View Full Version : noob pc jerk screen flicking animation

Thu, 04-22-2004, 05:28 AM
hi i have 3 pcs in my house and when i play a certain ogm or ogg file which has 2xaudio and subs...
pc 1. jerking screen cant change audio but subs do not jerk just animation...............................
pc 2. cant go to english audio and when in jap it cant bring up subs...
pc 3. works fine duel audio + dubs so i figured something is wrong with the other 2 pcs what is it >_<

Thu, 04-22-2004, 09:10 AM
pc 1. Jerking screen,? Like the whole screen is jerky? Or just the video. Does it stop for a few mins, then go. Sounds like a crap computer.

pc2. Hmm, what player do you use? I use zoomplayer and it does it eaisly

pc3. Hmm, check your codecs on this pc and see if the other two have them.

I really with when people posted about their PC's, they posted their stats so we know what were dealing with

Thu, 04-22-2004, 11:05 AM
Sounds like you need the ffdshow filter or possibly the ac3 filter. Get those and see if it helps, if not go to www.videolan.org and get vlc and play it with that, it should fix your problems.