View Full Version : Is the forth narutos daddy

Tue, 07-20-2004, 06:11 PM
i dunno if u guys made a topic about this but. I wana see who thinks the fourth is narutos dad and if he isnt who is it.why would the forth put kyubi in anyone else than ur son? It isnt like their wasnt any other baby around. lemme see ur speculations

Tue, 07-20-2004, 06:12 PM
Search. This has been done enough.

Tue, 07-20-2004, 06:47 PM
this topic is like way in the past.

Tue, 07-20-2004, 07:32 PM
overly discussed. used search rather than made this pointless thread.

Tue, 07-20-2004, 08:01 PM
I did some search

This is the search word that I use

Naruto's Dad

The only thing that I got is

This topic Is the forth narutos daddy

Who raised Naruto I think this one don't answer the question

Naruto Look like the fourth This may answer the question but this is at pages 2 or 3 or 4, I don't know where I find it

Naruto's Dad I find this one on page 4 on the search word "fourth"
I type the "Naruto's Dad" and it did not show up.
I just look at the first page. I used the "" for exact word.

Maybe I miss some topic

When I do a search lot of things show up that have nothing to do the word that I search.

I also try "Naruto Look like the fourth" with a close and open parenthesis and it did not show up on the first page nor on the second page.

Maybe Im doing the search wrong.

The guy, narutosrage, look like a new member. He only join i06/30/2004.

Originally posted by: narutosrage
i dunno if u guys made a topic about this but. I wana see who thinks the fourth is narutos dad and if he isnt who is it.why would the forth put kyubi in anyone else than ur son? It isnt like their wasnt any other baby around. lemme see ur speculations

This post is funny because this is the same thing that I read on someone post about Naruto's dad.

Tue, 07-20-2004, 09:59 PM
Use the search.