View Full Version : problem with batch torrents

Thu, 06-03-2004, 02:56 AM
I'm downloading Naruto 51-60 (batch torrent) using ABC (also tried Shadow - the same situation).
The whole progress is about 41%
in torrent details:
naruto 51 - 97%
naruto 52 - 56%
naruto 53 - 46%
naruto 59 - 42%
naruto 60 - 30%

i checked filesizes in explorer
naruto 51 - 171mb
naruto 52 - 176mb
naruto 53 - 173mb
naruto 59 - 0mb
naruto 60 - 0mb

then i tried to download naruto 52 separately (using the avi file from batch download) and ABC said that there are only 34% dowloaded although in batch there were 56%.

Can anybody explain me this situation? Does the batch download work correctly? Can I finish a single file from batch separately without losing the data?

Fri, 06-04-2004, 06:01 PM
never close with X, always use cancel, else your bt data wont save properly

Mon, 06-07-2004, 12:16 AM
Ok, but in this case BT client will find all errors during checking. The problem is that BT display wrong information about the downloaded files. Any way thank you for information.