View Full Version : PSP
Mon, 09-06-2004, 10:28 PM
My friend told me about playstation making a portable version called the PSP.
I have heard it will blow the GBA out of the water, but there is one thing I am
not too sure on. What is the price of this thing?? Some speculate that it will be $450,
which is ridiculously high for a handheld game console. A friend says that his buddy who works
at GameStop has told him it is "under $200". This thing looks very nice and I am
tempted to pick it up if it's under 200 but at 450 there is no way I'd buy it!
Anyone have any good info on this??
Mon, 09-06-2004, 10:49 PM
I don't think there is any official information on the price yet. Anyways, I doubt it would be $450.00.
That's more than the PS2 when it was brand new.
Mon, 09-06-2004, 11:03 PM
The DS will be superior IMHO. Sure, the PSP can play movies, but who wants to sit there for two hours holding a handheld to watch? Sounds pretty uncomfortable to me. Nah, we need new innovation rather than just better graphics. That's where Nintendo steps in.
Mon, 09-06-2004, 11:13 PM
what are you talking about???? better graphics always come first. that's why there's a war between nvidia and ati when it come to graphic cards.
Mon, 09-06-2004, 11:25 PM
I got the other PSP... Pocketstation... sadly it was never released to america... so i got import... lol its really boring... i wonder will psp be the same
Tue, 09-07-2004, 05:03 AM
CmDr is write DS will kick it's ass.
Tue, 09-07-2004, 06:42 AM
you shouldn't underestimate sony. They proved it to us before with the first playstation. The video games market used to belong to sega and nintendo before, and then sony came and overtook everything. Sega doesn't make anymore console, neither is nintendo. The only thing nintendo is making is the GBA, and now the DS. I saw some of the games they got for the PSP and I was really surprised, I'm talking about a portable system that can play games with graphics almost as good as the PS2.
Tue, 09-07-2004, 06:49 AM
the ds will be about as succesfull as the virtual boy. how can it be succesfull, even nintendo seems to be stumped as to how to use the two screens in an innovative style, they seem content to use it for maps and such.
Tue, 09-07-2004, 06:56 AM
psp will be better than the ds, i mean with nintendo youll jus be playing the same games theyve been making for 20 years, i think nintendo is more for little kids, and sony more for young adults. i dont think we would see gta on the ds i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Swallow Your Soul
Tue, 09-07-2004, 06:15 PM
I read somewhere that battery life would be a pretty big problem for the PSP...personally I'm not really bothered either way, I doubt I'll get either but the DS sounds more interesting to me personally, but if I bought it it'd hardly get played (pretty much all I use my GBA SP for is to (very rarely) play mario kart and the original GB Tetris i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif). Watching films seems like a pretty pointless idea really, I'm not sure but the PSP uses these specialised small discs don't they? So you'd be paying for a film that you can only watch on a tiny screen.
Tue, 09-07-2004, 06:26 PM
i do think the DS will fail misrebaly but should they launch with a new pokemon game, then they could have a chance!
Tue, 09-07-2004, 07:52 PM
that will launch a new pokemon game there is no end to it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhh...
Tue, 09-07-2004, 08:38 PM
If they did that, then no one will buy it Mario is a good choice b/c everyone loves mario, and besides all the other stuff you can do with it is already drawing attention, so out of the two DS rules
Tue, 09-07-2004, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by: oceen246
you shouldn't underestimate sony. They proved it to us before with the first playstation. The video games market used to belong to sega and nintendo before, and then sony came and overtook everything. Sega doesn't make anymore console, neither is nintendo. The only thing nintendo is making is the GBA, and now the DS. I saw some of the games they got for the PSP and I was really surprised, I'm talking about a portable system that can play games with graphics almost as good as the PS2.
Nintendo are about to officially announce their next major console, apparently it will have something that none of the others have, something special we don't know about. Haven't you heard about this? Where did you get "not making consoles anymore" from?
And sure, the PS1 was popular, but what did it really do that well apart from a great marketing scheme? If you look at the console itself it wasn't THAT great or innovative. The PSP is the same. I'm not denying that it will do well, because I know that Sony will market it beyond belief, and we all know that people are generally suckers for what's shoved in their faces. Nintendo seem to suck at marketing for some reason, but I still believe that the actual DS is potentially superior to the PSP if you take them both and put them side by side. Each will have their fanbase, but to say that the DS will "fail miserably" is rubbish.
Tue, 09-07-2004, 11:48 PM
I heard the gamecube was supposed to be the last console from nintendo, and they were going to start making games only just like sega, I won't deny that I might be wrong.
now by talking about marketing scheme, come on, the playstation had the best game ever when it came out, the nintendo 64 only had kids games that couldn't compare to the superior graphic of the PS, the only one that could actually compete was the dreamcast because it had the best sports game. but sports are not the only games people want.
the playstation was just incomparable with other systems. most people who agree with me that even now, noone would trade a PS for a DC or a N64. Now, the second generation came out, and sega is out of the game, and GC is barely making it. The only ones left are PS2 and Xbox.
I didn't say the DS is going to fail, but I don't think it will be able to beat the PSP. 99% of nintento games are for kids, and the PSP is aiming to an older generation with games like metal geal solid. I never underestimated nintendo as myself own a GBA SP, but right now, sony is stepping up to a higher level that most of us were waiting for.
Wed, 09-08-2004, 12:38 AM
i thought that n64 had better graphics than playstation, since n64's had 64 bits of memory and playstation had only 32 or something. and plus, n64's had those graphic enhancing thingys that you needed for games like donkey kong 64 and perfect dark. am i right?
Wed, 09-08-2004, 12:50 AM
N64 was supposed to have better graphics than the PS, but as everybody can see, nintendo couldn't take advantages of it
Wed, 09-08-2004, 01:26 AM
I remember someone telling me there's supposed to be a Naruto game being made for the DS, so just for that my interest more towards DS than PSP at the moment
Wed, 09-08-2004, 02:13 AM
My take is that they should be taken on different levels.
PSP is posing to be the "next walkman".
It'll play movies, games, AND brush your teeth*!
The DS, however, is a new way for games to be made with its two screens and wireless play.
Sounds like both will focus on different markets while the SP stays on a whole other level still crankin out awesome games.
Just my two cents on it.
*may not brush your teeth
Wed, 09-08-2004, 02:20 AM
I will buy PSP for sure cause i like the game that will come to it. Like Metal Gear,DMC,PES etc.
Im pretty sure that sony will dominate over nintendo like that they do now even with PSP. Nintendo is nothing nowdays they just make bad copies of games that was good 20 years...
Swallow Your Soul
Wed, 09-08-2004, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by: oceen246
N64 was supposed to have better graphics than the PS, but as everybody can see, nintendo couldn't take advantages of it
From what I read/heard etc, N64 was too difficult to develop games for the third party games makers because it was too advanced for the market at the time. It apparently took much more time, labour and money for many developers to put a game on the N64, especially if it was a multiplatform game (while it was apparently much easier with the Saturn and the PS1). Hence why most of the only decent games on N64 were made by Nintendo (or Rare etc)..
I think it'd suck if (as a lot of people have been saying it will for a while) Nintendo died out, as someone else pointed Nintendo come up with some of the best new features which other companies such as Sony then take advantage of (thumbsticks, vibrating pads etc). I like Nintendo but while they have some consistently good games (mostly made by Nintendo themselves...the Karts and Golfs etc) they don't have anything to match the best of the Playstation (at least for games like FF, .hack etc which is a lot of the stuff I play).
Thu, 09-09-2004, 10:50 AM
what the hell are you talking about you idiot?!
the PS, like the ps2 didnt have a single good game upon release. the grapchis on the N64 KILLED the ps dead, mario 64 the first game for the system floors EVERYTHING that the psone ever did. sure some games looked dodgy and in the early games there was fog in most, but by the end games like banjo kazooie just pissed all over spyro an other such shit.
i wont deny that on a whole the ps was a better system due to mroe games higher sales and a TON of RPGS, but the 64 had better graphics by a country mile.
Thu, 09-09-2004, 11:13 AM
It will be INCREDIBLY hard for sony to "dominate over" nintendo in the handheld market (please don't think I'm a nintendo fanboy or anything, I own a PS2 after all) simply because nintendo literally owns the handheld market. Remember, back when only the orgingal gameboy was out, it was competing with the Lynx and Sega's Gamegear, both clearly technically better systems. However nintedo kept its crown simply because it knows how to do handhelds. I have read that Sony's PSP will have the ability to play movies, music and psp games. However, i have also read that it will have from 2.5-10 hours of battery life (10 for mp3 playback, 2.5-3 for intense gaming). If the battery only lasts for 2.5-3 hours, that is a serious problem. Also, the DS will be backwards compatible. I think that if developers can figure out how to make great games incorporating the two screens, touchscreen, WiFi, and bluetooth in DS, it will be easily be the better sy stem. At worst, you'll have a system with great new games from nintendo, and the entire GBA library (which everybody knows is great). Also, I think many developers trust more nintendo in the handheld market.
NOW, as to the N64 argument, the nintendo 64 graphics greatly surpassed those of the PsOne. Think about the great games that came out with the N64: Mario 64, Starfox, Smash Bros.,etc. The main problem with the N64 was that nintendo decided to use carts instead of CDs, which cost less and allow for better sound, and movies (this is why Square and many of the other RPG makers went to the Sony. I really can't see nintendo leaving the console scene anytime soon. In fact, I think their next console is really going to be sometehing special...
EDIT: oooh 69 posts hahaha
Tofu #2
Thu, 09-09-2004, 05:05 PM
id rather buy a ds as i cant trust sony in the handheld department yet.
Swallow Your Soul
Thu, 09-09-2004, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by: chambers
what the hell are you talking about you idiot?!
the PS, like the ps2 didnt have a single good game upon release. the grapchis on the N64 KILLED the ps dead, mario 64 the first game for the system floors EVERYTHING that the psone ever did. sure some games looked dodgy and in the early games there was fog in most, but by the end games like banjo kazooie just pissed all over spyro an other such shit.
i wont deny that on a whole the ps was a better system due to mroe games higher sales and a TON of RPGS, but the 64 had better graphics by a country mile.
Um...exactly what point that I made are you disputing? I'm assuming you were referring to me. I never said the graphics on the ps were better than the N64, I said myself that N64 was miles more advanced than the rest of the market didn't I?
Did you actually read my post? The worst I said in the whole post was that the vast majority of Nintendos really good games are made by Nintendo (many of which on the Gamecube are very similar to the ones on the N64).
Thu, 09-09-2004, 09:46 PM
Sun, 09-12-2004, 03:20 AM
Yes its that good
Sun, 09-12-2004, 04:05 AM
We all know that when it comes to hand held systems Nintendo rules that land with a mighty fist and rightfully so, but the PSP might shake the up some needed competiton cuz god know the half assed wireless sytem ain't going to do it. The dual screen system is pretty cool and does bring a new kind of dimention to the play of game and I can't wait. But the PSP might surprise us all and be the next big thing in hand held that out preforms nintendo (Short of battery life i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif )
Wed, 09-15-2004, 04:46 AM
I think that the reason nintendo has dominated the handlet market so far was cause sony wasnt in it.
Just look at the consol market who is smartet sony or nintendo? Gamecube died just after it realese PSone sells more than it for god sake. I think sony will dominate over nintendo with PSP cause all the ps2 owners will buy it since there favorit games will also come to PSP and we all know how many people that have ps2i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Wed, 09-15-2004, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by: oceen246
you shouldn't underestimate sony. They proved it to us before with the first playstation. The video games market used to belong to sega and nintendo before, and then sony came and overtook everything. Sega doesn't make anymore console, neither is nintendo. The only thing nintendo is making is the GBA, and now the DS. I saw some of the games they got for the PSP and I was really surprised, I'm talking about a portable system that can play games with graphics almost as good as the PS2.
then what the hell is the gamecube?
Thu, 09-16-2004, 12:12 AM
I read that the PSP will have an internal wireless sytem so you can play with other PSP players in the area. weather or not it can acess the inter net is still to be determend.
Thu, 09-16-2004, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by: KaneInferno
Originally posted by: oceen246
you shouldn't underestimate sony. They proved it to us before with the first playstation. The video games market used to belong to sega and nintendo before, and then sony came and overtook everything. Sega doesn't make anymore console, neither is nintendo. The only thing nintendo is making is the GBA, and now the DS. I saw some of the games they got for the PSP and I was really surprised, I'm talking about a portable system that can play games with graphics almost as good as the PS2.
then what the hell is the gamecube?
if you read my earlier post, you will see I mentioned that the GC is supposed to be nintendo last console. I might be wrong and they might be working on something incredible right now, but so far, nothing except the DS. Sony is coming out with the PSP and the PS3, and microsoft is coming out with the Xbox-2.
Elite Hentai
Thu, 09-16-2004, 10:59 AM
The Gamecube isn't nintendo's last console, and the DS isn't the successor of the GBA. It will be a new franchise.
This link proves my statements are correct.
Thu, 09-16-2004, 08:16 PM
i dont think nintendo will ever go away...too large of a fanbase, too many good franchises, and it completely owns the handheld market...true the psp isnt out yet, but nintendo is a company that most third party developers trust to get their games done well for a handheld system.
Thu, 09-16-2004, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by: Elite Hentai
The Gamecube isn't nintendo's last console, and the DS isn't the successor of the GBA. It will be a new franchise.
This link proves my statements are correct.
they don't talk about the GC not being the last console for nintendo, all they say is they got a successor for the GBA. But I still don't see your point, unless you were just making a statement.
Thu, 09-16-2004, 10:32 PM
man, console arguments can last forever.......
i dont give a shit who the target audience for nintendo is, i play a game for its fun factor, not for the amount of red pixels and jiggling polygons it has.
I also dont care which console has more games than the other. More = bad, because more = spending more money
If i had one good mario game, then i'd be happier than having 10 playstation games
and frankly, nearly every game released by nintendo is a hit in my book.
Tofu #2
Thu, 09-16-2004, 10:35 PM
the second screen is kinda pointless, dont you think?
i mean on the mario kart game, the second screen is used for the map....
Thu, 09-16-2004, 10:42 PM
I wouldn't recommend you buying PSP as soon as it comes out, wait for a little while until the price goes down. Trust me, there are always patterns like these when it comes with buying a system. Playstation is only 100 bucks, it used to be so expensive when it was first out.
Tofu #2
Thu, 09-16-2004, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by: jing
I wouldn't recommend you buying PSP as soon as it comes out, wait for a little while until the price goes down. Trust me, there are always patterns like these when it comes with buying a system. Playstation is only 100 bucks, it used to be so expensive when it was first out.
so....your saying wait 5-7 years to buy a PSP? cause PS is hella old there buddy.
Tofu #2
Thu, 09-16-2004, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by: chambers
what the hell are you talking about you idiot?!
the PS, like the ps2 didnt have a single good game upon release. the grapchis on the N64 KILLED the ps dead, mario 64 the first game for the system floors EVERYTHING that the psone ever did. sure some games looked dodgy and in the early games there was fog in most, but by the end games like banjo kazooie just pissed all over spyro an other such shit.
i wont deny that on a whole the ps was a better system due to mroe games higher sales and a TON of RPGS, but the 64 had better graphics by a country mile.
you clown, hence the name 64!!!!! cause its 64-BIT. PS WAS ONLY 32-BIT. Obviously N64 had better graphics, AND it was released before PS.
Thu, 09-16-2004, 11:17 PM
By waiting, it's only going to make it more expensive. If I would have bought my PS2 when it first came out, I would have got it for $299. I waited a few months before to get it and it was sold out everywhere then, and had to get it for $350
Thu, 09-16-2004, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by: _naruto_X
the second screen is kinda pointless, dont you think?
i mean on the mario kart game, the second screen is used for the map....
peh, you're just talking from a narrowminded world built around 1 screen for gaming i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
you wouldnt know the implications of what a second screen would add to gaming experience because its never been done before. The games they had on display were very basic examples of what there is to offer, they are by no means the final versions of what will appear in the future.
its thought processes like that which make so many games these days boring knock off imitations of other games
Swallow Your Soul
Fri, 09-17-2004, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by: oceen246
By waiting, it's only going to make it more expensive. If I would have bought my PS2 when it first came out, I would have got it for $299. I waited a few months before to get it and it was sold out everywhere then, and had to get it for $350
I dunno where you live but in most places prices go down the older a product goes. It sounds very strange that stores near you raised the price, but even then, had you waited a bit longer you'd have got it cheaper.
Elite Hentai
Fri, 09-17-2004, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by: oceen246
Originally posted by: Elite Hentai
The Gamecube isn't nintendo's last console, and the DS isn't the successor of the GBA. It will be a new franchise.
This link proves my statements are correct.
they don't talk about the GC not being the last console for nintendo, all they say is they got a successor for the GBA. But I still don't see your point, unless you were just making a statement.
and what do you think this means?
"The development of succeeding machines for the GBA and Game Cube are in the works, separately from the Nintendo DS."
Fri, 09-17-2004, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
man, console arguments can last forever.......
i dont give a shit who the target audience for nintendo is, i play a game for its fun factor, not for the amount of red pixels and jiggling polygons it has.
I also dont care which console has more games than the other. More = bad, because more = spending more money
If i had one good mario game, then i'd be happier than having 10 playstation games
and frankly, nearly every game released by nintendo is a hit in my book.
i agree. sure nintendo has less games, but they are definitly better quality overall.
Fri, 09-17-2004, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by: Swallow Your Soul
Originally posted by: oceen246
By waiting, it's only going to make it more expensive. If I would have bought my PS2 when it first came out, I would have got it for $299. I waited a few months before to get it and it was sold out everywhere then, and had to get it for $350
I dunno where you live but in most places prices go down the older a product goes. It sounds very strange that stores near you raised the price, but even then, had you waited a bit longer you'd have got it cheaper.
I'm from NY, and pretty much everywhere else was the same. even when you would go online, you would find it for $400.00. Now you're talking about waiting for years, when other products are being developed, because it took years for the PS2 and the Xbox to go down to $149.00, and this is only because they both have replacement coming out soon.
Originally posted by: Elite Hentai
Originally posted by: oceen246
Originally posted by: Elite Hentai
The Gamecube isn't nintendo's last console, and the DS isn't the successor of the GBA. It will be a new franchise.
This link proves my statements are correct.
they don't talk about the GC not being the last console for nintendo, all they say is they got a successor for the GBA. But I still don't see your point, unless you were just making a statement.
and what do you think this means?
"The development of succeeding machines for the GBA and Game Cube are in the works, separately from the Nintendo DS."
I didn't see that part, so I guess nintendo is still in the game. But in the meantime Sony and Microsoft are still centuries ahead of nintendo when it comes to consoles.
Swallow Your Soul
Sat, 09-18-2004, 03:23 AM
^ Oh right, thats weird, I waited several months (mainly cos I didn't really see any games that looked interesting at the release) and got it quite a bit almost always works that way here (UK)...Personally I've never seen a console become more expensive at any later point than it was at its launch, maybe thats just where I live *shrugs*
Sun, 09-19-2004, 03:31 AM
first of all, if you can watch hours of tv or go out and watch like a 2 hour movie and be fine then watching a movie on a psp anywhere you want will not be uncomfortable. second, why would i want to play a game that includes 2 screens. thats not going to make a difference to me, it just seems like more work having to look up and down at different things. look for game quality (story, gameplay, other special crap), not graphics...newbs. just cuz something looks nice doesnt mean its a good game.
Sun, 09-19-2004, 10:42 PM
1. sony execs quoted as psp more "Powerfull" than ps2 (smaller screen less resolution = more polly's and textures) sony has been quoted that gran turismo 4 will appear on PSP and to expect its quality to be IN NO WAY inferior to the PS2 version
2. psp will have wireless lan, for multiplayer over internet
3. gran theft auto is coming out for GBA
4. dual screen concept is NOT new. Nintendo has previously tried it before with moderate to low success.
5. price and battery life has not been announced, however remember sony's new HD mp3 player has a tremendous life. expect launch price to be less than ps2' launch price, around 250. actual game prices will vary, from 40 bucks for "full sized games scaled down (GT4mobile) to a lot less for mobile built games with portability in mind (stickyballs)
6. konami is coming up with one of the most innovative game designs in a while for its psp exclussive metal gear game.
7. game developers actually have to send the games to sony for sony to quality check and they have been quoted that they will not allow direc ps2 ports for the most part, they have been quoted on a percentage of games released taht will be unique and innovative.
8. for PSP games may very well be region free, so you can play import games!
9. the LCD screen on the PSP looks absolutely stunning and in 16:9
10. there is a rumor that there will be a LCD shortage. with cell phones, and pda becoming more and more widespread, and now PSP is expected to tap into a whole new target audience and sell well to that audience, and the DS to use TWO lcd's, LCD manufacturers may become a lil stretched until they can open up some new plants.
all in all, both systems seem to have their niche audiences people who buy a psp at launch will probably allready own such items as IPOD (its a "hip" albeit pricey gadget) and people who buy hte DS will probalby allready own a GBA.
on a side note, i couldnt see playing with 2 screens, especially with them being so small, i have a dual monitor setup and thats hard enough keeping track of things. take ur eyes off of one screen and u might miss somehitng, and on the PSP side... I am a huge fan of gran turismo, and the only way ill be buying it is if i can transfer the data from my gt4 mobile to my gt4 home game.
Sun, 09-19-2004, 10:48 PM
nice info glitched, thanks. i actually didnt expect such cool features with psp. wireless lan, WOW! gaming experiences are always better when you're playing with others. i also agree with other members that you should wait a while before you get the psp so the price will lower. well, thats what i think and always look for nice sales and special prices at your local stores.
Thu, 01-06-2005, 09:26 PM
Here is an update on the PSP!
apparently there is a march date for the release and speculations set the price around $200 (not bad!)
There are also screenshots (fucking awesome graphics for a handheld), wireless lan, and MP3/WMA! I think I might just pick it up!
Here is also a list of 10 facts on PSP! p/
Fri, 01-07-2005, 12:32 AM
Im keeping my money for the next xbox console that comes out this year
Fri, 01-07-2005, 01:23 AM
Originally posted by: ShinobiNeko
I remember someone telling me there's supposed to be a Naruto game being made for the DS, so just for that my interest more towards DS than PSP at the moment
There also a Naruto game for the psp as well.
For those who complained about psp battery-shortage. I think they're making a rechargable battery pack for it, i read it in a magazine about it but just don't remember is it psp or something else.
Fri, 01-07-2005, 02:05 AM
arnt they makin basically makin a rechargable(sp?) battery for every handheld from DS on? soon it'll be comparable to AC adapters to handhelds. and since every system's gonna be pretty much the same (except maybe the buttons), i'm jus gonna play wutever interesting games there are, like wut assertn sed.
Fri, 01-07-2005, 04:13 AM
Originally posted by: Himura_san
apparently there is a march date for the release and speculations set the price around $200 (not bad!)
not bad until you consider that full blown consoles tend to cost the same amount
Fri, 01-07-2005, 06:54 AM
200 dollar is nothing nowadays thanks to the dollar bieng so week.
PSP is a most but in mars two of my favorit games is coming then,MGS3 and DMC3.
Fri, 01-07-2005, 07:29 AM
the psp has a weak line up for their realese in america (except metal gear acid) but in japan their getting games like naruto, one piece, and bleach not to mention Ys and tales of eternia and if it turns out that the psp is reigon free, i see a lot of potential. also squarenix has signed on to do a game but has yet to release any info on what it its and oooooooohhhhhhhhh *drools* a 16:9 aspect ratio thats how every thing should be veiwed. not to mention the fact that you can download movies on tho memory sticks and watch them on the psp sounds pretty cool to me.
i love nintendo but the psp jus has more potential plus the fact they went with umds and not cartridges is going to make it a lot cheaper to make games for. and one final thing FREAKIN FFVII ADVENT CHILDREN IS COMMING OUT ON UMD.
oh any questions on where i got my info check (
Fri, 01-07-2005, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
200 dollar is nothing nowadays thanks to the dollar bieng so week.
PSP is a most but in mars two of my favorit games is coming then,MGS3 and DMC3.
the only thing "week" around here is your concept of the english language
Sun, 01-09-2005, 12:09 AM
Text (
The site talk about GBA being able to play a movie. Thus this mean that the DS have the capabilty to play movie?
PS: Im not sure if the site is a scum or not.
Sun, 01-09-2005, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
200 dollar is nothing nowadays thanks to the dollar bieng so week.
PSP is a most but in mars two of my favorit games is coming then,MGS3 and DMC3.
the only thing "week" around here is your concept of the english language
lol assert dont take offense, he is right the dollar is weak right now because of the huge international debt bush's dumbass created.
Sun, 01-09-2005, 01:51 AM
I'm really looking forward to seeing this new portable conflict play out. It should prove interesting. The PSP is sexier, sleeker, and more powerful, but the DS comes from Nintendo and they have dominated the handheld market since 1989. This won't be the first time Nintendo has faced a more powerful adversary. Anyone remember the game gear? It was far more powerful then the gameboy, but it was also very large and had a limited battery life. From what I hear playing a graphically intense game like ridge racer will drain the battery in 90 minutes while the DS lasts at least 10 hours. Sony is also infamous for their manufacturing errors. Already I've heard rumors about anaolog sticks falling off and the PSP shooting out game disks like ninja stars. Nintendo always produces a solid product.
Ultimately it will come down to the software. Both systems desperatly need a killer app to drive sales. Unfortunatly as it is now none of the games for either system are that noteworthy (Metal Gear Acid does not count as a killer app it's simply a bastardized metal gear game). The DS has more potential for innovation but sadly i see no games utilizing the DS in very unique ways. But can you imagine, a strategy game where you control the air units on one screen and the ground units on the other? Or how about a stealth game where you have to manuever your character on one screen and use the other for picking locks and diffusing bombs. The wireless multiplayer is another thing that could potentially be exploited. Nintendo needs to only produce one title and the console and handheld wars would be over. That title would be a Pokemon MMORPG. Can you imagine how addictive that would be? It would be more devestating on our nations children then polio. Kids would be glued for hours battling and trading pokemon with other real people. Something like that would level the playing field.
As usual nintendo is taking the stupid approach to DS games and most of the software so far looks medioce at best (with the exception of the Metroid game). To early to tell. I'm going to wait and see how the handheld conflict progresses before I settle on one system or another.
Sun, 01-09-2005, 09:56 AM
You know I hope Nintendo doesn't go bust, traditionally it has produced some awesome, awesome games although they have been very few in number. Sony have produced some awesome games (not word used once here) and there have been more of them. Last time Sony and Nintendo had a battle it was over the PSX and N64... I spent most of that time on the N64 and only came over to PSX as well just a little before the PS2 came out...
Sun, 01-09-2005, 06:40 PM
Nintendo will not go bust. The principal difference in Nintendo and Sony is development. Sony develops very little things, they're more into the business side of electronics. They find a neat, marketable technology and they buy it; afterwhich they mass produce it and reap the good and bad without doing extensive in-house development. Case in point: development of games for PS2 vs Xbox/GCN. Every developer has serious complaints about the PS2 in regards to scripting them for the system, whereas the same game with the same, if not better, graphics translates much easier to other consoles. This is because both Microsoft and Nintendo did the research to release their system with easy enough scripting to fully take advantage of the system itself. Did you know that the first Playstation was developed by Nintendo? They had the system ready to bring out here in America, and canned the whole project upon completion (as an add-on to the SNES) after the failure that was Sega-CD and the Turbo Grafx expansion that was CD based. Having seen both, Nintendo sold their system off and Sony snapped at it. All that they did was make the system work without the purchase of a SNES. Don't believe me? Put a first generation Playstation controller on top of a SNES controller. Everything is the same, only a little smaller, it has handles and 2 additional shoulder buttons.
The reason Nintendo avoided a DVD-based system is the same reason as Microsoft made the DVD expansion for Xbox a seperate upgrade: Every DVD player, as well as every DVD, sold worldwide = royalties to Sony. Which means when you buy a DVD kit for your Xbox, Sony makes money on it. Sony could make as much money on gaming and peripherals (sp?) as they do on DVDs, since the PS2 was the first DVD player many people owned. And it's Sony's lack of creative vision that will really hold back the PSP for me, personally. I like the Japanese fighting games (which will unfortunately not make it overseas translated), but not enough to recommend the purchasing of a system. It's funny that the same people accusing Nintendo of recycling games for the DS aren't checking the Sony mirror (Gran Turismo or Metal Gear Solid, anyone?) for the hot stuff that has already been released on other systems. This is also not to say that it won't have bad ass exclusive stuff for it, I simply won't side with Sony on a second try at a portable gaming system, when Nintendo has 20+ years experience at it.
Sun, 01-09-2005, 06:52 PM
I think it is worth it.
Sun, 01-09-2005, 09:34 PM
all of the psp features are pretty cool but with all that and a battery life thats low. not a good mix
Sun, 01-09-2005, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
200 dollar is nothing nowadays thanks to the dollar bieng so week.
PSP is a most but in mars two of my favorit games is coming then,MGS3 and DMC3.
the only thing "week" around here is your concept of the english language
Now what was that for?? i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif
Sun, 01-09-2005, 10:28 PM
i hate to say it cos i like nintendo now as they are the last of the oldschool gaming componys left producing consoles, that isnt a big buisness that makes other stuff like computers and os's (microsoft) and tvs and stuff (sony). I was once a big sega fan, the quality of games they made i thought were supurb, but they made some very fatal errors, namely the sega saturn, and marketing. The game gear (which i owned) was very nice and i think was as powerful as a sega mastersystem or NES (correct me if im wrong) however because of battery life and MARKETING and some other reasons obviously they were slaughtered when it came to popularity.
In short sega made amazingly fun games which makes it a shame that their last 2 consoles failed, for me its about loyalties which is the prime reason i want nintendo to succeed and i really really want sony to drop out of consoles, just some bad memeries with the original playstation ::shudders:: , i feel in consoles there is really only enough room for 2 competitors while there are 3 out at the moment. but in handheld there is only room for one, think of all the handhelds that have been made, off the top of my head are the various gameboys, the gamegear and that lynx thing which was simialar to a game gear. even though the gameboy was far worse technologically speaking, it killed all of its competitors.
there is only room for one
Mon, 01-10-2005, 02:11 AM
Sony's strength has never laid within their software. Sony has little to no first party development companies. Sony's stregth has always laid within their third party support. Nintendo brought about it's own damnnation with the 64. They used cartridges instead of CDs which pissed off alot of publishers and developers because of the increased manufacturing cost and royalties. Nintendo lost a tremendous amount of it's support with the greatest loss being that of square. With so many developers working on the same system, little by little the playstation began to accumulate more and more classic titles. I honestly believe Nintendo would have been finished off with the 64 if it weren't for the fact that they produced some of the greatest games of all time. Unfortunatly everything else that wasn't produced by nintendo sucked horribly.
If Nintendo can woe away the third party developers from sony then they will fall. Sony has had no successful titles that have been produced from their first party development studios. Should they lose the strong support they will fall. Same holds true for microsoft. As sad as it is the MasterChief has taken the burden of holding up all of Microsoft's console empire. None of the other first party titles have been resounding succescces. Anyone looking forward to the next installments of Crimson Skyes, Blinx, or Brute Force? I didn't think so.
It all comes down to the games and if the PSP dosen't sell or the DS has just one breakout title then the PSP will fall. Nintendo has been very smart with the DS so far. Like including the pictochat and the metroid prime hunters demo with each system. I'm really hoping that they don't do anything to stupid like the whole idea of connectivity.
On a side note has anyone here ever played the game boy color metal gear game?
If not go and pick it up right now, it's the best handheld game of all time in my honest opinion. If you haven't played it go and find it now. You won't be disappointed.
Mon, 01-10-2005, 04:44 AM
are u kidding, what about mario tennis also on gameboy colour, man that game rocks i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Mon, 01-10-2005, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
200 dollar is nothing nowadays thanks to the dollar bieng so week.
PSP is a most but in mars two of my favorit games is coming then,MGS3 and DMC3.
the only thing "week" around here is your concept of the english language
And what is it to you,let my english be bad.....
Mon, 01-10-2005, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by: basey_69
are u kidding, what about mario tennis also on gameboy colour, man that game rocks
wasnt there one for gba too? maybe im thinking of mario golf
but in any case, mario tennis for gcn pwns i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Thu, 01-13-2005, 10:05 PM
My friend has it, cost him about $700 CAD, which is roughly $400ish US. It's graphics are better than the original Playstation, and it's handheld. If I had that much money to spend I'd rather upgrade my computer though. I'd rather buy some new clothes or something, as I don't play much handheld games, Computer/Console all the way!
Edit: I think Sony > Nintendo > Microsoft's XBox. XBox is by far the worst of the three, it's selection of games is only sports/HALO1/2. All of these can be found on either computer or other consoles with the exception of Halo 2, which isn't out for PC yet. Nintendo on the other hand holds some of the best classic titles like Zelda, Ocarina of Time was one of my favourite games of all time. Playstation has Square, with my absolute favourite series EVER! Final Fantasy, in my opinion one of the best series out there, I'd have to admit FFX-2 was really dissapointing though. FFX-2 SUCKED period. If you want a XBox, go get a computer like you should. PS2 has the best selection of games, and Nintendo GC has Zelda/Mario games. Japanese games(console) > American games(console), since most american games can be found on computer anyways.
Fri, 01-14-2005, 07:08 PM
Just to let you guys know... DS can also play videos and mp3s
when Nintendo officially realease their media adapter for GBA SP and DS (https://
PSP's movie/mp3 playing ability just got killed
Sun, 01-16-2005, 03:06 AM
If nintendo can successfully wrestle away square and the rest of the japanese developers then they can regain a foothold on the industry. It's kind of funny but all of the Japanese games that have been developed for the Xbox exclusively have either failed miserably or did not sell as well as anticipated. I can't wait to see microsoft try and rely on it's first party developers. I just know your all dieing for sequels to Kung-Fu chaos, Azurik, Brute Force, Crimson Skies, Mech Assualt. If Microsoft didn't have Halo the Xbox would have flopped long ago. I think it's pretty funny that one single game has created the foundation for an entire gaming empire. Microsoft should just bite the bullet and make the Master Chief the Xbox's official mascot.
He's big he's green what more could you ask for?
Did anyone out there play metroid prime 2. The poor game was buried in the hype for halo 2. It's so sad the game deserved to sell much better then it did. Damn you nintendo, damn you and your infierior marketing!!
Sun, 01-16-2005, 05:32 AM
yes, and metroid prime 2 rocks
however, since i played metroid prime like, 5 times, this second one didnt have as unique of a feel as i had hoped.
Mon, 01-17-2005, 02:26 AM
Heh i understand your feeling perfectly. Still a great game though.
Sat, 02-05-2005, 03:56 PM
March 24th, 250 price tag. This thread became a FF Spirits within spit fest.
Sat, 02-05-2005, 06:07 PM
i heard the battery for the psp will last about 6 hours of straight plays.
Sat, 02-05-2005, 10:43 PM
I heard that it only lasts 90 minutes for more complex games like Rigid Racer
Sat, 02-05-2005, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
I heard that it only lasts 90 minutes for more complex games like Rigid Racer
It's true that some games required a lot of battery, but i don't think is would be 90 minute, but possibly 3 hours.
Sun, 02-06-2005, 07:00 PM
My cousin has an imported PSP. He can play Ridge Racer for around 6-6.5 hours fully charged. Is it worth it? To me it is, but im a big playstation fanboy. I will wait til they sell the value pack alone in the states. As it is now they are only selling the bundle pack which ships for $400 in late march.
As for the DS nothing about it impresses me, the touchpad is a joke peoples ignorance amazes me, they act as if this is some brand new technology. The graphics are laughable and the screens are tiny. It isnt the PSP thats overhyped its the DS, mashing on a itty bitty screen has no appeal to me, so while some kid is giving himself blisters ill be watching a movie then switching over to some grand theft auto.
Sun, 02-06-2005, 10:28 PM
The only store I know that is forcing people to buy a bundle is EB at that 400$ price tag. We had a damn 7am meeting today with a Sony Rep about it and GT4(we get to host a Best Buy Tournament at my store). He made it sound cool with the pictures, music and wireless stuff but I still don't want one.
(And phuck anyone that mentions the SuperBowl, I can't even get on aim/msn i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif.)
Mon, 02-07-2005, 04:07 AM
Way too lazy to read all 5 pages of this. ^^;; The PSP has an extremely low battery life, plugging it into a wall to counter that defeats the point of the system being portable. There are also reports that the 'Square' button is screwed up. They designed the screen too big and moved the Square button to the right, but didn't change the placement of the button on the casing, so the result is that its less responsive and tends to stick. Sony's response to both game developers and consumers was basically "deal with it, we aren't fixing it." Some 4,800 PSP units have already been returned because of this one issue.
In contrast, the only thing reported about the DS is that if you lose the touch pad styles you have to buy more in 3 packs. There have also been reports that the programmers screwed up on the Wario DS game and the touch pad isn't configured correctly for a few of the minigames, but thats a software issue for a single game.
Mon, 02-07-2005, 09:59 AM
u can chat with the ds with other people the whole group on our scool is buying one and than it's going 2 be an chat party all around the scool but does anyone know how far the ds can go with ...????
i think it is blou touth but maybe its infra red who knows that and can tell me??????
Mon, 02-07-2005, 11:21 AM
Thats the thing about nintendo. They always make good hardware and reliable software. I've seen people have all kinds of trouble with their respective x-box's and ps2's. I've had a gamecube for about 3 years now and I've never had a any problems with it.
Sony is much less reliable. Anyone here see the psp video where the system launches the disk out from the back like a ninja star?
Psp has the better hardware but it's really going to be the innovation that determines how succesful each respective system is. If just one good strategy/ rpg is released for the ds it's over for me I've got to get
I think a few are in developement to. Like the xenosaga ds game and the baiten kaitos ds game. Plus one of the guys who left the final fantasy development team started his own company and is making a strategy rpg game for the ds. As it stands now most of the ds software sucks. Most developers seem to be afraid to use the ds more affectivly. They don't know what to do with the second screen aside from put health and maps on it.
Mon, 02-07-2005, 01:18 PM
What makes a system are the games. The DS has none. Sure you can play GBA games on it but whats the point of getting the system then, might as well get a gba and save yourself the money. The DS is slated to only have 100 games available by the end of 2005. The same thing that killed the gamecube is going to haunt the DS.
Mon, 02-07-2005, 06:00 PM
ditto for the psp.
Aside from the occasional half-assed ps2/ps1 port.
Mon, 02-07-2005, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
u can chat with the ds with other people the whole group on our scool is buying one and than it's going 2 be an chat party all around the scool but does anyone know how far the ds can go with ...????
i think it is blou touth but maybe its infra red who knows that and can tell me??????
why would anyone do that.............
Mon, 02-07-2005, 06:12 PM
cuzz its fun...... not??
Mon, 07-31-2006, 06:04 PM
Well, I just ordered a PSP fully decked out for 320$ and Tekken-Dark Ressurection. (Nice way to spend my first paycheck eh? :rolleyes: )
And I've got some questions. Anyone here own a psp? And if so, can it browse the web decently? I heard it can but I just can't see it doing that..... Also, it can only play ps1 games, music, and movies right?
Mon, 07-31-2006, 06:17 PM
Why for 320? What all did you get with it?
Mon, 07-31-2006, 08:54 PM
Well, I just ordered a PSP fully decked out for 320$ and Tekken-Dark Ressurection. (Nice way to spend my first paycheck eh? :rolleyes: )
And I've got some questions. Anyone here own a psp? And if so, can it browse the web decently? I heard it can but I just can't see it doing that..... Also, it can only play ps1 games, music, and movies right?
Okay now then..
1) I own a PSP
2) Yes it can browse the web rather well using wifi.
3) ...PS1 games? what are you talking about? Are you going to Ram a CD into that thing? It can only play PSP games, except for if you hack it into an emulator and end up playing...mario bros or something. :rolleyes:
4) Yes it plays music and movies well. You'll need to get PSP video 9 for the movies or any video file.
Also, what the hell do you mean by "decked out" Did you buy a big pro duo memory stick? Because $320....
Fox Fire
Mon, 07-31-2006, 11:13 PM
Okay now then..
3) ...PS1 games? what are you talking about? Are you going to Ram a CD into that thing? It can only play PSP games, except for if you hack it into an emulator and end up playing...mario bros or something. :rolleyes:
They said at E3 that they will have downloadable ps games for it by the end of this year
Mon, 07-31-2006, 11:15 PM
Okay now then..
3) ...PS1 games? what are you talking about? Are you going to Ram a CD into that thing? It can only play PSP games, except for if you hack it into an emulator and end up playing...mario bros or something. :rolleyes:
PSP is getting PS1 emu support in the upcoming fall in an official Sony firmware upgrade, speculated to be around October. This is the same update that's providing VOIP support.
Mon, 07-31-2006, 11:24 PM
PSP is getting PS1 emu support in the upcoming fall in an official Sony firmware upgrade, speculated to be around October. This is the same update that's providing VOIP support.
Oh sweet, also, when was the last time you posted?
Mon, 07-31-2006, 11:26 PM
Oh sweet, also, when was the last time you posted?
I do believe that was 6/6/06. :cool:
Mon, 07-31-2006, 11:52 PM
Haha, tight, yet eerily creepy. Hey man, don't know ya, but I'm guessing your one of the local return of the living dead guys. Welcome back. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the info. Reading the reviews, seeing all the features, and all the emulators available for the PSP. I think I'm gonna like the buy. Surf the net, send ims, watch videos, music, playstation,snes,nes,gba, etc games on my psp?
Tight. Forget the Ipod. And ya, the reason it was so expensive was because I bought all the accessories I saw available, and bought the 4 GB Harddrive for the PSP. :D :cool:
Edit: O, n Souryusen, nice sig n ava. =)
Wed, 08-02-2006, 09:09 AM
A built-in PS1 emulator sounds great, but I don't really trust SONY anymore; they've got a bad track record as far as I'm concerned. They promised that PS2 would have some kind of "emotion engine" that did all sorts of amazing stuff. They even claimed that it could render Toy Story in real time. Not long before launch, they claimed that PSP was more powerful than PS2.
As for emulattion, it's a GP2X ( for me. The list of emulators for this thing runs out the door and around the block. It's got great hardware; the only thing it lacks is a 3D accelerator. Unlike the PSP, gamepark holdings doesn't disable all your emulators with every firmware upgrade.
My favorite part is the batteries: just plain old double As. If I'm on the go, and my GBA-SP runs out of juice I've got to plug it into a wall to keep playing; with this thing I just pop in two new batteries, and I'm good to go.
By the way, good to see you on the boards Souryusen. Don't be a stranger.
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