View Full Version : lost sleep to Naruto?
Thu, 05-13-2004, 01:30 AM
How many of you have lost sleep as a direct result of Naruto, whether becuase you started a Torrent at 2am and decided to stay up till 4am untill it was done just to watch it, or decided to watch a buncha episodes and suddenly the sun is coming up and you don't remember how.
I am guilty of Both i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif ... discuss
tommy salami
Thu, 05-13-2004, 01:49 AM
i am guilty if the first cause of naruto and second cause i decid to start new serieses and watch like 30 ep in a row
Shinji Ikari
Thu, 05-13-2004, 02:14 AM
Yep, no way to avoid it since wednessdays when the RAW version comes out, it does so around 11pm, so ususally it's home around 12pm or 1am or something like that... And i have to see it the same day i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Thu, 05-13-2004, 03:52 AM
wow i have never had problems like that.. i read the manga also so i dont have an unstoppable desire for watching.
Thu, 05-13-2004, 06:06 AM
I think you really do, but you won't admit it.
or your a freak. ^.^
Thu, 05-13-2004, 06:20 AM
My downloads usually finishes around midnight - 1am. If it was going any later, i'd wait for the following day to download it
Thu, 05-13-2004, 08:17 AM
Night Terrors. I watched so much naruto I overdosed I woke up every 10 mins I couldn't get the show off my mind I was going insane from it. It wouldnt let me sleep and when I did sleep all I could think of is Naruto.
It was like a drug of some kind I felt bugs crawlng under my skin and all itchy too. I couldn't take it. So I had to cut down to 3 episodes a day but that didn't last long. I couldn't beat the good stuff so I watched more and more till i finally caught up to everyone.
Now I'm in rehab and the doctors are only regulating me to one episode every sunday. By the way you got any naruto you can fix me wit? Cmon man I'm beggin ya! you got any?
Thu, 05-13-2004, 08:20 AM
dood!... <hush-hush> i can slip you some codec if you will trade for some torrenti/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Thu, 05-13-2004, 08:54 AM
The day my sis passed me Naruto anime episode 1-21 (Which was the latest at that moment). Beginning last year I think.
Didn't sleep the whole night and still went to school the next morning. And that day I had to do some assignments in the library which I eventually fell asleep there. Funny tricks the mind plays on you when lacking sleep. People speaking in Cantonese(A chinese dialect) sounded Japanese.
Thu, 05-13-2004, 09:02 AM
dude, you want the mind playing tricks on you, 3 semesters ago I stayed up for about 80 hrs or so *STRAIGHT* subsisting off of alota coffee and mixed nuts for back-to-back mech eng. and elect. eng. finals. Around hr 70 I started to see shadowy figures in the corners of my eyes and started hearing voices when i was all alone studying. No exaggeration.
Thu, 05-13-2004, 10:38 AM
I'll cut you stoopider! Hand it over!
Yes I stayed up for four days once and I actually fell assleep I woke up finding myself sitting infront of the tv with no recollection of how I got there seeing as I was downstairs when I had any last memory of what I had been doing.
Yea I noticed in my dream everyone was speaking japanese and it was all subtitled. Course I have weird dreams. Oh stoop nice mimi picture its scary, yet hypnotic with those colorful like a butterfly's wings of an eyebrows. Man I forgot how much eyelash that lady used.
Anywho. I don't regret loosing sleep over Naruto! However, I do regret I didn't pace myself to a point where I would be able to watch two episodes a week and last a few months instead of three weeks before I caught up to everyone. (Minus the mangas.)
Everyone I've shown the Naruto series loves it and can't get enopugh of it as well. Even non anime fans so needless to say this series is hot shissa.
I'd want it to come to the states but I'm afraid they'll do what they did to dragonball z. Cut the epsidoes in two and fill em full of commercials. Not to mention the censorship and bad dubbing. I really hope if they do release it over here it stays the way it is. In Japanese and subtitled wonderfully not cutting of footage!
Sure I've gotten far off topic but what are ya goona do? I'll relate this back to sleep. It'd give me nightmares if they mutilate this anime I'd actually cry. If I had the money I'd buy the rights to Naruto in the states. Yet I don't so what can I do but flood whoever buys the rights to it here with a giant mass petition of people.
Till then I'll keep dreamin those naruto dreams. Course its pretty freaky when you're dreaming in cartoon anime form as well.
Thu, 05-13-2004, 11:43 AM
Yeah I am guilty of loss of sleep when I first watched Naruto there were 67 episodes out so I had to catch up.
Thu, 05-13-2004, 01:18 PM
yeah, I watched like 70 episodes in essentially a single block. It was the best time of my life. Well, not nearly. But fun.
Thu, 05-13-2004, 01:23 PM
when i first started watching like up to 50 had been out so i kinda started watching it later than some of you. but when i found it and started watching it i was like HOLY SHIT. i watched not sure how many in a row till i was caught up. itd be like go home watch what i downloaded, set more eps to download, watch an ep in the morning, school, watch some more ... ... ...
Thu, 05-13-2004, 01:45 PM
Hehe only on Sundays when AOne releases it.
Thu, 05-13-2004, 01:50 PM
Was lucky enough to find Naruto fairly soon after it became available on fansub - so never had the situation where I had more than a couple of episodes waiting to be watched.
Mind you - from friday evening onwards I'm checking the torrent sites at least once an hour to see if the new one is out yet :-)
Thu, 05-13-2004, 02:10 PM
i stayed up all night when i got the manga...
read vol1-20 in one night i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
i stay up some nights to watch the anime again i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Thu, 05-13-2004, 03:53 PM
I lost a lot of sleep a year and a half ago when I was actively involved in fansubbing. Back then we were releasing on a much tighter schedule, and in order to get it out to you guys on time, a lot of people had to stay up till 3-4-5 am i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Thu, 05-13-2004, 04:31 PM
i just introduced a friend to naruto anime.. he watched it on my PC, then he said he was staying over till he watched it all..
1-80 he went hardout.......
i stayed up till like 45 .. then went sleep woke up an he was still going!!
Thu, 05-13-2004, 05:59 PM
I remember when I would watch like 12 eps of Naruto, trying to catch up with everyone else at school, i had bags the size of dumpsters under my eye,
And ViciousHyuuga chage the 500x80 to 400x80, its too big, and find a Neji avatar it'll go good with the sig
Thu, 05-13-2004, 06:42 PM
I fansub naruto. if I make time whenever it hits to do my thing, then the release is sped up by that much time. speaking of which .....
Thu, 05-13-2004, 08:13 PM
I was on summer holidays when i was introduced to naruto. I would lose sleep in the mornings cuz i would wake up really early to start downloading the torrent. I downloaded like 10 eps a day and watched them each twice non stop. Now that im all caught up though, every friday i check my sites hourly waiting for anbu-aone's release.
Thu, 05-13-2004, 08:30 PM
I remember the series was at episode 32 when I started watching it and I could not stop.
After I caught up I found the manga and read all of it in a day, it was crazy!
Thu, 05-13-2004, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by: complich8
I fansub naruto. if I make time whenever it hits to do my thing, then the release is sped up by that much time. speaking of which .....
heya compy!
I'm going to have a lot more free time, so if you need me to qc, drop me an IM.
last day of work tomorrow, w00t! classes start tuesday... sniff i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Fri, 05-14-2004, 02:15 AM
Hey yo now that u mention it? There were so many countless long restless nights back when I was younger (13 months ago) where I simply could not cope with the emotional drama. Oh lawd, thow I could not stop the cryingggg after witnessing the zabuza saga?? There I was lying on that mattress, begging for my roommate to heat some warm milk over the lounge stove, at 3 am in the morning. BECAUSE MY PARENTS WEREN'T ENOUGH. they stopped answering the phone after I called home threatening to sacrifice the family dog Wagsies unless they could tell me 3 reasons for why Haku deserved to be so beautiful and yet so dead.
If it weren't for my roommate, the one who sings to me the best lullabies to help me deal with my Naruto-induced insomnia these recent summer nights, I would still be stuck in........pfffttt ah man screw it..I kid! I kid! sorry y'all it's hard for me to be drunk and not avoid smearing the most gay crap all over your monitors like that. I hope none of u ppl fell for that....and if u did, jump off a cliff right NOW cuz I dun ain't want nobody to spread word about my sensual fondness for warm milk to ANYONE u hearin me?
Fri, 05-14-2004, 02:32 AM
My ...
brain ..
has ..
Damn you Jeff_from_MD .. I summon rabid electric hot dogs upon you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fri, 05-14-2004, 07:59 AM
I summon Fist to the face of Jeff to shut the leet speek ghetto talk up!
Fri, 05-14-2004, 09:15 AM
The first time i watched naruto was some time in nov2003... it was the first time ever watching anime!(i'm so glad i discovered it now). I went to sleep over at a friends place to chill out and play some PS2, but the PS2 wasn't there so my friend literally forced me to watch naruto. i was like 'hell no, its such a childish thing to watch cartoons'. But anyway i watched the first few eps, and thought hmm.... this aint so bad after all, then i kept on watching it, and i got instantly hooked and watched eps 1 to 60 in less than 2 days. i had almost no sleep at all.
Fri, 05-14-2004, 03:55 PM
haha funny
Sat, 05-15-2004, 12:32 AM
Wow, after reading this thread, i feel right at home.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 02:09 AM
yea, but I finished the Kenshin series over the weekened though. So i am used to staying up late.
Uchiha Barles
Sat, 05-15-2004, 12:37 PM
Yeah, I once marathoned 45 episodes straight with a couple of friends. Took one break to get some food. Also, when waiting for the naruto ninja chronicles and the light and darkness episodes. Those were a couple of long weeks.
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