View Full Version : Why was I baned on the IRC channel
Tue, 07-20-2004, 08:10 PM
ok, I loged into irc, and whent to #animeone and then next thing I know I was baned. I just enterd and next thing I see is your adress is baned. was wondering who would I talk to about at least understanding why, and how to get un baned if there is a way I rarely even go into irc so, I doubt it was something I did in the past.
Tue, 07-20-2004, 08:24 PM
You obviously broke one of their rules but as to which one, I'm not sure. Anyway, to get unbanned, your just going to have to wait.
Tue, 07-20-2004, 08:42 PM
Here's some guidelines ....
first off, if your nick is a guest one, you won't be getting in. You need to have a real nick to use it. You neeed to actually own your nick too.
From the logs I can see:
[18:35] * Kurai is now known as Guest109898
[18:35] * Guest109898 was kicked by Naruto-Kun (banned:requested)
That means you either were using a nickname you don't own, or you were using a nickname you own but didn't identify with. Either change your nickname or use the command "/nickserv identify <password>" depending on which of these is the case.
Other guidelines include the stuff at . Read the rules. Pay attention to them. Live them. They're sane and easy.
Or if you can't be bothered to read the bullet points, then live by these three fundamentals: "Don't be a spammer, don't be a lamer, don't be an asshole". (spammer includes flooding, repeating the same question over and over again, etc. lamer would be the types that come in and don't read what people are saying or ask when the next release is or where the bt site is, for example. assholes are pretty obvious, so I won't go into detail about that)
Wed, 07-21-2004, 01:39 AM
thank you. if it was because of the nick I think thats because that one is from another server. I shall reserve one for rizon then. I shall alsow see if I may have inadvertently broken any ruels.
Wed, 07-21-2004, 09:29 PM
if it was a nick ban it may just be that youlll get a 1 day ban or something i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Sat, 07-24-2004, 12:14 AM
if you noticed, it wasn't even that. I pasted the exact situation as it happened.
We maintain Guest*!*@* as a banned mask, and have our general utility bot Naruto-kun enforce those bans by kicking people with matching hostmasks. So when your nick goes to "Guest198675" or something like that in the channel, Naruto-kun kicks you. You can come back in the moment your nick isn't Guest*. This works out well, keeps people with nick protection scripts from flooding the channel with their nickchanges when services hiccup, and generally makes our lives easier.
Pay attention Albino! :-p
On a side note, our bans expire in one of three ways:
(1) scripted bans (those triggered by certain channel text) are scripted with expire times. The banner auto-unbans the person after a certain set amount of time, usually a couple minutes to a couple hours.
(2) someone is bored and decides to clear stale bans.
(3) services crash, a server splits, or something else happens that causes the banlist to be flushed.
Sometimes the op who banned you will unban you. Most of the time our bans don't last longer than a couple hours, though sometimes they've been known to last days or weeks (and there are some people that we ban forever, because they're cockmonkeys). Don't be one of them.
Sat, 07-24-2004, 09:35 PM
Soory Im gonna go off topic here.
There is this guy, from Naruto forum, got suspended for opening topic the mood should only open. I think that is the reason. Is he gonna be reinstated or is he ban for life.
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