View Full Version : Fullmetal Licensed
Tue, 05-11-2004, 04:34 PM
It can be true. Not at this point in the series. It's going to be a year or longer before Funimation catches up. Goddamn full metals popularity. Why cant they wait till it's finished airing in japan. If anyone knows where I can get a Bit torrents For full metal alchemist besideds Anime Keep. I would Be in your debt.
Tue, 05-11-2004, 05:12 PM
Two words: sonchou fansubs
Tue, 05-11-2004, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by: BigR
Two words: sonchou fansubs
THEY DROPPED IT!!. Go check for your self.
Tue, 05-11-2004, 05:33 PM
this is a stupid thread and a dumb way grab someone's attention.
Tue, 05-11-2004, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
this is a stupid thread and a dumb way grab someone's attention.
Didn't see the Fullmetal post till it was to late. Give me break.
Tue, 05-11-2004, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by: Lefty
Originally posted by: BigR
Two words: sonchou fansubs
THEY DROPPED IT!!. Go check for your self.
Sorry, but unless their channel on irc (#sonchou-fansubs on rizon) is lying, "Sonchou WILL CONTINUE to sub FMA"
So, yeah, I did check for myself i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Tue, 05-11-2004, 06:20 PM
This is something i don't get about some people.
Granted someone will just do DVD rips, but thats even wary.
You would think when something gets licensed on R1, people will be happy that it comes out on DVD, it comes to your market, hell, FMA will even be on TV.
But no, most are not.
Most condem fansub groups for quiting subbing something once it gets licensed.
Myself, i buy the DVD's i want, im not saying GO OUT AND BUY EVERY ANIME DVD.
But if you like a series enough to go download it, complain when it gets licensed, ask for another group once a group stops it after being licensed, then why not buy the DVD's when they come out?
This is getting quite distrubing. Its a recent trend, i assume if someone like ADV gets naruto, this will boil over into people spamming aone, and etc.
Its a nasty new trend to not want something to get licensed, why would you not want something licensed?
Sure you may not be able to collect fansubs of it, but who cares?
Soon you'll get DVD video, professional sub and dub and the works.
Some people make the argument, "well i hate dubs, so i don't buy the DVD's, its not the way the creatore wanted you to see it"
Neither is it with english subs numnuts.
To sum my long winded rant up, im not mad at people who love a series and make a comotion when it gets licensed, im mad at the people who once something gets licensed, continue to carry on , bad mouth groups who drop it, and so on.
Tue, 05-11-2004, 06:27 PM
i like fan subs because i dont have enough money to buy dvds and theyre usually 30 bucks for 2-3 eps, for me i hope naruto doesnt get licensed anytime soon.
Tue, 05-11-2004, 06:31 PM
30 dollars a DVD?
where are you shopping?
i get my DVD's for 22-25 dollars.
but most people don't understand my point
series widely popular like FMA and naruto get licensed, like FMA just did.
My point im makeing, if people download these every release, go into rooms, especially naruto, ask when the next ep is out, complain when it isn't.
Then, when it gets licensed, the recoil of, OMG LETS FIND ANOTHER GROUP.
If you go through that much trouble to find another group,check everyday for a new episode, and its a series that YOU FOLLOW FOR 82 GOD DAM EPISODE, or in FMA's case 31, why not go for the DVD's?
Tue, 05-11-2004, 06:35 PM
In all honesty, Lego, the reason I hate licenses on shows I watch from fansub groups is the wait (usually a year or more) before we see anything from the company. I'll definatley buy FMA R1 DVD's, but I can't be into 31 episodes and say, "okay, next year, I'll finish it!".
I understand where you're coming from, now see where I'm coming from.
Tue, 05-11-2004, 06:39 PM
BigR, your not the people im mad at.
Im down(haha, homie i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif ) with people that watch a series on fansubs, then go and buy it once it hits the R1 market, i have no problem with that, and i understand where your coming from.
Tue, 05-11-2004, 06:53 PM
also what sucks is how long will it take to catch up to where we have already seen.
Tue, 05-11-2004, 07:08 PM
Shar, thats why i agree with Big R, and thats what i do.
I keep getting fansubs of a show, or as in ROD TV and GITS SAC's case, since there finished, and i enjoyed them, ill watch the DVD's of them.
or in your case with naruto or FMA, pick up the DVD's as they come out.
its not that hard to save up 23-25 bucks every 4-5 months for a DVD.
Tue, 05-11-2004, 07:37 PM
true, plus with the dvds i get to watch it on my big flat screen tv i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Neko Sniper
Tue, 05-11-2004, 07:52 PM
You guys are lucky over there in the States cuz you'll be able to see all those great Animes on DVD. But over here in Europe in some countries you don't get the chance to ever grab them so that's why it's better to see them subbed than being licensed and gone forever. Or lets say for years till they're old and really everybody has seen them on TV or whatever and they are finaly releasing the DVD's over here. This sucks you know. -_-
Tue, 05-11-2004, 08:05 PM
That sucks, but away around it is to have a regionless DVD player and just import them from the states or japan.
Neko Sniper
Tue, 05-11-2004, 11:49 PM
For that you need a way to buy them and without a credit card your doomed. A credit card you can only get if you're having a nice monthly income which is not really easy for a non-payed student. It's all "Ein Teufelskreislauf" as we used to say in my country. Yup yup...
Wed, 05-12-2004, 12:17 AM
Dont' worry about it people will still sub even though it's lisenced. God i love illegal distribution of a legally owned product, it just make you feel alive.
Wed, 05-12-2004, 08:05 AM
I gotta agree with Lego...
Why bad mouth any groups for that matter. They are doing it for free, and releasing it to the fans. Without them you wouldnt get to see it at all. I like downloading fan subs but i do buy DVDs ( and back in the VHS spend over $3000 on VHS alone O_o ) when the series is good.
There are series I thought that looked good, but totally sucked ballz. So Iam glad i watched the fan subbed versions, to find out which series a good and which arent. I'll will download FMA cuz I wanna see how it turns out and its worth buying the whole series.
DVDs in my area range from $40 - 60 a I want to know if i wont be disappointed. ( Which happened my pre fan sub days) Even if I import it from the US it will end up costing me more, with shipping and exchange.
The US gets alot of cool stuff, which doesnt come here asap or at all. We dont get alot of anime on TV, just the same non good story stuff. (We just got inuyasha tho it seems pretty good but they stopped playing gundam wing -.-)
Note: Damn you Square release Xenogears greatest hits here! I want another new copy you. Bring it to canada! My original is slowly dying, and I dont wanna copy it. *eye twiches* The fans here want it, it will sell!
My final point.
Ppl are gonna complain about everything and anything. Anything that they dont agree with. Its best not to take someone comments to heart, cuz all its gonna do is piss you off if it goes against what you believe in. You arent gonna change the other person's mind so why get upset? It just seems like a waste of time and energy to.
Just watch the anime and enjoy it
Wed, 05-12-2004, 11:49 AM
Lego, you are the voice of reason. God bless you soul.
Haven't you noticed that it's the people who dont have the money to get the dvd's are the ones complaining? Maybe it's just me, I dont know.
Sure, I was somewhat dissapointed that the series got licensed. I'm mad that my weekly downloads of FMA are no more.
But I approve of anything making its way here. You get much better sound quality, definetely video quality. Dubs aent terrible, only when they rehash voices. Every time I look at Roger Smith, I think of Spike Spiegel. Whenever I see Hiei, I think Android 17.
Heres the way I think it should be done: It'll be OK for Funimation or Bandai to license a series, but just wait until the series is over before doing so. That way America can release the episodes 5 times a week (Adult Swim).
Inuyasha was a case where the show went on so long, that it got licensed sooner than normal, but Inuyasha goes much longer than FMA's 52 episodes.
My complaint about americans handling anime is how it's released (especially on DVD). Not so much price, I dont mind that part. It does bother me with the "3 episodes per dvd per month" bit. It honestly cant take that long to dub the anime, and refine any other rough edges the show produces.
I'm Gaaralovessand, and I approve of this licensed series.
Wed, 05-12-2004, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by: Lego
This is something i don't get about some people.
But if you like a series enough to go download it, complain when it gets licensed, ask for another group once a group stops it after being licensed, then why not buy the DVD's when they come out?
Not everybody has the priveliege of living in a big country which sells anime here and there, you moron.
Wed, 05-12-2004, 02:52 PM
who the hell cares if its licensed. that only stops a couple of subbing groups. loads carry on doing it and releasing it from DVDrip or from TVrip. jst dont use gotwoot or animesuki to get ur anime torrents.
Wed, 05-12-2004, 03:36 PM
I'm not too familiar with the rules about licensing, but if ANBU/AKeeP were to keep subbing FMA, now a licensed series, and get caught, wouldnt that take away all of the other series those 2 subgroups work on. Like, for example, if ANBU gets caught subbing the licensed FMA, wouldnt they have to stop doing other series like Naruto (cause that would suck if that were to happen).
Wed, 05-12-2004, 07:08 PM
The only reason they stop is that Funimation would go Metalica on their ass so anyone and everyone that has had any contact with the illigaly sub eps would be arrested and fined a huge sum of money. thats why they stop. Thye wouldn't half to stop subing naruto since it's not lisenced in the US yet, they just couldn't because they'd either be in jail or to broke to care about subing.
Thu, 05-13-2004, 12:29 AM
Here are my thoughts.
I've been dealing with these issues for as long as you all probably. Fansubs have been around for a long time now and we always have this issue when a series gets liscensed. and all I have to say to everyone is DEAL! We all have to.
If you love it so much, purchase it when it's available. If you don't want the domestic DVD's then Import the Dvd's for yourself when they become available.. stick away from ebay, those are usually morons who d/l it from people like you and sell their own copy's to people.. (they piss me off ><i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Also, I know there are a lot of you who d/l fansubs who are not from the United States. I personally can feel for these people, because once a company here gets the rights, we stop for the world. Now if a group starting subbing them out of another country, like england, then maybe they could get away w/ it... however I do feel that the company in the US might try to do somthing, if not to the host, but to people who help him or d/l their stuff, thus if it came down to it they would have to pull it due to people getting it illegal, but thats a whole debate that would come to be and would probably look very bad for the company w/ the liscense.
now that I've said that, all I have to say is that all we can do is be greatful to have seen what we have, Personally I'm going to wait and buy it, not from the US distro, but from either Japan or Hong Kong eventually. The anime distro's in the US seem to not realize that w/ a series w/ over 50 eps, putting 3 eps per dvd is INSANE! Now I think for 30$ you should get atleast 6 eps. I used to ONLY purchase from US distroers, but due to lack O funds, need to get the cheapo's, even if the subtitles are horrible, it's always better than the crappy english voice overs they do. GOD I HATE DUBBED ANIME!!!
Thu, 05-13-2004, 12:45 AM
all subbers should move to switzerland : P
(this is a joke btw for those that anger easily)
Thu, 05-13-2004, 12:51 AM
I just saw the trailers for FMA at the FUNimation site. It seems really promising. We might not half to worry about it being given the DB treatment....I hope i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Thu, 05-13-2004, 01:17 AM
The only reason they stop is that Funimation would go Metalica on their ass so anyone and everyone that has had any contact with the illigaly sub eps would be arrested and fined a huge sum of money. thats why they stop. Thye wouldn't half to stop subing naruto since it's not lisenced in the US yet, they just couldn't because they'd either be in jail or to broke to care about subing.
no, actually, the possibility of that happening is rare. Some fansubbers will stop because they want people to buy it, others, will keep going. The companies won't lose any money anyway, and, being as they are much smarter than RIAA and Metallica, they realize that the free distribution will actually increase their sales because the people will want to support the anime creators...
Down with RIAA hehehe, sy, had to throw that in
Oh, and i'm not saying AKeep should continue, its their policy. I'll just get it from somewhere else and buy the DVD's later when they do come out
Thu, 05-13-2004, 05:54 AM
Yeah... i dont think they stopped because of being scared of being caught... I think that's simply their morality policy....
you can't even @find licensed anime on their channel, so that means they dont approve of fansub distribution if it's licensed regardless
Thu, 05-13-2004, 05:35 PM
Are you serious about FMA being licensed? or is that just a rumor?
Thu, 05-13-2004, 05:50 PM
check for yourself... or read all the posts
Fri, 05-14-2004, 07:07 PM
Its not easy for a student to buy dvd all the time plus we europeans dont have the luck to get all the animes on dvd and if they come her ( they usually come to us several years after US) they are lot more expensive than 25 dollars!
gaaralovessand: Evearyone country dont have channels that show licensed anime for godsake!!
Fri, 05-14-2004, 07:33 PM
yeah yeah yeah. . . Well then get your own countrymen/women to do fansubs instead of putting all the pressure on us Americans who have to deal with our money grubbing companies breathing down our necks.
The licencing of anime is part of a business industry, part of our economic system. Economic systems are dependant on something called MONEY. If you don't have it, you don't get the products. These anime series are made in Japan for Japanese TV, not for American and European markets. They know that they can make more money by selling distribution rights to companies over here, and they do. But since there isn't room on the airwaves for every anime series that gets licenced, and because most Americans wouldn't want to read their TV shows, we have to pay to see them subbed on DVD. It's part of the economic cycle of importing anime. That's the way it goes.
I think the whole fansub system has spoiled too many people into this false belief that they have the right to have free anime. Fansubs are a privilage. These people take their own time to put these things out for free, and to avoid the risk of being caught breaking the law they stop subbing when the series gets licenced. If they feel that it's worth the risk to continue, then they're sticking their necks out for you on top of their regular efforts. And because so many people take this for granted, they get spoiled so whenever a series gets licenced and people stop fansubbing it, they get all bent out of shape when a few years back, the only way to get anime was to pay to get the videos or DVDs. Dont' be such little brats. You can't always get what you want.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 08:01 AM
Although it sucks to have FMA licensed, I'm wondering if the FMA game on PS2 will get translated to english for a US release.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 06:58 PM
its only been licensed for america, its still legal for me i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif so any fansubber not from the US can still sub without too much worry of being fined, altho more than likely its going to be in swedish or french etc
Sat, 05-15-2004, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by: DraGunZer0
Although it sucks to have FMA licensed, I'm wondering if the FMA game on PS2 will get translated to english for a US release.
I'm pretty sure the game is coming out in the US.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 10:40 PM
Hmmm... guess I should start saving up for another Square Enix game
Tue, 05-18-2004, 05:21 AM
I also felt sad when FMA got licensed. Its another Gundam Seed type of thing lol but hey life goes on. I'm also not from the US so i dont have access to Anime DVD's... legit ones and not the HK bootlegs and even if i could try and purchase online alas i dont have a credit card so i can only rely on fansubs. But i guess this is just a minor setback.. theres always some group who's gonna finish the series *think Sonchou and Aoi-anime* i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Neko Sniper
Tue, 05-18-2004, 07:18 AM
exactly! Just look at Chrno Crusade and Ghost in the Shell SAC. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Tue, 05-18-2004, 11:49 AM
they have announced FMA for PS2 in the states. Sorta looks like Kingdom Hearts. I new that was coming out here before the anime got licensed.
Although some people really need to loosen up. People need to realize that theres more to life than just animation. It's ok to like anime, I mean, I do. But people here talk as if a meteor has destroyed their life. Deal with it.
Neko Sniper
Tue, 05-18-2004, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by: gaaralovessand
Although some people really need to loosen up. People need to realize that theres more to life than just animation. It's ok to like anime, I mean, I do. But people here talk as if a meteor has destroyed their life. Deal with it.
There is? OMG! I didn't realize that i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Wed, 05-19-2004, 07:28 AM
Well, anime distribution in the states sucks in general. And if you NEED money, DVD's aren't at the top of your list. In addition, the dubs made and shown on TV for the few they actually DO get around to doing (besides ADV, they're good at meeting deadlines) are absolutely horrendous. $22-25 is too much for a person like me, who is downloading 24/7 because I like 7 current series. Anything licensed is usually immediately dropped, but takes a painstakingly long time to come out. I don't have a problem with the one DVD a month, but I know that they can fit more episodes on a DVD.
I do agree with the take on fansubbers. THey are doing this as a favor for us uneducated morons. We should be greatful.
Oh yeah, and FMA definitely is still being distributed, I'm downloading it right now!!!i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gifi/expressions/wine.gif
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