View Full Version : Official Episode 91 Discussion

Sat, 07-17-2004, 09:28 AM
With the release of S-O's sub of episode 91, I've opened the official discussion thread. Have at it!

Sat, 07-17-2004, 10:08 AM
Thanks for the heads up... gonna go dl it.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 10:25 AM
yay, go faster BT!

Sat, 07-17-2004, 12:04 PM
Flashbacks were ok. Next episode are where stuff starts to get good...

Sat, 07-17-2004, 12:12 PM
it was a dull eps.

Do you think that necklace is reason why she has bad luck? Also naruto way of the ninja is about to get owned. I dont think he can keep his word.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 01:09 PM
I see all the time ive been gone people still havnt learned to put non-AA release discussions in Naruto Open...

Anyway, it was good. Everyone claims dull, why was it dull, now when people talk about Tsunades brother and lover [Dan] you actually know what happens. I guess people are obsessed with fights without a story behind them.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 01:23 PM
He's the #1 ninja at surprising people, so what's REALLY going to happen, is he'll learn a different version of it, yet keeping in line with the general idea of the technique. Maybe he'll use two balls at the same time, each spinning differently.

Who knows? We'll just have to wait a week and find out.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by: Lucian5000
He's the #1 ninja at surprising people, so what's REALLY going to happen, is he'll learn a different version of it, yet keeping in line with the general idea of the technique. Maybe he'll use two balls at the same time, each spinning differently.

Who knows? We'll just have to wait a week and find out.

That was the n00biest post I have ever heard...but he is right, in the show naruto always ends up doing something, wether its the proper way or not.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 02:31 PM
i dunno about the 2 diff spinning balls....in the preview, u only see one ball, and he uses both hands (as i recal, he can't do it with one hadn still). but we'll see.

im sure something's gonna happen that'll let naruto keep his word. most likely he will modify the technique to suit himself somehow.

ps: joker-kun, u were away? well, welcome back. and i guess u aren't aware of the new rule then......apparently AA releases are no longer required to start a discussion. soon as any sub comes out, mods start discussion i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 02:40 PM
ps: joker-kun, u were away? well, welcome back. and i guess u aren't aware of the new rule then......apparently AA releases are no longer required to start a discussion. soon as any sub comes out, mods start discussion .

Well thnx Assasin for the info. It's nice t get insight from a non-n00b. i must say im dissappointed that the mods gave into all the lazy, impatient, annoying whiners.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 02:57 PM
it's insane how popular naruto is. there is over 10,000 downloads. i've never seen any other anime match that.

i hope naruto will do it his own way. and i didn't think it's a dull epi. more insight is what makes naruto so great!

Sat, 07-17-2004, 03:19 PM
It was an interesting episode, emotional, with more insight on Tsunade and why she is who she is today. Personally, I think it's Tsunade's kiss of death (kiss on forehead) and not the necklace that brought about the other's death... i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Also, I think it is probably Oro that killed her little brother. How else did he end up with the necklace? I would have thought that raiders would have taken the necklace for themselves. That would be twisted, once again, that Oro would say to revive the one he killed and use Tsunade to be able to destroy Konoha, the villaged that her loved ones (Dan and brother) loved so much. Such a twist of irony that would be.

I wonder if her fear of blood developed after Dan died? He and her were both covered in blood.

With all his pranks, Naruto seems to be quite an intelligent guy. He was originally going to train after a night's sleep, but after Shizune (I am beginning to really like her character) told Naruto about Tsunade's story, he went off to train right away. Maybe it's his desire to prove her wrong, or maybe he believes that winning the bet will help her realize things. Either way, he is smarter than we give him credit for, and he has a really big heart.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 03:35 PM
Noobiest post?

I cited something from the anime (#1 ninja at surprising people) Gave a very likely conclusion on what will happen (He'll learn his own version of it), and offered my own imaginative idea on what MIGHT, but not necessarily WILL happen.

Now don't try to flame me, Joker-kun.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 04:05 PM
episode owned i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

hope naruto will show the fukkin technique next one

Sat, 07-17-2004, 04:14 PM
I enjoyed it. I found it funny how they made her such a pansey, shes a Sannin she should know the rules and sayings (the one Sakura quoted after saskue "died" on the bridge Ep 17)

Sat, 07-17-2004, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by: joker-kun
i must say im dissappointed that the mods gave into all the lazy, impatient, annoying whiners.

You'd be amazed at how great bribing with cosplay porn... ehrm... money, works.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 04:58 PM
I see all the time ive been gone people still havnt learned to put non-AA release discussions in Naruto Open...

Joker-kun, this new rule was put into effect about 2 months after the move to the new forums...that was quite a while ago.

Only mods are allowed to start the official discussion, and it is to be put up as soon as ANY release of the anime comes out. If you want to read the thread, just do a search under 'rules.'

Sat, 07-17-2004, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by: Lucian5000
Noobiest post?

I cited something from the anime (#1 ninja at surprising people) Gave a very likely conclusion on what will happen (He'll learn his own version of it), and offered my own imaginative idea on what MIGHT, but not necessarily WILL happen.

Now don't try to flame me, Joker-kun.

If he wanted to flame you, he wouldnt have said you were right and agreed with you, noob.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 05:45 PM
It'd be awesome if he used kyubi's chakra for the technique and then he's got a flaming red fireball and it blows up the city and everyone dies. And it's all because of that necklace.


It'll probably be something like here you can have the necklace anyways, if you really are destined to be hokage it won't kill you or something like that. I think Jiraiya should just rape Tsunade btw. Before he kills her. Assuming she DOES go along with Oro's plan.


crazy crazy thoughts. Ignore this one i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Sat, 07-17-2004, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by: jing

Originally posted by: Lucian5000
Noobiest post?

I cited something from the anime (#1 ninja at surprising people) Gave a very likely conclusion on what will happen (He'll learn his own version of it), and offered my own imaginative idea on what MIGHT, but not necessarily WILL happen.

Now don't try to flame me, Joker-kun.

If he wanted to flame you, he wouldnt have said you were right and agreed with you, noob.

Jing, Shut up.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 06:04 PM
Oh Krb, nice post, wasn't 2 word posts spam, and why should he shut up, cause hes not some dumb n00b and has actually been around the forum long enough. And lasaire, Assasin beat you to it, I alreay heard about the new rule. And just to the n00b, calling you a n00b isnt a flame, its fact, if I wanted to flame you, truest me, you would know it.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 06:07 PM
Joker, I've been around the forums longer then the both of you. so don't give me that crap. If i tell you or him to shut up, shut up. Don't go around calling people newbs because they give their opinions or thoughts on whats gonna happen. Got a problem with it? Don't post here.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 06:17 PM
I call him a n00b with his join date, and Krb, dont put on front here, you used to constantly complain about the n00bs on irc, and ive been around longer then everyone here except you, so what does that prove [maybe jing has been around longer then me...]As for his opinion, I agreed with him.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 06:20 PM
Thats nice. This isn't IRC. Keep your newb remarks for irc. Leave them out of here and let people have speculations. If you think the speculation is wrong, then say why.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 06:27 PM
I like the episode. At first I thought it was dumb to have Tsunade have a weakness of being afraid of blood, but after seeing this episode, we see why she is, and that's understandable.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 06:29 PM
Yeah, but then how is she a medic if shes afraid of it?

Sat, 07-17-2004, 06:31 PM
Ahh Krb I feel so much love right now, it almost feels like the old gotwoot *gives krb a hug in most manly way possible*. Maybe she dont do medic stuff no more, it actually never said she has been lately.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 06:36 PM
She did say that she quit medicine, maybe thats why.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 07:20 PM
Well, if I remember correctly, she decided not to be a medic after Dan died, especially since she had her hands covered with his blood. She probably developed the fear of blood through that and quit being a medic. Remember, her sidekick (damn, keep forgetting her name) says that after that day, she changed.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 08:39 PM
My guess is he finds a way to hurl the ball and maintain it's power and control and manipulate it through his chakra without requiring close quarters. I get that impression from the start since he had to get into range to use it and Tsunade did have time to respond even when she had her guard down.

That necklace is probably the reason for the bad luck. Took me a second spin to realize Shizune said that because everyone Tsunade gives it to ends up dead.

And is anyone else wondering who exactly the enemy was during the war that claimed the two lives?

Sat, 07-17-2004, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by: Feannag
And is anyone else wondering who exactly the enemy was during the war that claimed the two lives?

It's obvious, the sewer rats of doom.

J/k, they don't get that into detail yet. They're probably saving up that info so they can waste another 5 or so weeks of our life (assuming people have one >_&gti/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 09:06 PM
OK, STILL not impressed with Tsunade. Yes, it sucks that she lost the people she cared about, but wasting the rest of her life isn't going to make things better. And that she would even THINK about betraying everything they believed in to have Oro bring them back... I hope Jiraiya goes through with his death threat....

Shizune, however, is cool.

Kale Ironfist
Sat, 07-17-2004, 09:21 PM
You're not impressed with Tsunade?! she just made a friggin rip in the ground with one finger!

Sat, 07-17-2004, 09:38 PM
And that she would even THINK about betraying everything they believed in to have Oro bring them back
I wouldn't blame her completely, Orochimaru knows how to mess with her head. Orochimaru messes with Tsunade in every flashback where you see the two of them together. You see him do this a when he tell Tsunade about her brothers death. His remarks about how she wouldn't recognize her brother if she saw his corspe was indubitably a measure to get under her skin.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by: zachary_milyardo
Orochimaru messes with Tsunade in every flashback where you see the two of them together. You see him do this a when he tell Tsunade about her brothers death. His remarks about how she wouldn't recognize her brother if she saw his corspe was indubitably a measure to get under her skin.

Yeah that's one thing I like about Oro, he messes with everyone's heads heheh XD

Sharingnan Chet
Sat, 07-17-2004, 10:28 PM
One of my fav things of this ep WAS the flashbacks.
For some reason, the visions of younger Sanins was just, I dunno, cool for some reason.

Sat, 07-17-2004, 10:30 PM
You know, the younger Tsunade REALLY looks liek sakura by a lot. Except with longer hair and huge breasts. then again, she's blonde so breasts have to be big XD

Sat, 07-17-2004, 10:39 PM
And is anyone else wondering who exactly the enemy was during the war that claimed the two lives?

Weren't they at war with the people that tried to steal Hinata around that time? Anyways I agree with the person who earlier said that they think it was Oro that killed Tsunade little brother, I find it weird that he happened to have the necklace. And did anyone find the way Jaraiya looked when he told Tsunade he'd kill her cool?

Sat, 07-17-2004, 10:54 PM
Young version of Tsunade is fucking hot.
i wish i was her little brother so i could put my face in her chest area.
damn big boobed fucking hot girl

Sat, 07-17-2004, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by: Aeon

And is anyone else wondering who exactly the enemy was during the war that claimed the two lives?

Weren't they at war with the people that tried to steal Hinata around that time? Anyways I agree with the person who earlier said that they think it was Oro that killed Tsunade little brother, I find it weird that he happened to have the necklace. And did anyone find the way Jaraiya looked when he told Tsunade he'd kill her cool?

It appeared to only be a few years ago since the time when there were people who wanted to steal Hinata. Tsunade looked like she was in her early 20s or late teens during the flashbacks, and she is now above 50. There are 5 strong hidden villages, if I remember correctly, each trying to be the strongest, so they could be at war with a number of countries. I'll just have to wait and see.

Oh, btw, I think it would be even more twisted if it ended up that Oro also killed Dan in some sneak attack or some experiment.

They look like they changed the drawing technique in this episode. A lot more black slashing lines in the characters.

Sun, 07-18-2004, 12:11 AM
yeah, it wasnt the same time when the thunder country tried to steal hinata - 1) hinatas age(which was pointed out) 2) hokage was shown old talking with the hyuga family (here in this ep he's shown younger)

i liked this ep, the flashbacks showed a lot of things that happened to tsuande and what made her the person she is now

Naruto finally finds out the name of the move he is learning, im guessing that he wont get rasengan 100% right, but he might come close enough. when he did it on the tree, it was both swirling and carved into the tree

Jiraiya said it was the second hokages keepsake, i dont really get what he means by that (maybe theyll explain later), but isnt the necklace the first hokages

orochimaru is twisted, but i dont think he would kill the little brother, what would his motive be
he wasnt after the necklace because he gave it back to tsunade
but oro mentioned that her little brother cant be recognized if tsunade saw his body, what if oro stole his face - weird but just my speculation, i dont even know if he developed that jutsu yet

so naruto and tsunade are going to have a rematch, i thought it was just a bet to see if he can master rasengan (hes getting a lot of different kinds of motivations to get better)

Sun, 07-18-2004, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by: tensai
so naruto and tsunade are going to have a rematch, i thought it was just a bet to see if he can master rasengan (hes getting a lot of different kinds of motivations to get better)
there not going to have a rematch. Where'd you get that idea?

Sun, 07-18-2004, 12:17 AM
well, narutos charging at tsunade (is he?) thats where i got it from
i dont know for sure

Sun, 07-18-2004, 12:19 AM
Yeah , there isn't going to be a rematch, don't remember that ever being said, Tsunade just said if he could master it in the time frame he would get the necklace

Sun, 07-18-2004, 12:22 AM
After thinking about it...

Why did she make a bet with naruto when everytime she makes a bet she loses? Is this some way of her helping naruto?

Sun, 07-18-2004, 12:33 AM
Why did she make a bet with naruto when everytime she makes a bet she loses? Is this some way of her helping naruto?

Well I'm guessing if she loses the bet then she will no longer have any more connections with konoha and can side with Oro, If she wins then she is obligated by the necklace to become the 5th Hokage(isn't strange that kage uses it kun-yomi in a combunation?).

Sun, 07-18-2004, 12:33 AM
Tsunade does not always lose. She won right before Oro came. Besides, she does not believe Naruto could learn it in a week. Even Jiraiya said that he believed it was not possible for Naruto to master it that quickly. I think that she wanted it done in a week, to be at the same time as her decision making with Oro's request. If Naruto can achieve this "miracle", then she will have more faith in Konoha and the idea of a Hokage, and she will accept being the Hokage at that point.

Sun, 07-18-2004, 12:37 AM
interesting theory you have there, thundrakkon
i would have to agree with you on that

Sun, 07-18-2004, 12:47 AM
thundrakkon's idea makes more sense than mine. I agree with him, at least I was on the right track with the hokage part.

Sun, 07-18-2004, 12:49 AM
I cant believe she's still contemplating Oro's offer, just imagine if she does infact accept it..the 2 of them revived would just die again protecting their village of Konoha probably at the hands of the guy that revived them, and thats if oro just doesnt turn them into mindless puppets like he did the 1st and 2nd.

Otherwise I thought the episode was good and informative, I really foresaw this much information being doled out slower than this *I didnt want it to but I thought it would be* So thats always a plus.

I think the resegan *sp* tehinique bet will be rudely interupted by another meeting scheduled on that same day.

Good Times ahead, Ihope


Sun, 07-18-2004, 01:02 AM
Another setup episode. Ah well, it's nice to finally see why Tsunade has a blood phobia and doesn't practice medicine anymore. Not being able to do anything for the two people she loved does put a damper on her confidence.

(Anime-manga difference spoilers follow...)

It's also interesting that the Tsunade/Jiraiya conversation was shortened a little. If you remember the preview at the end of 90, Jiraiya was talking about how hot Tsunade is and Tsunade said he was the only person she'd never date, and they do some more bantering. That's actually in the manga as part of their private conversation shown in ep 91, instead of being a joke segment as it is during the ep preview after 90. I guess they wanted to remove any implied sexual tension of any sort for the anime.

(Spoilers end)

Sun, 07-18-2004, 01:09 AM
Wouldn't it be nice if Naruto uses Rasengan on Oro and gets rid of him once and for all? I doubt that would happen, though, but it is just a nice thought. It would resolve quite a few problems all at once. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Sun, 07-18-2004, 01:13 AM
I like the idea but there's one small hurdle called kabuto

BJDPnsL jOf_
n_on[D` HfjDQiMch]FU
[EDIT]Damn... Kanji doesn'y work on this server, WHY!?!!?!?[EDIT/]

Sun, 07-18-2004, 03:12 AM
I agree with thundrakkon but I think he is going to achieve this miracle with oro shows up to meet with tsunande. Also he is def going to change the tech. to his own. In the intro it looks more fireball'ish. A bit of blue and red mixed i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

I dunno I just can't wait another week. Can't they screen 2 episodes a week!!!

Sun, 07-18-2004, 03:28 AM
I think if I devoted my life to being a medic and couldn't save the person I loved, and ended up covered in his blood instead, I'd prolly give up on medicine too i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif I'd feel like it failed me utterly, after devoting so much time to mastering it and wouldn't want to give it any more time. But that's just my speculation.

P.S. What is with the obsession over Tsunade's boobs? In my opinion it just makes her look ugly to be so disproportionate with the rest of her body.

Sun, 07-18-2004, 03:37 AM
I just want to know why he didn't attack with his normal clone technique... I mean could she have blocked 50 Narutos with 1 finger? I understand that using the new technique works better to progress the plot, but it would have made more sense if Naruto used a technique he had already mastered. I suppose Naruto has never been one to think things through first though. *sigh* I wonder if he will be able to use both techniques at the same time later on...

Sun, 07-18-2004, 05:40 AM
mebbe just a dumb idea but the 4th tech is using your chakra and spinning it what if naruto calls on the dam fox and uses his chakra and makes a biger ball or well shadow rep and multi balls would also do

Sun, 07-18-2004, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by: ForgottenSpiral
I just want to know why he didn't attack with his normal clone technique... I mean could she have blocked 50 Narutos with 1 finger? I understand that using the new technique works better to progress the plot, but it would have made more sense if Naruto used a technique he had already mastered. I suppose Naruto has never been one to think things through first though. *sigh* I wonder if he will be able to use both techniques at the same time later on...

She was distracted a short bit, which means he had to go for a one hit "kill" jutsu, and kage bunshin wouldn't be powerful enough to actually harm her enough for the short time she was distracted. That would seem like a logical explanation to his usage of it.

Sun, 07-18-2004, 08:27 AM
And to all those who are complaining that Tsunade is being selfish, please remember that she is still HUMAN. Just because she is a strong ninja doesn't mean she is all of a sudden some sort of deity that is above simple human emotions of wanting back lost loved ones. This weakness on Tsunade's part only makes her more realistic and easily relatable to viewers and audience

Sun, 07-18-2004, 02:53 PM
this ep was so nice!!!...common 92!

Metal Clock
Sun, 07-18-2004, 02:57 PM
I thought this episode was pretty good, I especially liked the part when Jiraiya said "But if you end up doing something that betrays Konoha... I would have to kill you." to Tsunade. Don't know why, but it gave me goosebumps =)

Sun, 07-18-2004, 04:17 PM
I think this was a great episode, gave a lot of background and depth on Tsunade. I think she will become Hokage but I also think somehow she is going to heal Orchis arms. The way I look at it is Orchi is kind of useless without his arms, and if she is the only person who can heal them and she doesn't, then its pointless to keep him alive. I don't think they are planning on getting rid of him so quickly so I think somehow she is going to heal his arms and still become hokage... but its just a thought... I really want to his arms get fixed, he is my favorite bad guy.

Sun, 07-18-2004, 04:33 PM
For some reason Orochimaru still seems kinda cool... I mean with Itachi its a bit cheap.. he'll just use his Sharingan to inflicy heavy damage. I'm not saying that he doesnt know any other jutsu... he probably knows some really good ones.

Also, the three Sannin prove that you don't need some bloodline limit to be some crazy ass ninjas... and that adds depth to the storyline.

On the Jiraiya death threat... yeah that was kinda cool too. Shows he won't let his emotions get in the way of what he wants to do.

Sun, 07-18-2004, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by: Aeon

And is anyone else wondering who exactly the enemy was during the war that claimed the two lives?

Weren't they at war with the people that tried to steal Hinata around that time? Anyways I agree with the person who earlier said that they think it was Oro that killed Tsunade little brother, I find it weird that he happened to have the necklace. And did anyone find the way Jaraiya looked when he told Tsunade he'd kill her cool?

no war was taking place between the cloud village and the konoha village......in fact the ambassader guy from the cloud village who tried to steal hinata was there AFTER a treaty was signed between the two villages. Then to AVOID a conflict, they sent them hizashi's body

there's a good chance there was war between them beforehand, but kakashi and others have hinted at a "great war" that took place a long time ago, when the jounins and the 3rd were talking about the mysterious traitor country that is allied with sound.

Sun, 07-18-2004, 08:48 PM
i dont know if this was mentioned, but there is a short movie trailer at the end of ep 91
but on SO's sub, i didnt see it

so for those of you who havent seen it, you can get it at narutofan

if this was mentioned before, sorry

Sun, 07-18-2004, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure

there's a good chance there was war between them beforehand, but kakashi and others have hinted at a "great war" that took place a long time ago, when the jounins and the 3rd were talking about the mysterious traitor country that is allied with sound.

Mysterious traitor country allied with Sound? I'm confused here, I remember nothing like that.

Sun, 07-18-2004, 10:39 PM
You know, I bet if she can heal Oro's arms she could also heal Lee's injuries.

Man, that would be boss.

Sun, 07-18-2004, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by: lasaire

Originally posted by: AssertnFailure

there's a good chance there was war between them beforehand, but kakashi and others have hinted at a "great war" that took place a long time ago, when the jounins and the 3rd were talking about the mysterious traitor country that is allied with sound.

Mysterious traitor country allied with Sound? I'm confused here, I remember nothing like that.

you know........
when hayate died.......and they didnt know the sand was the traitor.....and they were all discussing oro and such

Sun, 07-18-2004, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
You know, I bet if she can heal Oro's arms she could also heal Lee's injuries.

Man, that would be boss.

Yeah..I mean if it is that Tsunade could heal Oro's arms then she has to be able to cure Rock Lee as well, I mean with Oro it was sealed and everything..so I would think she would be able to heal his physical damage if she could heal Oro

Mon, 07-19-2004, 01:26 AM
I think Lee will "Heal" himself.. he has already shown us this, at the exam they said he would NEVER walk again.
(correct me if im wrong)

Mon, 07-19-2004, 01:36 AM
The episode wasn't too boring. It explained a lot of things..

I think it just said that Rock wouldn't be able to be a Ninja any longer. He did walk on crutches w/Gai sensei to see the Chuunin exam at the arena.

Kale Ironfist
Mon, 07-19-2004, 02:03 AM
please, Lee healing himself? don't think so. they said he couldnt live as a ninja, because his movements wouldn't be on par as a childs, therefore leaving him vulnerable to attack.

Mon, 07-19-2004, 07:12 AM
i bet she will come back to the village become hockage and heal lee =D

Mon, 07-19-2004, 10:14 AM
small hurdle called Kabuto...everyone overestimates him. They said hes as strong as Kakashi not freaking Itachi, besides, what could Kabuto do to a big frog, nothing, hed get smoked.

Mon, 07-19-2004, 10:27 AM
small hurdle called Kabuto
Uh...I was trying to be sarcastic, sorry if you didn't pick up on that.

Mon, 07-19-2004, 11:15 AM
yeah right, use the "sarcastic" excuse to cover up a previous post.....its easy to escape that way when people cant readily detect sarcasm in text, eh? i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif

if so, then i'd say you did a bad job in doing so, but if not, then why deny it? i'd believe it if kabuto was a hurdle....after all for all we know shizune couldve had oro's head by now if kabuto wasnt there

Mon, 07-19-2004, 12:05 PM
This episode was great! So do you guys think Tsunade's breasts are fake? <since in the flashbacks they're already ginormous!>

Mon, 07-19-2004, 12:07 PM
since they were most likely created by her change image no jutsu then yes they are fake

Mon, 07-19-2004, 12:48 PM
well, she had big breasts in the flashback
but we dont know if she developed her image changing jutsu yet
for all we know, she couldve grown a lot during puberty

Tue, 07-20-2004, 02:36 AM
While thier size may not be fake, their high position on her chest at the age of 50 is probably ninja magic. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Tue, 07-20-2004, 03:50 AM
im surprised they dont get in the way when she fights, theyre so ginourmous

Tue, 07-20-2004, 05:24 AM
anyone notice that naruto says he will master the Rasengane in 3 days and then Tsunade says the bet is for a week? only noticed it in teh Anbu version not the one i got earlier

Kale Ironfist
Tue, 07-20-2004, 05:50 AM
if anyone had paid attention to the subs, they would have noticed that already

Tue, 07-20-2004, 06:29 AM
Originally posted by: TheEvil1
anyone notice that naruto says he will master the Rasengane in 3 days and then Tsunade says the bet is for a week? only noticed it in teh Anbu version not the one i got earlier

because anbu is the right one.

Tue, 07-20-2004, 09:30 AM
I noticed it in both subs... I just thought Tsunade was being more leniant in making the bet.

Tue, 07-20-2004, 12:08 PM
She probably made the bet 1 week to coincide with orochimarus time limit. Thats why they show that flashback when she makes the bet.

Tue, 07-20-2004, 03:01 PM
Tsunade: When she gets good luck, bad things will/might happen

Naruto: Would be sick if he used Kage Bunshin and Rasengan at the same time using Kyuubi chakra.

Jiraiya: Pervert

Orochimaru: Probably did not kill Tsunade's brother. As for the necklace, he probably took it from the kid so that Tsunade didn't have to see her little brother mutilated like that. Oro is nice after all i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif?

Dan: Has really disturbing hair. Good thing he's already dead. I woulda hated him.

Tue, 07-20-2004, 03:03 PM
your outlook on life is really fascinating other kn1ves(sarcasm)

Tue, 07-20-2004, 04:30 PM
Anyone else having sound issues with the AA sub?

Tue, 07-20-2004, 04:51 PM
Jiraya always drunk.

What if Jiraya is drunk then suddenly an enemy attack, Akatsuki member or Oro. Do you think Jiraya will be less powerfull or not.

Tue, 07-20-2004, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by: kupalmaru
Jiraya always drunk.

What if Jiraya is drunk then suddenly an enemy attack, Akatsuki member or Oro. Do you think Jiraya will be less powerfull or not.

just because jiraiya is drunk doesnt mean hes going to get weaker

Tue, 07-20-2004, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by: kupalmaru
Jiraya always drunk.

What if Jiraya is drunk then suddenly an enemy attack, Akatsuki member or Oro. Do you think Jiraya will be less powerfull or not.

just because jiraiya gets drunk it doesnt mean he going to get weaker

Edit: sorry double post

Wed, 07-21-2004, 02:19 PM
i finally watched 91 and hopefully tonight or tomorrow 92 will come out. it was an ok episode. we got to know a little more about Tsunade and her past. i didn't like how the episode ended though.....it was so sudden but anyways...we gotta wait for 92 now