View Full Version : WOW!
Thu, 06-17-2004, 11:20 PM
As soon as I started watching it, I couldn't believe how good it was. Subs were terrific (and they just recently joined with akusei, so that might of helped), video quality was ANBU quality, and the sound quality even surpassed the recent releases from ANBU. No offense to ANBU or anything, but I started to notice a drop in the sound quality for Naruto after you guys changed codecs a few episodes back. None-the-less, both groups are pretty much equal right now in terms of everything except speed.
For those who are skeptical about DLing S-O for your Naruto fix, you should really try downloading this episode. Also, for those who complained about S-O's past translations, I noticed that they are rereleasing their old episodes at the moment, in order to fix their past mistakes.
Thu, 06-17-2004, 11:59 PM
and you couldnt post thsi in one of the other eps 88 therd because?
Fri, 06-18-2004, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by: cheez121
As soon as I started watching it, I couldn't believe how good it was. Subs were terrific (and they just recently joined with akusei, so that might of helped), video quality was ANBU quality, and the sound quality even surpassed the recent releases from ANBU. No offense to ANBU or anything, but I started to notice a drop in the sound quality for Naruto after you guys changed codecs a few episodes back. None-the-less, both groups are pretty much equal right now in terms of everything except speed.
For those who are skeptical about DLing S-O for your Naruto fix, you should really try downloading this episode. Also, for those who complained about S-O's past translations, I noticed that they are rereleasing their old episodes at the moment, in order to fix their past mistakes.
That's good to hear that they are getting better.
Fri, 06-18-2004, 01:26 AM
Good for them.
Would you like to advertise any footware, softdrinks, or fast food chains as well?
Fri, 06-18-2004, 02:48 AM
Its not much of an advertisment if the product is free.
Fri, 06-18-2004, 02:57 AM
Garland, I would.. please buy R. Jeremy flesh colored vibrators for your womens pleasure. They are the most reliable and last a very long time on a single battery. Also, dont forget the Rambo, R. J. style just 10x the size!!! Great quality.
Fri, 06-18-2004, 04:07 AM
Wow, that really has soo much to do with Naruto
Fri, 06-18-2004, 06:07 AM
hmm.. another pointless thread. you could have just mentioned it in the EP88 Discussion thread.
Fri, 06-18-2004, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by: kage_bunshin
hmm.. another pointless thread. you could have just mentioned it in the EP88 Discussion thread.
I just think that this thread was made to tell the A/A fans that Shin Otaku sub are okay. This is directed to the people who are waiting for an A/A release. It will be useless to post this message to forum 88 because they already downloaded ep 88.
Fri, 06-18-2004, 07:40 AM
Btw.. Your in Gotwoot forum. Home of the A/A.. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
You could be making some subber teams jealous... i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Fri, 06-18-2004, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by: cheez121
As soon as I started watching it, I couldn't believe how good it was. Subs were terrific (and they just recently joined with akusei, so that might of helped), video quality was ANBU quality, and the sound quality even surpassed the recent releases from ANBU. No offense to ANBU or anything, but I started to notice a drop in the sound quality for Naruto after you guys changed codecs a few episodes back. None-the-less, both groups are pretty much equal right now in terms of everything except speed.
For those who are skeptical about DLing S-O for your Naruto fix, you should really try downloading this episode. Also, for those who complained about S-O's past translations, I noticed that they are rereleasing their old episodes at the moment, in order to fix their past mistakes.
I downloaded and watched their version. It's no where near A/A's quality. There were gaps in the subs, in some frames there were lips moving, but no sound or subs. In other frames the subs just lingered. I normally d/l early episodes from other subbers and watch them (like the Raw version) and then delete them, but I store and keep "all" the A/A versions.
Fri, 06-18-2004, 09:34 AM
I think their subbing only got better because Akusei joined them.
Board of Command
Fri, 06-18-2004, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by: Shadow-wolf
I downloaded and watched their version. It's no where near A/A's quality. There were gaps in the subs, in some frames there were lips moving, but no sound or subs. In other frames the subs just lingered. I normally d/l early episodes from other subbers and watch them (like the Raw version) and then delete them, but I store and keep "all" the A/A versions.
Nope, none of that happened to me. The file played smooth like butteri/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Fri, 06-18-2004, 09:47 AM
Nope. This episode and probably the next one isnt a joint. The joint starts later on. Glad you liked the episode though
Fri, 06-18-2004, 12:41 PM
Shadow wolf, that didnt happen to me either. Its seems to be your codec. Or your just hallucinating from the LSD.
Fri, 06-18-2004, 01:44 PM
I had no problem with it, it ran just as fine as a A/A sub.
Fri, 06-18-2004, 01:51 PM
their quality is just abit below a/a's.
Fri, 06-18-2004, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by: Elly
Nope. This episode and probably the next one isnt a joint. The joint starts later on. Glad you liked the episode though
Are you the guy that sub for shin otaku.
Fri, 06-18-2004, 02:21 PM
I'll say the quality is equal to Anbu-Aone now. I don't see why people say Anbu is better, the recent S-O releases are equal in quality IMO. The image are smooth, the colors are clear and the sound is good too.
The only thing that S-O doesn't have is the synchronised karaoke, and I couldn't care less.
edit: oh and the subs have improved too
Fri, 06-18-2004, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by: kupalmaru
[Are you the guy that sub for shin otaku.
Yes, I am part of S-O, mainly responsibly for timing and QC. As for whether its better than/equal to or worse than A/A 's, thats a matter of opinion I guess. We still need to improve the karaoke and styling a bit.
Fri, 06-18-2004, 04:20 PM
Not bad
*pat elly on the shoulder
keep up the good work.
Fri, 06-18-2004, 10:37 PM
I re-D/L and rewatched. It wasn't too bad. There was a scene where Naruto was talking (briefly...maybe one word or two) where there was no sound or sub.
Board of Command
Fri, 06-18-2004, 10:53 PM
Stop being so damn picky. It was a great sub.
Fri, 06-18-2004, 11:35 PM
I'm gonna download SO's release of naruto from now on. Their fast, good quality, and good subbing. To me their = to ANBU except their much faster! YAY gooo SO
Sat, 06-19-2004, 12:11 AM
Yeah SO did a great job this week. Quite impressive infact.
But i don't think its a 'new thread' worthy. thats all
Sat, 06-19-2004, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by: Elly
Originally posted by: kupalmaru
[Are you the guy that sub for shin otaku.
Yes, I am part of S-O, mainly responsibly for timing and QC. As for whether its better than/equal to or worse than A/A 's, thats a matter of opinion I guess. We still need to improve the karaoke and styling a bit.
elly is probably not really mucg of a "guy"i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Sat, 06-19-2004, 01:18 AM
S-O did quite well on 88, but it'd be better to have this in the episode discussion thread.
Sat, 06-19-2004, 02:03 AM
Actually yes Elly is worthy of being called a "guy", even though his nick is misleading i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif it's just me and Khar who are girls in that group, heh.
Sat, 06-19-2004, 02:49 AM
yeah, i don't understand japanese really well (general concepts) so when ppl were complaining about that one scene w/ oro's dialogue i was like "it's seems fine." but i thought S-O always had really good quality.
Sat, 06-19-2004, 07:39 AM
We come in swarms~~~ Swarms of S-O folk, oh me, oh my~~
i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif Hello, people.
Elly = l33t QC/Timer d00d and really a d00d at that.
Kidd = l33t Translator gurl and the second half of my brain that enables our subs to sort of make sense ^^;;
Me (Khar) = I won't call myself l33t, but I'm the main Editor, l33t or unl33t, that's up to you. >_>
Glad to see we've gotten some good responses here though, especially this week. I must say we have improved quite a bit if I do say so myself. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif So thanks, reading stuff like this is encouraging. ^^
Oh, and what scene with Orochimaru's dialogue was confusing? In 88? o_O Do tell, I haven't heard anyone say anything was confusing about our 88... yet. lol.
Board of Command
Sat, 06-19-2004, 03:26 PM
Elly is a guy?...i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif
I don't believe! (
Sat, 06-19-2004, 05:12 PM
Now that everyone's happy about them getting better, why don't you go on and:
- donate a bit
- buy them their own forum
- praise them there
- leave us here alone
Gotwoot organizes the torrent distro for Animeone, so by pushing your brain activity a little bit more than now you will gain the critical mass so that it will start to think on its own. And then you will conclude very fast that advertising other groups releases on the board of a group that also does that series is f**king impolite.
ANBU and Animeone do what they think is best, and the people who gathered here share this opinion. If you do nat nhare that opinion, go some place where peole with the same opinion as yours gather, no one will stop you, but advertising and preaching is annoying.
my $0,02
Sun, 06-20-2004, 08:26 AM
My 2cts is that Anbu is getting Sloppy, and SO is getting good quickly, meaning, that Anbu (and therefor gotwoot) rests upon the anime community for its support. If that support drops, I dont even download A/A anymore, because they are often very late, then things will get both ugly for gotwoot AND anbu, so dont get so cocky , I loved the S-O episode, wether you people want it or not..
And sure we will go to their forum, as soon as they post it i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Sun, 06-20-2004, 07:32 PM
watch the S-O version of kabuto and oro talking about tsunade starting the idea of having a medic in ninja squads, and tell me if their translation makes any sense to you.....
they did better.....but it always seems they like to screw up all of oro's lines
Sun, 06-20-2004, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by: ?igma
My 2cts is that Anbu is getting Sloppy, and SO is getting good quickly, meaning, that Anbu (and therefor gotwoot) rests upon the anime community for its support. If that support drops, I dont even download A/A anymore, because they are often very late, then things will get both ugly for gotwoot AND anbu, so dont get so cocky , I loved the S-O episode, wether you people want it or not..
And sure we will go to their forum, as soon as they post it i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
I would love for you to point out where we are "Sloppy".
If by "sloppy" you mean taking our time in making sure you get a file that's as flawless as possible, then yes we are very sloppy.
Our Naruto takes longer because if we happen to find a error during QC we will just trash that version and fix the errors and encode a new one. Sometimes we have to repeat this process a couple of times. 2 encoding passes with filters are not exactly fast. Also keep in mind that our staff members have lives and also need to sleep.
I suggest that if you don't know how much work we put into our episodes that you please keep your ignorant mouth shut.
Sun, 06-20-2004, 09:03 PM
Don't be uspet by what one stupid 12 yr old kid says............i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Most people acknowledge AonE as the best around, and by the number of downloads for each ep I would say that a couple thousand people appreciate what you do. Including me.
And ?igma......... If you persist in annoying the people who add to my happiness without asking anything in return....... Me and my Hattori Hanzo sword will have something to say to you........
Board of Command
Sun, 06-20-2004, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
watch the S-O version of kabuto and oro talking about tsunade starting the idea of having a medic in ninja squads, and tell me if their translation makes any sense to you.....
You're right. I rewatched that scene and it didn't make much sense. The sentences just don't flow. I think the idea of that scene was that Kabuto knows a bit about Tsunade because he used to be a medic because Tsunade first came up with the idea of medical specialists in groups.
Mon, 06-21-2004, 04:30 AM
Originally posted by: Ciber
Originally posted by: ?igma
My 2cts is that Anbu is getting Sloppy, and SO is getting good quickly, meaning, that Anbu (and therefor gotwoot) rests upon the anime community for its support. If that support drops, I dont even download A/A anymore, because they are often very late, then things will get both ugly for gotwoot AND anbu, so dont get so cocky , I loved the S-O episode, wether you people want it or not..
And sure we will go to their forum, as soon as they post it i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
I suggest that if you don't know how much work we put into our episodes that you please keep your ignorant mouth shut.
Ofcourse I wouldnt know, I can guess it though, but, mainly, I notice the huge amount of subs you do..thats what I mean with sloppy, you devide your time to much , which slows alot of other projects.
Not that I'm diappointed with your subs, hell no, I download all that is Anbu , because it stands for quality.
I was just saying that S-O , on the few subs they do, performed better on Naruto this time.
And I am not 12 years old, you might not have noticed, but you can tell by the way someone writes, not by his opinion in a matter.
I could get to kid-mode and start screaming like ...some..of you, or start calling people ignorants, but hey, that would be too impolite.
Mon, 06-21-2004, 01:39 PM
Hey, we have a forum thats mainly games, and off-topic discussion.
We very recently brought up an anime forum, we get about 100k uniques, and I'd love to see some knowledgeable 'anime-rs' post. And I don't care which sub you discuss, flame, or advocate. Or what anime you watch, be it naruto or others.
GV Forums (
You'll notice the anime forum if you scroll down just a tad.
And just incase some of you are lazy or can't find, direct link to anime forum, although you should definently check out the rest of them aswell.
Click here (
Mon, 06-21-2004, 05:27 PM
logic, PLEASE tell me that you're joking...
Mon, 06-21-2004, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by: ?igma
Not that I'm diappointed with your subs, hell no, I download all that is Anbu , because it stands for quality.
I may be mistaken, but iirc Ciber is still a member of Animeone....
@Zansatsu: I think logic isn't logic's strenght...
Tue, 06-22-2004, 02:59 AM
heh, gotta love spammers.
yep, Ciber is animeone staff. So am I :-p.
I think a lot of people don't care enough about the distinction though, 'cause all they are really exposed to is naruto. It's a shame too, both ANBU and Animeone have some really notable series they (err, we, or something) are working on that a lot of the most ranting naruto fanboy types will never look at at all. And then there's also the fact that it's easier to address a joint by one name than by two ... cognitive miser stuff or something like that...
Tue, 06-22-2004, 03:39 AM
Originally posted by: complich8
heh, gotta love spammers.
yep, Ciber is animeone staff. So am I :-p.
I think a lot of people don't care enough about the distinction though, 'cause all they are really exposed to is naruto. It's a shame too, both ANBU and Animeone have some really notable series they (err, we, or something) are working on that a lot of the most ranting naruto fanboy types will never look at at all. And then there's also the fact that it's easier to address a joint by one name than by two ... cognitive miser stuff or something like that...
Your totaly right, I'm glad you posted this. I'm gunna go start downloading and checking out the rest of the series you two groups do.
Thanks for doing subs you guys are awsome.
Tue, 06-22-2004, 05:09 AM
Originally posted by: Ciber
Originally posted by: ?igma
My 2cts is that Anbu is getting Sloppy, and SO is getting good quickly, meaning, that Anbu (and therefor gotwoot) rests upon the anime community for its support. If that support drops, I dont even download A/A anymore, because they are often very late, then things will get both ugly for gotwoot AND anbu, so dont get so cocky , I loved the S-O episode, wether you people want it or not..
And sure we will go to their forum, as soon as they post it i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
I would love for you to point out where we are "Sloppy".
If by "sloppy" you mean taking our time in making sure you get a file that's as flawless as possible, then yes we are very sloppy.
Our Naruto takes longer because if we happen to find a error during QC we will just trash that version and fix the errors and encode a new one. Sometimes we have to repeat this process a couple of times. 2 encoding passes with filters are not exactly fast. Also keep in mind that our staff members have lives and also need to sleep.
I suggest that if you don't know how much work we put into our episodes that you please keep your ignorant mouth shut.Warning for this post, it might be stupid and whatnot. I really don't mean to make you look stupid or anything and you might already do this and I just misunderstood your post, but I really just want to help.
About the whole QC issue, you mentioned two passes and whatnot. Well what I think is that you can do QC in several stages and not just put one big QC at the end. Whenever one person finishes working someone QCs this person's work, either by using VobSub or a really crappy 1-pass video. Then of course, when everything seems finished, you do a nice multipass encode and all and do the final QC.
Like I said you might already do this, especially seeing as how you have much more experience than us and all, but I just thought I'd try to help out. ^_^x
Tue, 06-22-2004, 03:07 PM
People should just let the groups work however they want to, if it takes too long or isn't the quality you were looking for, then find a way to do it yourself. There's no need to bitch so much about something that is free.
Tue, 06-22-2004, 05:14 PM
Agrees with KonohamaruCorps. You aren't paying for anything so you have no right to complain. I download anything and everything that is subbed by Aone and ANBU because it's my fav. subbing group. Although if there is a new anime that isn't subbed by Aone or ANBU, then I would DL the next best subber (IMO) Anime-Keep but Aone/ANBU usually subs every new series out so no need to turn to another subbing group. If I was rich, I would license Naruto, keep the original voice acting and scenes, and hire the entire Aone/ANBU staff to sub the series... but im not rich -.-
Wed, 06-23-2004, 12:39 AM
Sorry to see the thread "degrade" like that. I was only browsing the forums when I noticed that joint remark, so I only wanted to correct it. I appologize if that caused any incovenience and I totally agree with most people remarks about ANBU-Aone subbing efforts. They were on the scene here before and they are one of the best experienced groups out there.
Wed, 06-23-2004, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by: ?igma
Originally posted by: Ciber
Originally posted by: ?igma
My 2cts is that Anbu is getting Sloppy, and SO is getting good quickly, meaning, that Anbu (and therefor gotwoot) rests upon the anime community for its support. If that support drops, I dont even download A/A anymore, because they are often very late, then things will get both ugly for gotwoot AND anbu, so dont get so cocky , I loved the S-O episode, wether you people want it or not..
And sure we will go to their forum, as soon as they post it i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
I suggest that if you don't know how much work we put into our episodes that you please keep your ignorant mouth shut.
Ofcourse I wouldnt know, I can guess it though, but, mainly, I notice the huge amount of subs you do..thats what I mean with sloppy, you devide your time to much , which slows alot of other projects.
Not that I'm diappointed with your subs, hell no, I download all that is Anbu , because it stands for quality.
I was just saying that S-O , on the few subs they do, performed better on Naruto this time.
And I am not 12 years old, you might not have noticed, but you can tell by the way someone writes, not by his opinion in a matter.
I could get to kid-mode and start screaming like ...some..of you, or start calling people ignorants, but hey, that would be too impolite.
The Naruto delays have absolutely nothing to do with other projects.
The delays with other projects also have nothing to do with the amount of projects we do.
You don't know anything about our internal affairs, so please save us the trouble of correcting you and don't "guess".
I stand by my comment regarding your ignorance.
Wed, 06-23-2004, 01:49 AM
where can i get one of those... or something like that... =D
Wed, 06-23-2004, 03:48 AM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
where can i get one of those... or something like that... =D
I can give you the title of "Gimp".
Wed, 06-23-2004, 03:51 AM
I think you've gotta be God like Ciber to get one of those. Hell, he hasn't even given ME one yet :-p.
I think he's just irritated that people don't recognize him, even though his name's been in the naruto credits for some untold but fairly significant chunk of episodes (and he owns the goddamned place). We were talking about that not too long ago, I guess he finally got annoyed enough to do something about it (or it could just be that wilik's back and tweaking code again i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif).
He's right though. A lot of people think that because we haven't released anything in 3 whole days that we've mismanaged our time or taken on more than we can handle. But when you've got 40ish people who are all specialized to one or maybe two jobs (out of about 8 jobs I would classify as fundamental fansubbing roles) sometimes peoples schedules line up well and everything goes fine, and other times 3 people with the same job disappear for a couple days and the fourth can't cover the other 3 completely (or in some cases even at all). I've personally been in situations in the last 2 months where I'd come home from work, qc until I went to sleep, wake up, qc, go to work, every day for a week. Why? Because 2 other people had final exams (mine had already ended), one had a family emergency, and one disappeared without a trace. Did our releases slow down that week? You're damned skippy they did. Does that mean we were "sloppy" about things? Not in my opinion. Things came up, shit happened (and a lot of it). A lot of axioms and laws kicked into place (ie: "When it rains it pours" and Murphy's law).
Similarly (and in response to what Kidd said), in a group of highly specialized people, you don't have specialists in one area (who are usually weak in others) fill in for the roles they are weak in. There is a degree of mutual trust that a group of specialists has to maintain, which boils down to "this person is good at this job, and I'm not, so I'm going to leave their work alone". For example, our kickass stylist/effect artist Eise is damned incredible at what he does. Would I try to do his job? No! Absolutely not, I don't know textsub, I don't know the strange stuff he does, and I don't have the same keen aesthetic sense that he does. Similarly, I'd never expect him to do grammar checking or flow editing, because that's not what he's good at. To use a naruto-ism, it's like Rock Lee doing Genjutsu and Sakura doing Taijutsu -- it just doesn't make sense.
Specialists are almost always a LOT better at what they do than generalists are. We've got a group of them, we don't do each others' jobs for a reason. As a qc/editor if a series is stalled at typeset, I could either pretend I know how to typeset and do a terrible job at it that'll take me 5 times longer to do than an experienced typesetter would, or I can look at the script and tweak the flow and the grammar a bit and let it wait for a typesetter to show up to typeset it.
QC for us is a specialist position too. The specialty is being a really frigging picky bastard. Depending on the series and the other crew members, different things might be needed -- like for example, I do a lot of flow editing on Naruto (because even though I'm a picky bastard, I'm more of an English language specialist). Ciber is better at spotting big stupid stuff (like a forgotten word that I would often mentally gloss over), Jed is better at seeing timing and typesetting errors (though he's also really solid on the editing side too). A lot of the randomness of our releases comes from the fact that we all have lives, and many of us (me included) have relatively unpredictable commitments, or predictable but very badly timed ones (I can't think of how many times an encoder or a typesetter has said something like "I'll be back in 12 hours" 10 minutes before we needed something from them).
Wed, 06-23-2004, 03:54 AM
Originally posted by: Ciber
Originally posted by: ?igma
Originally posted by: Ciber
Originally posted by: ?igma
My 2cts is that Anbu is getting Sloppy, and SO is getting good quickly, meaning, that Anbu (and therefor gotwoot) rests upon the anime community for its support. If that support drops, I dont even download A/A anymore, because they are often very late, then things will get both ugly for gotwoot AND anbu, so dont get so cocky , I loved the S-O episode, wether you people want it or not..
And sure we will go to their forum, as soon as they post it i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
I suggest that if you don't know how much work we put into our episodes that you please keep your ignorant mouth shut.
Ofcourse I wouldnt know, I can guess it though, but, mainly, I notice the huge amount of subs you do..thats what I mean with sloppy, you devide your time to much , which slows alot of other projects.
Not that I'm diappointed with your subs, hell no, I download all that is Anbu , because it stands for quality.
I was just saying that S-O , on the few subs they do, performed better on Naruto this time.
And I am not 12 years old, you might not have noticed, but you can tell by the way someone writes, not by his opinion in a matter.
I could get to kid-mode and start screaming like ...some..of you, or start calling people ignorants, but hey, that would be too impolite.
The Naruto delays have absolutely nothing to do with other projects.
The delays with other projects also have nothing to do with the amount of projects we do.
You don't know anything about our internal affairs, so please save us the trouble of correcting you and don't "guess".
I stand by my comment regarding your ignorance.
Then you just plain suck @ speed, whatever i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif , you go girl, keep it up i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Wed, 06-23-2004, 05:34 AM
Originally posted by: ?igma
Originally posted by: Ciber
Originally posted by: ?igma
Originally posted by: Ciber
Originally posted by: ?igma
My 2cts is that Anbu is getting Sloppy, and SO is getting good quickly, meaning, that Anbu (and therefor gotwoot) rests upon the anime community for its support. If that support drops, I dont even download A/A anymore, because they are often very late, then things will get both ugly for gotwoot AND anbu, so dont get so cocky , I loved the S-O episode, wether you people want it or not..
And sure we will go to their forum, as soon as they post it i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
I suggest that if you don't know how much work we put into our episodes that you please keep your ignorant mouth shut.
Ofcourse I wouldnt know, I can guess it though, but, mainly, I notice the huge amount of subs you do..thats what I mean with sloppy, you devide your time to much , which slows alot of other projects.
Not that I'm diappointed with your subs, hell no, I download all that is Anbu , because it stands for quality.
I was just saying that S-O , on the few subs they do, performed better on Naruto this time.
And I am not 12 years old, you might not have noticed, but you can tell by the way someone writes, not by his opinion in a matter.
I could get to kid-mode and start screaming like ...some..of you, or start calling people ignorants, but hey, that would be too impolite.
The Naruto delays have absolutely nothing to do with other projects.
The delays with other projects also have nothing to do with the amount of projects we do.
You don't know anything about our internal affairs, so please save us the trouble of correcting you and don't "guess".
I stand by my comment regarding your ignorance.
Then you just plain suck @ speed, whatever i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif , you go girl, keep it up i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
You seem to have serious reading comprehension issues.
Wed, 06-23-2004, 06:20 AM
Naruto is the best of all!!
Wed, 06-23-2004, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by: ?igma
Then you just plain suck @ speed, whatever i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif , you go girl, keep it up i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
I have seen a fair number ofpeople attempt to get banned from forums for varius reasons but as with most I don't see why you seem to be trying so hard. Pretty pathetic that you have to come on someone's forums and complain about free services reminds me of my 9yr old brother...
Wed, 06-23-2004, 11:05 AM
Who cares about ?igma. For the most part I'd say it's pretty obvious that the members of gotwoot are loyal and appreciate AonE's work. Getting a new title like "Gimp" or "God" seems more interesting to me.
Board of Command
Wed, 06-23-2004, 01:31 PM
Damn it, stop quoting entire chains of quotes. You're wearing down my scroll wheel i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif
Wed, 06-23-2004, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by: Ciber
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
where can i get one of those... or something like that... =D
I can give you the title of "Gimp".
i'll take it.
EDIT: OMFG!@ i'm a resident gimp now! hahaha, ciber is the sexiest... =D w00t thanks!
Wed, 06-23-2004, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Originally posted by: Ciber
I can give you the title of "Gimp".
i'll take it.
haha, same. Gimp sounds good to me.
Thu, 06-24-2004, 06:15 AM
You seem to have serious reading comprehension issues.
No I dont, I just stated an opinion, not alot you can do about it ..
Thu, 06-24-2004, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by: ?igma
You seem to have serious reading comprehension issues.
No I dont, I just stated an opinion, not alot you can do about it ..
Do you just want me to ban you from our servers? You seem to be trying really hard.
In case anyone is wondering, being banned from here gets you banned from the tracker, site, forums, and #animeone and #anbudom in irc.
A dynamic IP won't help you since i'll just ban your entire ISP.
Fri, 06-25-2004, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by: Ciber
Originally posted by: ?igma
You seem to have serious reading comprehension issues.
No I dont, I just stated an opinion, not alot you can do about it ..
Do you just want me to ban you from our servers? You seem to be trying really hard.
In case anyone is wondering, being banned from here gets you banned from the tracker, site, forums, and #animeone and #anbudom in irc.
A dynamic IP won't help you since i'll just ban your entire ISP.
So , let me get this right , I state an OPINION, which is allowed in every free country, well, ok..not the us, because they just bribe you, and you ban me for it :? ..Who are you fooling ? I'm not trying anything, I just clearly see you not being able to take some criticism or even AN OPINION..for crying out loud...
Its not as if I'm at your place banging your woman ... then you couldve banned me all over the place ..
who is being childish anyways..
Fri, 06-25-2004, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by: ?igma
Originally posted by: Ciber
Originally posted by: ?igma
You seem to have serious reading comprehension issues.
No I dont, I just stated an opinion, not alot you can do about it ..
Do you just want me to ban you from our servers? You seem to be trying really hard.
In case anyone is wondering, being banned from here gets you banned from the tracker, site, forums, and #animeone and #anbudom in irc.
A dynamic IP won't help you since i'll just ban your entire ISP.
So , let me get this right , I state an OPINION, which is allowed in every free country, well, ok..not the us, because they just bribe you, and you ban me for it :? ..Who are you fooling ? I'm not trying anything, I just clearly see you not being able to take some criticism or even AN OPINION..for crying out loud...
Its not as if I'm at your place banging your woman ... then you couldve banned me all over the place ..
who is being childish anyways..
It was a question, no one has banned you.
You weren't going to be banned over your opinion of our Naruto, but because of all your other stupid comments in the thread.
Fri, 06-25-2004, 10:04 AM
Give up ?igma.
Fri, 06-25-2004, 10:20 AM
I say just ban him.
He is showing too much disrespect.
Fri, 06-25-2004, 12:00 PM
wasn't he banned previously for his incalculable amount of gayness
Fri, 06-25-2004, 12:19 PM
Do it Ciber!
He falls under the branch of Assholes and Assholettes
Also can I get a title too?
It can be anything!
I mean anything!
Even Dingleberry
Fri, 06-25-2004, 01:05 PM
Titles are given to active members that have been around for a while or members that stand out for some reason... like being helpful. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
So you might see some people that i consider helpful and insightful on the forums get custom titles like "GW Elite"... or maybe "Anbu Elite" we'll see.
Who knows, you just might end being the resident clown. i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Fri, 06-25-2004, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by: ?igma
I state an OPINION, which is allowed in every free country, well, ok..not the us, because they just bribe you
does this make any sense to anyone? its annoying how desperate some people try to be to bash the US, that they even go beyond logical rationality to do so
Fri, 06-25-2004, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by: Ciber
Titles are given to active members that have been around for a while or members that stand out for some reason... like being helpful. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
So you might see some people that i consider helpful and insightful on the forums get custom titles like "GW Elite"... or maybe "Anbu Elite" we'll see.
Who knows, you just might end being the resident clown. i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
but... resident gimp is like the ultimate title next to GOD... right? RIGHT? RIGHT??? =D
Fri, 06-25-2004, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
but... resident gimp is like the ultimate title next to GOD... right? RIGHT? RIGHT??? =D
I seen this movie "Pulp Fiction" and they have a gimp there. From what the movie show, a gimp is a some one that you doodle in the behind.
I don't know if you want to be called a resident gimp because that mean that you want your behind to be doodle.
Fri, 06-25-2004, 11:55 PM
I want the title Banned, so badass!
but no! i dont wannna be banned really!
Sat, 06-26-2004, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by: kupalmaru
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
but... resident gimp is like the ultimate title next to GOD... right? RIGHT? RIGHT??? =D
I seen this movie "Pulp Fiction" and they have a gimp there. From what the movie show, a gimp is a some one that you doodle in the behind.
I don't know if you want to be called a resident gimp because that mean that you want your behind to be doodle.
A gimp is someone that is walking with a limp, like when you sprain your ankle you become a gimp because of how you walk, so resident gimp is kind of a title making fun of him but because titles are rarley given out it might be considered a compliment you never know i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Furthermore gimp doesn't mean you are homosexual as far as I know if that is what you were implying...
PS ?igma, your criticizing someones free work that you don't even pay for and fighting with one of the team who also owns the forums and complaining that he is acting childish after telling him there is nothing he can do and then he tells you there is very much he can do. It's pathetic. He owns this site and simply allows us to visit it, try a little respect.
Sat, 06-26-2004, 05:36 AM
in modern day terms (as featured in the film pulp fiction) gimp pretty much means a human sex toy. but BEFORE mutata gets all excited its associated more with S&M and other taboo things rather than girls flocking to him!!
Sat, 06-26-2004, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by: jing
I say just ban him.
He is showing too much disrespect.
no I dont respect him, I respect people that MEAN something to me, does that say he gets to call people ignorants even though I havent said an evil word except for, you go girl :?
I havent done anything wrong on this forum and stating that I was banned earlier, sadly true, was because one of the admins here was having her period..ok? plz dont diss me if your angry, stay objective..
I love ANBU, so I cant say they are slow sometimes .. what friggin excuse is that..
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: ?igma
I state an OPINION, which is allowed in every free country, well, ok..not the us, because they just bribe you
does this make any sense to anyone? its annoying how desperate some people try to be to bash the US, that they even go beyond logical rationality to do so
Well doesnt make sense ..right..? ..or..does it? cmon d00d , look into your heart and start the Bush-bashing already .. your country is probably the most corrupted country on this planet, trying to cover its correptness up by using corrupt tactics.. sad vicious circle.
Sat, 06-26-2004, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by: ?igma
Originally posted by: jing
I say just ban him.
He is showing too much disrespect.
no I dont respect him, I respect people that MEAN something to me, does that say he gets to call people ignorants even though I havent said an evil word except for, you go girl :?
I havent done anything wrong on this forum and stating that I was banned earlier, sadly true, was because one of the admins here was having her period..ok? plz dont diss me if your angry, stay objective..
I love ANBU, so I cant say they are slow sometimes .. what friggin excuse is that..
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: ?igma
I state an OPINION, which is allowed in every free country, well, ok..not the us, because they just bribe you
does this make any sense to anyone? its annoying how desperate some people try to be to bash the US, that they even go beyond logical rationality to do so
Well doesnt make sense ..right..? ..or..does it? cmon d00d , look into your heart and start the Bush-bashing already .. your country is probably the most corrupted country on this planet, trying to cover its correptness up by using corrupt tactics.. sad vicious circle.
You're showing ignorance by not paying attention to previous posts directed at you. Once again, gotwoot is host of AonE not ANBU, and these forum political discussions are totally lame.
Sat, 06-26-2004, 12:26 PM
I know its owned by.. ..but.. why dont they boycot other versions here then :?
Sat, 06-26-2004, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by:Ciber
Titles are given to active members that have been around for a while or members that stand out for some reason... like being helpful.
So you might see some people that i consider helpful and insightful on the forums get custom titles like "GW Elite"... or maybe "Anbu Elite" we'll see.
Well, I don't mean to brag, but if you check around in the support sections, you can see that I have helped a numerous amount of people. Of course, I can't ask for much, I haven't even reached a Genin status yet and I haven't helped as much people as members like complich8 or NarutoMaster. If you could take in consideration to changing my status in the forums to one of the ones you mentioned above, it would be greatly appreciated. I don't to put a burden on you or anyone else. Thank you very much for your consideration.
Sat, 06-26-2004, 01:01 PM
lol... the last 3 pages are full of complete crap.
Sat, 06-26-2004, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
lol... the last 3 pages are full of complete crap.
Well the thread was more or less dead before this thing went OT like this so it isn't like we are destroying the thread just getting more use out of it i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Sun, 06-27-2004, 02:10 AM
Originally posted by: ?igma
Well doesnt make sense ..right..? ..or..does it? cmon d00d , look into your heart and start the Bush-bashing already .. your country is probably the most corrupted country on this planet, trying to cover its correptness up by using corrupt tactics.. sad vicious circle.
you sound to me like the kind of person who fits in the category of "people who dont know anything about what they're talking about, but talking about it anyway because their friends think its cool"
dont try to act like you know bad at that field myself, but even i know when somebody is just talking out of their ass because their ignorance gives them a false insight in the world
and KrBadass, dont close this yet.....i think public forum stoning is a great way to bring the online community closer i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Sun, 06-27-2004, 05:20 AM
Originally posted by: ?igma
Originally posted by: jing
I say just ban him.
He is showing too much disrespect.
no I dont respect him, I respect people that MEAN something to me, does that say he gets to call people ignorants even though I havent said an evil word except for, you go girl :?
I havent done anything wrong on this forum and stating that I was banned earlier, sadly true, was because one of the admins here was having her period..ok? plz dont diss me if your angry, stay objective..
I love ANBU, so I cant say they are slow sometimes .. what friggin excuse is that..
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: ?igma
I state an OPINION, which is allowed in every free country, well, ok..not the us, because they just bribe you
does this make any sense to anyone? its annoying how desperate some people try to be to bash the US, that they even go beyond logical rationality to do so
Well doesnt make sense ..right..? ..or..does it? cmon d00d , look into your heart and start the Bush-bashing already .. your country is probably the most corrupted country on this planet, trying to cover its correptness up by using corrupt tactics.. sad vicious circle.
Well for starters, i'm not female, period.
You should really just quit posting before you embarrass yourself any further.
Sun, 06-27-2004, 05:46 AM
You never banned me Ciber, the person that banned me was a girl, that took me too serious ..ok..maybe I deserved it a bit, but still, I never got any chance to defend myself back then.
And assertnFailure ..I may not know all about politics, but I read the newspaper daily ..its not that good about the US, if you get what I mean..
And you(Ciber) still havent posted any constructive agruments that would allow you to ban me, such as [quotes]....
Sun, 06-27-2004, 07:58 AM
What newspaper do you read? the Iraq Times?
Tell us why you think its not good about US in another thread, because you keep saying without any facts.
Sun, 06-27-2004, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by: ?igma
You never banned me Ciber, the person that banned me was a girl, that took me too serious ..ok..maybe I deserved it a bit, but still, I never got any chance to defend myself back then.
And assertnFailure ..I may not know all about politics, but I read the newspaper daily ..its not that good about the US, if you get what I mean..
And you(Ciber) still havent posted any constructive agruments that would allow you to ban me, such as [quotes]....
Most of your posts in this thread are more than enough reason.
You seem to be under the impression that you have some sort of "rights" here...
This is a privately owned and operated site and as such you have absolutely no "rights".
Quit being a nuisance.
Sun, 06-27-2004, 10:50 AM
This is so cool, I'm an nuisance to you i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif , my life-work has been accomplished i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif ,
@ ping. did you know Dick Cheney was the owner of the oil-company involved in Iraq i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Sun, 06-27-2004, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by: ?igma
@ ping. did you know Dick Cheney was the owner of the oil-company involved in Iraq i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
even so, what is the significance of this? Have you even stopped to consider the fact that, newspapers like to embellish on details that are more interesting to the readers, even if it could lead to biased articles? Even if the US is doing it for oil, but manage to take out an evil tyrant in the process, then more power to it.
But save the bashing other peoples' countries for the general discussion forum.......nobody is interested in your opinions on that here
Sun, 06-27-2004, 11:31 AM
Isn't this going too much offtopic here?
Don't see politics having anything to do with anime or naruto in specific, so maybe this topic is better off in the General Discussions forum.
People, watch some anime.. it takes ur mind off all the stupid things happening in the world around you i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Sun, 06-27-2004, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by: Goingin
Isn't this going too much offtopic here?
Don't see politics having anything to do with anime or naruto in specific, so maybe this topic is better off in the General Discussions forum.
People, watch some anime.. it takes ur mind off all the stupid things happening in the world around you i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
I agree with this guy.
Cheyne owning something in Iraq is not new. The Bush family use to work with the Bin Laden family and so on.
This thing is not supposed to be discuss here at Naruto. I think no one is prohibiting you from starting a forum at the General Discussions forum. Don't prohibit your self, start a new forum if you want, free your self.
Just don't break any rule by disscusing things that are not supposed to be disscused in a forum.
LIke saying political things in a forum that are supposed fo Naruto only.
Sun, 06-27-2004, 02:23 PM
hey he was asking me for arguments about the corruption of the US, I never intended to go politcal ..even though I got lots more i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Sun, 06-27-2004, 04:21 PM
the point is you shouldnt go dissing people's countries......thats just lame
i might as well just go ahead and say something like "gee, people from Netherland sure are ignorant"
even though this assumption is based on only one person from the netherlands i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Sun, 06-27-2004, 05:00 PM
im from netherland , but far from ignorant
so AssertnFailure
from now on 50% of all dutch are ignorant ( which is about true )
Sun, 06-27-2004, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
the point is you shouldnt go dissing people's countries......thats just lame
i might as well just go ahead and say something like "gee, people from Netherland sure are ignorant"
even though this assumption is based on only one person from the netherlands i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Hehe, right in the face there i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
(OMG, did u see i am from the netherlands too! hehe i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif)
Just give it a rest, k?
Mon, 06-28-2004, 01:52 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
the point is you shouldnt go dissing people's countries......thats just lame
i might as well just go ahead and say something like "gee, people from Netherland sure are ignorant"
even though this assumption is based on only one person from the netherlands i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
You could diss our prime minister, I mean, look at him , its a total wanker.
His knees are trembling when he is meeting Bush , its a total loser ..plz ..diss him i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
and ..sigh.. I'm not ignorant , but hey, people that are offended get like that really quick i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif, you cannot tell ignorance by an opinion, or even a truth (since your still in denial i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif), you can base true ignorance only on the writing-style.
If it is like : yo gimmeh ah powah dice -> they is ignorant i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Mon, 06-28-2004, 02:11 AM
dude, defending yourself is one thing, but you're just acting like a smartass now. why don't you just stop?
Mon, 06-28-2004, 02:13 AM
I think your all missing the big picture here...
Why does the board admin still use a generic avatar??
Mon, 06-28-2004, 02:43 AM
lol, ?igma NOW you're just trying to smiley bombard your way out of an argument you cant win.....i'd say when things resort to that, its time to just shut down the topic i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Mon, 06-28-2004, 03:05 AM
DarthEnder: probably 'cause he doesn't care to change it. Or maybe he just likes it? Not like you can really say it's inappropriate, ya know?
Mon, 06-28-2004, 03:06 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
lol, ?igma NOW you're just trying to smiley bombard your way out of an argument you cant win.....i'd say when things resort to that, its time to just shut down the topic and ban himi/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
fixed it for you assertn! err
I agree with darth, why would ciber use a generic avatar tsk tsk i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Mon, 06-28-2004, 03:06 AM
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