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Zabuza No Jutsu
Wed, 05-19-2004, 06:26 PM
Hey guys...just a quick question

Maybe this has been addressed in a previous topic..i'm not sure, but...any guesses on how many more Anime episodes there will be/ when the writers will stop making Naruto (i know it's a nightmare-inducing thought but lol) I just hope they continue to like episode 500+
And, probably the worst thing that could happen would be for the USA/UK to get it's hands on it. Non-japanese Naruto would tottally SUCK!

Wed, 05-19-2004, 07:03 PM
im pretty sure this has been discussed already, but i think that it will end around a little more tha 100 episodes. to be honest, i hope it doesnt last 500 episodes because i dont want it ending up like a stupid dbz series. i want it to end with me remembering it being the best it was and not showing new stupid episodes repeating the same predictable story like dbz went through.

Wed, 05-19-2004, 07:06 PM
well i think its going to be a while because of all the storylines that have been introduced and all the side stories to come. Like Naruto becoming Hokage, Sasuke and Itachi, Sakura being with someone, the 4th, Orchi and his arms, the Orginazation Itachi is in, Kakashi's story, hell there is just so much more to be shown I think it will go for a well 200 if not more episodes. Something like InuYasha or One Piece.

Wed, 05-19-2004, 07:17 PM

Wed, 05-19-2004, 07:25 PM
The serise is going to be going on for at lest another 100 eps but thats just to catch up to the manga. and thats not going to stop any time soon,

Personal Note. All this Negative talk about naruto getting licenced is really annoying. Do you Think you will only be able to gain access to the dub at that point? Vary Unlikely. You did notice that All Anime DVD's by good Companties have Dubs and subs right? Haveing Dubs gets new people hooked on anime. Grrr. nuf small rant for now

Wed, 05-19-2004, 07:26 PM
Hopefully it won't end soon, and if it does end, there's gotta be a Naruto Reloaded or Naruto Z or fans will wail at Kishimoto for the rest of his life. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Wed, 05-19-2004, 07:43 PM
LOL, then a Naruto Revolutions/GT wont that be a gay display of a rip off

Wed, 05-19-2004, 07:55 PM
I have a feeling it's gonna go at least 180 eps, it's just a feeling I have when I look at everything that's going on and the time it has taken for naruto to develope to the point he is now he's still got a long way to go.....that is unless they pull one of those skip a few years jobs and then everyone is like 8 years older.

Wed, 05-19-2004, 08:05 PM
they'll probably do something like 2 or 3 yrs.

Wed, 05-19-2004, 08:10 PM
anime might stop soon. but the manga has A LOT to finish. we're currently at 215 right now.

Wed, 05-19-2004, 08:26 PM
It would be sad if Naruto anime ended without finishing the entire story, but that HAS happened to many anime series before. Anime costs a LOT more to produce, and if ratings slip .. then bye-bye Naruto. It's just a business decision like any other .. so let's hope it stays popular enough to be completed.

Given the character/plot progression, if we were to take the current plotlines (Naruto becoming Hokage, Sasuke vs Itachi, explaining the past of the 4th, etc ..) to their end, the manga would probably go to around chapter 400, which would mean 200+ anime eps?

Wed, 05-19-2004, 09:06 PM
Naruto isnt going to end anytime soon, period.

Wed, 05-19-2004, 11:20 PM
some perspective anime is around chaper 144 of the manga .. manga currently has 215 chapters ... and its no where even close to coming to a conclusion

Wed, 05-19-2004, 11:25 PM
Since One Piece is on 195 and I heard it show's no sign of ending, I'm guessing they both will run for 300-350episodes or until it loses it's time slot like Inuyasha.

Thu, 05-20-2004, 02:17 AM
no end in sight i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

But it would be better if it didn't have TOO many eps, say 200+

Zabuza No Jutsu
Thu, 05-20-2004, 12:05 PM
You think that any company would ever produce a game for PC? I'd LOVE to own the gamecube games/ps2 game but i'm not gonna go importing a japanese gamecube! Chipping my ps2 would be an option though....hmm..

Thu, 05-20-2004, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by: Zabuza No Jutsu
You think that any company would ever produce a game for PC? I'd LOVE to own the gamecube games/ps2 game but i'm not gonna go importing a japanese gamecube! Chipping my ps2 would be an option though....hmm..

No need to get an imported GC, there's a bootdisc (http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?category=81&products_id=1964&) that plays import games (http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?category=52&products_id=3846).

And I doubt that they'd make a pc Naruto game however some groups are working on Naruto Mods for games like HL2 and regular HL.

Naruto won't be licensed or ended anytime soon...i hope.

Zabuza No Jutsu
Thu, 05-20-2004, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by: animemaster

Originally posted by: Zabuza No Jutsu
You think that any company would ever produce a game for PC? I'd LOVE to own the gamecube games/ps2 game but i'm not gonna go importing a japanese gamecube! Chipping my ps2 would be an option though....hmm..

No need to get an imported GC, there's a bootdisc (http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?category=81&products_id=1964&) that plays import games (http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?category=52&products_id=3846).

And I doubt that they'd make a pc Naruto game however some groups are working on Naruto Mods for games like HL2 and regular HL.

Naruto won't be licensed or ended anytime soon...i hope.

Bootdisk? Is that for PS2? I dont even have a non-japanese gamcube lol...still...i suppose there's always the option of the GBA naruto game...cheap to buy...anyone know if they're any good?

Thu, 05-20-2004, 12:22 PM
Not anytime soon I bet. Because Kishimoto has really opened a can of worms, He has given us a unique world. Just like Lord of The Rings, with each person in the Konoha village with their own story to tell and family treeline untold.

Thu, 05-20-2004, 12:27 PM
Yep this shows a keeper. Course all good things eventually do come to an end. The simpsons have been on air for over thirteen years and some people still enjoy that so who knows how long this one will last.

I'm sure he'll have the sense of when the show needs to be put out to pasture and come to a conclusion.
Course we're only seeing them as kids who knows how long this show will last. As long as its good quality I hope it lasts a long time. If it goes the way of DBZ and that refuse god help us all.

Thu, 05-20-2004, 02:26 PM
I think it'd be cool to end with itachi and becoming chuunin. Then make a new series where they are chuunin. Then another at Jounin, and then an Origins OVA about the 1st and 2nd hokages and the starting of konoha, and another OVA about naruto's grandson and him trying to live up to naruto's legacy, where he really surpases it, and is as strong as naruto is now at konohamaru's age...

Thu, 05-20-2004, 11:56 PM
Uh, I don't know about any of that, but if the current characters stories every run their course, I would not be averse to them running another series with the next generation, provided the storyline was suitably different.

With Naruto as a grown up Hokage, and Konohamaru as one of the villiages Jounin. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Kakashi kun
Fri, 05-21-2004, 11:49 AM
I hope it will end at 150, not to long and not to short......

Fri, 05-21-2004, 01:14 PM
Sorry, but doubt it i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Zabuza No Jutsu
Fri, 05-21-2004, 06:16 PM
150? no way! i think it'll be at least 200 (with any luck) Naruto is a series best kept running...everyone LOVES it...check the stats...gotwoot.net, episode 83 over 40000 people downloaded it, more than ever before. So much more has got to happen, and hopefulli they'll introduce some new characters! But i reckon the presence of Itachi will linger for t least 10 eps.

Fri, 05-21-2004, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by: Zabuza No Jutsu
150? no way! i think it'll be at least 200 (with any luck) Naruto is a series best kept running...everyone LOVES it...check the stats...gotwoot.net, episode 83 over 40000 people downloaded it, more than ever before. So much more has got to happen, and hopefulli they'll introduce some new characters! But i reckon the presence of Itachi will linger for t least 10 eps.

But does'nt it only matter what the people like in japan?

Hokage Naruto
Sat, 05-22-2004, 10:58 PM
i hope that it stays soo good that it can run on for a long time and the ratings will never drop, but i guess thats just a dream of mine, If it happens i will be happy. It sure seems like that will happen though. One piece still stayed good too, but i think its starting to slip.