View Full Version : Dr Jackal
Fri, 04-23-2004, 10:33 PM
For those that are die hard ANBU-Aone fans, what is the new Dr. Jackal Group Naruto sub like?
Fri, 04-23-2004, 10:53 PM
Sat, 04-24-2004, 12:03 AM
Yeah, just saw them up on animesuki.... yet another group for Naruto. Never heard of them though.
Poiple Weezard
Sat, 04-24-2004, 12:14 AM
This episode was their only credit listed under Animesuki. It also seems that they changed names recently. According to their site, M.S.A. were the initials for their last title. I don't see anything listed on Animesuki that matches up with that.
Sat, 04-24-2004, 12:17 AM subber huh? someone wanna dl it, and tell us all how the quality is? i would do it...but it'd take me like 2 days lol =)
Sat, 04-24-2004, 12:30 AM
wonder if they are any good..
if i could use bittorrent i would check it out for everyone but oh well.
Sat, 04-24-2004, 01:21 AM
I would prefer is that some of these new subbers sub the other not so popular animes. So we have a more choices of watching. I kinda miss Planet ES. Anbu dont want to sub the last episode. I'm sure there are alot more other anime's that don't make it on to BitTorrent.
Sat, 04-24-2004, 01:25 AM
Yeah seems like we have plenty of Naruto subbers for the time being. It's nice to have extras in case a couple groups quit, but at this point it would be cooler to see some other anime subbed.
Sat, 04-24-2004, 11:46 AM
you guys might want to check out tenjou tenge.. a friend of mine showed it to me, it's being done by anime-station. i saw that anbu picked it up, but theyve only got ep 1 out.. if you wanna catch up, i think ep4 is going to be coming out on monday.. not sure if i should post link here, so PM me if you want more info
Sat, 04-24-2004, 04:11 PM
well, the quality's good, except for the choppy intro (although most people seem to have trouble with that scrolling part)
looks like they percieved the "you punch like a drunken rider" line as "explosive like a shadow rider".....i dont think anybody actually knows what the engrish
also im guessing they got the translations from bakasan
Sat, 04-24-2004, 09:11 PM
no no no... Jungle Rider makes so much sence tho...
Sun, 04-25-2004, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by: frexeze
i saw that anbu picked it up, but theyve only got ep 1 out..
AonE. ANBU has 0 (zero) eps out. AonE has so far 1 ep out.
ANBU is not AonE. These are two different groups. Really shouldn't be that hard.
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