View Full Version : i cant be the only one who think the subs are too low?
Mon, 05-10-2004, 11:11 AM
ok, the thing is like this, as most people i dont have a flat TV. that means that i have 3 options:
1/ to watch naruto on the computer (yuck).
2/ to watch naruto on the TV with a big black frame around the picture.
3/ to watch naruto on the TV without a frame, but then it cuts some of the picture due to me not having a flat tv.
as u might have guessed, i prefer option #3, and thats the one i always use when watching regular movies/series.. but with naruto (and some other pre-subbed movies/series), the sub gets cut at the ends! i can still read most of it, but its really annoying and leads me to no other choice but to use option #2. however, this can be fixed very easily and that is why im making this thread:
Please locate the subs a little bit higher on the screen!
it doesnt have to be much, lets say the current distance from the bottom is X, then 1.5X would be optimal, but even 1.3X would probably be enough.
i havent seen anyone mention this before on other forums that i read (first time im on this forum), but i cant be the only one with this problem?
edit: for clarificaton, i watch the episodes on my tv via a s-video cable from the computer.
Mon, 05-10-2004, 11:16 AM
i have the probelm also, but i dont mind watchin them on pc, as they are easier to store 20 on one dvd than a few on one vcd.
Mon, 05-10-2004, 11:27 AM
Go letter box. it is worth it. I noticed that the Subtitles have been appering easer to read lately. it use to be harder to read on the tv
Mon, 05-10-2004, 11:31 AM
i use nero, and iam not very good with it, how do you set it to letterbox? or is it a setting on your dvd player?
Mon, 05-10-2004, 01:14 PM
I run mine on windows media player. dose it auto. Run it out of my Laptops video out
Mon, 05-10-2004, 01:40 PM
I recommend rather than wanting us to further obscure the video, that you go read instead. Use the little dropdown on the left side to navigate, and see if it helps you.
You shouldn't have visible black bars on the screen with this method, because the black bars and borders will be eaten by overscan.
Mon, 05-10-2004, 02:57 PM
im not really sure what you guys are talking about, i myself dont burn the episodes on dvds/vcds, i just watch them on the TV with a s-video cable from the computer.
if you (complich8) are refering to me, then i dont think you even read my post.. i can easily get rid of the black bars/borders using option #3, but then (since i dont have a flat TV) the sub will also be partially eaten.. thats why i want them to higher the sub, even if its just a little.
edit: hmm, after reading your link, it may not be what i first thought.. however, i dont have any dvd so i cant do that anyways. also, it seems kinda complicated i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
edit2: and i dont see any reason NOT to higher them a little bit, im not talking about so high that people will get annoyed by it.. some other anime subbers have got the height just right, but unfortunaly the only worhwhile naruto subber is anbu/aone..
Tue, 05-11-2004, 03:05 PM
so you're getting overscan problems playing through a tv-out?
That's wacky. I wasn't entirely sure what you were doing, because you didn't clearly say "using my TV out on my video card" or indicate what you were doing.
You might want to try tinkering with your output resolution, with your output's refresh rate, and it might have a control panel that lets you move the picture around. Tinker in the drivers for the tv-out if you can... if you're getting overscan loss on a tv-out it indicates that there's something wrong on your side, and software can probably correct it without mangling the video.
We probably won't change where the subs appear, because moving them higher obscures more of the original video (thus making it ugly). It's not easy finding a balance point, between readability and preservation of the original, and for the most part we're pretty happy with the balance we've struck now.
Tue, 05-11-2004, 03:52 PM
Yes, we read our own forums. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Look at the credits in the eps, staff members use the same name on the forums.
Tue, 05-11-2004, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by: Ciber
Yes, we read our own forums. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Look at the credits in the eps, staff members use the same name on the forums.
hehe, i werent sure if this were Your official forums i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
complich8: yea, i forgot to mention it because i thought it were obvious since everyone i know always use this ways to watch movies/series, but looking at the answers i got i guess it werent.. anyways, as far as i know its very common to either get black frames or a small loss of picture at the edges (i dont know anyone who hasnt got this problem, that in fact isnt a problem at all unless you are watching pre-subbed stuff).
im surprised no one else here seems to be bothered by this tho :confused:
i were kinda hoping that i would "find" the silent people that always wanted this change but never mentioned it, but it seems im all alone here, so i guess i will just have to keep switching to the black frames when watching naruto i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Mon, 05-17-2004, 03:31 PM
I use AVI Sync and TMPGEnc to encode the episodes to MPEG-1 with borders, and then Nero to burn the VCDs. The borders don't show up on the screen, and the subtitles are high enough and readable.
If you're trying to run the video from your computer straight to your TV, I don't think I can help you as I don't have that equipment. But a friend of mine does, and we never had problems when he ran the episodes from his computer to his TV. And it was a regular TV.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 04:22 PM
i use TMPGEnc to convert to mpeg2 / dvd and then i use ulead dvd workshop to create chapters and animated menus.. if u want too i can send the template i use by mail..
Tue, 05-18-2004, 04:29 AM
I use Windows Media Player.
I have a TV-out on my graphic-card. When i use my TV as a screen I dont get any black frames around.
I think the resolution on my TV is the same as the vids (640x480).
Tue, 05-18-2004, 02:26 PM
I only watch the episodes on TV-Out, and never had any problems of subs cut at the end. The screen matches the television screen perfectly.
Zabuza No Jutsu
Tue, 05-18-2004, 07:08 PM
I think that maybe ANBU-Aone should do somethign about the format. On the pc, playback of subs is perfect, but if you ever burn them to disc and watch on TV(tried it once...never again) the subtitles are nearly invisible...can just about make out one or two words and only cos i remembered them frm the PC
Tue, 05-18-2004, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by: Zabuza No Jutsu
I think that maybe ANBU-Aone should do somethign about the format. On the pc, playback of subs is perfect, but if you ever burn them to disc and watch on TV(tried it once...never again) the subtitles are nearly invisible...can just about make out one or two words and only cos i remembered them frm the PC
that problem was pretty much corrected sometime in the mid 60s when they made the font bolder
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