View Full Version : Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG
Fri, 06-04-2004, 07:41 AM
Does anyone know if a group is still subing the 2nd season of GITSAC. I'm up to ep 8 and have been waiting for almost a month for a new ep. Has the show been canceled or like runs once a month or somthing? Please let me know anything you know. Sorry if this has been disscused befor I'm just getting really desperate
Swallow Your Soul
Fri, 06-04-2004, 08:26 AM
I think the other group that is subbing gits:sac is up to like episode 10 or something (konspira or something like that) but yeah LMF seem to be stuck at episode 8 and its nearly been a month since that came out...
I don't know where you can get Konspira subbed episodes as I'm still hoping that LMF will eventually bring ep9 but I'm sure someone on the forum will know and post.
Fri, 06-04-2004, 11:09 AM
I heard somewhere that eps of 2nd GIG only come out twice a month in Japan, so that's one reason you don't see them too often.
It's been licensed for a long time now, so sub groups have to watch their back from Bandai.
Having watched the "Fake Food" eps (8 right?) I gotta say that GiTS: 2nd GIG has to be one of the hardest anime to translate, so I don't expect the eps to be released more than once a month.
As far as I know LMF is still subbing it, just be patient, they'll come out eventually.
Fri, 06-04-2004, 01:48 PM
But, why is do hard to find konspira-raver fansubs?
It seems a shame, since they did a great job.
Neko Sniper
Fri, 06-04-2004, 02:46 PM
did you try searching for them on Anime.mircx (
Fri, 06-04-2004, 04:20 PM
Fri, 06-04-2004, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by: Neko Sniper
did you try searching for them on Anime.mircx (
Fist Place I looked. No dice.
Swallow Your Soul
Fri, 06-04-2004, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by: Ryllharu
I heard somewhere that eps of 2nd GIG only come out twice a month in Japan, so that's one reason you don't see them too often.
It's been licensed for a long time now, so sub groups have to watch their back from Bandai.
Having watched the "Fake Food" eps (8 right?) I gotta say that GiTS: 2nd GIG has to be one of the hardest anime to translate, so I don't expect the eps to be released more than once a month.
As far as I know LMF is still subbing it, just be patient, they'll come out eventually.
Yeah the dialogue is often pretty complicated in GitS:SAC in general. I remember LMF had a few problems a month or two ago so that will have something to do with the time as well. Personally I'm just happy the show is still being subbed...
Fri, 06-04-2004, 07:49 PM
i lost track of the storyline in this anime a while back, but the action is still good to watch i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif theres SO much talking going on in each ep im not surprised it takes ages to sub, god knows i cant keep up with the subs aswell as watch the animation sometimes.
Sat, 06-05-2004, 11:57 AM
for those of you looking for them you can get the Konspiria subs there, theyre only up to 7 though, and they have the LMF ones too so its pretty handy link to have cause you can keep track of both groups from the one site
Mon, 06-07-2004, 11:35 AM
Yeah that's the site I was using. But didn't someone else say that there was more episodes out? Or was that only for the raws?
Mon, 06-07-2004, 01:46 PM
Just the Raws so far, their up to 12 now
Swallow Your Soul
Mon, 06-07-2004, 07:20 PM
According to LMFs website episode 9 is coming soon i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Tue, 06-08-2004, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by: Swallow Your Soul
According to LMFs website episode 9 is coming soon i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
It's out. I can't wait i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Thu, 08-26-2004, 07:45 PM
Episode 13 is out for those interested... but beware i dont see seeds at the moment
Thu, 08-26-2004, 10:50 PM
I got it a few hours ago and it went fast 180kB/s on average. I'll be glad when the last 13 get subbed then I'll watch it all, I haven't even watched season 1 yet I want to have a marathon GITS session.
Sat, 09-25-2004, 01:44 AM
Episode 14 is out
Sat, 09-25-2004, 12:32 PM
Watched it. Great ep.
Sat, 09-25-2004, 01:28 PM
A great ep indeed
Did u guys notice it too that the subs were easier to follow?
Could be just me, because i had to use the pause key a lot in the eps 1-13
Maybe i got used to speed-reading now, who knows i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Sat, 09-25-2004, 02:24 PM
havent really seen this show
but i have watched the second movie when it came out with a friend
referring to the movie - it was kinda confusing but also interesting at the same time
so how many movies, eps total are there for this series so far
Swallow Your Soul
Sat, 09-25-2004, 07:10 PM
^^ 2 Movies, 52 Eps (26 for the 1st season, 14 so far for this one, with another 12 to go)
I wanna see the 2nd film...the one I downloaded had subs you had to add yourself...and the .sub file didn't fucking work in virtualdub so I've not been able to watch it i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Sat, 09-25-2004, 07:21 PM
Have seen a part of the 2nd movie by HawK
After half an hour i got sick and tired of the terrible subbing and i deleted it right away... bah
I still need the 1st season completed, only seen the movie
Swallow Your Soul
Sun, 09-26-2004, 03:15 PM
Yeah I had downloaded that too, but heard it was so bad I got the one by TLF (or something like that) which is the one I'm having trouble with...
Neko Sniper
Sun, 09-26-2004, 04:15 PM
hmm..I think I'll wait till either a bigger group picks it up or till at least a good DVD-rip is out. From what I've heared so far, the releases that were made so far are all more trouble than its worth downloading >.>
Btw..episode 14 was really cool. Like made for me being a sniper as well... i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Tue, 10-26-2004, 08:56 PM
Does anyone know what is happening with the series? Like when 15 is going to come out?
Tue, 10-26-2004, 09:07 PM
The series release like one ep a month or somthing. so it will be a while befor it's out. just be pacient. Plus I think LMF is going through a rather ocward time since they are such a small group.
Wed, 10-27-2004, 01:41 AM
yeah, LMF's site hasnt been updated so who knows whats going on
i think that 2 eps are released each month instead of one, i could be wrong though
but i found this on the downloadanime forums
01 Dividual: Reembody
02 Dividual: Night Cruise
03 Dividual: Cash Eye
04 Dual: Natural Enemy
05 Individual: Inductance
06 Dividual: Excavation
07 Dual: Pu239
08 Dividual: Fake Food
09 Dual: Ambivalence
10 Dividual: Trial
11 Individual: Affection
12 Individual: Selection
13 Dividual: Make Up
14 Dividual: Poker Face
15 Airs: 2004.08.01 - Pat
16 Airs: 2004.08.01 - Another Chance
17 Airs: 2004.09.05
18 Airs: 2004.09.05
19 Airs: 2004.10.03
20 Airs: 2004.10.03
21 Airs: 2004.11.07
22 Airs: 2004.11.07
23 Airs: 2004.12.05
24 Airs: 2004.12.05
25 Airs: 2004.01.02
26 Airs: 2005.01.02
i have watched the movie already in theatres when it came out in the US (somewhat pointless considering that it was the first time ive seen any GITS anime, but it got me interested in finding out what its about)
about the second movie torrent from HawK, are they that bad?
i paused my download and if its that horrible ill probably wait for a different version
Wed, 10-27-2004, 02:03 AM
It's the worst translation that has been done yet. they do Ok Manga stuff. it is two eps a month. LMF does update thier torrent links though. the rest of the site is dead.
Sat, 10-30-2004, 12:10 PM
EP 15 is out by LMF.
Neko Sniper
Sat, 10-30-2004, 01:06 PM
You can say what you want, but it's a good thing to see that LMF is still subbing this and didn't stop like o'so many others >.>
Sat, 10-30-2004, 04:13 PM
The was a nice ep. Finnaly the tachicoma get some good sreen time and character development.
Swallow Your Soul
Sat, 10-30-2004, 05:00 PM
^ Not watched it yet but I'm always up for an ep with Tachikomas. Ep 14 was really good though, its nice that the characters are being fleshed out a bit more as it seemed to be almost all plot first season...
Sat, 10-30-2004, 06:39 PM
great eps about the tachikomas. The noises they make make me laugh all the time.
Sat, 10-30-2004, 07:24 PM
For LMF's episode 15 I constantly had to move back a minute or two because I got lost in the conversation -- makes me wonder if they're really babbling on, or if LMF's translation could be a little more fluid.
Sat, 10-30-2004, 09:36 PM
the show is rather hard to due fan sub to because of the complexity of the japanese being used. This is no kids show. I think they do a very good job for the amount of conversation they have to cover.
Sun, 10-31-2004, 04:29 PM
Anyone noticed the announcement on the LMF website?
Dear Supporters,
LMF has an announcement to make. LM has decided to retire. He appreciates all the support everyone has given to this project, but it has lately become much more difficult to continue for many reasons. After weighing his options, LM has decided to ask his cousin to continue the project. He has already helped LM with several episodes and knows exactly how LM wants the translation et cetera to be done. LM is passing on the baton. His cousin is an engineer with a Japanese automobile manufacturer and doesn't have a lot of time, but he's willing to give it his best shot. LM thanks everyone for their patience and wishes the best of luck to the "new" LM.
Source: LMF Torrents (
Damn, hope he ain't gonna quit it
Thu, 11-04-2004, 12:02 AM
from what i understand the origional Lazy Man, the translator cant do it anymore
so they got a new translator IE a new Laxy Man, so it shoudl continue
Thu, 12-09-2004, 03:31 PM
Anyone notice someone released Ep 17-22?
It's not done by LMF (according to info on their site) and i haven't seen it yet, so i don't know who did it..
Stupid thing is that it ain't released as separate episodes, but as a 2 cd movie kinda thing..
Ah well.. here's ( the torrent i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Swallow Your Soul
Thu, 12-09-2004, 03:54 PM
A couple of comments on the Hongfire forum said the quality of the subs was bad (cos it was all ripped off a HK DVD or something), personally I'm gonna leave it until LMF gets there...
Neko Sniper
Thu, 12-09-2004, 11:55 PM
yup same need for HK bootleg junk i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif have pantience and wait for LMF.
Fri, 12-10-2004, 12:17 AM
LMF has ep 17 translated weather or not it's been timed and sub has yet to be seen. I'd say it will be out by the end decemeber begining of January. Just wait.
Tue, 12-28-2004, 10:41 AM
Episode 17 is out by LMF here ( c3f301511ffcd)
Neko Sniper
Sat, 01-08-2005, 12:56 PM
Finaly was able to watch episode 17 today. Heh, I still wonder why that kid wanted to know if cyborgs can have sex. ^^
Also personaly I wouldn't mind if Motoko ran around like she did there in my apartment *sighs*
Good episode.
Neko Sniper
Sat, 01-15-2005, 04:39 PM
On Tokyotosho the Innocence movie is available for download. Both versions by the Hawks and KAA. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Sun, 04-17-2005, 01:20 PM
Ep 20 out by lmf... look for it in tokyotosho
Tue, 04-19-2005, 02:39 AM
Good ep. I can't wait for the last six eps of this sereis. God only knows whats going to happen.
Wed, 10-12-2005, 01:10 AM
25 is out!!!! (
Wed, 10-12-2005, 02:43 AM
Just another two months and it will be over. God the antisipation is killing me.
Wed, 10-12-2005, 02:58 AM
i stopped watching... im gonna wait till it's over all i'll marathon the last 10 episodes
Wed, 10-12-2005, 04:00 AM
You will not be dissapointed at all. This is so worth the wait.
Thu, 11-24-2005, 07:40 PM
26 is out! (
Finally over... time to catch up...
Thu, 11-24-2005, 09:07 PM
Thank the lord. Finally after what, a year and half we get an ending.
EDIT: Watchd it and loved it. Sad but it's what the sereis deserved for an ending, just makes the most scens.
Fri, 12-16-2005, 08:53 PM
I just watched episode 17...
Man, this episode was such a tease... Motoko looks hot as hell when she gets out of the shower and goes to bed...
Tue, 01-17-2006, 02:10 AM
Finally finished watching the series, this is really some good shit..
I'm a bit dissapointed by the ending, mainly because of Motoko... She's still spaced out, and clearly emotionally fucked up... I had hoped that by the end of the series she would've solved those dilemmas...
I really hope another series is done... And I also want to ask, how does the manga compare to the anime?
Is it different?
Tue, 01-17-2006, 05:07 AM
The only manga I know of is Man-Machine Interface, and that takes place in the original GiTS world, along with the Innocence movie, some 5-10 years after the first movie.
Stand Alone Complex is adapted off the original manga, which is the puppet master storyline of the first movie. It's original material.
Tue, 01-17-2006, 05:31 AM
So let me get this straight...
Stand Alone Complex is anime original...
First Movie and Innocence are animated portions of the manga?
Tue, 01-17-2006, 06:16 AM
The first movie is the animated version of the original manga, Innocence is original material, the direct sequel, but doesn't feature Motoko, and Man-Machine interface is the manga sequel to the original manga. It takes place 4 years, 5 months after the original manga according to Shirow. He doesn't explain his exact reasons for not doing a Motoko direct sequel to the movie storylines, simply saying he decided not to.
GiTS:SAC takes place in an alternate universe where Motoko never met the Puppet Master. There are no novels that detail the events that take place in it.
Tue, 01-17-2006, 04:41 PM
Stand alone complex features more characters in section 9 that were left out of the movies but were in the origional manga (paz, bouma and saito). But yeah the story lines are different.
Sat, 01-21-2006, 05:32 AM
You guys know of any rumors for another Gits series? Maybe another movie?
Sun, 02-26-2006, 03:18 AM
Well answering my last post, I found an article in animenewsnetwork which talks about new GiTS series in the making.
Sun, 02-26-2006, 04:19 PM
Maybe You are Talking About the Movie That Was Came Out.... S.A.C. 2nd GIG Individual Eleven Information (
Sun, 02-26-2006, 04:31 PM
No, that's not the same thing...
This is entirely something new that is in the making.
At least that's the way I see it, because plenty of information of the Individual Eleven is out there, and it is pretty much old news.
Tue, 04-11-2006, 05:33 AM
Sorry to pull up old thread, read last comment though and remembered that i....forgot to watch this series.
Spent weekend, and saw all 52 episodes, damn great series (had seen two films, and first 2-3 episodes of SAC S1).
Ending of first season was exceptional, and start of second was hilarious.
Bit disappointed with ending of second season, but that could be due to confusion over a couple of things...
Near end, why did Motoko shoot glass/jump out window?
(There was some confusion seemingly - around the lift/elevator scene?)
Who was it that we saw in the Jail cell at end with Kaze?
Think they are about only two points I was confused over (probably due to bad memory, and finishing last episode at 2am).
Excellent series in general, although it did take me ~13episodes to really get into it (they didn't seem to develop much of anything in for first while).
It would make sense to do a third season, as they still haven't developed all of the core characters.
Noticed towards end, when Tachikoma's were talking between themselves (in VR-style place) very hard to follow, as they flaying arms about and bopping around could hardly read/concentrate on subs, they really did add a lot to the series though.
edit: oh and just me or does batou loose all fighting ability half way through second season?
Tue, 04-11-2006, 09:47 AM
Motoko jumped out the window because it was the fastest way to the ground out of that building. She needed to get to the ground as quickly as possible to potentially save Kuze, who was in a police van (I too misinterpreted it as a cell).
The man injecting him with nanomachines in order to kill him was also part of Gouda's conspiracy. I do not remember if we saw him earlier in the series.
Tue, 04-11-2006, 10:59 AM
Ahhh ok so, cheers - the time elapse confused me somewhat - somewhat less confused now, cheers :)
Ah in regards to the guy, guessed he in on conspiracy, assumed would have seen him before - thought just forgot face or some such...
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