View Full Version : Naruto 99 Bothersome Phrase
Mon, 09-06-2004, 12:04 AM
Didn't post this on anime forum, cause it would have spoiled manga.
When Sakura visits Lee, the nurse tells her:
"Sasuke-kun already left the hospital yesterday"
When I read that I was like... fuck...
and Naruto vs Sasuke in top of the Hospital??? >_____________________<
Natural Cause
Mon, 09-06-2004, 12:17 AM
donno how it would spoil the manga cos the manga is way ahead of that.
but seriously.... wtf are u talking about?
naruto vs sasuke in top of the hospital? either u suck at english or english is a second language to you. cos i have NO idea wtf ur talking about
Mon, 09-06-2004, 12:20 AM
I know what he's talking about. Hes refering to the part in the manga that when Sasuke woke up, they immediately fought on the roof. But in the anime now, Sasuke has already left the building. So the question is how are they going to engage in a battle... ?
Natural Cause, it's not so hard to understand. You must had a tough day.
Mon, 09-06-2004, 12:32 AM
now that u mention it, YAH! where the hell did that scene go to?!?!
Mon, 09-06-2004, 12:44 AM
donno how it would spoil the manga cos the manga is way ahead of that.
but seriously.... wtf are u talking about?
naruto vs sasuke in top of the hospital? either u suck at english or english is a second language to you. cos i have NO idea wtf ur talking abou
His post made COMPLETE sense. It's you who doesn't know what they are talking about.
About the Sasuke vs Naruto scene, I assume they are trying to delay it in the anime as it is a sort of big event. That's when Sasuke truly realizes how powerful Naruto has gotten.
Mon, 09-06-2004, 12:44 AM
so that isnt in...
well thats going to be weird for the next ep...
what is the preview for 100 like..?
Mon, 09-06-2004, 01:15 AM
for the preview of 100, i just remember kakashi v. gai. or something like that.
Mon, 09-06-2004, 01:30 AM
That's the *spoilers if you haven't read manga*
Kakashi vs Gai rock paper scissors that Rock remembers.
Mon, 09-06-2004, 01:59 AM
you guys he's still recovering under tsunade's care......
it wouldnt be hard to tweak things a little to make it all work out
Mon, 09-06-2004, 02:02 AM
Yeah I noticed this part too... how can he fight Naruto on top of the building if he's already left? They'll work it out somehow, I doubt they'll cut out the fight.
Mon, 09-06-2004, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
you guys he's still recovering under tsunade's care......
it wouldnt be hard to tweak things a little to make it all work out
So maybe we can have the fight on top of the Uchiha manor for chance?
It could work... though we also need somewhere with water tanks to destroy hmm... but your thought does make sense...
kAi: Episode 99 preview showed Lee's memories about seeing Kakashi and Gai in a Yankenpon match (sissors (sp?) , rock, paper). Though in the manga this should be happening at the same time Sasuke was fighting the 4 sound-nin... hmmm...
And answering Natural Cause...
Don't know what you didn't understand man, everybody else did understand.
And for your info, indeed, English is my second language. Im Mexican, studied english for 11 years, studied french for 4 years, haven't studied any other language for 5 years... plan to study japanese sometime after I end college this december.
(totally out of topic... but had to say it)
Momochi Zabuza
Mon, 09-06-2004, 04:01 PM
they also havent showed shikamaru as a chuunin yet... but i assume they will show that little celebration with his team at the beginning of 100 thats minor compared to the naruto sasuke fight... aslo the sound nin come back and fight sasuke before rock lee has his flash back ... i suppose they will make it work all be it out of order
Mon, 09-06-2004, 08:47 PM
after gai and lee have their little talk, then there shouldnt be any more filler involving lee
since they didnt show anything else in the previews that might indicate filler, im hoping that this episode will actually get the ball rolling
Mon, 09-06-2004, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
after gai and lee have their little talk, then there shouldnt be any more filler involving lee
since they didnt show anything else in the previews that might indicate filler, im hoping that this episode will actually get the ball rolling
I kinda was expecting the Naruto and Sasuke fight on ep 100... but this preview doesn't tell us much.
Mon, 09-06-2004, 10:39 PM
i think the manga is different from the naruto anime then. o wellz
Tue, 09-07-2004, 02:06 AM
its based on the manga but they do change little things around and add things in...
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