View Full Version : Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****
Fri, 05-14-2004, 05:08 PM
Please DO NOT make an episode discussion thread if you are not a mod, from here on out there will be reprecussions. Thanks
And post about 83!!
Fri, 05-14-2004, 05:09 PM
2nd post WOOOH!
Episode was pretty good and funny too!
Fri, 05-14-2004, 05:17 PM
a really nice ep. a good break from the crazy itachi intro eps, and it ended really well. i liked how itachi said that everyone has a weakness no matter how strong they seem initially, and then it shows a shot of his obviously he doesn't think of himself as invincible, and has a weakness too.
one thing i dont get, what's with that pebble that hit the womens foot? was that supposed to maen something? cuz i totally dont get it. maybe im just stupid, i dont know.
anyway, can't wait for the next ep....seems like sasuke's finally gonna face off against itachi, if only to be beaten to a bloody pulp.
Fri, 05-14-2004, 05:25 PM
Aha, that was cool when Sakura found out that Naruto saved her and Sasuke was crying...rofl. And perhaps...the rock hit her foot because it was thrown by itachi and he paid her to lure Jairaya away. (genuine guess)
A pretty good episode overall.
Fri, 05-14-2004, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by: Krbadass
Please DO NOT make an episode discussion thread if you are not a mod, from here on out there will be reprecussions. Thanks
And post about 83!!
you spelled "repercussions" incorrectly
Fri, 05-14-2004, 05:42 PM
you spelled "repercussions" incorrectly
and ur an idiot for actually taking time to point that out.
anyway, back to the discussion: teh sakura thing was great. she's finally starting to respect naruto, same with sasuke. he actually sees him as a rival now. i wonder what kakashi will do once he wakes up. and what about all the otehr jounins? now with jiraya gone, and itachi on his door step (literally) konoha doesn't have a leader. and probably wont for a while.
Fri, 05-14-2004, 05:45 PM
anyone else think jiraiya lost a bit of his flair this episode?
Fri, 05-14-2004, 05:47 PM
what's up with random newbs acting like smartass lately? so far, i've had three ass clowns following me around and posting stupid things just to irritate me. i wish it was like AIM, where i can just warn them so they can't talk anymore.
and yeah, it was a bit weird that no one stopped sasuke when he ran off. but then again, how can a genin capture itachi?
Fri, 05-14-2004, 05:57 PM
It had a good ending leading to the next episode. The animated scenes of Sasuke running always look stupid, but it wasn't a big deal. Cue, stop being dumb.
Fri, 05-14-2004, 06:08 PM
anyone else think jiraiya lost a bit of his flair this episode?
Nope, I found him just as funny as ever when he did his dance on the bridge, Does anybody know which ep it was when his frog defeated the 3headed snake and he first did his dance? Another funny part was finding out that The Third was a Closet Pervert.
Fri, 05-14-2004, 07:17 PM
i found him funny also, its part of his character. thats what i like about him, he seems like a perverted old guy but he's actually incredibly strong. i thought the ep was great, i think the pebble hitting her foot then the 2 guys walking were Itachi and Kisame, not sure though. this had one of those ending where i was like, DAMN, wednesday is so far away
Fri, 05-14-2004, 07:49 PM
I believe Itachi meant everyone has a weakness, not directly pointing at himself. They know Jiraiya is strong for them. And the woman thing... I believe Itachi has use some kind of a genjutsu or similar to make the girl go on Jiraiya. So it means that Itachi knew Jiraiya's weakness, which is fall on any young hot babes... So he could make a move on Naruto while Jiraiya is away.
Fri, 05-14-2004, 08:40 PM
Its cheesey but you know that saying "true knowledge is knowing that you know nothing" i think its sorta like that for Itachi, since he realizes everyone has weaknesses, even himself, then that makes him all the more stronger
Fri, 05-14-2004, 09:44 PM
this episode was good wit a great ending. i never wouldve thought that itachi would be knockin right at his door and that saskue would be knockin on some bootleg lookin naruto lol
Fri, 05-14-2004, 10:12 PM
It was awesome!
Uchiha Barles
Fri, 05-14-2004, 10:56 PM
It was a pretty good episode. I've been waiting for so long just to see Sasuke admit he's weaker than Naruto. Pretty much cuz I've been waiting for Naruto to actually be stronger than sasuke when he's in full control. And yeah, Naruto's never getting sakura
Fri, 05-14-2004, 10:57 PM
man, i loved that ending that shadow effect they gave to itachis face was bad ass
Fri, 05-14-2004, 10:59 PM
Naruto Seem Screw at the moment Wonder what Sasuke gonna do he probably gonna try the Chidori and get blow away and Jiraiya better hurry back i don't think Sasuke can hold Itachi off for more then 5 second.
Fri, 05-14-2004, 11:14 PM
Is chidori a technique that anyone can do? because Kakashi says that it isn't quite so simple to teach someone. I would imagine that if Naruto combined Chidori with Kage Bushin, it'd be pretty insane.
Fri, 05-14-2004, 11:22 PM
Good episode, i guess this settles the question of if Sakura ever thanked Naruto for saving her worthless ass. Sasuke is gonna get owned if Itatchi decides to do anything more than play w/ him like a cat does a mouse.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 12:02 AM
That would take up an incredible amount of Chakra! I guess that makes Naruto a prime candidate to try that kind of thing? i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif But I'm guessing that the Chidori's would be smaller and less effective than the single major one...still though would be damn cool to see (and hear!) 100's of Chidori at once.
The episode itself was pretty good, particularly the ending. Maybe I was just naive, but I just didn't see it coming, I thought it would take at least another episode for itachi to find Naruto? The episode also kinda showed what Kisame is a fair way behind Itachi and Jiraiya. Also interesting to note the hesitation that Itachi has on taking on Jiraiya 1-1...seems Jiraiya may be strong enough to take out Itachi (can't be sure, might just be another example of minimalist Itachi, just do what is required...but sill it throws water in the face of those who wrote Jiraiya off...bests not start this here though). I thought that this was one of the rare recent episodes where Sakura showed any development. Is it just me or are Sasuke's thoughts/atmosphere becoming darker and darker? Good episode all up.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by: IamSpazzy
Is chidori a technique that anyone can do? because Kakashi says that it isn't quite so simple to teach someone. I would imagine that if Naruto combined Chidori with Kage Bushin, it'd be pretty insane.
no, you need fast taijutsu for the stab, and you need sharingan to be able to run straight at the enemy without leaving yourself open to counter
this is why kakashi prolly wont bother teaching naruto that technique
Sat, 05-15-2004, 12:11 AM
there isn't anyone that can just beat the hell out of itachi or jiraiya... of course if they both fought, each one would be in extreme danger of losing their lives.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 12:23 AM
(^_^) I thought the episode was great... I liked the part when the guy gave away that Itachi had come to the village and Sasuke's face... plus Jiraiya was funny as well ^^ But of course, the ending was great...such a cliffhanger.... T.T ah.... I can't wait for the next episode...see Sasuke fight Itachi...but of course we know would would win that...^_^
Sat, 05-15-2004, 12:55 AM
i just remembered something
didn't they say 3 anbu were also coming on this trip?
maybe the anbu will show up and stall time for naruto while 1 of them goes find jiraiya?
Sat, 05-15-2004, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by: Jchiang87
i just remembered something
didn't they say 3 anbu were also coming on this trip?
maybe the anbu will show up and stall time for naruto while 1 of them goes find jiraiya?
i'm not sure about this... but i think anbu were brought up cuz those old people thought jiraiya was gonna run off when he goes to find tsunade. but they were never called.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 01:07 AM
the 3 anbu guys are probably watchin jiraiya and the girl to see if they can get the left oversi/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Sat, 05-15-2004, 01:27 AM
You guys automatically assume sauske will be doing chidori...
Naruto is the #1 ninja at suprizing people.
It hinted at it when they showed him and kakashi breifly trying to do the chidori.
Naruto was in his room practicing molding chakra, training.
I will not be suprized if naruto does it.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by: logic
You guys automatically assume sauske will be doing chidori...
Naruto is the #1 ninja at suprizing people.
It hinted at it when they showed him and kakashi breifly trying to do the chidori.
Naruto was in his room practicing molding chakra, training.
I will not be suprized if naruto does it.
why the hell would naruto do chidori if he is gonna learn a better technique... and besides, to use the chidori effectively, you need sharingan.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 01:29 AM
Was it just wishful thinking on my behalf or is Sauske starting to past Kakashi's level with chidori? It looked like he already whacked that big rock with Chidori about 2 or 3 time's before he activated it again and still had enough chakra and stamina to run to next village as well as how the next ep title look's he's gonna do it again.
About Gai not stopping Sauske, I think the reason that he didn't stop him was because nobody but Kakashi knew that Naruto had left the village. So I'm guessing when he saw Itachi leave the village without Naruto he figured Sauske would run into him at his house and not go to the next village over in search of him.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 01:30 AM
I think Itachi kicked that pebble at that chick to distract jirayia.
When Itachi said that every1 has a weakness, and then Jirayia was so easily distracted by the chick, Itachi meant that Jirayia's weakness was chicks.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 02:07 AM
this episode was one of the best so far. It gives you more of the plot and what each characters are like. Rather then just 23 mins of non-stop fighting and we don't know how characters interact. get us away from the fighting for a bit and think more about the plot.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 03:14 AM
The second time through this episode was much better. Although it might just be because i am pretty drunk right now.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 05:35 AM
i think Naruto may be able to do it so he can get Sasuke's and Jiraiya's attention. the name of the next episode hints at it, Conjure Chidori, Howl Sasuke (may be bad translation) so i think it either means Naruto will do it or Sasuke will see Itachi and do it to get Jiraiya's attention.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 08:18 AM
okay the title for ep 84 is self explanatory
i belive that ep 84 means that sasuke will use the chidori
i doubt its for jaraiyas attention.... more like trying to kill his brother i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
also the rock hitting the womans foot well ive read one post done in here (i forget who but it seems lie theve read the manga and know whats been happening >=( because while ive read it im not going to spoil it for you all...
now uhhh what else it clearly states in the episode that naruto is going to learn a jutsu thats more destuctive than the chidori so i guess you'll see the unknown jutsu in like ep 86-90 or somthing i dunno
also if naruto did combine the kagebushin with the chidori it wouldn't work
because the chidori uses alot of chakra and the kage bushin devides the users chakra evenly between the clones thus the clones wouldn't have enought charkra to preform the chidori each
also i keep feeling that ive seen the animated parts of tis episode like a month back >.< like the part when sasuke finds out about his brother i clearly remember the exact same aniated part a month back for som reason O.0 freaky dajavu >.<
anyhoo i hope you all have fun watching the anime ^_^
Sat, 05-15-2004, 08:23 AM
i actually think that Naruto is gonna pull off a chidori, since he WAS in his room practicing controlling his chakra. It would be pretty awesome for Naruto to pull off a chidori while using the kage bunshin no jutsu so he can make a billion holes ina a piece of wood after Itachi pulls a kawarimi and thus wastes Naruto's chakra
and that lady, i think that other weird zombie looking guy with the giant sword thing transformed into her, and the hitter her with the rock thing was to look at her face and bodily features to do a good copy of her...
also, i think that zombie guy is gonna change back into his former self after getting Jirayi drunk so he can then kill him easily and with surprise.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 08:35 AM
This a a good episode, I loved the part when it shows a flashback of Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru when they were young.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 08:44 AM
C'mon now don't be stupid, you KNOW that Naruto won't do the Chidori. That's just stupid. Please just think some more.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
C'mon now don't be stupid, you KNOW that Naruto won't do the Chidori. That's just stupid. Please just think some more.
Agreed, it's also ridiculous to say that Sasuke's chidori is better than Kakashi's.
v exactly, that's why I said it was ridiculous for some people to compare the two v
Sat, 05-15-2004, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
C'mon now don't be stupid, you KNOW that Naruto won't do the Chidori. That's just stupid. Please just think some more.
Agreed, it's also ridiculous to say that Sasuke's chidori is better than Kakashi's.
Yeah you cant compare a genins chidore to a high level jounin like kakashis.
Also Kakashi dont need speed to do Chidori like sasuke as he showed against zabuza.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 11:05 AM
kakashi said he could perform the raikiri like, 4 times (or was it 6 times).....a killing move is a killing move, no matter who its done by, so how strong it is isnt the issue...but kakashi can use it twice as many times as sasuke can in a day. (which is kinda weird how sasuke was able to go for a 3rd chidori stab into the rock in that guessing he has more chakra since he wasnt using his sharingan at the time)
and you dont KNOW if jiraiya is gonna teach naruto a new technique thats better than the sounded to me like he was just saying that cause he knows it'll get naruto's attention (then again i only watched the raw of this ep, so maybe he mentioned it again and i didnt notice)
Sat, 05-15-2004, 11:11 AM
Why does Kakashi have the distinction as the copy ninja, when he's not the only one with the sharingan? Does the sharingan automatically copy a jitsu into one's memory? or does it just show you how a jitsu is done, and it's up to you as the ninja to memorize the jitsu? (An analogy is like playing a song off of sheet music vs. memorizing the song).
Sat, 05-15-2004, 12:07 PM
about the chick......itachi could have used the sharingan (hypnosis) on her to flirt with jiraiya
something i noticed the third was having orochimaru as his prime child (like kakashi and sasuke )
Sat, 05-15-2004, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by: IamSpazzy
Why does Kakashi have the distinction as the copy ninja, when he's not the only one with the sharingan? Does the sharingan automatically copy a jitsu into one's memory? or does it just show you how a jitsu is done, and it's up to you as the ninja to memorize the jitsu? (An analogy is like playing a song off of sheet music vs. memorizing the song).
i think kakashi is the one with the copy ninja label because he isn't an uchiha yet he is able to use the sharingan so well. also, he might've gotten that name after the uchiha clan was slaughtered so he might've been the only one (that was still a non-missing nin) who can use the sharingan so well. he was a pretty hardcore genius so he's name might've gotten around even before he had sharingan implanted.
i don't know too much about sharingan automatically copying a jutsu but i think the sharingan is only as good as its user. like for example, not only is kakashi is a genius and an excellent ninja but he also has sharingan developed to its final stage, so he is able to copy basically every technique. however, sasuke isn't able to do what kakashi can because 1. sasuke doesn't have enough chakra to perform certain techniques 2. his sharingan isn't developed enough and 3. he's not good enough of a ninja yet. also, i think sharingan doesn't automatically copy jutsus, i think its user (a full uchiha) can copy and not copy whatever technique. but for kakashi, since it's his sharingan, he has to cover it up from being used.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 12:28 PM
question: where is ep 83 in the manga, i cant wait anymore i need to find out what happens lol.
Uchiha Barles
Sat, 05-15-2004, 12:33 PM
I imagine jiraiya is going to teach naruto something otherwise he wouldn't have bothered taking naruto on the trip, cuz naruto's definate not there to keep jiraiya company. As far as it being better than the chidori, that's entirely possible seeing as he got the summon at the same time as sasuke got the chidori, and the summon is just better. It might also just be that the technique is only better than the chidori in the sense that it's better for NARUTO than the chidori is.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by: IamSpazzy
Why does Kakashi have the distinction as the copy ninja, when he's not the only one with the sharingan? Does the sharingan automatically copy a jitsu into one's memory? or does it just show you how a jitsu is done, and it's up to you as the ninja to memorize the jitsu? (An analogy is like playing a song off of sheet music vs. memorizing the song).
Actually, what I think is, using your sheet music analogy, is the sharingan slows down the song, and exaggerates every note, so you can play with the music, just hearing the song on the first time (if your good enough) even if your not, it helps you analyze the song and check for patterns and rhythm.
But thats just what I think
Sat, 05-15-2004, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
question: where is ep 83 in the manga, i cant wait anymore i need to find out what happens lol.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 02:28 PM
And please don't tell us what happens in the manga. We don't want to know. We want to wonder if jiraiya will actually teach naruto a technique more destructive than the Chidori.
One thing I really didn't like about this episode is that Naruto acts MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH (i can't say this enough) MORE immature than usual.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 02:39 PM
What's with Naruto's clones popping up while he's attempting to mold chakra. Was he actively creating clones and doing some sort of group chakra molding exercise? or was it just a by product of him concentrating.
Uchiha Barles
Sat, 05-15-2004, 02:41 PM
Yeah, that's borderline spoiler. You're not allowed to say anything that hasn't happened in the anime yet. It pisses off those who don't read the manga (me) and the admins will burn ya. And I thought naruto acting more like a kid this episode was pretty endearing. Hell, all the "filler" this episode had made me love the characters even more, specially the third...that pervert.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 02:42 PM
jesus christ guys. you guys are overanalyzing everything. there was nothing significant about naruto making clones while training and molding chakra. it was just to show that he was concentrating real hard. nothing else, just a simple chakra concentration training.
Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
Yeah, that's borderline spoiler. You're not allowed to say anything that hasn't happened in the anime yet. It pisses off those who don't read the manga (me) and the admins will burn ya. And I thought naruto acting more like a kid this episode was pretty endearing. Hell, all the "filler" this episode had made me love the characters even more, specially the third...that pervert.
there really wasn't any filler in this episode... although they did extend some parts, but not enough to call it a filler.
Aegis Runestone
Sat, 05-15-2004, 02:58 PM
I LOVED this episode. Itachi is so evil. The way it ended was so freakin' cool. i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif And the third was a pervert? O_O No way... that's just not right.
Uchiha Barles
Sat, 05-15-2004, 03:21 PM
Yeah just called it "filler" cuz some people tend to call anything that's not fighting or plot advancement (i.e. character development) filler.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 03:58 PM
Naruto practicing controlling his chakra doesn't mean anything other than he's practicing to better control his chakra. Duh. It's just to make him a better and more effective ninja. If Jiraiya says that he'll teach Naruto a better technique than the Chidori, he will. As ero as he is, he's still got a sense of honor.
I wanna see Naruto freak out Sasuke again. The "Holy @#$%" look on his face while he was fighting Gaara back a few episodes was priceless. I wanna see it again! i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
So I take it that since the Chuunin exam was so severely interupted, no one was promoted? Or did no one show enough of the qualities they were looking for? I don't know if this has been brought up before in another thread or not. I was just curious because it seems like all the Gennin are still Gennin.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 04:11 PM
Sorry if I repeat something, I didnt quite make it through all the posts. I think the chick is Kisame distracting Jiraiya with Henge. And Jir likes Naruto partly because Naruto's personality reminds Jir of himself. Cool episode, cant wait for the next one i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif)
Uchiha Barles
Sat, 05-15-2004, 04:16 PM
I doubt that. In the preview for the next episode, Kisame is standing next to Itachi right in front of naruto.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 04:40 PM
naruto_kagebunshin, your contributions to the anime is supposed to be of the anime only, and maybe stuff from the manga that has already happened in the anime
Sat, 05-15-2004, 05:31 PM
i just finished watching it now, what an awesome ep.
do you think its all over for naruto there and then? i mean is he in the same state kakashi was because it certianly focused on on his eyes a lot ( i know it probly woudl do anyway but it zoomed and everything).
also a question to krbadass, why is it only mods are allowed to make topics? it seems awfull 'gestapo'. surley its in the best interest of the board if we have a topic relating to each topic worth element in the ep, rather than one where multiple arguments can occur.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by: chambers
i just finished watching it now, what an awesome ep.
do you think its all over for naruto there and then? i mean is he in the same state kakashi was because it certianly focused on on his eyes a lot ( i know it probly woudl do anyway but it zoomed and everything).
There wouldn't be a show if it was all over for Naruto...
Sat, 05-15-2004, 05:38 PM
no i mean in terms of interaction for a oh i dont know, kakashi? iam sure i just said that tho?
Sat, 05-15-2004, 05:42 PM
You asked if I thought it'd be all over for him, I assumed you meant death. Stating rhetorical questions to prove your point just makes you look like an idiot.
v I called you an idiot because you start stupid little fights in almost every thread that you post in v
Sat, 05-15-2004, 05:47 PM
yeah or you look like an idiot because you didnt see the completley obvious implications and the link i made between naruto an kakashi, not to mention the sarcastic rhetorical question is a tool for satire, i was taking the piss out off you.
EDIT: oh right and there was me thinkging you made the first biting remark. oh wait IT WAS YOU. i dont start arguments, people dont agree with what i say and argue with me.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 06:19 PM
Can't we all just get along? I think naruto is going to kick Kisame and Itachi's butt's. Ha Ha
The show is named Naruto after all, not itachi. Long live Naruto and the perverted Hermit down with Itachi and Fish face. HA HA.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 06:43 PM
do you think its all over for naruto there and then? i mean is he in the same state kakashi was because it certianly focused on on his eyes a lot ( i know it probly woudl do anyway but it zoomed and everything).
Nah, I don't think he's gonna bother using a technique of that power on Naruto, espacially if he want's to capture him alive so the Aki can extract Kyuubi.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 07:11 PM
maybe they are on a recruiting spree?
Sat, 05-15-2004, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by: Aeon
do you think its all over for naruto there and then? i mean is he in the same state kakashi was because it certianly focused on on his eyes a lot ( i know it probly woudl do anyway but it zoomed and everything).
Nah, I don't think he's gonna bother using a technique of that power on Naruto, espacially if he want's to capture him alive so the Aki can extract Kyuubi.
Aki? Who is Aki again?
Sat, 05-15-2004, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by: Aegis Runestone
I LOVED this episode. Itachi is so evil. The way it ended was so freakin' cool. i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif And the third was a pervert? O_O No way... that's just not right.
2nd episode, Sexy no Jutsu... we know he's a pervert.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by: DrunkPotHead
Originally posted by: Aeon
do you think its all over for naruto there and then? i mean is he in the same state kakashi was because it certianly focused on on his eyes a lot ( i know it probly woudl do anyway but it zoomed and everything).
Nah, I don't think he's gonna bother using a technique of that power on Naruto, espacially if he want's to capture him alive so the Aki can extract Kyuubi.
Aki? Who is Aki again?
OOps, I meant to put Aka for the Akatsuki, or atleast I think that's how you spell it.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 09:10 PM
Damn, that Sasuke can sure run fast when he wants to.
I think they did really well in this episode building up suspense with Sasuke checking out all the hotels, Jiraiya running around, and Naruto practicing. I was all on the edge of my seat, wondering if Sasuke would find either Jiraiya or Naruto in time. And when Naruto saw Itachi.....I can't wait for the next ep.
I also think it is a good sign that when Sasuke learned about Itachi his first thought wasn't "I have to kill Itachi" but instead "I have to save my friend." Sasuke is definately maturing some. I wonder, though, what Itachi thinks about Sasuke. When he hears that he is coming he immediately take off from the stand he was eating at. When asked if he was after Sasuke he emphatically says no. What's the point of killing all of the other sharingan users, seemingly so you could be unique in the entire world, but then leaving just one? Maybe he really DOES want Sasuke to kill him...I hope they end up meeting in the next ep...damn, waiting sucks.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 09:14 PM
k... sasuke spent that month training almost specifically his speed. We know he is a fast mother because it made Rock Lee cry. (hence why no jounin coulda caught him if they knew what he was doing anyways)
And I think those thoughts were closely tied... but he rushed alot more because he knew naruto wouldn't even soften itachi up for him
(on an unrelated note: yay! 300 posts for me!)
Sat, 05-15-2004, 09:26 PM
I don't think I have anticipated an episode this much (next one I mean) since the early Gotwoot days when we had those 5000 post threads each week, spamming randomly as Naruto 40 was 5 days late i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sun, 05-16-2004, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by: Stęgan
about the chick......itachi could have used the sharingan (hypnosis) on her to flirt with jiraiya
When you look at it twice, that is indeed what can be expected here. The girl followed the stone that seemed to drop out of nowhere with her eyes and probably got caught from behind before she could scream "rape".
After that, she suddenlij turned into this selfconfident egocentric girl..and falls for Jirayja ?? , no shit, she is under some kind of spell here.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 08:30 AM
not only did I just say that 5 posts up, but you just double posted...
try to not look like an idiot infront of all the nice otakus...
Sun, 05-16-2004, 10:45 AM
nobody mentioned that AA's version is up yet!
Beautiful Green Beast
Sun, 05-16-2004, 10:45 AM
Funniest part in 83 was when Jiraiya was show-offy and that bird flew past saying: "idiot.... idiot"
Sun, 05-16-2004, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by: chambers
i just finished watching it now, what an awesome ep.
do you think its all over for naruto there and then? i mean is he in the same state kakashi was because it certianly focused on on his eyes a lot ( i know it probly woudl do anyway but it zoomed and everything).
are you dumb? did you pay attention to the ep at all? naruto is just shocked we would have seen it in the sharingan if he did that illusion technique on naruto. he doesnt want to hurt naruto too much anyway, not before they take away his power. they focused on his eyes to show how scared and shocked he was. and you have to be an s class to get into that organization, they want naruto for his power ONLY.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 11:21 AM
oh right S-K so iam dumb for speculating on somthing? i think you should get off of my case and stop harrasing me, just get off the whol 'i hate chambers' bandwagon.
1st off, naruto is just shocked eh? so why the focus specifically on his eyes, its a reasnonable assumption that due to the focus on his eyes hes doing somthing with them, the same way if he used a sword it may focus on the sword it imiediatly imples that it will be used.
2nd are you really such a stupendious idiot to think that every time itachi uses that technique the artists will devout 4-5 minutes of the show to it? i thinks its going to get pretty boring if they do that.
4th how do you know he doesnt want to hurt him, for all we know he may want to release the fox to see if he has any techniques he can learn or seal him on one of his partners, you also have NO IDEA WHAT SO EVER what they plan on doing to him, or how they intend to harness or examine his power.
5th oh right so they focused on itachis eyes to show how scared he was? er no. i think its you who didnt watch the ep, like i said in point one, its a reasnoable assumption, i wouldnt be surprised if iin the next ep naruto just collapses and itachis runs so he doesnt have to deal with jira.
6TH is this a joke?!!?!? show me one line wher eit states 'to enter (whatever the name is) you must be an s-class ninja', it snot even implyed. it just happens to be a coincidence that the best ninjas are s-class and only the best ninjas are in the organization, it wouldnt be too hard to come to the conclusion that they are still recruiting (espesh after oro left?) how do you know they wont pick naruto up for his obvioulsy immense power and try to mak ehim part of there team??
Sun, 05-16-2004, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
not only did I just say that 5 posts up, but you just double posted...
try to not look like an idiot infront of all the nice otakus...
stfu, ur postcount doesnt mean u should be more important then any other person here..if you have something to say, pm me or dont say it.
I'm mainly just reading everything (including your posts, which cannot really be called constructive either)and agreeing in silence.
Plz do not make a fool out of yourself by thinking your worth more ..I'm no simple n00b you can just silence by your intoleral behavior.
The double-post was indeed a mistake.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 11:46 AM
I don't think post count making somebody more important was ever mentioned. Anyways, zooming into Itachi's eyes doesn't mean anything. They have been doing it ever since they showed him, and Naruto's eyes were shown to express fright. Chambers, you always have to continue the fight, let a comment against you go for once.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by: chambers
oh right S-K so iam dumb for speculating on somthing? i think you should get off of my case and stop harrasing me, just get off the whol 'i hate chambers' bandwagon.
1st off, naruto is just shocked eh? so why the focus specifically on his eyes, its a reasnonable assumption that due to the focus on his eyes hes doing somthing with them, the same way if he used a sword it may focus on the sword it imiediatly imples that it will be used.
2nd are you really such a stupendious idiot to think that every time itachi uses that technique the artists will devout 4-5 minutes of the show to it? i thinks its going to get pretty boring if they do that.
4th how do you know he doesnt want to hurt him, for all we know he may want to release the fox to see if he has any techniques he can learn or seal him on one of his partners, you also have NO IDEA WHAT SO EVER what they plan on doing to him, or how they intend to harness or examine his power.
5th oh right so they focused on itachis eyes to show how scared he was? er no. i think its you who didnt watch the ep, like i said in point one, its a reasnoable assumption, i wouldnt be surprised if iin the next ep naruto just collapses and itachis runs so he doesnt have to deal with jira.
6TH is this a joke?!!?!? show me one line wher eit states 'to enter (whatever the name is) you must be an s-class ninja', it snot even implyed. it just happens to be a coincidence that the best ninjas are s-class and only the best ninjas are in the organization, it wouldnt be too hard to come to the conclusion that they are still recruiting (espesh after oro left?) how do you know they wont pick naruto up for his obvioulsy immense power and try to mak ehim part of there team??
Sun, 05-16-2004, 01:07 PM
Damn i truly loved that episode. It was one of the only few episodes that i thought was done better than the manga. Did anyone find that naked guy with the flame and the dog odd at all? That disturbed me. But it was funny.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by: chambers
oh right S-K so iam dumb for speculating on somthing? i think you should get off of my case and stop harrasing me, just get off the whol 'i hate chambers' bandwagon.
1st off, naruto is just shocked eh? so why the focus specifically on his eyes, its a reasnonable assumption that due to the focus on his eyes hes doing somthing with them, the same way if he used a sword it may focus on the sword it imiediatly imples that it will be used.
2nd are you really such a stupendious idiot to think that every time itachi uses that technique the artists will devout 4-5 minutes of the show to it? i thinks its going to get pretty boring if they do that.
4th how do you know he doesnt want to hurt him, for all we know he may want to release the fox to see if he has any techniques he can learn or seal him on one of his partners, you also have NO IDEA WHAT SO EVER what they plan on doing to him, or how they intend to harness or examine his power.
5th oh right so they focused on itachis eyes to show how scared he was? er no. i think its you who didnt watch the ep, like i said in point one, its a reasnoable assumption, i wouldnt be surprised if iin the next ep naruto just collapses and itachis runs so he doesnt have to deal with jira.
6TH is this a joke?!!?!? show me one line wher eit states 'to enter (whatever the name is) you must be an s-class ninja', it snot even implyed. it just happens to be a coincidence that the best ninjas are s-class and only the best ninjas are in the organization, it wouldnt be too hard to come to the conclusion that they are still recruiting (espesh after oro left?) how do you know they wont pick naruto up for his obvioulsy immense power and try to mak ehim part of there team??
i said they focused on his eyes to show how scared he was, reffering to naruto. and they did say what they wanted naruto for, or it was implied, they were after the 4th's legacy. jiraiya had said they were going around getting techniques etc, so, with this information you can see theyre after kyubi. i think it may have been said by kakashi, but i dont feel like looking. and i didnt say 4-5 mins, i meant they would have shown the illusion or implied it. and its not a coincidence, all the ninjas in that organization are extremely strong missing nins, and extremely strong missing nins are ranked s class, so basically you do need to be an s class to get in. and i dont hate you chambers, hate is such a strong word, i just find you annoying.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 01:29 PM
ok you DO NOT NEED to be an s-class to get in , ill tell you right now, if theres someone who wants to join theothers dont whip open ther bingo book, and check his class and then say yeah man your IN!!!
yes there was the cooment abotu thechniques, made by either kakashi or jira, but how on EARTH does that releate to naruto? we havent seen him do any extraordinary techniques AT ALL due to the fact he has the monster within him.
and mutata if i want to look into things i will. thats what this post if for, discussing the ep. and i will use it for that. can you please tell me what is over the top abotu it? perhaps suggesting that becasue itachi looked at him, and the ep lingered on the look for a long long time he was going to use the tech to incapacitate naruto to avoid a fight with jira, hmmmmm seems quite a reasonable idea, just beacse you know what will happen , doesn tmean that people here should stop looking into what could happen.
and at kononhamaru corps, why should i let a comment pass, when its made by a complete idiot flaming me for no reason....not to tmention they are WRONG.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by: chambers
and mutata if i want to look into things i will. thats what this post if for, discussing the ep. and i will use it for that. can you please tell me what is over the top abotu it? perhaps suggesting that becasue itachi looked at him, and the ep lingered on the look for a long long time he was going to use the tech to incapacitate naruto to avoid a fight with jira, hmmmmm seems quite a reasonable idea, just beacse you know what will happen , doesn tmean that people here should stop looking into what could happen.
no one is stopping you from over analyzing, buddy. so don't be so defensive. incapacitating naruto (using mangekyou sharingan) has nothing to do with avoiding a fight with jiraiya. one event can't lead to another since jiraiya isn't with naruto. duh?i/expressions/light.gif
EDIT: response to below:
akatsuki isn't after techniques specifically, they're after all things related to techniques. hence... kyubi chakra.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 01:41 PM
I don't think the Aka are after technique's. I remember the conversation between Kakashi and Jaraiyah being that they are after the pure chakra's of the world or something like that and that Kyuubi is one of them and I'm guessing Shukaku is another. Kinda make's you wonder how many demon's there are.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 01:50 PM
I hate Sakura. She gets to know that Naruto saved her ass, yet she thinks PRIMARILY of giving SASUKE candy. WHORE!
Oh and btw, all you people who doubted Jiraiya gets it black on white in this episode... Itachi admits that both he and Kisame would get raped by Jiraiya in a 2v1 fight. So there!
Sun, 05-16-2004, 01:54 PM
well maybe if people didnt call me dumb becasue they disagree with me, then i wouldnt have to be so defensive, at least that wa sa friendly post tho.
however what i was meaning in terms of the fight with jira is that one outcome could be that (lets itachis doesnt want to use that technique) the first thing naruto does it make 1000 replications of him self, he then proceeds to run away in the town. i think jira would notice that. also kisame ha sbeen described as attractign too much attention so maybe he will be the one to alert jira.
also i think this ep puts paid to some peoples idead about oro being scared to fight itachi, itachi clearly is hesitant abotu fighting jira, whereas oro was the same for itachi (only oro stated that he was stronger), does this mean that jira is stronger?
Nine Tailed Demon
Sun, 05-16-2004, 02:07 PM
Atleast Naruto fans are dedicated...
Sun, 05-16-2004, 02:22 PM
i liked this episode
a lot of stroy-developing information.
Naruto stepping on dogshit was hilarious (he could have avoided it because he was hella wiggling his legs in the air, but that wouldnt be as funny). Jiraiya was saying how Naruto and the fourth were alike, then he makes a comment about the hair and stubborness...hahahaha
the part where Sakura finds out Naruto actually saved her was cool, she has more respect for him. i think she might like him a little more because she was spotted at Narutos place before going to Sasukes knowing that Naruto might finish off all the sweets
i too think that Itachi used genjutsu to hypnotize the women to fall for Jiraiya, not anyone would happen to pass by the exact hotel and pause and look in to find a white hair perverted stud
i loved how they showed Sasuke knocking on the door to find a stupid, blond hair kid with a white haired geezer, then Naruto opening the door to find the same Sharingan, Uchiha name as Sasuke, great ending for a nice episode leading to a lot of anticipation.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 02:26 PM
yeah that was really well done, i thought it would end in an anit climax, i didnt think itachi would be so fast to act.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 02:38 PM
it doesn't mean that jiraiya is stronger... i think it's common sense to realize that it is dangerous to fight one of the legendary sannins even if you were someone like itachi. just don't forget that itachi isn't MANY levels above the sannins or anything.
Death BOO Z
Sun, 05-16-2004, 02:57 PM
did any of the manga readers notice the diffrence between Sakura's reaction in the animea and the manga?
Anime: she believes that Naruto saved her, and she goes off to thank him.
Manga: She thinks 'it must have been the chidori' and disregards what Sasuke said completly..
Sun, 05-16-2004, 02:59 PM
i think the anime had the added advantage to show a progression of thoughts more rapidly there fore making more sense as it finally dawns on her that 'hey maybe naruto did save me?'
Sun, 05-16-2004, 03:07 PM
sakura and a whore shes just OBSESSED with sasuke
Sun, 05-16-2004, 03:08 PM
whos this whore? is she in next ep?
you should mark with spoilers you know!
Sun, 05-16-2004, 03:09 PM
it doesn't mean that jiraiya is stronger... i think it's common sense to realize that it is dangerous to fight one of the legendary sannins even if you were someone like itachi. just don't forget that itachi isn't MANY levels above the sannins or anything.
You sure about that? I just watched the A/A version and Itachi said if him and Kisame both faught Jiraiyah that they both would be killed, and if they got lucky they would die along with him. And that even if they had more men the result would still be the same. Another thing I just learned from A/A version is that Jiraiya peeping jutsu is a cloaking technique that has never been cought. So I wonder if a clone is walking around with the girl while Jiraiya is keeping a eye on Naruto.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 03:46 PM
I don't know if anyone noticed this, but when Itachi and Kisame were talking about losing their lives in a "fight," it seemed like they were talking about Naruto.
Then, a few moments after that quote, Kisame says this:
After looking at these two shots, it appears that they are talking about losing to Naruto. I mean, he does have the Nine-Tails in him, so maybe if Naruto was about to die, the fox would lend a huge amount of Chakra to him, allowing him to kick Itachi, Kisame, and whoever else's ass.
Uchiha Barles
Sun, 05-16-2004, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
no one is stopping you from over analyzing, buddy. so don't be so defensive. incapacitating naruto (using mangekyou sharingan) has nothing to do with avoiding a fight with jiraiya. one event can't lead to another since jiraiya isn't with naruto. duh?i/expressions/light.gif
Actually, if Itachi is in fact using hypnosis on Naruto, it might have to do with avoiding a fight with Jiraiya. I'm sure Naruto doesn't stand the slightest chance, as of right now, of beating Itachi, but I want to give him enough credit to at least make a ruckus big enough so that Jiraiya would notice. Ny keeping Naruto quiet, they keep Jiraiya away, unless he's onto them already.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by: cheez121
I don't know if anyone noticed this, but when Itachi and Kisame were talking about losing their lives in a "fight," it seemed like they were talking about Naruto.
After looking at these two shots, it appears that they are talking about losing to Naruto. I mean, he does have the Nine-Tails in him, so maybe if Naruto was about to die, the fox would lend a huge amount of Chakra to him, allowing him to kick Itachi, Kisame, and whoever else's ass.
Naa they were talking about Jiraiya. Why if they thought they would be killed by Naruto go straight to his room?
Sun, 05-16-2004, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
it doesn't mean that jiraiya is stronger... i think it's common sense to realize that it is dangerous to fight one of the legendary sannins even if you were someone like itachi. just don't forget that itachi isn't MANY levels above the sannins or anything.
What is the logic behind that?
If Itachi is stronger then Jiraiya, why does he admit he would die.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 04:48 PM
EDIT: Different translations
Sun, 05-16-2004, 04:50 PM
But he did say that in the best case scenerio that him and Kisame would die taking Jiraiya with them.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 05:29 PM
if that was said (which I don't remember) then that means they are serving a MUCH higher purpose... I WANT TO KNOW what this Purpose is and if it's righteous or not.
fortunately I can wait.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 05:34 PM
Kisame: Perhaps you can fight him evenly... but I cannot. He's too strong.
Itachi: Yes. If we both fought him, we would both be killed... or in a good case, we might kill him, but we'd die along with him. Even if we had more men, that result would not change.
Kisame: His caretaker is a legendary Sannin. Konoha's Uchiha Clan and the Mist's Seven Shinobi-Gatana seem petty before his name.
Itachi: Yes, but all strong opponants have a weakness.
If he admits him and Kisame would die vs Jiraiya, then you can conclude that if it was just him he would not win.
If an orange is better then 2 apples... then an orange is certainly better then an apple.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 05:39 PM
I thought this episode would remove all doubt about Jiraiya's strength, but some people seem to cling to Itachi's phantom divinity no matter what the evidence says. Itachi said flat out that the best case scenario was that he would die and take Jiraiya with him. Also, Orochimaru said that Itachi was stronger than him. Itachi admits that Jiraiya is as strong, if not stronger than him. Therefore, Jiraiya > Orochimaru. Furthermore, Itachi said that even if they had greater numbers, none of this would change. How can anyone still doubt Jiraiya's strength? Last of all, I second Terracosmo's notion that Sakura is a whore. I really really really hope they don't try to parallel Sakura with Tsunade later because there is no way I can ever admire Sakura.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Oh and btw, all you people who doubted Jiraiya gets it black on white in this episode... Itachi admits that both he and Kisame would get raped by Jiraiya in a 2v1 fight. So there!
Yeah I was the one the first one to raise doubts over Jiraiya VS Itachi in 82's thread.
I was so wrong I can't live with myself anymore! Please save me God for this unforgivable sin!!! [sarcasm]
So what?!
Now please exit to the doors on your left.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 06:41 PM
Seems like Luchio needs a hug. Any volunteers?
Sun, 05-16-2004, 06:59 PM
why not.. I have nothing better to do with my life than to give unrespected hugs to sarcastic bitches who can't admit they are wrong.
thanks alot ot Shin Naruto! You are the man for copying that... you get a hug along with Luchio
Sun, 05-16-2004, 07:04 PM
does everybody have to get a fuckign boner over each other?
seriously calm the fuck down - the amount of e-thugs here is starting to get annoying
Sun, 05-16-2004, 07:04 PM
Lmao, I've been saying that Jiraiya is = or > Itachi for quite some time i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Not to mention .. Udon > Itachi!
Sun, 05-16-2004, 07:06 PM
Udon is <u>></u> the fourth hokage... and that is no lie ...homey
Sun, 05-16-2004, 07:14 PM
I Liked the part when Naruto tried to do the Chidori i was crying with laughter lol his face was so funny
Sun, 05-16-2004, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
why not.. I have nothing better to do with my life than to give unrespected hugs to sarcastic bitches who can't admit they are wrong.
thanks alot ot Shin Naruto! You are the man for copying that... you get a hug along with Luchio
I love you too. *sniffle*
Sun, 05-16-2004, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by: cheez121
I don't know if anyone noticed this, but when Itachi and Kisame were talking about losing their lives in a "fight," it seemed like they were talking about Naruto.
After looking at these two shots, it appears that they are talking about losing to Naruto. I mean, he does have the Nine-Tails in him, so maybe if Naruto was about to die, the fox would lend a huge amount of Chakra to him, allowing him to kick Itachi, Kisame, and whoever else's ass.
Hmmm I thought they was talking about Jiriaya but that does seem as if they are talking about Naruto. Maybe they are talking about Kyuubi. Maybe they know how to break the seal. Because if they are going after Kyuubi they must know a way to seperate him from Naruto. Thats just a thought though. I still think they where refering to Jiriaya.
I hope to see Jiriaya do something awesome in the next episode or so. I am hoping though he wouldn't be stupid enough to fall for a trap. I think maybe he threw the pebble at the woman, make it seem as if he went off with her, to trick Itachi and Kisume. I doubt it but hey. Next episode I am expecting Sasuke to go all crazy with Itachi. I don't think Itachi will kill him.. just almost kill him if they fight. But I am hoping after a lil while after Itachi and Sasuke get into, and ending right where Itachi is about to do kill Sasuke or something, Jiairay comes in and breaks it up and the next episode is dedicated to a Jiriaya fight. I know probably not but o well.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 09:57 PM
im thinking jiraiya didnt fall for that, he is way too smart. also he may be stronger or a little beat weaker than itachi, or at the same level, but, jiraiya has a lot of advantages. he has a lot more experience and jutsus (imo), and can also summon some powerful frogs. remember he is the one who trained the 4th.
if they try to make sakura into a tsunade id be pissed, she is such a dumbass it isnt even funny, she's just a little girl obsessed with a guy who thinks she is a loser. tenten is the next tsunade.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 09:59 PM
Do the summon's ever die? After Jiraiya's toad sat on Orochimaru's snake did it die? or poof back into the alternate plane which the summons come out of
Sun, 05-16-2004, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by: Naruto Rek
thanks alot ot Shin Naruto! You are the man for copying that... you get a hug along with Luchio
Thanks for your encouragements people, maybe my life isn't all a big lie after all...!
Originally posted by: LostAngel
But I am hoping after a lil while after Itachi and Sasuke get into, and ending right where Itachi is about to do kill Sasuke or something, Jiairay comes in and breaks it up and the next episode is dedicated to a Jiriaya fight. I know probably not but o well.
Yeah that's what I think will happen, but I could be wrong you know... i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sun, 05-16-2004, 10:11 PM
Sorry if this has been asked before (I don't want to search through 6 pages of responses), but is there any significance to the type of shrine Naruto is at? Is it shrine for the dead/ shrine for prayers and wishes/ etc.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 10:14 PM
im thinking jiraiya didnt fall for that, he is way too smart.
I been thinking the same thing since in the flashback he did say that he's never been cought using his peeping jutsu. So my guess is a clone is with the girl while he's watching over Naruto.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 10:36 PM
that ep was nice...a good lead-up to the next'll be see how they how do it...i forgot what happened in the and my short memory..
Sun, 05-16-2004, 10:50 PM
My BT isnt going anywhere.
I need seeds. Or a link to a direct Download.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 11:21 PM
I watched the Shin-Otaku version, and it said that Kisame would die, but Itachi could match him. So I don't know who's subbed version to trust. But I know that shin otaku messed up big in episode 81..... but anyways... the manga didn't even show this part.......... damn i wish i really knew what they said.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by: jing
I watched the Shin-Otaku version, and it said that Kisame would die, but Itachi could match him. So I don't know who's subbed version to trust. But I know that shin otaku messed up big in episode 81..... but anyways... the manga didn't even show this part.......... damn i wish i really knew what they said.
hey jing, i'm having the same problem here. ANBU-AonE and shin otaku were both totally different in subbing this part, but ANBU's version is probably correct but i'm still confused i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Sun, 05-16-2004, 11:48 PM
That scene is in the manga. Chapter 144 page 9 to be exact.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 12:05 AM
My guess is that Kisame transformed into the girl. I also think that Jiraiya knew this, because he told Naruto to go into the room and mold chakra. Now, this is just a guess, but maybe he wants Naruto to do this because either:
A) Use up all his chakra so he goes Kuuybi on Itachi.
B) Get ready to fight so he can see what Naruto can do.
C) Just because he was blind at the time and just wanted to hang with the girl.
If the answer is C, then I'm guessing he's going to see the REAL version of the girl, then kick the fakes ass (if it is Kisame or something).
Also, did anyone notice that when Jiraiya and Naruto regiester at the inn, the girl with the green hat is behind the counter (the same one that Sasuke talks to)? Maybe Sasuke is in the same hotel as Naruto and Itachi after all.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 12:09 AM
thanks for finding the page for me, but it didn't say how jiraiya would kill them both. so........ in the end im still confuzzled...we need a translator here.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by: cheez121
My guess is that Kisame transformed into the girl.
ahahaha.....yeah i can just picture kisame all flirting with jiraiya i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Mon, 05-17-2004, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure (which is kinda weird how sasuke was able to go for a 3rd chidori stab into the rock in that guessing he has more chakra since he wasnt using his sharingan at the time)
He didn't use the sharingan to activate the chidori, but he was using it as he lifted his hand (and head) up to attack the rock again.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 12:44 AM
A little transcript from the episode:
Kis: "Perhaps you can fight him evenly...but I cannot. He is too strong."
Ita: "Yes. If we both fought him, we would both be killed...or in a good case, we might kill him, but we'd die along with him. Even if we had more men, that result would not change."
Kis: "His caretaker is a legendary Sannin."
Now, maybe its just me, but in the first few lines they are talking about a He and a Him, and then, in that last one that say that His caretaker is a Sannin(obviously Jir).
So from the way this looks, I think that the person they are talking about who is able to kill them is actually Naruto, or, more likely, they are talking about Naruto as though he IS the Demon Fox, and it is actually the Demon Fox they think is stronger than them and not Jir.
EDIT: Bah, I see Cheez already brought this up, and with screenshots too. My bad. Anyway, I don't know if the translations are right or wrong, but from what the AnA version says, I think they are talking about the Fox.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 01:11 AM
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
A little transcript from the episode:
Kis: "Perhaps you can fight him evenly...but I cannot. He is too strong."
Ita: "Yes. If we both fought him, we would both be killed...or in a good case, we might kill him, but we'd die along with him. Even if we had more men, that result would not change."
Kis: "His caretaker is a legendary Sannin."
Now, maybe its just me, but in the first few lines they are talking about a He and a Him, and then, in that last one that say that His caretaker is a Sannin(obviously Jir).
So from the way this looks, I think that the person they are talking about who is able to kill them is actually Naruto, or, more likely, they are talking about Naruto as though he IS the Demon Fox, and it is actually the Demon Fox they think is stronger than them and not Jir.
EDIT: Bah, I see Cheez already brought this up, and with screenshots too. My bad. Anyway, I don't know if the translations are right or wrong, but from what the AnA version says, I think they are talking about the Fox.
I think they are too.... I have only seen the A/A version I wonder what the Shik one version translated it as. Oh and Kisame being the girl can't be because in the preview for the next ep is standing right next to Itachi. I think Naruto saved Sasuke, Sasuke comes and saves Naruto that way they are even again. And Naruto gets to see how powerful Sasuke has gotten. I think Sasuke might awaken some new ability like when he fought Haku he was able to awaken the use of sharingon. I dont know. I just hope Jiriaya really didn't fall for that type of trap. That flashback of him and the third I think was a hint to let us know what he is going to do. I mean why else would they talk about him using the cloaking thingy.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 01:14 AM
well, i can use common sense and say that it's jiraiya they are talking about. i wouldn't look too much into this if i were you guys.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 01:48 AM
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
A little transcript from the episode:
Kis: "Perhaps you can fight him evenly...but I cannot. He is too strong."
Ita: "Yes. If we both fought him, we would both be killed...or in a good case, we might kill him, but we'd die along with him. Even if we had more men, that result would not change."
Kis: "His caretaker is a legendary Sannin."
Now, maybe its just me, but in the first few lines they are talking about a He and a Him, and then, in that last one that say that His caretaker is a Sannin(obviously Jir).
So from the way this looks, I think that the person they are talking about who is able to kill them is actually Naruto, or, more likely, they are talking about Naruto as though he IS the Demon Fox, and it is actually the Demon Fox they think is stronger than them and not Jir.
EDIT: Bah, I see Cheez already brought this up, and with screenshots too. My bad. Anyway, I don't know if the translations are right or wrong, but from what the AnA version says, I think they are talking about the Fox.
In this case I think it's a little confusion on the part of the translation. Both Naruto and Jiraiya are "he", after all, so I interpreted it as Kisame switching to talking about Naruto suddenly without informing the viewer. Perhaps a less confusing wording would be "That caretaker is a legendary Sannin."
It wouldn't make any sense for them to be afraid of Naruto, in any case, since he's the one that they're trying to get, and the one being protected by a legendary ninja. If Itachi and Kisame are afraid of Naruto and not Jiraiya, Orochimaru would have been afraid of him as well, being at the same level as Jiraiya, but he had no trouble sealing off the Kyuubi's powers a while back, without even batting an eye.
Also, Itachi subsequently talks about everyone having a weakness. Then, a pretty girl shows up, which directly appeals to Jiraiya's failing, and Itachi and Kisame show up at Naruto's door at the end of the episode. The implication is clearly that Jiraiya was sidetracked so that Itachi could get to Naruto without any trouble from the old man. The story would make no sense if Itachi talks about Naruto's weakness and then shows up without doing anything to Naruto previously other than distracting his schlub teacher. i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif There's no evidence in the anime that anyone (other than Naruto) thinks Jiraiya's reputation is unfounded.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
why not.. I have nothing better to do with my life than to give unrespected hugs to sarcastic bitches who can't admit they are wrong.
thanks alot ot Shin Naruto! You are the man for copying that... you get a hug along with Luchio
Originally posted by: Hinata-chan
does everybody have to get a fuckign boner over each other?
seriously calm the fuck down - the amount of e-thugs here is starting to get annoying
look at the guy above you if you want a target to kick/ban ..fucking retard ..or its just his avatar that makes him bully everyone .
so full of himself ..
Mon, 05-17-2004, 03:19 AM
guys, be nice. the only e-thug here is me, k?
Mister Pie
Mon, 05-17-2004, 03:50 AM
I think in the manga they were only talking about Jiraiya, or at least that's how it was translated.
This episode seemed to diverge a lot from the manga. It looks like they are putting in more scenes to slow down catching up the manga o sometihng. I could be wrong though, my memory sucks.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 03:53 AM
Here's what they say in the manga - just so people can compare:
Kisame: "You can fight how and where you want, but I don't know... the time is wrong."
Itachi: "Ah. To meet those two and kill them. It's a good place to fight. So they can't increase the number of people they have."
K: "It was good that we found him at the Ramen shop. But he's protected by one of the 3 legendary ninjas. That guy might be a match for the #1 of the Leaf and one of the Mist's Seven Strongest."
I: "Ah, but, it is said that every strong man has a weak point."
So, Kisame said that Jiraiya might possibly be a match for them. This is in contrast to the anime, where Itachi said Jiraiya would beat them. So we have to ask, which is a more reliable source: the manga or the anime?
We can't really discuss it further without spoiling though, so we'll have to wait untill a few more eps are released.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 04:04 AM
Originally posted by: Mongoose
In this case I think it's a little confusion on the part of the translation. Both Naruto and Jiraiya are "he", after all, so I interpreted it as Kisame switching to talking about Naruto suddenly without informing the viewer. Perhaps a less confusing wording would be "That caretaker is a legendary Sannin."
I thought the subtext was pretty clear (or I would have changed it or at least complained about it).
That's the problem with pronouns though .... "he is doing this" "he is doing that" "he is doing something else" might be one person concurrently (with non-conflicting actions), one person consecutively, three people concurrently, or three people completely disconnected, and you only have the subtext and the way the sentences are strung together to figure it out.
Especially when people are being all nonchalant or speaking from a largely shared understanding ....
Kisame and Itachi both know they can't take Jiraiya, no matter how hard they try. But they know he has a weakness in his defenses -- namely that he's a pig (as all healthy straight single men are, to some extent). They also both know they could pretty easily take on someone like Kakashi (Itachi says Kisame would win but be injured in the process, and Itachi renders Kakashi useless pretty fast), and someone like Kakashi could probably beat Naruto without too much difficulty. So I'd say until Naruto is a whole lot stronger and a good deal more tactically experienced, he's probably not the subject of their discussions about their inferiority to him. Remember that Itachi is stronger than orochimaru right now, and even Kisame is at least an even match if not a bit stronger than Asuma (who is a badass, as his beaten-up cigarette demonstrates).
Mon, 05-17-2004, 09:52 AM
Anyone want to get out as a Seeder. My BT hasnt moved at all. and the only Direct download site i know of dosnt have eps 83
Mon, 05-17-2004, 11:00 AM
kumiriko, there's still over 2000 seeds for 83....having one or two more of us seed it isnt going to change anything if you are having trouble dling it
Mon, 05-17-2004, 01:10 PM
I much prefer Shin Otaku's translation, which both makes it obvious that they are referring to Jiraiya and makes the much less controversial statement that fighting Jiraiya would "put their lives at risk". There is no way in Hell that the sentiment of definite death is the correct one.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 01:19 PM
itachi and kisame vs jiraiya = absolute death for itachi and kisame?
that's complete bullshit. even if it was itachi vs jiraiya (or any of the sannins) and kisame = absolute death for jiraiya and kisame, i still wouldn't believe it. there is no way someone is THAT strong right now. we're not far enough in the anime yet.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 02:07 PM
i think its just implying that jira has a chance at killing itachi, just like i think some people overeacted when oro said that itachi was stronger. it doesnt mean he IS stronger. lee states that neji is stronger but wants to fight and defeat him.
i think its more a case of probablitys, where theres a good chance that jira would seriously wound itachi and kisame should they fight, just like if oro fought itachi theres a good chance that no matter the ourcome, they could both not end up walking away with there lives.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 03:00 PM
i think it might have just been a mix up in the A&A translation, i really didnt notice when i watched the ep, i just figured they were talking about jiraiya, until i seen it on here is when i really noticed. itachi may be a match for jiraiya but he can probably beat him, id like to see naruto kick kisame's ass though.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by: chambers
i think its just implying that jira has a chance at killing itachi, just like i think some people overeacted when oro said that itachi was stronger. it doesnt mean he IS stronger. lee states that neji is stronger but wants to fight and defeat him.
i think its more a case of probablitys, where theres a good chance that jira would seriously wound itachi and kisame should they fight, just like if oro fought itachi theres a good chance that no matter the ourcome, they could both not end up walking away with there lives.
no... you're wrong. there was no overreaction. orochimaru knows that itachi is stronger than him. someone who is so arrogant and supposed to have been the 4th wouldn't say something like that if it didn't mean anything.
i think this is inane version (the AA version of mangas). even if it isn't inane, i've had different versions before but all of them are pretty similar in translations when orochimaru was talking about itachi. it kinda sucks how there is such inconsistancies in translations for the anime. and i can't even rely on translations from the anime cuz they add random stuff to it and translate it. there is no original source we can look back on and we don't know if kishimoto is involved in the new additions. i'm sure as long as it doesn't derail the storyline, the animators can add new scenes without kishimoto being involved.
and of course there is a good chance that jiraiya would mess up itachi and kisame. he is one of the sannins after all. but i'm not gonna trust the this translation: "Yes. If we both fought him, we would both be killed...or in a good case, we might kill him, but we'd die along with him. Even if we had more men, that result would not change." said by itachi. it's impossible for someone to be THAT strong. and if for some reason he was THAT strong... wouldn't the 3rd have wanted to choose him as yondaime?
Mon, 05-17-2004, 03:58 PM
I suppose that just like now he wouldn't want to be hokage... He don't want now, why should he want back then ??
there's a possibility that Sandaime just knew that we was gonna refuse to be hokage either way OR he asked him if he would be new hokage but he refused to him, so orochimaru was next in line... well, after all, we can't tell, but that's also an option.
right now we know nothing about jiraiya's real power
Mon, 05-17-2004, 04:02 PM
I believe Itachi and Kisame's statements in reference to Jiraiya were slight mistranslations by A/A, what Orochimaru said wasn't.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 04:08 PM
I basically got the impression that they said that if they were to take on Naruto and the Kyuubi, they would lose their lives, but if they're lucky, they could take Naruto down with them. Then they mention Jiraiya is watching over him and that he's strong, but all stong people hav a weakness. So Itachi is not really worried about getting killed by Jiraiya, but Naruto and Kyuubi.
Well, I could be wrong, it's just a bit confusing atm
Mon, 05-17-2004, 04:14 PM
i have to disagree with you there ^^^^. its clear from the hokage/oro fight that it is very possible for two high level people to fight each other and suffer long term/permanet injurys or death. so i think thats what the translation meant ( i havent seen the AA one yet tho). it would be reasonable for itachi so say that because of the high level of jira it would be unreasonable to assume they could fight without suffering major damage, i think that is an obvious point.
also mutata you are saying its impossible for someone to be that strong as in beating itachi and kisame, yet you think its possible to assume that itachi could beat kakashi (he did and without breaking a sweat at that) gai, kurenai (almost the same as kakashi) and asuma? yet you think it cant be possible for a legendary ninja, student of the greatest ninja ever, to beat a younger genius ninja and (what i presume to be) one of th eseven best ninja of the mist village.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 04:20 PM
It cant be since Naruto cant even beat Kakashi. So how could he beat Itachi, its preety imposible for him right now.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by: chambers
i have to disagree with you there ^^^^. its clear from the hokage/oro fight that it is very possible for two high level people to fight each other and suffer long term/permanet injurys or death. so i think thats what the translation meant ( i havent seen the AA one yet tho). it would be reasonable for itachi so say that because of the high level of jira it would be unreasonable to assume they could fight without suffering major damage, i think that is an obvious point.
also mutata you are saying its impossible for someone to be that strong as in beating itachi and kisame, yet you think its possible to assume that itachi could beat kakashi (he did and without breaking a sweat at that) gai, kurenai (almost the same as kakashi) and asuma? yet you think it cant be possible for a legendary ninja, student of the greatest ninja ever, to beat a younger genius ninja and (what i presume to be) one of th eseven best ninja of the mist village.
chambers : Hasn't something like this already been discussed in the Itachi thread...?
Also about yer bottom statement. Makes sense i guess, but u cant really jump to conclusions seeing that we hav no idea how strong Jiraiya is.
The_Fourth : I'm talking about Naruto and Kyuubi. If Itachi really attempts to kill Naruto himself, he wouldnt need to break a sweat, but if he needed to manipulate the Kyuubi, that's a different story. Besides, i dont think Naruto would die so easily without letting the Kyuubi come out and wreck some havoc.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 04:35 PM
I'm pretty sure that the organization just wants Naruto's Kyuubi. So whether or not Naruto has to be alive is uncertain. They might need to perform some new jutsu that we haven't seen to extract the Kyuubi and then just toss Naruto aside. Or they might need to keep Naruto alive indefinately to use the Kyuubi's chakra.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 04:36 PM
I agree with you that Naruto wouldnt die as easy with Kyuubi chakra, but still he wouldnt represent too much trouble for Itachi.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 05:17 PM
i think if naruto was about to die by itachi's hand, the kyubi would take over and kick itachi's ass. but i think that was a mess up in the translation, it doesnt really make sense, i think they were talking about jiraiya. jiraiya would never let itachi beat up on naruto though, i think he can beat itachi.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by: chambers
also mutata you are saying its impossible for someone to be that strong as in beating itachi and kisame, yet you think its possible to assume that itachi could beat kakashi (he did and without breaking a sweat at that) gai, kurenai (almost the same as kakashi) and asuma? yet you think it cant be possible for a legendary ninja, student of the greatest ninja ever, to beat a younger genius ninja and (what i presume to be) one of th eseven best ninja of the mist village.
it's possible, but it's not always gonna be a 100% chance that itachi will win against kakashi, gai, kurenai, and asuma. and where did i say that? i NEVER said that itachi can take on and beat all kakashi, gai, kurenai, and asuma at the same time. don't make up random stuff. i never said it's impossible for jiraiya or any of the sannins to beat itachi and kisame. i've stated it many times before, itachi is stronger than each of the sannins, but doesn't mean he over powers them by ten fold. never have i ever said that orochimaru or jiraiya didn't stand a chance against itachi. of course they all have a fair chance of beating itachi, but i can't see it happening since itachi isn't gonna lose til sasuke beats him in the end.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 05:33 PM
the only thing to conclude from the text is that jira is either stronger or at the same level as itachi. we know from his own admission (although that doesnt mean the truth) that jira is stronger than kisame.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 08:13 PM
Kisame's only about the level of Zabuza/Kakashi. I say that because he's one of the strongest of the Mist, just like Zabuza was before he became a missing-nin.
It could be possible that Itachi and Kisame were referring to the Kyuubi when they said they'd be defeated and at best die along with him. Unless someone retranslates it, we'll never know what they truly meant.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 08:45 PM
I'm going to skirt around the issue as best I can, due to spoilers, but I am absolutely sure that whatever Itachi's comments were (whether just expressing trouble or a fact of death), they were directed at Jiraiya.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by: Everon
I'm pretty sure that the organization just wants Naruto's Kyuubi. So whether or not Naruto has to be alive is uncertain. They might need to perform some new jutsu that we haven't seen to extract the Kyuubi and then just toss Naruto aside. Or they might need to keep Naruto alive indefinately to use the Kyuubi's chakra.
I think they need to have Naruto to be alive to extract Kyuubi because if Naruto's dies, Kyuubi dies. (in theory) Otherwise, Kyuubi wouldn't give power to Naruto if Naruto being in danger didn't mean that Kyuubi be in danger.
Tue, 05-18-2004, 12:09 AM
i'm pretty disappointed the words: "Naruto is better than me" didn't force out of Sasuke's mouth.
god dammit just admit it
Tue, 05-18-2004, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by: 010577
i'm pretty disappointed the words: "Naruto is better than me" didn't force out of Sasuke's mouth.
god dammit just admit it
you need that reassurance, don't you?
Wed, 05-19-2004, 12:59 AM
I read somewhere that the quotes in question (about Itachi saying he would lose to Jiyara) don't appear in the manga.
If so, then they don't really matter much anyway because ultimately the manga will decide who is stronger.
Wed, 05-19-2004, 01:52 AM
Why is Jiraya the coolest guy ever? Jiraya is the King!!
Wed, 05-19-2004, 06:10 AM
Originally posted by: Everon
I'm pretty sure that the organization just wants Naruto's Kyuubi. So whether or not Naruto has to be alive is uncertain. They might need to perform some new jutsu that we haven't seen to extract the Kyuubi and then just toss Naruto aside. Or they might need to keep Naruto alive indefinately to use the Kyuubi's chakra.
They cant take Kyubi out of Naruto cause then kyubi would kill them all,like he did the last he was out.
Plus i dont think they have a justu who does take kyubi from Naruto and puts him in a member of Red Moon. I think they want to make Naruto on of them since its safer than taking Kyubi out.
The Red Mon collects power so why not make Naruto one of them and he uses Kybui's power in their name of course they would have train him first.
Wed, 05-19-2004, 06:16 AM
very interesting thought... but if they were going to do that, they probably would have been more stealth and sent someone more... discreet to get him.. (basically, if your a secret organization, your don't send CHARLES MANSON to go get the pizzza) and they would probably try to be buddy buddy with him, then scare the shit out of him at his front door... but again, thats me speculatin'
Though, if that is their intent, why did they not go after Gaara? He's pretty damn powerful, and easier to turn, unless they are a good organization, like the Elks...
Wed, 05-19-2004, 04:05 PM
ok, maybe if they got naruto earlier in the series then they could convert him to the "dark side"....but now that he has precious people he isnt gonna turn evil
Wed, 05-19-2004, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
very interesting thought... but if they were going to do that, they probably would have been more stealth and sent someone more... discreet to get him.. (basically, if your a secret organization, your don't send CHARLES MANSON to go get the pizzza) and they would probably try to be buddy buddy with him, then scare the shit out of him at his front door... but again, thats me speculatin'
Though, if that is their intent, why did they not go after Gaara? He's pretty damn powerful, and easier to turn, unless they are a good organization, like the Elks...
no matter who they send, they're still going to be a reknown s-rank felon. those are the people that make up the terrorist group. but i do agree that it was probably a bad idea to send itachi back to his hometown.
Thu, 05-20-2004, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by: SofaKing
I read somewhere that the quotes in question (about Itachi saying he would lose to Jiyara) don't appear in the manga.
If so, then they don't really matter much anyway because ultimately the manga will decide who is stronger.
I think that's a good point to bring up. In the manga Itachi didn't say that Jiraiya was stronger than him, him and Kisama just stated that he might be a match for those two. And yeah, the manga would be the one that ultimately decides who's stronger, being that it's the story the anime derived from and it's all up to Kishimoto.
But I still kind of think that Jiraiya is probably a little stronger than Itachi..
Thu, 05-20-2004, 10:36 AM
They're going to try and make Naruto a member of their organization with promises of ramen and a free dental plan I bet.
Thu, 05-20-2004, 10:38 AM
free dental plan? this isnt the simpsons board is it?
Zabuza No Jutsu
Thu, 05-20-2004, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by: Garlannd
They're going to try and make Naruto a member of their organization with promises of ramen and a free dental plan I bet.
I agree! Free Misu Ramen for life! Dental plan? hmmm....methinks they'll lure him in with a sakura-look-a-like
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