View Full Version : Sharingan v Byakugan
Tue, 05-25-2004, 07:18 PM
I was just wondering because doesn't byakugan make u see 90% around u or something so if someone used manga sharingan would would be quite fucked since u can't even look away if u wanted to.
Or would people with byakugan be able to withstand sharingan since they are a advanced bloodline
(oh u are allowed to make your own topics right only posted twice and never made one so quite new)
Tue, 05-25-2004, 07:24 PM
I think this topic was discused before, anyways, you have to specify which user like hinata for the byakungan or itachi for the sharingan. I think Kakashi stated this sometime during the second test of the chuunin exam, that the byakungan could see better through things than his sharingan or something like that.
Tue, 05-25-2004, 07:25 PM
Time to sit back and relax and hear some major flameage lol sorry but this has been really really over killed
Tue, 05-25-2004, 07:25 PM
ya i think byakugan would stand a chance. it probly has some way of seeing through the mange sharingan and not be affected by it. that would be cool at least...
Tue, 05-25-2004, 07:33 PM
i don't know how byukagan's seeing ability would help against mangekyou sharingan or any other genjutsu that requires eye contact. the only thing needed for tsukuyomi to work is eye contact between both users. as long as there is eye contact the way a byukagan sees shouldn't matter for tsukuyomi to take effect.
Tue, 05-25-2004, 07:34 PM
Believe it or not, I did a search and I only got 1 thread and that thread was locked, so i say no harm in starting another one, because this time he is disgussing if byakugan can withstand the sharingan.
i say yes, because you could probably just look through his eyes, or fight him in x-ray vision.
Tue, 05-25-2004, 08:16 PM
i would say yes, but it would take some kind of feat, i seriously doubt hinata or neji could do it, maybe hinata's father. it probly works like sharingan the way they can identify the technique, well if hinata's father can really identify it 100% then his mind would know that everything he sees is not real, wich i belive is what happens when you are in mangekyou. itachi states somthing like your spirit cant tell the difference, so if it could then the technique would be well and truly countered.
Tue, 05-25-2004, 08:19 PM
Probably because kakashi had planning to take itachi on using his own sharingan (notice he covered his normal eye) but was overpowered by itachi's. Now going back to when kakashi said that the byakugan was superior to the sharingan in many ways including it's ability to see through genjutsu's I'd imagine a person proficient in it's use could negate itachi's mange sharingan ability.
Tue, 05-25-2004, 10:49 PM
byakugan would own sharingan (assuming) hehe. we havnt seen the true power from a dude with byakugan show up yet so it hard to decide, maybe they got there own mangekyou genjutsu of there own. but then the sharingan can still anticpate the oppenents move, but what if sharingan user get poked on a point where they cant bring chakra to there eyes, hard to say =).. but it would defintly be a pay per view fight .. neji vs sasuke when there older .. good game
Tue, 05-25-2004, 10:51 PM
nah its been discussed before, but i think that was only in the other forums.....
the analagy i'd make is....that say being hypnotized is the same as being put under a genjutsu, then technically looking into itachi's eyes is like looking into one of those spirally things that hypnotists use (well or swinging object or whatever).......
if neji could focus on it while his back is turned to it, then i would imagine that he could be put under its spell
therefore i would assume that byakugan leaves the user prone to hypnosis
does that mean he's also prone to mangekyou? well its true that he could see through genjutsus such as bunshin no jutsu, but there IS a difference between seeing illusions, and being put inside one. Since mangekyou is an illusion that takes place in your mind, then I would think that neji would in fact be vulnerable to it.
Wed, 05-26-2004, 12:04 AM
This has been discussed far too many times, try using the search, after looking really hard, if you can't find it then msg me to unlock this. It was decided in the other threads that it all depends, neither is really stronger then the other. It depends on the user.
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