View Full Version : Swords

Thu, 06-10-2004, 10:29 AM
ok was wanting to know... what the hell is the name of those swords they have during the intermission?
u know the big 7 foot bladed 1's

Fri, 06-11-2004, 05:51 AM
hello?? come on guys help us out here
im trying to get hold of 1

Sat, 06-12-2004, 06:16 PM
Haven't watched it, but are they like ridicolously long katanas? If they are, they are probably He Tachis (not sure on the spelling). He Tachis are like 6-feet long katanas. Hope I'm right and it answers your question, if not, maybe someone else knows.

Sat, 06-12-2004, 06:41 PM
Well, I'm not completly sure of the names but I believe they are the two katanas that are used in the anime. The one owned by Aya was named Masakyo (the one the broke in episode 3) and the one owned by Aya and Maya's brother was named Chokutou Reiki (the one that Maya fordbid Aya to touch). I don't really believe that they make katanas like that in real life. They are extremely long and not efficient for any kind of fighting purpose. They might make them for show but I really think they don't make katanas that long. Anyway, hope I could help.

Sat, 06-12-2004, 09:31 PM
There called O-Dachi. to be able to buy one. You would have to go to Japan find a swordsmith that would even have the skill's to make a 6 shaku sword(japanese size sytem from before the meji restoration), accept your buisness beacue they're very particulare to how they make they're sword for, afford the price wich I would calculate in the 7,000-10,000 dollar range, then get it out of the country because you have to have a signed goverment document with the sword smiths, local goverment, japanese cutoms, and your signature. But if you want to go thrugh all of that than go ahead. I hope that answered your question.

Sat, 06-12-2004, 10:34 PM
lol ill keep lookin on ebay for them :S
i collect swords, just started collecting now
better save up, buy some lottery tickets and hope i win i suppose