View Full Version : Uzumaki Naruto # 1's pattern tutorial

Wed, 09-08-2004, 08:36 AM
Pattern Tutorial

In this tutorial youll learn how to make patterns  grinds, scanlines, dots and more
Patterns are nice in backgrounds.

Like this:

Making patterns is easy, youll be a pro pattern maker after the tutorial i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

1. Open one of your favourite image, not to big.

2. Make a new file, 5pixel x 5pixel. Delete the content.

3. Zoom in to 1600%. Selected the brush tool, size 1 pixel


4. Now youre going to draw the pattern. Make it so it looks like this:


5. Go to Edit>Define Pattern. Call it grinds or whatever you like.

6. Go back to your original picture. Select the marker tool. Make a new layer.


7. Right-click on the new layer, a menu will pop up, press select all

8. Do it again, but press fill instead. A new menu will pop up. On use, select pattern. Now select your
custom pattern. Set the blending option as you like or use mine


9. Now youve made a grind pattern. This is how mine turned out.


10. Congratulations youve mastered the art of patterning.

How to make other patterns
Same as above but just make draw it different.
Here are some other patterns

The possibilities are unlimited. Graphicial patterns work too.

Tips: You can colorize your grind by pressing ctrl+u. Check colorize, and pick the color you want.

You can apply patterns just were you want, just select the part where you want it and apply it.

Good luck and I hope that my tutorial helped.

Wed, 09-08-2004, 12:20 PM
oh nice, ill try this out. thanks for the tutorial man i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

EDIT: okay i successfully made a grind now, ill make a sig with it and post in the sig thread.

Wed, 09-08-2004, 03:00 PM
another cool thing to do with your pattern overlays is to set them into overlay mode or soft light mode it adds a cool subtle effect to your images, it blends with the colors yet is still visible.

Wed, 09-08-2004, 03:37 PM
Yeah just like your sig i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Maybe I'll add more stuff.

Wed, 09-08-2004, 07:00 PM
Sweet, another cool new tutorial to practice. Thanks alot Uzumaki Naruto #1, I'm definetly gonna give this a whirl soon!

Fri, 09-17-2004, 06:45 AM
nice tutorial, pattern overlays look good when used correctly and are easy to create