View Full Version : ALL STAR LINE UP

Mon, 05-17-2004, 11:37 PM
Well, from what im getting after going to IGN, the all star line up seems to be : HALO 2 (which btw looks ultimately beautiful), HL2, and Doom3. Honestly, im waiting most for Halo 2. That looks absolutely gorgeous. Ive played the alpha of Doom 3 and it didn't have the classic appeal as the previous titles. But of course, HL2 is gonna be the greatest PC game in history. Its gonna be so out of this world, or possibly even out of this demension i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif.

Tue, 05-18-2004, 12:52 AM
Though im not into gaming much nowadays, I'm looking forward to Doom3 the most. I heard Halo was overrated, so i never played the first one. I hear a lot of good things about HL2, it should be a pretty mean game. I saw my brother play a demo of Doom3, and i thought it looked interesting (hopefully it isn't repetative).

Tue, 05-18-2004, 12:57 AM
halo is the most overrated game of all time. the graphics were pretty nice, but fun factor = SO SO. and i can't see myself playing that game and enjoying it if i were to play it right now. longevity = not good.

Tue, 05-18-2004, 12:59 AM
Halo 2 really has to succeed otherwise it'll be the end of the Xbox, the whole console is virtually riding on that one game.

Half Life 2; I've never wanted a game so much in my life, and that's really saying something for me.

Tue, 05-18-2004, 08:15 AM
ive got to disagree wit u there raven i do not think halo 2 has to be good or it will be the end of xbox thats just bull. and destiny if u aint played halo dont just listen to other ppl try the game out b4 u say stuff. its fun 1player and even more fun having link up and drinking beer i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif. and i really cant wait for all 3 of the games u said to come out but halo 2 the most ^_^

Tue, 05-18-2004, 09:50 AM
are you a total idiot? What about Legend of Zelda!?!?! that games more important than doom 3... Gah... and ::cries:: I want a DS!?!

(sorry, I didn't mean to call you an idiot, I just like zelda too much...)

Tue, 05-18-2004, 11:33 AM
best of e3 was the legend of zelda, world of warcraft, nintendo ds, metroid, tekken 5, gran turismo 4, metal gear solid 3, prince of persia 2, and ffxii. for us anime fans, we got a cowboy bebop game and a ghost in the shell game coming out. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Tue, 05-18-2004, 11:53 AM
mmmm........4 player metroid prime.......

Tue, 05-18-2004, 03:07 PM
mmm 16 player metroid game on the DS....

Wed, 05-19-2004, 12:14 AM
isnt it up to 12 players for ds?

well, if you have to look and shoot with your finger on the one screen, like i think you do.....then that might be a tad bit ghetto

Wed, 05-19-2004, 12:33 AM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
halo is the most overrated game of all time. the graphics were pretty nice, but fun factor = SO SO. and i can't see myself playing that game and enjoying it if i were to play it right now. longevity = not good.

I second that opinion.

Wed, 05-19-2004, 01:09 AM
halo was fun, but truth of it all is that 1st person shooters are always gonna be better on pc.....so a console 1st person shooter should never be a console-selling game

metroid prime, however, i'd have to say handles more like the 3d zelda games, so i couldnt imagine playing that without the gcn controller

Wed, 05-19-2004, 01:40 AM
Originally posted by: Toruxxx
ive got to disagree wit u there raven i do not think halo 2 has to be good or it will be the end of xbox thats just bull.
So what does the Xbox have going for it besides Halo? You seem to think it has something else up its sleeve.

Wed, 05-19-2004, 01:51 AM
xbox has nothing. game quality wise, ps2 destroys everything. halo 2 better save its ass, or watch xbox turn into sega dream cast.

Wed, 05-19-2004, 02:42 AM
Hehe, yeah. Poor Sega, it's sad really.

toruxxx: What's wrong with me saying people said it's overrated? Is it insulting? Besides, it's the truth, most people do think that way about Halo. I'd try it, but it aint worth my time and money if im only going to get sick of it quickly.

Wed, 05-19-2004, 05:27 AM
Have people been keeping an eye on Resident Evil 4? I cannot believe how awesome this game looks.

It's got a whole new 3d engine, no more static bitmap backdrops from the previous games. And there's an over-the-shoulder viewpoint now, with the option of first person. The graphics are spectacular, you think they're pre-rendered but they're all in-game.

If you get a chance, d/l the E3 video. It took my breath away, I'll be buying it for sure.

Wed, 05-19-2004, 05:39 AM
xbox is riding on halo 2. xbox=halo player. i mean it really has no games for it. but i think nintendo might be going the way of sega, in the us anyway. they need to try and make their games more mature, even the gc itself looks kitty in a way.

Wed, 05-19-2004, 07:06 AM
GC is kitty. Im sure its focused in the younger players, cos it really doesnt hav any mature commendable games. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicals maybe, but i heard that it wasnt as good as the others.

Wed, 05-19-2004, 07:28 AM
GC needs to be aimed at the younger (12 and under) set .. that way that age group has a whole system/games that they can relate to. Nintendo was always great at making games (Mario/Zelda/etc) that appeal mainly to kids.

PS and PS2 do much better than Nintendo at the 13 and up age group, and that's probably what will continue to be Sony's best customers, with more mature titles like Devil May Cry, GTA series, etc.

Xbrick .. well, still not sure why M$ stuck their big fat head in the console industry .. I know they have lost billions on Xbox so far (costs far exceeding income related to Xbox), but they still continue to push the Xbox really hard. There aren't very many decent games for it, and most of them are MUCH better on a decent PC. Problem is, Microsoft wants to make as many Xbox titles as possible 'exclusive' .. which means games that would normally be available for PC are suddenly bought up and the PC versions disappear or suffer extremely long delays.

The Halo/Bungie/Microsoft debacle is a whole story in itself i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif

Swallow Your Soul
Wed, 05-19-2004, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
...a ghost in the shell game coming out. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

....what? ....WHAT? Really? i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif

I never heard about this (which isn't a shock cos I only follow games news when I'm in Uni killing time between lectures, and I'm on "study leave"), although would it be released over here? Theres a Blood: The Last Vampire game apparently for PS2 and as far as I know that was released in Japan but not Europe i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif. If it was released then that'd be well ace.

I'm half looking forward to and half dreading FFXII, though to be honest from what I've seen of the actual game...it looks kinda naff visually imho...the main character looks crap, and possibly has the most punchable face in video game history. Heres a quote from Gamespot that leaves me quite worried:

"This does not play like any previous Final Fantasy games. In fact, you could easily mistake it for an action adventure game rather than a standard console RPG, but don't take that remark the wrong way. All it means is that Final Fantasy XII does away with the awkward, yet ancient, role-playing conventions of random battles and jarring transitions between exploration and combat. Instead, in Final Fantasy XII, you'll never get taken out of the core gameplay experience, except when the game shows you a cinematic cutscene or when you access your status menus.

That means combat occurs seamlessly within the game's fully 3D environments--no screen-shattering, no your-guys-on-one-side-bad-guys-on-the-other-side battle screen, no signature Final Fantasy victory music as you collect your gil and cure potions after you win. None of that. And you know what? We got the distinct impression that this is the best thing to happen to the series in a while."

Call me stuck in the past, but I LIKE all those 'awkward, ancient conventions'...X-2 and Crystal Chronicles are different enough from the rest (especially Crystal Chronicles with all the hack and slash stuff)...just how far removed is this gonna be from the rest of the series?


Wed, 05-19-2004, 09:24 AM
-from gamers.com

"Back on the original PlayStation, a game based on the popular Japanese anime Ghost In the Shell was released, offering lots of tank action with an import flavor that gamers seemed to enjoy. Now the license has returned, this time to a bigger platform.

Bandai has announced Ghost In the Shell: Stand Alone Complex for the PlayStation 2 console. The game will allow you to take control of one of three different characters and flow through a number of stages, with material based on the forthcoming anime film of the same name. Some multiplayer features will also be implemented into the final game, along with the possibility of footage from the film.

Both the Ghost In the Shell: Stand Alone Complex game and the movie are scheduled for release later this year."

i hope they dont take too mcuh away from the traditional ff experience in xii, i like ff's style. btw has anyone played onimusha 3 yet? it looks awesome i cant wait to get my hands on it...

Wed, 05-19-2004, 12:45 PM
believe it or not that game is actually better than Ninja Gaiden, and the combos are badass

Wed, 05-19-2004, 03:37 PM
Final Fantasy XII sounds a lot different from the others... and i dunno if it's a good thing. I wonder how it's gonna work with all that stuff taken out

Wed, 05-19-2004, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by: Destiny
GC is kitty. Im sure its focused in the younger players, cos it really doesnt hav any mature commendable games. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicals maybe, but i heard that it wasnt as good as the others.

kitty is just an exaggerrated misconception.....and even if it wasnt, it would only apply to the visual element of the game anyway.....i'd make that sacrifice to play something that has 10x more replay value than most of the higher end ps2 games

Wed, 05-19-2004, 05:40 PM
im the kinda person who doesnt care if a game has tons of blood or w/e in it, as long as its fun, thats why im getting a gamecube. the reason the ps2 is the best seller is because it appeals to people between 13-30 or something like that, while nintendo is like 12 and under, so who is more likely to buy the most games? nintendo has all their cool games like metroid, pokemon, mario, starfox etc. but ps2 has tekken, gta, mgs, vf, devil may cry, onimusha etc etc.

Wed, 05-19-2004, 05:55 PM
how the hell can any1 be anticipating halo2 over HL2 and doom3? need i remind u HL and doom were completely revolutionary for their time. halo is jst a passing fad game. nothing special. (BF1942 got there first with the whole "massive maps, vehicles included" multiplayer thing)

Wed, 05-19-2004, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
im the kinda person who doesnt care if a game has tons of blood or w/e in it, as long as its fun, thats why im getting a gamecube. the reason the ps2 is the best seller is because it appeals to people between 13-30 or something like that, while nintendo is like 12 and under, so who is more likely to buy the most games? nintendo has all their cool games like metroid, pokemon, mario, starfox etc. but ps2 has tekken, gta, mgs, vf, devil may cry, onimusha etc etc.

yeah.....people pay good money for those red pixels and jiggling polygons i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif

Thu, 05-20-2004, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by: r3n
how the hell can any1 be anticipating halo2 over HL2 and doom3? need i remind u HL and doom were completely revolutionary for their time. halo is jst a passing fad game. nothing special. (BF1942 got there first with the whole "massive maps, vehicles included" multiplayer thing)

i know how much of an impact doom and hl had on PC gaming. Just because a game isnt the first at doing something doesnt mean that its gonna suck. And i have played doom 3, even if it was only the alpha, and i honestly did not like it that much. It didnt have the same appeal as the original games. And the HL clips are amazing, but ive never been into HL 1. I tried playing and never got really into it. However, right now, Halo has been extremly fun. Me and my friends just link up two Xboxes, two rooms, and play CTF. Its good fun. I dont care about the revolutionary things these games have done, its just that ive been enjoying Halo lately - that is why i anticipate Halo 2 more than Hl2 and doom3.

Swallow Your Soul
Thu, 05-20-2004, 03:08 AM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
Both the Ghost In the Shell: Stand Alone Complex game and the movie are scheduled for release later this year."

Stand Alone Complex...movie?


Do they mean Innocence when they say 'movie' or what?

Thu, 05-20-2004, 06:56 AM
nope the new series and game are both known as Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex.

Swallow Your Soul
Thu, 05-20-2004, 12:57 PM
Ahhh I've looked at the pics of the GitS game and it looks well ace...it BETTER get a European release and it seriously better have the option of having the Japanese voice-over characters with subs like the .hack game...otherwise I'll have to get my PS2 modded and get the Jap version!

Thu, 05-20-2004, 02:49 PM
yeah the screens on ign look cool. theres also a video and screens for the cowboy bebop game thats coming out soon for ps2 at ign, but it doesnt show much.