View Full Version : Tsuname's strength?
Sat, 05-22-2004, 11:51 PM
Since we know:
oro is about same strength as 3rd (if it takes them 10 ep. to finish a fight, they can't have much of a discrepancy)
itachi is stronger than oro (oro said so)
jiraiya is stronger than itachi (itachi sort of made it clear but it is still technically an assumption, because I am accounting for the fact Itachi might not b in his best condition, just a guess when kisame told him not to use his sharingan too much).
so we have:
(oro, 3rd) ------> itachi --------> jiraiya
since 4th is dead, I was wondering where you guys think Tsunade is on this comparison list
I guess she is most possibly between itachi and jiraiya, or maybe only itachi level. My reasoning is the counsel old man and woman that asked jiraiya to be hokage had to give it a LONG thought before rooting for tsunade, meaning true strength wise, jiraiya should be stronger.
What do you guys think?
Momochi Zabuza
Sun, 05-23-2004, 12:11 AM
jiraiya is not stronger than itachi, its was a translation error and whatnot, itachi is the strongest character introduced so far, period
Sun, 05-23-2004, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by: Momochi Zabuza
jiraiya is not stronger than itachi, its was a translation error and whatnot, itachi is the strongest character introduced so far, period
Do we Know that for sure?
Sun, 05-23-2004, 12:23 AM
i'd say we're about to find out
Sun, 05-23-2004, 12:54 AM
It being a translation error? Pretty much. The group doing the manga and two groups doing the anime don't agree with the sub of "We will definitely die", or whatever.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 01:49 AM
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
It being a translation error? Pretty much. The group doing the manga and two groups doing the anime don't agree with the sub of "We will definitely die", or whatever.
But that doesn't mean the manga was correct so it is still an assumption.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 03:25 AM
We havent even seen Jiraiya's full strength yet, neither as Itachis. There is no evidence to back-up any sort of assumption. I'd say Tsunade is the weakest of the three sannins...just a thought
Sun, 05-23-2004, 03:45 AM
I thought Orchi said that Itachi is stronger than him now... meaning that since he has no use of his arms he would be stronger. We will see who is the strongest out of Itachi and Jiriaya in episode 85.. and from the preview it looked like Kisame and Itachi was running away.
And goes for Tsunade I think she is going to be pretty equal with Orchi and Jiriaya. But I think her ninja style might be completely different. Like Orchi, Jiriaya, Hokages, and Itachi are all strong but in different ways.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 04:51 AM
Originally posted by: LostAngel
I thought Orchi said that Itachi is stronger than him now... meaning that since he has no use of his arms he would be stronger.
wrong. the reason why orochimaru left akatsuki is because itachi joined and orochimaru admits all that and that itachi is stronger couple of episodes ago... therefore we can conclude that orochimaru knew of itachi's strength before he got his arms killed.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 05:42 AM
aww okay..... I misunderstood what he was saying then..
Sun, 05-23-2004, 07:41 AM
i think oro is the stronger of the sannins.
think about it, he is young again. while the others are still in their 50s. therefore he probably wins in stamina.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 08:16 AM
Originally posted by: LostAngel
And goes for Tsunade I think she is going to be pretty equal with Orchi and Jiriaya.
How can she be equal if Oro and Ero are so different? If there is a huge gap betweet Orochimaru's and Jiriaya's skill level, how can she be equal?
Sun, 05-23-2004, 08:20 AM
no oro and jiraiya were about the same skill level i think. jst because oro was stronger as a kid doesnt mean hes stronger as an adult.
and if the village council ppl agree to tsunade becoming hokage she must be pretty powerful. ie, a lot better ninja than the likes of kakashi and the other jounin. she is 1 of the sannin after all
Sun, 05-23-2004, 08:21 AM
Tsunami is Tazuna's daughter, or Inari's mother.
She got beaten by 2 samurai jackasses. I don't think she's very strong.i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Sun, 05-23-2004, 09:29 AM
What?! Its Tsunadde not Tsunami, and she was one of the three sannins, she isnt no ordinary ninja.
Sorry if you meant it in a joking manner, its because i couldnt believe what I just read.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 10:22 AM
oro is only as strong as the 3rd was at like 80 years old. lol seriously how old was the 3rd though? anyway i think tsunade is probably a little weaker than jiraiya and oro. she is at that same high level though, since she is a sannin, but females seem to be weak in this show, so ill say she is the weakest of the 3.
EDIT: and i think itachi is stronger than jiraiya and tsunade, but that doesnt mean he could easily beat jiraiya, jiraiya has been around a lot longer and has probably learned how to beat foes stronger than himself.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by: The_Fourth
What?! Its Tsunadde not Tsunami, and she was one of the three sannins, she isnt no ordinary ninja.
Sorry if you meant it in a joking manner, its because i couldnt believe what I just read.
stoopider is right......cause the topic of this thread IS, afterall, "Tsuname's strength"
Nine Tailed Demon
Sun, 05-23-2004, 11:36 AM
Jiraiya/Tsunade > Itachi > Orochimaru > The 3rd
Sun, 05-23-2004, 11:43 AM
Oh.. good point... like a self destruct justu or something... not to mention mad summonzors...
But if you've noticed... they all have strong points. Oro wasn't that powerful jutsu wise, but he could create chakra based/controlled weapons like a mo. (the sword, the arm thing, ect.) so he is VERY knowledgeable, but not so much at fighting as he is at discovering different things about chakra and jutsus... even with his arms gone, he is still very usefull and dangerous. if only indirectly.
So, perhaps Tsunade is a master at something else that compliments Oro and Jiraiya. Prolly very good leadership qualities, we know she's responsible... now, judging from all the other girls shown, she's a distance fighter, being as Oro and Ero are usually closer, but they do alot of summoning...
Eh.. its too early to tell. We just know she = teh pwn.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 11:53 AM
I'm guessing Tsunade will be strong enough to take on S-Class criminals unlike Anko and Kuranai. I'm guessing she's gonna be stronger then Oro and Itachi but weaker then Jiraiya but she'll prob use her womanly ways to get him to do what she want's like Nami and Sanji(One Piece).
Sun, 05-23-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by: Aeon
I'm guessing Tsunade will be strong enough to take on S-Class criminals unlike Anko and Kuranai. I'm guessing she's gonna be stronger then Oro and Itachi but weaker then Jiraiya but she'll prob use her womanly ways to get him to do what she want's like Nami and Sanji(One Piece).
um...oro was the most talented of the 3, thats why he was the 3rd's favorite, oro said itachi is stronger than him, so how can tsunade be stronger than itachi? itachi has been the strongest character introduced so far so i doubt she is stronger than him.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 12:12 PM
I'm almost posative that oro didn't create that sword when he fought the 3rd but rather stored it in him self.
And personaly I think tsunade will be stronger than Jiriaya. I agree with something someone else said in the thread earlyer, just because oro was the most talented when they were younger doens't mean that he is still the best, with hard work a drop out can surpass a genius, if you get my meaning.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 12:13 PM
look stop stating as FACT that itachi is the strongest character to be introduced so far, jira could have developed a HELL of a lot scince he was teamed up with those two. itachis is certainly ONE of the strongest maybe he is the strongest, we will see next ep when he fights jira, that fight will put a lot of things into perspective, if jira wins and hands him his ass than we can safley assume that jira is also stronger than oro, or that as i said in anothe rtopic a while back oro was scared of fighting itachi for a reason other than "OMG HE WILL OWN ME!!!!".
alsl you could say that strength relates to a lot of things, itachi said he was testing himself now that would normally be linked to a test of strength. however some people have accepted that it MAY be a test of how sadistic he is. maybe the strength oro was talking about was one other than knwoing how to beat him in a fight.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 12:13 PM
most talented... at least during the beggining... but like Kakashi didn't always have the sharingan, and Ero-Sennin didn't have mad frog summoning, Tsunade may have some skill/weapon/ice cream soda that makes her stronger than Oro...
But I seriously doubt she's stronger than Oro. SERIOUSLY doubt it.
Evil Eyes
Sun, 05-23-2004, 12:21 PM
We really know nothing about Tsunade except that she's a legendary ninja. I don't think she was legendary for nothing. But seeing how the girls are way weaker than the boys in the show, I have a feeling that she won't be the strongest ninja in the show. I think she might be equal to Oro and Jiraiya.
I think the strongest ninjas are like this: 3rd>4th>>>>Itachi>=Oro=Jiraiya=Tsunade
Nine Tailed Demon
Sun, 05-23-2004, 12:31 PM
^you watch the anime, Itachi is stronger that Oro but Jiraiya is stronger than Oro also.
Jiraiya/Tsunade > Itachi > Oro
Sun, 05-23-2004, 12:32 PM
i don't believe that any one of the sannin is THAT much stronger than the other. if we had to pick, i'd say orochimaru was the strongest just because they pointed out the fact that the 3rd wanted to choose him as the yondaime.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 12:43 PM
am i allowed to post my own reply as the answer? haha i'll feel so honored
Look Naruto is like any form of entertainment. PEOPLE GET STRONGER AS THEY GET INTRODUCED.
It would just not make sense if the new introduced characters are weaker than the ones already introduced. I don't really remember any action anime having such a situation.
DBZ: the strength of the bad guys are in order of them being introduced
from the turtle master ----> tenjinhan ----> piccolo ----> vegeta ----> freeza ---->cell ----> the fat guy (can't remember his name... I know in Chinese it is Bo Au). Oh yeah it is Mojimbo I think.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 01:03 PM
Thats not true.
Freeza---> Freeza's Dad. (Beefcake).
And naruto Doesn't necessarily follow that laws. It's more complex than that.
DBZ is old school, where someone fights and becomes the strongest in the world, then some stronger one comes, then another comes, another one comes. Etc. And DBZ, it's all about Goku fighting tougher opponents.
Although I admit that the Naruto is influenced alot by Akira Toriyama, but who isn't... he's a legend in his time.
There's alot of anime that the hero is the ultimate hero and everyone he fights doesn't have to be getting tougher. Like Berserk. It's a stereotypical view about anime's. i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Naruto did fought lots of supertough guys at the beginning at the anime. Haku for example. He'll probably whip up all the baddies from then on except Gaara.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by: 010577
Look Naruto is like any form of entertainment. PEOPLE GET STRONGER AS THEY GET INTRODUCED.
that is not even remotely true....i was just thinkin about it the other day about how the interesting thing about naruto is how the strength of the major villians of each saga doesnt have to increase linearly, since it all depends on which of the good guys that saga focuses on....
since kakashi was with naruto in the first saga, the main villians were 2 mist jounins......
since the second saga focuses on the hokages and the genins, the main villians were a sanin and a genin
i cant really elaborate more on this since you guys are about a saga and a half behind the manga, but trust me......they dont keep things linear like that, and yet each battle still manages to be just as suspenseful as the ones before them
Sun, 05-23-2004, 01:46 PM
yeah i think kabuza was mor epowerfull than all the gennins (duh) and i thin kthat if any of them came up against haku in the test on there own they would have been seriously murdered, with the exception of rock and his amazing speed, garra, and the final exam sasuke with his speed. also we have already been introduced to the oro who i believe will eb the main bad guy of the series.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by: chambers
yeah i think kabuza was mor epowerfull than all the gennins (duh) and i thin kthat if any of them came up against haku in the test on there own they would have been seriously murdered, with the exception of rock and his amazing speed, garra, and the final exam sasuke with his speed. also we have already been introduced to the oro who i believe will eb the main bad guy of the series.
I personally think Oro will become more of a joke. He cant be killed easally but he dosnt get much stronger at all. he will pop up every now and then trying to get his way but will be Whipped.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 02:04 PM
you reckon? team rOROcket?
Sun, 05-23-2004, 02:25 PM
Heh, measuring Tsunade's "strength" compared to everyone else's is really dependent on how literally you define strength... But IMO I don't think Orochimaru / Jiraiya / Itachi / Tsunade could really kill each other without the others suffering some major damage, so it's not much of a power difference. The most powerful would probably be the 3rd in his prime. I mean, c'mon, he can still beat the spirits of the 1st and 2nd and compete with Orochimaru at 80 years old. Just imagine what he could do when he was 40 years younger.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 02:45 PM
um...oro was the most talented of the 3, thats why he was the 3rd's favorite, oro said itachi is stronger than him, so how can tsunade be stronger than itachi? itachi has been the strongest character introduced so far so i doubt she is stronger than him.
You don't have to be the most talented to be considered the favorite, that's proven with Gai and Lee considering Neji is the most talented member of that team,but if Gai was Hokage no doubt in my mind that he would choose Lee to be his successor.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 04:00 PM
ive mentioned this before somewhere......but do you honestly think the 3rd would be the kinda person who would consider the heir to the hokage name for reasons other than talent and skill?.....the reason why he picked oro as his favorite was BECAUSE of his talent
Sun, 05-23-2004, 08:08 PM
i see where all of u are coming with the nonlineararity
i hope to c that in action and still make the anime more exciting.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 08:34 PM
I think that there are more important criteria for picking the next hokage besides talent and skill.
I think the Hokage said that Orochimaru was the perfect mix of talent, skill, and ambition. And I think the fact that Jiraiya became one of the 3 legendary ninja's despite the fact that he was such a crappy student speaks volumes about his own potential in terms of talent and skill.
I don't think jiraiya would have ever been considered for the role of the leader of a village no matter how powerful he is because he's not much for ambition. all he really wants to do is work on his peeping jitsus and write dirty novels.
So, the 2 other sanins could have been just as/if not more powerful than Orochimaru, but lacked in other citeria that would make them a suitable leader.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 08:43 PM
i think we should be asking this: why the hell doesn't the thread maker fix the damn title now that he knows how to spell her name?
Sun, 05-23-2004, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by: IamSpazzy
I think that there are more important criteria for picking the next hokage besides talent and skill.
I think the Hokage said that Orochimaru was the perfect mix of talent, skill, and ambition. And I think the fact that Jiraiya became one of the 3 legendary ninja's despite the fact that he was such a crappy student speaks volumes about his own potential in terms of talent and skill.
I don't think jiraiya would have ever been considered for the role of the leader of a village no matter how powerful he is because he's not much for ambition. all he really wants to do is work on his peeping jitsus and write dirty novels.
So, the 2 other sanins could have been just as/if not more powerful than Orochimaru, but lacked in other citeria that would make them a suitable leader.
Um, you're a bit behind the times. Jiraiya WAS considered for the role of Hokage, and was selected. He just refused.
DBZ: the strength of the bad guys are in order of them being introduced
from the turtle master ----> tenjinhan ----> piccolo ----> vegeta ----> freeza ---->cell ----> the fat guy (can't remember his name... I know in Chinese it is Bo Au). Oh yeah it is Mojimbo I think.
Except for the turtle master and tenshinhan, all of those were villians when first introduced. Tsunade doesn't
seem like she's being set up to be the next villian.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 09:15 PM
sorry for not being clear...I meant being considered as the next hokage by the third...not by the council who were desperate for someone strong to lead them.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 10:49 PM
i think why the counsil didn't choose tsunade for hokage at the first is because they didn't have any clue about where about of tsunade, so she can be stronger than jiraiya but who knows we didn't even see jiraiya's full power yet
Mon, 05-24-2004, 03:38 AM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
oro is only as strong as the 3rd was at like 80 years old. lol seriously how old was the 3rd though? anyway i think tsunade is probably a little weaker than jiraiya and oro. she is at that same high level though, since she is a sannin, but females seem to be weak in this show, so ill say she is the weakest of the 3.
EDIT: and i think itachi is stronger than jiraiya and tsunade, but that doesnt mean he could easily beat jiraiya, jiraiya has been around a lot longer and has probably learned how to beat foes stronger than himself.
I heared Tsunade was the most powerfull of the three actually, only that she left and didnt want to fight anymore or something...
(if I'm spoiling I'm sorry, I just think I read that somewhere (outside the manga)
Mon, 05-24-2004, 04:30 AM
Hmm, I don't recall anything about Tsunade being more or less generally powerful than the other two, to be honest, just specific abilities she can do, like any other character. I'm not sure why the author would bother making a clear delineation, in any case. It makes battles more stressful when you don't know who's better. And I'm probably going to spoil something if I keep commenting, so I'll just shut up...
Mon, 05-24-2004, 05:53 AM
I think they are all about the same strenght, but I guess that Tsunade won't be depicted as extremely strong. I mean, she's been out the picture too long. On the long run, she'll probably be a worthy opponent to Jiraiya or Orochimaru.
Tue, 05-25-2004, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by: ?igma
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
oro is only as strong as the 3rd was at like 80 years old. lol seriously how old was the 3rd though? anyway i think tsunade is probably a little weaker than jiraiya and oro. she is at that same high level though, since she is a sannin, but females seem to be weak in this show, so ill say she is the weakest of the 3.
EDIT: and i think itachi is stronger than jiraiya and tsunade, but that doesnt mean he could easily beat jiraiya, jiraiya has been around a lot longer and has probably learned how to beat foes stronger than himself.
I heared Tsunade was the most powerfull of the three actually, only that she left and didnt want to fight anymore or something...
(if I'm spoiling I'm sorry, I just think I read that somewhere (outside the manga)
I have heard that too..... oh and from way earlier... Orchi and Jiriaya I think are on the same level even though we haven't seen all that Jiriaya has to offer yet. But they strengths are different from each other... Orchi might be obsessed with learning all the jutsu.. doesn't make him stronger because he knows more than Jiriaya or Tsunade if he does.
Tue, 05-25-2004, 02:23 PM
well oro was the most talented out of all 3, thats why the third favored him.
Tue, 05-25-2004, 02:30 PM
no tien was originally a bad guy.....if i recall he was trained to be a killer by some guy who was roshi's nemesis
Tue, 05-25-2004, 03:17 PM
First of all, everyone needs to realize that your all arguing theories as if one of them is 100% correct.
Anime, as of yet, nobody knows how strong tsunade will be, or compared to itachi jiraiya oro or the 3rd.
All you can do is assume, guess, infer, and envision different analysis based on variables, some more believable than others.
One I will like to put down on this post.
Oro was stronger then tsunade, who was stronger then jiraiya when under the 3rd's training.
Just how Sakura and Sauske were better then naruto.
Have you noticed, was.. were.. when.. all past tense.
No longer the same.
If we base tsunade and jiraiya and oro's development the same as sauske, naruto, and sakuras development (which is an accurate method, considering its the same anime, so relatively speaking, its more then plausible) then Jiraiya should have far surpassed oro and tsunade, with oro still powerful, and tsunade the less of the 3. Naruto has far surpassed sauske at this point, and before all you sharingan sluts out there, i'm sorry, naruto would win, sauske has not developed enough as of yet, and im a sauske fan as well, so just shut up and accept it, bite your tongue until his time comes. Sakura is still the weakest, although perhaps she will get stronger, who knows.
As to jir, oro, tsun. Jiraiya should be the strongest based on the anime's choice of developing characters, with oro in second and tsunade in last, however with oro's arms (temporarily?) out of use, tsunade may be stronger. This is also unknown as of yet.
On another note, I do not think we'll see jiraiya fight in ep 85.
1. The preview showed itachi and sauske, as the title was also sharingan v sharingan.
2. Everyone wants to see jir fight, so they'll purposefully put it off and hang on to us, this is how TV Tokyo maintains ratings, this thing called marketing.
Tue, 05-25-2004, 03:20 PM
Well I think Jiriaya could beat Orchi with the use of his arms. He been watching him so he knows all his weaknesses. And yes the 3rd favored him.... but that doesn't mean he is stronger. Jiriaya has to be pretty freakin bad ass.. he was the 4ths teacher. And the 4th had to learn that jutsu with the Death God from someone. I think people are just underestimating Jiriaya and probably Tsunade too just because the 3rd favored Orchi.
Tue, 05-25-2004, 04:00 PM
For those who are still thinking Itachi is the strongest, here is some food for thought .. credits to the original posters i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
: Found this, thanks Darthender :
Kisame : "Perhaps you can fight him evenly...but I cannot. He is too strong."
Itachi : "Yes. If we both fought him, we would both be killed...or in a good case, we might kill him, but we'd die along with him. Even if we had more men, that result would not change."
With further investigation, it is found that the most credible MANGA translation ALSO mirrors this, as follows, credits to Raijin's post
"Although I could do a translation myself from the raw manga, here is the conversation (from the manga) between Itachi and Kisame after their confrontation with the Konoha Jounins translated by AK of Troy (the individual who translated Naruto Volumes 1-12 and is the translator at Toriyama's World):
Kisame - You may be able to keep up with him but I don't know about me...
Kisame - He's on a different level
Itachi - Yeah... Fight him and we either both end up dead or get lucky and get a draw
Itachi - Increasing our numbers likely won't make a difference
Kisame - We finally find him at the ramen place and his bodyguard is one of those "legendary three nins"...
Kisame - Against him, the name of the "Leaf's Uchiha Clan" and the "Mist Seven Shinobi Swordsman" will just be tarnished...
Itachi - Yeah... But...
Itachi - Even the most powerful have a weakness... "
Tue, 05-25-2004, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by: logic
If we base tsunade and jiraiya and oro's development the same as sauske, naruto, and sakuras development (which is an accurate method, considering its the same anime, so relatively speaking, its more then plausible) then Jiraiya should have far surpassed oro and tsunade, with oro still powerful, and tsunade the less of the 3. Naruto has far surpassed sauske at this point, and before all you sharingan sluts out there, i'm sorry, naruto would win, sauske has not developed enough as of yet, and im a sauske fan as well, so just shut up and accept it, bite your tongue until his time comes. Sakura is still the weakest, although perhaps she will get stronger, who knows.
As to jir, oro, tsun. Jiraiya should be the strongest based on the anime's choice of developing characters, with oro in second and tsunade in last, however with oro's arms (temporarily?) out of use, tsunade may be stronger. This is also unknown as of yet.
Using Naruto and group isn't necessarily accurate past the obvious group dynamic setup, however. Jiraiya doesn't have a demon sealed inside him for extra chakra, Orochimaru has no Bloodline Limit (unless he's from some snake clan), and nothing says Tsunade is as weak as Sakura. She and Orochimaru actually got the two bells from the Third while Jiraiya got tied to the log during the flashback in 84, remember, while none of the current three got a single bell from Kakashi during training. It would seem that when they were kids, Jiraiya was actually the weakest.
Wed, 05-26-2004, 01:46 AM
some people tell me tsunade is awsome cuz she got big tits and will pursuade Itachi with huge tits and make him surrender lol
Wed, 05-26-2004, 07:31 AM
in the words of the 3rd a ninja true strengh is not only techniques and chakra....
if it was kyubii would have killed everyone
Wed, 05-26-2004, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by: Nammer
some people tell me tsunade is awsome cuz she got big tits and will pursuade Itachi with huge tits and make him surrender lol
yeah she does have big tits, but she awsome b/c she strong as hell
Wed, 05-26-2004, 01:10 PM
wtf are you guys doing. the mods will not be happy.
Wed, 05-26-2004, 04:15 PM
Steering away from Tsunades assets does anyone think Jiraiya has some sort of crazy tounge technique like Oro since toads are supposed to have long sticky tounges.
But then Oro could have his crazy snake like abilites because he is from a strange clan and not due to his summoning animal like I think. BUT if summoners gain their summons traits what do you guys think Tsunade has? ******** and the reason Kakashi wears that mask all the time is probably because he has a dog tounge!
-sorry for the late edit, guys. please don't spoil.
Wed, 05-26-2004, 05:42 PM
Whoah, there, getting a little spoilerific with the power revealings... Although I wish the anime would hurry up and get to Tsunade, cuz IMO she's pretty cool (regardless of her body type).
Wed, 05-26-2004, 05:59 PM
its times like this i wish i was a mod
Wed, 05-26-2004, 07:30 PM
yeah yeah, ppl are giving away some spoilers lil by lil but not some major spoilers
Wed, 05-26-2004, 09:29 PM
well talking about Tsunade really isn't a spoiler..... I mean shes a legendary sannin so she has to be pretty bad ass. So everyone knows shes strong as hell..... What clan did Orchi come from?? I don't ever remember them saying.
Orchi has a Snake, Jiriaya has a frog, maybe she will have a ummm would say turtle but thats what Gai had. Maybe some type of lizard.
I do think its funny since peope are saying she has big tits... because in the flash back Jiriaya calls her no tits. I wonder how long its been since he has seen her. Even though I am enjoying the Itachi episodes... I really want to see Tsunade because its about time an awesome female ninja was brought in. I wonder how long though before we see her in action.... I hope they dont wait 50 something episodes before she gets into a good fight..... it would suck if they never have her fight at all though. Just show her strengths by demostrating her techniques.
Wed, 05-26-2004, 09:41 PM
it is a spoiler and the anime forum has a strict no spoiler rule. i dunno why people think it's ok to bend and circumvent that rule. and plz for the sake of god, if you're gonna refer to orochimaru and abbreviate his name, at least called him 'oro.' orchi sounds sooo stupid.
anyway, we don't know which clan orochimaru is from, he could just be a nobody like rock lee.
Wed, 05-26-2004, 09:45 PM
We haven't heard any of the sannin's family/clan names yet, it's slightly odd. They must have had families.
Wed, 05-26-2004, 09:52 PM
They don't mention or go into much detail for most of the characters. I would like to know more about Orchi (and I like abbreviating his name that way so blah =P) family/clan though, he is so cool.
Wed, 05-26-2004, 09:59 PM
oro and jiraiya look pretty much different from others like the lines around their eyes.. may be its make up?
Wed, 05-26-2004, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by: orn210
oro and jiraiya look pretty much different from others like the lines around their eyes.. may be its make up?
In Jiriayas flashback of being tied up, the 3rd had the same markings on his eyes so I think his is just makeup... sometimes looks like he has lipstick on too hehehehe.... I dont know if the markings around Orchi's eyes though are makeup or not.
Thu, 05-27-2004, 08:01 AM
tsunades is probably around the same strength as those 4 other mentioned( jiraiya, 3rd, orochimaru, itachi) but my guess is that itachi is the strongest closely followed by the sannin.
Thu, 05-27-2004, 05:23 PM
Rofl @ the Itachi asskissing fanboys i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
They even say Itach is the strongest introduced so far even though the big kahuna Itachi himself says Jiraiya is stronger then him..
How ironic i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Jiraiya > Itachi
Itachi is my fav char for sure though, but im still being realistic.. the only one i think :\
ciao i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Fri, 05-28-2004, 12:46 AM
we at least saw her back and know that she's a big gambler...
oh also her summon is a slug
Fri, 05-28-2004, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by: Uchiha-Itachi
Rofl @ the Itachi asskissing fanboys i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
They even say Itach is the strongest introduced so far even though the big kahuna Itachi himself says Jiraiya is stronger then him..
How ironic i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Jiraiya > Itachi
oh oh roflrforlfofrlfroflrf, i guess that's why kisame asked why itachi needed to retreat from jiraiya! lolloololololollloo
Fri, 05-28-2004, 04:36 AM
oh amn, the uchiha itachi band wagon boys. wake up and realize the fact.
Fri, 05-28-2004, 04:45 AM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Originally posted by: Uchiha-Itachi
Rofl @ the Itachi asskissing fanboys i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
They even say Itach is the strongest introduced so far even though the big kahuna Itachi himself says Jiraiya is stronger then him..
How ironic i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Jiraiya > Itachi
oh oh roflrforlfofrlfroflrf, i guess that's why kisame asked why itachi needed to retreat from jiraiya! lolloololololollloo
Which doesn't change the fact that Itachi did run away (this is spoilers for 85, btw); Kisame just didn't know why. Looked to me like he spent a lot of his chakra dropping Sasuke with his mind trick and using the black fire to bust out of Frog City; with no Sharingan (notice the eyes fading), he wasn't in any condition to fight the old man, stronger or not.
Fri, 05-28-2004, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by: Mongoose
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Originally posted by: Uchiha-Itachi
Rofl @ the Itachi asskissing fanboys i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
They even say Itach is the strongest introduced so far even though the big kahuna Itachi himself says Jiraiya is stronger then him..
How ironic i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Jiraiya > Itachi
oh oh roflrforlfofrlfroflrf, i guess that's why kisame asked why itachi needed to retreat from jiraiya! lolloololololollloo
Which doesn't change the fact that Itachi did run away (this is spoilers for 85, btw); Kisame just didn't know why. Looked to me like he spent a lot of his chakra dropping Sasuke with his mind trick and using the black fire to bust out of Frog City; with no Sharingan (notice the eyes fading), he wasn't in any condition to fight the old man, stronger or not.
Imagine that, Itachi didn't want to fight him after he was really worn out. Kisame seemed to belive that Itachi could have taken him so with more rest one would imagine that he probably isn't for sure weaker. This hints to me translation problem in the other episode.
Sat, 05-29-2004, 12:17 AM
back on topic:
is any1 wondering what can slug do?
Sat, 05-29-2004, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by: orn210
back on topic:
is any1 wondering what can slug do?
CAreful orn210. I don't know if you read the manga or not, but if you do.. Don't spoil. Because this is the anime forum.
If your not a manga reader. Just ignore my post i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Sat, 05-29-2004, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by: Stoopider
Originally posted by: orn210
back on topic:
is any1 wondering what can slug do?
CAreful orn210. I don't know if you read the manga or not, but if you do.. Don't spoil. Because this is the anime forum.
If your not a manga reader. Just ignore my post i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
well i read the manga but i didnt spoil anything did i? if i did please tell me(and i will just edit it)
actually im very careful with my posts
if you mean the slug, jiraiya said it in the 85 so.....
Sat, 05-29-2004, 10:41 AM
If Itachi didnt flee from Jiraiya's jutsu he was dead for sure.. but he wasnt that stupid to stay though i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Sat, 05-29-2004, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by: orn210
back on topic:
is any1 wondering what can slug do?
you could question that......but then again you could also question what a frog could do until that frog pulls out a huge sword!
Tofu #2
Sat, 05-29-2004, 01:30 PM
i think it was ssomething like snake beats frog, frog beats slug, and slug beats snake. im not sure
Evil Eyes
Sat, 05-29-2004, 04:08 PM
True. It's snake>frog frog>slug slug>snake.
Sat, 05-29-2004, 11:19 PM
Does anything think that Jaraiya's other students besides the fourth are any good?
Sun, 05-30-2004, 01:33 AM
yeah they have to be strong cuz ppl like jiraiya choose their own students who are talented or have future to make them strong like hokage chose his students(legendary3)
Mon, 05-31-2004, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by: 010577
Since we know:
oro is about same strength as 3rd (if it takes them 10 ep. to finish a fight, they can't have much of a discrepancy)
itachi is stronger than oro (oro said so)
jiraiya is stronger than itachi (itachi sort of made it clear but it is still technically an assumption, because I am accounting for the fact Itachi might not b in his best condition, just a guess when kisame told him not to use his sharingan too much).
so we have:
(oro, 3rd) ------> itachi --------> jiraiya
since 4th is dead, I was wondering where you guys think Tsunade is on this comparison list
I guess she is most possibly between itachi and jiraiya, or maybe only itachi level. My reasoning is the counsel old man and woman that asked jiraiya to be hokage had to give it a LONG thought before rooting for tsunade, meaning true strength wise, jiraiya should be stronger.
What do you guys think?
who was tsunade again??
Mon, 05-31-2004, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by: Mongoose
Which doesn't change the fact that Itachi did run away (this is spoilers for 85, btw); Kisame just didn't know why. Looked to me like he spent a lot of his chakra dropping Sasuke with his mind trick and using the black fire to bust out of Frog City; with no Sharingan (notice the eyes fading), he wasn't in any condition to fight the old man, stronger or not.
it is clearly explained that itachi retreated because they were not in a hurry to capture naruto. duh. and of course itachi isn't gonna fight jiraiya after being worn out. jiraiya isn't just an old man, he is one of the sannin after all.
Mon, 05-31-2004, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by: Evil Eyes
True. It's snake>frog frog>slug slug>snake.
except that jiraiya's frog totally pwned 3 snakes
Tue, 06-01-2004, 06:28 AM
Anyway, the snake/frog/snail thing is right. I read an interview with the guy, whose name escapes me, who writes Naruto and he says the snail, the frog and the snake are like a "paper, scissors, rock" type deal in japanese mythology.
So I guess that means that each of the 3 sannin are supposed to be defeatable by one of the others. So that probably means that, while Jir can beat or at least tie Itachi, he would probably lose to one of the other Sannin(whichever one the mythology says frog loses to), but the sannin that could beat Jir probably couldn't beat Itachi.
I wonder if, since Naruto knows frog summoning, if Sasuke will learn to summon snakes and Sakura snails.
Wed, 06-02-2004, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by: dragon
Originally posted by: 010577
Since we know:
oro is about same strength as 3rd (if it takes them 10 ep. to finish a fight, they can't have much of a discrepancy)
itachi is stronger than oro (oro said so)
jiraiya is stronger than itachi (itachi sort of made it clear but it is still technically an assumption, because I am accounting for the fact Itachi might not b in his best condition, just a guess when kisame told him not to use his sharingan too much).
so we have:
(oro, 3rd) ------> itachi --------> jiraiya
since 4th is dead, I was wondering where you guys think Tsunade is on this comparison list
I guess she is most possibly between itachi and jiraiya, or maybe only itachi level. My reasoning is the counsel old man and woman that asked jiraiya to be hokage had to give it a LONG thought before rooting for tsunade, meaning true strength wise, jiraiya should be stronger.
What do you guys think?
who was tsunade again??
huh???? you totally forgot? now this whole arc is about finding tsunade that one of the legendary three slug user
Thu, 06-03-2004, 01:17 AM
V_V when is the title for this is gonna change? it's TSUNADE.. not TSUNAME
Thu, 06-03-2004, 05:29 PM
tsunade's pig can henge into chouji i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif (but the pig isnt tsunade's though)
Thu, 06-03-2004, 05:30 PM
well if it's not her's then who's is it? The other girls?
Thu, 06-03-2004, 05:34 PM
yup yup
Thu, 06-03-2004, 05:50 PM
Hmm oh okay ^^;
Thu, 06-03-2004, 05:51 PM
heh... i was wondering why she had it instead of a snail... ^_^ now i see
Thu, 06-03-2004, 07:20 PM
I think you mean slug, not snail...
Thu, 06-03-2004, 08:01 PM
i think Tsunade would rival JIraya, and oro.. but seriously could some one fix the name?
Fri, 06-04-2004, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by: orn210
yeah they have to be strong cuz ppl like jiraiya choose their own students who are talented or have future to make them strong like hokage chose his students(legendary3)
From what I remembered, students are chosen for a balanced team. Sasuke was the number one student, Naruto was the worst, and Sakura somewhere in between. (On the same thought, Neiji was the number one student, so does that mean that Lee was the worst student of his class?).
I think it is possible that the 3rd chose his team because of Orchi, and through his training and competition, Jiraiya and Tsunade also became really powerful. It could possibly be random luck on how talented the students are.
From this logic, Jiraiya's other 2 students (other than the 4th) might not be too strong, or could have trained to a decent level.
Kakase is a student of the 4th, and he has his current team. He seems mostly bent on training Sasuke, therefore, leaving out Sakura and Naruto. Sasuke and Naruto will become very strong one day, but that doesn't necessarily mean that Sakura will either.
I think strength of student depends on luck. We haven't seen any of his other students fight, so they could all be just working class of the village or maybe out on missions. They could have all died fighting Kyubi. OK, I think I wrote enough, but on a final thought, I wonder who Tsunade's students are?
Fri, 06-04-2004, 02:56 PM
I'll wait to see.
Fri, 06-04-2004, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by: orn210
tsunade's pig can henge into chouji i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif (but the pig isnt tsunade's though)
where do you get the idea that the pig isnt tsunade's? heroin?
Fri, 06-04-2004, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by: thundrakkon
Originally posted by: orn210
yeah they have to be strong cuz ppl like jiraiya choose their own students who are talented or have future to make them strong like hokage chose his students(legendary3)
From what I remembered, students are chosen for a balanced team. Sasuke was the number one student, Naruto was the worst, and Sakura somewhere in between. (On the same thought, Neiji was the number one student, so does that mean that Lee was the worst student of his class?).
I think it is possible that the 3rd chose his team because of Orchi, and through his training and competition, Jiraiya and Tsunade also became really powerful. It could possibly be random luck on how talented the students are.
From this logic, Jiraiya's other 2 students (other than the 4th) might not be too strong, or could have trained to a decent level.
Kakase is a student of the 4th, and he has his current team. He seems mostly bent on training Sasuke, therefore, leaving out Sakura and Naruto. Sasuke and Naruto will become very strong one day, but that doesn't necessarily mean that Sakura will either.
I think strength of student depends on luck. We haven't seen any of his other students fight, so they could all be just working class of the village or maybe out on missions. They could have all died fighting Kyubi. OK, I think I wrote enough, but on a final thought, I wonder who Tsunade's students are?
actually the hokage choose and the ppl like jiraiya choose their students that who have great talents as a ninja they dont care about balance like hokages train the students who has the potential to be the next hokage but i dont know exactly its just what i think
Fri, 06-04-2004, 04:40 PM
its probly more accurate to assume that someone as powerfull as a sannin never trained anyone, or even a hokage for that matter. they probly trained these people before they became so reknown everywhere, i wouldimagine that the hokage would have more important stuff to do that to train people, no matter how powerfull they may be in the future.
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