View Full Version : Monster
Sun, 05-09-2004, 12:25 AM
Yo .
I'm sure if you are manga fan, you should have heard of one called monster. It is about a doctor called Dr. Tenma.
I watched the 1st 2 ep. and it has super super high ratings on Was wondering if someone could give me a non-spoiler synopsis and if they predict whether I will like it or not.
Sun, 05-09-2004, 02:20 PM
or maybe just a quick reason why it is rated this high
Sun, 05-09-2004, 11:29 PM
can someone please reply? i don't want to revive my own threads again and again...
i know itz decent because ppl have claimed to like it and think it to b one of the better ones this season
Poiple Weezard
Sun, 05-09-2004, 11:36 PM
I'm gonna go ahead and yoink a portion of my review of it from to give you a quick synopsis of my opinions on the series:
I still don't see why this couldn't be live-action. It seems like a regular medical show spliced with a cop drama or thriller. There aren't any fantasy or sci-fi elements yet, so I don't know why it isn't live-action.
Although the plot twists are interesting, they are much too predictable. It means waiting ten minutes for the cast of characters to catch up with what you know will happen.
It isn't that in-depth of a review, but there have only been four episodes released so far. I was the first one to review it on animenfo, and I also happen to be the one to have given it the lowest score, 7.5. I think its got a great storyline, but not that great overall. I don't know why others have rated it that high.
Sun, 05-09-2004, 11:49 PM
perhaps itz something for the adults?
itz wierd because the first 2 episodes could be like a soap.
thanx though for ur help
Poiple Weezard
Mon, 05-10-2004, 12:02 AM
I guess you could say that. Its primarily plot-based and should get much darker and more suspenseful later in the series. Anyone that enjoys a good mystery should probably check it out.
I'm 22, would you consider that an adult? I do enjoy the anime, just not to the degree that the others who rated it on animenfo did.
Tue, 05-11-2004, 02:47 PM
no i was thinking 40 45 ish adult
someone who has many years experience in operation room and feels a sense of connection with tenma
Tue, 05-11-2004, 08:05 PM
>Poiple Weezard
u rated it a 7.5? thats not even a B rating.
u prolly rated it that low cuz u were expecting some fantasy,
sci fi thing.
Monster is not that kind of anime.
also, as most of u know, this is not an anime for "kids"
Poiple Weezard
Tue, 05-11-2004, 09:25 PM
I rated it that low because I didn't think it was that good, not because of my expectations. Only anime that I absolutely adore do I put above an 8.0 rating. As I said before, the plot on Monster is its best point and its way too predictable.
Tue, 05-11-2004, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by: TeNSaikUn
>Poiple Weezard
u rated it a 7.5? thats not even a B rating.
u prolly rated it that low cuz u were expecting some fantasy,
sci fi thing.
Monster is not that kind of anime.
also, as most of u know, this is not an anime for "kids"
people rate as they wish.
Wed, 05-12-2004, 06:27 PM
>Poiple Weezard
i dont know what u mean by predictable...
what was predictable?
the part being "who" killed the 3 guys?
the watcher (especially in the anime) was suppose to know
who killed them before the end of episode 4...nothing to predict about.
instead, the anime make u wander "WHY he was capable of doing that".
if u think the anime is too predictable, im assuming u already know why
Yohan was shot in the head, why the lil girl was the only surviver, and why
Yohan is out killing people.
unless u read the manga, u would not know why.
so if u see somebody rating Naruto a below average anime, you see nothing wrong with that?
Wed, 05-12-2004, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by: TeNSaikUn
so if u see somebody rating Naruto a below average anime, you see nothing wrong with that?
It's an opinion, there's nothing wrong with that at all.
Wed, 05-12-2004, 06:32 PM
alright, if u put it that way, then theres nothing I can say
edit:but u get what I mean right? if something like that happened,
alot of people would flame him (the guy who thinks Naruto sucks)
Wed, 05-12-2004, 07:03 PM
this show is getting better and better. i just watched ep 3 it was really good, i knew those 2 little kids were evil. theres never enough evil little children...
Poiple Weezard
Thu, 05-13-2004, 08:44 PM
I'm betting he was shot in the head by his sister after murdering his parents, but I dont' know that for certain. When I say it has a predictable plot, I'm referring to the individual plot that each episode contains. Within the first five minutes of the episode, you know what will happen at the end.
Its a good anime with some interesting characters and a storyline that I'm curious how it will unfold at the end, but that doesn't mean its great.
I get annoyed when I see people rate Naruto unfairly. That doens't mean low. They can rate it low and as long as they provide an explanation for why they did so, I have no problem.
Thu, 05-13-2004, 11:44 PM
To put it simply:
Yeah it's good stuff.
Fri, 05-14-2004, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by: Poiple Weezard
I'm betting he was shot in the head by his sister after murdering his parents, but I dont' know that for certain. When I say it has a predictable plot, I'm referring to the individual plot that each episode contains. Within the first five minutes of the episode, you know what will happen at the end.
Its a good anime with some interesting characters and a storyline that I'm curious how it will unfold at the end, but that doesn't mean its great.
I get annoyed when I see people rate Naruto unfairly. That doens't mean low. They can rate it low and as long as they provide an explanation for why they did so, I have no problem.
I just didnt like how u judged and said how "predictable" the anime was when only few episodes were out.
It might not be a "great" anime to you right now, but keep on watching, and hopefully that'll change.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 11:09 AM
Poiple Weezard: for all i know you may have read the manga and, thus, know whats going to happen and call it "predictable" and from what ive read in the manga, the story is anything but predictable.
Poiple Weezard
Sat, 05-15-2004, 01:50 PM
I don't read manga, period. I touched the first couple chapters of Naruto and Tenjou Tenge, but that's it. Never even knew there was a manga for Monster before the other person mentioned reading it.
Sat, 05-15-2004, 01:55 PM
on average there will be a manga if theres an anime. im not saying that applies always, but its the most common thing.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 06:34 AM
Originally posted by: TeNSaikUn
so if u see somebody rating Naruto a below average anime, you see nothing wrong with that?
but naruto IS below average? passable at best
Poiple Weezard
Sun, 05-16-2004, 09:35 AM
Lets not take this thread into discussing Naruto. All that I'll say is that most of the forum probably differs from you on that opinion.
The most interesting character in the show so far is the Detective, does anyone know if we'll see any backstory on him? Why he's so relentless or anal? No spoilers, a simple yes or no will do.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 09:59 AM
cant remember if there will be backstory to the detective, but there will be much backstory to johan and his sister.
Sun, 05-16-2004, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by: Poiple Weezard
Lets not take this thread into discussing Naruto. All that I'll say is that most of the forum probably differs from you on that opinion.
actually i think you are wrong. Naruto is popular only because it fills a niche, not because it is of outstanding quality. Also Naruto is a long running series and statistically, long running series tend to have fanbases that are loyal despite the quality of the show in question (eg. Star Trek, X-files , Friends). These shows remain popular simply because they have run so long, and audiences have invested so much emotionally into it that ppl would watch even if the scripts were periodically written by a drunken spastic monkey.
If one were to take and compare Naruto up against every other long running series ever made and rated for storyline/animation/etc etc, it would probably score on the averagish side.
Also unlike most secular long running series, Naruto has simply no competition. Look at it this way, the only other long running series of notable quality is FMA and thats already 32/52 done. Naruto is not even close to resolving itself at 83 episodes.
The truth of the matter is that time moves on , quality anime series come and go, but Naruto remains.
So pls friends stop confusing popularity with quality. It is tiresome. If you like Naruto go ahead and enjoy it. There is no shame in that. Just dont go off spouting that its better than anything else cause it really isnt.
Coming back to monster ..... yeah it looks good, but its also one of those animes where you need to maintain a steady momentum in order sustain a great interest in it.
Its better to watch it several episodes at a time rather than keeping pace with the releases.
going back to monster after watching eps of Kono-mini and Tenjou Tenge kind of detracts from it quite abit IMO.
PS: To address the issue that some ppl might raise on the subject of Initial D being on par or surpassing Naruto:-
It doesnt ... Naruto is better
Sun, 05-16-2004, 12:07 PM
I agree with most of your post, but the statement from other long running series comparing to Naruto...
Apparently you havent watched Hunter X Hunter and One Piece just to name a few... they easily compare to Naruto... and in my book it surpasses it at times...
But yeah... I think Monster is a candidate for one of those series that you need to watch in batches...
it is one of my favorites of the new season
Sun, 05-16-2004, 02:28 PM
I dont know, but the intro seems a lot like shingetsutan tsukihime (just something i noticed).
Monster seems interesting to me, i have ep 5, but ive only watched 4 so far.
its more story based than action or any other category.
i agree with you guys that watching in batches is the best, but animes get liscenced so dl in batches is kinda risky. but people can also dl anime and watch later
initial d is good but it doesnt attract as mucha wide audience as Naruto.
Poiple Weezard
Sun, 05-16-2004, 02:54 PM
Please stay away from the conversations about Naruto and other long-running series in this thread. If you want, go make a new thread.
Mon, 05-17-2004, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by: Poiple Weezard
Please stay away from the conversations about Naruto and other long-running series in this thread. If you want, go make a new thread.
meh there isnt really much that can be said about monster at this juncture without this turning into a huge ass spoiler thread
so we mght as well put the thread to good use. hijacking 4 life!!!!!
I agree with most of your post, but the statement from other long running series comparing to Naruto...
Apparently you havent watched Hunter X Hunter and One Piece just to name a few... they easily compare to Naruto... and in my book it surpasses it at times...
true i havent. and not to be insulting or anything but i dont really care about animes which have ep counts in the 60+ zone.
they usually have slow plot developement and a significant % of fillers. If i wanted to invest that much time i would spend it reading War and Peace or some other lengthy tome.
to me an anime has to grab you within the first 10 eps or so and not take longer than 52 eps to tell its tale.
I can easily see other older long animes surpassing Naruto. hell Macross is almost as old as me and it kicks the crap out of naruto. Hell even in its butchered , badly dubbed form (Robotech) it kicks Naruto's ass.
again i say what i have said in other threads =P i believe Naruto is the worst thing to happen to anime since Dragonball GT. Having long, monolithicly popular animes kind of detracts from the other quality stuff available.
Dont be surprised that 5-6 years from now when you ask a 10-14 year old about anime , all they will be able to talk about is Naruto =P
Mon, 05-17-2004, 06:07 PM
again i say what i have said in other threads =P i believe Naruto is the worst thing to happen to anime since Dragonball GT.
i dont know how u can possibly say/think that...
sure Naruto might not be the best.
it IS good, and at least above average. (ive only seen about 20 episodes, but up-to-date with the manga)
if Naruto is a below average anime, what the hell is an average anime!?
Mon, 05-17-2004, 10:09 PM
average anime = something that you would watch if there was nothing better to watch
naruto is very much an average anime. i will admit its not bad, but theres really nothing in it that could push it into the good range either.
This is why:-
complex combat? hi kenshin did it before and did it better. hell even tenjou tenge does it better cause they dont take the time to explain every single move which bogs down the story =P i'm pretty sure that there are even older anime that do it better since this is not really a new concept at all.
annoying protagonist. Naruto is single handedly the most annoying shit in anime to date.
If i wanted to see annoying little shits with napoleon complexes i would just go to work. would be more entertaining too since those shits wouldnt have deus ex machina to save them from being owned.
very very poor pacing + storyline. seriously ..... how do you see naruto ending? its 83 eps in and theres no end in sight. all it is , is more and more fights against ever increasingly ridiculous opponents. in fact i'm betting that the only way Naruto will ever end is if Jesus himself comes down and bitch slaps him.
in closing, Naruto = teh sux because of unoriginal and poorly done concept + annoying protagnist + extremely bad storyline pacing
only reason i would ever watch naruto is if there was absolutely nothing else to watch in between eps of FMA but fortunately it hasnt come to that yet.
Wed, 05-19-2004, 02:00 AM
hmm, if u say an average anime is something that you would watch if there is nothing better to watch,
then Naruto is definitely an above average anime.
it has the most downloads by FAR.
and dont tell me popularity and quality doesnt go together, because in this case, Naruto is #1 in downloads.
(that argument can be used if it was around #5.)
Combat: yea kenshin and others have done it before (ive read the manga for kenshin, but only saw couple
episodes of the anime where i thought it wasnt too good), but i wont agree on better. Some will say
Kenshin did it better, and others would say Naruto does it better (prolly preference between Kenjutsu and
I dont agree with u saying Tenjou Tenge does it better.
Naruto the character, does get annoying to some people, but he gets better later on.
poor spacing + storyline: cant really say much here cuz i dont know how the anime is paced (again, I'm
only up-to-date with the manga)
about your 60+ episodes = dont care theory...
1)Are you saying 60 episodes is about a good length for anime in general? (like watching a 2 hour movie)
2)you dont like anime/manga that has a super long story.
if #1, then ok. Yea thats partly true cuz for somereason, most of the animes start adding fillers, etc degrading the anime.
(i think Kenshin was one of those animes). But if it follows the manga properly, this doesnt happen (example:Naruto)
if #2...that has nothing to do with the quality.
to name some anime that was cut short tremendously,(and are usually people's favorites) are Akira, Nausicca of the
Valley of the Wind, Berserk.
The manga, which has more then triple the amount of the anime, is far superior. If the anime was made to follow the manga,
(becoming much more in length wise), it would have turned out fine, if not better.
Naruto IS original with its deep ninjutsu ideas (taking Ninjutsu in a DragonBall-ish style).
if you say its unoriginal because the main character gets stronger fighting against stronger and stronger guys....
then dont watch anymore fight related anime.
if you still think long episode animes suck, or dont feel like watching them, then I highly recommend you to read the manga and
just forget about the anime.
Wed, 05-19-2004, 05:25 AM
Originally posted by: TeNSaikUn
hmm, if u say an average anime is something that you would watch if there is nothing better to watch,
then Naruto is definitely an above average anime.
it has the most downloads by FAR.
and dont tell me popularity and quality doesnt go together, because in this case, Naruto is #1 in downloads.
(that argument can be used if it was around #5.)
Combat: yea kenshin and others have done it before (ive read the manga for kenshin, but only saw couple
episodes of the anime where i thought it wasnt too good), but i wont agree on better. Some will say
Kenshin did it better, and others would say Naruto does it better (prolly preference between Kenjutsu and
I dont agree with u saying Tenjou Tenge does it better.
Naruto the character, does get annoying to some people, but he gets better later on.
poor spacing + storyline: cant really say much here cuz i dont know how the anime is paced (again, I'm
only up-to-date with the manga)
about your 60+ episodes = dont care theory...
1)Are you saying 60 episodes is about a good length for anime in general? (like watching a 2 hour movie)
2)you dont like anime/manga that has a super long story.
if #1, then ok. Yea thats partly true cuz for somereason, most of the animes start adding fillers, etc degrading the anime.
(i think Kenshin was one of those animes). But if it follows the manga properly, this doesnt happen (example:Naruto)
if #2...that has nothing to do with the quality.
to name some anime that was cut short tremendously,(and are usually people's favorites) are Akira, Nausicca of the
Valley of the Wind, Berserk.
The manga, which has more then triple the amount of the anime, is far superior. If the anime was made to follow the manga,
(becoming much more in length wise), it would have turned out fine, if not better.
Naruto IS original with its deep ninjutsu ideas (taking Ninjutsu in a DragonBall-ish style).
if you say its unoriginal because the main character gets stronger fighting against stronger and stronger guys....
then dont watch anymore fight related anime.
if you still think long episode animes suck, or dont feel like watching them, then I highly recommend you to read the manga and
just forget about the anime.
yay more thread hijacking
yes i generally dont like animes that drag on past the 60 ep mark because they become draggy, fillers and what have you.
conversely i am aware of rushed/butchered anime. I hate them both.
i hate long ass animes more because they waste more time getting to the point where the rushed ones just leave you with a WTF?!!~ feeling
Why i feel naruto is unoriginal because you could remove Ninjitsu and insert almost any other methodology for their moves and it would still be the same
also in your own argument you highlight the fact that its not original
please observe:-
Naruto IS original with its deep ninjutsu ideas (taking Ninjutsu in a DragonBall -ish style).
hi dragonball has done this exact same thing before. just with a different setting and methodology.
thus Naruto is not original.
so what if its number #1 in downloads? being #1 doesnt imply quality.
Thats like saying Microsoft have the best OS (or even just a good OS for that matter) just because its installed on the most PCs.
I have pointed out before that the reason why Naruto is so popular is simply because in the run time of Naruto universes have flared to life and died.
would you stop watching an anime half way in ?
obviously not. even if tomorrow they decided to make Naruto into a Neo-Pokemon ish parody alot of people would still watch it just because they have come too far to just leave.
also i would like to point out that i dont think ALL long animes suck.
I give all anime about 10 episodes to catch and maintain my interest and i feel thats really generous since its about 4-5 hours of my precious time.
I gave Naruto that much and it failed miserably. Pity too since there was so much potential in the first 2 eps.
Wed, 05-19-2004, 02:41 PM
please read everything what i said and not just ones that you wanted to read.
removing Ninjutsu from Naruto? reason why its original is because of the Ninjutsu.
dude, according to your theory, you can get almost any anime, and u can say its not original.
Dragonball, Hajime no Ippo, Fist of the North Star, Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, Berserk, etc
they're all the same thing then!!!
thats not a good reason at all.
about the #1 DL.
once again, read what i said.
I said it cant be a below average or at best, average anime when it has the most DLs by far.
i never said #1 DL = best anime.
you're reversing the meaning of the stuff im saying.
you're saying that I'm saying Naruto (or Microsoft or whatever) is the best anime because it has the most DLs.
I'm saying because it's a good anime, it has alot of DLs(the most in this case).(heh, if MS's OS was sucky, it won't be as popular).
Reason why Naruto became popular in the first place was because it was simply fun and entertaining to watch!
"would you stop watching an anime half way in ?"
that would depend on the person, but for me and alot of people I kno, yea, if it gets sucky, you can stop.
to name a few anime that was like that: Dragon Ball Z, Slam Dunk, Rurouni Kenshin, etc etc.
reason people DL Naruto is not because they have to, but because they enjoy it, lol.
It's interesting how you said Naruto had so much potential in the first 2 eps, because
I dont think the quality in the episodes after that drastically changed SO much that it would
instantly go from "a high potential anime" to a Dragonball GT level anime.
If you really only saw 10 episodes of Naruto (altho i forgot how far that went), you have no
credibility of saying that it sucks. Especially when it gets better and better.
k, I'm done with this argument now, because now I know people reading this thread would
ignore what you think, and nobody would get affected.
you should have just said you dont like Naruto as much as other anime's instead of saying
its a Dragon Ball GT level anime.
Wed, 05-19-2004, 02:57 PM
back to the Monster topic....sorry guys :/
there were "really minor" cuts in episode 5, but good thing that doesnt really affect the mood and story.
because its one of those anime's that arnt aimed toward kids (when it becomes an anime, kids are usually
the production's target), I see great potential in this.
However, as somebody mentioned already, it IS probably better to watch the episodes in a bulk rather then
1 by 1 each week. (for example episode 1~4, and then 5~whatever episode that makes a good break)
Fri, 05-21-2004, 04:31 PM
Monster... I already talked about it in another thread... Gungrave forum..
Originally posted by: yenlowangin closing, Naruto = teh sux because of unoriginal and poorly done concept + annoying protagnist + extremely bad storyline pacing.
let me address your arguments.
1. Naruto sucks because its unoriginal.
Its not possible to be truly "original". You think Kenshin is a good anime. Was Kenshin the FIRST anime to feature a hero with a sword? No. So Kenshin is just as unoriginal as Naruto, according to you. If someone creates a story about a character that uses a sword, is he automatically unoriginal, and therefore he sucks?
2. Annoying character.
That is not a fact; thats an opinion. There are thousands of people who dont think Naruto is annoying. You dont like Naruto's character... that has nothing to do with the anime, or why its a bad anime.
3. Long storyline, bad pacing.
Starting from episode 1, the goal of Naruto (the anime) was to transform the manga form of Naruto into a visual, anime form. The manga currently has over 200 chapters, its still not finished... Talk to any of the countless Naruto manga readers, and they'll tell you that they read every chapter, and its not boring and the story does not drag along. The anime form of Naruto simply follows the manga. Its 84 eps and counting because it follows the manga. If they didnt have to follow the manga, they could have turned Naruto into a 52 ep series or less. 84 eps so far, and I can only think of a handful that were boring and/or filler.
It seems you have not watched all the eps of Naruto, maybe not even half (just a guess) nor do you read the manga. Perhaps you should do some "research" before making these arguments...
Fri, 05-21-2004, 07:06 PM
*sigh* i say we leave things as is. i mean, whats the point of arguing with someone if they'll never understand?
Poiple Weezard
Sun, 05-23-2004, 05:25 PM
Back to Monster (again). Episode 6 is out and I just need to feel really sorry for Tenma. First he had motive and means to commit the three murders associated with the hospital those ten years ago, now he's placed at the scene of this set who will soon be murdered. This guy is never gonna get a break.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 06:02 PM
Yep... and he hasnt showered in a while... he's gonna scare off Anna/Nina...
I hope he gets some sort of fighting skills or shooting skills... I really don't want to see him getting his ass kicked all the time on top of all of his problems... that will make him the ultimate pathetic character
Poiple Weezard
Sun, 05-23-2004, 06:20 PM
I don't think he's a fighter, its doesn't seem like that type of series. He's just gonna be extremely persistent in his chase. The series has an odd feel where you don't follow the main character, you feel that target that the main character is chasing.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 06:51 PM
the two previous posts:
i wont say what will happen, but it wont let u down.
Sun, 05-23-2004, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by: TeNSaikUn
the two previous posts:
i wont say what will happen, but it wont let u down.
i take it you've read the manga then?
Sun, 05-23-2004, 10:26 PM
Sun, 05-23-2004, 10:59 PM
from mangascreener? or did another group take it? bleh, i want to know what happens later on...i have the entire manga but due to lack of HD space i cant unzip it @_@
Mon, 05-24-2004, 10:26 AM
sad you step away from a forum for a couple of days and theres so much stuff to address =P
first off , TenSaiKun :-
i think you need to do a couple of years worth of economics and maybe psychology before you makes such statements.
quality and popularity are not co-dependant at all. while one does tend to influence the other in most cases it doesnt always hold true.
heh, if MS's OS was sucky, it won't be as popular
the only reason why microsoft has dominance today is because Bill Gates was a savvy mofo and IBM + apple screwed themselves over in the '80s
Windows is shit. Anyone who believes that Windows is anything but a steaming pile of rushed buggy software probably believes that fairies and unicorns are real too.
the fact of the matter is that ppl use windows simply because there is no other alternative(hi linux is only an alternative if you consider castration to be an alternative to the condom). however even if someone were to release a better OS tomorrow MS would still hold the lion's share of the OS market since they have made so many deals it may be decades before anyone truly breaks their hold over the industry.
If you really only saw 10 episodes of Naruto (altho i forgot how far that went), you have no
credibility of saying that it sucks. Especially when it gets better and better.
perhaps. but my point is that no anime should need more than 10 episodes to hook you into it.
you should have just said you dont like Naruto as much as other anime's instead of saying
its a Dragon Ball GT level anime.
perhaps i should be more specific
Naruto is akin to Dragonball GT in the sense that its a shallow attempt to whore out an already sucessful piece of intellectual property (the Naruto manga and in the case of GT, the Dragonball franchise) and doesnt even do it well like in the case of Kenshin or GiTS.
and now its Onii's turn :-
1. Naruto sucks because its unoriginal.
Its not possible to be truly "original". You think Kenshin is a good anime. Was Kenshin the FIRST anime to feature a hero with a sword? No. So Kenshin is just as unoriginal as Naruto, according to you. If someone creates a story about a character that uses a sword, is he automatically unoriginal, and therefore he sucks?
the difference being that kenshin was based on an actual japanese legend of an assassin during the revolution and Naruto was created as dragonball knock off to keep the kiddies hooked on a magazine? It is true that kenshin isnt particularly original, nothing ever really is these days, however kenshin is done well enough that you can overlook that issue. Naruto isn't.
That is not a fact; thats an opinion. There are thousands of people who dont think Naruto is annoying. You dont like Naruto's character... that has nothing to do with the anime, or why its a bad anime.
Yes my opinion is law in my world and your opinion isnt even worth the bandwidth it costs to view it? Dude in my opinion Naruto is shit. And the argument from the very beginning was because Tensaikun said :-
Originally posted by: TeNSaikUn
so if u see somebody rating Naruto a below average anime, you see nothing wrong with that?
so i just pointed out that yes there are people who find Naruto to be a substandard piece of drivel. kk thx . drive on thru ~
3. Long storyline, bad pacing.
Starting from episode 1, the goal of Naruto (the anime) was to transform the manga form of Naruto into a visual, anime form. The manga currently has over 200 chapters, its still not finished... Talk to any of the countless Naruto manga readers, and they'll tell you that they read every chapter, and its not boring and the story does not drag along. The anime form of Naruto simply follows the manga. Its 84 eps and counting because it follows the manga. If they didnt have to follow the manga, they could have turned Naruto into a 52 ep series or less. 84 eps so far, and I can only think of a handful that were boring and/or filler.
so basicly what are you trying to say here? Yes i realize that naruto was a manga before it was an anime. You arent really saying anything in this particular statement but i shall address what i feel is the gist of your argument
When you translate manga into anime, you tend to run into temporal disparity, caused in large part between the manga which by its very nature advances at a very slow rate, and the anime which in theory advance at ludicruous speeds compared to said manga.Now this is nothing new. Its a problem that has plagued humanity since the beginning of popular animation.
To tie this to the discussion at hand, MY problem with Naruto the anime is that in order to solve the problem of temporal disparity they have slowed the pacing of the anime to be more in time with the manga's. I view this to be a very uncreative and stop-gap solution to the problem at hand and it turns what should be a medium used to portray fast and furious action into one that does what amounts to a slow motion blow by blow commentary on battles between ridiculously overpowered demi-gods.
And do you know what the problem is? If i wanted a slow motion blow by blow i would be reading the manga instead of wasting bandwidth on a substandard reproduction of what i feel is a substandard un-original shallow story.
It seems you have not watched all the eps of Naruto, maybe not even half (just a guess) nor do you read the manga. Perhaps you should do some "research" before making these arguments...
hi, if you would care to scroll a few posts up I would like to draw your attention to the fact that i have explicitly said I have only watched 10 episodes before i had to gouge my eye-balls out and sacrifice kittens to Jobu to make up for soiling my precious mind. Perhaps you should do your own research before criticising someone else's?
and for Lionheart :-
*sigh* i say we leave things as is. i mean, whats the point of arguing with someone if they'll never understand?
the point is argument for arguments sake. anyone who believes they can change another person's opinion by posting anonymously on a public internet board is a fool.
Mon, 05-24-2004, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by: yenlowangand for Lionheart :-
*sigh* i say we leave things as is. i mean, whats the point of arguing with someone if they'll never understand?
the point is argument for arguments sake. anyone who believes they can change another person's opinion by posting anonymously on a public internet board is a fool.
Exactly... I dont really give a sh**... I was just putting in my 2 cents to defend Naruto, which is an anime I really like.
hm, Monster 7 is out now... *goes to download it*
Mon, 05-24-2004, 06:46 PM
i was gonna ignore your posts, but because its long and for some reason you always think you're right, i guess i'll reply.
quality and popularity are not co-dependant at all. while one does tend to influence the other in most cases it doesnt always hold true.
its funny how you say this and bring out microsoft instead of Naruto,lol
this is an ANIME FORUM.
you can admit your bad u kno?
about microsoft...its funny to me that you would go out to post something like this.. like it hasnt been said before
the alternative is to shut the f*ck up and work with what you is the best OS.
the only reason windows has so many bugs is cuz it supports so freaking much
of course its not stable...
but then again what is tell me..linux?
barely any games and software support it
you know prolly around 80% of the world has never even heard of linux!
linux would be perfect if it could handle everything windows could handle without trying to "emulate" it
u freakin whine about everything. everything!
perhaps. but my point is that no anime should need more than 10 episodes to hook you into it.
once again, whining.
about the manga being better then the anime, yea I can agree on that. HOWEVER.
the Naruto anime is SO not as bad as the DB manga to DBGT anime.
almost everybody who has read DB and seen DBGT can see that the quality difference is uncomparable.
however, there ARE people out there that they like the Naruto anime and manga equally.
THATs the difference.
the difference being that kenshin was based on an actual japanese legend of an assassin during the revolution and Naruto was created as dragonball knock off to keep the kiddies hooked on a magazine? It is true that kenshin isnt particularly original, nothing ever really is these days, however kenshin is done well enough that you can overlook that issue. Naruto isn't.
You're making yourself more retarded with this post.
Kenshin is not original but its done well enough that you can overlook that issue!? lol!!!
this is totally one sided. Especially from a guy that only spent 1/8 of the time he spent on Kenshin on Naruto.
Thats like saying Matrix(watching all 3) is better then Lord of the Rings (watched only the first one).
Only thing you can say is "i like Kenshin better then Naruto".
also, whats up with all your BS?
the difference being that kenshin was based on an actual japanese legend of an assassin during the revolution
You're full of sh!t.
The only fighting characters that truly existed in Kenshin were the Shinsen-gumi.
lata whina!
Mon, 05-24-2004, 06:53 PM
oh, and one more thing.
my advice.
i think you need to do a couple of years worth of Japanese history and maybe psychology before you makes such statements.
Mon, 05-24-2004, 08:00 PM
ok, for one thing i'd have to say that the person dissing naruto is OBVIOUSLY doing it just because he's jealous that the shows he prefers arent as popular as naruto is......its kinda pathetic really.....
nobody cares what you have to say about quality vs popularity.....the ends justify the means, and so whatever naruto did to reach the level its at now is irrelevent......its immensely popular among anime fans and there's nothing you can argue about it to change people's minds......ESPECIALLY in a forum dominated by naruto fans
Tue, 05-25-2004, 02:39 AM
ok, for one thing i'd have to say that the person dissing naruto is OBVIOUSLY doing it just because he's jealous that the shows he prefers arent as popular as naruto is......its kinda pathetic really.....
nobody cares what you have to say about quality vs popularity.....the ends justify the means, and so whatever naruto did to reach the level its at now is irrelevent......its immensely popular among anime fans and there's nothing you can argue about it to change people's minds......ESPECIALLY in a forum dominated by naruto fans
apparently no one reads anymore .......
as i said earlier i argue just for the fun of it and have no illusions that i will bring the popularity of naruto down or convert any of you poor deluded fools into my mindset but thanks anyway for your 2 cents captain obvious!
oh and what has japanese history got to do with the viewing choices of ppl who leech off the work of fansubbers?
and if you are implying that naruto has some historical basis i find that very hard to believe =P
EDIT as an additional argument, Pokemon has made more money in merchandising outside of Japan than every other translated anime released.
Now by your argument doesn't that make Pokemon the best anime ever made? Discuss
Tue, 05-25-2004, 07:00 AM
if u read what i said and still confused, you're retarded.
you completely ignore the details about you being wrong.
and now you bring pokemon. lol
u really are clueless arnt you?
I can totally answer that question for you, but because you
ignore what I say and keep on thinking about other stuff to
argue about, you can go find out on your own.
you got issues.
go make a new thread saying "Naruto sucks! Here is why."
you'll get alot of people to argue with you there.
bye bye
Tue, 05-25-2004, 02:15 PM
i think captain obvious needs to save the day again by asking.....
"isnt it fun to argue about subjective matters like what shows you like, even though subjective matters make for very poor debates?"
RESPONSE TO BELOW: why not? when you're sitting around bored and nobody posts anything in the topic for several hours....then its not like you'd be missing anything anyway with a little OT action
Tue, 05-25-2004, 04:45 PM
Monster isn't that fast-paced, but the plot is still interesting.
Stop bringing up other shows and opinionated comments.
Wed, 05-26-2004, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
Monster isn't that fast-paced, but the plot is still interesting.
Stop bringing up other shows and opinionated comments.
yeah, monster 7 was pretty interesting... things are getting desperate... everything is starting to seem like a conspiracy... tenma cant seem to trust anyone now.
Wed, 05-26-2004, 03:51 AM
is it just me or does episode 2 leave you wanting more, and salivating at the mouth?
and its not that its like action packed, infact its almost slow. but the plot hangers at the end are great. and its like WTF?!?!?!?! EVIL CHILDRED OF THE CORN!@?!?!!?!? or something.
Poiple Weezard
Wed, 05-26-2004, 08:12 AM
I love the horrible situation that Tenma has now been put in, just by trying to do what he thought was right at each step. Suspicion at the first three murders ten years ago, now to be a suspect on the four new ones and the kidnapping of the daughter. Then the daughter runs away, so he can't even follow up on that lead. If he had just let the boy die those many years ago, all would seem better.
By the way, does anyone recognize the girl in the preview for next episode? Was that his old girlfriend or someone completely new?
Wed, 05-26-2004, 05:07 PM
yup, that was Eva.
Sun, 05-30-2004, 12:48 PM
*****SPOILERS TO EP 7 *******
I just finished catching up on Monster this weekend, and I think the plot is really picking up. I've really like the characters they've introduced so far. I'm SO happy that Anna/Nina isn't a wimp and actually rescues Tenma. The retire German army guy was cool, and I LIKED the overweight, smokes-too-much newspaper guy. I wish they hadn't killed him off.
The animation is OK, nothing great, but decent and doesn't interfere with the story. I think they were going for a realistic look (no pink hair or orange jumpsuits), but it is a little drab.
The music, on the other hand, is excellent. The boys' choir opening is good, the ending theme is good (it sounds like The Magnetic Fields, one of my all time favorite bands). I even really like the little harpsicord tune they play on the preview for next week. Tenma's searching theme is nice, and I liked the way they used music to heighten the tension when the twins finally met again.
Anyway, I have high hopes for this series.
Death BOO Z
Sun, 05-30-2004, 01:15 PM
first of all, read this (
now, tell me that you don't think it's alot like monster...
so freaking weird!
Thu, 06-10-2004, 02:00 PM
Curiosity finally got the best of me and so I watched the first episode of Monster the other day. Honestly I thought it was well done, but I couldn't understand where they were going with the anime in general. I could tell it was highly focused on the drama and character development, but those aren't normally the kinds of shows I watch.
So I watched the next couple episodes just to see where they were trying to go and discovered a much deeper plot than I had expected from the first episode. Now that I've watched up through 7 I can say I'm hooked on this anime more than any other right now. Sure the plot can be predictable, but to me its not about that.
My favorite anime of all time is Trigun (seems cliche due to its popularity, but its true) because the emphasis put on philosophy and ethics. I think Monster is remarkably similar to Trigun in this respect and offers us a view of things we might not normally consider.
A lot of people think of morality as being very simplistic, but when you really delve into deontology and consequentialism you discover many problems on both sides. Few forms of entertainment now-a-days actually attempt to expand our minds in the way that Monster does and that alone is enough for me to want to watch it.
Just my 2 cents.
Thu, 06-17-2004, 12:35 AM
By episode 8 (I watch a-keep)... This series is getting better and better...
I'm glad that Tenma finally gets a gun just as i wanted... now it's time to bust a cap on that sucker
Fri, 06-18-2004, 12:01 AM
honestly i don't c how monster can drag out to 70+ ep.
itz good... itz really good in a wierd way... i don't know why i'm drawn into this anime...
can someone who, like me, is usually just into crazy fighting action explain why we all like monster?
i guess itz because the plot is really well controlled. It almost leaks out just the right amount of information to drag out the story to the length the author wants. Everything is taking place and nothing really is missed out. I don't really know what i'm saying but itz hard to explain my feeling for monster, i think most ppl feel the same way
Wed, 06-30-2004, 07:05 PM
I just found the soundtrack for monster on mircx ( It's not bad, search for monster and pick it up if you're interested.
The series is still going strong. Go Tenma! Kick that abusive bastard's ass!
Uchiha Barles
Fri, 07-09-2004, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by: 010577
honestly i don't c how monster can drag out to 70+ ep.
itz good... itz really good in a wierd way... i don't know why i'm drawn into this anime...
can someone who, like me, is usually just into crazy fighting action explain why we all like monster?
i guess itz because the plot is really well controlled. It almost leaks out just the right amount of information to drag out the story to the length the author wants. Everything is taking place and nothing really is missed out. I don't really know what i'm saying but itz hard to explain my feeling for monster, i think most ppl feel the same way
I'm thinking that, it's not simply that the story is good and the atmosphere is brilliant (because it is) but personally, I can't help but feel that there's so much more coming to the anime. I've only seen up to episode 3, and the feeling that on it's way, kind of like that guy on the hospital bed at the end of episode three said. It's almost like the demons showing up in Berserk (the anime, not the manga, because I've heard that the demons presence was felt throughout, as opposed to it taking you by surprise in the anime). When it comes, its going to come...mercilessly (I can hope can't I?) Hell, even if it doesn't turn to a sci-fi/fantasy direction, that's fine too. So long as the evil actually comes to the forefront and is unbearably evil. I can't wait.
Oh, and that outro is my favorite, ever. A testament to just how brilliant you can be on a low budget.
Sat, 07-17-2004, 11:02 AM
*** Spoilers to ep 13 ***
I don't see the show switching to an overtly fantasy/sci-fi genre, but they might add some supernatural elements. The story of the orphanage.... where everyone went insane and killed each other..... THAT was pretty evil.
I really like ep 13, although it didn't add much to the overall plot. I was surprised to see that Deiter is staying with Tenma. I wonder if he'll last for the rest of the series? Maybe they'll kill him off... I wish they hadn't chose Naruto's voice actor for Dieter. Not all of the time, but for certain phrases he sounds just like Naruto, which is distracting.
My favorite lines:
"Why? If you stay here we can save many lives! Please, let's work together!"
Tenma: "Save many lives...? I...have to kill a certain man..."
Then he walks away, Deiter chasing him, very cool music playing. Damn, have I said how much I love this series? I wish it had it's own forum.
Poiple Weezard
Mon, 07-19-2004, 06:07 AM
Just watched 14 and all that I can really think about was the fact that Eva was pissed. I don't think I've seen another anime with a woman more upset. She seriously looked like she could storm tokyo godzilla-style by the end.
Well, I could think about a little bit more than just that. I was also thinking about how nicely they set it up for Lunge and Eva to simultaneously renew their searches for Tenma. I'm curious how each of them will do it. While I can imagine Lunge hopping from town to town in the same manner as Tenma, looking for clues, I can't imagine Eva doing the same thing. She's too high-class.
Mon, 07-19-2004, 01:14 PM
Yeah, I'd say she was a little ticked off. I think part of the reason she's so angry is that deep down she realizes that her problems are her own fault. Nothing drives a person into an incoherent rage like having noone else to blame... I like that part of her character, gives her a little more depth.
I'll predict that Lunge will take off after Tenma with Eva providing the funding. After all, now that he's lost his daughter, his wife, and his job he has nothing else left... I wonder if he'll end up with Eva? She doesn't seem very picky.
Anyway, I like how this is setting up so that Tenma is simultaneouly chasing after Johann AND avoiding his own pursuer. It creates a nice dynamic i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif
Wed, 07-21-2004, 01:50 PM
Cool... I can't believe this is going to be 70 episodes... I expect Tenma to be a badass by the end of the show...
Sadly I'm still in freaking episode 9 waiting for a-keep releases since i cant afford to download other versions in my crappy dsl...
So I'll just ignore the above posts since you guys are already on episode 14... I envy you...
Poiple Weezard
Wed, 07-21-2004, 07:40 PM
Actually we're up to 15.
Newly out from Soldats, come and get it.
Monster - 15 (
Thu, 08-12-2004, 04:57 AM
Thu, 08-12-2004, 05:33 PM
I just watched up to 17... this show is really kickass... Its my favorite of the season... it is simply brilliant...
Sat, 08-14-2004, 10:15 PM
I've gotta catch up..... I was originally going to wait for Anime-Keep's releases but they're only up to 9..... does it continue to get better? Should I download another group or just wait?
Sat, 08-14-2004, 10:30 PM
I was also waiting for a-keep... but Soldat is also an awesome group so I continued with them... they did a great job... in fact i liked their version better... well maybe because it's the most recent ive seen and i dont remember a-keep's that much...
And yes... it gets better and better
go to #soldats at enterthegame... they have a bot there with all the episodes... you can get them in no time
Wed, 08-18-2004, 11:30 PM
Episode 18 is out by Soldats if anyone is interested....
BTW CmDr_RavEn.. did you catch up? or are you still waiting for anime-keep?
Thu, 08-19-2004, 06:33 AM
I'm downloading them as we speak.... (or type)... but I won't start watching until I have them all so I can watch in a big marathon..... wooooo!!!
Thanks for the info btw.
Thu, 08-19-2004, 03:18 PM
****** SPOILERS**********
im the beginning to 18 johan writes that he needs help because the monster was going to explode out of him. Makes me wonder how he got that way and also if the monster is the devil.
Thu, 08-19-2004, 09:54 PM
Thanks. Thanks for spoiling that. No really, thanks. *shakes head*
*Edits the post*
Wed, 09-01-2004, 01:02 AM
Anime-Keep have released up to ep 15 now in case anyone besides me was waiting for them. I haven't even watched my Soldats eps yet! hahah
Wed, 09-01-2004, 01:46 AM
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
Anime-Keep have released up to ep 15 now in case anyone besides me was waiting for them. I haven't even watched my Soldats eps yet! hahah
I've been waiting for A-Keep's version as well. I thought about going to ToTan or even Soldats but decided to stay with one and only one version for the time being. Now I have to download and watch them all. I should read the manga too. The downloading will have to wait because I want to devote more bandwidth to getting all of Naruto (I'm jumping on that bandwagon rather late).
Wed, 09-01-2004, 02:45 AM
Come on guys... download.... up to 18 so we can discuss!!!!
Soldats is good to watch... just get a-keep for archive...
But watever... what happens on 15 so we can discuss that at least...
Wed, 09-01-2004, 02:47 AM
For my part you can go ahead and discuss away Budweineken. I won't have any problem with that. Don't know how CmDr_RavEn feels though.
Wed, 09-01-2004, 02:51 AM
If i did that CmDr_RavEn would chop me in two
Wed, 09-01-2004, 02:59 AM
can anyone tell me what this show is about and what makes it interesting for you because i heard it's about some doctor and that's all i know, now doctors don't really appeal to me so can anyone give me a good reason to go and watch this show
Wed, 09-01-2004, 03:09 AM
it really isnt a "Doctors" anime.... it's just that the main character is a doctor that saves a kid that later becomes..... and then it's the story of what doctor does about it....
Wed, 09-01-2004, 03:09 AM
Originally posted by: Budweineken
If i did that CmDr_RavEn would chop me in two
And that is something we can't have now can we?
@ Delux Skillz: I believe there's an answer to your question at the very beginning of this thread. Granted it's not very in depth but it's kinda hard to describe. It is about a Japanese doctor living in Germany who's life is changed after one fateful night in which he decided to take care of a wounded child rather than a politcian. From there his life takes on different twists and turns as he struggles to clear his name, stop a serial killer, and to find out whether or not all human life is equal.
Hope that helps.
Wed, 09-01-2004, 03:21 AM
ah i see thanx i might just get around to downloading it cuz everywhere I go people keep suggesting me to read the manga
Wed, 09-01-2004, 03:24 AM
This is a long running series... it will be about 78 episodes... and Im telling you wont be dissapinted... it is that good... it also has some great characters
Wed, 09-01-2004, 05:42 AM
Heh, go ahead and discuss, just warn me before you do. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Thu, 09-02-2004, 01:52 AM
I thought it was only 70 eps? Ah well, more Monster for us then.
And yes you should check it out DeluxSkillz. You'll be happy you did. Though be warned it's more psychological/suspense than anything else.
YAY! CmDr_RavEn gave the go ahead to discuss. So...discuss before I get verklempt.
Fri, 09-03-2004, 05:40 AM
For those interested episode 19 is out by anime-kraze...
it is an awesome episode so get it if you want
Sat, 09-04-2004, 10:06 AM
** spoilers to ep 19 **
Another excellent ep of Monster. I'm glad they got back to Tenma. Not that I don't like Nina, but Tenma is definately my favorite character from the show. More serial-killer creepiness in this ep. It's wierd how Johann was able to manipulate that guy to murder Johann's foster-mother. How DID he now about his past? This may be the first real supernatural element of the storyline. Or there could be a reasonable explantation. The story may never have any fantasy elements, which would be OK be me.
I thought the psychiatrist was another excellent bit character, like the assasin from the last ep. The characters in Monster have a lot of depth, even when they are only briefly in the story. Just before Tenma escaped on the bus he said he was cheating on the test too... Do you think he was lying about cheating himself just because he knew how much that incident was eating at the guy who betrayed and then helped him?
Sat, 09-04-2004, 10:35 AM
Spoilers here also....
Indeed a very good episode... Every character that is portrayed in the series are splendid... I dont know how I feel about Johann having some sort of supernatural powers... I hope it all comes down to him being very good at manipulating people, and be one of those people that by just looking at you or watching you act for a while can suddenly tell your whole history.... But whatever happens I'm OK with it....
What I really want to see is another episode that involves the crazy detective, that is now with Tenma's ex-fiancee
And I dont think he was lying about cheating... I think that explains why Tenma never approached him, he thought the psychiatrist caught him cheating...
Sat, 09-04-2004, 06:13 PM
Episode 20 is out by a-kraze for those interested
Sun, 09-05-2004, 04:27 AM
All I know about Monster is this: there are NO supernatural elements within the story. Everything has an explanation, including Johann. At least in the manga, I can't say for sure about the anime. And it's always good to pay attention to secondary characters cause you just never know where/when/if they show up again. *wink* That's all I know. Really it is, other than I need to go to bed because I have to work in the morning.
Of course as my word is not law feel free to ignore me. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Mon, 09-06-2004, 02:51 AM
Episode 20 was quite a diasppointment for me. It didn't seem to add anything to the main story.
Monster remains one of my two favorite ongoing series (fma being the other)
Mon, 09-06-2004, 10:59 PM
just want to know? what so special about monster series anyway? i saw the first 2 episodes and found it quite confusing?
Mon, 09-06-2004, 11:02 PM
if you scroll up a little bit you'll find the answer
Spoilers for episode 20....
The episode didnt dissapoint me on the least.... i enjoyed it... you never know if they actually have a connection, especially with the son who is on prison... he might have been manipulated by Johan...
Wed, 09-08-2004, 05:03 AM
Episode 21 is out by Soldats for those interested
Wed, 09-08-2004, 09:21 PM
*** spoilers to ep 21 ***
2 eps of Monster, nice. They were interesting to watch back to back, very different tones, with the first kind of a laid back road trip with a bitersweet end, the second with more tension and a tragic end. Some might say that the ex-cop got what was coming to him, but I think like the rest of the charaters in the series, he was only human. Weak, but not totally evil...
I wonder who it was that set up the ex-cop as a trap for Nina? It looks like a new faction. Are they after Johan too? Killing his sister is NOT a way to impress him. And they are going after Tenma... And we get the inspector back for the next ep! I really like this character, so I will be looking forward to it.
Has anyone else noticed that the ending has changed? Disturbing... I wonder what it means.
Oh, and NO SPOILERS PLEASE. If I think that there might be a supernatural element then I want to be surprised later when there is a rational explanation. If you have read the manga KEEP QUIET. Thank you.
Wed, 09-08-2004, 09:29 PM
***Spoilers up to 21***
Episode 21 was awesome... one of my favorites... what i really wanted to know was if Nina was able to kill the other guy... because that would have made her first kill (i think)...
I guess that the people that want Anna and Tenma dead are the people that think that they are disturbing their plans for Johan... I'm pretty sure that they are people that support Johan... I guess they don't know the what kind of monster Johan is carrying because they will be dead once Johan finds out they tried to kill Anna
And yes the inspector is back.... my wish has been granted...
My theory of what is happening in the series is this... this is all a master plot to manipulate Johan and Anna... making killers of both of them... something along those lines
Fri, 09-10-2004, 04:33 PM
I don't know, most of the people after Johan seem to underestimate Anna, just using her as a tool to get to her brother. They seem to forget that the two are twins...
Poiple Weezard
Fri, 09-10-2004, 09:01 PM
While they are twins, they are only fraternal twins. They don't have identical DNA, no matter how similar it is, and they definetly have different childhood experiences. While we know she is very capable, the other characters would have little reason to believe so.
Sun, 09-12-2004, 01:00 PM
Monster 22 out by a-kraze for those interested
Tue, 09-14-2004, 07:45 PM
*** Spoiler to ep 22 **
I was hoping for a little more from this ep, but it was still good. I especially liked how both Lunge and Tenma approached the crime scene in the same way and came to the same conclusions about the killer. And Lunge being obsessed to the point where he doesn't even care if the real killer is caught... And then he accuses TENMA of being unemotional. I was a little surprised that he remained with the police given what happened before, but it doesn't appear that it's interfering with his chase, so that's OK.
It was also pretty nasty of him to blackmail that poor reporter. Oh, and is it supposed to be Eva who seduced him away from his family so that Lunge could manipulate him?
Edit: Oops, my bad. Edited
Tue, 09-14-2004, 08:03 PM
Spoilers up to 22
Yeah... I think Eva has something to do with it... if not she is seducing someone else from what i gather from the preview it looks like Roberto is tied up into it somehow also.... (I think i saw him)
I think that Roberto is looking at the moment for Tenma... and he links Eva to Tenma (former fiancee) so she might be in trouble...
And yeah... I loved how Tanma and Lunge went about the scene the same way... That Lunge is losing his mind....
Wed, 09-15-2004, 01:16 AM
It seems that Lunge is going out of his mind. Maybe he will end up like the police officer in the previous episode.
Does anyone know how many episodes Monster is? Animesuki lists it at 70+, but is that accurate?
Oh, btw, episode 23 is out:
Anikraze Episode 23 (
Wed, 09-15-2004, 07:06 AM
Yeah... I and a couple of people have mentioned this a couple of time...
It is around 70 episodes
downloading 23 now...
Fri, 09-24-2004, 01:37 AM
*** ep 23 spoilers ***
Wow, not an ep for kids. Eva stoops to prostitution, steals liquor from a homeless bum, and ends up being raped by Roberto. She was just so desparate in this ep, you had to feel sorry for her. I wonder where they will go with her character? Things certainly can't get any worse...
Fri, 09-24-2004, 01:41 AM
Spoilers to 23**********************
Yeah Eva can't stoop any lower... lighting a used cigarette just outside of prison...
It looks like she appears with a shotgun after tenma in the preview.... I guess she wasnt with Lunge on the previous plot
Fri, 09-24-2004, 01:53 AM
**Episode 23***
If she dies, it might be the best thing for her, but I doubt that will happen to her. She will probably live a very long time and eventually redeem herself somehow... then die right after...
When you hit rock bottom, the only way you can go is up.
Sat, 09-25-2004, 04:04 AM
24 out by kraze
Mon, 09-27-2004, 08:09 PM
*** Spoilers to ep 24 ***
What a nice ep. I like how they develop Eva's character even more. She's interesting because she's so conflicted. It's hard to guess what she'll do next. She seems so hard when she confronts Roberto, but then it turn out she's terrified. When she took the gun I could see her going after Tenma, but then instead she defends him with her life. When Deiter asks her if she's Tenma's friend she can't even give him a yes or no answer. It's like she doesn't even know. She's a weird combination of stalker/psycho and love interest/sidekick.
I'm a little surprised that Roberto left her alive, but I guess he must have believed her bluff after all. And no preview? I think the last bit was an advertisement for the manga or the soundtrack or something.
Sat, 10-09-2004, 09:20 PM
The "Monster Special 1" at Anikraze is a summary ep of the story so far. No new information, but a good review if you're thinking of picking up this anime. A good review if you're watching this anime too. There are enough plot twists that it can be hard to keep track of them all. I had forgotten that Johan had actually ASKED his sister to shoot him. Well, new ep next week.
Sat, 10-09-2004, 09:25 PM
damn i thought i had posted that info in here... probably i had problems posting that day and it didnt show up lol...
Spoilers to episode 24
Yeah i was surprised also that he let her live.... but he probably took a shot to take her out missed... and then went away thinking there would be more security coming know that his plan was compromised.... Just like the owner of the mansion said
end spoilers..............
BTW... episode 25 is out by a-kraze and up to 24 by soldats
Sat, 10-16-2004, 10:04 AM
*** Spoilers to 25 ***
More side characters! I am seriously going to lose track soon. Oh well, I like the economics major, although now that he has met Johan he might not be around much longer... And THAT was unexpected. When the Thursday boy commited suicide I decided that it would be another 20 eps before Johan ever showed up in person again, and then I saw that pale hand... A little anticlimactic for the arrival of the show's antichrist, but cool because I didn't expect it.
Sun, 10-24-2004, 08:38 AM
Anime-Kraze ( just released eps 26 and 27.
Sun, 10-24-2004, 09:06 AM
Spoilers for episodes 26 and 27....
I watched the episodes last night... and although some must be dissapointed that they havent seen Tenma in a while, I dont mind.... Iam really enjoying seeing how Johan mind fucks everyone.... I really wonder if Johan is gonna kill Schuwald and Karl... Im even doubting myself here.. Johan seems unpredictable
Wed, 10-27-2004, 09:03 AM
Spoilers for same.
I was worried that having Johan return to the series would be a disappointment after all the build-up to this arc, but I think it's turning out well. Portraying him as a sweet, helpful guy is creepy in itself (volunteering with orphens?). You keep waiting for something truely awful to happen, like him suddenly pushing Karl off the roof during their talk. It looks like he wants to use the newly reunited father/son pair for something, so I think they're safe for now, but that detective is going down.
Wed, 10-27-2004, 10:39 AM
I really cant believe that us two are the only one still discussing this... this series is easily top 3 of the currently released anime (i would have said top 2... but i know alot of Naruto lovers would have disagreed if i left their precious Naruto out of the top two.... the other top 2 is One Piece of course)...
Yeah there were many instances that i said "OK at last Johan is gonna kill them"... but that moment never came... and i love how Johan has such a fag voice... it makes him even creepier...
Thu, 10-28-2004, 11:55 PM
die hard anime keep fan
Fri, 10-29-2004, 01:36 AM
yeah i like a-keep also... but i dont see Monster as a too hard to sub series.... so I think you can watch any from a-kraze and soldats and you wont be missing anything... you can always go back to archive a-keep version
Sun, 11-07-2004, 11:57 PM
*** Spoiler to ep 28 ***
Yeah, it's too bad more people aren't watching this, although I am glad I have someone to talk with about it. Ep 28 was great. Very creepy when the detective was looking into that dark window... and then having all those near-misses... and at the end finally putting it all together. He is SO going to die.
It's also cool how Johan used the same tactics that he used on Wolfe to isolate Schuwald. I wonder what is so important about the man that Johan dedicated three years to messing with him?
Sat, 11-13-2004, 02:31 AM
Anime-Kraze released 29.
Sat, 11-13-2004, 03:06 AM
Yo' GS... are you watching Monster? I just yesterday i think you were planning on picking it up...
Spoilers up to 29
Episode 29 has to be the most awesome episode recently... i feel bad for that detective guy... I really hoped it was his daughter who he spoked to on the phone...
Sun, 11-21-2004, 08:16 PM
*** Spoilers to 30 ***
I liked Robert. I knew he was going to die, but damn it... When John held out the bottle and was said "Here..." it was one of the most evil moments I have seen in anime. Ep 30 with his family crying at his funeral and almost noone else there was so sad...
The rest of the ep had some nice suspence though, with Johan winding that guy up and setting him loose on the psychiatrist. The scene with the psychiatrist giving those punks a beat-down was nice too. This arc's been good but I'm glad Tenma is back.
Mon, 11-22-2004, 01:48 AM
am i the only one who reads the manga here. the storyline is decent, i wish it had more badass characters though.
Thu, 11-25-2004, 01:19 PM
Yeah, I usually like watching anime over reading manga. No one in the series has any special powers or can knock people through brick walls, but I thought Nina was pretty badass, Tenma now too, and I wouldn't want to mess with Eva. And of course Johan....
Sat, 11-27-2004, 12:06 PM
31 is out
Sun, 11-28-2004, 03:44 PM
*** Spoilers to 31 ***
Not alot of action, but a good ep. Dr. Gillen's analysis of Lunge was cool, "For you Tenma must be a villain. Otherwise you identity would be destroyed." But Lunge still played him in the end. And it looks like Tenma might get a shot at Johan, I guess we'll have to see.
Sun, 11-28-2004, 03:49 PM
Spoilers for 31**********
I don't think he'll get the chance... I think the police will get in his way....
I hope he crosses paths with Anna... they havent had enough screen time together...
Tue, 11-30-2004, 02:08 AM
Episode 32 is out!!!
Wed, 12-01-2004, 01:53 PM
does anybody know how much longer will it take to finish this series?
how many episodes will complete it?
Wed, 12-01-2004, 01:57 PM
i believe the manga has ended and it wasn't too long, so anime shouldn't be long as naruto. i can't tell you how many chapters the manga consists of cuz i'm at work, but i'll let you know when i get home. or maybe someone else can tell you.
Wed, 12-01-2004, 02:05 PM
Like it has been said countless times in here...
It is expected to be 70 episodes
Wed, 12-01-2004, 02:11 PM
thanks bud. i wasn't able to read everything in this thread. sorry.
Fri, 12-03-2004, 05:28 PM
*** Spoilers to 32 ***
The last ep was OK, although I think the story with the birds in the forest was a little forced. Nina's part was cool, but if Karl ends up taking a bullet for Johan I won't fell too sorry fro him...
Fri, 12-03-2004, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by: Mae
*** Spoilers to 32 ***
The last ep was OK, although I think the story with the birds in the forest was a little forced. Nina's part was cool, but if Karl ends up taking a bullet for Johan I won't fell too sorry fro him...
Yeah that's what will probably happen... and yeah Anna was as cool as always.... the episode was worth it just to see her....
Wed, 12-15-2004, 10:06 PM
episode 33 is out!!!
New Ending.... and it sucks big time
Sat, 12-18-2004, 08:23 PM
Damn, that ending theme is just laughably awful. Were they trying to make it German or something? I have no idea what the guy who picked it out was thinking.
Anyway, I guess we found out what Johan was doing with those kids, but why is beyond me, unless he was just playing... And he obviously expects Tenma and has something planned. I hope we'll find out what in the next ep.
Sat, 01-08-2005, 12:41 PM
Up to 35 out now.... Spoilers
They're certainly taking their time building up to the asassination attempt, but that's ok. The interlude with Lunge trying to imagine being Japanese was pretty damn funny, and I'm starting to like Dr. Reichwein more and more. An old, balding psychiatrist doesn't make a likely hero, but this series does a great job with him, and I really like his voice actor, especially when he was confronting Johan's freaky foster parents. The other psychiatrist is pretty good too... I like his hangdog look and emotionlessness when interviewing the serial killers he studies.
Now I know that the quote the Lunge translated from the book was used by Johan before, but I can't quite remember the context... Is it what he painted on the water tower after the fire? I guess I'll have to wait until Bud gets back to find out...
Sun, 01-09-2005, 07:21 PM
Spoilers up to 35...
the thing in the piece of paper i dont think it's from the book... you mean the quote with "the monster inside me is growing" or something like that right?
I think when Lunge met with the psychiatrist he was given that quote.... hence why he thinks that it is Tenma itself with the double personalitly...
im not sure though
Mon, 01-10-2005, 07:52 AM
Yeah, that's the quote, but it's definately from the book... Lunge looks at the copy that those Japanese businessmen had (btw I was really disappointed he declined the karaoke). Later he's in the office with a Czech dictionary translating something and one of his cooworkers asks what he's doing. He says it's a quote from a picture book he thought was interesting.
I think Johan left a note with this on it or something... I kind of remember Tenma reading it and looking horrified.... but I could be wrong.
Mon, 01-10-2005, 10:33 AM
you might be right... for some reason i thought he was looking for the word Czech... like if it had a hidden meaning... but i see now lol
Tue, 01-25-2005, 06:19 PM
Spoilers up to episode 37....
I have stand firm for my choice for Johan as my favorite villian... he is simply insane....
And what about Anna/Nina... Do you guys think she has a monster inside of her like Johan... for some reason I thought that Johan would/will be killed in these episodes and somehow transform Anna/Nina into a monster similar to him... she seemed kinda psycho when she was little saying "Kill... him"
Tue, 01-25-2005, 08:21 PM
Spoilers for same
Finally..... HOW many lead-up eps did they have for this? Six? Still, it did turn out really nicely.... Johan wasn't after the old, almost-dead kingpin after all but instead the room full of business leaders that came to see him... Nice call for maximum chaos.
I don't think the book is meant to be taken literally, but rather show us that Johan identifies with the hungry monster that wants to eat everything. Maybe it's because he was an orphen, so didn't know his own name. I wonder if he chose Johan after reading the book... Which was pretty creepy come to think of it. Munch munch. Crunch crunch.
Sat, 02-12-2005, 06:18 PM
Up to 38........
About the book... Johan says in this ep that he thinks of Nina as his other self. So if he follows that story he wants to.... devour her? Kill her? He would have had a chance here but he just walks past... It seems we should have some more insight into Johan's motives, but I'm still not wure at all what he's trying to do with Anna and Tenma. Tenma could have very well killed him if not for her showing up so they were both distracted yelling at each other not to shoot...
This arc was cool, but I'm glad it's over too. It will be interesting to see where they go next.
Sun, 02-27-2005, 06:02 AM
Episode 41 Spoilers....
Another great episode... man who was that girl.... at first i thought it was Anna... but after we saw the murders now i dont know who the heck was it... maybe Johan's mother?
Sun, 02-27-2005, 07:13 AM
So far I've been getting my eps of Monster from Anime Keep, but they are taking forever to come up and have only reached ep 24. Should I d/l from another sub group? I like Anime Keep but I would really like to see more of the anime rather then having to keep waiting.
Sun, 02-27-2005, 07:26 AM
anime-keep is a shitty group if you ask me.... just download from anime-kraze
Sun, 02-27-2005, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by: Budweineken
anime-keep is a shitty group if you ask me.... just download from anime-kraze
Their quality of the subs is not bad, just that they are really s l o w. Think I will follow your advice and check out anime kraze.
Tue, 03-08-2005, 10:43 AM
Spoiler up to 42
Damn, this episode is sick.... i had stop half-way through to eat something and take a break.... i'll get back to it in a few minutes.... damn this series is good
Edit: Just finished... awesome episode... it might actually turn out that Nina is the killer... all evidence is pointing towards her...
I have to say that Grimmer is pretty awesome
Tue, 03-08-2005, 12:05 PM
I like Grimmer
Just wondering if there is something in the anime that isnt in the manga?
Fri, 03-11-2005, 01:48 AM
Whoa, other people are actually posting in this thread.....i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif
*** Spoiler to 42 ***
Nice ep, that fingernail clipper scene actually made me cringe... It was wierd that they didn't, you know, just SEARCH him for the key? He was taking the taxi to the bank, so he should have had it on him.
And it certainly looks like Nina is involved, but for some reason I don't think she is the murderer. Why would she kill Petrov? Maybe Eva? She hasn't showed up in a while. But I wouldn't know her motive here either. Grimmer is yet another nicley developed character, holds up quite well under torture too...
Edit: Oh yeah, the kid, duh.
Fri, 03-11-2005, 02:07 AM
im pretty sure that Grimmer gave the key to the kid (the leader of the orphans), unless i missed something...
From what i saw that woman has darker hair than Nina, but she is too similar... maybe they are 2 different people... one for Petrov and one that saved Grimmer...
i'm leaning towards the mom theory...
Thu, 03-17-2005, 03:14 AM
Episode 43 out by Kraze.
The episode was pretty good, except that Detective Suk was such a loser that it sort of made me lose interest. Nina was just spending time with him so she get information on the police, at least that's how I saw it. The whiskey bonbons reminded me of how Johan killed the hospital staff in the earlier eps. I guess they might've done it to show that Nina could be turning into a "monster" as well.
Thu, 03-17-2005, 07:42 AM
*** Spoilers to same ***
Um, are you SURE that's Nina? The twins really look alike... While I was watching this ep I was wondering where Nina had ditched Deiter, then I was wondering why she saved Grimmer only to sic the detective on him, and then the bonbons, and then the last scene where Suk was saying "she" was the only one who understood him... Man, I feel bad for Suk, he is a little overly innocent, but noone deserves Johan as a girlfriend.
On another note, I was surprised that Grimmer's captors weren't all shot, but also beaten to death rather horribly. Could it have been Grimmer? After all he did tell that story about the incredible Steiner or whatever. I don't think Johan would be physically strong enough to do it, but I guess he could have brought a minion. He always seems to have minons around.
Wed, 03-23-2005, 09:52 PM
***Spoilers 44****
OK... not that i that wasn't possible... but... WTF!!!!!! Mae... right on target... i don't think i can say anything else...
But Johan played Anna's character to perfection, he even knows the only hint Anna has are the 3 Frogs...
Man there were hints all over the place, but you don't want to believe it.... Tenma talking to the bar owner about how you cant really tell the gender from twins when they are kids, the bon-bons.... etc...
Glad to see Grimmer is out in the open and gaining the trust from Suk... but that damn Johan... he is simply too good...
Wed, 03-23-2005, 11:22 PM
Spoiler 44
Good call Mae. I didn't really want to believe that it was Johan cross-dressing, but I guess it was. Pretty fucked up, but smart. Suk continues to be a loser, and still doesn't seem to realize that Johan/Anna is just trying to get info from him.
Thu, 04-21-2005, 07:27 PM
Spoiler up to 47
All i want to say is that Grimmer is kickass... he's the man...
That younger Anna looks very creepy welcoming herself back... i wonder if the monster will maniferst itself in her...
And I think we are just about to learn who the real bigshot behind Johan is... that guy with the rose or whatever...
Thu, 04-21-2005, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by: Psyke
Originally posted by: Budweineken
anime-keep is a shitty group if you ask me.... just download from anime-kraze
Their quality of the subs is not bad, just that they are really s l o w. Think I will follow your advice and check out anime kraze.
They're not shitty, but Kraze and Soldats are both better, ane Keep also takes longer. There's no point in getting their version. I just download whichever release comes first between the other two.
Fri, 04-22-2005, 07:00 AM
I meant that they are a shitty group as a whole... not that their subs are bad (though i don't like their style)...
Anyways.... episode 48 is out
Fri, 04-22-2005, 07:56 AM
I really don't know enough about the groups to comment one way or the other, but they're all just doing it for fun and fandom, so I tend to cut them a lot of slack.
*** ep 47 spoilers ***
Haven't seen 48 yet, but I thought 47 was good. Not a lot actually happened, but it was nicely dramatic. I thought the voice actors did a really good job with this one, especially Tenma's. Made the episode, really.
Sat, 04-23-2005, 11:29 AM
hey guys please answer this for me:
I am an a-keep watcher but i'm fed up with waiting... i guess my 2 choices are soldats or anime-kraze
i know everyone watches anime-kraze is it definitely better than soldats?
thanx guys
Sat, 04-23-2005, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by: 010577
hey guys please answer this for me:
I am an a-keep watcher but i'm fed up with waiting... i guess my 2 choices are soldats or anime-kraze
i know everyone watches anime-kraze is it definitely better than soldats?
thanx guys
Soldats and Anime-Kraze are both at about the same quality, it's just that Kraze is faster. And just so you know, I'd put Keep below these two groups, so it's completely pointless to wait on them.
Sat, 04-23-2005, 12:13 PM
Sun, 04-24-2005, 03:34 PM
Episode 49 out
Tue, 04-26-2005, 01:54 PM
I used to wait staunchly for Soldats release... but I finally caved in a downloaded AKraze since they're faster in releasing... *ashamed*
but yeah I have to agree that they're about the same in quality. But I sorta prefer Soldat's typesetting though.
*** possible spoilers ****
wow so Lunge really was on a holiday? hmm I'm kinda confused on this, but, so he finally bought the whole Johan story after that incident with the Baron and son and burning up the library? So he believes in Tenma's innocence now?
man this episode is soooo sad... poor Grimmer!!! =( 511 kinderheim really messed him up bad... sigh...
Board of Command
Tue, 04-26-2005, 05:30 PM
I also got Soldats up till Ep 44, when they seemed to have quit. Only difference I see in Ani-Kraze is the different name translations. Lunge is now Runge, and Secret Police is now STB. Everything else is still very easily understandable.
Ep 49 is interesting, as usual. Johan really knows how to gain influence, even to simple-minded little kids. I'm still waiting to see Grimmer go Magnificent Steiner mode on Tenma, because it's bound to happen sooner or later. Tenma will be forced to kill Grimmer.
Wed, 04-27-2005, 06:20 PM
*** Spoilers to 49***
Wow, Grimmer is certainly alot more psychotic than he seemed at first, Not sure if I like his character more or less now that I know his big smiles are all fakes. Johan hasn't lost his touch for pure evil, and Tenma, who seems to like everyone, seems at least a little freaked out by Grimmer's admissions.
The Milos story seemed like a more disturbed version of Deitre's story earlier, another rehashing of the "kids have to be raised with love" theme. Which is a kind of odd theme for anime, but works ok for me. I wonder if Milos will start following Grimmer the same way Dietre is following Tenma? Maybe a replacement son? I hope they get back to Nina in the next ep, I was wondering what was happening on her side of the story....
Thu, 04-28-2005, 04:49 AM
I've been following the Akeep version as well, but they're really slow and just when I'm thinking of switching to Anime kraze their tracker goes down. : (
Thu, 04-28-2005, 09:42 PM
yo same here!
let's keep each other updated when the files are back up!
Sun, 05-22-2005, 01:25 PM
*** Spoilers to 51 ***
Not bad, I was NOT expecting Tenma to be arrested. I thought we would have a ways to go in the current arc before they switched like this, but I guess they tied up the last arc by having Grimmer take the blame for everything.
It looks like they're bringing a lot of characters back for the up-coming trial, which is cool since there are a lot of really good, memorable characters (Unless Tenma escapes? But I don't think that would fit with the story). Weird that Suk doesn't return immediately, maybe he's finally done being intentionally blind to Johan's existance? It would be an ironic plot twist if he's the one who ends up proving Tenma innocent. Anyways, I anticipate another good story arc, although this may be the last one.
Sun, 05-22-2005, 05:30 PM
Holy god... I'm finally up to date with the rest of the world... good bye a-keep
anyways awesome shit... everyone is behind tenma now... even RUNGE!
It was awesome how Schuwald said he will get him the best criminal lawyer in every state... that's just badass
Sat, 05-28-2005, 10:43 AM
Ep. 52 out by A-Kraze!
Ep. 52 (A-Kraze) (
Sun, 05-29-2005, 10:01 AM
Ep. 53 (
Mon, 05-30-2005, 10:12 PM
*** Spoilers to 53 ***
Wow, that didn't go as I expected. Nice twist to have Tenma confess. I thought they were heading for a big trial, but now it looks like he'll escape after all. Or maybe he'll save Eva and she'll decide to testify after all? It will be interesting to see where they go with this. And where is Johan at? Was he pushing Tenma to escape using his own lawyer? Or was he just taunting him with Eva's death thinking he couldn't do anything to stop it?
I'm not sure what to think about the other lawyer. He's got a wife and what looks like a happy family, but he seems a bit unstable.
Thu, 06-09-2005, 02:58 AM
Thats the great thing about this anime all the characters are flawed and alot of them are terrible people, but it is a great anime, I'm glad I just watched the last 53 eps over two weekends. I would like to see Runge do something usefull before this series ends, for some reason I like him even though he looks like Spok from Star Trek.
Sat, 06-18-2005, 02:26 PM
Monster's really picking up
54 , 55 out by a-kraze
Sat, 06-18-2005, 06:40 PM
This show is pretty damn cool. Sometimes way too sentimental and preachy and goody-goody, but oh the dark side is beautiful. Johan is one scary friggin villain and drives the show like i've never seen one character do. Runge cracks me up. I fell behind on this show when Ani-Kraze's tracker went down but I intend to catch up ASAP
Tue, 07-05-2005, 11:31 AM
Episodes 56 & 57 are out by Anime-Kraze.
Damn this show is picking up speed. Lots of stuff is being revealed, bit by bit tantalizingly.
Arghs I still don't get it!!! Wassup with Johan and Nina/Anna's past???
I'll have to re-watch this series again soon... I'm getting so lost...
Tue, 07-05-2005, 09:59 PM
56 is the best ep. so far
Wed, 07-06-2005, 07:51 PM
Finally watched episodes 49-55...
great shit happens... i like how the whole series I wanted a bullet to put in Eva's head, and then the series shows you her emotional side so that you start to sympathize with her... and guess what, they kill her right off the bat (we all know she is probably dead)...
And another thing... doesn't Margot Langer being Carl's mother make Anna and Johan, Carl's stepbrother and sister? Great twist there, i probably should've realized earlier when we found the truth behind Carl's mother back in those episodes...
It was also cool when Milos went into the redlight district and saw all that wierd shit, girls being raped and stuff... pretty fucked up...
Speaking of Milos, I hope Grimmer shows up again later on... he has been one of the coolest characters by far...
I'll be watching 56 and 57 tonight...
Thu, 07-07-2005, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by: Budweineken
And another thing... doesn't Margot Langer being Carl's mother make Anna and Johan, Carl's stepbrother and sister?
Hmmm? Why does that make them step-siblings? Margot Langer isn't Anna and Johan's mother, right? I thought she is simply the good friend of their mother... or was she the sister? Damn I can't remember....
Thu, 07-07-2005, 08:17 AM
Well from what I gathered, Margot Langer was the woman painted in the Mansion of Roses, making her the mother of the twins, which makes Carl their step-brother... that's how I saw it...
Edit: I guess it all has to do with whom is actually portrayed in the picture... is it Margot or the friend... if it's the friend i guess they are not siblings...
In either case, it was interesting that Johan might have been able to know all about Margot just by listening to Shuwald speak about Margot with her friend in Prague at that young age, even before all the experiments...
Fri, 07-08-2005, 06:59 AM
margot is johan/anna mom friend
schuwald went to johan house to find her mom to trace margot
there johan learned all about margot/schuwald/bastard son (carl)
Sat, 07-09-2005, 03:33 AM
All of you that are watching Monster and like to read manga, I suggest looking for 20th Century Boys from the same mangaka... you'll like it also...
Sat, 07-09-2005, 07:03 AM
*** Spoilers to ep 57 ***
I was a little disappointed when they switched away from Tenma's story because it was picking up so nicely, but Nina's storyline with the creepy fairy tales wasn't bad, and the puppeteer guy was a bit disturbing ("Look! I've created a creepy-looking puppet version of you to show my love!"). I thought it was odd that he just let her walk off though. Didn't Wolf say she was with a member of their secret group or something?
As for Margot, wasn't she dark-haired like Karl? I seem to remember that from the flash-backs. And we had decided earlier that the friend she left behind with twins was probably Johan's mother. Since the woman in the portrait was blond and looked a lot like the twins I thought that Johan was probably looking at a portrait of his mother.
I've been wondering who Johan's father was. Maybe it's this Napolean guy? That would make the puppeteer a half-brother.
Sun, 07-10-2005, 10:29 AM
Josh Olson Adapting Monster
Source: The Hollywood Reporter July 8, 2005
Josh Olson, who adapted the upcoming A History of Violence for New Line Cinema and director David Cronenberg, has signed on to adapt another comic book for the studio.
The Hollywood Reporter says Olson will adapt Monster, a best-selling Japanese manga comic book series from author Naoki Urasawa. As part of the deal, Olson will write a treatment for a sequel, which he also will write.
Monster is a psychological thriller that tells the story of a young doctor who saves the life of a little boy only to find out a few years later that the life he saved was that of a brilliant killer. The doctor must track down the young killer and solve a larger conspiracy.
Mon, 07-11-2005, 06:43 AM
fuck that shit he can only ruin it
Tue, 07-12-2005, 02:59 AM
I hope they keep the main character as a Japanese, but I think the possibility is next to zero.
Tue, 07-12-2005, 06:41 PM
while we cry and bitch about the movie
watch a-kraze's 58 (
Thu, 07-14-2005, 07:36 PM
Damn. I might have to pay premium media or something to get all the episodes. Because this show sounds really good. I only have a few 56-58 and Anime Kraze's bot only has a few episodes. I would do bittorent but it takes extremely long. And I want them NOW!!!
Thu, 07-14-2005, 08:50 PM
I think one of the bots has the earlier eps, but I haven't checked recently. Worth getting even from bittorrent.
As for the movie, I doubt it will get any further. Hollywood seems to be obsessed with mediocre sequals and crappy remakes lately. But I would definatlely see it if it ever happened. Monster would make a great live action series too. And if either happened it would bring more attention to anime and manga, which would be a good thing.
As for ep 58, I loved it. Eva remains one of my favorite characters. Absolutely miserable and desperate, but still such a bitch. If she goes down she'll go down spitting in her killer's eye. Poor Martin, I hope he makes it. And good to see The Baby back in action, although you'd think that his organization would have given up on Johan after what happened last time. But hey, they've got Eva, and if anyone's going to spot him for them it's got to be her.
Sun, 08-14-2005, 07:58 PM
Episode 60 out by Anime-Kraze. Link (
Sun, 08-14-2005, 08:43 PM
*** Spoilers to 60 ***
Aw, damn. I kinda knew Martin was done for, but I was hoping. Johan's "apprentice" did a pretty good number on him, but I guess he can't match the master yet... And good tension when Eva was being approached, but you didn't know by who. I was genuinely worried that they'd finish her off after all. I liked the Eva/Tenma scene too. And the scene with Tenma staring up at the hotel. And Eva deciding not to go off to Munich like a good girl (She doesn't listen to anyone, does she?). And this whole ep, really. I hope the next one comes soon....
Wed, 09-28-2005, 02:49 PM
Ah hell, I was gonna post here quickly to say that I've watched 7 episodes and this is bloody amazing. This has the potential of being one of the best shows I've ever seen. I can't thank Bud enough for recommending it in that reviews thread. Unfortunately stumbling in here spoiled me big time even though it was only 1 or 2 posts I read, my own fault of course, but yeah. I'll stay clear from here until I catch up. Fucking awesome stuff, really. And a very welcome change to the fact that all of the shows I'm watching have become so incredibly kiddie and shit.
Johan is so awesome.
Poor Maurer though. :/
Sun, 10-09-2005, 03:36 PM
**** Spoilers to ep 63 ****
Now, enough people put Monster on their top 5 favorite ep we should be able to have some discussion... I thought ep 63 was pretty good, very creepy without actually showing any violence. And Johan took Anna with him when he left the hospital? AFTER she shot him? I had always thought she must have taken off after hearing that he escaped... I wonder how they got split up then?
And about ep 62... I hope that wasn't foreshadowing.
Thu, 10-13-2005, 11:56 PM
Ani-Kraze's version of episode 65 is out
On animesuki:
Fri, 10-14-2005, 03:39 PM
Spoilers for 64 and 65
Tenma keeps firing off his shit cannon about how it's wrong to get revenge. It's starting to get annoying, but both episodes were still solid. I'm glad The Baby died, he was obnoxious. Looking forward to seeing how they wrap this series up.
Fri, 10-21-2005, 01:15 PM
I just caught up from episode 54+....
This is some good shit, and how The Baby died was awesome... I would've liked if they had shown his dead body, I'm pretty sure that hooker cut his dick...
Anyways, We know Tenma got the kill in episode 65, unless he missed... the other dude had a silencer on
Fri, 10-21-2005, 06:52 PM
I like how just before he was killed off they made him a pitiable character so you would have at least some regret for his death. Oh, and Eva shooting that guy's ear off was awesome. He didn't predict that one.
Sun, 10-30-2005, 02:55 PM
Anime Kraze has released episode 66
Tue, 11-01-2005, 02:12 PM
Just watched 66....
Fairly interesting episode... We finally learned what really happened on their past, and it seems next episode will go even further, from the previews it looks pretty fucked up...
Tue, 11-01-2005, 07:18 PM
Spoilers up to 66
I like how Anna says she's going to kill Johan, and then decides to start telling him a story instead. Although, like Bud said, it'll be interesting to see a more in depth look into her past.
Wed, 11-02-2005, 07:29 PM
Well, it's hard to kill your own brother in cold blood, no matter how evil he is. Especially since he's just standing there talking calmly. Very cool flashback with the twin's mother saying that her children will get her revenge.
Thu, 11-03-2005, 08:07 AM
I get this feeling that Johan's purpose in finding Anna is because he wants her to end his life. And that there's a terrible past behind Anna which we are going to find out soon. This series has started airing in Singapore on cable TV, and is gaining a wider audience now.
Thu, 11-03-2005, 09:51 AM
I don't know, I have a feeling that Anna will become a Monster and keep continuing Johan's plan after he's dead. Johan is gonna die soon, we all know it. Anna is gonna get fucked up in the head, kill Johan, and get into a shooting match with Tenma.
Sat, 11-05-2005, 04:23 AM
Since I'm lazy to type up again what I said on IRC, I'll simply copy-paste it here:
[03:10] <@ChariLaX> you watch up to 66 in Monster?
[03:10] <@Budweineken> yeah
[03:10] <@Budweineken> it was ok, nothing really happened
[03:10] <@Budweineken> 67 should be good
[03:10] <@ChariLaX> yeah
[03:11] <@ChariLaX> Anna is such a creepy child
[03:11] <@Budweineken> I think when she sees herself welcoming herself
[03:11] <@Budweineken> she's the one entering the door
[03:11] <@Budweineken> and that she was infact the one experimented on the Rose Mansion
[03:11] <@Budweineken> not Johan
Sat, 11-05-2005, 01:40 PM
In episode 66 Johan says to Anna, "That time, I had run away from the mansion of red roses and reached the room at the Three Frogs. You welcomed me." Although, the last image for the next episode preview seems to show your theory.
Sat, 11-05-2005, 03:30 PM
Ah, I forgot about that line...
Damnit... I was hoping for a big u-turn
Sat, 11-05-2005, 03:31 PM
I agree it's weird she has visions of herself saying welcome back, but that could be Johan dressed up as her. The twins do look a lot alike. But they both have memories of the mansion of red roses, so likely they both heard some of the stories. Maybe their mother switched them back and forth so neither one got too much exposure?
Wed, 11-30-2005, 02:22 PM
67 is out ( nt)
Thu, 12-01-2005, 04:45 PM
Man I hate to say it...
But it seems like my theory was true...
It was indeed Ana the one that was experimented on...
But it seems that Johan has some experiments that he experienced, though we don't know about it yet...
Thu, 12-01-2005, 09:16 PM
Im fairly sure it was still johan that was in that fucked up orphanage though.
This last episode (67) was incredible, so much was reveiled. I hope Dr. Tenma can keep Ana in check.
Fri, 12-02-2005, 02:37 AM
Well, what I'm sure of is that all the experiments we've been shown up to now, have all happened to Anna...
There seems to be another experiment that Johan went through that we don't know about, hence why he was wearing a dress when Anna returned home... I'm sure that was part or was the result of the experiment Johan went through...
Board of Command
Fri, 12-02-2005, 03:46 PM
7 more episodes to go! I think ep 67 is the biggest twist in the series so far. So I guess it'll all end in Ruhenheim.
Sat, 12-03-2005, 05:23 AM
I really want to see Anna kicking ass instead of using a gun...
What I'm surprised about is that Johan just threw away all that he has been planning since episode 1... I wonder what fucked up plan is he cooking now...
And Tenma better kill someone before the series is over...
Sun, 12-04-2005, 10:27 AM
The truth about what happened to Anna was telegraphed pretty well in the previous eps, so that wasn't so surprising, but Johan's reaction was interesting. You wouldn't think that would change his plans, but it looks like he's up to something else now. I thought the VA's did pretty well with the Temna/Anna scene (I've never really gotten a vibe off of them like they might get together until now. Tenma saying he wouldn't know what to do without her was suggestive of that to me, poor Eva). And Runge is back, which is cool.
Wed, 01-11-2006, 11:46 PM
Episode 68 is out! (
Board of Command
Thu, 01-12-2006, 12:15 AM
Why are fansubbers releasing Monster so slowly? Both Soldats and Ani-Kraze are months behind the airing schedule. What's going on?
Thu, 01-12-2006, 01:31 PM
Who knows.... Maybe they want to torture us or something...
68 was pretty good. They did a really good intro for the town and everyone in it.
I guess Johan is going through an identity crisis. All those pictures of him and Anna were a little creepy to say the least....
Fri, 01-13-2006, 01:22 AM
You think Johan drew those?
The person who drew them is Bonaparte...
I also liked the intro done for the town, especially when Grimmer says "You think we can stop the massacre?"... That means that most, if not all, of the people that were just introduced are gonna die.
Board of Command
Fri, 01-13-2006, 06:33 PM
I think the town will destroy itself under Johan's influence. It showed a lot of conflict inside the town itself, such as the lottery ticket thing. I think Johan will be the spark plug to whatever's gonna happen.
Sat, 01-28-2006, 01:28 PM
Just rewatched the episode... I figured out who Bonaparta is... I'll leave it at that...
Sun, 01-29-2006, 08:38 PM
Here's more Monster episodes by Soldats....You can get 69-74 from here...........
Have fun....
Uchiha Barles
Sun, 01-29-2006, 11:38 PM
omg...these sons of bitches....It is now 11:40pm at the time I'm finding out about this (from a friend through AIM first), and I have my first actually class tomorrow morning. This could be a TERRIBLE way to start off the semester. Even if I don't'll be on my mind all day. The butthole pwnage seems is getting out of hand these days...
Board of Command
Mon, 01-30-2006, 12:24 AM
Holy shit Soldat released the finale already? WHY WASN'T I INFORMED OF THIS?!?!
Mon, 01-30-2006, 03:34 AM
When you guys start discussing this, please tell up to what episode you have watched before the rest of your post, I don't want to get spoiled without having finished the series...
Finished watching the series, and so it ends the most amazing anime that has come to date...
Won't discuss any further to give you guys a chance to finish it up...
After I finished, I went a took a look at the manga... It pretty much ended the same way...
If only all manga to anime adaptations were done this way...
Uchiha Barles
Mon, 01-30-2006, 11:20 AM
I've watched it all at the expense of sleep. Omg...its so good. I too will wait a bit for the response of others so as to have better discussion. I'm sitting here all happy and shit just waiting to voice out my theories and what not. Come on guys, watch this brilliance and discuss!
Edit: I hate the "answer" to the thread on its first page. Total BS.
Mon, 01-30-2006, 07:04 PM
Just finished up. Satisfying ending to a solid series. The way they left things with Johan was good. I also like how they didn't try to be too preachy or give a lot of moral lessons. Tenma is an idiot though. Doctors Without Borders my ass; he should be knocking boots with Nina.
Tue, 01-31-2006, 12:36 AM
Just finished watching the last 6 episodes, amazing series. Felt more like a really well writen novel than a anime series.
Wed, 02-01-2006, 01:01 AM
Monster = Greatest Drama Anime of all time. These last episodes were no exception. That was an awsome way to wrap up this amazing series.
Wed, 02-01-2006, 10:03 AM
This was truely excellent - It will be difficult to find anything to plug the gap it has left.
Wed, 02-01-2006, 10:24 AM
Damnit I'm really tempted to download the last few episodes from Soldat instead of waiting for animekraze.
Fri, 02-03-2006, 04:19 PM
Monster episode69 is out by Anime-Kraze for those who has been wating for it>.> (
Fri, 02-03-2006, 04:42 PM
Soldats is just as good as Anime-Kraze. There's no point in waiting.
Sat, 02-04-2006, 05:00 AM
Agree. Not much difference in their quality. No point waiting. Go download them now, Psyke!!! Rawrrrr...
OK spoilers ahead for ep 69 till the grand finale episode, so be warned!!!!!!!
Nearly had a heart attack at that last scene in the hospital when Johan "woke up"!!!
But damn, I *knew* he was awake all the while. Wonder what his real name is? Wonder what he's gonna do?
Really like the way the story ended with everything coming "full circle".
The greatest irony of Tenma is that he spent half his life searching for Johan to kill him... but in the end, he ended up saving his life yet again.
*shakes head in amazement*
But it is so apt. Love it.
Saddest part was Grimmer's death. =(
And that horrible Roberto was his friend?!?!
Sat, 02-04-2006, 10:00 AM
I'm taking smilealwiz's advice on this one and am currentlt downloading it. Kinda sad that this series is going to end with this download, but it's been great since the day Tenma saved Johan.
Sun, 02-05-2006, 03:56 PM
Oh man..... No more Monster.... :_: Damn, I'm going to miss this series. And I got nothing to take it's place even close in plot or character development. A nice ending too.... Johan finally got his own name....
Tue, 02-07-2006, 09:19 PM
yeah but what is his fricking name? i want to know after knowing their mom gave anna (nina) such a stupid name.... fraulein .... i mean COME ON! WHat the hell is Fraulein? sorry if there are any frauleins out there but how can you have a smile on your face after you've been downgraded from nina to fraulein
anyways, i'll miss monster a shit load... argh the ending is so open... we want more
Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
I've watched it all at the expense of sleep. Omg...its so good. I too will wait a bit for the response of others so as to have better discussion. I'm sitting here all happy and shit just waiting to voice out my theories and what not. Come on guys, watch this brilliance and discuss!
Edit: I hate the "answer" to the thread on its first page. Total BS.
hey sorry man i totally didn't see this thread being one of the best threads tracking one of the best animes... i did it out of a whim back then... don't take it seriously!
Wed, 02-08-2006, 09:14 AM
Just finished this today. Overall a great series, but I kinda expected more from the finale. I wanted Lunge to finish off Roberto personally, but it didn't happen. We also didn't see the magnificent Steiner in action too. And there were way too many off camera gun shots in the last 2 episodes. But still, it felt good seeing Tenma back in his old hairdo, and not killing off Johan and having Tenma save him again (amazing how he retains his nerosurgical skills). Thumbs up for the series on the whole, and highly recommended for those who have yet to catch it.
Wed, 02-08-2006, 09:29 AM
He's only been away from the hospital a couple of years at most... Maybe not even a whole year, so it's not really amazing that he retained his skills... Plus he was still performing different sorts of "operations" throughout his journey, so his skills were still fairly fresh...
Board of Command
Sat, 04-08-2006, 06:05 PM
Monster 72 - Ani-Kraze (
2 more to go. Ani-Kraze is taking their sweet time as usual...
Sun, 04-09-2006, 10:42 AM
this is probably a long shot, but does anyone know where i might be able to find direct downloads of the latest monster episodes? my university network doesn't allow bittorrent (although i've been trying anyway. for the last three months :/), and i'm stuck on episode 65 and onward and it's killing me because this is one of my favourite shows and i want to see the finale. help?
Board of Command
Tue, 05-09-2006, 12:21 AM
I just finished this series finally (damn you Ani-Kraze!!!) and there's not much to say. Greatest drama series of all time.
yeah but what is his fricking name? i want to know after knowing their mom gave anna (nina) such a stupid name.... fraulein .... i mean COME ON! WHat the hell is Fraulein? sorry if there are any frauleins out there but how can you have a smile on your face after you've been downgraded from nina to fraulein
I guess you haven't seen much German in your life. Fraulein is not a name, it's a prefix like "Miss". The professor called her "Ms. Nina Fortner" because she's graduating and is no longer a student of his. The real names of Nina and Johan are never revealed. Their names are not important, it's the fact that they DO have names that matters.
Tue, 05-09-2006, 04:48 AM
Well, now that it's over, I have to say it was an interesting experiment. A strong and consistent atmosphere throughout the series, and a deep, well thought out story. All the characters that mattered had a backstory that suited the character, and was revealed in a sensible manner. But you really had to put yourself into the characters' shoes to be able to understand why all that happened was so meaningful to them. I'm no real fan of psycho or crime, police and detective stories, but this was nice to watch.
Wed, 12-05-2007, 12:31 AM
Holy shit. This took forever to find. Fuck!....
Anyway, today I was talking with a friend about a story that I read for English entitled, "Super Frog Saves Tokyo," which is a good story by the way. However, he eventually handed me some books his sister got for Christmas or something in 1987. I guess the original print date of the stories was 1907.They were written by a Beatrix Potter, the stories reminded me of the picture book in Monster. SO, if anyone is interested check them out. There was one that I read about a squirrel, Nutkin, and a rabbit, Peter. There were two others that I didn't get a chance to read today.
Alright, thats all I have to say.
Thu, 11-20-2008, 03:35 PM
A bit of thread necromancy here.
I just finished watching this series this morning, and it has been one of the greatest series I've ever seen. Everything flowed together nicely, and was told in a timely manner. Kept me guessing until the end. At one point I even thought that Nina was the one that got shot at the beginning and was saved by Tenma, hence her losing her memories. But then I realized that couldn't happen. But it was pretty surprising to find out all the shit that she actually went through.
Sadly, there were some parts that were pretty predictable though. Like, Johan dressed as Nina killing people. I just knew the real Nina couldn't kill that easily, so I knew it had to be Johan. Or well, I thought it was they're mother the very first time, but that quickly changed. Also that Nina was the one that had been taken from the Three Frogs (predictable because of the way they portrayed it, but still surprising/shocking to find out the truth).
Johan has got to be the coolest villain ever. He was always so calm and collected, and planned things out so perfectly. I still don't quite understand what he was trying to achieve though. To my knowledge, he was just trying to erase his existence, by destroying anyone who knew about him or his past, and then killing himself. But it also seemed like a personal vendetta for turning him into the monster that he had become.
Runge was an interesting character as well. I always liked him, but he annoyed the hell out me for the first part of the series. Seriously, how intent do you have to be on placing a murder on someone to be able to ignore all signs of someone else's existence. I mean, it was understandable at first, but when he even had photographic evidence, and testimony from like three different people, and still refused to believe Johan existed, I was getting really pissed off. But, at least he redeemed himself at the end.
The ending felt a bit anti-climatic. I mean, it was good in the sense that Tenma and Nina didn't have to kill anyone, and because the child's father showed love for his child, but it was out of left field, and left me unsatisfied. I was expecting Tenma to end up shooting him, or at least, something happening that involved Tenma or Nina putting Johan in a critical condition, and then Tenma saving him again (which happened, and was also predictable). But instead it was some random child's father whom we didn't really even know much about other than he was a drunk who beat his son... then he suddenly gains a conscience when seeing a gun pointed at his son and shoots. It was fitting, in a sense, but a disappointment on my part. The last scene in the hospital though (in the last episode) was wonderful. Which one was it? Was she trying to save him, or mistake him for her? I figured throughout that they had mistaken one twin for the other, but I didn't predict it was the mother that handed one of them off. And of course, seeing Johan's bed empty as the closing scene was a great way to end. What does he plan to do now?
I apologize for the length of the post. I've been watching this series for about a month now, and had so much I wanted to say in regards to it, but figured it was better to wait until the end before reviving a thread.
Thu, 11-20-2008, 03:54 PM
If you enjoyed Monster, you should read some of the author, Urasawa Naoki's other manga works like 20th Century Boys, or Pluto.
Thu, 11-20-2008, 04:06 PM
I actually don't read a lot of manga... where they adapted into anime?
It's not that I don't like manga, I just like to see things animated, so just don't read much manga. Don't like to spoil myself in the chance of seeing it animated. :)
Thu, 11-20-2008, 04:27 PM
haha, just today i started re-watching the series. Im at episode 1 :P
For what i remember, one of the most awsome persons of the series was Grimmer. If you made a series about Grimmer alone, i guess it would be a lot like Mushishi or other atmospheric series.
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