View Full Version : Naruto Sagas?
Sat, 08-28-2004, 09:06 AM
U know how in Dragonball Z theres sagas like: The Saiyan Saga, Garlic Jr. Saga, Frieza saga, Cell saga...etc
i was thinking how would naruto fall into saga wise that would be cool and help keep episodes can someone help me out in coming up with Naruto Sagas?
Sat, 08-28-2004, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by: Mob-B
U know how in Dragonball Z theres sagas like: The Saiyan Saga, Garlic Jr. Saga, Frieza saga, Cell saga...etc
i was thinking how would naruto fall into saga wise that would be cool and help keep episodes can someone help me out in coming up with Naruto Sagas?
I think thery call it ARC here. I really don't know what ARC means.
There is the Zabuza Arc. Destruction of Konha Arc. Then The searh for Hokage ARC.
Sat, 08-28-2004, 11:17 AM
when i heard the word saga, i knew it was a fucking dbz post... god dammit..
Sat, 08-28-2004, 11:19 AM
Sat, 08-28-2004, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by: kupalmaru
Originally posted by: Mob-B
U know how in Dragonball Z theres sagas like: The Saiyan Saga, Garlic Jr. Saga, Frieza saga, Cell saga...etc
i was thinking how would naruto fall into saga wise that would be cool and help keep episodes can someone help me out in coming up with Naruto Sagas?
I think thery call it ARC here. I really don't know what ARC means.
There is the Zabuza Arc. Destruction of Konha Arc. Then The searh for Hokage ARC.
As for what arc means, I believe it means the story follows the shape of an arc. It builds up to a climax, and then falls to a conclusions and then the next arc it starts all over again. I could be wrong though.
Sat, 08-28-2004, 11:49 AM
Zabuza Saga
Chuunin Exam/War Saga
Itachi/Orochmaru/Tsunade Saga
Sat, 08-28-2004, 12:22 PM
Water Country 1-19
Chuunin Exam 20-80
The Fifth Hokage 81-96
Yet-to-be-named 97+
Or something like that
Sat, 08-28-2004, 12:48 PM
that sounds great thanks
Sat, 08-28-2004, 07:27 PM
i just put it in number order thats easier than putting into categories.
Sat, 08-28-2004, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by: piasEnigma
when i heard the word saga, i knew it was a fucking dbz post... god dammit..
hey, i still call it saga, stfu!
uhicha neji
Sun, 08-29-2004, 05:47 PM
Genin arc, Chunin exam arc, training/finding Tsunade arc.
Sun, 08-29-2004, 05:53 PM
Heres how I put the series in arc:
Getting finger stuck up butt arc, getting beat up arc, big breasts arc
Sun, 08-29-2004, 06:18 PM
This is stupid
Sun, 08-29-2004, 06:41 PM
This is how I divided it up:
Enter Naruto! and Zabuza/Haku Arc
Chuunin Exam (1st, 2nd, and Preliminaries) Arc
Chuunin Exam (Main Matches) and Konoha's Destruction Commenced! Arc
The Search for Tsunade Arc
Mon, 08-30-2004, 04:45 AM
I think Ass clown is just about right
Mon, 08-30-2004, 05:21 AM
Good job ass clown.
Mon, 08-30-2004, 07:28 AM
Konoha's "destruction" was only a few eps, and was basically part of the Chuunin shiken crap story. Knives122: total truth.
Mon, 08-30-2004, 07:40 AM
for some reason terras sounds most correct.
Mon, 08-30-2004, 08:47 AM
Why thank you Shi_No_Shikaku and Krbadass. Especially u Krb, it means alot coming from a moderator i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif.
Mon, 09-06-2004, 10:09 AM
hey clown, how would u put the episodes in those which episodes go in which arc?
Nara Shikamaru VI
Mon, 09-06-2004, 10:30 AM
silence u. it's Ass Clown.not clown
Mon, 09-06-2004, 11:01 AM
well Mob, its pretty easy. Whenever the Zabuza/Haku arc ends, then the episodes that follow are part of the Chuunin Exam (1st, 2nd, and Preliminaries). I think your probably looking for episode numbers but i forgot which arc ends at a specific episode so I can't help you there. Do it yourself i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif.
EDIT: Lol Nara Shikamaru.
Mon, 09-06-2004, 11:33 AM
already begun
Mon, 09-06-2004, 11:43 AM
I wonder why they use 'arc' so much. Take Rurouni Kenshin for example. They have the Kyoto Arc...and the rest i dont remember...
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