View Full Version : Anime Model Kits, Goods and Figures
Mon, 07-19-2004, 01:20 AM
Any one know were to buy good Anime Model Kits Plz =)
Neko Sniper
Mon, 07-19-2004, 08:04 AM
try Ebay i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif they have nice ones there.
Mon, 07-19-2004, 12:45 PM you wont find a bigger range
Tue, 10-07-2008, 04:15 AM
Old Thread. New Purpose.
I've been looking at model kits lately, and have a few things I wanted to ask.
I see kits that say paint is not required, but may yield a more realistic result. My questions are:
1) Do you need to apply undercoats, or do you simply paint over. Do you need multiple coats?
2) Should you build some parts (arms, legs, torso), paint them, then assemble them and paint again if necessary, or build the whole thing before painting?
3) Will you need official colours or specific types of paint? I was mainly looking at some Macross and Gundam models, and wondered if they needed specific paint. I've got some painting kits left over from my Warhammer days, so I was gonna see if that would get some use.
4) Do you paint with a brush or an air brush?
5) I see some model kits requiring cement. By cement, do they mean adhesives like plastic glue, or modeling clay?
Thanks in advance guys.
Tue, 10-07-2008, 07:26 AM
1) Do you need to apply undercoats, or do you simply paint over. Do you need multiple coats?
Professional modellers recommend 4 layers. I usually do 2. One base, and the other the actual color.
2) Should you build some parts (arms, legs, torso), paint them, then assemble them and paint again if necessary, or build the whole thing before painting?
Depends on the model actually, but I tend to join up pieces first which have to look even, such as the arms or thighs.
3) Will you need official colours or specific types of paint? I was mainly looking at some Macross and Gundam models, and wondered if they needed specific paint. I've got some painting kits left over from my Warhammer days, so I was gonna see if that would get some use.
Anything goes, but I usually buy the official Tamiya or Mr. Hobby colors.
4) Do you paint with a brush or an air brush?
Air brush, fine markers for details. Check out a dummies' guide ( I did a few years ago.
5) I see some model kits requiring cement. By cement, do they mean adhesives like plastic glue, or modeling clay?
Tue, 10-07-2008, 07:49 AM
Dummie's guide isn't working for me :(
Edit: not working meaning not loading...status bar stays at "connecting..."then "Page Load Error"
Thanks for the response Psyke. Very comprehensive.
Regarding official paint...are they acrylic paint? I'll try to dig around for them, but it's unlikely I can find any here.
And it'll be the first time I've used an airbrush too...
Tue, 10-07-2008, 09:01 AM
Link works for me..... Anyway here is a sample of the paints I used to use, but the range isn't limited by what you see here. ( (
Tue, 10-07-2008, 10:29 AM
It works now. *saves offline* :)
Wed, 10-08-2008, 08:05 AM
What are the results like if you paint with a brush? I'll seriously consider an airbrush, but depending on the price, I'm not sure if I'll get it. Then there's the issue of me not having any prior skill with airbrushing. Modelling has been kind of an on/off thing for me, so I'll be thinking a bit before I rush off with new paint/brush/models.
Gotta hate financial crisis + low fast food wages.
Wed, 10-08-2008, 08:24 AM
Brush? I'm not too sure if you're gonna paint Gundams, but the airbrush is the only way to go if you're doing any mechas. It's the only way you can achieve the matte finish which is smooth enough to emulate metal or other materials.
Wed, 10-08-2008, 08:29 AM
I was considering Gundams, but the one I really want to do is this guy:
Looks like it'll have to be an airbrush after all. I was reading your guide, and from my point of view, seemed slightly deterring :p
Nothing wrong on your part. The guide was comprehensive. It just kinda brought out the chicken in me.
Wed, 10-08-2008, 10:05 AM
Mine was the real quick and easy way to do it. You should see the actual guides in hobby magazines. It takes weeks to do one, rather than the hours which I finish mine. :)
Wed, 10-08-2008, 10:09 AM
that is an awesome kit, im considering it aswell now >_>
Wed, 10-08-2008, 10:53 AM
Wrote about this kit in my blog recently too, but I'm already got my money on another macross figure ( to be released this month. Fully transformable, pre-assembled, no painting required. :p
Wed, 10-08-2008, 10:59 AM
I was considering Gundams, but the one I really want to do is this guy:
Those panel lines, I suppose that you'd use a fine marker like you've said Psyke?
I haven't been through the guide in thorough detail yet, but I think you mentioned that the black undercoat beneath the white is also used to help bring out these panel lines?
If that's the case, then when you're spraying the white, you'll have to do it on an angle so you're not spraying directly on top of these and clogging up the lines with white paint, no?
Wed, 10-08-2008, 11:05 AM
Yes, actually you'd be surprised that the grooves will remain in the darker colour due to how you spray your top layer. Usually I don't have the need to re-do the panel lines, unless it's for a important part such as the head. This is one of the biggest advantages of air brushing.... no need to use markers for all the panel lines any more. I'll try and find time for some close up shots of my RX-78 and post them here, perhaps during the weekend.
Wed, 10-08-2008, 11:10 AM
Ah. Thanks in advance Psyke.
btw, I read your blog, and checked out the 1/60 version. Is it just me, or does it look bulkier than the 1/72 model?
that is an awesome kit, im considering it aswell now >_>
:D. It was instant win compared to most of the other models I saw on the site. Surprisingly though, I thought the best models from the Gundam00 series where the Thrones. They had the best colour.
Wed, 10-08-2008, 11:55 AM
Wrote about this kit in my blog recently too, but I'm already got my money on another macross figure ( to be released this month. Fully transformable, pre-assembled, no painting required. :p
ooh, that looks nice, though, i wonder how sturdy it is? my fix figuration zeta2 and mg zeta ver2.0 are both transformable. But the kit is actually a lot sturdier then fix figuration, its pretty flimsy.
Wed, 10-08-2008, 09:59 PM
Transformation ( for the 1/72 VF-22F Messiah (Alto version).
More detailed pics (
Fri, 10-10-2008, 10:17 PM
That looks pretty solid, I guess that will be my first macross kit.
Fri, 10-10-2008, 10:18 PM
Question: Are compressors and airbrushes sold separately? So when they say "airbrush for $$$", it's airbrush only?
I'm looking at prices, and they range from 41AUD to 370AUD. I suppose entry level brushes will suffice?
Compressors also look really expensive, around the 200+AUD mark. Since I'm just starting off, I might consider a 425GM AIR CAN PROPELLANT for 20AUD instead. Any idea how long it'll last? Say, X no. of Gundams?
Sun, 10-12-2008, 12:34 AM
Yes, they are sold separately. You should invest in a good set, as they can last a very long time with proper maintenance. I bought mine for around 500 SGD, which is around 515.637 AUD. Sadly its now residing in my storeroom. So make you're you're gonna use it more as it's an investment of sorts. :)
Sun, 10-12-2008, 02:16 AM
It has got nothing to do with painting but how much power do those air compressors have? Desktop computers need dusting every now and then, and compressed air in bottles is the usual fare for the job. However, those bottles are pretty expensive and empty rather quickly so if the airbrush painting compressor could handle that, it would be two birds with one stone. And since it's for painting, I assume they are oilless compressors (is that the correct term in English? That is, you won't get lubricant particles mixed in the air coming out).
Wed, 11-05-2008, 07:04 PM
I'm wondering if this is actually worth the quality, or if it's overkill. I've never worked with airbrushes before:
Or I can get this, a complete set, for half the price
While here, I just see there's a huge range in prices:
:confused: :confused:
Don't know which one to get.
Edit@below: Thanks for the info Ryll.
Wed, 11-05-2008, 07:29 PM
You want a double-action airbrush. You control the air flow and the paint separately. That gives you the same level of control the ubiquitous Photoshop tool (now known simply as paintbrush) does. You want to be able to control both the flow rate as well as the opacity.
Plus, you have the chance to shoot out all the paint from the brush when switching colors, or residue left over from some other reason.
With a double-action, you can begin and end shooting a stream of air, rather than paint.
/exhausts knowledge of airbrushes
I hope that makes the decision a little easier. But you can probably find one cheaper at a local art supply store than from HLJ.
Sun, 11-23-2008, 08:57 AM
Some pics of the 1/72 VF-25S:
Sun, 11-23-2008, 09:36 AM
Very nice. I'm still waiting for mine to come through the mail.
Harima Kenji
Mon, 11-24-2008, 09:55 AM
I paint my models with a brush. I have some pics of the 1/144 Tallgeese in the gundam model kit thread. I like doing it with the brush, but I'm also considering trying out airbrushing. Luckily my father is into model kits as well (firetrucks) and he recently bought a compressor.
According to my father, you shouldn't airbrush inside the house, because of the fumes etc.. how do you guys do it?
Mon, 11-24-2008, 10:28 AM
Your dad's right. The thinner can get into the air you breathe easily and it's bad for your health. Usually, you would either need to work in a well ventilated space, or if that's not possible, set up your own mini fan and ventilation unit. Wear a mask too if you don't feel safe. :p
Thu, 12-04-2008, 11:21 PM
The cross-over merchandise are coming in fast and furious. Did Bulma even have that outfit to begin with? It would look cool though.
Tue, 02-03-2009, 06:24 PM
I read on Psyke's guide to use "the right type of paint" for your model.
Which is it - Laquer, Enamel or Acrylic?
I've got a whole bunch of acrylic paint, and apparently Laquer's supposed to be the best for spraying. I won't be considering enamel.
How do you guys do it?
Tue, 02-03-2009, 07:06 PM
You don't have to use nasty solvents to wash out acrylic from the brush, that's a huge plus right there.
They also make Acrylic Enamel paints. I don't really know anything about them for airbrushing I'm sorry to say.
Thu, 02-19-2009, 08:23 PM
Well I finally got around to actually starting it. Ran into heaps of problems, involving high humidity and bad water traps.....
But that's more or less out of the way. One problem I'm having now is panel lining. There's no way the oil-based pen (which is what you're supposed to use on acrylic paint finish) will stay in the lines, and it keeps slipping out. Then it dries almost immediately ~1 second or so. How am I meant to go about this? Based on logic, acrylic being water based should resist oil-based ink, forcing it to go into the cracks, and making any outside easy to remove. That wasn't the case.
I've tried the rubber idea some people came up with. It doesn't work well. I think it might work for other paint/panel inks, but not the combo I'm using.
Can anybody help? One idea I was thinking of was getting some sort of oil to erase the bits outside the panel lines with, since you can use alcohol for the alcohol based panel markers. Thing is, alcohol evaporates off. I can't say the same for oil....:(
Sat, 07-04-2009, 08:16 AM
I had time to get back onto it again. (Macross kit)
After some rather unsuccessful attempts at spraying a few parts, figuring out how to use an airbrush and all, I've pretty much had to strip most of the paint off and start over. (This was like Feb 09 sometime).
For some reason, the black paint won't stick to the black parts. It just comes off with a bit of touching, and I'm having some trouble seeing the tone, so I opted to get some primer. Haven't used that yet though, as I'm still figuring out the instructions of the kit and what to build before painting.
I had a feeling it was one heck of a monster build when I opened the box, but it sure doesn't help being told that from an experienced builder, in his step-by-step guide here:
Photos of the kit can be seen here:
It won't take long for paint to peel neither with (not so) constant transforming, from customer feedback. Looks like when it's done, I'll be shelving it in Gerwalk mode. (my favourite, next to aircraft mode).
Thing thing's going to take me a year at my rate :S
I'd probably have better luck building my HG Eva-01 first instead....
Fri, 08-21-2009, 01:01 AM
Continued from:
I'll never understand how people could spend so much money on figurines
Well, i guess i kinda do. I would spend a sweet buck for one of those K-ON dolls, just because looking at all that moeness would always put a smile in my face
I window shop a fair bit, but I rarely fork out money for it. Of course, "rarely" and "fair bit" are entirely relative.
The "space" problem I had before was more because I like to put displays where I frequently look, rather than shove them where it's convenient. The lack of space is more due to general crowded-ness on my desk. (though partially due to existing figure there too.). Space will always be a problem until I figure out how to modify one level of my shelf into a display area with lights, and preferably (but optionally) a sliding glass against dust.
But robot figurines? What for?
Because they're cool. :cool:
Fri, 08-21-2009, 04:03 AM
I'll never understand how people could spend so much money on figurines
Well, i guess i kinda do. I would spend a sweet buck for one of those K-ON dolls, just because looking at all that moeness would always put a smile in my face
But robot figurines? What for?
As for figurines, I buy action related pose ones. That's why I have a few Saber ones (even though I'm a bigger fan of Sakura), Shenhua from Black Lagoon, Alice from Pumpkin Scissors, etc.
The real reason to buy robot figurines is because you can disfigure them and feel good about it. Take a dremel tool, drill a few holes or a nasty looking graze, paint some appropriate contour shading and scorch marks, and now you've got something that really looks like it went through combat.
Sun, 10-04-2009, 11:57 AM
Some new Bleach figurines I thought were pretty cool:
Tue, 03-30-2010, 09:44 PM
Can't wait to see Rin painted. It's a 98% must get already. :D
Tue, 03-30-2010, 10:34 PM
A friend of mine offered to get me that Hitagi fig for my birthday. I of course happily accepted. I just hope it actually happens.
Tue, 03-30-2010, 11:34 PM
A friend of mine offered to get me that Hitagi fig for my birthday. I of course happily accepted. I just hope it actually happens.
Lucky bastard. :p
GoodSmileCompany (the company that makes that one) really does awesome paintjobs. The colour tones are really appealing, as opposed to another Hitagi figure (by Kotobukiya) which looks a bit off.
Tue, 04-06-2010, 02:31 AM
I want to get this. <3
Thu, 04-08-2010, 12:21 AM
^ Hmm.. Busty :p
At the DFC end of things, this baby's finally on my desk :D
(I've been hunting her down for 5 months!!) ( ( ( ( (
Thu, 04-08-2010, 01:34 PM
This is why Bandai's RD series is awesome:
Thu, 04-08-2010, 02:23 PM
That's an embodiment of badass.
Fri, 04-09-2010, 10:03 AM
I just got these recently :)
3000th post!
Thu, 05-13-2010, 07:21 AM
Good Smile Company's Senjougahara is up for preorders: (
Also available this week, for those with bustier tastes is Sylvaria (
And just for kicks, only a few more left of Bible Black's Imari: (
Thu, 05-13-2010, 08:39 AM
That Sylvaria looks pretty awesome, I'll keep it in mind for my inevitable first figure.
Wed, 05-19-2010, 05:32 AM
Loli Seduction!
Tue, 06-01-2010, 09:50 AM
Folks who missed out on the previous BRS editions can pre-order the Anime Version:
Personally, I'm not sure how I feel about the Anime Edition (partially because I haven't seen the anime where this is supposed to come from) comparative to the original, "Gothic" BRS.
The upward glance would make this one so much easier to display on a desk. The first BRS's gaze looked slightly downwards, so displaying it at anything but eye-level loses the "moment" feel.
By that, I mean one experiences the figure as a "statue" objectively, rather than seeing it as a physical capturing of a moment or snapshot. The latter is something that I feel contributes significantly to a figure's charm and overall entertainment value.
It's what makes dusting figures fun, as you look at the figures from various angles (like when you first unpacked it), reviving it from its "static" position on your display shelf.
Thu, 07-08-2010, 09:42 AM
Alter brings you Fate Testarossa -PHANTOM MINDS- (Movie Ver.)
Available at:
Hobby Search ( (EMS only) (50% off shipping till 15th July 2010)
Ami Ami ( (EMS and SAL)
I am honestly surprised I didn't automatically click that pre-order button. For some reason, this didn't quite click. There's some sort of charm that Adult Fate ( and Loli Nanoha ( were able to capture that Adult Nanoha ( and this latest Loli Fate weren't. It might be a pose thing, or a facial expression thing.. I'm really not sure what.
In any case, she's on hold at the moment, but I'll probably snap at some point and preorder her just because I need a Fate in the house somewhere. (Well, mainly my bedroom, but anyway...)
I'm still checking daily on Adult Fate's status (it hasn't ever been restocked. Ever! :( )
Tue, 07-27-2010, 07:40 AM
Se no~
Nadeko should be able to be pre-ordered in the near-ish future, but that's the preview for now.
I was looking forward to this Nendoroid Yuki, but the end result didn't turn out as well as I anticipated.
She had a different scarf and coat colour in my head when I first saw her unpainted sculpture.
Guess I'll pass on her.
On the other hand, Haruhi's painted version looks a lot better than I had expected.
I still don't intend on getting her, but if I was more of a Haruhi fan, I'm sure I would.
Meanwhile, my sights have settled on the upcoming Katanagatari Nendoroids instead.
I mainly like Shichika in this, but I may end up getting that set anyway just to have a few more around.
The Maniwani may make for some colourful and dynamic little figures too if they ever get produced.
A super-deformed, posable Saber ('s up for an October,
with pre-orders open already for anyone interested.
Also, BRS fans may want to know what else is getting a (re-)release this year ( ;)
Tue, 07-27-2010, 07:45 AM
I want those Katanagatari figures. All three of them...
Tue, 07-27-2010, 08:06 AM
I want those Katanagatari figures. All three of them...
I do think that the anime's artstyle greatly enhances the appeal of these characters translated into mini figures.
And I don't know how I forgot, but I left these out from the previous post:
Now you can have a Kanade on your real desktop shinta. ;)
Tue, 07-27-2010, 08:11 AM
Kanade and Yuri look great.
The main character (what was his name again?) looks way too generic.
Tue, 07-27-2010, 08:12 AM
Kanade and Yuri look great.
The main character (what was his name again?) looks way too generic.
lol. Poor Otonashi's forgotten already.:p
Thu, 07-29-2010, 04:01 PM
I received my Sankt Kaiser Vivio figurine in the mail today! Alter did a really good job on it. My camera hardly does it justice. ( ( (
Fri, 07-30-2010, 02:46 AM
Ah, very nice Ryll.
I completely agree about the camera. As much as I would like to show my own photos, mostly only the promotional photos bring out how (much better) they look in real life.
Does she come with that magic orb?
Fri, 07-30-2010, 03:05 AM
Yes, it comes with that iridescent orb, but I think it looks better without it.
Tue, 09-14-2010, 07:39 AM
Hobby Search has had some nice restocks/preorders over the last few weeks, including:
Sengoku Nadeko (Bakemonogatari) (
Fate T-Harlaown (Nanoha StrikerS) ( {omg.. like finally!!}
Casual Loli ver here
Saber (Fate/Stay Night) (
Suzumiya Haruhi (The Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi) (
00-Raiser (Gundam 00) (
I've been scooping up all these Deformed Mechas lately, like this Patlabor unit. (
Tue, 09-14-2010, 04:55 PM
I'm kind of ambivalent toward the Nadeko figure. If I was going to get a Bakemonogatari figurine, it would probably be of her, but the set with lower-legs missing looks so weird. I know you can use both, and it's supposed to mirror the cover of one of the novels or something, but it looks more like she is going through a portal rather than standing knee-deep in water.
That Saber is nice, but I've already got more Sabers than I need. Someone needs to make some good Sakura ones instead of the bland ones they have out there.
I stumbled upon this convenient site. Now I don't have to take pictures of everything I've got.
Ryllharu's Profile:
Tue, 09-14-2010, 05:35 PM
I want to get this. <3 <Boa Hancock attached pictures>
I should take new pictures of my collection one of this days.
That particular Boa Hancock is on my shelf alongside Crocodile, Kuma and Mihawk :cool:
Tue, 09-14-2010, 09:44 PM
I'm kind of ambivalent toward the Nadeko figure. If I was going to get a Bakemonogatari figurine, it would probably be of her, but the set with lower-legs missing looks so weird. I know you can use both, and it's supposed to mirror the cover of one of the novels or something, but it looks more like she is going through a portal rather than standing knee-deep in water.
I get that feeling too, and it's a shame since I really prefer that version over the full-body one. The tree in the background has much more detail in that position. :S
Nice find too, I'll put myself on that site :D
Thu, 09-30-2010, 09:05 AM
I can't wait to get my hands on this baby: ( (
Haruhi Ver. Ka (no, I'm not kidding): (
Tue, 10-05-2010, 01:55 AM
So cute <3. The picture with the Kuroko wave ver. made me lol.
Misaka Mikoto Wave Ver. (
Tue, 10-05-2010, 05:44 AM
lol, at first i wanted to post "okay, I take it, you all live far away from home, eh?" :P
But then I wanted to ask: Are there any such high quality figures for Haruno Sakura from Naruto? I actually have one from many years ago, but its not too great.
Tue, 10-05-2010, 05:50 AM
lol, at first i wanted to post "okay, I take it, you all live far away from home, eh?" :P
But then I wanted to ask: Are there any such high quality figures for Haruno Sakura from Naruto? I actually have one from many years ago, but its not too great.
I can't ever remember seeing any Sakura figures.
edit: found some, but they're long sold out.. weren't that high quality neither.
edit2: and riding the F/SN wave comes...
Click here for more details (
Tue, 10-05-2010, 05:48 PM
I got Velvet from Odin Sphere in the mail today! Looks much better in person, but too lazy to dig out my camera.
Fri, 12-24-2010, 11:57 AM
Been meaning to make a post for a while now, but never got around to it (and hence it's not really news anymore).
Some goodies have come out in the meanwhile, including:
Tohsaka Rin UBW Ver ( (It's a wonder why I never preordered her)
Some GWers may know of Yurippe ( and Tenshi ( from Angel Beats (here produced by Good Smile Company, like the above Rin figure.)
Not sure if it's just me. Thought their facial expressions were a bit off.
What I did preorder were these Katanagatari Nendoroids. (
Togame is able to be modified with shorter hair, but the piece that it comes with doesn't look as good as in the anime. It looks less natural and too "hacked of" straight across (even if that's what really happened).
Special Shinta Service: Kuroneko nendoroid ( was also released.
Kotobukiya's Maxima ( and Kureha ( from Shining Wind were recently available/restocked. (Never played the game, but posted because they looked nice).
I'm of the general opinion that Kotobukiya comes up with awesome sculpts/poses. Their paint application reliability has let them down in the past though, so it'll be interesting to see how they're going now.
Blowing all of these out of the water though, is Alter's rendition of Dizzy ( from Guilty Gear XX Accent Core. It's like.. perfect.
Fri, 12-24-2010, 01:37 PM
I had that Rin pre-ordered but decided to cancel her.
Sat, 12-25-2010, 03:52 PM
I pre-ordered Dizzy almost immediately upon seeing it two weeks ago. It's fantastic, plus I'm a huge Dizzy fan to begin with.
Dark Dragon
Sat, 12-25-2010, 06:42 PM
I just pre-ordered these.
Gundam Unicorn "Destroy Mode" (
Kamen Rider Skull (
Sat, 12-25-2010, 07:25 PM
/Moe dies
Mon, 12-27-2010, 01:01 AM
I pre-ordered Dizzy almost immediately upon seeing it two weeks ago. It's fantastic, plus I'm a huge Dizzy fan to begin with.
I'm torn between whether to order it or not out of sheer awesomeness (since I know nothing about GG or Dizzy).
Mon, 12-27-2010, 05:22 AM
You were right the first time. It's as close to perfection as you can get without the the rotating ring around her. Necro and Undine (her wings) are dead on.
It's worth getting even if you don't know anything about her. The only reasons you wouldn't is because of the price and the size (31 cm with Necro and Undine extended like that).
Mon, 12-27-2010, 02:10 PM
That Dizzy is so damn awesome I'm considering getting her...
This baby arrived today at home:
And I got the next pre-orders open now...
Thu, 01-13-2011, 08:19 AM
I haven't been impressed with most of Wave's works, but they managed to get Ika Musume right. Her rather uncomplicated design likely works in their favour.
Hobbysearch Link. (
Also, something about the name "Double Mothers" ( makes it so much more awesome. :D
Thu, 02-10-2011, 11:44 PM
Unboxed her and set her up today
Production shots (
User shots/review (
She huge. ~50cm tall with Scythe form, and heavens know how many with Glaive form.
I found 2 not little problems with mine though that aren't worth returning (and prolly won't be accepted even if I tried), but tiny imperfections in any case.
1) Fate's left side bang is a bit too high and covers her mouth when viewing from most angles. The prototype and some other shots I've seen don't seem to be that way.
2) In Glaive form, she doesn't hold the rod slightly higher than the horizontal rather than horizontal. I'm not being terribly picky here, so it's not 0.5 degrees off, but a noticeable difference. I'm not sure if it's to overcompensate (to allow for the hands to loosen a bit and let it drop to horizontal with age), but it doesn't seem that way as the hands are a pretty hard PVC as opposed to bendable rubber (like BRS's hands that you use to hold the chains). The user review above doesn't seem to have these two traits in any case.
Alter can get away with the black magic circle base this time cuz she's flying (hence she's not actually 'standing" on anything, and being on poles means we look at her more than the base), but I wish they'd stop omitting these part of their design.
In any case, there isn't too many options for where I can put her since she's so big... meh, don't care. :P
Note: take care when changing parts. I rubbed a red streak of paint onto Fate's right arm when I was changing forms. Q-tip + isopropyl alcohol did the trick, but I would advise to go gently (with both the changing and cleaning if required) as you could possibly rub the paint off the flesh paint off her arm too. I would guess it's lacquer that shouldn't be affected, but the red paint came off.. so who knows. This costs too much to take chances with.
Fri, 02-11-2011, 08:33 AM
Mikuru and Nagato Composite Ka:
Offical Gundam Girl figures:
Wing Gundam Ver Ka:
More here:
Tamashii Feature’s 2011 (
Fri, 02-11-2011, 10:50 AM
You getting any of them Illrenmazou?
Some stuff from Wonder Festival Winter 2011
More ( coverage ( click ( here (
edit: and something not so related to Wonfes
Fri, 02-11-2011, 03:20 PM
If the Gundam Musume gets into production, I'll definitely get the Wing Ver. Ka.
Sigh. I wish it's April already. (
Thu, 03-24-2011, 05:11 AM
Nyaaan~ (
Biribiri Maide ver. (
Lates Senjougahara ( rendition. Lacks some punch from the original IMO.. maybe she looks too nice. Not stapler-happy enough..
Thu, 03-24-2011, 05:26 PM
Lates Senjougahara ( rendition. Lacks some punch from the original IMO.. maybe she looks too nice. Not stapler-happy enough..
It must be Senjougahara after she met Arararagi (sorry, I stuttered).
Tue, 03-29-2011, 09:59 AM
Mousepad just arrived in the mail.
I didn't really know what they meant by "3D" mousepad before - it could have either referred to the picture or the fact that it has a wrist rest. Turned out that it's the picture with the old-school "tazos" 3D shifting type of picture.
It's a disappointment really. The while "3D" nature of it using the old-school method rather than a hologram pixelates the picture and just.. ruins it. Practicality wise, my Logitech LX3 Plus Laser Mouse has trouble tracking on it (halts sometimes) thanks to the weird 3D playing tricks on it. Not sure if the newer "darkfield" mice from Logitech that actually analyse surface texture rather than reflection alone will fare better, but it's either that, or downgrade to ball-mice again.
Or the third option.. pack this (and the Ayanami Rei version I bought too) away indefinitely and take my dad's leather wrist-rest mousepad that he never actually uses for the wrist rest.
I've tried looking online for something that suits my needs (anime mousepad that is), but so far it's either been:
1) "3D" mousepads
2) Large Format mousepads (with good quality artwork, but no wrist rest)
3) Ero mousepads.
A combination of the above can also be found, but either way, none of it matches my criteria of non-ero, good picture quality, trackable mousepad with a wrist rest.
Mon, 04-04-2011, 11:53 PM
K-On! Tsumugi Kotobuki Bunny Ver. Complete Figure [Good Smile Company] (
That's real fishnet, folks!
Tue, 04-05-2011, 08:45 AM
That looks huge. Is that like a 1/4 scale or something?
Tue, 04-05-2011, 09:04 AM
That looks huge. Is that like a 1/4 scale or something?
Yes, it's 1/4 scale. Click the pic and it takes you to the site.
Thu, 12-22-2011, 07:32 AM
I'm already checking a few times a day for this figure ( x%3D100%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1) to come into stock, so I might just pass on this one. Then again, I said that about the Tohsaka one last time, and look where I'm at..
Some other stuff that caught my attention (and dug out of the backlog)
^ That one because it looks like Inori from Guilty Crown
Fri, 01-13-2012, 10:09 AM
Ai (Amagami SS) says Hi (
Liger Zero Jager (Zoids) (
Also preordered this a few hours ago for nostalgia. It was my favourite zoid until the Panzer unit came along.. but it still wins in terms of style. Apparently the similar Schneider ( armour variant that's already been released is over 500pcs.. will be fun.
Sun, 01-15-2012, 04:04 AM
Knee-kissing pose...
I hope they release all the girls, and that it doesn't sell out too quickly so that I can consider if I want to buy them. It'll one heck of a fetish collection..
Tue, 01-24-2012, 05:28 PM
I posted the absolutely stunning angle.
There are a couple things a with it. The chest is kinda weird and the shape of the face feels like it is a bit too long. But it's a really good figure. The hands are perfect. The stomach/navel is perfect. The legs, perfect.
I swore I wouldn't buy another figurine until a really good action pose one came out, but this is Samus, and it's a lot better than any of the other Zero-suit attempts.
Tue, 01-24-2012, 05:55 PM
The chest area instantly screams wrong, you got that right.
Tue, 01-24-2012, 06:26 PM
Yeah, but I can live with that. I wish it were more like the Smash Bros. Brawl style ( (alternate angle ( Less...wrong looking. It would be a shame for me to miss out on this one. I'd be kicking myself for a long time.
Wed, 01-25-2012, 01:57 AM
Ku ku ku! (
Now they just need to release a Sena fig to go along with her. They already have Yozora.
Wed, 01-25-2012, 04:00 AM
Now I want to see a Dress Ver. and a Summer Wear Ver. of the Mistress of the Night..
It would be a shame for me to miss out on this one. I'd be kicking myself for a long time.
I've kicked myself like that twice for skipping figures when they were on their initial run. I got a reissue for one, but am still waiting for the other.
Sat, 02-04-2012, 02:03 AM
DGG-XAM1 Daizenger (
Can someone explain to my why this thing costs OVER 300 USD???
Sat, 02-04-2012, 12:37 PM
Can someone explain to my why this thing costs OVER 300 USD???
Possibly because "this thing" is already 15" tall by itself, not counting the Zankantou?
Here is my non-grade version:
It is already 3/4 the height of an MG Gundam kit, without the sword.
I've seen the box for the 1/144 Dygenguar, and it is roughly the same size as the HG Meteor's box, except thicker.
Sat, 02-04-2012, 01:07 PM
Because it's 1/144, which means is fucking huge; the dygenguard is about ~3x as big as the average gundam.
Sat, 02-04-2012, 01:44 PM
Height aside, how articulated is "that thing"? It's harder to see the joints on mecha than it is one most of the figma series for instance.
That might explain the expense.
Sat, 02-04-2012, 07:00 PM
Ahhh.. that all makes sense. Especially when the parts box exceeds the Meteor.
Thu, 02-09-2012, 05:08 PM
Erio found a comfy chair and could use a hug...
...but it looks like Yozora isn't too happy about her seat being taken.
Sadly, Yozora isn't nearly as well made as Erio is. She's got a peg back instead of the really awesome magnet Erio has, and her legs use pegs instead of a ball-joint, so there are limits to what you can do with her. On the other hand, Yozora has ten arm pieces and most of them are compatible together (the crossed arms are obviously not) allowing for over twenty variations of arms to Erio's five (give or take).
Thu, 02-09-2012, 06:32 PM
No Sena yet?
Thu, 02-09-2012, 06:43 PM
Sena is planned to come out in March. Don't worry, there will be more fun when I get the other half of the couch and the PS3/TV that she comes with. Sena has a good upset face that I can throw on Yozora. The disappointing part is that from the photos, she likely shares the same construction (and likely many of the exact same parts) as Yozora.
The nice touch is that the two series share the same character design (the crescent-moon smiles), so they fit together as a set better than most.
Tue, 02-14-2012, 06:35 AM
Oshimizu Nako Beach Queens Ver. (
Kashiwazaki Sena Beach Queens Ver. (
Has the Beach Queen line been getting better?? 0_o
Or is it character bias?
Tue, 02-14-2012, 04:01 PM
Has the Beach Queen line been getting better?? 0_o
Or is it character bias?I think it has actually been getting better. The Yozora one is very good as well. As is the Naruko (Anohana). Overall, the line is still not very good, but there have been some really good ones recently. Perhaps they finally got some good sculptors who know how to do faces?
Mon, 03-05-2012, 01:18 PM
I'm not really a collector of anime figures, but I might have to get this one:
Saw the article over at Sankaku, but since everyone else has been linking Hobby Search, I figured I'd do the same.
Celty Sturluson Alter Ver. (
Mon, 03-12-2012, 06:02 AM
Any site, if at all, is cool Al. ;)
I've liked hobbysearch myself because it provides additional pics, decent pricing and an easy website to work with if anybody wanted more info.
Miku Hatsune : Cheerful Ver (
The final product in the Cheerful JAPAN! charity project is a 1/8th scale figure based on the winning illustration from the Cheerful JAPAN! feat. Miku Hatsune Cheerful Illustration Contest.
The illustration was titled 'Cheer Up!!', and was illustrated by bun150.
She is wearing a cheerful cheerleader's outfit, and has a huge smile across her face to help spread the cheer all over the world!
For each figure sold, Good Smile Company will be donate 2000JPY to aid the relief efforts in Japan. (
Orders can be placed between 9th March 2012 (Fri) from 11:00 until 28th March 2012 (Wed) at 20:00. (JST).
Probably the most captivating figure I've seen for a good while now. I feel like pre-ordering. A lot.
Despite when I also want 2 more textbooks and an external DAC too.
Thu, 03-29-2012, 06:10 PM [Kobato] [Maria]
Someone convince me not to buy these. Yes, they are sold separately, and yes, the fuzzy base comes with one of them, Kobato's, by the look of things. Maria comes with a different base, but one that is also roomy enough for the Kobato to fit on.
EDIT: Alas, too late. The more I looked at them, the stronger the temptation. Pre-ordered.
So now: Convince me to cancel that pre-order.
Thu, 03-29-2012, 07:06 PM
Wait, you did what Ryll?
We were just talking about how inappropriate they looked on IRC...
(mainly Kobato)
Tue, 04-17-2012, 06:27 AM
I know Beach Queens are only two-thirds of the price, but if they all looked as good as this they'd be selling like hotcakes. I dunno.. do they sell like hotcakes?
Not familiar with the series, but I do like the paintjob.
Tue, 05-15-2012, 05:09 AM
I'm so getting this one.
Every now and again, someone makes a good ecchi figure.
Thu, 06-07-2012, 11:53 PM
Good Smile Company - Ultimate Madoka (
Manufacturer : Good Smile Company
Scale : 1/8
Material : PVC
Producer : Hiroshi
Original : Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Release Date : Nov (Jun. 8, Pre-order start.)
Tue, 06-19-2012, 07:34 AM
Manufacturer : Good Smile Company
Scale : Non
Material : PVC , ABS
Producer : Jun(E,V,)
Series : Nendoroid
Original : Bodacious Space Pirates
Release Date : Oct (Jun. 19, Pre-order start.)
Just when I had hoped I wouldn't be tempted into pre-ordering anything else too...
Wed, 06-20-2012, 11:42 PM
Sun, 09-09-2012, 02:27 PM
(Most of) My collection:
Non-grainy detail photos available at request.
Sun, 09-09-2012, 04:12 PM
If the folks at work see that, Ryll, they will drop your security clearance. Or perhaps they will take Sakura as a hostage, to prevent you from ever spilling any beans.
Sun, 09-09-2012, 05:59 PM
Or perhaps they will take Sakura as a hostage, to prevent you from ever spilling any beans.
Which one? :3
Sun, 09-09-2012, 07:15 PM
- who is the girl next to Selvaria?
-New cabinet? I remember you weren't too fond of having figures unboxed and requiring dusting.
-Poor Sora gets no chair.
- I too see the jailbait duo made it to you house safely. :p
Sun, 09-09-2012, 07:31 PM
- who is the girl next to Selvaria?
Shenhua ( from Black Lagoon.
-New cabinet? I remember you weren't too fond of having figures unboxed and requiring dusting.
Indeed, I do hate to dust. Note the glass doors on either side. Should mitigate most of the problem.
-Poor Sora gets no chair.She does not deserve to sit on the couch. I put the angry face on her.
- I too see the jailbait duo made it to you house safely. :pWith much shame, they are on display.
Speaking of Selvaria, I'm actually tempted to put Ika Musume in a mocking pose of her. With her tentacles, it would actually look fairly convincing.
Wed, 09-19-2012, 09:12 AM
Given the TM fanbase here, I figured someone would be interested in these.
Wed, 09-19-2012, 03:56 PM
No Sakura, no Rider, no Caster, no Akiha, no Kohaku, no Azaka, no Caren...not even a Sajyou Ayaka.
How decidedly dull.
Wed, 09-19-2012, 07:17 PM
A kimono Shiki would have been great too.
Fri, 10-12-2012, 05:39 AM
Kuroyukihime (PVC Figure) (
Manufacturer : Kotobukiya
Scale : 1/8
Material : PVC
Producer : Tsukuru Shirahige
Original : Accel World
I rather liked that pose since it was shown in the OP. Something doesn't quite strike right though.. could be the expression. I would also ask for more colour saturation in the paint-job too. The vibrancy isn't there.
Misaki Mei (PVC Figure) (
Manufacturer : Griffon Enterprises
Scale : 1/8
Material : PVC
Producer : Satoshi Toda
Original : Another
This one creeps me out a little.. which means success for artistic 3D re-creation, right? But it also means it's not something I can put on my desk and look comfortably at.
Inaba Himeko (PVC Figure) (
Manufacturer : Max Factory
Scale : 1/8
Material : PVC
Producer : Nakayaman
Original : Kokoro Connect
I wondered what would make Inaba do such a pose. Then I read the description, and it explained everything(-ish).
(It's Inaba's body with a Taichi-bodyswap.)
Nendoroid Iron Man Mark 7: Hero`s Edition (
Manufacturer : Good Smile Company
Scale : Non
Material : PVC , ABS
Producer : Koguma Shimon , Wataru Orita
Series : Nendoroid
Original : The Avengers
In the end it's Tony Stark that gets the instant-preorder award. Pretty big feat, considering he's male and all..
Fri, 10-12-2012, 03:03 PM
It's that goatee.
Thu, 10-25-2012, 09:37 AM
(Most of) My collection:
Non-grainy detail photos available at request.
I finally found time to clean my room and rearranged some stuff around too since I could throw out a broken multifunction printer (sad to see it go since it's given me 10 years of service and still looks to be in great shape aside from the fact that it only prints blank pages now).
The pic (like ryll's) has almost everything I've physically got right now. I've got a few Tachikomas around the room, and still couldn't find a good spot to put my True-Sonic Fate, so it has to live in the box for now.
Displaying them along the top row looks pretty neat. I'm also able to enjoy them from more angles than their previous arrangement and that's always refreshing.
Thu, 10-25-2012, 05:55 PM
God your screen is so far away/tiny..
Thu, 10-25-2012, 06:00 PM
I thought you had plastic display boxes...
If you don't, you should get some. Having to dust things with that many intricate (and fragile!) angles/curves/components isn't fun.
Dizzy alone is a nightmare to dust. That's why I left all mine in boxes until I got the bookshelf with doors.
Fri, 10-26-2012, 12:46 AM
Nope, don't have display boxes. I did think of buying some acrylic steps to display them on at one stage, but I never got around to it.
When I get more, I think I'll get clear-plastic shelves for the wall instead.
Not having to dust figures would be good.. but until I get some sort of dedicated shelf for them I can't see it happening. Plus isn't it a lot more awesome to see the figures without a clear barrier!?
I find Dizzy to be relatively easy to brush compared to the others, but that is probably because I've got this big, flexible brush. The cape/jackets on BRS and Fate require more work to get into the folds. I've been using compressed air every now and again when I feel like it, but next time I'll give the hairdryer a go (on cool air ofc).
@DS: can't do much about the screen if I'm keeping the desk and also wanting space on either side for figures.
Fri, 10-26-2012, 05:45 AM
How big is your room?
Fri, 10-26-2012, 06:26 AM
How big is your room?
Something like 3x3m?
Oh, and on the note about cleaning figures.. I've learned the hard way that I don't want to use anything other than water for cleaning off marks (if it's paint.. I would have to try using alcohol rather carefully). Antiseptic rubbing alcohol has weird additives in it which leaves stains, while acrylic thinner is more pure, but took some shine off some surfaces. Luckily it's not anywhere noticeable, but still.. kinda sucks.
Fri, 10-26-2012, 06:30 AM
You might want to try using a mount for your monitor. It saves space and is overall great because you can view at any practical angle.
My friend keeps his gigantic collection on glass wall shelves. Unfortunately, since the last huge 3 floor high flood that threatened his babies, he now keeps them in a box to make transport easier in case of emergencies.
Fri, 10-26-2012, 07:22 AM
I'll have to get rid of the top part of my desk if I'm going to use some sort of mount. The two "bookshelf" looking things also limit the size of the monitor to something around 22".
I've wondered at whether I could replace those panels of the shelf with glass/plastic instead and turn them into a display shelf.
Fri, 10-26-2012, 12:35 PM
Table mounts can be attached to practically any section of your table. As long as it looks like a plank, you can slap it there. Good mounts will allow for flexibility as long as the reach is enough.
Why not try to make a corner plastic display area? The pic shows a corner of the room. Placing a display shelf there should save some space and look cool at the same time.
Fri, 10-26-2012, 08:30 PM
Table mounts can be attached to practically any section of your table. As long as it looks like a plank, you can slap it there. Good mounts will allow for flexibility as long as the reach is enough.
There's the plywood backing to the desk that I'll have to get rid of if that's the case. No idea how good/ugly a white wall would look in comparison.
As for the display area? I thought about that.. but that would have to wait till I get a bigger place as well. That desk is in corner of the room, and immediately towards the right is an actual bookshelf, which then leads to the doorway to my room.
If I get rid of the top section of the table and install some shelves there instead.. that could turn into quite a nice display corner indeed. :)
Sat, 01-12-2013, 11:47 PM
FFS.. :(
Fri, 02-22-2013, 06:04 AM
Manufacturer : Max Factory
Scale : 1/10
Material : PVC
Producer : Chieri
Original : Ah! My Goddess
Release Date : Aug (Feb. 22, Pre-order start.)
Regular Price : 18,858 yen203.45 USD
Sales Price : 16,029 yen about 172.93 USD
I'm self-admittedly an AMG fan, but I'm not THAT much of an AMG fan.. O.o"
But that said, if given the choice I would probably trade my Ultimate Madoka figure for her.
Tue, 03-05-2013, 07:48 AM
Takamachi Nanoha CW-AEC00X Fortress & CW-AEC02X Strike Cannon (PVC Figure) (
Manufacturer : FREEing
Scale : 1/8
Material : PVC
Producer : Rei Azusa
Original : Magical Record Lyrical Nanoha Force
Release Date : Mar (Sept. 25, Pre-order start.)
Regular Price : 17,905 yen
Continuing on with more crazy prices.. but I'm just annoyed that I don't really think I should buy these given the room and expenditure I'm incurring. (Even though FREEing isn't normally regarded as a "top" PVC manufacturer)
Someone give me money. :'(
Tue, 03-05-2013, 09:20 AM
Those Force weapons are so bulky and ugly that you hardly see the character from behind them. I wouldn't buy one of those, even if I was in the habit of buying figures.
Tue, 03-05-2013, 04:31 PM
Too bad I'm not really a fan of the Force cast...or story arcs for that matter.
I would much rather have the adult-transformed Einhart figurine of the same scale as the Sankt Kaiser Vivio I have.
Or a bunch of the Numbers too.
Sat, 04-13-2013, 09:43 PM
Nosebleed worthy...
Okita Sawa (
Manufacturer : Wave
Scale : 1/10
Material : PVC , ABS
Producer : Miki Ohsaka(Cherry Blossom)
Series : Beach Queens
Original : Tari Tari
Yamamoto Rei (
Manufacturer : MegaHouse
Scale : 1/8
Producer : Hiroman
Original : Space Battleship Yamato 2199
Release Date : Late Aug (Apr. 11, Pre-order start.)
Yamato 2199 just got bumped way up in my watch-list.
Thu, 04-24-2014, 11:22 AM
Hmm, not sure if want. I'm looking at this one Honda Futayo (, but since it's in no rush of selling out I'm half-hoping it'll go on sale or something.
Thu, 04-24-2014, 02:11 PM
It looks great overall, but I'm not sure if they got the face right. A better angle would fix that.
The Futayo one looks great. I mean, her ass is shining!
Thu, 04-24-2014, 03:28 PM
The Futayo one looks great. I mean, her ass is shining!
I own the Futayo one. The photos do not do a good job of representing how long her spear is. She's rather difficult to position in cabinets! It's over a foot long (it's about 35-36cm!). The coloring on her legs and ass are also not quite so shiny. It's much closer to the coloring in the anime. Her hips on the other hand, are shinier than the photos.
Thu, 04-24-2014, 03:33 PM
Maybe you have to polish her ass to make it shine by rubbing it vigorously. Yes, I'd volunteer for that job.
Maybe a genie will come out.
Thu, 04-24-2014, 03:47 PM
Maybe you have to polish her ass to make it shine by rubbing it vigorously. Yes, I'd volunteer for that job.
He should polish the spear. Even if it took all night.
Sat, 04-26-2014, 08:47 PM
It looks great overall, but I'm not sure if they got the face right. A better angle would fix that.
They couldn't get the "flat", unfocused expression of this pic. Come to think of it, I can't remember if I've seen a figure that replicated such an expression well.
Sun, 04-27-2014, 04:44 AM
Come to think of it, I can't remember if I've seen a figure that replicated such an expression well.
I can...because I have one! Yamato's Velvet SIF EX (
Sun, 04-27-2014, 06:16 AM
Do you think the task can be accomplished by simply reducing the sharpness/transparency/clarity of the eyes, or is there more to it?
And it seems that Futayo is in fact on special ( I remember reading that some ribbon on her was often arriving broken, but they seem to be selling the figure off with normal sales/return conditions on them still so I'm pretty sure I'm buying this.
Sun, 04-27-2014, 06:27 AM
One of the ribbons has a tendency to break depending on how it is handled during shipping. It is a bit too close to the plastic shell, and very thin. I can't remember if it is the chest one or the one on the left arm (holding the katana).
Mine thankfully arrived intact.
I'm no artist, but I believe it has to do with how the irises are positioned relative to the angle of the face.
Like so, one looking at the viewer and one looking away:
Sun, 04-27-2014, 06:41 AM
My current collection (minus Asuka from Senran Kagura):
Sun, 04-27-2014, 06:44 AM
I have ( that zero-suit samus figure too.
(photo is rather old now)
Is that the Sallya one from Fire Emblem? Nice.
Who's the one with the bow?
Sun, 04-27-2014, 07:05 AM
Itīs Sallya, yeah, or Tharja, which is her name in the European version of the game. Likely my highest quality figurine so far. Canīt wait for the announced Marth and Cordelia figurine.
Bow-girl is just some generic girl from Monster Hunter 3. I was looking for a Kirin armor-girl, but couldnīt find anything quality, so I chose her. And sheīs nice enough, too.
Expensive hobby, though. My Melda Ditz-figurine is on its way and I also pre-ordered the Nendroid Link :>
Sun, 04-27-2014, 07:06 AM
Is that the Sallya one from Fire Emblem? Nice.
I believe so. Epic ass and all.
edit: ah, MFauli got there first.
It is rather expensive. I try to window-shop most of the time.
Sun, 04-27-2014, 08:20 AM
A friend's collection when his display room got flooded because of a typhoon. Excuse the pic quality, my old phone camera sucks.
They all went on an exodus, and that's not all of them.
Sun, 04-27-2014, 09:08 AM
He.. never got any of them back? I would cry. :(
Then again, I've moved temporarily so all my figures are stored off-site, and I'm not missing them really. I think I take losses pretty well these days but it would still suck.
Sun, 04-27-2014, 09:22 AM
Nah, they were all saved. I did say they went on a exodus, right? The pic is them moving along to the new promised land. It's like Noah and Moses in one.
He has 3 display rooms after all, so he just moved them to another one temporarily. The floods in my country are hilarious after all. My aunt had to escape from the 3rd floor using an inflatable bed when the flood reached the roof of the 2nd floor, and people were rowing around inside side turned open refrigerators during that time.
Sun, 04-27-2014, 09:42 AM
Nah, they were all saved. I did say they went on a exodus, right? The pic is them moving along to the new promised land. It's like Noah and Moses in one.
Ah, good. I had to look up "exodus" and thought they all left (ie got up and left for good). Was this the friend who ended up keeping everything in a box from then on? Come to think of it, I haven't even had a chance to unbox my Shin Sonic Fate yet. I really have to do something about that before something bad happens and I never get a chance to.
Sun, 04-27-2014, 09:51 AM
At first he kept them in boxes because he and his family intended to move to a different house to avoid the flooding (and the inevitable exodus 2, 3...) but all the sellers backed out at the last moment, so he unpacked them and displayed them again until the move is finalized.
He also has a lot of gundam stuff, but I think he has stopped collecting those since a few years ago.
I actually wanted to start a nendoroid collection, but so many of them come out that it would bankrupt me.
Sun, 04-27-2014, 10:06 AM
Yeah, Nendoroids have certainly been successful. They've allowed collectors to own a character that is economical (unless you get too many) without sacrificing on perceived quality (since they're non-scaled and smaller). On the other hand, manufacturers have also taken the liberty to make more good looking (and sometimes not so good looking) figures at the 9000-12 000Y mark now.
Sun, 04-27-2014, 10:23 AM
Guess you were thinking of "exitus", not "exodus", Buff :P
Iīm trying to limit myself to figurines of characters from Nintendo-games or games for their platforms. Of course, if I had the money, Iīd like to get one figurine of every anime I enjoyed, kind of for a reminder of that anime. So far, I have that Kaiji, and Melda Ditz on her way (although that was backwards: Her figurine was so hot that it made me start watching Space Battleship Yamato 2199 :D).
Would love to have one of those BERSERK-figurines, but I have yet to decide which Guts (thereīs a crazy expensive post-eclipse Guts, then a cheaper pre-eclipse Guts, and one where heīs wearing that demon armor. Itīs kinda a tie between the latter two). And I definitely need Attack on Titan-figurines. Eren is a given, but Iīm waiting for a more sexy Mikasa one :P
Mon, 08-20-2018, 10:59 AM
This might be good.
Mon, 08-20-2018, 12:07 PM
Metal? Yeah, this will be 500 bucks or more
Wed, 08-22-2018, 07:37 AM
It's only die cast metal for the weighty feeling and a bit of shine, so material cost isn't that high.
Still, I do like the increased heft and ratchety joints. It makes it feel solid. (ie Metal Build lines and Chogokin lines)
Sat, 11-23-2019, 11:16 PM
Pretty much as much work went into the video as the model itself.
I'm setting here being a cashed up bogan just buying Metal Builds because my painting skills are shit.
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