Sat, 07-10-2004, 09:34 PM
Hello, i represent a new channel on the rizon network and i was wondering if any1 here was a fansubber and was looking for a group to join.
We are looking for timers, editors, and translators primarily....
However all other positions are also available.
If you are interested or wish to find out more about this, you can contact me at i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sun, 07-11-2004, 09:11 PM
what are you trying to sub? what is the name of your group? what is your founding philosophy? what do you already have? why should people with in-demand skills join you?
The answers to these questions might go far in attracting people to your group.
Sat, 07-17-2004, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by: complich8
what are you trying to sub? what is the name of your group? what is your founding philosophy? what do you already have? why should people with in-demand skills join you?
The answers to these questions might go far in attracting people to your group.
Your always such a stipulator, you see, if someone wanted to know thses things, it would mena they are interested. If you looked at what he said, it was "email me if interested *OR* wanna find out more" so Email him to find these things out.
Sat, 07-17-2004, 08:29 PM
Im really interested in joining a group. The only problem is I don't exactly know HOW to edit or control the timing or control the quality of the video and etc etc. I understand each step of fansubbing but I'm clueless on how to actually do one of those processes.
Sun, 07-18-2004, 05:18 AM
Originally posted by: joker-kun
Originally posted by: complich8
what are you trying to sub? what is the name of your group? what is your founding philosophy? what do you already have? why should people with in-demand skills join you?
The answers to these questions might go far in attracting people to your group.
Your always such a stipulator, you see, if someone wanted to know thses things, it would mena they are interested. If you looked at what he said, it was "email me if interested *OR* wanna find out more" so Email him to find these things out.
it just seems to me that it's pointless to throw a hook out without bait, you know?
Sure, in a lake with a high population and a lot of small fry, you might get a few hits on a bare hook (ooh shiny factor kicks in). But if you want to fish out a big old bass from a lake, you need a juicy worm, or a good minnow, or something with a little meat on it at least. This is what I'm trying to convey to the original poster, if he ever bothers to come back to this thread and read my response (which is doubtful).
The implications of "reply to my email, not to this thread" are "I'm too lazy or starting too many threads in too many places to bother following up with them all" or possibly "I'm so halfhearted about this that I'll forget the whole idea before I think to check on the thread I started again". Also, a lot of fansubbers (and many netizens in general) are unwilling to share their email addresses, given that it's a surefire way to get lots of spam and often is a clear identifier of a person on the net (many people would prefer to remain anonymous while engaging in copyright infringement, after all i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif).
The implications of not specifying the answers to most (if not all) of the questions I posed are that the poster's group doesn't yet exist in any form, and they're just expecting a fansub group to form out of nowhere with no driving force, no binding philosophy, not even a name to call themselves.
When you see an ad consisting of 15 seconds of someone walking on a beach, followed by a logo, does it motivate you to choose the product over its competitor? Only by imprinting and association with "someone walking on a beach", but not by any rational way. Ads like that, requests like the source of this thread, serve NO purpose, expand NO information, raise NO awareness. The people who MIGHT be looking for another group to join (I can think of a couple out-of-work fansubbers that I know, who left their groups for one thing or another but still want to be fansubbers)... they don't want to join "someone to do something" -- they want to join groups that actually exist. Maybe not established groups, but groups that have coalesced into something more than a transient thought in some underexperienced irrational's brain, groups that have at least stated a purpose for their existence or a project for themselves to work on.
I think in out-of-work fansubbers that I've talked to in the last 3 or 4 months, I could find a complete working group, given they had a project to work on and people they could get along with. But this post wouldn't attract them. It would only attract people with a cursory knowledge of maybe how fansubbing might potentially work, with no definite goals or motivation or anything.
So, I ask these questions, because without them there's not even evidence of any validity to the claim "I represent a new fansub group", much less any encouragement to join them blindly. If that's being too much of a "stipulator" for you, well, maybe you just trust in your internet user and his good judgement more than I could ever care to.
Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
I understand each step of fansubbing but I'm clueless on how to actually do one of those processes.
This sounds like a self-inconsistent statement to me. If you "understand each step of fansubbing" then the process of doing them should be somewhat self-evident. My guess is that you have an EXTREMELY cursory understanding of the process -- like know the names and a one-sentence description of them. I've made a new thread in the fansubbing forum (where we are, conveniently) on the subject, which you might be interested in reading. I tried to go into a fair amount of detail about the implications, the skills, the time requirements, etc. If you want more detail, feel free to ask questions there, I'll try to answer them.
Mon, 07-19-2004, 12:34 PM
Yeah, compliche [hope ya dont mind I don't use your real nick], you have some good points there. I am simply to lazy to be as elaborate as yourself, but some reasons people don't specify info on here are: 1, they may want the group to form before choosing a name. 2 they don't want people to think there's a new group incase it falls through. Another reason would be, say they are doing a series everyone has forgotten about, and don't want it stolen by another group [since im sure there's lurkers of other fansubs here]. Also, not just for the name, but alot of people like the group to be together before choosing anything.
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