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x hypz x
Wed, 04-21-2004, 02:46 AM
yeah..anyone know where i could get it? thanks in advance..

Wed, 04-21-2004, 12:28 PM
I only use irc and have gotten up to 21 so far off #zhentarim @ irc.chatsociety.net

there are no bots for this, but there are plenty of fservers with it with low queues...

Only 21 episodes have been released by them so I'm just going to wait for them to release more...

you'll probably be able to find the whole series in boxtorrents or suprnova

Death BOO Z
Wed, 04-21-2004, 03:04 PM
Kare Kano? his and her circumstances?

a wonderful anime, one of my top five animes...

I got my eps off Kaaza, a 40MB quality eps, but heck, it still rocked!

I also have the manga up to volume 10, i haven't seen the rest of it anywhere yet...

oh, the anime is espically good until ep 14, afterwards, they get lost in the endless cycle of recapping and graphs about the anime, it was totally scary!

Tue, 07-06-2004, 09:09 PM
any other place than boxtorrents and suprnova? neither has them (well, box is down)