View Full Version : IE6

Tue, 07-27-2004, 11:11 AM
when downloading from sites the file will lock up in certain places and i have to restart the download
sometimes ill get the whole file in 1 go somtime i have to keep restarting it
any ideas???

also a game i have called blackhawk down seems to have alot of Conection Interupts and Receive Lag
any idea's what to do here cause its anoying the fuck outa me
im on a router but even if i make my computer the DNZ server i still get the shit

Tue, 07-27-2004, 11:55 AM
There could be a multitude of things that could be wrong.

You may want to check if you're running things that shouldn't be running.
I'd prescibe a dose of AdAware along with some WindowsUpdate and AntiVirus (of your choice)