View Full Version : Who has had the roughest past?
Sat, 05-22-2004, 01:36 AM
ok, a while ago i saw this same poll. it was between gaara, naruto and sasuke. i believe gaara was agreed upon by many with naruto coming in at a close second. i just wanted to know what people think now after episode 84 has been released.
Sat, 05-22-2004, 01:42 AM
Sat, 05-22-2004, 01:44 AM
Gaara > Sasuke > Naruto.
I still don't believe Naruto's past was that much more traumatic than any given real IRL person who is alone from time to time. That's not to say it's a good thing, but it's not special enough to be called a mega-rough past IMO.
Sat, 05-22-2004, 02:07 AM
Well you could make the argument that Sasuke's Main Truama was over and done with faster. But naruto was shunned till a cuple eps into the anime.
Sat, 05-22-2004, 02:10 AM
I still don't believe Naruto's past was that much more traumatic than any given real IRL person who is alone from time to time. That's not to say it's a good thing, but it's not special enough to be called a mega-rough past IMO.
what?! he had no parents and no friends for atleast 10 years, how can you say that isn't horrible. Plus on top of that every grown-up gave him scornful looks all the time.
Sasuke and gaara atleast had family.
Sat, 05-22-2004, 02:18 AM
i don't care about sasuke or naruto, but gaara wins this one.
Sat, 05-22-2004, 02:56 AM
I would say Gaara, followed closely by Sasuke.
Sat, 05-22-2004, 03:12 AM
Sasuke. Having your whole family killed in front of you is way worse then being hated..
Sat, 05-22-2004, 05:01 AM
No Haku?
Out of those three i would have to say...
But IMO Haku had the roughest past.
Sat, 05-22-2004, 07:35 AM
after seeing 84 and really thinking about it i would say
Sat, 05-22-2004, 08:28 AM
HAH! I knew IT! I called this one long ago... but what ever...
About Naruto... what happened is very bad but he has NOTHING to compare it to. So, its like never having grandparents, to water it down VERY heavily...
Gaara... sure, its pretty fucked up and all, but at least he had people.... there was the memory of that one chick that saved him. He had MEMORIES. a helluva lot more than naruto had... which makes it harder. He learned to cope tho
Sasuke. I'm just gonna quote myself on this one....
Naruto and Gaara never really had anyone, so its hard to compare. Which (believe me) totally sucks. But Sasuke had a family, a brother, a community... As I said, probably an entire village. Uchiha literally means Village of the Leaf. (Konoha means Of The Leaf) and he WITNESSED these peoples death...
A decent analogy would be being dropped on a bed of glass... all three were dropped on the same bed of glass, naruto was dropped, left there, then helped out. Gaara was dropped helped out a bit, then dropped back. Sasuke was about 3 stories up, then dropped on it, and rubbed into it everytime he gets in a fight that he might lose.
who do you think has it worst?
Sat, 05-22-2004, 10:20 AM
1. Gaara
2. Sasuke
3. Naruto
Sat, 05-22-2004, 10:32 AM
Naruto gets way too much emphasis on his past, and it becomes lame and overdramatic. He's just a loser that wants to be acknowledged. Sasuke and Gaara actually faced death along with being alone, I'd choose one of them.
Sat, 05-22-2004, 10:59 AM
All 3 of them were alone.....but gaara was the only one who had absolutely nobody who loved him. People pretty much left naruto alone, and sasuke at least felt bonded with his family (and im sure the rest of the village after the incident)....but i dont know what could be worse than being told that nobody wants you to exist, even your parents!
edit: and to add to konoha rek's quote.....if sasuke is rubbed into it everytime he gets in a fight that he might lose, then gaara gets rubbed into it everytime he sees somebody care for somebody else (which im sure happens a LOT more frequently)
Sat, 05-22-2004, 11:39 AM
Sat, 05-22-2004, 11:52 AM
Sasuke had his clan/family, and Gaara only had that one woman. Both of them lost everything they had in an unpleasant way. Naruto never had anything to lose, he just didn't learn how to deal with being alone.
Sat, 05-22-2004, 12:21 PM
1. Naruto didnt have anybody till he met Iruka and plus every adult hated cause of kyubi and as the third said in the beggining of the show the hatred agianst Naruto is bieng passed to the kids.
2.Gaara is almost as Naruto but atleast he thought the his mother sister loved until he killed her.
3. Sasuke had a family and a community before he lost them.
I think Naruto has the worst past its just that they havent made any good flashbacks about his past like they did with Gaara and Sasuke.
Sat, 05-22-2004, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
2.Gaara is almost as Naruto but atleast he thought the his mother sister loved until he killed her.
Do you mean his mother's BROTHER?
Id say:
Gaara had the worst past. Hes just as lonely as Naruto and also the children know about him, whereas they dont know about Naruto in Konoha. Then its Naruto, then its Sasuke.
Sat, 05-22-2004, 01:12 PM
Gaara's definitely the worst. At least Sasuke, people admire him or at least respect. In a way, maybe some pity him.
The people of the village continually fear and hate Gaara.
Sat, 05-22-2004, 01:25 PM
sasuke had the worst past. than probably gaara or neji. than naruto.
Sat, 05-22-2004, 03:17 PM
I think a main theme of Naruto is that the pain of being alone and not being needed, that same pain that Haku, Naruto, Sasuke, and Gaara go through is the worst pain, and it shows the different ways of dealing with it.
With Haku we see that he decides to fight for someone elses dreams because he had none of his own, and wasnt needed until Zabuza came along and finally found a purpose to live
With Gaara we see that the pain of having no loved ones and everyone calling him a monster turn Gaara towards a more evil and twisted lifestyle, that his purpose for life becomes to kill others. He says himself something like "As long as there are people in this world for me to kill and to define myself, then life is wonderful." When his fight with Naruto comes to an end I think Gaara realizes that Love is the power that made Naruto so strong and that the way he decided to define himself was wrong.
With Sasuke we see that because Itachi killed his clan and family infront of him he has devoted his life to revenge and wants to stay alive and get stronger until he can kill Itachi and get revenge. I think the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke will become a deeply bonded friendship and finally Sasuke will realize that living for revenge is not the right thing to do and that "the true power of the ninja comes out when you protect your loved ones" as the 3rd would say.
With Naruto we see a slightly different development that makes him special and what i think makes the anime about him. We see that instead of living to kill others, living for someone elses dream, or living for revenge, his upbringing of the pain of no family or friends and constantly being called a monster has turned him into a ninja who fights for love, who fights for recognition, and who will become very strong when protecting others is at stake. Haku says it early in the anime. He asks Naruto if he has precious friends to which Naruto says yes and that he would protect them. Then Haku says that he will become strong. Its for this same reason that Kakashi had so much confidence in Naruto when he was fighting Kiba because he knew that Naruto fights for the right reasons, that he is a true warrior.
That is what seperates Naruto from the rest, he may be rash, stupid, immature or relying on the kyubi, but it is for this reason that the anime is about Naruto, and even if the pain of the others is worse, i think that all their pains are very similar and that Naruto is the one who will be come the best because of the way he deals with it
Sat, 05-22-2004, 03:20 PM
sasuke HANDS DOWN. theres no question that having your mom and dad murdered by your brother right infront of you in cold blood, is MILES worse than growing up without a mum and dad.
Sat, 05-22-2004, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
1. Naruto didnt have anybody till he met Iruka and plus every adult hated cause of kyubi and as the third said in the beggining of the show the hatred agianst Naruto is bieng passed to the kids.
2.Gaara is almost as Naruto but atleast he thought the his mother sister loved until he killed her.
3. Sasuke had a family and a community before he lost them.
I think Naruto has the worst past its just that they havent made any good flashbacks about his past like they did with Gaara and Sasuke.
wouldnt having your hopes up of being loved by people only to find out you were never loved worse than never thinking you were loved from the beginning?
Sat, 05-22-2004, 05:39 PM
imho Sasuke has the roughest past, someone said that he had someone who loved him BEFORE he lost 'em, sure he does, but then imagine this pain when u see these people killed by ur own brother in front of ur eyes, beside ur grandparents and the rest of the people u knew.
gaara had fucked up childhood too.
but about naruto, not without reason there's saying that "u really start to value things that u already lost".
naruto didn't really lost anything, he was just alone.
sasuke lost EVERYTHING, Gaara lost yashamaru, naruto didn't lost anything, everyone of 'em experienced loneliness, even if naruto experienced it the most, he didn't lose anything...
Sat, 05-22-2004, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
1. Naruto didnt have anybody till he met Iruka and plus every adult hated cause of kyubi and as the third said in the beggining of the show the hatred agianst Naruto is bieng passed to the kids.
2.Gaara is almost as Naruto but atleast he thought the his mother sister loved until he killed her.
3. Sasuke had a family and a community before he lost them.
I think Naruto has the worst past its just that they havent made any good flashbacks about his past like they did with Gaara and Sasuke.
wouldnt having your hopes up of being loved by people only to find out you were never loved worse than never thinking you were loved from the beginning?
Yeah I would think that having your hopes of being loved and then finding out none of them ever loved your is worse. That's why I think Gaara had the roughest past, he really didn't have anyone and then was betrayed by the only one he thought cared about him, and like Yashamaru said, wounds of the heart are harder to fix than physical wounds and love is the only cure, which for him he was hurting inside before Yashamaru said that and then took a big hit when he was betrayed by him
I think Naruto and Sasuke also have hard pasts but at least with Naruto he came to have people, and Sasuke also, especially Naruto since Naruto was really having an effect on him, seemed to be changing him (which Orochimaru knew and mentioned in previous episode)
Sat, 05-22-2004, 06:37 PM
Gaara wins this.....lets see his dad had some demon thing attached to him which makes him insane and then for 6 years his own father sends assasins after him constantly trying to kill him. Sasuke had his family killed by his brother yeah but it was over fairly quickly he wasn't constantly being attacked and potentially killed for 6 years. Naruto well you can go to an orphanage and see kids that have no family that cares for them and the people running it might feel sorry for the kids but really it's very similar to naruto's situation.
Sat, 05-22-2004, 06:54 PM
i'd say sasuke... his grandparents were owned right infront of him.
edit: actually i take that back, gaara has the worse. i mean just look at him, hes a monster. no girls would have sex with a monster that looks like that.
Sat, 05-22-2004, 07:11 PM
oh gee, well jing if thats where your basis lies.....then wouldnt shino have it roughest? i mean what female WOULDNT be creeped out by him being an insect hive?
Sat, 05-22-2004, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by: CyberPunk
ok, a while ago i saw this same poll. it was between gaara, naruto and sasuke. i believe gaara was agreed upon by many with naruto coming in at a close second. i just wanted to know what people think now after episode 84 has been released.
Nothing to screw you up more than to have your father and uncle tried to kill you, and living with the guilt that you caused your mother's death.
That and everyone in teh village is scared of you, and treat you like a monster.
So definately Gaara.
Naruto may have been shunned, but there was no obvious threats like a whirling clump of sand, so people weren't actually afraid of him (at least the kids weren't).
Sat, 05-22-2004, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
oh gee, well jing if thats where your basis lies.....then wouldnt shino have it roughest? i mean what female WOULDNT be creeped out by him being an insect hive?
woah u are so right... hm...
then maybe kiba too, cuz uno he smells like dog's drool.
Sat, 05-22-2004, 10:32 PM
I know a girl who likes bugs. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Hokage Naruto
Sat, 05-22-2004, 10:49 PM
bugs mmmm i like bugs
Sat, 05-22-2004, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by: NomoZ
I still don't believe Naruto's past was that much more traumatic than any given real IRL person who is alone from time to time. That's not to say it's a good thing, but it's not special enough to be called a mega-rough past IMO.
what?! he had no parents and no friends for atleast 10 years, how can you say that isn't horrible. Plus on top of that every grown-up gave him scornful looks all the time.
Sasuke and gaara atleast had family.
I didn't say it wasn't horrible. I just said it isn't as "spectacular" as the other charas' pasts. I mean, how many people has had their whole family slaughtered directly by their own sibling. Or how many had their only true friend (or whatever you should call Yashamaru) betray you or whatnot? These things just don't happen. And if they do, it's truly horrible. It's not very rare with people looking at you scornfully (though for other reasons then for having a demon inside you, IRL we can compare it with people looking at you because you are overweight), having no parents (or parents that don't care) or even lack friends. It's horrible of course, but I think the other situations would be worse.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 03:27 AM
Sasuke imo
to see your family and friends get wiped out in front of u
like that would be so traumatizing, he has to have a strong will after goin through all that
Sun, 05-23-2004, 08:34 AM
seriously, what do you people not understand. This Clan was his village as well, as in every single person he ever knew growing up (and they were closer than that because they were blood, so they weren't like strangers or anything)
but in naruto's defence: "Its better to have loved and lost, to never have loved at all"
And with Gaara: He has purpose to his life: killing people... but he really is the most depressing in the whole anime. So whoever has the sig that is Gaara looking happy, you creep me out... seriously
Sun, 05-23-2004, 11:31 AM
You are right but atleast Gaara thought for some time that he was loved before he was that he wasn't.
Naruto has always been hated for the kyubi.
I dont understand how people think that Sasuke has had worse than Gaara and Naruto just because his brother killed his clan. He was happy until that day.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 03:20 PM
Yes, Sasuke was happy before his family was killed, but what did he have after that? Naruto at least had a hope for the future, that one day if he worked hard someone would recognize him and his life would change.
No matter what he does Sasuke can never get his family back. This will never change for him, and he will miss them for the rest of his life. All he has, at least in the beginning of the series, is his revenge. So I think Sasuke had it worse than Naruto.
Still, I thinks Gaara had the roughest past of anyone. Not only did the one person who seemed to care about him die in front of him, but to find out that he was never loved at all... And he still misses his uncle and his mother, even knowing that they hated him.
Death BOO Z
Sun, 05-23-2004, 05:55 PM
man... this thread looks like a bunch of morbid teenagers screaming at eachother "my life is worse than yours! pity me and appriciate my angst!"...
seriously, do you really think it's possible to compare between rough experinces? it's not something that can be put on a scale of one to ten, and you can't answer the question of wheather it's better to habe something and lose it or to never have it...
if you can angst about Sasuke, you can also appriciate Inari's experince, he also lost his most precious person, his adopting father got killed right infront of his eyes, and he wasn't able to do anything... that sure fucked him up until the day he met Naruto...
out of all of the 'hard past' cast, Sasuke's past is the most 'anime ordinary' one.... 'someone killed my family', boo-hoo, we saw that in a million stories (take batman for example), and it's just not that intresting...
everyone in the anime had some sort of hard upbring... Neji lost his most important person becuase of his family rules, Naruto lived his entire life without anyone to love him, and Gaara got the whole 'you killed mummy' treatment, along with the 'nobody gives a damn about ya' attitude, and multipie those two by ten..
to put things simple, you really can't compare this stuff, do you honstely think you can rate it and have some sort of standart procceser to deal with it? will it go something like this:?
Naruto: no family (20 points), ever (10 points), no one to give a damn about him (10 points), no immidiate chance to achive goal (5 points), total of 45 angst points.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 06:42 PM
Umm.... I thought this thread was about the fictional lives of the characters of Naruto?
Of COURSE there's not one answer to this question. The question of whether it's worse to have loved someone and lost them or to never have been loved at all (or to think you were loved and find out it was a lie) is a very old and long debated philosphic question which probably won't be resolved here. Look, just because there is not an exact answer (Naruto is an 8, Sasuke is a 67) doesn't mean it's not worth discussing. People will still have their own opinions, theories, and ideas, which is what I find interesting anyway. Kind of the point of debating.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 07:16 PM
1. Gaara
2. Naruto
3. Sasuke
Now i think most can understand that gaara had it bad, with everyone going against him. But Sasuke's isnt all that bad. Yeah, his family died, so what, alot of people's family die today, me included, as for Naruto, don't give off those "hes gay and overexagrated crap" look and see, ever since he was born people would rather see him dead then see him alive. I think growing up with the idea that nobody wants you and you dont have any importance/purpose in life is alittle worse than just your family dieing.
If Sasuke really had it worse than Naruto, then i believe he wouldnt act "better" than everyone else.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 07:51 PM
well i think it Sakura
i mean living with a big fat forehead must be painful
i mean naruto thinks 'Those Eyes' are bad...
how do u think poor sakura feels :'(
could some1 tell me why the hell my sig aint showin?
Kyubi Naruto
Sun, 05-23-2004, 11:15 PM
Steal my topic why dont you
Fri, 06-04-2004, 08:29 PM
Gaara had the roughest past so far
Fri, 06-04-2004, 10:03 PM
everyone is saying how losing their (sasuke's and gaara's) family is sad blah blah blah, but i think never having a family is even sadder. i mean, naruto sees his classmates or whoever walking w/ a mother or father or whoever...naruto never had that. and he was even shunned by the kids who don't even really know why they hate naruto. that's sad!
1. naruto
2. gaara
3. neji/sasuke
Fri, 06-04-2004, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by: Eurasian
everyone is saying how losing their (sasuke's and gaara's) family is sad blah blah blah, but i think never having a family is even sadder. i mean, naruto sees his classmates or whoever walking w/ a mother or father or whoever...naruto never had that. and he was even shunned by the kids who don't even really know why they hate naruto. that's sad!
1. naruto
2. gaara
3. neji/sasuke
Yeah, that's definatly sad, what Naruto went through. And I agree that it's probably worse to never have a family because inside you would always be pained by wondering what it's like to be loved by a family and seeing those that have a family, can only wish for it. =( v_v then Gaara, his was pretty sad too.
Sat, 06-05-2004, 02:11 AM
well i wish i didn't have a family.
Sat, 06-05-2004, 02:22 AM
Sat, 06-05-2004, 02:39 AM
Originally posted by: jing
well i wish i didn't have a family.
Well, you can always be like Itachi and kill them all. And if you have a little brother you can screw him up too.
Sat, 06-05-2004, 10:31 AM
Sat, 06-05-2004, 02:39 PM
i think it will change.. i mean past is past.. if one doesn't let it bother them anymoer and get over it.. the past is no longer rough... that's why i think it's going to be sasuke now.. cause he never got over it..
Gaara had a most rough past i though.. but it seems he gets over it with help of kewl ^_^ naruto..
i have to say.. i really admire naruto... he always tries so hard to get over stuff... when he could have been like.. "if you no like me.. i will just destroy you guys" but instead.. decides to have everybody recognize him by becoming hokage...
for Gaara.. ^_^ just glad he finnaly overcame it... T_T poor him... i wish he makes friends.. and not be alone anymore...
for sasuke.. V_V sigh.. he still haven't gotten over it.. i hope he does... and not waste his time on "revenge"... cause it's gonna get him no where...
and yes.. haku did have a sad past.. but he seems to be happy that he was able to die for zabuza
Sat, 06-05-2004, 02:44 PM
but it's still the past though, that incident took place on a certain date and time and place in space..not like with Naruto or Gaara or Neji where theirs continued to be there, like naruto, well he dosen't have any family and still hasen't change..for Gaara, continuous incidents happened(moms death, incidents with other children, yashamaru, father sending assasins etc), and Neji..well, was continuing one was well, since main branch is always there, symbol on his head always there, I still say Naruto.. besides..Sasuke could get over it. just isn't..and since everyone else seems to be able to work to get over theirs, he could kind of his fault for making himself affected by't really say Sasuke is #1
Sat, 06-05-2004, 03:07 PM
well.. but no matter what happens... if the person don't let themself be affected by it... it's not rough for them
Sat, 06-05-2004, 03:12 PM
well, still don't think his is the worst. would say Naruto then Gaara..besides it's asking who's had the roughest past, not who has it roughest.
Sat, 06-05-2004, 03:17 PM
but you still see my point... shinobineko
Uchiha Barles
Sun, 06-06-2004, 01:17 PM
Neiji had a pretty terrible past. Naruto had a whole bunch of sadness and never knew the reasons why, Sasuke had a whole lot of sadness and knew exactly why, Gaara had the same thing as naruto, but he knew exactly why as well. Neiji, had sadness coupled with despair. Up until he met Naruto, it was a countinuing despair. No matter how hard he tried, no matter how far he got, some other byakugan schmoe could just end his life in a matter of seconds. And there's absolutely nothing he could do about it. To live with that kind of despair in your heart and mind is numbing and dehumanzing.
I think this is could be worse than the other characters because the other ones all had a reason to live on. Neiji, kind of didn't. I wonder if he ever thought about killing himself. His views may have been wrong, but they were his views, and were perpetuated by his experiences.
Sun, 06-06-2004, 03:27 PM
Sun, 06-06-2004, 03:34 PM
After Uchiha Barles put it that way, I think that Neji's past was probably one of the higher roughest pasts. v_v
Sun, 06-06-2004, 03:39 PM
Mon, 06-07-2004, 01:13 PM
uchiha barles does have a good point.. T_T poor neji
Tue, 06-08-2004, 01:25 AM
i dont think so......the "dispair" that you had distinguished from sadness shouldnt be any different than what the other branch members feel
however, head members rarely go and kill branch members, and if they do, it isnt just because they can. Now if the dispair in neji's case is knowing that he cant exact revenge like sasuke can for the loss of a family member, then thats where the difference lies. However, is it really worse to give up on living a dark vengeful life, than to pursue that?
Neji still had his clan to look after and care for him, sasuke didnt....not being able to vent the anger of his loss by killing the person he blames for his dad's death shouldnt justify it being worse off
Tue, 06-08-2004, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by: Mae
Yes, Sasuke was happy before his family was killed, but what did he have after that? Naruto at least had a hope for the future, that one day if he worked hard someone would recognize him and his life would change.
No matter what he does Sasuke can never get his family back. This will never change for him, and he will miss them for the rest of his life. All he has, at least in the beginning of the series, is his revenge. So I think Sasuke had it worse than Naruto.
Still, I thinks Gaara had the roughest past of anyone. Not only did the one person who seemed to care about him die in front of him, but to find out that he was never loved at all... And he still misses his uncle and his mother, even knowing that they hated him.
Well Naruto cant get his family back either his mom is dead and his father too.
I just dont see how Sasuke had worse than Naruto.
Tue, 06-08-2004, 09:27 AM
yes but he didnt see it happen did he. its just shear stupidity to sugest that naruto had a harder past than sasuke.
Uchiha Barles
Tue, 06-08-2004, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
i dont think so......the "dispair" that you had distinguished from sadness shouldnt be any different than what the other branch members feel
however, head members rarely go and kill branch members, and if they do, it isnt just because they can. Now if the dispair in neji's case is knowing that he cant exact revenge like sasuke can for the loss of a family member, then thats where the difference lies. However, is it really worse to give up on living a dark vengeful life, than to pursue that?
Neji still had his clan to look after and care for him, sasuke didnt....not being able to vent the anger of his loss by killing the person he blames for his dad's death shouldnt justify it being worse off
Anyone's situation can be made better or worse by the way they choose to take it. Not being able to avenge his father definately contributed to his despair, but there's more to it. His father was feeding him the idea that his talent for the bloodline traits was the greatest out of everyone in the clan. Also, he knew that the difference in power between his father and uncle was negligible. Yet, there was a mountain of difference in their abilities to choose their own pathes in life. This is what makes him different then the rest of the clan (maybe).That cursed seal on his forhead limits him, more so than others, because of his talent. He lives on the whim of another. That seal is there so that if needed, his life can be sacrificed for that of another, regardless of his own will. What he wants doesn't matter. His power, cannot benifit him or anything of his choosing unless it's in line with what someone else wants. All because his father was born thirty seconds later than his uncle? All these things combine to form Neiji's view of life. The view that say "nothing I do matters. there's no way out." It's definately not just about revenge. I don't know how much it's really warrented, but I can understand it. Also, the fact that other branch members may be suffering the same thing doesn't make it any easier. Slavery certainly isn't made less terrible by increasing the numbers of slaves.
Tue, 06-08-2004, 05:35 PM
now you're just talking about how bad the branch members have it, which is not the same as the topic of the discussion "who had the roughest past"
the head/branch system is just a system, like how the mist village used to have a system where half the academy members kill the other half to become ninjas....they may be cruel, but its for the best interest of the village/clan
i dont think the branch members are as bad off as you make it seem. In fact it would seem to me that all head and branch members treat each other as if they are family anyway, the only difference is that the branch members are relied on more for combat and protecting the head family while the head members are relied on for preserving the bloodline (although now that i think about it, i wonder why they dont just put those seal things on ALL hyugas, instead of just some of them)
Uchiha Barles
Tue, 06-08-2004, 08:17 PM
Maybe I didn't do a good enough job of it, but the point of that was to show that in all likelihood, the intensity of neiji's pain is greater than that of the rest of the clan for a couple of reasons. One is that he has a greater talent than all the others and having such talent amount to nothing is painful. Also, it didn't help that his father was feeding him all this stuff about him being the most talented, and about wishing he could give birth to him as a head family member. Just reiterating enough to try and clarify what I said. Another thing I should have added was that, even though the realizations neiji came to probably aren't unique to him, he came to them at a very young age. I'd guess that that also separates him from the rest of the clan as far as the intensity of his pain. Also, there was a definate class distinction between head and branch members as shown by the relationship between neiji's father and his uncle. Regardless of the love they had for each other, neiji's dad didn't hesitate to attack hinata, and the brother didn't hesitate to activate the seal, and neiji had to witness all of that...
The reason I bothered trying to make a distinction between neiji's experiences and that of the rest of the clan is because you said "the 'dispair' that you had distinguished from sadness shouldnt be any different than what the other branch members feel" and I felt there was a need to do so to get my point across as a result. Anyway, regardless of how it comes about, I personally would rather go through life with hatred and purpose rather than despair and being unable to take my own life (for whatever the reason, even if I'm just afraid to do so)
About the seal not being on everybody, you're right, it would make more sense to have it on everyone, but part of the Hyuuga's hook are class relations and birthright. I'm guessing the seal being on just the branch family is to make that concept more apparent.
Tue, 06-08-2004, 10:31 PM
huh? neji can take his own life if he wants too i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
the way neji's personality reflects his past doesnt seem to me like the kind of personality that desires revenge though......its more like, he accepts that some people are given a path the moment they are born, and the death of his father gave him that realization
it doesnt seem like he has any strong feelings about anything during this past saga, except when he attacked hinata....but i think that was more out of jealousy than anything else
Uchiha Barles
Wed, 06-09-2004, 01:34 AM
Yeah, I'm not saying he wants vengence, but if he does, it's lost somewhere within all that feeling sorry for himself. And yeah, he accepts everything you said, but he hates it everyday of his life. And would never stop if he handn't lost to naruto. Ah well, I understand what you're saying, I'm sure you know what I'm trying to say. I'm tired as hell, so I won't be able to give you a good argument at this point. Sorry.
Shinji Ikari
Wed, 06-09-2004, 04:02 PM
I would like to say that it would be moraly wrong to vote on roughest past... As to my knowledge, there is no way to compare sorrow.
Wed, 06-09-2004, 04:16 PM
v_v well.. shinji you do kind of have a point there
Wed, 06-09-2004, 05:11 PM
every character is screwed up in their own and unique way, you cant really say one has had it rougher than the other because its all harsh to each and one of them but effects them all in the same way. (if anyone posted this, sorry, there are 4 pages of post. i dont read that much at school so dont expect me to read that much here i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif )
Shinji Ikari
Thu, 06-10-2004, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by: ShinobiNeko
v_v well.. shinji you do kind of have a point there
Well thank you, I do think so myself i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Thu, 06-10-2004, 04:48 PM
Mon, 05-01-2006, 12:25 AM
IMO becuz sasuke came from konoha's most outstanding clan, which gained him respect among ppl unlyk gaara and naruto. i put gaara 2nd as it doesn tell u much about his life except he was a "moster"
Mon, 05-01-2006, 01:06 AM
I don't even know how people can put Naruto on the list. So he's a freakin' orphan, so what?
The real one with the roughest past is the viewer, for the past year of Naruto.
Mon, 05-01-2006, 01:51 AM
Yeah I agree Naruto's past isn't that rough compared to perhaps Sasuke or Neji. My vote, however, would go to Zabuza. He's been through a lot, way more than any of the Konoha ninjas.
Mon, 05-01-2006, 02:01 AM
also... why the hell did you bring back this almost 2 years old topic??
Mon, 05-01-2006, 02:26 AM
My vote, however, would go to Zabuza. He's been through a lot, way more than any of the Konoha ninjas.
Really? I thought Zabuza always thought of his childhood as happy times. Of course, those happy times were just him slaughtering the graduating class of the Mist Villiage, but hey - it's Zabuza. He enjoyed it. He hasn't been through anything very traumatic or troubling apart from he and Haku's deaths.
Roughest childhood? I say it's a tossup between Gaara and Sasuke in terms of loss, Gaara and Naruto in terms of lonliness/ostracization, or between Lee and Neji in terms of just being fucked over by life.
Mon, 05-01-2006, 02:35 AM
Really? I thought Zabuza always thought of his childhood as happy times. Of course, those happy times were just him slaughtering the graduating class of the Mist Villiage, but hey - it's Zabuza. He enjoyed it. He hasn't been through anything very traumatic or troubling apart from he and Haku's deaths.
Roughest childhood? I say it's a tossup between Gaara and Sasuke in terms of loss, Gaara and Naruto in terms of lonliness/ostracization, or between Lee and Neji in terms of just being fucked over by life.
im not sure why but the "or between Lee and Neji in terms of just been fucked over by life" made me laugh for a long time...:)
but im think prolly the roughest past Haku...i mean he got attacked by his own family and basically exiled, he looks like a girl, and lived on the streets without anything til he met Zabuza
Mon, 05-01-2006, 02:51 AM
gaara. his sand killed his mom when he was born, whole life called monster and only one person said she loves him, father sent people to kill him, the only person who said she loved him attacked him and got killed by gaara's sand. he pretty much has nothing to live for with no goal except for killing everything he sees and being his countries tool. while sasuke still living in other to kill his brother and naruto was just called a monster so he wants to be hokage
Mon, 05-01-2006, 03:06 AM
Really? I thought Zabuza always thought of his childhood as happy times. Of course, those happy times were just him slaughtering the graduating class of the Mist Villiage, but hey - it's Zabuza. He enjoyed it. He hasn't been through anything very traumatic or troubling apart from he and Haku's deaths.
Ah I see.... For me I was thinking more on roughness and how many battles he's gone through while growing up, and not whether it was traumatic or not. As for the most traumatic growing up experience, I'll have to go with Gaara as well. :)
Mon, 05-01-2006, 05:14 AM
Gaara's past makes Naruto's look like a cakewalk. Both have no parents (Gaara even seems to have memories of killing his...), both had to deal with being called monsters, both were isolated because of it.
But having your father try to kill you and the one person who seemed like they loved you actually hate your guts, man that shit is bad.
Sasuke's past had alot of bright spots, but you wonder if that makes the Itachi incident even more painful. Still, he had some good times before that and was popular amongst his peers (even though he didn't seem to enjoy it).
Neji had a pretty shitty past too, but again he was still top of his class, still managed to get acknowledged by the main branch of the Hyuuga family and also learned that his father's selfless actions were appreciated. Recently things have been better for him.
Zabuza I'm not sure about. He didn't seem sad (almost happy) about killing all his comrades. He seems to be quite content in the lifestyle of killing that he was raised in, although I wouldn't be surprised if he 'snapped' at some point. He did have to live with the failed coup, living as a fugitive, but he did also have...
Haku. Haku also had the 'i'm a monster' past going, and the entire thing with his parents was fucked up royally, but at least his mother seemed to really care about him. He was also abandoned for some unknown period of time, became a killer and a fugitive. But I got the feeling that he genuinely was happy because he had Zabuza.
Are we all forgetting about Kimimaro? That guy has a horrific past. No known parents, caged and neglected by his clan, forced to fight (which he did NOT seem to enjoy, he just did it). I'd imagine he had alot of I'm a monster angst going on that wasn't highlighted. Then he gets recruited by Orochimaru of all people, comes down with a fatal disease and 'dies' before he can serve his master. Then he's brought back to life and AGAIN dies before completing his mission while being ridiculed by Naruto, Gaara and Lee about the one bright spot: his serving Orochimaru. And that's a pretty shitty bright spot, but at least Kimi seemed to think of it as a good thing.
So, in sum,
1. Gaara
2. Kimimaro
3. Haku
We don't know enough about Kakashi from the anime yet to rank him here... but it looks like he'll be pretty high.
Mon, 05-01-2006, 07:15 AM
I didn't really consider Kimimaro over the others because he's pretty much a clone of Haku to me. They were both lonely and rejected because of their powers, and found happiness in being used as a tool later on in life (by a villian, no less). The only difference is that Haku had to experience the pain of losing his family, Kimi was probably glad to be rid of his. I also never got the impression that Kimimaro was very bothered by all the stuff in his early life. He just kinda took it all in stride, and was more frustrated and confused than traumatized in my opinion. The two's pasts were pretty similar, and both ended up feeling "useless" to the ones they admired, but Haku also had to deal with his family being killed. I can only really sympathize with one of the two - so Haku gets my vote.
Neither of the two match up to someone like Gaara or Sasuke, though, who have experienced loss yet have never found any peace in their lives. Both Haku and Kimimaro had found happiness by the time we caught up with them. They had found their reason to fight selflessly for another, and be content with their lives. Sasuke...well, Sasuke's character is completely based on the fact that he's utterly consumed by his past. It's turned him into a selfish, power hungry asshole who'll do anything for revenge. Even when the guy tries to be happy, he's haunted by the fact that he's not doing enough to exact his revenge on Itachi.
Lee and Neji have had shit lives, but comparitively better than the above characters. They're struggles were mainly based on limitations they had to face, but haven't had to experience loss or isolation to the degree the others have. They're also reasonably happy atm.
So really thinking about it, I'd say:
1. Gaara
2. Sasuke
3. Haku
4. Naruto
5. Kimimaro
6. Neji
7. Lee
Mon, 05-01-2006, 03:43 PM
im gonna have to go with
Garra first becasue of the whole thing with his father trying to kill him that is hands down crazy. Also he has the person he feels as the only one to care for him try to kill him and say he really didnt llike him. Sasuke goes second because he witnessed his own brother who he looked up to kill his parents even though it was a flash back with the sharigan he still saw how they died. Also he is forced into a destiny of revenge. Kimimaro goes third because he was locked up for years with no real human contact then forced to fight and see his whole clan killed. He is then taking in by one of the worst people ever then dies from an unknown illness before he can accomplish what he lives for. Ok heres when it drops of Naruto is here cause off the whole monster thing like garra but he was able to gain friends by acting like a clown. He also gets a family in sasuke, kakashi, sakura, jiraya and iruka. Neji past is messed up because he is the most blessed member in his clan but will always be marked with the cursed seal just because his father was born minutes after his brother making him a branch family member. His father is also sacraficed for the clan and its head family. What really sucks is he never knew his father did this in his own free will and believes the head family sacrificed him till later on of course. Haku is diffrent to me many may disagree but i believe his past wasnt as bad becasue life was regular untill he learned how to use jutsu and right afterwards he meets zabuza so he doesnt go thru the pain as long as the others. Again this is my opinon nothing really sollid lol.
Mon, 05-01-2006, 04:45 PM
I cant really tell who is the one with roughest past but I cant understand how most of you put sasuke so up in the list. Yeah he had his family killed by his borther, he was genjutsued to see how he made it and so. But he had a family for 8 years he has good memories of ppl loving him he grew on a place where he had love but he ended this twisted? There is a lot of ppl who hasnt even know what parental love is, what friends are for almost all their life. He is just a whining bitch "my family was killed buahhhh" omg he could fuck all the female ninjas in the academy! he is admired by almost everybody, ppl care about him. He is the weakest minded person of all Naruto together with Sakura.
Mon, 05-01-2006, 05:12 PM
hmmm this question brings up to my mind.
What is more painful?
Never having parents that love you? or
Having parents loved you, then one day die and never to come back?
Very hard decision to me
Mon, 05-01-2006, 05:58 PM
I have a worse past than all of them ....just this morning i sat on my pen and got ink all over my fav shirt and pants :( :D
Sasuke : Had the person he most admired betray him and murder his entire clan.
Kimi : He spent most of his life feared and imprisoned in a cage.
Haku : His mother killed by his father and driven from his home by those who hated him.
Neji : Born into a life of servitude and essentially denied freewill (not to mention the thing with his dad)
while the rest didn't really have a wonderful past it was more of a case of noone likes me im all alone ..but you know what they'll move on and get over it and the worlds always gonna be full of people that arn't gonna like you.
Mon, 05-01-2006, 08:30 PM
Well, gathering my thoughts:
- Sasuke's entire clan was murdered by his own brother whom he (and everyone else) greatly admired. Effect? Still in play. His entire life turned around and the goal he set out is to take vengeance on his brother. He pretty much had it going on, what with all the girls liking him (with exceptions, of course) and being a genius, but it was ruined.
- Tsunade may be hokage and (now) have faith in Naruto, but her two most loved ones died.
- Kimi never really had or got anything. As GhostKaGe stated, he spent most of his life in solitude. He was merely Orochimaru's pawn, and ended up dead, no one shedding a single tear.
- Neji's problems turned out to be temporary, as he's now slightly better off. Of course, he's still a part of the lower line of the Hyuuga clan and his father's dead, but it's really not as bad as his father being used by his uncle and him living on his own in the streets. He's got something. In fact, a number of people's fathers have passed away, but his father passed away for a nobler reason.
- Haku's father killed his mother and he spent most of his life despised because of his bloodline. He followed Zabuza in hope of some reason to live, and he eventually sacrificed his life to save Zabuza. Both of them are dead. (:O...)
- Naruto's past really bites. His parents are dead, he has a demon fox sealed inside of him so children used to pick on him, and girls find him rude and/or annoying.
Mon, 05-01-2006, 08:54 PM
What about that little kid in the curry of life filler arcs? He's pretty much another Haku / Kinimaro, but he's got immobile legs to top that off. He also doesn't die serving his master, though, and ends up happily making... curry... so I guess he's not that high up there.
I feel (like most people) that Gaara had the suckiest past. He's got Naruto's isolation and Sasuke's betrayal and murder factor. Really sucks to be him.
Mon, 05-01-2006, 08:58 PM
I cant really tell who is the one with roughest past but I cant understand how most of you put sasuke so up in the list. Yeah he had his family killed by his borther, he was genjutsued to see how he made it and so. But he had a family for 8 years he has good memories of ppl loving him he grew on a place where he had love but he ended this twisted? There is a lot of ppl who hasnt even know what parental love is, what friends are for almost all their life. He is just a whining bitch "my family was killed buahhhh" omg he could fuck all the female ninjas in the academy! he is admired by almost everybody, ppl care about him. He is the weakest minded person of all Naruto together with Sakura.
But isnt it worst to have something taken away from you instaed of never having it? Think about it for a second say u lived almost the perfect life a family thats well respected, a mother and father that loves you, and a brother you look up to. Then imagine the person you looked up to most just kills everyone you cheerished most. Its 10X worst having something taken away from you then never having it at all especially the way this happened.
Tue, 05-02-2006, 04:40 AM
Thats another discussion. I think that is better something good even if its for a short time than never having it, but that is just a personal thought. What isnt so subjective is that Sasuke had everything to recover from that truly shocking event. He could have almost as many friends as he wanted, he had people that acknowledged him but he chosed to stay down. He wasnt strong enough to keep going, im not talking about forgetting his revenge. But he could have lived better than those other "monsters". Well this is only my opinion.
Tue, 05-02-2006, 04:09 PM
Thats another discussion. I think that is better something good even if its for a short time than never having it, but that is just a personal thought. What isnt so subjective is that Sasuke had everything to recover from that truly shocking event. He could have almost as many friends as he wanted, he had people that acknowledged him but he chosed to stay down. He wasnt strong enough to keep going, im not talking about forgetting his revenge. But he could have lived better than those other "monsters". Well this is only my opinion.
Sasuke didn't do all of those things because hatred, not depression. That's the key difference I notice. I don't think he ever once tried to ellicit sympathy out of anyone because of what happened. I would call him emotionally weak, but only for choosing the wrong path to follow, and not because he's some emo kid who likes to complain.
Sasuke felt living a "normal" life after what happened would be a waste of his time. He didn't chose to "stay down", he chose to "move forward"...just, in a very different direction than everyone else. He's been forced to live a life of hatred - just remember Itachi's last words to him.
Fri, 05-05-2006, 03:43 PM
I feel (like most people) that Gaara had the suckiest past. He's got Naruto's isolation and Sasuke's betrayal and murder factor. Really sucks to be him.
Spoiler: (highlight)
He's Kazekage now, though
Fri, 05-05-2006, 05:41 PM
Spoiler: (highlight)
Possible Spoiler (highlight):
We're talking about his past, not his future.
Wed, 05-10-2006, 06:14 AM
Ah, my bad. Missed that part. In that case, I'd agree with you.
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