View Full Version : Post some riddles
Tofu #2
Tue, 08-17-2004, 06:57 PM
post some riddles you know and give the answers the next day or something.
One, two, red, blue
You see them every day
Piggybacking on a bigger friend
They always hail trouble
What are they?
First think of the person who lives in disguise,
Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.
Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend,
The middle of middle and the end of the end.
And finally give me the sound often heard
During the search for a hard-to-find word.
Now string them together, and answer me this:
What creature would you be unwilling to kiss?
'Twas in heaven pronounced, and 'twas muttered in hell,
An echo caught faintly the sound as it fell;
On the confines of earth 'twas permitted to rest,
And the depths of the ocean its presence confessed;
'Twill be found in the sphere when 'tis riven asunder,
Be seen in the lightning and heard in the thunder.
'Twas allotted to man with his earliest breath,
Attends him at birth, and awaits him in death,
Presides o'er his happiness, honor, and health,
Is the prop of his house, and the end of his wealth.
In the heaps of the miser 'tis hoarded with care,
But is sure to be lost on the prodigal heir.
It begins every hope, every wish it must bound,
With the husbandman toils, and with monarchs is crowned.
Without it the soldier, the seaman may roam,
But woe to the wretch who expels it from home!
In the whispers of conscience its voice will be found,
Nor e'en in the whirlwind of passion be drowned.
'Twill not soften the heart; but though deaf be the ear,
It will make it acutely and instantly hear.
Yet in shade let it rest, like a delicate flower,
Ah... breathe on it softly, - it dies in an hour.
I'll post answers tomorrow or Thursday.
Wed, 08-18-2004, 01:11 PM
A clownmidget
Your mother
Martha Stuwert
Wed, 08-18-2004, 03:35 PM
1. is a cloud right?
2. myself?
3. too long to read, i don't like to read.
Wed, 08-18-2004, 03:52 PM
The second riddles answer is a spider. You got the riddle from the Harry Potter book right?
Wed, 08-18-2004, 06:11 PM
I like naruto.
Wed, 08-18-2004, 11:17 PM
is it sperm?
Thu, 08-19-2004, 10:20 AM
I usually find random guessing have a higher chance of getting it right.
1. Conjoined twins eating a potato putting on pants.
2. Sasuke having an enema.
3. Fruitcake peppered with vodka boiled until it's broth.
Tofu #2
Thu, 08-19-2004, 04:21 PM
lol nice answers guys the answers are:
1. police lights
2. spider (ya its from harry potter)
3: "h"
Thu, 08-19-2004, 06:50 PM
ur is about to die.
the killer says "you have to say one sentence to not die"
If the sentence is true the killer will shoot you
If the sentence is false the killer will drown you
what do you say to not die.
Thu, 08-19-2004, 07:25 PM
I tell you the truth that what I am saying is false.
Thu, 08-19-2004, 08:42 PM
A sentence with no assertion e.g. " The colour derived from mixing yellow and blue"
Thu, 08-19-2004, 08:51 PM
Here's a riddle some of you Family Guy fans might know....
A woman has two children. A homicidal murderer tells her she can only keep one. Which one does she let him kill?
If nobody knows (Prays to God that someone will pick up this reference and not make me look like a sick person), I'll post the answer just for posterity.
Fri, 08-20-2004, 02:40 AM
What row of numbers comes next?
Fri, 08-20-2004, 01:36 PM
Tofu #2
Sun, 08-22-2004, 04:19 PM
The police found a murder victim and they noticed tracks leading to and from the body. They followed the tracks to a nearby farmhouse where two men and a woman were sitting on the porch. There was no bike, skateboard, scooter, car, etc, and besides, none of them could drive. With one look at the tracks, the police arrested the woman. Why?
Sun, 08-22-2004, 04:33 PM
because women can't drive.
Sun, 08-22-2004, 06:33 PM
Sun, 08-22-2004, 07:48 PM
HAHAHA @ women drivers, that's the only possibility I can come up with.
Ok, here's the answer to the one I posted before... it's kinda dumb, not really to do with math as some people might have thought (I got it from some site):
The next row is
Starting with the second line, every line describes the line before it. In writing, it is:
One One
Two Ones
One Two One One
Sun, 08-22-2004, 08:11 PM
oh I got one
Whats long, looks exactly like you and can see you from every direction
Tofu #2
Mon, 08-23-2004, 05:22 PM
its foot tracks, and she was wearing heels.
might that site be twc raven?
Uchiha Barles
Tue, 08-24-2004, 01:06 AM
At the risk of coming across as an idiot, you specifically said tire tracks were leading to and from the victim all the way to the farm house. TIRE tracks. So...huh? I don't get it. Explain in more detail please...
Tofu #2
Thu, 08-26-2004, 03:40 PM
woops. well heres a couple more
This guy living on the 20th floor in an apartment building got up early each morning to go to work in a downtown store. He always went into the elevator on the 20th floor and rode down to the entrance (1st floor). When he came home he always rode the elevator from the entrance and up to the 8th floor. He walked out of the elevator and walked the stairs up to his apartment on the 20th floor.
Why don't he take the elevator all the way up to his apartment?
It is greater than god,
More evil than the devil,
The rich need it,
The poor have it,
And if you eat it you will die.
Mark was surprised to see the window slide open and was shocked as two strangers climbed in. He watched in fascination as the two thieves removed the artwork and jewelry. The thieves then climbed out the window. Why couldn't Mark, who was in full health, at least have phoned the police?
Uchiha Barles
Thu, 08-26-2004, 06:25 PM
I already know the answer to the first one, but that's cuz I know this one from a few years back, so I won't spoil it for those who don't.
For the second one I'm thinking the answer is "nothing". If I figure something better before you give the answer I'll edit this post.
For the last one, it seems like there should be more clues, but...I think I'll go with Mark stole the pictures first, and if he phone the cops, know.
Thu, 08-26-2004, 06:32 PM
1) cuz the guys a midget and can only reach the 8th floor button.
2) nohting
3) cuz mark was watchign a movie? or maybe marks delusional...or perhaps hes dreaming....or maybe cuz they tied him up. take ur pick
guess thsi word: __ __ __ __ __
clue: H I J K L M N O
Tofu #2
Thu, 08-26-2004, 08:57 PM
^ m o n k h i l j ^
heres 3 more, ill post all answers tomorrow or saturday
It keeps you safe, though dwindling away
Keeps you warm, keeps you cool
And yet it destroys your lungs
What is it?
A woman was sitting on her bed in her hotel room when she hears a knock on the door. She asks who it is, and a man's voice replies, "Sorry, I thought this was my friend's door, he lent me his room for the night." Later, the woman phones the police and tells them to apprehend the man, who turns out to be a robber. How did the woman know?
You hear it behind you
Over your shoulder, see nothing at all
But there it is, tis true!
Can you not hear its call?
Every day it follows
It is here, even now
You can't hide in dark hollows
Or in that tree's bough
It will find you, it will come
You'll be caught in its jaws
Unknown to you, you kindly succumb
Now you ask "What is this thing? What is its cause?"
Listen now, for what I speak is true
One among others, its cause is you!
Fri, 08-27-2004, 03:04 AM
The 2nd one... because it was a women's hotel? *shrugs*
Fri, 08-27-2004, 12:49 PM
^ m o n k h i l j ^
no...keep trying
Tofu #2
Sat, 08-28-2004, 03:53 PM
1: hes a shorty
2: nothing
3: marks a baby
i wont post answers to 4th and 6th riddles cause nobodys guessed it yet
5: i think i posted the riddle wrong,i think it should go like this
A woman was sitting on her bed in her hotel room when she hears a knock on the door. She asks who it is, and a man's voice replies, "Sorry, I thought this was my friend's door, he told me to get something out of his room." Later, the woman phones the police and tells them to apprehend the man, who turns out to be a robber. How did the woman know?
j o h n l i m k
Sat, 08-28-2004, 05:13 PM
the womans also a robber and has tried the same trick before?
for my riddle: look at the hint....what letters do u see?
H - O rite....or when spoken "h to O" ---> h20
so the answer is Water
Uchiha Barles
Sat, 08-28-2004, 05:16 PM
Maybe the hotel is just for women? So his friend couldn't be a "he". Or, maybe she knew if his friend truly wanted him to get something from out of the room, he would have given the guy the keys.
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