View Full Version : Naruto Jump Festa 2004

Tue, 05-25-2004, 02:30 AM
any1 download it yet?
im downloading now... just wanna know if any1 have it already...and whats it about
you can get it at

Tue, 05-25-2004, 02:32 AM
thanks for the heads up.

i wonder when ANBU&AonE will release it

Tue, 05-25-2004, 06:28 AM
How do I play the MKV file???? Help....downloading on the way....hope its good....

Tue, 05-25-2004, 06:54 AM
On the tracker page theres a MKv playback support here (http://a.scarywater.net/naruto/%5BTW%5D%20-%20MKV%20playback%20support.zip.torrent).

Or you can download a MKV codec pack at my site Link no jutsu (http://www.home.no/zuluzion/Matroska_Pack_Full_v1.0.2.exe)

Tue, 05-25-2004, 06:55 AM
MKV ae matroska files - there are packs available to povide support, but I've steered clear of them as they want to install other codecs I already have.

Media Player Classic seems to be the best option I've found so far - pull the latest version down from here


and also pull down the matroska support pack (extract this in to your windows/system32 folder)


Tue, 05-25-2004, 09:18 AM
Downloading it at this moment. Unfortunately it's the big sucking mkv format, man I hate that...

*tries to re-encode to avi*

Tue, 05-25-2004, 10:34 AM
"This Naruto animated presentation is 40 minutes long! The title is "Battle at Hidden Falls. I am the hero!" It's a lot better than the 2003 one we released a couple weeks ago, so definitely check it out! Some new characters, nice scenery, and Team 7 kicks tail! Go get it!"

Sounds awesome, man. Can't wait for it to finish!

Tue, 05-25-2004, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by: NL|MegaMika
Downloading it at this moment. Unfortunately it's the big sucking mkv format, man I hate that...

*tries to re-encode to avi*
Unfortunately, you have no clue about digital videos. MKV is the one and only supreme comtainer format out there right now. OGM showed us the way, MKV mastered it.

Years ago people said similar things when the first groups started using "XviD" instead of "DivX ;-)". Now it is standard and people are happy about it, since it is better than DivX 5 in most cases. Avi is so 1982.

Tue, 05-25-2004, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by: NL|MegaMika
Downloading it at this moment. Unfortunately it's the big sucking mkv format, man I hate that...

*tries to re-encode to avi*

You don't need to reencode it. Extract the video and audio then mux it into an avi. That's it.

Tue, 05-25-2004, 11:31 AM
who cares of mkv is the superior codec.....im sure most of us here wouldnt want ONE file thats different from all the other naruto ones in our collection

can you guys lemme know if you manage to convert it to avi? thanks i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Tue, 05-25-2004, 11:45 AM
such n00bs you are, anycase TW just released the avi version, the torrent's up if you wanna get it, and I don't know why it would take you that long to remux the mkv it's f**king xvid and an mp3, you really are f00ls

Tue, 05-25-2004, 11:51 AM
well i thoiught that special was hell of alot better than the crimson leaf and i liked how it was 40 mins almost without an intro

.avi seems a few size larger anyways i will wait and see if A/A makes one cuz it will fit into my A/A specials folder lol

Tue, 05-25-2004, 11:52 AM
it was alright, not a bad naruto fix on a tuesday.

Tue, 05-25-2004, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
it was alright, not a bad naruto fix on a tuesday.

^i agree.
this will hold me until this weeks raw or first sub comes out.

Tue, 05-25-2004, 12:18 PM
Annoying kids. Lame villains. Moronic plot. Hokage talk. A fucking ton of blatant hero talk. Coward turned hero. Naruto & Sasuke owns mega jounin level guy. Sasuke single handedly owns 20 people which are all 10 years older than him. This, and an additional 20 clichés when it comes to non-manga stuff and you have a pretty usual special. Then again, some attacks looked cool. But it annoyed me as much as it entertained me.

Tue, 05-25-2004, 12:23 PM
It's very funny... i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif Especially when Naruto stomps on the doggie poop.

Tue, 05-25-2004, 12:29 PM
Does Kakashi sound different to anyone?

Tue, 05-25-2004, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by: Elessar

Originally posted by: NL|MegaMika
Downloading it at this moment. Unfortunately it's the big sucking mkv format, man I hate that...

*tries to re-encode to avi*
Unfortunately, you have no clue about digital videos.
Why using a container format when your file only has one audio and one video stream? A container is nice for dual audio files and soft subtitles. In that case, I prefer OGM because it's the most used container out at this moment.
MKV is the one and only supreme container format out there right now.
I hate MKV, OGM works better here. Also: I only use OGM at dual audio media (and subtitles), it works perfect.
OGM showed us the way, MKV mastered it.
Don't care. I don't want to install 3000 different codecs and filters if it isn't neccessary.

Years ago people said similar things when the first groups started using "XviD" instead of "DivX ;-)". Now it is standard and people are happy about it, since it is better than DivX 5 in most cases. Avi is so 1982.

I saw that TW DID release an avi an hour or so ago, so I get myself rid of the MKV right now : P

Tue, 05-25-2004, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Annoying kids. Lame villains. Moronic plot. Hokage talk. A fucking ton of blatant hero talk. Coward turned hero. Naruto & Sasuke owns mega jounin level guy. Sasuke single handedly owns 20 people which are all 10 years older than him. This, and an additional 20 clichés when it comes to non-manga stuff and you have a pretty usual special. Then again, some attacks looked cool. But it annoyed me as much as it entertained me.

Agree with you here - it did feel a very weak episode, and I think I preferred the 4 leaf clover to this one overall - will have to see if an ANBU AonE sub makes it any better.

Writing was clumsy, and some of the animation felt poor in comparison to the usual standard - backgrounds were up to the usual standards but the characters seemed a bit off - not sure if anyone else noticed this but wanted to comment on it. It may be that another team did some of the animation. For a few shots - especially when they were entering the village - Naruto just didn't look right.

Plotline seemed to have holes in it that you could drive a truck through, and it was hard to judge when this happened in relation to the anime - my guess is just after the forest section of the chuunin exam.

Hard to give impressions without giving away spoilers, but as you can probably guess Sakura was her usual self, Sasuke wasn't his usual self, and Naruto seemed more of a caricature of himself.

But... it was an unexpected Naruto... so even though I was disappointed with the writing I was still very happy to watch it.

Tue, 05-25-2004, 01:37 PM
hmm.....well please tell me that konohomaru isnt in this one much

Tue, 05-25-2004, 01:38 PM
hmm.....well please tell me that konohomaru isnt in this one much

Tue, 05-25-2004, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by: SpankyDaM

Agree with you here - it did feel a very weak episode, and I think I preferred the 4 leaf clover to this one overall - will have to see if an ANBU AonE sub makes it any better.

how the fuck would they make it better? by inserting their usual colorful mistranslated phrases?

Tue, 05-25-2004, 02:24 PM
^^^wtf is up with this fool? you need to chill out.

Tue, 05-25-2004, 02:51 PM
stop putting your blind faith in crappy groups in spite of better ones releasing something earlier. tw consists of 5 active fansubbers and can beat 2 groups

Tue, 05-25-2004, 03:23 PM
M has a point in the fact that there's no reason the sub will be better just because A/A subs it.
TW after all has more experienced translators, so that really makes no sense.

And no, there's no Konohamaru in this one. It sucks on it's own accord. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Tue, 05-25-2004, 03:24 PM
Stop flaming people just to get your post count up. You're avocating another group who does something for free against other groups who also do something for free.

I don't give a flying fuck if you like one better, there is absolutely no reason at all to trash talk another.

Go do your own fan-sub, get a huge clientelle like A/A or another, start your own forums, and see how you feel when assholes come and say 'man i hate this guy he sucks compared to this other guy, he does this and this wrong, its so lame'

I don't do fan-subbing, but you bet your ass I have a lot of respect and appreciation to the groups who spend hours working for free, and I don't mind even a little if out of hours and hours of subs, they have a mistake here or there.

Grow the fuck up and learn to smile and say thank you, perfection isn't everywhere

Tue, 05-25-2004, 04:16 PM
I'd like to apologise as I can see that my comments on waiting for the ANBU-AonE subs was taken out of context - if you read my post I was very critical of the anime itself - poor plotline, animation not quite up to the usual high standards we've come to expect, and characters just not 'feeling' right in the way that they're acting.

I have complete respect for every group that takes the trouble to allow us to enjoy such cool anime, and as I said this special was a very nice surprise instead of having to wait for the weekend release of the next installment of the anime.

I have a preference for the ANBU-AonE subs, as those are the ones I have chosen to collect, if other people are enjoying the TW subs then good luck to them - they did a nice job on this, and if any members of that group read this post then I'd like to say thanks to them.

Tue, 05-25-2004, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by: logic
Go do your own fan-sub, get a huge clientelle like A/A or another, start your own forums, and see how you feel when assholes come and say 'man i hate this guy he sucks compared to this other guy, he does this and this wrong, its so lame'
Well "logic," I AM a fansubber, I have my own forum and my group gets trashtalked all the time by gorbellied, folly-fallen giglets like you. You're an imbecile for assuming so much. I'm not a bitch-ass leecher like you so watch your mouth when you talk to fansubbers, child

Tue, 05-25-2004, 04:27 PM
^^^^who cares your still a loser, and to those who thinks im flaming him for no reason heres his earlier comment that ticked me off.
"such n00bs you are, anycase TW just released the avi version, the torrent's up if you wanna get it, and I don't know why it would take you that long to remux the mkv it's f**king xvid and an mp3, you really are f00ls"

Tue, 05-25-2004, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by: _M_

Originally posted by: logic
Go do your own fan-sub, get a huge clientelle like A/A or another, start your own forums, and see how you feel when assholes come and say 'man i hate this guy he sucks compared to this other guy, he does this and this wrong, its so lame'
Well "logic," I AM a fansubber, I have my own forum and my group gets trashtalked all the time by gorbellied, folly-fallen giglets like you. You're an imbecile for assuming so much. I'm not a bitch-ass leecher like you so watch your mouth when you talk to fansubbers, child

Ah, so you should come to this site and trash talk AoNE then? Do unto others... f00l.

Tue, 05-25-2004, 05:21 PM
First off, Kakashi, it's "You're"
Of course you'll never be able to differentiate between a good sub and a bad sub with that grammar.

Second off:

Originally posted by: Jessper
Ah, so you should come to this site and trash talk AoNE then? Do unto others... f00l.

If you were to finish that phrase it's "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you"... well AoNE does unto others what i am doing unto them

And finally:

Unfortunately if I continue this "game" of back and forth I'll have to deal with every person who resorts to name calling and ad hominem attacks, so I'll just drop it here.

Tue, 05-25-2004, 05:38 PM
lol what are you a teacher? this is the first time ive been corrected for grammar on gotwoot. what am i writing an essay or something? is someone grading this so i have to make sure to type with proper grammar? fuck off

Tue, 05-25-2004, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
lol what are you a teacher? this is the first time ive been corrected for grammar on gotwoot. what am i writing an essay or something? is someone grading this so i have to make sure to type with proper grammar? fuck off

B- See me after class.

Tue, 05-25-2004, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by: _M_

Originally posted by: Jessper
Ah, so you should come to this site and trash talk AoNE then? Do unto others... f00l.

If you were to finish that phrase it's "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you"... well AoNE does unto others what i am doing unto them

I didn't finish it because it is well known enough that you don't have to, that however is besides the point, you're correct, the saying is Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, notice the distinction between that and "Do unto others as they have done unto you".

Correcting grammer and spelling is a pathetic way to try and insult someone on internet forums.

I thank you for being a fansubber don't get me wrong, however I don't appreciate your personality or attitude in this recent discussion which is why the argument is happening.

Tue, 05-25-2004, 06:05 PM
About the ep, the villians sucked dispite looking cool they were defeated by one hit each except the leader who owned by two genins. Best part about it was seeing Sauske fire techniques and seeing the water sword.

Tue, 05-25-2004, 08:46 PM

plx C0RrEct mA1 Sp311iNg plx. 1 r g07 h0rr1bL3 SpE11InG. aNd 1F Y0u Wan7 7u g37 uR P0sT c0un7 uP pLx g0 aNd sa1 sumd1ng uz3ful

Oh yea and btw I failed my english class do theres no point on correcting my grammor.

DID U KNO HOW LONG IT TOOK TO TYPE "l337"? freakin like 2 minutes to type that short stuff...

Back to topic: Im still trying to place where this "OVA" is in the anime... rite now i got after chuunin prelim and before chuunin finals SHOULD be right after jiraiya teaching naruto to use kyubi chakra. (ofcorse this is OVA so there is no point in trying to figure out) =D


Tue, 05-25-2004, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by: _M_

Originally posted by: logic
Go do your own fan-sub, get a huge clientelle like A/A or another, start your own forums, and see how you feel when assholes come and say 'man i hate this guy he sucks compared to this other guy, he does this and this wrong, its so lame'
Well "logic," I AM a fansubber, I have my own forum and my group gets trashtalked all the time by gorbellied, folly-fallen giglets like you. You're an imbecile for assuming so much. I'm not a bitch-ass leecher like you so watch your mouth when you talk to fansubbers, child

wow you deserve a trophy, your parents must be very proud of you. if they are trash talking about your fansubs, then maybe it's time your group get better at it or something. Personally, I think TW subs are alot better. So I highly doubt AnBU is going to beat TW's, maybe in quality of the file. Please do not correct people's spelling errors. It is unneeded. We get his point, that's all we needed to know.

Tue, 05-25-2004, 10:12 PM
apparently knowing two languages gives people arrogance rights

getting back on topic though......
WOO WATERFALL NINJAS!.....nobody ever thinks about the waterfall ninjas.....
its pretty sweet to actually see their hidden village, but anyone else recognize the 2 captured guys that are talking from 16:38-16:46? Maybe they defected to the waterfall village, because they look EXACTLY like the konoha genins that opened the scrolls during the second exam in ep 35

Aside from the lame way naruto finished the main villian off.....i didnt think this episode was THAT bad

Wed, 05-26-2004, 12:33 AM
i speak 3 languages and i really don't care about others making any kind of mistakes in any languages....

Wed, 05-26-2004, 01:01 AM
What? Is TW actually tranlating episodes from this year again?

Wed, 05-26-2004, 01:05 AM
i dunno.....i really wish they would release at least 10 more episodes from where they left off.....thats where my collection becomes a jumbled mix of various groups

and orn, i'm not sure if you posted that in response to mine or not, but if so....i was just pointing out how M felt he had the authority to look down on people just because he could translate japanese to english

Wed, 05-26-2004, 06:36 AM
_M_. . . What the hell man (assuming you're male). If people trashing your forums pisses you off, why the hell do you stoop down to their level by doing the same thing? Really now, that kind of immature stupidity just completely destroys your "I'm above you all" image that you're trying to project. If you're so much better go away, do better, and brag about it on your own damn forums. No one's translations are going to be perfect. No one's subtitle fonts are going to be perfect. No one's picture quality or encoding is going to be perfect. Especially when it's a free service. I don't care what you think _M_, you're NOT perfect. Neither is A/A, TW, S-O, or anyone else. Unbunch your underwear and shut the hell up.

From what I'm hearing, this sounds kind of like the Super Sentai (Japanese power rangers, for those who don't know) World, which was a short 'episode' made for a convention. While this one is longer than a normal episode, it sounds like "Look, Naruto is cool! Here's some filler that we hope looks cool! We'll break character but it's cool!" Which is what SSW was. It'll probably amuse me much, and as long as whatever fighting there is looks cool, it should be cool. Sorry for using 'cool' so much.

Anyways, I'm downloading the file right now. I'd like to see an A/A sub just because it's nice to have consistancy of translations and subtitles (all my Naruto anime is from A/A except 82) because everyone has different fonts and translates things differently, especially when it comes to leaving technique calls in Japanese, partly in Japanese, or fully translating to English. It's kinda jarring to see it differently than I'm used to. But it's a one shot OAV (OVA, whatever), and I'd prefer for A/A to keep up with what they're already working on (Macross Zero for instance). I'm not being mean, just showing how much I look forward to stuff. I'm just mildly obsessed. . . i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Wed, 05-26-2004, 07:36 AM
I liked it. The animation seemd a tad off but it was ok

Wed, 05-26-2004, 07:39 AM
I, too, hope A/A will sub it. This doesn't feel right for the correction. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Wed, 05-26-2004, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by: _M_

Originally posted by: logic
Go do your own fan-sub, get a huge clientelle like A/A or another, start your own forums, and see how you feel when assholes come and say 'man i hate this guy he sucks compared to this other guy, he does this and this wrong, its so lame'
Well "logic," I AM a fansubber, I have my own forum and my group gets trashtalked all the time by gorbellied, folly-fallen giglets like you. You're an imbecile for assuming so much. I'm not a bitch-ass leecher like you so watch your mouth when you talk to fansubbers, child

wow.... my god... i don't want to be in his frustrated group forum or fansubbing nonsense. I hope not everyone there is like that.

Wed, 05-26-2004, 08:56 AM
Hey come on guys/girls. Stop flaming people. And NO dizzing subs. They do it for free! And it's a big

Just say sorry, and then where done.

BTW: e liked this special better then 2003. Naruto showed us some moves i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Wed, 05-26-2004, 10:48 AM
I love the Village Desing. Vary Funky. and one day they shall have a kagi

Wed, 05-26-2004, 11:14 AM
actually now that i think about it.....that special reminded me a LOT of the brolli movie from dbz.....its kinda eerie.......

im sorry, but at the level naruto's at, he should NEVER be able to defeat a high ranked jounin thats trippin on holy water

Wed, 05-26-2004, 11:17 AM
His body was being weakend plus naruto was Defending a cillage. his stregth varries with Emotions

Wed, 05-26-2004, 12:23 PM
No no, don't try to defend that fact. Even if the entire fucking Leaf village was destroyed Naruto should have absolutely no chance to beat a jounin with mega water. Sure he would be mad, but not more mad than Sasuke is at Itachi. Not to turn this into a Itachi discussion of course but the fact that Naruto won that fight (even WITH the help of Sasuke) is absolute BULLSHIT.

Wed, 05-26-2004, 12:46 PM
Yea Naruto winning the fight destroyed Hidden Fall's credibility since their strongest Jounin couldn't beat two Genins.

Wed, 05-26-2004, 12:50 PM
well apparently the whole hidden falls village consists of like, 20 people....unless the rest were all killed
(then again, they couldnt be THAT bad if even an old woman from the village managed to swim through a tunnel and walk around a lake with a kunai stuck in her back

Wed, 05-26-2004, 01:52 PM
What kind of mother leaves her two kids outside the protection of the village to clean? She was obviously attacked from outside the village and ran to where she knew her kids were before she fainted. The village was weak and they relied on their ability to hide their village to protect themselves rather than fighting.

Wed, 05-26-2004, 02:00 PM
its probably not hard to become a jounin in that village, there were only 2 ninja, that coward guy and the one naruto and sasuke fought, so im not surprised they could beat him.
VVV yeah true, he still would have had to pass the chunnin exam, i didnt think of that heh. but why did all those missing nin want that water, especially if it only lasts for 10 minutes. well who cares my Naruto 85 is 98% complete. i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif

Wed, 05-26-2004, 02:01 PM
I feel like discussing the strength of this village is pretty futile since this special's plotline has more holes than swiss cheese.

Wed, 05-26-2004, 02:06 PM
terracosmo is heavily disappointed with NJF2004! i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif

EDIT: this thing is 291 mb... wtf?

Wed, 05-26-2004, 02:07 PM
Hm , I'm working at a supermarket ..and..the swiss cheese there doesnt have many holes :?

Anyways, besides some pretty good motions (action) , the animation was very poor, sometimes Sakura got this silly under-cheek, just like konohamaru, VERY BAD.
The story was..bad.. "kakshi getting called" thats like ..wtf.. there is no record of where he went ANYWHERE, I like merging plots, but it seems this was really a Standalone..
Even worse is, it just doesnt add anything , except for, already mentioned, the poo-trapping of Naruto.. I think basically it had to be a humorous episode, but every bit of humor could be felt miles before it actually happened.

sigh, it was fun to see atleast some of Naruto before the new ep was released, but this bad..is ..bad.. True , better then four leaf clover, but I deleted that a long time ago and is in my opinion non-existent.

Wed, 05-26-2004, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by: kasuga
What kind of mother leaves her two kids outside the protection of the village to clean? She was obviously attacked from outside the village and ran to where she knew her kids were before she fainted. The village was weak and they relied on their ability to hide their village to protect themselves rather than fighting.

the kind of mother that exists in a world where children raised in hidden villages are capable of becoming chuunin at 6 years old

Wed, 05-26-2004, 04:40 PM
Mut@t@: Even if I liked it I would have to pretend I didn't, it's an image thing you know. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

?igma: You work at a -special- store! My condolences.

Wed, 05-26-2004, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Mut@t@: Even if I liked it I would have to pretend I didn't, it's an image thing you know. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

?igma: You work at a -special- store! My condolences.


anyway, i just downloaded and watched this thing and i must say, it was the biggest waste of my hour and 30 min. ever. it was sooooooooooooooo gay. i knew it was gonna suck as soon as kakashi peaced out on the team. there were many gay parts. such as when they started to 'fly' (those 4 nins vs sasuke & naruto vs suien). it seemed that they can change directions in mid air and were able locate a zero gravity zone and use it to their advantage. but the gayest part of all was near the end when they congratulated their victory on defeating that lame excuse for a villian by giving each other a 'pound' (fist tapping another fist). overall this was equally bad as crimson gay leaf.

Wed, 05-26-2004, 05:30 PM
LOL. So very true. What -was- up with the Naruto/Sasuke pound? They never were that great friends as I recall. The only other time they do that is in the first opening if I remember correctly. WEIRD. GODDAMNIT INCLUDE MORE CHARACTERS


Wed, 05-26-2004, 07:43 PM
I didn't really like this one. It kind of reminded me of the DBZ battles.

Wed, 05-26-2004, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
anyway, i just downloaded and watched this thing and i must say, it was the biggest waste of my hour and 30 min. ever. it was sooooooooooooooo gay. i knew it was gonna suck as soon as kakashi peaced out on the team. there were many gay parts. such as when they started to 'fly' (those 4 nins vs sasuke & naruto vs suien). it seemed that they can change directions in mid air and were able locate a zero gravity zone and use it to their advantage. but the gayest part of all was near the end when they congratulated their victory on defeating that lame excuse for a villian by giving each other a 'pound' (fist tapping another fist). overall this was equally bad as crimson gay leaf.

Well, I thought the crimson leaf was way better than this one. I suppose the inconsistencies where this happens on the timeline I don't mind too much, but the jounin v. two genins is outlandish. The only explaination is that the waterfall ppl are really really weak, so I guess a weak guy can become a jounin in the waterfall village easily.

Wed, 05-26-2004, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by: Xollence
I didn't really like this one. It kind of reminded me of the DBZ battles.

Yep, too much like dbz. I liked the four leafed colver better.

Wed, 05-26-2004, 08:46 PM
The explanation is that they didn't put much thought into this. I really hope this is NOT a sign of what to expect from the movie. It was amusing, but really not quite right.

Wed, 05-26-2004, 09:18 PM
i really liked this for some reason, better then some filler episodes for specials this one and crimson leaf were pretty ok though, lots of action in this one

Wed, 05-26-2004, 09:28 PM
It wasnt that great, couldnt tell when it was in the series, which is to much like watching a DBZ movie(where you couldnt tell when the movies took place)

Wed, 05-26-2004, 09:32 PM
It was absolutely Horrid. Oh my God. Seriously, wtf was that dbz style? That was so retarded.

SPOILER regarding ep if you havnt seen it

Yeah and shizuka or watever took out everyone with ONE jitsu and yet was still unable to make some type of water clone or at least some kawarmi. Everything was so annoying about the ep

Wed, 05-26-2004, 10:11 PM
it doesn't fit in the story cuz the team 7 is very peacefull and together but they seem like they already know about the red chakra, they were drinking some water and just powering up like dbz that looked so lame but what more can you guys expect from korean studio? they just suck!

Wed, 05-26-2004, 11:44 PM
Ok, it seems that those who were clinging to the vain hope that Naruto is nothing like DBZ now don't have any argument left. This special was soooo like a DBZ movie. The flying, the aura floating around them.... Come on! It's supposed to be a ninja series!

And that coward guy (can't remember his name), he turns up to the battle in a whirlwind, and somehow knocks out all of the powerful ninjas instantly!?!? WTF? So much for them being really tough.

Like someone said, this really takes away the credibility of the Hidden Falls, seeing as their top skilled Jounin got defeated by 2 Leaf Gennin.

Also, this must have taken place somewhere after the Gaara/Naruto battle during the village cleanup/repairs, because everyone viewed Naruto using his kyuubi chakra and they all knew about it, probably from his fight with Gaara.

One thing that made me laugh though, when he was swinging from the vine with the cool music, then the vine snapped and the music slowed down like it was running out of batteries, that was funny.

Thu, 05-27-2004, 12:09 AM
haha yeah that was great......but i dont get the fascination the writers are having with dog crap lately....he stepped in some about 4 times now, and none of these times happened in the manga

Thu, 05-27-2004, 12:14 AM
lol you guys are all goofs.

DBZ! DBZ! DBZ! you chant, as if the point you've been trying to prove finally has something to back it!

This episode/special was done to fit an entire story into 40 minutes. They had to make some sort of quick access to power since they had so little time. And, staying consistent with the series, when someone is releasing a large amount of chakra, it becomes visible to the naked eye. Hence the hero water, and the explosive chakra.

As far as the jounin vs. 2 genins thingy, does anyone remember Mizuki? Taju Kage Bunshin no jutsu defeated him, correct? He was wearing a green vest....much like....jounins of the leaf! See the parallel?

My opinion on the special is that It was clearly squeezed into a smaller time-frame than the story deserved, which is why it wasn't as good as usual naruto events...but it was still fun, with some cool new characters, jutsus, and jokes.

I agree with CmDr about the vine part, that was my fave too.

Thu, 05-27-2004, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by: Kagari
As far as the jounin vs. 2 genins thingy, does anyone remember Mizuki? Taju Kage Bunshin no jutsu defeated him, correct? He was wearing a green vest....much like....jounins of the leaf! See the parallel?

please elaborate on this a little bit more... i don't get what you're trying to say.

Thu, 05-27-2004, 12:55 AM
mizuki was a chuunin.....and for all we know, he mighta became one just a year or two ago
he was also a teacher, and you know what they say: those who cant do, teach

Thu, 05-27-2004, 01:11 AM
Tree of Might?

Thu, 05-27-2004, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
mizuki was a chuunin.....and for all we know, he mighta became one just a year or two ago
he was also a teacher, and you know what they say: those who cant do, teach
Yep, Mizuki was only a chuunin, and a lacklustre one at that. It's really no big deal that a technique like Taju Kage Bunshin defeated him.

Thu, 05-27-2004, 03:20 AM
yea, this one was pretty retarded i must say. So far, this and the crimsom leaf was a big waste of time.

Thu, 05-27-2004, 04:45 AM
At the same time, if this took place after Naruto VS Gaara, how come Sasuke changed back his clothes?

Thu, 05-27-2004, 05:13 AM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
At the same time, if this took place after Naruto VS Gaara, how come Sasuke changed back his clothes?

maybe it was laundry day so he didn't have the black outfit i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

seriously though, these specials are like OVAs so they have inconsistency that doesn't fit with the regular timeframe/plot of the anime.

Thu, 05-27-2004, 05:20 AM
the whole scripting was off, man really, whats up with these koreans..

Thu, 05-27-2004, 05:28 AM
Who remember Shigure, the umbrella master that got wasted by gaara in the forest. didn't it seem like he was a lot more powerful than those other rain jounins.

Thu, 05-27-2004, 06:31 AM
@animemaster: True, stupid me! Can't believe I didn't think of that i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

@TheAwesomeChow: I barely knew that "umbrella master" had a name. And well, to be fair, Gaara is not exactly an easy match-up.

Thu, 05-27-2004, 07:53 AM
this special was really boring. why make it about the weakest village in th world and their only powerful thing is the hero water which got defeated by naruto and sasuke when a jounin used it... the only good thing was that sasuke aknowldeged narutos strength something i don think we will see in the regular anime.

Thu, 05-27-2004, 07:59 AM
Yeh, it was nice to see some teamwork happening there~
BUT as usual, Sakura proves her inability to dish out any moves...
It woulda been nice to see some Gamabunta or something... oh wells

Thu, 05-27-2004, 12:09 PM
What I don't get is that we see Team 7 every week. So if they wanted it to be special why not show one of the other team's. I wanna see Neji/Lee/Tenten get a episode devoted to them.

Thu, 05-27-2004, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by: Aeon
What I don't get is that we see Team 7 every week. So if they wanted it to be special why not show one of the other team's. I wanna see Neji/Lee/Tenten get a episode devoted to them.

My dream too.

Thu, 05-27-2004, 01:25 PM
BAD, really BAD. Another episode devoted to Naruto making an ass out of himself and sasuke being all better. I mean at first the whole Naruto being loud and stupid was funny but it stopped a long time ago and now its just stupid. I mean cmon, dog crap?
Anyway it was also cheap that suddenly naruto went into kyubi mode without any special reason. Its starting to replace Naruto's moves. instead of thinking of a smart move or trick he can use he just goes kyubi and is suddenly strong i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif

Was really disappointed at this ep i thought the series had grown out of silly things like this.

Thu, 05-27-2004, 03:42 PM
I thought the special was ok. Nothing majorly exciting, but a fine feature nonetheless.

This Naruto feature, Jump Festa 2003, and possibly the movie coming in August, suffer from what I like to call the "DBZ Movie Syndrome" or DMS. The features aren't clear as to WHEN it is taking place. Naruto's able to control his red chakra? If thats the case, hed a done that between either episodes 53-60 (when Sasuke was in the hospital and training, that doesnt seem right) or after beating Gaara (sasuke is wearing different clothing by that time).

Death BOO Z
Thu, 05-27-2004, 05:21 PM
I didn't watch the OVA yet (it falls into the category of an OVA, i think, how was it released?) but i really need to know one thing..

does the villian transform into a giant version of himself towards the end? like in every DBZ filler crap, the villian has to become three times taller than usuall, so that his 'coolness' would increase as well...

well, does he?

Thu, 05-27-2004, 07:21 PM
very good. you are an anime otaku.

he drinks this "hero water" to make him very strong.

Thu, 05-27-2004, 09:07 PM
it was an okay ep. not to suky and not to great, but just bout in the middle.

Sat, 05-29-2004, 03:47 AM
The special started off decently with sasukes counter to the large number of kunei's but it totally went down hill from there...

The last ending fight was pathetic, the water swords looked dumb (neat concept, just failed horribly due ot bad animation / colors) and Naruto seemed more like an idiot then someone who is actually strong and willing to sacrifice...

The only tacticalful thing they did was a "made you look" type thing... I was hopeing for naruto and sasuke to do some good team stuff but no...

I guess the only place this ep fits in is during the training before the main tournament but before Naruto and Sasuke learned there uber moves (chidori and gamabunta) since Naruto had the Naruto Renden (combo).

I dont really care if the ep doesnt line up with the timeline at all.. but atleast make it entertaining... which this wasnt... the fights were all 1 big massive attack. I even perfer the DBZ "fast hands" thing then this... What makes naruto fun to watch is the hand to hand combat with a little jutsu thrown in for twists.

Sat, 05-29-2004, 08:08 AM
i liked it. i thought it was decent. mainly i liked the sasuke/naruto teamwork cause it's been awhile.

though i also would really like a special/episode devoted to neji/lee/tenten's team with gai thrown in as well since he's there leader ^-^

Sat, 05-29-2004, 08:15 AM
Shit. Mine is taking forever to download this series. It's been 1kb/s for the last 9 hours. You guys are downloading it from Toriyama World Issit? Is there any other fansub for this series?? I'm getting sick of waiting for this download.

Sun, 05-30-2004, 01:05 AM
I say this is better than crimson four-leaf clover, but not by much. At least this didn't have zombie ninja puppets that kept using recycled animation.

One thing I was surprised about was how this special was so violent. Sasuke just kills a few guys with ease, Naruto gets stabbed in the back, that guy gets impaled on the water sword (and yet he survives WTF), and Naruto actually kills someone. I'm sure that nothing like this will happen in the manga anytime soon.

Also, the animation in this special sucked, or rather, the drawing did. Sometimes the character's heads were HUGE.

And don't get me started on the new characters. Every single one of them sucked. Especially Shibuki, the village leader. He was just an idiot. You know, he actually reminded me a lot of Inari, except without any believable development.

Sun, 05-30-2004, 02:10 AM
if shibuki had used taijitsu to fight the other "strong" jounins and the super strong jounin was just watching, then it would have been much better than the twister crap. And if they used a couple of water clones and kawarmi, then it would have been better too. Then if shibuki and that guy fought for a long battle and Sasuke didnt jsut come and "save the day", then it would have been much better. Shibuki should have at least had that guy down and hurt, so it would make sense when Naruto and Sasuke beat him.

Sun, 05-30-2004, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by: Hybrid
Also, the animation in this special sucked, or rather, the drawing did. Sometimes the character's heads were HUGE.

Unintentional Chibi Naruto's. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Aargh!! It's 89.7% and it's still moving at 1kb/s!!! Something is very wrong with this torrent. I can feel it.

UH oh. By all you guys talking about it. It sounds like a suck balls episode.

Sun, 05-30-2004, 12:13 PM
i was able to get the non-avi format version.....but its taking FOREVER to get the avi one.......is there a site out there that has it on direct dl yet?

Sun, 05-30-2004, 01:06 PM
phew!! Finally Finished. Yeah.. The AVI is damn slow. I don't know why..

You guys are all right about this anime. It sucks. Bad. Very bad. Kishimoto couldn't have write this, and if he did wrote it, he's probably high on something. Because it's very very awful.

Sun, 05-30-2004, 05:44 PM
In the last part, Sasuki totaly think that Naruto is so cool and they slapped hand. I think that is total crap.

Sun, 05-30-2004, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by: Stoopider
phew!! Finally Finished. Yeah.. The AVI is damn slow. I don't know why..

You guys are all right about this anime. It sucks. Bad. Very bad. Kishimoto couldn't have write this, and if he did wrote it, he's probably high on something. Because it's very very awful.

no he wouldn't do something like this! korean studio did this, they better not but in again by doing something like this

Mon, 05-31-2004, 11:32 AM