View Full Version : Princess Mononoke
Sun, 06-20-2004, 03:09 PM
The "princess Mononoke" is the wolf girl, right? Why this name, Princess Mononoke? What does it mean?
Sun, 06-20-2004, 03:29 PM
she's comparable to a princess as the wolves are gods, like a woodland princess
Sun, 06-20-2004, 03:44 PM
Don't forget the japanese title is Mononoke Hime, But yeah it means she's princess of the woods or wolfs how ever you want to take it.
Death BOO Z
Sun, 06-20-2004, 03:46 PM
Mononoke is a spiriti of revenge, and from what i remember from the movie, they had a few things running around trying to exacuit thier revenge on some other things...
PS: the small white things were scary... they moved thier heads 180*...
Sun, 06-20-2004, 03:49 PM
i found this at
which shed some light for me just now.
Q: What does "Mononoke Hime" mean?
Hime means "Princess" in Japanese. Ghibli has given Mononoke Hime the English title, "Princess Mononoke". Mononoke Hime (or Princess Mononoke) is what San, the heroine, is called by other people, since she was raised by a mononoke and looks and acts like a mononoke.
So, what is a mononoke? Good question. ^_^; It's a monster/ghost/spirit.
Mononoke means "The spirit of a thing". Basically, the Japanese blame mononoke for every unexplainable thing, from a major natural disaster to a minor headache. A mononoke could be the spirit of an inanimate object, such as a wheel, the spirit of a dead person, the spirit of a live person, the spirit of an animal, goblins, monsters, or a spirit of nature. Totoro is also a mononoke.
Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
PS: the small white things were scary... they moved thier heads 180*...
hehe yeah they were, like little scream mask guys
Sun, 06-20-2004, 04:05 PM
I have seen the movie probably 8 times and i never get board(i watched it every five months).
There is a part where Ashitaka was talking with someone inside iron town. I think they describe why they call him Princess Mononoke.
I agree with iminyourbrain. San was called Mononoke because she always give the iron town people a headache. The name mononoke was given to San by the town people.
Sun, 06-20-2004, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
PS: the small white things were scary... they moved thier heads 180*...
Some people find it cute. They say, "oh they are so cute".
They do look scary if you see them for the first time
Sun, 06-20-2004, 04:15 PM
Oh, now I understand, thanx guys! Good explanations!
Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
PS: the small white things were scary... they moved thier heads 180*...
Damn yeah, nyahahaha!
Wed, 06-23-2004, 12:23 AM
I liked the Kodamas (little while dudes). They were like Mushroom baby rattles. So cute! ^^ The title (mononoke Hime/Princess Mononoke) seemed clear to me, but I had a working understanding of what 'mononoke' meant, and they explained the 'Hime/Princess' part of it in Iron Town. But that's what happens when one watches anime from 4th grade and sees the movie junior year of high school. ^^;; Yay addictions.
It's too bad how Disney (Miramax, branch company of Disney) shortened the names of some of the mononoke. I saw a fansub before I saw it in the theater in the US and bought the DVD. Oh well.
Looking forward to having all of Miyazaki's movies available in the US. Nausicaa. . . not butchered. . . FINALLY!!
Mon, 09-12-2005, 04:53 PM
(reviving this thread because I dont want to make a new one and have some mod say "hey, there was a thread over a year ago on this!")
I just loved Princess Mononoke, they really have to make more movies like that (and make sure they dont get butchered in translation)!!!
Mon, 09-12-2005, 06:39 PM
personally... I saw the translated version first... and I figured it was well done... personally my favourite Miyazaki movie (didn't really like Spirited Away)
Mon, 09-12-2005, 06:59 PM
I saw the English version but it was great. Princess Mononoke is the best work done by Miyazaki. Spirited Away is not on par with Princess Mononoke but its still amazing. You just lose yourself in that world created by him. He has such an amazing ability to draw people in the story and make them forget their surroundings.
Board of Command
Mon, 09-12-2005, 10:08 PM
I've only seen the dubbed version, and it was very well done. The studio actually got big Hollywood names to do the voice acting. And I agree, this is a lot better than Spirited Away because it really pulls you into the world, where Spirited Away is just too fantastical to do that.
I'd have to admit it was this movie that really got me into the anime world.
Mon, 09-12-2005, 10:14 PM
I really liked this movie. And I definately thought the kodamas were cute. Now, the boars that were eaten from the inside by those black worm things and then kept going... THOSE were creepy. I like the whole technology vs nature part too. And although this was good, I'd actually have to say I liked Spirited Away better. It had such a nice atmosphere. A clasic story, but told very well.
Fun fact: Neil Gaiman worked on the translation of Princess Mononoke.
Fri, 09-16-2005, 07:22 PM
The Kodamas were soooooooo cute!
And ya, the worm things were nasty, especially when they came out of his arm.
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