View Full Version : Naruto's secret
Fri, 05-14-2004, 07:16 PM
So, i'm not sure if this has been discussed. But now that the 3rd is dead. Will people start talking out loud about naruto having the kyubi inside. Will the other 11 main genins find out? and if so, how will they react? Especially sasuke and sakura. Let me know what you guys think.
Fri, 05-14-2004, 07:30 PM
Why would they start talking after the 3rd is dead? Anyway, the 3rd's been dead for ages, and nobody's said anything yet.
I think Sasuke and Sakura already suspect something. I mean, Naruto can somehow just pull chakra out of nowhere, it's pretty obvious.
Fri, 05-14-2004, 07:40 PM
if sasuke can't figure out what's up with naruto, then he is an idiot. cuz naruto sucks, so sasuke has to know that there is more than just determination and will involved.
Fri, 05-14-2004, 07:49 PM
Well, no one's talked about it yet because they're busy rebuilding their village and worrying about safety. But as naruto returns and becomes a better ninja it will happen. Also team 7 is a pretty damn strong genin team. they'll get attention sooner or later even though sakura is useless.
Fri, 05-14-2004, 08:33 PM
Actually, his secret being revealed would be a good thing. Then he'd really have to bust his hump to show that he's not some kid who relies on kyuubi to do all the fighting for him.
Fri, 05-14-2004, 11:46 PM
Sasuke already knows about it. Sakura was sleeping!! Lazy bum.
Talk about it?? Hmm. Maybe not, because Sasuke isn't the social type. And Sakura, likewise, sleeping. Lazy lazy girl. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Even if the gennins do know, Naruto has been rather nice, and not claiming everybodies blood. So for the most, logically, I would think, is people would still react the same to him. Good ol noisy naruto.
Just like, you know your best friend for so long, and one day he tells you his gay.
Hmm. Bad example.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 04:01 AM
Originally posted by: hornetmike
Well, no one's talked about it yet because they're busy rebuilding their village and worrying about safety. But as naruto returns and becomes a better ninja it will happen. Also team 7 is a pretty damn strong genin team. they'll get attention sooner or later even though sakura is useless.
team 7 doesnt exist anymore sasuke has abandoned the leaf, he threw away his forehaed protector and running to orochimaru.......
if sasuke dont suspect anything hes a moron dont know about sakura tho since she always have been knocked out when naruto uses kyubi power(exept the chuunin exam fight against neji). and why would they talk about kyubi now? its not like the law doesnt exist anymore, tsunade is the hokage now and probably havent changed that law.
Death BOO Z
Sat, 05-15-2004, 04:12 AM
Sasuke doesn't know about it, if he did, then he wouldn't have run off to Orochimaru.
Sasuke hasn't seen a few stages in Naruto's development, he didn't see him kicking Haku's ass (which is a good thing) he hasn't seen him fighting neither Kiba nor Neji, he doesn't know he fought Kabuto (actually, he doesn't even know Kabuto is evil) from sasuke's point of view, Naruto has gone right through the loser child in the academy, to saving his ass twice (2nd exam, and gaara fight) with 'magic' power, stole his life perpouse (in the Itachi incident) and even outdone him (hospital fight).
and since Sasuke believes in blood rights and supremity of bodies, he knows that something isn't right in the leaf if Naruto (the supreme looser) is getting stronger than him (the heir to the Uchihas), and when someone presents him the oppertuinity to get stronger in a short time, while throwing in some carefully thought of remarks (the potentiel crap, and what the sound 4 said), Sasuke goes crazy to restore his pride as superior, and runs off with the sound...
if Sasuke would have known about the fox, he could have said to himself that it's only because of the monster that his brother is so intrested in Naruto and that the only reason Naruto grows stronger is the fox.
that would be a perfect lie that he could tell himself while he's angsting about his family instead of doing real trainning.
about the rest of the genins, i reckon that only Sakura, Kiba and Neji would be able to see through the fox and believe that Naruto's strenght comes from him, and not only because of the demon,,,, actully, i'm not sure about Kiba, he has a 50\50 chance to understand that, it all depends if he lives to that point. Shikamaru isn't in the list becuase it would be too tiresome for him to change his attitude towards someone.
And Hinata? i thought it goes without saying, but since i'm already saying it, then i'm sure she won't change her behavior towards him, maybe she'll even use this chance to get closer to him...
Sat, 05-15-2004, 08:50 AM
The other genin probably don't understand that Naruto's hidden power comes from Kyubi, but they know he has one. Naruto sucks without it (could barely beat Kiba), so it's pretty obvious.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 09:21 AM
I wonder what Lee woul think. Also, i'm almost sure that sasuke doesn't know about naruto yet. He jut feels like his potential is being stunted in the leaf. and also that a loser like naruto is outdoing him while he remains pretty much the same.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 11:48 AM
naruto isnt really a loser. he learned the rasengan in a week and he mastered kage bunshin in less than a day and his worst skill was bunshin no jutsu. he is also very dedicated and trains everyday. the loser is sasuke even if he got potential he doesnt take advantage of it.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 01:04 PM
The loser part was "hello" sarcasm. we know he's not a loser, but that's what he's thought of by everyone as a loser. even though kakashi realizes his potential, he still doesn't really take him very seriously. Especially when it comes to training.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 09:57 PM
THe only people who know are the older people in the village. I do however tihnk Sasuke suspects something from his reaction in the Gaaraa fight when Naruto did the henge (is that what it was called, i cant remeber) jutsu and he recaled all the past memories of naruto "loer"ing it up. He definatley thinks he either has a secret power or has trained really hard. No one else suspects it. Possibly Sakura as she was told he saved her, other then that I tihnk the Genins dont know.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by: Stoopider
Sasuke already knows about it. Sakura was sleeping!! Lazy bum.
Talk about it?? Hmm. Maybe not, because Sasuke isn't the social type. And Sakura, likewise, sleeping. Lazy lazy girl. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Even if the gennins do know, Naruto has been rather nice, and not claiming everybodies blood. So for the most, logically, I would think, is people would still react the same to him. Good ol noisy naruto.
Just like, you know your best friend for so long, and one day he tells you his gay.
Hmm. Bad example.
Sasuke is not aware of it cuz he is blinded by his obsession with his superiority. Anything nartuo does thats looks impressive, sasuke reacts surpised then angry then pity.
Naruto doesnt change form like gaara, for genin to figure it out by themselves is very unlikely, they are not going to say , o hey hes the kyubi, o wait whats a kyubi?
good example , Neji, who fought naruto and saw the fox in him. And becaus of Neji's back ground(it various with every char cuz of their goals/hope and personality) he didnt see the kyubi but a guy who can change fate . Of course it helps that Naruto being clumsy/noisy/loser then determined/courageous in criticial situations, that precept in every anime's main char has a strong effect on ppl. (another example ,Gaara vs Naruto)
Sun, 05-16-2004, 07:57 AM
Sasuke feels totally threatened by Naruto's growth. Because Sasuke is trying to be the strongest ninja in the village to kill his brother. And when he see's a nobody like Naruto far surpass him, thats the wakeup call that he should do something about it.
Not only that, Sasuke is supposed to be a prodigy and the last of his clan. The last surviving member either than Itachi. It's hard to imagine the enormous ammount of self inflicted pressure that falls on himself.
I was in awe at the stupid look on Sasuke's face when Naruto Kage Bunshin a whole forest of himself, and summonned the Gamabunta in the anime several episodes ago.
And the easiest/stupidest path to excel is to cheat his way up. Going after Orochimaru.
But like Kakashi says, if he succumbs to Oro's 'free power', thats the end of his growth. I wonder how much truth is in that.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 12:01 PM
couldn't have put it better myself. Though, sasuke is bound to find out jirya(forgot spelling) is teaching naruto if he doesn't already know. If he does, then that could be a reason as to why he's going to oro. because he feels he's not learning enough at the village. even though he has kakashi as his personal bitch. while kakashi pretty much ignores naruto and sakura.
Speaking of which! What is wrong with that guy? he's willing to spend so much time with sasuke but not the others. he doesn't meet them when they don't have missions. It's half his fault that sakura is so useless in the first place. isn't a teacher suppose to provide guidance. he really needs to put that damn dirty book down. and start teaching his team and train them. even gai to some time to train his team eventhough lee is his favorite. but then again, lee was also the one who needed the most work.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 08:07 AM
Jiraya told Kakashi level isnt enough anymore to teach Naruto and that he would train and prepare Naruto for Akatsuki or other dangers.
Jiraya trained the 4th and so he can surely make Naruto a very good ninja. It will be intresting to see in about 50 chapters how good Jiraya has made Naruto.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 08:18 AM
Well , yeah. I know that part but it still doesn't excuse his being lazy at his job. I mean he just tossed them into the chunnin exam without any real preparation. that's just reackless. also how is it he doesn't teach sakura. she's supposed to be smart yet we don't see him telling her to work harder like he says to naruto. I'm pretty sure his level is more than enough to teach sakura's useless ass.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 08:46 AM
I think he trains Sakura but we dont get to see it. Maybe once she uses a technique in a fight they might show how she learned it from Kakashi.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 09:43 AM
She learned Kai (Cancel) from Kakashi, which is a pretty high level Genjutsu dispersion technique, seeing as we only saw ANBU and Jounin using it.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 10:27 AM
I think they will know it sooner or later anyway, well at least naruto's team m8s will know about it soon, sasuke and Sakura
Death BOO Z
Mon, 05-17-2004, 12:34 PM
dear god in heavens above, I think we're on to something..
Sakura actually learnt the 'Kai' move herself, without tutouring... Kakashi says that he 'was right to teach you genjutsu during the survival training', the survival training is chapters 4-8, and he only introduced her to genjutsu, there wasn't any form of 'teaching', therefore, Sakura was able to come up with the 'Kai' buissness herself, or from her books, which is basically the same...
Sakura isn't THAT useless!
Mon, 05-17-2004, 06:01 PM
Oh get real people. kai is a high level dispersion technique. come on. really, come on. So what if she learned it by herself. big whoop. yeah, thats really gonna knock someone out. here's a better idea, maybe she can use it to wake up the viewers of the show if she ever decides to fight Ino again.
And sakur actually participating in the fights. yeah right. maybe yoou don't remember the last time. let's go back to the haku vs. sasuke fight. remember when she tried to help by tossing a kunai to sasuke. remember who got that kunai instead. and oh yeah the chunnin exam where she had naruto and sasuke depending on her useless self. great help, she bit a guy after he hit her with how many shurikens and pounded on her ass. where once again she had to be saved.
I'm sick and tired of her not contributing to the story or the team. she justs takes up space. remember that whole cutting her hair to change bit. what change. and furthermore who the hell is this chick? what the hell do we know about her? why did she even want to become a shinobi? even the shame of her performance should drive her to at least try harder. not only that, but she's judgemental too. hell we know more about shino than her. now some of you guys might think that i hate her. I DO NOT (although deep down, i'm sure part of me does a little). i'm sure she'll be of some importance and useful one day. but give me something. every character has improved except for her.
It doesn't even have to be a drastic improvement or anything. but give me something. have her finally learned how to throw a kunai, or at least do something besides sasuke-kun no jutsu. alright my ranting is over now. i have a paper to write for my business class. Sorry for the long post
Mon, 05-17-2004, 08:05 PM
The Sakura vs Ino fight was extremely well animated (the 1st part anyway) so I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. It's rare we get to see straight taijutsu like that without the flash and pizzazz of Rock Lee or Neji.
Sakura does affect the story in a big way, it's just not with her fighting. It's a shame more people don't realize this.
Do you remember what Sasuke said to Sakura before leaving for the Sound?
"Sakura...thank you."
As far as we've seen, Sasuke has never thanked any other character out loud. The only character he HAS thanked was Rock Lee for letting Sasuke copy his shadow leaf dance.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 10:46 PM
Are you kidding me. i don't want to be rude or offensive, but are you on something. he probably thanked her because he realizes that she cares about him. that's it. she hasn't really contributed much to the story. all the other characters have more depth than her. even konohamaru. she has no goal exept than to get sasuke. and i'd say that's more like an obsession. she doesn't even motivate her team. she's constantly getting in sasuke's way. and always putting naruto down.
Also, i wouldn't count that little speech in the forest during the chunnin exam motivation. more like a speech based on fear. she was scared and needed someone to fight for her once again. But i will give you this, she is smart. but lazy. and also loyal, she just not worth much besides explaining things she learned in a textbook. she doesn't even come up with the plans when the teams is in a bing. she basically served as an annoying cheerleader at this point.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by: hornetmike
Oh get real people. kai is a high level dispersion technique. come on. really, come on. So what if she learned it by herself. big whoop. yeah, thats really gonna knock someone out. here's a better idea, maybe she can use it to wake up the viewers of the show if she ever decides to fight Ino again.
I just want to point out that this post made my day.
Tue, 05-18-2004, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by: SDShamshel
The Sakura vs Ino fight was extremely well animated (the 1st part anyway) so I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. It's rare we get to see straight taijutsu like that without the flash and pizzazz of Rock Lee or Neji.
Sakura does affect the story in a big way, it's just not with her fighting. It's a shame more people don't realize this.
Do you remember what Sasuke said to Sakura before leaving for the Sound?
"Sakura...thank you."
As far as we've seen, Sasuke has never thanked any other character out loud. The only character he HAS thanked was Rock Lee for letting Sasuke copy his shadow leaf dance.
SDShamshei......thank you
do i affect you in a big way? i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Tue, 05-18-2004, 12:35 AM
naruto an sasuke are rivals arnt they ..
sakura is good.. she just dosnt have any specials powers for u guys to recongise her( ie. sharingan, kyubi ect.. ) but out of the 3 isnt she the one who molds her chakra best, so there for if sasuke didnt have his sharingan he would be what.. just some number 1 rookie in his class is the only thing going for him. an even if naruto didnt have the kyubi chakra .. he still has the motivation an stamina + when coming to fight she is more of a magic user so she need someone infront to give her time to perform elite jutsu skills ect.
so i see it 2.naruto 3.sasuke
but obviously its not that way.. =)
Tue, 05-18-2004, 12:40 AM
an as for people thinking diffrent to naruto an the kyubi, why would they unless he was using it for evil purposes.
couse theres ganna be the view villagers who thinking wrong of him.. but i doubt any of his friends,
if anything they would be happy that someone has that power to next time defend the village.
an as for sasuke having a cry an running off to orc .. the shows called naruto anyways.. sasuke is just a jealous mofo! used to make naruto look like the underdog
Tue, 05-18-2004, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by: viciousHyuuga
naruto an sasuke are rivals arnt they ..
sakura is good.. she just dosnt have any specials powers for u guys to recongise her( ie. sharingan, kyubi ect.. ) but out of the 3 isnt she the one who molds her chakra best, so there for if sasuke didnt have his sharingan he would be what.. just some number 1 rookie in his class is the only thing going for him. an even if naruto didnt have the kyubi chakra .. he still has the motivation an stamina + when coming to fight she is more of a magic user so she need someone infront to give her time to perform elite jutsu skills ect.
so i see it 2.naruto 3.sasuke
but obviously its not that way.. =)
sasuke was still be the numberone rookie without his sharingan. he would've kicked everyone's ass in his class when they were all first introduced. sakura would've gotten so scared, she'd piss herself out. and even if naruto didn't have kyubi chakra, i have faith in his dumb ass that he can take her.
and try to use the edit button instead of multi-posting.
Tue, 05-18-2004, 01:13 AM
I think Sakura will be able to defeat anyone who uses mind controlling stuff....
Tue, 05-18-2004, 01:23 AM
I think Kiba would be Down with the fact naruto is baiscally a demon fox. Who better to understand him then Dog boy? They could probly be Really good Friends
Tue, 05-18-2004, 10:26 AM
Oh please XwingRob. she didn't do that on her own last time she was taken over. naruto was screaming his ass off. which is why she became free. also how dumb was she to get stuck with Ino's hair on the floor. for someone who's suppose to be smart. she really doesn't use her brains when the time comes. even naruto tries. but she just freezes up. she doesn't make any suggestions, she's just there. yelling sasuke-kun. hell if i were sasuke i'd probably run away too considering how much this chick is says his name every episode.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 01:05 AM
Hornetmike, none of your freaking arguments make sense. Its blatantly obvious you just hate the ideaof the Sakura character. If she was so irrelevant to the story, Naruto would <u>never</u> have beaten Gaaraa. Remember how he fought to save Sakura? God... characters arent created for no reason, thers more to each character, you jsut have to find it.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 11:00 AM
Then again, Sakura's contribution to the story is pretty much as a trigger, not as a person.
After the chuunin exams and her supposed revelation that she has to work to be a ninja, she's back to her old self - sitting on her butt, worrying about others. So what did she learn, really?
She hasn't grown. If she does, then great. Otherwise, she's a waste of time.
As for the topic: I think a couple of them might. I'd have thought Neji, considering what he saw, realises that Naruto is special; maybe Shika, too, although he probably can't help but see Naruto as an idiot (he was all through the acadamy, after all).
Sun, 05-23-2004, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by: FearTheMullet
Hornetmike, none of your freaking arguments make sense. Its blatantly obvious you just hate the ideaof the Sakura character. If she was so irrelevant to the story, Naruto would <u>never</u> have beaten Gaaraa. Remember how he fought to save Sakura? God... characters arent created for no reason, thers more to each character, you jsut have to find it.
dude if gaara would have trapped a bowl of ramen in his sand naruto woulda schooled him 5x faster!
and can yall still claim she is an important character if all she ever does is yells, bitches, and gets beat down? the village should just kill her off to enforce survival of the fittest cause right now she is the weakest of all the genins maybe save ino, both them just need to get knocked up and move to a far away land. As u can tell i hate sakura, but for good reason i gave her her chance, but she screwed it up, if she is gonna be worthless at this point this far into the series she has no redeeming value.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 12:08 PM
well, she is the only one of team 7 that has had not special teacher for a while, naruto had pervert sensei, angsty had kakashi... both naruto and angsty learned one new move from their trainning, it just turns out that nartuo's is greater.. well the anime is named after him, and naruto is way sexier than angsty...
i think he just thanked her because he didnt feel like wasting time killng her... he is onyl going level 2 to kill his brother, if angsty is really that pissed at naruto he is sadder than i thought, itachi snotted him like nothing, at least he knows he can beat naruto or land a blow on him... his goal shouldnt have changed because of naruto's increase in power... i wonder if angsty knew that the level 2 will stop him from getting any more power past that, he'd still go through with it.. does itachi even have a seal? i just read the manga up to 216, and dont bother with long anime no matter how good...
Sun, 05-23-2004, 12:20 PM
About Sakura at current she sucks, but time would tell what she'll be,Kishimoto likes glamourizing the underdogs. But as always, She's never meant to be a fighter ninja. Sakura is smart, or booksmart. She's never meant to be on the battlefield. However with her great chakra control, she'll probably be a doctor or something.
It's not nice to talk behind people's back saying that they suck. Even if it's just a cartoon. She would be sad by your strong words albinofury i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif.
Oh yeah syllaw, Angsty's name is Sasuke. Just in case u didin't know i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif. Oh yeah, Welcome to the Gotwoot Forums.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by: syllaw
does itachi even have a seal?
no, he doesn't have a seal (assuming you're refering to curse seal).
Sun, 05-23-2004, 12:52 PM
yeah i know angsty's name but one of the reasons i just stopped watching the anime was because one time he made an appearance as some linkin park came on the background... one always now reminds me of the other...
itachi doesnt have a seal yet he totaly served angsty, do you think its too late for him to go back since he broke out the barrel.. man i cant wait for 217...
Stoopider... now that you mention that she should be the 5th's apprentice... yeah i really am horrible with names, or maybe the 5th's apprentice apprentice heh heh.. it seems that kakashi isnt really worried about his students, well he doesnt have anyone to care about, all of the people he cared for are already dead or something like that he said to angsty when he got all angsty at him lol..
and besides the naruto shouting i believe sakura having two personalities turned the match into a draw.. ino is obviously better because ino has that ability, and still managed to just be on par with sakura
Sun, 05-23-2004, 02:10 PM
Well, i believe a lot of you may have misunderstood me. i don't hate sakura, i just don't like her. ha ha ...
Anyways, i don't really believe she's meant to be a great fighter. after all not everyone can be great. Yes, she is smart. and she has great chakra control. that's not the point though. the point is that she doesn't contribute much to team 7. nor does she contribute much to the story.
Meaning she's not as important as she should be. we haven't seen her in the manga in a while. i don't hear anyone crying about it. at least no one in their right frame of mind. we really don't know much about her. no real background. she has no real ambition. which leads me to question her purpose for becoming a ninja in the first place. i would think if not to protect your friends or yourself, you'd work a little harder. Both naruto and Angsty as syllaw put it are at chunnin level now. which means they'll get involved with more dangerous tasks and missions. thats means she'll be a burden to her team if they have to constantly save her whinny ass. as a matter of fact she's holding them back. she doesn't even ask kakashi to train her. i'm sure he'd be willing to. even if it's just one move or technique. something.
Alright, she can't really fight. i can except that. there's nothing wrong with it. but at least make some suggestions during battle. figure out an opponent's weakness. do something, anything besides screaming for naruto of sasuke-kun. if i hear here say that one more time i swear i'll .............
Alright. now that i've said what i needed to, like i said before. For now she's nothing more than a glorified cheerleader. that may change soon(oh god, i hope so). but right now she expandable. not necessary. useless. i'll stop right here for now
Tue, 05-25-2004, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by: hornetmike
. nor does she contribute much to the story.
Except being the driving force behind Naruto, who is the main character. i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
(at the Gaaraa vs Naruto fight)
"I will protect my friends" (Picture of Sakura flashes here)
When Naruto and Sasuke were training how to run up trees Naruto kept wanting to impress Sakura. I think she contributes quite a bit. Theres a pre pubescent ninja running around whos totally obsssed.
Wed, 05-26-2004, 08:18 AM
Imagine what would happen if..... with the absence of Sakura in the anime.
"I will protect my friends" (Picture of Sasuke in tight sandy bondage flashes here). i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Wed, 05-26-2004, 08:25 AM
I really hope Sakura does become important once again, on more than just a story development level. I like Sakura (or at least I used to before her only line became "Sasuke-kun" followed by vast amounts of crying). Right now, she is as useless as can be, Konohomaru is probably a better ninja by now. The manga seems to have forgotten about a lot of the lesser combantants that they introduced.
As for the original topic, doesn't the whole villiage know that Naruto either has the Kyuubi sealed in or thinks that he IS the Kyuubi? I'm not sure if all the gennins know, but SOME of them must of heard the reason why their parents told them not to play with Naruto when they were younger.
As to whether or not Naruto relies on Kyuubi for strength, that's stupid. Naruto has a HUGE amount of chakra in his own right, he took several hours of constant fighting to exhaust himself so he could get at the Kyuubi's chakra when Jiraya was training him to use Gamabunta. And when they were learning to use tree-climbing-no-jutsu Kakashi said that Naruto didn't have as much of a problem because he has so much. He's used the Kyuubi's chakra directly (healing doesn't count) maybe 6 times so far (Haku, Neji, Gaara, the 2 times he's summoned Gamabunta, and maybe during the Kimimaro (sp?) fight). The anime has made it easier to figure out which one he's using, anytime red chakra swirls around him, its Kyuubi's. Every other time he's done something huge (super shadow clones) the anime has colored it blue, thus he's using his own chakra.
Sun, 05-30-2004, 05:23 PM
yeah only the old or some jounins know about kyubi but in the stupid korean special they(team7) knew about it......
Wed, 06-02-2004, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by: Ryllharu
The anime has made it easier to figure out which one he's using, anytime red chakra swirls around him, its Kyuubi's. Every other time he's done something huge (super shadow clones) the anime has colored it blue, thus he's using his own chakra.
And as far as we know it to be, he performs Rasengan with his own Chakra
Wed, 06-02-2004, 09:35 PM
He doesnt need the Kyubi to create the ball of chakra if he did it would make him seem incredibly weak to us, b/c he would need to use the K Chakra everytime he was in trouble so it
Wed, 06-02-2004, 09:38 PM
rasengan isn't about how much chakra is used, it's about how you manipulate the chakra. that is why naruto was able to attempt at it so many times during his training.
Sun, 06-06-2004, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
rasengan isn't about how much chakra is used, it's about how you manipulate the chakra. that is why naruto was able to attempt at it so many times during his training.
That is why, in my opinion, it makse for a more powerfull and efficeint jutsu then Chidori, CHidori immits large ammounts of Chakra, but can only be used a certain number of times, whereas Rasengan doesnt and as is evidence of the roof encounter,ransengan is more destructive.
Sun, 06-06-2004, 10:11 PM
yeah i liked the look on sasuke's face when he was about piss his pants after saw that tank's hole naruto made loli/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
The Lord of Morning
Tue, 06-08-2004, 10:28 AM
i dont think any of the genin know about it. its not like anyone has said outloud that naruto has kyubi in front of ANY of the genin. hell many jounin didnt even know he had the kyubi, when he is fighting neji the two jounin beside hinata are shocked at naruto's power, and so is the referee.
i dont think its supercommon knowledge that naruto has the kyubi. i think that many of the adults do but it seems there is a cutoff somewhere(since many dont). i would guess only those that were at the battle against the kyubi know, and even now are following the 3rd's wish to keep it a relative secret. just because he is dead, he was loved so greatly that i doubt they would start chatting about it openly, probably as one of many laws he set down that they are keeping out of respect or simple common sense since it shouldnt be common knowledge.
even when fighting itachi, i dont think sasuke was paying attention enough to find out WHY they were after naruto, he just knows his brother is after him. he has seen naruto show this tremendous power but how the hell is he or anyone else supposed to just guess that the kyubi, a uberdemon that was 'defeated' years ago, was actually sealed in naruto? we know it cause we read but the characters sure as hell dont know any of that.
Tue, 06-08-2004, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by: orn210
yeah only the old or some jounins know about kyubi but in the stupid korean special they(team7) knew about it......
hmm you may be a little wrong on this one.. everybody at the age of lets say 18+ knows about naruto being sealed in naruto. basicly the ppl that lived when 4th seald kyubi knows it exept the children that were under the age of 5 or so but even they could remember it. thats why none of the genins knows they were born that year and the year before.
The Lord of Morning
Tue, 06-08-2004, 10:44 AM
I would guess that only the ninja at the battle knew, and while a few ppl might have told, i would bet the secret it still only amont ninja, not regular people. otherwise would the ramen guy let naruto ever come to the store? i doubt it.
also why would the jounin be suprised at naruto's power. now of course the 3rd recognized the power and new immediatly that naruto could channel it, his suprise was at who could have trained him. the jounin couldnt even fathom what that strange chakra was. This is a strong indication that not all ninja know, but rather elite ones at kakashi's level i would guess. now toothpick guy is a jounin, and the two sitting beside hinata i would guess are also jounin. few seem to actually understand kyubi's power and naruto's relationship to it. even the two jounin that were training the other two teams were suprised at naruto's ability. the female jounin (although newly raised) was expecting kiba to win.
now this could be attributed to the fact that no one expected naruto to be able to channel the kyubi's power even if he had it in him, except for the elite who understood the seal better. i seriously think less people know that we should assume. True all the parents 'hated' him but maybe they didnt know fully why. people make assumptions on little information and others suffer for itall the time.
Tue, 06-08-2004, 01:32 PM
yea but remember when everybody graduated exept naruto, EVERYBODY talked about it the 2 females knew about kyubi one of them were about to mention it. so all ninjas should at least know it. its a big thing if the hokage dies ppl wan to know why.
Wed, 06-09-2004, 07:51 AM
Hrm, sakura is important for one main reason, she is one of the focal points of the rivalry between sasuke and naruto. Every story needs a character that provides motivation to the protagonists, and Sakura is the personification of the rivalry between naruto and sasuke in many ways.
Another thing to keep in mind, is that Naruto probably has more chakra potential then any genin we've met. A good analogy (wierd, but go with me), is the guy who is a champion hot dog eater. Naruto overflows himself with chakra from the nine tails enough times, eventually it's going to stretch out the container that normally contains a certain amount of chakra, and Naruto will have a greater chakra capactiy. One key point in the series for me was when he did the mass replication against Gaara. From my perspective (also the way they colored the anime), he did not use any nine tails chakra to do this. That was an enormous amount of chakra to do that.
The same thing with the rasengan. One of the comments made by Tsuanade is that naruto's attmepted uses of the rasengan were never containing the power of the fourth (while he was training). Saying that the rasengan doesn't take much chakra I think is a bit off kilter in compared to chidori, mainly due to how much chakra that Naruto was using to "charge" his balls of chakra during the training.
The Lord of Morning
Wed, 06-09-2004, 12:51 PM
i cant watch the first few episodes so cant double check on what was said. i am going mostly on how the jounin and ninja behaved to seeing naruto summon the ninetaisl chakra during the chuunin exam. yes we know he was shunned early in life and that is important to how he has developed but maybe ppl know to avoid him even if they dont exactly why? even the kids in school avoided him even though they didnt know why and this may apply to people who only recently have become higher ninja like the jounin i am referring to.
i definatly agree, as he draws more chakra and uses it more often he is able to summon even more the next time, and summon it more easily. he seems to have transformed into lvl1 naruto fairly easily when had to face kimimaro, and also now facing sasuke. the whole eyes changing, black marks on the cheeks and more clawlike hands etc etc. he definatly couldnt do that at will not that long ago.
about rasengan. my translation for it SUCKS and i cant seem to get the inane version so could you please tell me what the hell tsunade said. i have read other posts referring to how she says the power is nothing like the 4th's and totally confused on that. does this mean there are higher levels to the rasengan (i remember reading there are six levels and he has only mastered 3) and the 4th had mastered all six or something?
also, when jiraiya is first explaining the rasengan, he says it took the 4th 3 years to master this jutsu, did he mean 3 years to figure out level one, or 3 years to master the rasengan completely (all 3 or 6 levels of it)?
Thu, 06-10-2004, 06:10 PM
well about the rasengan. He said that the 4th was a certain number of levels above the 3rd. Not sure how many. My guess is that there is more to the technique than naruto has mastered.
Fri, 06-11-2004, 11:57 PM
I think Sakura will "bloom" later on in the series.
Right now she is basically useless as many have said, however she does have the best Chakra control. I think after the Sand/Leaf -vs- Sound fights are over and there is some sort of progress with Sasuke's part of the story, we will see Tsunade take Sakura on as her student.
I mean when you think about it: Orochimaru has Sasuke and Jiraiya has Naruto, so its only logical that Tsunade takes on Sakura. Her Chakra control would surely lend itself well to healing since it probably requires very precise actions. Also, besides Kabuto, Tsunade is the only Healer in the series that's had more than 1 or 2 lines (refers to the guys with the stretchers during the Prelims). And since she's the Hokage now, that doesn't leave any A-List healers (again, as far as we've seen) to watch over the Leaf.
Sat, 06-12-2004, 01:44 AM
I would imagine that just about everyone KNOWS that Naruto has Kyuubi sealed inside of him. The thing is that very few people know that he can draw chakra from it. Just mine 2 cents...
Sat, 06-12-2004, 04:35 AM
Originally posted by: The Lord of Morning
about rasengan. my translation for it SUCKS and i cant seem to get the inane version so could you please tell me what the hell tsunade said. i have read other posts referring to how she says the power is nothing like the 4th's and totally confused on that. does this mean there are higher levels to the rasengan (i remember reading there are six levels and he has only mastered 3) and the 4th had mastered all six or something?
also, when jiraiya is first explaining the rasengan, he says it took the 4th 3 years to master this jutsu, did he mean 3 years to figure out level one, or 3 years to master the rasengan completely (all 3 or 6 levels of it)?
i guess this only means that naruto cant do the jutsu as well as 4th. and as for that 6th level jiraiya is talking about thats how strong the jutsu is. jutsus seem to be grouped in 7 diffrent levels, 7 being the strongest then 6, 5, 4 well you get it. so no there arent 6 diffrnet levels to master the rasengan its just the parts naruto did. but naruto hasnt mastered it yet ha has only learned it. he cant do it like jiraiya in a split second with one hand he needs a clone to from it or his other hand.
Sat, 06-12-2004, 04:36 AM
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
Originally posted by: orn210
yeah only the old or some jounins know about kyubi but in the stupid korean special they(team7) knew about it......
hmm you may be a little wrong on this one.. everybody at the age of lets say 18+ knows about naruto being sealed in naruto. basicly the ppl that lived when 4th seald kyubi knows it exept the children that were under the age of 5 or so but even they could remember it. thats why none of the genins knows they were born that year and the year before.
it seemed like that cuz some chuunins didnt know if i remember right i think kurenai didnt know either but who knows
Sat, 06-12-2004, 09:23 AM
kurenai seems rather clueless in many things. but the thing the chuunins was suprised about was that naruto managed to use kyuubi's chakra so well. and also the most other jounins.
Infernal Angel
Sat, 06-12-2004, 05:45 PM
I like the idea of Death BOO Z at the begin of this thread people at here just like some kind of cool character (like Sasuke with his myth profile and fantasy Sharingan ), people not usually recognize the true streng of a Shinobi "Never give up" so the Kyobi inside him just make a bit fair with his oponent (almost have extrem power with kind of lame blood line streng) and make the story line more excited ( without that people who just like cool groups maybe will not put an eye and Naruto i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif ), his truly friends will not suprise at all cause they already know that Naruto truly strong with his own and look forward to him ... i love that type i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
I agree with blame about Sakura ... she make me feel sick really ... should replace she with the shy Hinata ( she so cute in my opinion 100 times more than Sakura), when i watched "in front of the people i admire" anime chapter i'm have an unexplain feeling when she beated by Neji but still try to stand up even it'll risk hers life... that wonderful moment i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif that 1000 times better than the chick just run around and cry "Sasuke-kun" ... maybe be Sakura fan will kill me for that but i have to say i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif kind of troublesome i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Wed, 06-30-2004, 11:34 PM
no offence infernal angel but i barly understood your post but i do agree with your POV on sakura. she makes me want to vomit all over my keyboard sometimes. shes is intellegent based on he scores in the acadamy but in battle...shes friggin retarded. as soon as sasuke is within sight she turns into a pathetic fangirl/really bad cheerleader not to mention if sasuke gets so much as a scratch she starts to freak out. a good example of this is when naruto, her, and pakkun(kakashi's summoned dog) find sasuke she runs over to him COMPLETLY ignoring the transformed garra who snarling at them and when naruto tries to ask her something she blows up on him like its his fault that retard knocked himself out...sigh. every other female character has grown or had mor depth than her at the know what i do hate the bitch, someone please kill her off, please.
Thu, 07-01-2004, 12:05 AM
I don't blame you kuro. she is useless at this point. and not a very good team player. from the beggining until now. she should be looking out for the team as a whole and finding a way to help the team instead of just sasuke.
I know what some of you are thinking(what about the forest of death during the chunnin exam). In my opinon she took care of him because it was in her best interest to do so. not out of compassion or comeradory(is that spelled correctly?). she is weak and would not lastr long in the forest by herself. her great sasuke was knocked out too. when they were attacked, she wasn't defending them both because she likes naruto; but for sasuke.
honestly it's kind of funny. i don't know if she's just really that weak and pathetic. or if kishimoto is just drawing her so she like that to show how much she changes later on. if so then he's just being cruel for keeping her this way all this time without any developement whatsoevr except for her shorter hair.
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