View Full Version : anime character VS anime character

Sat, 05-22-2004, 07:59 PM
what this is about is what would happen if to characters from differant anime meet in a fight.
but i dont want to know who would win i want the full blow by blow acount of the fight just like commentary in boxing (eg; kakashi throws a left .goku counters with a vicious right to the jaw sending kakashi flying to the canvas )


---- only techniques used by the character/characters are allowed

---- try not to have rediculous matches like GOKU(dbz) vs TAMA the turtle(love hina) or UDON>ITACHI

---- try to make the figth interesting and not one sided

---- make the fight last

---- full blow by blow acount of how you think the fight would go starting from the begining to the
eventual winner/loser