View Full Version : How to cahnge port or set port??
Sat, 06-26-2004, 12:53 AM
I'm getting slow d/ls from each and every torrent i d/l usually get bout 25kb/s but now getting only 1or 2 kb/s. Saw on the bt site that by setting port or opening them, you can get faster d/ls or run bt more effeciently.
Can anyone teach me how to do this and is there any dangers if i open ports.
Sorry if i have to trouble you all cos i'm a noob when it comes to these things.....
Sat, 06-26-2004, 07:57 AM
To open your ports, you have to go to your router's admin page. I think for most routers, you just type your IP address and it should take you there. Then once your there, you should be able to open up your ports. The ports you have to route through are 6881-6999. And dont worry, there is no danger in opening up these ports for BT.
Sat, 06-26-2004, 01:17 PM
How do i go my router's main page?
Can you give me a detail step by step on this cos i not familiar with all these things?
If you are able to help it would be a million thanks
Sat, 06-26-2004, 06:43 PM
If you could give me the type of router you have (D-Link, Linksys, etc.) and the model number of the router, then I can give you a step by step guide on how to forward your ports. Hope I can help.
Sat, 06-26-2004, 07:30 PM
Oh yeah, sorry about that. I forgot that it depends on what type of router you have to access its admin page. But yeah, do what stos289 said and he can give ya a really good tutorial.
Sat, 06-26-2004, 09:41 PM
Thats gonna be a prob cos i dunno really know what i'm using as a router or its model or worse still do i have a router?
Any ways for me to check what router i'm using or its model??
Sat, 06-26-2004, 10:06 PM
Ok, I feel this is going to be a long one. First to check if you actually have a router working on your computer, follow these instructions. Go to "Start", then to "Control Panel." When your in the Control Panel go to "Network Connections." When you're in "Network Connections," if there is some kind of LAN (Local Access Network) or Local Area Connection, then you should have a router. If you do, then you're going to need the ip address of the router. To find that go to "Start", then to "All Programs", then to "Accessories" then to "Command Prompt." A black window should show up which is the DOS (Old way of running commands) Prompt. In the window, type in "ipconfig" (without the quotation marks). Some new information should show up. Where it says "Ip Address", if there is a number like (an example) then that should be the ip address of your router. There should also be a spot where it says "Default Gateway." Remember the number combination that is there, you'll need it. Now its time to find out what kind of router you have. First open up a new web browser (IE, Netscape, etc.). Then in the web browser type in " http:// (Whatever your default gateway numbers were with the dots in between ie:" (Also without the quotes). If all goes well, then the main page of your router should show up. If it does, the type and model number should be there. If its not, here is what you should do. First try the username as "admin" (Without the quotes) and password blank (meaning nothing in the box). If that doesn't work, try the opposite with the username blank and password as admin. Hopefully it will grant you access then and the type and model number should appear somewhere. If it does, tell me what it is and I'll give you a step by step guide on how to forward the ports of that router. Hope I could help.
EDIT: Don't mind the link there, I don't know how to turn off the hyperlink.
Sun, 06-27-2004, 08:31 PM
I typed the number in the browser but couldnt get to my router main page.
What should i do now??
Mon, 06-28-2004, 07:53 PM
The ip address keeps changing and i'm using a windows fire wall. Is there anyway for me to get to my router's home page??
Mon, 06-28-2004, 09:21 PM
Wait, your ip address keeps changing? That's weird, I really haven't encountered that before. You must have the router (or at least the box that came with it) somewhere in your house/apartment. The type/model number of the router should be imprinted on it. If you don't know, a router is usually a rectangular shaped object with two antennas coming out of it. I really don't know another way to find out what type of router you have. However, I have some good news. I have a step by step guide on how to forward the bittorrent ports (6881-6999) in the Windows XP Firewall which you can find here ( If you just follow the steps that are there, you should be fine (I suggest that you only forward ports 6881-6889 because port forwarding in the Windows XP Firewall could take a very long time due to the fact that you have to forward each port one by one. Plus, those where the original ports Bittorrent used untill the later version where the range was extended.) On the page I gave you, try using the ip addresses that are there ( and in your web browser. Maybe if you get lucky, that is the ip address that your router is using. If it is and you don't know how to the username/password of the router, try the method I told you in my other post. Hopefully it will tell you what type of router you have and then I can give you a guide on how to forward the ports of the router. Hope I could help.
Tue, 06-29-2004, 12:26 AM
I read the tutorial and on the tutorial they this:
In Name or IP address of the computer hosting this service on your network, enter (this means "the local machine.")
Dos this number represent the local machine on my computer?
Tue, 06-29-2004, 10:16 AM
No, I believe that is just used as an example. You want to use the ip address that you found before using the "ipconfig" method I told you about before. Remember, when the information pops up in the DOS Prompt, don't use the default gateway number, use the actual "ip address" number. Hope I could help.
P.S: I guess you didn't find out what type of router you have yet. Just tell me when do.
Tue, 06-29-2004, 11:21 PM
The ip adderess keeps on changing, so if i key in today, and it changes tommorow, would it work??
Wed, 06-30-2004, 02:27 PM
I believe so...but I'm not completly sure. I still don't know what you mean by changing. Does it go from to for example? Or does it it completly change its number totally? If that happens, it could be some kind of program you have that does that or the router itself which would be very strange. Get back to me on that.
Fri, 07-02-2004, 12:18 PM
Hello. I'm having a problem with Bittorrent as well regarding download speeds (highest ever was 23 Kbps) though I continually upload at 20-23 Kbps (so I upload more than I have downloaded...that's not right). I got a 1.6 Mbps downstream with a 25.6 Kbps Upstream. I know how to get to my router page (I just type in speedstream). My DSL provider is Citizens Frontier, and my router is Hawking PN400TP. However, when I go to server ports, I'm just given the options of HTTP, FTP, and Telnet. I'm not wise in these matters. Can you help me as well?
I'm downloading azureus as well right now. Hope that will speed things up.
Fri, 07-02-2004, 12:48 PM
Well, from what I have read and seen, the PN400TP by Hawking is not a router, but a 4 port 10 base hub. So you really can't port forward a hub since it only links computers together, it doesn't really have an internet connection. If you could tell me what type of router you have (D-Link, Linksys, Netgear, etc.), then I can give you a step by step guide on how to port forward. Hope I could help.
Fri, 07-02-2004, 01:00 PM
Ok, the only thing I have with Netgear on it is a Ethernet Hub, EN 104TP. But is that just a hub as well? I use a Speedstream modem from Effecient Networks if that helps.
Fri, 07-02-2004, 02:27 PM
Well, what you just gave me really doesn't help. I checked the Citizens Frontier website, and I saw that they have bundles with Linksys Routers. Maybe you have a Linksys router? Hubs are completly different than routers. If you could find out what type of router you have (or even if you have one), tell me and I'll try to help.
Fri, 07-02-2004, 04:12 PM
I don't have a router then. >.< So is there any other way for me to open those ports?
Fri, 07-02-2004, 07:51 PM
Well, the only thing else that you can port forward is a firewall. If you have a firewall (Windows XP, Zonealarm, Mcaffe, etc.), tell me and I'll give you a step by step guide on how to forward the ports in your firewall. Hope I could help.
Sat, 07-03-2004, 03:14 AM
I have recently started downloading naruto and usually my downloading speed has been from 5kB/s to 15kB/s. But it has dropped drastically to around 2kB/s. I just realised my wireless modem functions as a router too so i believe its the cause of the slow downloads. I hope some kind soul can help me.
I am using bit torrent 3.4.2 My modem/router is alcatel speedtouch 570.
Sat, 07-03-2004, 11:53 AM
Hooray, I get to be the kind soul! Anyway, I found a step by step guide on how to port forward your router. However, for your particular router (Alcatel Speedtouch 570), there are different versions of the model. If you could tell me what version you have, then I can give you the guide. Also, tell me if you have any other types of firewall (Windows XP, Zonealarm, etc.) and I can give you another guide for forwarding ports. Hope I could help.
Sat, 07-03-2004, 07:56 PM
Thanks!!! I am not quite sure about the version. I'll just repeat verbatim what is printed on the box. Its a 570/ 570i model series 500. i am using mcafee firewall plus but i have disabled it. Hope the details help.
i realised that my ip address could change from time to time. Is that what they called a dynamic ip address? will it be problem when i download stuff?
Sat, 07-03-2004, 08:12 PM
Ok, I'm pretty sure that you have version 1 of the router. So here ( is the guide on how to port forward. About the Dynamic Ip Address, it doesn't matter. In the guide it explains how you will have to make a Static Ip Address (it does not change) and then port forward. Remember, the port range for Bittorrent is 6881 to 6999. Hope I could help.
Sun, 07-04-2004, 02:21 AM
there is still a problem that i don't understand. Firstly, about setting a static ip address, my local ip address has not changed. its the public ip address that has been changing even when i had not turn off the pc. will that affect downloading?
Sun, 07-04-2004, 11:40 AM
No, I don't belive that will affect the downloading. If you just follow the step by step guide, you should be fine. When you port forward, it will use the static ip address that you have made, not the public or local one. Hope I could help.
Sun, 07-04-2004, 01:19 PM
hey man its me again i got that page open and the information it says time zone lan ip adress information and all that witch stuff do u need
Sun, 07-04-2004, 04:15 PM
Well, by looking at your other post I'm guessing you have a Linksys BEFSX41. Here ( is the step by step guide for port forwarding (Don't mind the port triggering part, that is somethings else. Now for the information your talking about, I'm guessing its for the Static Ip Address. You are going to need the ip address, the subnet mask, the default gateway, and the DNS servers. Hope I could help.
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