2004, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by: Evil Eyes
Itachi didn't show much, but from the little we saw I think he's just incredible.
i think he did. i can't think what else is stronger that itachi has other than mangekyou.

Wed, 09-15-2004, 06:23 PM
i think itachi is prolly the strongest with jiriyai as a close second and maby tsunade or oro if/when he gets his arms healed shes not a hokage for nothing and.... gaara is obviosly not the strongest whoever suggested that and id have to say kakashi is stronger then gai but gai would make a better hokage do to his determination and what not kakashi comes off as to lazy for the job to me although hes a better overall ninja but yeah to answer the question id say itachi is the strongest at the moment

Thu, 09-16-2004, 08:05 PM
village maid #72...she owns all...lol

Thu, 09-16-2004, 08:24 PM
I think Jairaiya is the strongest. Itachi second. During the lil hallway moment when Itachi meets Jairaiya and he does the frog stomach jutsu. Yes Itachi busted out of it but what condition was he in after busting out? he seemed weak since the shark dude had to hold him while making an escape. Plus Jairaiya was drugged during that big fight with Oro so we dunno his full potential.

Then again, the 5th Hokage could be the strongest also to have the dern title in the first place. She might possible have the largest amount of Chakra then anyone else in the series so far since healing herself consumes alot and yet she's still punching holes in the ground like nothing after. Oro and Gaara I think are in 2nd place with the most chakra since the 3rd Hokage is dead and he pulled out powerful jutsus against Oro like it was nothing.

Thu, 09-16-2004, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by: Konohamaru
I think Jairaiya is the strongest. Itachi second. During the lil hallway moment when Itachi meets Jairaiya and he does the frog stomach jutsu. Yes Itachi busted out of it but what condition was he in after busting out?
omg... that's because itachi used the mangekyou sharingan three times in one day... pay attention.

Thu, 09-16-2004, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by: Konohamaru
Then again, the 5th Hokage could be the strongest also to have the dern title in the first place. She might possible have the largest amount of Chakra then anyone else in the series so far since healing herself consumes alot and yet she's still punching holes in the ground like nothing after. Oro and Gaara I think are in 2nd place with the most chakra since the 3rd Hokage is dead and he pulled out powerful jutsus against Oro like it was nothing.

tsunade was second choice. jiraiya was first choice. so i don't think she's the strongest. they say hokage is the strongest in the village, but i think it's more like who's best fit to protect to village.

Evil Eyes
Fri, 09-17-2004, 04:52 AM
I think they didn't consider Tsunade at first because they didn't know where she was. Remember that she left the village a very long time ago and quit being a ninja.
It happened that Jiraiya was in the village during the incident so the elders of the village chose him. When Jiraiya mentioned Tsunade they immediatly agreed on her if he could find her.
I'm not saying that she's stronger than Jiraiya. We also can't say that he's stronger than her. We'll have to wait and see.

Sat, 09-18-2004, 12:11 PM
the Fourth.

Sat, 09-18-2004, 12:20 PM
Obviously the strongest is not itachi......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sun, 09-19-2004, 05:10 AM
Obviously the strongest is Vegeta. I mean... he can turn SUPER-saiyan.

..oh wait..

Board of Command
Sun, 09-19-2004, 12:59 PM
...and his John turns SUPER-small because all his blood rushes to the veins on his forehead.

Sun, 09-19-2004, 05:15 PM
What about the time when Naruto got all berserk when he was fighting Haku and he thought Sasuke was dead

Sun, 09-19-2004, 09:58 PM

Mr. Z
Sun, 09-19-2004, 10:14 PM
Strongest Hmmm Gots To Be The 4th heheheh umm ok the Strongest Person that still lives hard choice I say Itachi or One of The 3 Sannins

Thu, 09-23-2004, 09:09 PM
the strongest had to be the third hokage...yea he may be dead but so far he show the best move on all the episodes so-far and let's not forgot that he also fight the 2 previous hokages till he worn out. Since he a old man but i bet he was pretty tough when he was young and also the master of all the sanins.

Sat, 09-25-2004, 07:09 PM
hmm... let see the strongest... it is really hard to tell.. cause it really based on your will...

i do not really think itachi and oro have anything to fight for except for themself... (especially for oro)

and jiraiya seems just to lazy.... hmm.. i think 3rd or 4th in prime would be pretty strong.. they got strong will(willing to sacrifice)

but who knows... there is just no answer to this one

Sun, 09-26-2004, 02:33 PM
I am pretty sure Kakashi can own armless Oro.
Oro has no jutsus, what the hell is he going to do.

Mon, 09-27-2004, 08:06 PM
ton tonton is the strongest of them all!

Mon, 09-27-2004, 11:33 PM
No, It's Edward Elric, hes the strongest.

Mon, 09-27-2004, 11:40 PM
say what? did i miss something? for a moment i thought i was in the fma section.

NO! naruto is!! before ed can put his hands together, naruto would have already hit him!!

Mon, 09-27-2004, 11:53 PM
then u could say that b4 anyone could do handseals rock lee would pown them, then i guess rock lee is jounin level. NO YOU CAN"T put it in SPeed beats everything, does not work.

edward can transmute his chakra into shit. =P

Tue, 09-28-2004, 12:09 AM
naruto will use sheer force to break through ed's transmutation.

Tue, 09-28-2004, 06:00 AM
who is this edward elric?
where does he appear?

Tue, 09-28-2004, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by: shinichi69
who is this edward elric?
where does he appear?

Edward Elric is the fella in my sig. He's the main character of Full Metal Alchemist/Hagane no Renkinjutsushi. It's definitely worth your effort to watch.

41 posts in one day, shinichi? Busy busy.

Tue, 09-28-2004, 09:51 AM
^^^^lmao was thinking the same thing.
back on topic since i came late, strongest i know of is the 4th, 3rd, then jiraiya, then itachi, oro, tsunade.
@ itachi fanboys that are gonna try to flame: i dont think jiraiya is stronger then itachi, but i think he has techiniques that can defeat itachi, which is why itachi is hesitant to fight him.

Tue, 09-28-2004, 10:31 AM
man, reading through this thread made me realise that a lot of people seem to be under the impression that just because u beat someone instantly means that you're on a higher level.
naruto is NOT stronger than kabuto.. kabuto got hit by the rasengan coz he was doing his cell regeneration dooby.
neways, itachi and the sannin appear to be the strongest.
jiraiya is pretty strong regardless of how perverted he is. tsunade knows how to heal people.. but that also means she knows what causes people to be in need of healing as well.. so that's quite an attribute. plus her friggin strength where she can like... punch a crater in one hit. far out. and oro.. even without arms he's scary as crap.

Tue, 09-28-2004, 12:34 PM
Yeah, the naruto vs kabuto shouldn't be accounted. there just had to be a display of rasengan, and kabuto happened to be the nearest bad guy. and by the way, kabuto still won the fight.
can't say he sucks because of taking that hit....it'd be like saying you suck for getting struck by lightning.

Tue, 09-28-2004, 02:11 PM
The 3rd took out 2 hokages and almost defeated a sennin. If that isnt proof that he is (was, whatever) the strongest ninja shown to us, then I dont know what is. And the fact that he did that well past his peak is even more showing of superiority.

There could be stronger ninjas, (imo if not him then jiraiya or itachi) but none have displayed, in battle, strength comparable to the 3rd's.