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Tue, 07-13-2010, 10:51 AM
berserk 314 out

[Evil_Genius]Berserk_v35c314v2.rar (http://bt.evil-genius.us:60000/stats.html?info_hash=b25fbd071b1f6ba8a05428b1e4b37 2a98af2e9ef)

Death BOO Z
Tue, 07-13-2010, 01:46 PM
Gutts sticking his sword into giant vaginaliens and shooting off his cannon inside them...
it's just ain't the same as the old days.

I want to go back to the smaller group of allies, I think the tower of doom arc was my favorite.

Wed, 07-14-2010, 09:01 AM
this reminds me of Naruto filler episodes...

can we PLEASE get to something relevant soon, Miura? sometime this year, maybe?

Prof. Chaos
Wed, 07-14-2010, 02:00 PM
Well hopefully we will see rapid releases over the next few months before another 6 month lag.

Mon, 07-26-2010, 12:02 AM
Berserk 315 (http://bt.evil-genius.us:60000/torrents/%5BEvil_Genius%5DBerserk_v35c315.rar.torrent?info_ hash=76db8b07ad07a5bf4e5857ce77597755d70b791f)

shit startin to get real

Mon, 07-26-2010, 12:26 AM
Well hopefully we will see rapid releases over the next few months before another 6 month lag.

Sorry to tell you buddy, but I think he's going on another break after this release of 315.

Death BOO Z
Mon, 07-26-2010, 02:20 AM
listen up Miura:
It's nice to hear you're eating more vegetables than ever, I'm happy for you.

but get on with it. unless Gutts and Caska join the ghost crew to travel to elfland, then this means nothing. no matter how much I like ghost captain, this shit needs to get down.

Mon, 07-26-2010, 01:16 PM
listen up Miura:
It's nice to hear you're eating more vegetables than ever, I'm happy for you.

but get on with it. unless Gutts and Caska join the ghost crew to travel to elfland, then this means nothing. no matter how much I like ghost captain, this shit needs to get down.

Guts went all berserk armor. 2-3 chapters more and even the island will be no more :D

Then, Miura will have to finally face the world of Elfheim and it's splendor.


Wed, 07-28-2010, 11:11 AM
Catching up on this series now...

Volume 34 is the most boring piece of shit I've ever read.

I've been watching this guy just standing there being a demon tree for like 3 fucking chapters now.

I get it! He's big! Move the fuck on!

Mon, 09-27-2010, 02:42 PM

New chapter in 2 weeks, but that is not all...

new Berserk anime is coming... God exists :eek:


Mon, 09-27-2010, 06:46 PM
If this is true I will start attending Church/Mosque/Temple simultaneously every weekend starting now.

Tue, 09-28-2010, 01:01 AM
Even if the Berserk anime lasts for 5 years it will easily catch up with the manga. How the hell can they finish the series when Miura clearly has no idea where he is going at this point?

Prof. Chaos
Tue, 09-28-2010, 02:30 AM
Do a season and stop for 2 years then repeat. Hell, so much shit, they can probably do 1 episode per chapter and it still would catch up in no time.

Tue, 09-28-2010, 07:20 AM
If they did it Ultimate Hellsing OVA style, then they would certainly have plenty of time. If only :(

Sat, 10-02-2010, 04:52 PM
i think i read somewhere that the new chapter should be out. anyone got a link? :/

Sun, 10-03-2010, 10:39 AM
Should be 1 more week til the next chapter.

Sat, 10-30-2010, 01:53 PM
So i just caught up to the manga and here's what i'm thinking:

- I miss berserker Guts, the one who didn't need any armor to just rape and butcher every fucking thing around him and ended up a bloody smiling mess once he was done. I get it, he's got a team now just like during the golden age but this leaves me in a conundrum as i don't want to see any of them die and yet know that's the only way i'll ever get to see berserk incarnate again

- What's with the harem building up around Guts? That's shit I'd expect from moe anime, not really something i think one would look for while reading such a brutal seinen manga

- I'm aware of how weird this sound but i miss the rape, i don't think complete chaos and evil can be achieved without sexual lust leaking all over the place from both man and beast

- I'm thinking that this series is going to become much less enjoyable now that i caught up, i can't even begin to imagine what you guys must have gone through with that unbelievably boring vol. 34. We all knew what was gonna happen, making it visually striking doesn't make up for that fact

Death BOO Z
Sun, 10-31-2010, 12:57 AM
316 is up at evil genius
torrent (http://bt.evil-genius.us:60000/torrents/%5BEvil_Genius%5DBerserk_v36c316.rar.torrent?info_ hash=febf4b62ceacc6415929a2d3e0cc3704124986e6)

I think my favorite part was the panel with all the faces looking at guts, it kinda captures what sort of people they are.
I also enjoyed Ishidoro being rejected...
the rest, like crazy super family heirloom protecting the innocent sweet girl, I didn't like as much.

also, Guts goes crazy, and then Guts is stopped by supernatural powers. not my cup of bloody tea.

Mon, 11-01-2010, 05:12 PM
As much as I hate the wait...the quality of these drawings is just superb and kind of explains the long time inbetween chapters.

Oh, regarding the new chapter, pictures say more than words:


Edit: Oh, and I loved Isidro being heroic and succeeding at it for once. Go Isidrops! :D

Tue, 11-02-2010, 04:15 AM
Yeah, I also enjoyed the part where Isidro was being heroic, it was quite refreshing, but then gets shut down Schierke haha.

Moonchild seems to be back which will help to bring back Guts' consciousness.

Next chapter released on schedule on the 12th!!

Tue, 11-02-2010, 07:25 AM
It's kind of sad how we're all so happy for a new chapter coming out like 3 weeks after the last one.

Tue, 11-02-2010, 12:40 PM
the rest, like crazy super family heirloom protecting the innocent sweet girl, I didn't like as much.

You say "innocent sweet girl," I say "deep sea apostle."

Or, at least, that's what I'm reeeeeeally hoping for.

Death BOO Z
Tue, 11-02-2010, 12:58 PM
same thing. it's not like any of those will surprise us.
as much as I like bloodfuckin' crazy guts, I don't enjoy all the scenes where he needs to be 'pulled out'.

Wed, 11-03-2010, 05:51 PM
i like that the armor is rejecting Shierke's attempts to control Gutts. i also like that we've got more Moonchild / Eclipse Baby, because I do think it's going to play some kind of role with the big three and how everything ends up.

i won't be very happy though if Moonchild is simply delegated to "keeping daddy's humanity intact". don't know how many times anime or manga have dealt with the theme of someone keeping their nice, soft human side for the sake of a family member... ugh. especially weak if it's just used as recyclable tension solver where Gutts goes berserker and has to get pulled back in by Schierke, Moonchild, Caska, or some such combination thereof. they could actually milk a cycle like that right up for volumes on end...

Wed, 11-03-2010, 06:20 PM
I'm new to this section so tell me, what are we thinking about this kid? Looks pretty obvious that it's Guts' and Caska's child, but he was taken over by Griffith so what the hell is he doing here?

I wonder what will become of mermaid girl. At this point i'm guessing either she joins them or she suffers a bloody death. Kinda hoping for the second option too, Guts can't afford any more dead weight.

The berserker needs to make Guts cut one of his new teammates already, that will lead to juicy guilt, which will lead to awesome character development which will ultimately lead to delicious plot.

Thu, 11-04-2010, 05:14 AM
i like to think that it's more complicated with Moonchild / Eclipse Baby. He was the spirit of the child between Caska and Gutts, but he was raped to death by Griffith (and probably also got his powers from him), so you think he'd be more apt to look out for two and not the one. When he was just a monster he did look after Caska, and seemed to want to help Gutts also.

There's only one scene since the Eclipse where Griffith hasn't been in complete control of everything he wants to be in control of, and that's where he saves Caska. Griffith seems to have absorbed tons and tons of souls, but somehow, this one soul (at least then) was able to control Griffith, even if it was just for a short moment. That, to me, is of big freaking importance, just as Griffith's admitted affection towards Gutts is central to this entire series. If Griffith didn't care about Gutts, Gutts would be dead. Personally, I think it has to do with Griffith being well aware (at the time, but I'm not sure about now) that he had no right to sacrifice Gutts at the Eclipse.

But I have no idea what Miura's gonna do with the Eclipse Baby. I just hope he doesn't fuck it up, because it's one of the few elements of the Eclipse arc that Miura's been using since this ridiculously lazy lack of updating period began.

The berserker needs to make Guts cut one of his new teammates already, that will lead to juicy guilt, which will lead to awesome character development which will ultimately lead to delicious plot.

God, I can't disagree with you more. The second Gutts starts caring about Isidro and all those guys, the sooner this shit is headed for Shounen Jump "And today I learned that strength in battle can come from knowing the importance of friendship" heaping pile of bullshit. I think it should come like the Eclipse, where Gutts suddenly is forced into a situation where he almost HAS TO sacrifice his comrades. Gutts already knows that everyone who hangs around him could die because of his personal history and agenda. Griffith had that too in the Golden Age. But I'd like to think this comes down to more than 'a moral lesson learned' when everything is on the line for Gutts.

Death BOO Z
Thu, 11-04-2010, 11:50 AM
they need to get to elfland already. that's all.
once that happens, Guts wouldn't need anyone to look over Caska and he could go back to revenge. rack up some body count and live up to the name "berserker'.
more that that, Elfking can ask Gutts for a sacrifice to heal Caska. it doesn't have to be the same sacrifice as the behilt needed (which would only lead to Inuyasha crap), but it can be a way to get rid of the armor - the power to defeat griffth for the power to save Caska
and then he wouldn't need to keep witch-girl around his neck.

Thu, 11-04-2010, 11:53 AM
You're assuming shit hasn't been turned upside down over there as well on account of the "weird wind"

Thu, 11-04-2010, 12:17 PM
You're assuming shit hasn't been turned upside down over there as well on account of the "weird wind"

Doubtful though, because so many sorcerers and elves live there their magic is more likely to outweigh the spread of Griffith's magic over the whole earth. Griffith was afraid enough of just one witch to send the most elite members of the band of the Hawks to go and kill her.

Thu, 11-04-2010, 12:27 PM
Then it's possible Griffith already raided the place long ago

I say this because just having an Elf King pop up and heal caska sounds too easy, and TT's theory of requiring a sacrifice doesn't sound like something the good guys would come up with.

Thu, 11-04-2010, 12:41 PM
Then it's possible Griffith already raided the place long ago

I say this because just having an Elf King pop up and heal caska sounds too easy, and TT's theory of requiring a sacrifice doesn't sound like something the good guys would come up with.

You're forgetting the plot point where Gutts is not sure if he wants Caska to be healed. The Skull Knight pretty much implied that she would also remember the her torture in the night of the eclipse.

Thu, 11-04-2010, 12:48 PM
Not that it matters all that much, the woman is a rapist magnet so the memories keep come flooding back again and again

I see how Guts would have problems with it from his perspective though

Tue, 11-16-2010, 09:11 PM
Berserk 317 (http://bt.evil-genius.us:60000/torrents/%5BEvil_Genius%5DBerserk_v36c317.rar.torrent?info_ hash=e25c896580b6823f741e7af00a845fe491d0788a) is out (torrent)

Tue, 11-16-2010, 09:12 PM
Not that i'm complaining but aren't these a bit too fast? I was told Berserk releases were unsteady as fuck

Wed, 11-17-2010, 07:42 AM
yeah they are, he usually releases a few chapters (3-5) repeatedly quickly and then takes a few months break, at least that is how it's been for the last couple of years, in the beginning it was more or less on schedule (every 2 weeks 1 chapter) , we can only hope this continues for a long time (or well you at least, me i have lost all hope)

Wed, 11-17-2010, 07:44 AM
nice chapter and also nice that the next one is coming in 10 days.

Wed, 11-17-2010, 10:08 AM
Perhaps the fact that we have an Anime coming up, which as been halted only because of Miura's command, is a sign that future chapters will come more frequently.

Sat, 12-04-2010, 02:28 PM
Berserk 318 (http://bt.evil-genius.us:60000/torrents/%5BEvil_Genius%5DBerserk_v36c318.rar.torrent?info_ hash=6d7bdeeac360e9c9e717f1ffc6d82804928e674c)

Just battle preparations, this time. More Batman Guts- hope the armor doesn't suddenly start becoming domesticated.

Sat, 12-04-2010, 08:31 PM
What's up with the "Sincere apologies. There will be a short suspension in releases. Publications will resume as soon as manuscripts have been gathered."?

Sun, 12-05-2010, 05:02 AM
Oh look, my first break. Now i feel i truly belong...

Shall we make bets on how many months this one will take?

Sun, 12-05-2010, 01:05 PM
Im betting 2-3 months, which seems to have become the norm.

Sun, 12-05-2010, 02:02 PM
Any idea where I can download the whole batch of chapters? I really don't remember where I left off or half the characters names anymore..

Prof. Chaos
Sun, 12-05-2010, 10:05 PM
It seems to be 3-4 chapters fairly quickly, a few weeks apart, then nothing for 3-4 months then repeat. Let's say end Feb early March for continuation?

Tue, 01-18-2011, 06:25 AM
So, I decided to buy the first 20 Volumes of Berserk, and I must say, it's nice to read in a book form rather than on a monitor. Although, the double page are sometimes annoying with the book. But it's good to read the series yet again, I haven't read the start in some time. Always good to see the art overtime and how far Guts has come.

All in all a good purchase.

Tue, 01-18-2011, 11:53 AM
So, I decided to buy the first 20 Volumes of Berserk, and I must say, it's nice to read in a book form rather than on a monitor. Although, the double page are sometimes annoying with the book. But it's good to read the series yet again, I haven't read the start in some time. Always good to see the art overtime and how far Guts has come.

All in all a good purchase.

Is the adjustment to the DarkHorse translations easy? I want to buy the volumes myself, but I also want to wait and see if the huge mega-volumes are released in English, as were the DBZ ones (although that is VIZ).

Tue, 01-18-2011, 02:20 PM
Is the adjustment to the DarkHorse translations easy? I want to buy the volumes myself, but I also want to wait and see if the huge mega-volumes are released in English, as were the DBZ ones (although that is VIZ).

Does Darkhorse even DO mega-volumes?

Their translations ARE good though. The only way you'd know if there have been any errors/omissions is if you translated the original script yourself, like the peeps on skullknight.net. No blatant foolery or awkward English like the old Hawks scanslations.

Tue, 01-18-2011, 03:53 PM
Does Darkhorse even DO mega-volumes?

Their translations ARE good though. The only way you'd know if there have been any errors/omissions is if you translated the original script yourself, like the peeps on skullknight.net. No blatant foolery or awkward English like the old Hawks scanslations.

Well I said "wait and see," I don't really have my hopes up but seeing as how the series hasn't even finished yet, I see no trouble in waiting it out for a bit.

Tue, 01-18-2011, 06:08 PM
I'm very impressed with how Darkhorse have translated Berserk.
bagandscalpel pretty much sums it up with his reply.

Thu, 03-31-2011, 07:54 AM
Found some good news at SkullKnight.net

"Berserk will be back on April 8th, in YA #8.
There'll be a color page, and the last 4 episodes will be republished as well to provide a quick refresher course."

Should get 4-5 steady releases.

Thu, 03-31-2011, 11:22 AM
This forum needs a "like" function for great news like this.

Thu, 03-31-2011, 02:54 PM
i dont know if i should be happy or sad that i actually forgot about berserk since the last chapter.... :(
anyways, great news. now bring on the new berserk-anime too!

Prof. Chaos
Fri, 04-01-2011, 03:49 PM
Oh hey its the 4 chapters in 4 months time rule. Its like Moore's Law, always comes true.

Sun, 04-03-2011, 10:21 PM
Come on, you guys, why are you all so impatient?

I mean, we already waited for a couple of years for them to cast-off in a ship, no?

A handful of months should be meaningless to us now.

Dark Dragon
Mon, 04-04-2011, 01:42 AM
At this point, i'd be grateful if this series finish sometime before i die of old age.

Mon, 04-04-2011, 08:25 AM
At 12 chapters a year i'm more concerned about the author's health than anything else

Sat, 04-09-2011, 08:01 PM

Chapter THREE ONE NINE (http://www.filesonic.tw/file/570136984)

Sun, 04-10-2011, 02:27 AM
Looks like Guts is going to tear him up from the inside out. I bet the sea god doesn't have an ordinary, non-magical inside, though.

btw, I'm thinking this has been drawn out so much because the author had to read up and study a lot of fantasy literature before he could create this island. I wonder if we'll be seeing some hobbitses.

Death BOO Z
Sun, 04-10-2011, 07:47 AM
I'm not feeling it for the batman Gutts.

and the waiting for the next chapter sure isn't helping.

Sun, 04-10-2011, 08:23 AM
I'm not feeling it for the batman Gutts.

I think I know what you mean.

In my case, I can't feel the overall importance of this enemy, the Sea God. Feels just like an optional boss compared to all other enemies Guts faced throughout, not much significance.

Sun, 04-10-2011, 07:49 PM
They had to have some kind of adventure on their way to Elfhelm. And this Sea God thing is more or less there to show Gutts, Schierke, Farnese's new moves.

Sun, 04-10-2011, 10:06 PM
They had to have some kind of adventure on their way to Elfhelm. And this Sea God thing is more or less there to show Gutts, Schierke, Farnese's new moves.

Problem is, this takes 3 years.

Mon, 04-11-2011, 01:50 AM
Yeah, it seems the author didn't know what to do with Elfhelm. But I'd rather have this than Kubo improvisation. I'm hoping once the author figures it out, these things will start coming out like hotcakes.

I only got into Berserk maybe 5-6 years ago, but how fast were chapters coming out originally?

Mon, 04-11-2011, 05:11 AM
I'm not feeling it for the batman Gutts.

as much as I love the series, it's just hard to ignore.

batman Gutts simply is too batman :/

But at least we get to keep our pragmatical hero who makes the only reasonable thing he could do in the given situation. So pretty much the usual, eh? :D

Mon, 04-11-2011, 05:19 AM
i agree with the "not feeling this guts". I think itīs because previously, Guts was all about "that mere human being that stands up to insanity". now itīs just another super-powered guy, as you see them in any other manga/anime.
hope weīll get a twist regarding guts and his power and the armorīs power soon, something to relativate it all.

Mon, 04-11-2011, 05:55 PM
I thought the suit more or less just gave him an adrenaline boost and made him feel no pain. Does it give him anything else?

Sat, 04-23-2011, 10:11 AM
Chapter 320 (http://www.filesonic.com/file/823255804/) for your viewing pleasure.

Just waiting for the part when Guts' amused nonchalance becomes something more akin to concern. Guess after tangling with a demonic thundercloud, most other things seem trivial (and Sharkrider acting as the Sea God's mouthpiece does nothing for the severity of the matter).

Wed, 04-27-2011, 09:27 AM
hm, dunno. it doesnt feel like the author himself is enjoying these current events that much. hope this part of the story is over soon and we can finally get to the elvesī island.

Death BOO Z
Fri, 05-13-2011, 06:24 PM
321 at evil genius

It's hard to say, but I'm more excited by Ishidoro vs Pirate rematch than by BatGuts against demon\whale.

Prof. Chaos
Sat, 06-25-2011, 10:33 PM
Berserk 322 at Mangareader.net (http://www.mangareader.net/berserk/322)

Sun, 06-26-2011, 08:23 AM
Looks like we hare headed toward the end...Isidoro was pretty badass. Hopefully this ends by 2012...

Mon, 06-27-2011, 08:38 AM
It was good to see Isidoro fight like that, about time he's learnt something with hanging around Guts.
Yeah, after this sea god we should be back at Elfheim.

Tue, 06-28-2011, 10:52 AM
finally, iīd say. if it wasnt for Isidoro and the cute new girl, itīd be all worthless filler imo. It feels like we havenīt touched the main story in ages....well, maybe because we havent, lol. Griffith? Whoīs that :D

Sun, 07-10-2011, 01:53 AM
[Evil Genius] Berserk c.323: SendSpace (http://www.sendspace.com/file/zbwk5m) | MediaFire (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?y26ugo9vsw49tey) | MegaUpload (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OKI9KRMZ)

Sun, 07-10-2011, 02:35 AM
wow, haha. nice chapter. But I feel that this new revelation about Isma lowers chances of her becoming a mainstay in Gutīs party.

Death BOO Z
Sun, 07-10-2011, 05:48 PM
am I the only one who felt very 'One Piece' from the last pages?

Tue, 07-12-2011, 02:00 AM
What's "One Piece" about it? Never read One Piece; I feel I'm too far behind.

Thu, 07-14-2011, 06:59 AM
i guess the mermaid stuff, because One Piece is currently in a fishman / mermaid arc

Tue, 07-26-2011, 02:22 AM
[Evil Genius] Berserk c.324: SendSpace (http://www.sendspace.com/file/js09hz) | MediaFire (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?m66z9vx4lqum653) | MegaUpload (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YFP0PLOF)

Tue, 07-26-2011, 04:43 PM
that was a little bit shorter than I'd hoped.

Tue, 07-26-2011, 04:59 PM
Isma's survival rating is dropping with each chapter

Tue, 07-26-2011, 05:10 PM
Hm, disappointing. The fact that there are so many merrows now makes it unlikely that Isma might become a main stay to the group. Itīs more likely that sheīll join the merrows at the end of the current event.

Not much to say about Guts. This is probably his most boring battle in the whole series. Seriously, anyone here cares about him slaying this giant thing?

Thu, 07-28-2011, 05:08 AM
Yeah, I don't think Isma is going to stay either.
I'm just hoping that this is the last battle before Elfhiem.
On that note I don't think Guts has taken out the enemy as yet, and since all these mermaids have come it will be a few more chapters before we see the end of this monster.

Also, with this chapter a break has started, hopefully wont be too long, but I think a minimum of September.

Sat, 08-27-2011, 09:16 PM
Not the best of news, thought it was interesting, so deciding to share.

Found this at SkullKnight.

You can see the steady decline in chapters being released

YA Release History (source: 2ch.net)
○=YA release with Berserk
x=YA release w/no Berserk

1993 ○○○○x○○○○○○○○○○○○○x○○○○○ 91.7%
1994 ○x○○○○○○○○x○○○○○○○○○○○○x 87.5%
1995 ○○○○○○○○○○x○○○○○○○○x○○○○ 91.7%
1996 ○○x○○○○○○○○○○x○○○○○○○○○○ 91.7%
1997 ○xxx○○○○x○○○○○○x○○○○○○○x 75.0%
1998 ○○○○○○○○○○○x○○x○○○○○○○○○ 91.7%
1999 ○○○○x○○○○○○x○○○○○○x○○○x○ 83.3%
2000 ○○○○○x○○○○○x○○○○○x○○○○○x 83.3%
2001 ○○○○x○○○○○○x○○○○x○○○○○x○ 83.3%
2002 ○○○x○○○○○○x○○○○○x○○○○○x○ 83.3%
2003 ○○○○x○○○○○x○○○○○○○○xx○○○ 83.3%
2004 x○○○x○○○○○○○○xxxx○○○○○○x 70.8%
2005 xx○○○x○○○x○○○x○○○○x○○○xx 66.6%
2006 ○○○○x○○○○x○○○x○○x○xxxxxx 58.3%
2007 x○○○○xx○○xxx○○○xx○○xx○○x 54.2%
2008 xxxx○○○xxx○○xxxxxxxx○○○○ 37.5%
2009 xxxxxxxx○○○○○xxxxx○○○xxx 33.3%
2010 xx○○○xxxxxxx○○○xxxxx○○○x 37.5%
2011 xxxxxxx○○○xx○○○x

Using this as a guide, we might not see a release until October/November.

Sat, 08-27-2011, 10:34 PM
Its official: Miura will die before we reach Elf Island.

Sun, 08-28-2011, 03:56 AM
Not only has it declined in quantity but also in quality in the last few years, i think every Berserk fan knew this, but it's sad to see in actual numbers

Sun, 08-28-2011, 01:35 PM
Not only has it declined in quantity but also in quality in the last few years

To think there was a time when every chapter was integral to the overall plot.

Still not seeing it with Sea God Isle pit-stop.

Wed, 09-14-2011, 01:36 AM
I decided to pick this manga up and read it from start to where it's currently at story wise, wow hahah what a rush. I really did enjoy the story up to now and I'm kind of sad that I can't sit down and read chapters at a time anymore.

Mon, 09-26-2011, 05:25 PM
[Evil Genius] Berserk c.325: Direct Download (http://www50.multiupload.com:81/files/23335B3142CECA653A5E30875D784F78C441DFD0FADABBAA28 0F671B69B678BA6B35862852E9877AF625F131640D305A31ED 51B7562489616FB09559EC9068B8CDE0DC545318D8783B51A5 200148D14269/[Evil_Genius]Berserk_v37c325.rar) | MediaFire (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?p93rddq2u7mjmrc)

Mon, 09-26-2011, 11:21 PM
okay, that chapter gave me a boner, lol.

aaaanyway, weīre getting close to killing that monster, yay. though I found the captain on the ship to be way overly optimistic. To try fighting the sea god, who is several times the size of their ship. lol.

Tue, 09-27-2011, 11:30 AM
How i've missed that murderous smirk

Well there's no way Isma is joining the group now, not with the mom back in the picture

I really wonder where Miura is going with this... Guts gets weaker and more damaged every time he puts that thing on, he's wasn't a match for any of the 5 Gods when he was in tip top shape, how is he supposed to fight now?

Tue, 09-27-2011, 12:38 PM
How i've missed that murderous smirk

Well there's no way Isma is joining the group now, not with the mom back in the picture

I really wonder where Miura is going with this... Guts gets weaker and more damaged every time he puts that thing on, he's wasn't a match for any of the 5 Gods when he was in tip top shape, how is he supposed to fight now?

Maybe the Elf king can restore his body to a healthy state? Otherwise, he's fucked.

Tue, 09-27-2011, 01:53 PM
Then the motherfucking elf king can go fight the Gods of death and despair, poor Guts has been through too much already.

Death BOO Z
Tue, 09-27-2011, 03:04 PM
I really hope this arc won't end in disappointment.
the moment they reach elf-island Casca should get better. Although I'm 99% sure that elf-king will be kidnapped when they visit the place and has to be freed.

It's been far too long since I've stopped caring about the journey.

Tue, 09-27-2011, 03:36 PM
t's been far too long since I've stopped caring about the journey.

I like to read old chapters every now and again to keep me interested, and it helps that in perspective and regardless of release dates Berserk is quite possibly the overall best manga i've ever had the pleasure of reading

Tue, 09-27-2011, 03:38 PM
That armor is cursed/haunted right? Or it had some foul magic on it or...Od as it was called? That fairy King could purify the armor instead of healing Guts and having him go through the same destruction every time he uses the armor.

Tue, 09-27-2011, 03:47 PM
The Skull Night described it as an "unyielding fire that never goes out" and the hellhound seems to indicate the armor takes its power from some very dark emotions. It's not that it's cursed, it's just a dangerous magical item. And Ood is just their word for chakra, reiatsu, ki, etc.

Also, this isn't final fantasy bro, i don't think Guts will ever go from a Dark Knight to a Paladin.

Wed, 09-28-2011, 10:40 AM
Whatever, I think that when they finally reach the elf island, itīs going to be different than what weīre expecting right now. I mean, youīd naturally expect some kind of bright paradise, elves flying around everywhere. But not only would it be kinda boring, we also already got that near the beginning of the Berserk-manga. Remember, these children that turned into fake-elves.

Maybe they reach the island and the elf king is dead and Puk becomes the new one? Or the Elf king is one of the God hand. Something like that. Either way, I expect a surprise.

As for Guts, he really needs a proper "upgrade", though I cannot think of anything that I wouldnīt hate. What made Guts so likeable of a hero was that he was always fighting with human powers. The black armor already kinda put a dent into that concept, but it manages to just slightly bend it, not completely change it. But how can you give Guts more power without saying goodbye to that former concept? Actually, instead of healing Gutsī body or altering the effects of the armor, I could see it getting worse for him. Like, totally abandoning his body and deciding to always stay inside the armor.

Death BOO Z
Wed, 09-28-2011, 04:42 PM
I know this is Berserk and everything is a shit world in here, but I think that this can actually end well for Gutts and the readers.

Remove the armor. completely.
it'll even work with the motif of 'protecting Casca' against 'killing Griffith'.

no more armor, no more batman gutts, no more stupid 'OH NO GUTTS IS BEING TAKEN OVER BY THE EVIL ARMOR AND HE KILLS EVERYTHING!'. It'll even remove the connection he has with Shrieke (little miss witch) that castrates him as a character.

Wed, 09-28-2011, 04:45 PM
I know this is Berserk and everything is a shit world in here, but I think that this can actually end well for Gutts and the readers.

Remove the armor. completely.
it'll even work with the motif of 'protecting Casca' against 'killing Griffith'.

no more armor, no more batman gutts, no more stupid 'OH NO GUTTS IS BEING TAKEN OVER BY THE EVIL ARMOR AND HE KILLS EVERYTHING!'. It'll even remove the connection he has with Shrieke (little miss witch) that castrates him as a character.

Yeah, but then all this plot development surrounding the armor would have been a waste of time.

Wed, 09-28-2011, 05:02 PM
The armor is a necessity. As he was Guts couldn't even be a match for Zodd, so how could he ever hope to compete with Griffith? Given, even at this point i doubt he could even touch him but still... it's a step in the right direction, though a fragile Guts is something i hate to see.

Wed, 09-28-2011, 09:11 PM
The armor is a necessity. As he was Guts couldn't even be a match for Zodd, so how could he ever hope to compete with Griffith? Given, even at this point i doubt he could even touch him but still... it's a step in the right direction, though a fragile Guts is something i hate to see.

Actually the key to defeating god-hand will likely either be the behilit or the dragon slayer. The behilit because that could turn out to be anything, and the dragon slayer because (i think it was skull knight who mentioned this) after having killed so many supernatural beings, it may be able to damage god-hand.

Thu, 09-29-2011, 10:01 AM
Actually the key to defeating god-hand will likely either be the behilit or the dragon slayer. The behilit because that could turn out to be anything, and the dragon slayer because (i think it was skull knight who mentioned this) after having killed so many supernatural beings, it may be able to damage god-hand.

The behelit is only good for one thing, and i don't think guts would ever consider becoming an apostole. As for the DS... maybe.

Thu, 09-29-2011, 11:46 AM
Iīd LOVE to see the armor being removed permanently, could lead to a lot of interesting plot development (Guts having to figure out how to keep up with the monsters; his group members actually taking a more important role in combat, etc.). But yeah, how will he ever have a chance against apostles without it?

Though, I guess there is one way to make the armor obsolete. As has been told, the armor doesnīt increase Gutsī strength. It just removes the human restrictions to the well-being of his body, aka you can keep fighting because you simply donīt notice that your body is actually half-dead. Now, I donīt know how this has been established, but even though Guts is a true, lol, berserker, can we argue that his fighting style is mostly based on pure power, speed and instinct? If thatīs the case, then Guts could undergo a special training to sharpen his natural senses and make him aware of the concept of "skill over pure strength". See Serpico, who gave Guts a lot of trouble because of his sharp thinking. Guts could then combine his good old power-combating with his refined skills and thus ignore the cursed armor. Because he wonīt be hit as easily anymore and make better use of his attacks.

Of course, that only would make slightly sense if Miura actually wanted to give up the cursed armor. Which I have the unfortunate feeling he wonīt.

Death BOO Z
Thu, 09-29-2011, 12:10 PM
you're really selling gutts short, Mfauli.
saying gutts is a berserker that fights on 'strength' rather than skill is a load of crap.
also, saying that serpico gave gutts a hard time - their last battle, before Faranses' party, ended with Gutts dominating Serpico with the sword alone (no cannon, no arrows, no knives), in the environment that Serpico chose (stone pillars to negate gutts reach).

from what I remember of pre-armor gutts, he still could win against most apostles, even the upper tier of them. The armor made it possible for him to fight armies of apostles on his own.


[...] then Guts could undergo a special training to sharpen his natural senses and make him aware of the concept of "skill over pure strength"

doesn't this sound incredibly 'Naruto' to you? or simply 'shonen'? 'special training', in general, sounds like something that lazy writers do - "how'd he get so strong?" "Special training!". "then what did he do before?" "Less special training!".

of course, I do agree with what you said about the benefits of removing the armor: more relevance to the other characters, and actually having Gutts to worry about surviving battles.

Thu, 09-29-2011, 02:11 PM
you're really selling gutts short, Mfauli.

Really wasnīt my intention at all. Iīm just trying to come up with a solution for the whole "how can Guts keep up with his enemies without the cursed armor"-problem. Which feels almost impossible to solve without bending your thoughts. And yes, "training" sounds very "Naruto", but I guess Miura "could" pull it off delicately if he somehow introduces the elves having a special environment to allow for Guts to learn something. Of course, a standard training arc would suck.

And I think weīre past the point where Guts can fight without the armor. He would have been utterly defeated by Griffithīs dragon apostle.

I really do hope that Guts somehow can get rid of the cursed armor and still keep up with all the monsters, but Iīm having a hard time coming up with a believable solution for it.

Prof. Chaos
Thu, 09-29-2011, 02:48 PM
Yeah I thought the whole armor didnt make him stronger, just removed his humanity. Humanity being everything from fatigue to friends. Without Schierke to control the rage, he would just berserk until his body could no longer function. The way I look at it, the armor just pumps him full of adrenalin constantly, to the point it overloads rational thinking.

Sat, 10-15-2011, 11:29 PM
Guts has had an ethereal wound since fighting Slan, before putting on the armor. He has never been in "full" strength since wearing it, I think a big key is for him to heal as he hasn't actually completely healed from all the wounds prior and since putting on the armor. You would've noticed that most of the time when he isn't going 'berserk' he's just lying down getting treated for his wounds which the armor is in fact making worse, which is making him weaker in a way. (This is how I've been thinking)
As other people have mentioned, the armor doesn't make him stronger just removes limits of pain, etc.

Sun, 12-18-2011, 03:30 PM
Just read all chapters in the last 2 weeks.
I love the detailed drawing, truly works of art at time. Oh the time needed for some drawings!

Regarding the future developments?
Isma? hard to tell, she'd be Isidro's lover but has her mother too now... I guess we might have her along the way to elf island.

But of course, as you're all saying, Guts is the next big thing in the story.
My guess is that we need to see him truly go berserk and his hell hound be totally freed. We'll then have an idea of the max power output he can give. It might also be that after some time he's able to control that huge power. Elf king might also be a key to that control and lessen the toll on his body.
Regarding his superhuman strength, well you could argue he's been a monster quite early, being able to swing unusually long/heavy swords and surviving impossible battles like the 100 men one.
Remaining on his human side I don't exactly now his age now, but white hair, body getting more fragile, at some point his corporeal body will hit a limit. So they need something to go over it. After all, Griffith solved that problem long ago.

I never thought I would read a manga with that much graphic violence, even cruelty and all. The tower part was a bit long and depressive, I was even getting a little bored, but then it got a little lighter even if too shonen-like with the kiddies entering the picture. Also, Farneze's character has been trashed quite a bit IMHO.

I think I'll now read the volumes from the beginning, not covered by the anime. I only started from volume 14, following the events of the anime. I guess I'll get a better understanding of how Guts came to be who he is.

Sun, 12-18-2011, 03:48 PM
That was a big mistake, you should have read the first few volumes before the golden age.

Fri, 02-03-2012, 06:53 PM
Just read the latest 12 chapters, and am not caring about this Fantasia Arc at all. What's the latest news on chapter 326, don't see any info here.

Fri, 02-03-2012, 07:15 PM
The episode came out on the 27/01/12.
Shouldn't be too long for a scanlation to appear.

I believe there isn't too much more they will do with the Sea God.

Also, some more good news is that Berserk 327 is out on schedule (10/02/12).

Fri, 02-03-2012, 07:41 PM
Great news, thanks. I miss the Band of the Hawk, how can we bring them back? Impure World Resurrection/Edo Tensei?

Fri, 02-03-2012, 10:07 PM
Griffith might bring them back to fuck with Guts' head. Also for the lulz.

Fri, 02-03-2012, 10:17 PM
Gang rape Casca.

Fri, 02-03-2012, 10:30 PM
Gang rape Casca.


Prof. Chaos
Sat, 02-04-2012, 01:45 AM
Here I thought a new chapter was out...

Sat, 02-04-2012, 12:34 PM
[Evil Genius] Berserk v.37c.326: SendSpace (http://www.sendspace.com/file/0ncgvv) | MediaFire (http://www.mediafire.com/?nwidz0rckh160r4)

Sat, 02-04-2012, 08:53 PM
shitty cliffhanger, but only a week till next chapter. and finally, it seems this arc is over.

Fri, 02-10-2012, 01:47 PM
Shitty cliffhanger indeed, but as you mention new chapter should be coming out today.

Prof. Chaos
Wed, 02-15-2012, 05:32 PM
Where is 327??? I actually went back and re-read Gutts first gaining the armor to go berserk on that dragon guy.

Mon, 02-20-2012, 09:37 AM
[Evil Genius] Berserk c.327: SendSpace (http://www.sendspace.com/file/tn4us4) | MediaFire (http://www.mediafire.com/?ut9399ndf1f2rrt)

Death BOO Z
Mon, 02-20-2012, 10:37 AM
the magical fairy that guides and saves Gutts looked life griffith for a moment, didn't it?

Mon, 02-20-2012, 11:37 AM
Well i'm guessing it was his kid who is probably serving as a physical vessel for Griffith even now.

Prof. Chaos
Mon, 02-20-2012, 05:55 PM
So here's to another 3+ month wait for another 2-4 chapters. Can we at least get the movie to quench our thirst?

Mon, 02-20-2012, 08:49 PM
Alright conclusion chapter. But I still donīt like that "mysterious" little kid. Popped out of nowhere and the reader is supposed to accept that? Hm...

Btw, Isidoro, make sure you donīt miss your shot at a mermaid, dude!

Sat, 05-26-2012, 07:54 PM
So here's to another 3+ month wait for another 2-4 chapters.

Looks like you were correct.

This year's 11th issue of Hakusensha's Young Animal magazine revealed on Friday that Kentarou Miura's Berserk manga will be returning for a three-chapter run, starting in the next issue on June 8. The three chapters will depict an episode from Guts's childhood.

Berserk Manga to Return with 3 New Chapters (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-05-26/berserk-manga-to-return-with-3-new-chapters)

Sat, 05-26-2012, 08:11 PM
Cool, i love berserk flashbacks. I hope he doesn't get raped again :x

Death BOO Z
Sun, 05-27-2012, 03:10 AM
Nothing good can come out of Gutts flashbacks...

Shinji Ikari
Sun, 06-03-2012, 08:28 AM
In waiting for the 3 chapters of the manga one can always watch the movie a thousand times now that it's subbed ^^

Mon, 06-04-2012, 09:29 AM
I'm curious as to what is going to be shown in the flashback and why now? It will definitely be for something that is going to tie into now or a future reference. Miura isn't one to just put things in for the sake of it.
It seems from reading elsewhere it's going to be based during the time after Gambino but before Bazuso.

3 guaranteed episodes is always awesome! Hope the wait afterwards isn't too long. The next episodes after will probably release with the second movie (I'm guessing a 3 month wait like the first one).

Tue, 06-12-2012, 02:38 PM
[Evil Genius] Berserk c.328: SendSpace (http://www.sendspace.com/file/qabqdj) | Torrent (http://bt.evil-genius.us:60000/torrents/[Evil_Genius]Berserk_v37c328.rar.torrent?info_hash=43c70bb53157 7fb9181d2237b577fa7055c3c382)

Berserk 329 = June 22nd

Death BOO Z
Tue, 06-12-2012, 02:49 PM
I was skeptical about having another flashback, but it was great...
until the final page. didn't care for it much.

Tue, 06-12-2012, 03:02 PM
Guts did mention having met elves before didn't he?

Fri, 06-15-2012, 09:56 AM
Well, great or not great ... did we learn anything new through this flashback?

Death BOO Z
Fri, 06-15-2012, 11:20 AM
I'm hoping that we're going to learn that gutts used the elf as a distraction to escape the prison (as he just learned from the old man), and now that elf is going to refuse their entry into elf-island as revenge. maybe that elf was the elf king and he doesn't want to help gutts.

I can only accept super-natural events in the berserk universe if they make the situation worse.

Fri, 06-15-2012, 02:14 PM
I'm hoping that we're going to learn that gutts used the elf as a distraction to escape the prison (as he just learned from the old man), and now that elf is going to refuse their entry into elf-island as revenge. maybe that elf was the elf king and he doesn't want to help gutts.

I can only accept super-natural events in the berserk universe if they make the situation worse.

Seems more like a "queen" to me.

Sun, 06-24-2012, 12:24 PM
Some new group released chapter 329. I haven't read it myself, so I can't speak on the quality. I just saw it on the release moderation screen on Manga Updates and decided to post it.

[Spectrum Scans] Berserk c.329: Online Viewing (http://view.thespectrum.net/series/berserk-chapter-329.html)

Chapter 330 will be released around 7/13

Edit: [Evil Genius] Berserk c.329: SendSpace (http://www.sendspace.com/file/llqosc) | Torrent (http://bt.evil-genius.us:60000/torrents/[Evil_Genius]Berserk_v37c329.rar.torrent?info_hash=ff156290d324 084d92ddb434fd20ba53b7b5ec79)

Mon, 06-25-2012, 11:47 AM
Next one should be the end of this flashback arc. Curious of how it'll tie to the next portion, if at all.

Death BOO Z
Mon, 06-25-2012, 02:09 PM
I don't get it.
the guy kept Gutts alive so his son could get some killing experience?
doesn't seem like a sound plan, even if gutts doesn't fight back (hint: people won't lay down and let themselves be killer), what good is it gonna be? if all you need is to get some blood on the boys' hand so he won't freak out, there's no reason to stage a fight (you can probably just tell him to kill some little kids, or what not).

as usual, not a fan of healing flora.

Mon, 06-25-2012, 05:52 PM
I don't get it.
the guy kept Gutts alive so his son could get some killing experience?
doesn't seem like a sound plan, even if gutts doesn't fight back (hint: people won't lay down and let themselves be killer), what good is it gonna be? if all you need is to get some blood on the boys' hand so he won't freak out, there's no reason to stage a fight (you can probably just tell him to kill some little kids, or what not).

as usual, not a fan of healing flora.

I think he wanted to give his son confidence, who would be dumb enough not to notice a weakened soldier but intelligent enough not to get a kick out of killing little kids.

Mon, 06-25-2012, 06:18 PM
Itīs been so long: Did the manga show Guts and Puk as a duo right when we saw them first, or did it explain how Puk and Guts met?

Flashbacks like these are dangerous. They can be dangerous. Flashbacks ruined Naruto. In this case, I hope Miura doesnīt ruin Gutīs image as the "unchosen", the guy that fights destiny by sheer will power. It would suck if we find out that Guts had some events in his past as kid where he managed to connect to the more fantastic aspects of what would become part of his future life.

Despite these worries, Iīm enjoying this flashback. Even though it means the wait for the main plot continues ...

Mon, 06-25-2012, 09:41 PM
That was great... i hope the flower makes it though :(

Mon, 06-25-2012, 11:40 PM
Guts meeting Puck is shown in the first couple arcs before the Golden Age flashback / arc. Guts really doesn't warm up to Puck until the Lost Children arc though. His initial reaction makes sense though -- he saves Puck but doesn't want his healing.

Tue, 06-26-2012, 07:21 PM
Suddenly, Guts being an asshole to Puck throughout the whole Black Swordsman arc has a completely new meaning to it.

And now I'll have to reread the beginning of the manga knowing he has feelings of CONSIDERATION during that part (Colette was a side character; she doesn't count).

Tue, 06-26-2012, 08:43 PM
And now I'll have to reread the beginning of the manga knowing he has feelings of CONSIDERATION during that part (Colette was a side character; she doesn't count).

I dont think so Tim.


Mon, 07-02-2012, 10:21 AM
That kid that keeps Saving Guts from Going Total Berserker is for sure from the Realm of Dead/Astral.. At first I thought it was Cascas/Griffiths kid but isn't griffith technically using that childs body? It does look like a mix of Casca though..

Mon, 07-02-2012, 01:12 PM
It's Casca's and Gut's child with a little bit of Femto's evil semen added to the mix.

Sat, 07-14-2012, 06:09 AM
Edit: [Evil Genius] Berserk c.330: Minus (http://minus.com/lBqgp6j1DeEQK) | SendSpace (http://www.sendspace.com/file/nowkl7) | Torrent (http://bt.evil-genius.us:60000/torrents/[Evil_Genius]Berserk_v37c330.rar.torrent?info_hash=b09c832ea2ed aa9892797674688fbb1799dd2b18)

Spectrum Scans - Berserk c.330 (http://view.thespectrum.net/series/berserk-chapter-330.html?ch=Chapter+330&page=1)

Prof. Chaos
Sun, 07-15-2012, 03:28 PM
So another 3+ month wait is in store.

Death BOO Z
Sun, 07-15-2012, 04:13 PM
For a moment I thought the kid was the guy (boscko?) from the time Gutts met up with the hawks.

Wed, 07-18-2012, 04:31 AM
haha so did I for a second there DBZ.

This didn't really bring about anything that is really needed, or not that I can see at this stage. A little pointless really, but was good to see Guts pre Hawks again.

I wonder how long the wait is to Elfheim, surely there isn't much more he could put in before, unless he goes back to the Griffiths side of the story for a few chapters. I don't think we'll see anymore Guts battles before Elfheim though (although, it is entirely possible).

Wed, 07-18-2012, 03:01 PM
haha so did I for a second there DBZ.

This didn't really bring about anything that is really needed, or not that I can see at this stage. A little pointless really, but was good to see Guts pre Hawks again.

I wonder how long the wait is to Elfheim, surely there isn't much more he could put in before, unless he goes back to the Griffiths side of the story for a few chapters. I don't think we'll see anymore Guts battles before Elfheim though (although, it is entirely possible).

Hopefully the success with the movies will give incentive to write this manga at a faster pace..

Sun, 10-14-2012, 03:53 PM
[Evil Genius] Berserk c.331: SendSpace (http://www.sendspace.com/file/pjqyp2) | Torrent (http://bt.evil-genius.us:60000/torrents/[Evil_Genius]Berserk_v37c331.rar.torrent?info_hash=753f65563f87 0c1c4acdd8a134de3cfefd16e1ab)

Sun, 10-14-2012, 04:52 PM
Pretty unforgivable to make us wait this long and release a chapter with no tangible progress to the plot.

Death BOO Z
Sun, 10-14-2012, 04:59 PM
they did tell us the kid is magical and mysterious.... as if it wasn't clear already.

I'd much rather believe that it's a manifestation of caska's period. she seems like the kind of person who gets PMS with the full moon circle.

Sun, 10-14-2012, 08:21 PM
The whole thing is a red herring, Miura is regretting how obvious he made that the kid is Guts and Casca's child and is trying to throw us off the track.

Sun, 10-14-2012, 11:59 PM
But actually, he's obito.

Mon, 10-15-2012, 05:13 PM
But actually, he's obito.

"Bro its too obvious it can't be Obitio, he was crushed by a boulder!"

Shinji Ikari
Tue, 10-16-2012, 03:56 AM
The whole thing is a red herring, Miura is regretting how obvious he made that the kid is Guts and Casca's child and is trying to throw us off the track.

I don't think Miura makes mistakes :P

From the very start Caska did give birth to a foul creature. If that birth is to be called a "miscarriage" or something of the like because Guts and Caskas baby was infected with femto power... or if the baby isn't at all Guts and only Caska and Femtos remains to be seen however.

If you only look at the kids apperance I'd say it's Caskas and Femtos baby. He looks a lot like Griffith as a kid except for Caskas dark hair and eyes. The facial structure is the same as Griffith boy version, kind of childish, roundish. Guts jawline even as a kid was much more defined and hard.

Most likely it will turn out he's a little bit of everyone. One thing to note though is that he doesn't seem to have any connection at all with Femto. So even if he is partially his kid... He will probably end up helping in the fight against the Femtos in the end.

Tue, 10-16-2012, 05:19 AM
Pretty sure the Skull Knight subtly explained that its Gutts and Caska's child with magical corruption of Femto. The scene on the beach shores where they first meet him and Gutts and Caska catch him from falling has a mentioning of them looking like a family.

Tue, 10-16-2012, 09:42 AM
Btw Off topic but wasn't the 2nd movie for berserk supposed to be released already?

Shinji Ikari
Tue, 10-16-2012, 11:30 AM
It was aired in the cinemas in Japan the 26th of June. It will be released on dvd and blu-ray on the 5th of dec this year. :D Hopefully we won't have to wait like a month between release and a subbed version like we had to do the last time :S

Tue, 11-06-2012, 07:38 PM
[Evil Genius] Berserk c.332: SendSpace (http://www.sendspace.com/file/4s7e4m) | MediaFire (http://www.mediafire.com/?vamydulr7i4nckd)

Prof. Chaos
Tue, 11-06-2012, 09:30 PM
Been waiting for this...

So guessing he will be Gutt's first foe. Also no time line for next chapter makes me sad. Here's til Feb/March before I check back here again.

Death BOO Z
Wed, 11-07-2012, 03:16 AM
isn't erica one of the characters from earlier arcs? I think I remember seeing this name...

still, the trolls were defeated by regular soldiers, without even putting up a good fight, much less bloody than I would have thought.

Wed, 11-07-2012, 05:38 AM
Well that was a whole bunch of nothing...

Wed, 11-07-2012, 11:34 AM
So what? That bow is like Gutts his armor?

Sat, 11-10-2012, 05:28 PM
Really hate this guyīs transformation ... whatīs it feel like banging a goat, dude? :/

Sun, 01-13-2013, 06:54 AM
[Evil Genius] Berserk c.333: SendSpace (http://www.sendspace.com/file/nqpi6y) | MediaFire (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?5cbbda951wi8cwh) | Torrent (http://bt.evil-genius.us:60000/torrents/[Evil_Genius]Berserk_v37c333.rar.torrent?info_hash=193eb9f8c74c 332c4bced30b601789a0c21451c8)

Death BOO Z
Sun, 01-13-2013, 10:00 AM
well, egopolis it is.

Although I feel that demon griffith is manipulating hero griffith into saving the whole world, only so that he could sacrifice them later on.

Sun, 01-13-2013, 10:39 PM
well, egopolis it is.

Although I feel that demon griffith is manipulating hero griffith into saving the whole world, only so that he could sacrifice them later on.
Lol! There's no demon Griffith or hero Griffith, there's just Griffith.

This manga is slow as fuck but for what it's worth, its characters are more complex than simply good or bad.

Prof. Chaos
Sun, 01-13-2013, 10:49 PM
I'm surprised Rickert would show off his Original Band of the Hawk medallion.

Also those crystals looked a lot like that dragon guy.

Sun, 01-13-2013, 10:53 PM
Wait, little Ricket survived???
It's hilarious how the hiatuses left everyone not knowing what the fuck is going on anymore. They just sort of remember Casca getting raped and Guts fighting monsters.

Mon, 01-14-2013, 01:06 AM
It's hilarious how the hiatuses left everyone not knowing what the fuck is going on anymore. They just sort of remember Casca getting raped and Guts fighting monsters.

And Flora being moe.

Mon, 01-14-2013, 02:03 AM
The hiatus has hit more than just the readers. Rickert apparently forgot the fact that Guts already told him about Griffith's involvement in the Eclipse like a gazillion chapters ago. You'd figure he would remember that Griffith was not a good person anymore what with the whole murderous rape ritual.

Tue, 01-15-2013, 11:01 AM
Really enjoy seeing Rickelt back in action. Him fighting those valkyries with his bow-machine gun felt reminiscent of how pre-Eclipse Guts fought uber-monsters, while being mere human himself.

Fri, 01-18-2013, 04:26 PM
Really enjoy seeing Rickelt back in action. Him fighting those valkyries with his bow-machine gun felt reminiscent of how pre-Eclipse Guts fought uber-monsters, while being mere human himself.

More like harpies. What on earth would make you think these weak, ugly things would be anything like the Norse angels of death?

Sat, 01-19-2013, 12:32 PM
lol, i meant harpies. sorry!

Shinji Ikari
Wed, 06-19-2013, 04:49 PM
YEEEEESSSSSSS!!!! Third movie finally out! And omfg!!! You all know what happens so no spoiler there. But I have never had my emotions so twisted. The Manga and the anime series portrayed it well, but this movie does it one step better at the end. Graphically amazing and the desperation is shown in a completely new way. So so good!

Thu, 06-20-2013, 01:26 PM
link, dammit!!1

Shinji Ikari
Thu, 06-20-2013, 03:59 PM
link, dammit!!1

No subs though.

Shinji Ikari
Fri, 06-21-2013, 11:26 AM
English subs released, don't know which version it's for


Sun, 06-30-2013, 04:17 AM
Has it really been almost half a year without a chapter? wtf is going on ...

Sun, 06-30-2013, 01:11 PM
is it that surprising ? there wont be a chapter until 26.7 earliest

Shinji Ikari
Tue, 07-02-2013, 09:59 AM
It's more or less what you'd expect from Kentarou Miura. And it will all be forgiven if they make a re-release of the whole series as an anime. This time following the manga from cover to cover without censuring anything. That shit would sell!

In one of the unsubbed releases there was an interview with the actors and one more guy who upon being asked did say that there were plans for the saga, but that he couldn't speak about it yet.

And with regards to the manga I just hope the finish the foolish Rickert/Griffith arc so we can get back on the boat to elfheim and start getting everyone healed up and Caskas memories back so she will suffer some more before joining the battle. This whole stalling technique makes me wonder if Miura even knows what to do with the guys when they reach Elfheim.

Prof. Chaos
Tue, 07-02-2013, 08:42 PM
Come on, its 3-6 chapters over a 4 months period then nothing for the remaining 8 months of the year. Just would be nice to have consistent monthly or something.

Shinji Ikari
Fri, 03-28-2014, 04:25 AM
Berserk is back in april!


Sat, 04-12-2014, 09:18 AM
[Evil Genius] Berserk c.334: Torrent (http://bt.evil-genius.us:60000/torrents/%5BEvil_Genius%5DBerserk_v38c334.rar.torrent?info_ hash=334824d36b15983cb7544c54ce6b3a6f4aa5dd4f)

Finally :D

Sat, 04-12-2014, 09:33 AM
Next chapter is slated for May 23rd

Well shit

Mon, 04-14-2014, 12:34 AM
One month seems speedy at this point :) I'm excited.

Shinji Ikari
Wed, 04-16-2014, 04:28 PM
Funny how the brain works. First thing I thought when I saw the great city was "Can't wait for Guts to destroy the hell out of this city!" :D

Prof. Chaos
Mon, 06-09-2014, 06:44 PM

Why wasnt this posted earlier? No date on when the next chapter comes out, but at least it was a nice fix.

Sun, 06-15-2014, 06:37 PM
Because nobody gives a shit anymore

Sun, 06-15-2014, 11:27 PM
Shouldn't the next chapter be out soon?

Death BOO Z
Thu, 08-14-2014, 07:57 AM
new chapter...


yeah... a pit battle of demons? yawn, underwhelming. I did like the earlier talk of rickert and spanish lorenzo.

Prof. Chaos
Thu, 08-14-2014, 07:58 PM
Actually that was pretty cool. That giant pig-nosed dick-headed monster.

But seriously, I wish this was more frequent. He's weaving a story that will be forgotten in the plot in a very short while due to the length it takes to come out. Just draw more fights already.

Death BOO Z
Tue, 10-07-2014, 01:54 PM
that was damn satisfying.

Sat, 10-11-2014, 07:22 AM
haha, that it was.
That slap to the face was brilliant and the reaction of everyone.

Shinji Ikari
Sun, 07-26-2015, 07:53 AM
Holy shit I think I might faint, a new chap is out! That would be chap 338

http://bt.evil-genius.us:60000/torrents/%5BEvil_Genius%5DBerserk_v38c338.rar.torrent?info_ hash=5ac2a53c57e16da8e79f775d1d227c812d7f227a

Death BOO Z
Mon, 07-27-2015, 12:57 AM
the cover page says it's back to monthly schedule!
august 28 is the next release!

Shinji Ikari
Wed, 07-29-2015, 06:00 PM
Holy shit, did not realize that. Hope we can finally soon put an end to Richert arc and get back to landing on Puck-island!

Death BOO Z
Mon, 08-31-2015, 12:59 PM
new chapter is out.

maybe the gutts group will grow larger?

Shinji Ikari
Sat, 10-03-2015, 09:59 AM
Chap 340 is out. He sure is picking up pace

http://bt.evil-genius.us:60000/torrents/%5BEvil_Genius%5DBerserk_v38c340.rar.torrent?info_ hash=79ab6f7fa46538270e96cd89cde7caee8c23a97b

Shinji Ikari
Mon, 10-26-2015, 05:22 PM
Another Chapter is out and things are looking up... at least when it comes to pace :)

http://bt.evil-genius.us:60000/torrents/%5BEvil_Genius%5DBerserk_v38c341.rar.torrent?info_ hash=9c65cad610271d665add0ab827ae5dfd261e374e

Tue, 10-27-2015, 06:08 PM
I was surprised by how many chapters had accumulated since I last time read this. Half a dozen or something. I only waited mere two years. My Berserk can't be this fast!

Although I was disappointed by no Guts. But then again, I think it was essential for the larger story to solidly establish what Griffith has been doing and how perhaps even a million people view him as a godly savior king. Richert felt like a plot tool to allow us to see the grand city and the common people living happily under Falcon's rule. Pure narration would have been much more artificial and annoying.

Death BOO Z
Tue, 12-01-2015, 12:56 PM
342 is out as well!

Thu, 12-10-2015, 10:07 PM
Holy shit. They made it to Elf Island.

Sat, 06-25-2016, 12:36 PM
chapter 344 is out!

Morda is my waifu!

Death BOO Z
Mon, 07-25-2016, 03:30 PM
345 is out as well!

Death BOO Z
Tue, 08-30-2016, 03:22 PM
346. lots' of artsy woodland fantasy critters, fairies, centaurs and whatnots,
also, fuckin' puck.

next chapter late September.

Prof. Chaos
Fri, 09-02-2016, 12:16 PM

Sat, 09-03-2016, 02:02 AM

His reign turned out rather short. The idiot merchant didn't have time to benefit much from it.

Death BOO Z
Fri, 09-23-2016, 07:29 AM
347 is out.
some nice funnies about faranzes and shcricke dreams.

seems like bad planning from the elfking not to inquire about what they may find there beforehand.
I'm pretty sure that 'head jump into memories of rape by idol amidst demon uprising is going to be a hard dream to deal with at all cases, especially for complete amateurs at dream scarping who had no idea what to expect.

Fri, 09-23-2016, 10:59 AM
seems like bad planning from the elfking not to inquire about what they may find there beforehand.
I'm pretty sure that 'head jump into memories of rape by idol amidst demon uprising is going to be a hard dream to deal with at all cases, especially for complete amateurs at dream scarping who had no idea what to expect.

I was thinking absolutely the same thing. But then again, maybe the elf king did know and said nothing in order not to discourage those two. What could they have done to prepare for that nightmare, anyway? Nothing. Perhaps she has some way of keeping them sane and call them back when the time comes.

Other than that, another hiatus till 2017? It's sad it's not surprising in the least. I guess some new game was released and Miura needs time to play it through a few times.

Sun, 02-26-2017, 09:26 AM
I just finished Berserk for PS4. I cannot remember, so: Did Guts really fight against Ganeshka at any point? The game ends with Guts flying on Zoddīs back to Ganeshka, where Guts fights him. Just wondering if this was done to give the game a proper boss battle or if it happened. Google doesnt help.

Death BOO Z
Sun, 02-26-2017, 02:28 PM
I think he did.
I also remember him channeling some lightning blast through his sword to get rid of the emperor, but that might be from the pokemon adventures manga.

Sun, 02-26-2017, 09:23 PM
Wow this is a pretty significant thing for you guys to forget. There was this big convergence, Guts was there, Griffith was there, Skull Knight showed up and that was how we got the world tree and the present new age.

Death BOO Z
Tue, 02-28-2017, 01:28 PM
I found it. chapter 277.

in our defense, this was apparently released in 2009.

Death BOO Z
Thu, 03-23-2017, 05:29 PM
chapter 348 is online.

it's very important to spell out your symbolism, in the reader doesn't get it.

Fri, 03-24-2017, 03:55 AM
it's very important to spell out your symbolism, in the reader doesn't get it.

It's not even shounen but seinen. Although I don't fortunately have a feeling every single thing would be explained in Berserk like in the typical shounen series, where you can't even have a fight without the combatants explaining before and after their every move. But then again, there's little need to explain the swings of a giant sword.

Fri, 03-24-2017, 06:42 PM
As long as we get a resolution to all of this sometime in the next decade it is fine. I don't care if he wants to explain to us that water is wet, just don't waste an entire chapter to do so. It feels like the most significant thing that has happened so far this decade is Rickerts slapping Griffith.

Prof. Chaos
Fri, 04-28-2017, 06:44 PM
349 is out!


Sat, 04-29-2017, 02:37 AM
Guts got some drinking and talking done.

Sun, 04-30-2017, 05:01 AM
Guts smiled a bit and seems to be somewhat at peace....this is not going to end well, is it?

Sun, 04-30-2017, 08:55 AM
Guts smiled a bit and seems to be somewhat at peace....this is not going to end well, is it?

I'd say the most important thing would be for it to end at all, no matter how it ends. Even Guts couldn't have dragged around that heavy stone coffin forever, whilst continuously fighting at the same time.

Death BOO Z
Sat, 06-24-2017, 02:02 PM
351 is out, I think we are exactly at the same spot we were after 350.

Fri, 06-30-2017, 02:49 AM
So girls fighting monstrous penises. Not something I ever expected to see. I will just be glad when this all over and saving Casca is no longer a major focus of the plot. Particularly if we get a bit of the old Casca back because she was a pretty good character and the villains are what make this series so it would be nice to have another meaningful hero. I wonder how long it will be before we see Rickert again.

Fri, 06-30-2017, 04:50 PM
Considering what Casca went through, monsters looking like giant dongs is to be expected.

Tue, 07-04-2017, 01:18 PM

I forgot that new chapters had been released. Just read 5 chapters in the span of like 10 minutes. And once I reach the end of 351 it says "break until winter". WHY?!

Forget about Gutīs pain, the readersī pain is much worse :/

Also penisses everwhere.

Death BOO Z
Sat, 12-23-2017, 03:01 PM
it must be Christmas because there's a new chapter out..

Prof. Chaos
Sat, 12-23-2017, 03:18 PM
Must be Berserk-mas! The armor returns.

Death BOO Z
Sun, 01-28-2018, 01:11 PM
253 is out.
the chapter title and the events in it made me think of inuyasha.

Prof. Chaos
Sun, 02-25-2018, 10:24 AM
354 is out.

Death BOO Z
Sun, 02-25-2018, 11:51 AM
damn 20 something chapters,
I could really use a volume or two to ride on this momentous occasion.

Prof. Chaos
Sat, 03-24-2018, 04:45 PM
355 is out.

She speaks!

Death BOO Z
Sun, 03-25-2018, 11:38 AM
dresses are still not her style, even if they make her look like an angel senshi.

Sun, 03-25-2018, 04:02 PM
It was quite nice, even if highly expectable, how she seemed so fine and energetic at first but then upon seeing Guts she immediately cracked. Felt pretty realistic. I'm not sure how well even Guts' considerable social and psychological skills can help her.

Death BOO Z
Mon, 03-26-2018, 04:08 PM
well, he did have a few months of socializing to get better at it.
and he's grown older, so he's probably more levelheaded (I'm guessing he's now mid to late twenties?), age tends to have this effect on people.

shit, I'm older than guts.

Prof. Chaos
Sun, 05-27-2018, 12:37 PM
356 is out.

Get to see some of the Apostles in action

Death BOO Z
Tue, 07-03-2018, 04:21 AM
356.5 is out (only ten pages).
it's more of a vidoe game cutscene storyboard than an actual chapter...

Wed, 10-24-2018, 06:37 PM
Is 357 the most recent one?

Man, I'm tired of watching Griffith's god-mode adventures. Reminds me of Overlord.

Btw: when he doed this ritual where killed people can say goodbye to their loved ones - is it real or fake?

Death BOO Z
Sun, 04-28-2019, 02:50 PM
new episode, in which griffith creates the modern state.

Death BOO Z
Thu, 08-22-2019, 11:44 AM
359 is out. casca chapter.

Sun, 08-25-2019, 12:58 AM
Seeing Casca dodge that axe so effortlessly brought a tear to my eye. But poor Guts. Will he ever catch a break? Probably not.

Wed, 05-19-2021, 10:08 PM
The mangaka, Kentaro Miura, passed away on May 6th from acute aortic dissection. He was 54.


Wed, 05-19-2021, 10:21 PM
The mangaka, Kentaro Miura, passed away on May 6th from acute aortic dissection.


Fuck man, I just saw.

Thu, 05-20-2021, 01:38 AM
Yeah, quite unwelcome news. Poor dude.

Thu, 05-20-2021, 01:57 AM
All the memes about Berserk never being finished are now a reality...

Death BOO Z
Thu, 05-20-2021, 09:37 AM
I was fifteen the first time i watched the series, and seventeen when I first read the manga.
it's weird, half my life passed since then, and i'll never know how the story ends.

Thu, 05-20-2021, 11:19 AM
Maybe his assistants and students can continue the story...