View Full Version : thanks to anbu-aone!!!

Fri, 04-16-2004, 04:46 PM
i really would like to thank you guys for the work you do... I once was in a fansub and it's a huuuuge work..

thanks for the video quiality
thanks for the good translation
and of course the nice op/ed sing a long i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

hey guys, were really lucky... I mean, we get to see japanese shows a few days after they are aired... the internet is getting bigger and bigger... luckily we have the opportunity to see this great show thanks to


(I once downloaded the rock lee-gaara fight from bakasan...I was so into it...total desilution, bad quality, not so good translation, and no sing a long i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif), I sent it to the recycle bin and waited for anbu-aone's i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

so I have episodes 1-78 by anbu-aone i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

thank u guys so much for doing this job for free!!!

Fri, 04-16-2004, 04:58 PM
I don't like to kiss Aone/Anbu's ass, like "mode7" just did, but I would like to thank the whole 'fansubbing' -scene. Because without them we would have never been able to see Naruto. I also like to add one thing... Those who call themselves anbu/aone fans should fuck off! I am sure those bitches downloaded the bakasan-sub. If you are a real fan, you should have remained loyal to anbu. I don't give a flying fuck if I can see naruto one day, or one week/month after it originally aired. I have better things to do.

Fri, 04-16-2004, 05:32 PM
I didn't download Baka san's version, ever. I wait for quality, not speed. Speed is nice if it's by A/A, and the quality is nice, though i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Fri, 04-16-2004, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by: ELiA
I don't like to kiss Aone/Anbu's ass, like "mode7" just did, but I would like to thank the whole 'fansubbing' -scene. Because without them we would have never been able to see Naruto. I also like to add one thing... Those who call themselves anbu/aone fans should fuck off! I am sure those bitches downloaded the bakasan-sub. If you are a real fan, you should have remained loyal to anbu. I don't give a flying fuck if I can see naruto one day, or one week/month after it originally aired. I have better things to do.

HEY. i'm the only one who can be a jerk around here. stop trying to take my spot.

but seriously, take a chill tablet and relax.

Fri, 04-16-2004, 05:53 PM
You can always erase my 'acount', posts and pretend I don't excist. Why are you never wrong? I guess there are not to many people who bother with you, or discuss for that matter. So you think you are "never wrong". Right....

Fri, 04-16-2004, 06:02 PM
You should be thankful to all the groups for fansubbing. If you don't like a group, then you should just shut the fuck up about it, and keep it to yourself.

v yes, quality matters, and some groups have better quality than others, but that doesn't mean you should talk shit about them v

Fri, 04-16-2004, 06:07 PM
True! But would quality matter to you? I have seen Cowboy bebop, as I can see you did also, from dvd, 6 dvd's I think. I also saw the movie, but it was a 500 megabyte divx file with bad video quality. Still, I really liked it, the quality didn't make the characters, story or action less. What do you think?

Fri, 04-16-2004, 08:41 PM
Hey elia chill man. Most of the fans here are elite anbu/aone fans thats why we are here in the fist place i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif. Mode 7 is just trying to be nice to a/a cause he really appreciate their work, its not "kissing their butt". Just becaused he watched one bakasan episode, doesn't mean that he does like a/a. Cut him some slack man his new.

Also watch your language, it violating the rules.i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif

Fri, 04-16-2004, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by: ELiA
You can always erase my 'acount', posts and pretend I don't excist. Why are you never wrong? I guess there are not to many people who bother with you, or discuss for that matter. So you think you are "never wrong". Right....

i'd be careful if i were you. you dont know who your messing with when it comes to Mut@t@...id put dazz but i forgot how many z's had been there i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Fri, 04-16-2004, 09:29 PM
Thanks A/A for the great job.

Fri, 04-16-2004, 11:18 PM
Thanks ANBU and AonE!
you guys are the best i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

You guys got so much quality and you guys do it really fast as well!
keep up the impressive job!

Sat, 04-17-2004, 06:42 AM
just because i watch bakesan release, doesn't make me a disloyal person
go find someone in the A/A group who would say a fan who watch anything but A/A is a traitor

Sat, 04-17-2004, 09:01 AM
It's like this.

I heared some of you like ninja gaiden, so here it goes.

There will be 2 versions xbox and ps2. obvious the xbox version looks, plays and sounds better.
It's quality that made you choose xbox, and that's fine.
Then 'you' begin bitching about the fact that you would never lower yourself to that cheap PS2, with it's awful graphics and teribble sound. Not once, but every time, on every topic.
Now is decision day, (edit) march 2, 2004 is the release. While you wait at your shop, you see people walking by with ninja PS2 boxes, walking home. You know that they will be enjoying this game. Still, you point fingers at them and tell everybody that their PS2 sucks and everything.
Few day later, still no Xbox Ninja Gaiden. So what would you do? Would you, as a loyal xbox fanboy lower yourself?? Would you still play the game on that ugly, shitty, worthless PS2?? With all the bad graphics and all?? You cheap one!

(yeah, you think you're so clever huh? I know that ninja gaiden, xbox and ps2 cost $$ and something you dl from the interweb does not, try something else).

If you feel offended, while you never bitch about the bad quality of everything except anbu, then my apologies, the above mentioned does not relate to you.

Sat, 04-17-2004, 09:15 AM
theres also the fact that not everyone owns those 2 systems. Some are stuck with getting the PS2 purchase, while others reep the benefits of owning an xbox. It'd be pointless to pay $149.99 to get an xbox and a $50 game for better quality over just paying $50 for a game on the system you currently own.

Sat, 04-17-2004, 12:13 PM
yo "gaaralovessand", get your head out of the sand. Like I told you before "that ninja gaiden, xbox and ps2 cost $$ " You seem to miss my point. And to talk like neo, (we hate the matrix part2 and 3 here in europe, but some dumb americans seem to like guns and explosions, anyway).

"you didn't answer my question"

Sat, 04-17-2004, 12:21 PM
wow, dumb americans huh? i had a feeling your profile was decieving when your dialogue was barely coherent....kinda ironic, actually

ive got a solution to your xbox/ps2 dilemma.....get a gamecube i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Sat, 04-17-2004, 12:25 PM
Hmm. So you say don't watch naruto? I have a gamecube.

I saw the naruto-games on IGN and they look great, instead of this dragon ball z videogame.
Why do you have so many posts?

Sat, 04-17-2004, 12:25 PM
ELiA, stop posting, you're embarassing yourself. Nothing you say is ever on topic either.

Sat, 04-17-2004, 12:27 PM
No it is! I hope we can one day thank anbu/aone for subbing the naruto-videogame.

Sat, 04-17-2004, 12:31 PM
they're all the same. i download whatever comes out first. but i always try to make sure i dl a/a version for keeping.
and i think people are taking this loyalty thing way too far. shut up about it.

Sat, 04-17-2004, 12:36 PM
I don't like to admit it, mut@t@, but you are absolutely right. On this one...
No kidding, I believe we think the same.

Sat, 04-17-2004, 10:00 PM
Elia, you talked earlier about the whole ninja gaiden costs $$ thing. Sure it is different that choosing fan-subs. Their can't be any possible thing thats exactly in the same situation that fan-subs are in. Fan-subs are free, and thats the eternal difference between all of them.

you cant use this principal to compare to fan-subs. A/A, Bakasan, Shinotaku and whoever else subs all make the same .avi format (unless there's something I'm not aware of), while xbox and ps2 are like comparing an .mpeg to .mov formats. They are both different. They both use different programs.

Basically, because of the fact that all the fan-subs are free, you cant compare it to the purchase of a video game.

Sun, 04-18-2004, 12:48 AM
i give mad props to aone and anbu becuz they did a very good job that goodness i wait for their version before watching it -=) thank you for all your hard work

Sun, 04-18-2004, 05:25 AM
Like I said before, it's about the idea. Every body else avoids that and instead focusses on my example. ANyway, doesn't matter that much. I mean, the main 'men' of this forum are not fanboys, they're also fans of naruto, like me.

Sun, 04-18-2004, 12:14 PM
lol ur so full of shit

good job A/A, its quality work

Sun, 04-18-2004, 03:01 PM
i think ELiA is trying to get the point across that he has more of a life than the rest of us

Sun, 04-18-2004, 04:52 PM
A/A is the best of the three, dubbing the Naruto Anime, they sub the opening/ending, what the jutsus mean and all the other things that go with it definitly the best one

Sun, 04-18-2004, 04:57 PM
What makes you think I do, AssertnFailure? I also spend hours in front of a screen each week (wheter it be a tft or a television, it matters not). Like right now I am listening to the 2nd naruto soundtrack, why? Because I am like jou, that's why.

Sun, 04-18-2004, 06:39 PM
elia, you need to chiilll out. XBOX isn't bad - its actually an incredibly great party system. Thats why its the most played console in college cuz it can link to up to 3 other Xboxes which leads into an incredible game of Halo. And also, people buy games to consoles they like. Who cares which console its on? It is nearly the same for each console because its the same developer that makes the game. Only difference would be the graphic each console can handle and control. I dont think that if someone is that much of an "Xbox fanboy" and starts bad mouthing ps2 THAT much, then he wouldn't even be able to buy the game cuz he wouldn't own a ps2.
Well with that said, A/A is good, no.. great, and i try to wait for it, but if it takes way too long (like ep 78), then i will download a different sub because it just doesn't matter. However, i will always download A/A for storage.

Sun, 04-18-2004, 09:16 PM
A/A, you guys have definately come along way. I used to wait for TW all the time, but then I gave u guys a try, and I was pretty impressed. With each episode, subbing techinques improved, and I can honestly say, that with this latest release, there is no doubt in my mind, you guys are the number one group subbing naruto right now, you've even surpassed TW's level because if u saw the last two subbed naruto eps the released, they were nowhere near the level of their older eps..not to bash them or anything. In any case, keep up the good work guys. 78 was definately worth waiting for so I cant wait for 79, which is kinda silly cause I am waiting now...well, I'm gonna shut up now..i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Sun, 04-18-2004, 10:38 PM
well said, thats the kind of attitude we need here

Sun, 04-18-2004, 11:42 PM
I agree that AA has the best translations. The only thing I have gripes about is their translation of the new opening, it doesn't seem right sumhow

Power PMV
Mon, 04-19-2004, 02:23 AM
Originally posted by: ELiA
What makes you think I do, AssertnFailure? I also spend hours in front of a screen each week (wheter it be a tft or a television, it matters not). Like right now I am listening to the 2nd naruto soundtrack, why? Because I am like jou, that's why.

This is the saddest post I've read for a while. I'd make a MS Paint pic to own this guy, but I don't think he deserves it. At least itachi_ was consistent when he was an asshole.

Mon, 04-19-2004, 10:44 AM
Then who the fuck are you?! Power PMV.

"I'd make a MS Paint pic to own this guy"

You think you are pretty special huh? I think not. Maybe 2749 posts on this forum makes you think you actually mean something, but in real life, this means you are a


There, I said it. I only told you that I spend most of my time in front of screens to make all you losers out there feel accepted. Yeah, I spend a lot of time in front of the tv, but the differnce between you and me? I have friends around me while I watch. REAL friends, not some fake-internet friend who, like yourself, doesn't mean a shit.

Please try to "own" me. I can hear you think: "I'll ban this stupid boy!!! I am powerfull!", but, you are not.

How can anyone manage 2749 posts? I'll tell you! You are ugly! You are so ugly, that you are ashamed to go outside of you home.
You can never own me. I'll laugh at you. Today at my school, in class I told everyone about this forum, and about 'forum-n00bs', at the mention of someone like you, we laughed our asses off. You can never own me!

So, do as you please. Really, ban me! I'll always watch Naruto and other anime.
It was 'nice' knowing you (hahahaha!!! you bunch of losers, you only excist to make me look good).

ANd one last thing. My name really is Elia (/Elias). I don't need a fake name, unlike you sad fuckers.

Mon, 04-19-2004, 02:40 PM
yeesh .... it must be "flame everyone" week or something, here on the naruto forums. Did I miss some sort of announcement about it?

Elia: in 2 days you got to 70 posts .... 35 posts per day. If you were here for 3 months at the rate you're going, you'd have around 3100 posts. Maybe best not to flame someone for their high post count considering the fact that you're well on your way to being there too.

You are posting 3.5 times MORE posts per day than the person you're flaming for having no life and being ugly. What's that say about you, huh?

So how are the people you're flaming making you look good, when your criticism of them is so incredibly applicable to you?

Lastly, many of us have extremely common names ... aliases are unique, where first names are common. I know someone on my floor named Elia, I know 4 people on my floor with the same first name as me, and 5 with the same first name as my roommate. Your name may be based on your real name, but it's no unique expression of your identity. Maybe it'd be best to understand why people use their aliases before you decide that it's "sad" to do so.

Mon, 04-19-2004, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by: ELiA
You can never own me. I'll laugh at you. Today at my school, in class I told everyone about this forum, and about 'forum-n00bs', at the mention of someone like you, we laughed our asses off. You can never own me!

this quote wins the "stupidest quote award", permanently.

i think we should let this guy hang around for a while, his immaturity and stupidity amuses me.

Mon, 04-19-2004, 03:09 PM
mode7 you shut up about baka-san, you probably don't have the codecs, because once u get the codecs, its quite good. he subs the episodes by himself, and i give him respects.

Elia: yeah elia! you tell ur immature friends! thats right! (your friends are losers JUST LIKE YOU)

Mon, 04-19-2004, 03:10 PM
ELiA, your posts are rarely on topic, and you try to start flame wars with other members. You claim not to be a loser that gets too caught up in fake internet friends, but if that were the case, you wouldn't have posted that stupid little essay in retaliation to Power PMV, and you wouldn't have talked to your "real" friends about this forum. Flaming you now would be pointless, because you've already made yourself look like enough of an idiot for me to have to continue.

v yea, ELiA brings good entertainment v

Mon, 04-19-2004, 03:27 PM
ELiA is entertaining though, in an endearing way. It's like most people have a part of their brain that regulates whether or not they say what they're thinking. ELiA just goes ahead and says it spontaneously i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

He's not as cool as Said53 though ... that guy pwns .. wish he would come here to talk about Naruto .. he would say something like :

"KomohamaruCorps you the man i love you tanks ... Itachi_ i gona poump up the shet out of you 140 lb skiny whity boy."

To read the goodness that is Said53, go to http://www.rage3d.com/board/showthread.php?s=1018bd326d4e09dc9165e3091438fd00& threadid=33697528&highlight=said53

Power PMV
Mon, 04-19-2004, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@

Originally posted by: ELiA
You can never own me. I'll laugh at you. Today at my school, in class I told everyone about this forum, and about 'forum-n00bs', at the mention of someone like you, we laughed our asses off. You can never own me!

this quote wins the "stupidest quote award", permanently.

i think we should let this guy hang around for a while, his immaturity and stupidity amuses me.

indeed Mut@t@, this guy is such a loser.

First of all Elias, if the best insult you can use is "ugly", then you should go and ask your boyfriend to teach you some better ones. Second, what makes you think you know anything about me you freaking loser? If you check when I joined you would see that I've been here for a long time and that's why I have so many posts, also I don't need to post in a forum "I have real friends around me while I watch. REAL FRIENDS" to feel better since I don't give a crap what a 12 year old pussy kid (that's you in case you don't understand) thinks.

Mon, 04-19-2004, 04:11 PM
Okay (seems like I have a lot to explain...),

complich8, this has nothing to do with you, I respect your work.

First off, I was not planning on staying here for 3 months, there reason I got here, was because of the 'delay' of 78. I was looking for something to keep me busy. That's it for the high 'postage'.

Now, onto the "no life and being ugly"-thing...

Like I told you before, my name is Simon. Here, where I live, people know me as Simon or Sim0. I have a lot of friends, and I respect them, as they respect me. I am also caring to the eldery and I do 'free-work' at the Red Cross (I don't get paid for it). In the summer, I work at the swimming pool as a lifeguard. A lot of people come here, and they respect me for what I do, and they way I treat them. I also do some babysitting, and at saturday I work in the supermarket. I am very social.
Not that I am that great, I also have my problems, I am (always) late, and I forget 'a deal' (something you promised to do). Also I 'need' others, they are not close friends, but people I know that I use when I need something. My friends say it's alright because I don't use them(the friends), but it is something I would like to change. That is the 'boy' (turned 18 last month) who goes by the name "Sim0(n)".

I would never use another name, because I 'had to work for it', and I am in that way proud of it.
Why we laughed at you? (most europeans think americans are fat and/or unhealthy).

I know why you would use an 'unique' name. I know that some of you are not what I described before (then you'd have to change your name to Simon), indeed you are not...
In real life, you are fat. No, not like Cartman, but you had your 'time' in highschool. They things you pretended not to hear, the eyes you pretended not to see, well anyway. In real life, you are fat, have no real friends (can't think of girlfriends), and your name is Thor, sean or, say Paul.
In real life, you are fat-paul-nobody, you are the one that doesn't go to the swimming pool, because there are 'real people'. That's "life" for you (I know life isn't built on visting swimming pools, etc). But all changes on the internet....

Here, you are not Paul, someone who adds zero to society, and is shy in the company of humans. No, no, no.... here you are "Power PMV" (power?? that means that you in real life are weak). POWER PMV, here on the internet, It doesn't matter that you are fat, or nobody likes you. Here you are respected, when you say "Naruto can't win to Jaraira, because he lacks in stability and agility", people read it. It'd be just like people listen to you. And you are proud, because in FF XI (for example), you, "Power PMV", are strong, POWER!!! (I mean that you've built a strong character)
That's why you are online, in front of pc 24/7, here you can be who you would wish for to be. You don't want to be called Paul, hell no!!! Paul is fat and ugly! You are "Power PMV"!

Unique you say??? There are a hundreds thousands of you!!! You can have the most extraordinairy name you could dream for, still, to me (SImon), and to society, you are all the same...

complich8, is different, he does something to help others. He's happy to know that + 60.000 people download 'his' work, and enjoy it. But he would never call it 'his' work, he thinks the honour also belongs to his friends, who he works with. Like I told you, thank you complich8, also thank your friends. And if you ever want to see some episodes of Chin-Chan in Dutch, e-mail me, (i have a tv-capture card in my pc), and I be honoured to send it to you, maybe even supply a english translation. This had nothing to do with you, complich8.

This should be enough for now. (untill I am banned, God, please have mercy on my soul... ^^).
Simon Vervoort.

Mon, 04-19-2004, 04:22 PM
omg...lol, you are such a loser. hahahaha... only real losers need to defend and prove that they are "cool." AAAAAAAAAAAAhahahahaha. good luck in life.

Mon, 04-19-2004, 04:25 PM
I expected more than that...

Power PMV
Mon, 04-19-2004, 04:26 PM
OK retard,

First of all PMV are my initials, I added Power to them because the name PMV was taken in mIRC when I started using it. Why not use Paul (my real name), you ask?; well if you go somewhere and try to register the name Paul you will realize that it's one of the most popular names and therefore it's ALWAYS taken.

Second, you don't know absolutely anything about me. I'm not even American, so you can shut the fuck up about "we Europeans think Americans are fat". Second, "Paul someone who add zero to society" go look at the mirror and see yourself retard, I'm more succesful that you will EVER be. I am a good soccer player and swimmer, have plenty of friends, attend a great college and have a high GPA. In 2 years I'll be making more money than you could ever dream of, and then you "Elias, the guy who worked on the supermarket" will still be working there packing my groceries. Who is the loser, Elias? Who is the one that adds zero to society?

P.S. And you are right Mut@t@, I shouldn't even have bothered in answering this guy's post, but he needs to learn what a retard he is.

Mon, 04-19-2004, 04:34 PM
ELiA, ELiA .. rofl

Who cares if someone is fat or not on the internet? You could be jabba the hutt with grapefruit-sized acne and it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference to me .. forgive me, but was there a point to your post? I was looking forward to some nice flaming diatribe, but all I got was some presumptory rambling about unrelated nonsense. You wouldn't know it because I haven't talked about it (no damn reason to, we're here to talk about Naruto!), but I'm 6'3", around 225lbs with almost zero body fat, heavily into martial arts, cars, clubbing, movies, had plenty of hot GFs (married a hot half-thai stripper once, rofl .. that's a funny story in itself!), and you know NOTHING of any of that. Why? Because it isn't any of your damn business, and it DOESN'T have ANYthing to do with what we're here to talk about i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

As for using nicks on the internet, it is perfectly logical. Imagine the confusion if everyone named joe, tom, or mike just used their actual names .. it would get confusing fast. Using unique nicknames is also a way to express personal interests, and sometimes it really doesn't mean anything at all. Very rarely, I imagine, does someone actually cross the realm of sanity where they think that they are really any 'better' or 'worse' than anyone else because of their damn nickname. I can't even begin to comprehend your logic on that one. I WILL agree that some people are guilty of an inflated ego, and like to push other people's buttons or just start pissing contests for no reason, but that is true (A)-regardless of what they call themselves, and (B)- regardless or whether on not they are on the internet, however the anonymity of the internet DOES promote an excess of antisocial behaviour. I'll cite you as the #1 example of that .. if you want to stick around and contribute something relevant to the forum, by all means be my guest .. but please don't start flaming people with BS ..

GG, Thor

Mon, 04-19-2004, 04:36 PM
You gotta be kidding me...

in 5 months I am beginning my job at Ford Motors So I wouldn't rely on the "I make more money than you".

Then again, what's your age?

(have to admit I like basketball also, not that good a soccer player though...)

Mon, 04-19-2004, 04:40 PM
true, baka-san are faster to watch also

Mon, 04-19-2004, 04:43 PM
Thor, nice that you comment me. Looks like we have a lot to learn about each other.
Nice to hear that you are/were married.

Haha, I thought of martial arts, because your photo looks a bit like Jean Claude van Damme. A Belgium karateka /moviestar.

w8 a moment...

here: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000241/

Mon, 04-19-2004, 04:43 PM
Lol, and out of left-field .. True_strength takes us back to the topic .. sort of .. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

I prefer Anbu/Aone, but I also watch and respect Bakasan's efforts, then replace them with the A/A once they are ready. I am thankful to the fansub community as a whole, it's such a cool thing to be able to experience all of this anime/manga that we would otherwise never see, or see in potentially neutered versions years down the line. So yes, thank you Anbu/Aone i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

EDIT : Cool, ELiA .. nice to return to a sensible level of communication i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif Yes, Jean Claude Van Damme i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif .. I remember watching 'Bloodsport' and 'Kickboxer' when I was very young, they were some of my earliest influences in getting involved in martial arts, starting with Muay Thai .. lots of fun! My avatar is actually Jack/Tyler Durden from Fight Club, I chose it because it is one of my favorite all-time movies.

Power PMV
Mon, 04-19-2004, 04:45 PM
I'm 18 years also. In 2 years I'm going to be a Nuclear Engineer and Mathematician, and professors at my university are already asking me to go to graduate school there and start doing research with them.

Mon, 04-19-2004, 04:47 PM
I share MemnochTheCaT's vision on fansubbing.

It was just that I hated people who called bakasan bakafuck, and look down on him.
He is alone, like naruto was in the beginning I think. I felt sorry for him that people laugh at his poor quality. Happy to hear that MemnochTheCaT respects his work, like I do.

Mon, 04-19-2004, 04:50 PM
Arrogans is floating in the air

Mon, 04-19-2004, 04:50 PM
Paul Monasterio, guess you are a real person also...
I think I deserve to be shot.. (I never got any international awards).

Mon, 04-19-2004, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by: True_strengh
Arrogans is floating in the air

Who is arrogans? And why is he floating? i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

EDIT : ELiA, there will be no shooting here i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif Just try to keep a cool head in the future, getting into insult-slinging with other posters just lowers you to their level. You seem like an alright guy so I don't think there's anything to worry about. If you want to see some real fun, go visit the Said53 thread that I posted! Now THERE is a seriously whacked-out forum member i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif

Mon, 04-19-2004, 04:54 PM
this thread has gone to hell and back with the flaming, i dont really know who started this crap, but if this continues i think it may be best to just lock this thread. oh and power, if this guy is bothering you so much just ignore him. this isnt irl, just chat, so theres no need for this senseless violence. if he believes he's better than you then let him. *sigh* this is one of those reasons why that ignore function would be good. right power?

Power PMV
Mon, 04-19-2004, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by: lionheart1012000
this thread has gone to hell and back with the flaming, i dont really know who started this crap, but if this continues i think it may be best to just lock this thread. oh and power, if this guy is bothering you so much just ignore him. this isnt irl, just chat, so theres no need for this senseless violence. if he believes he's better than you then let him. *sigh* this is one of those reasons why that ignore function would be good. right power?

Absolutely lionheart.
That ignore function would be great.

Mon, 04-19-2004, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by: ELiA
I share MemnochTheCaT's vision on fansubbing.

It was just that I hated people who called bakasan bakafuck, and look down on him.
He is alone, like naruto was in the beginning I think. I felt sorry for him that people laugh at his poor quality. Happy to hear that MemnochTheCaT respects his work, like I do.

I respect you when i heard that you lay much effort in helping people .
But nothing help if u make people flame up like that ....hehe...
well i am your side fully of what u said about baka-san . People dont understand how much he lay on doing that . He deserve respect.........
Ryssen out

Mon, 04-19-2004, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by: Power PMV
I'm 18 years also. In 2 years I'm going to be a Nuclear Engineer and Mathematician, and professors at my university are already asking me to go to graduate school there and start doing research with them.

In high school I got some international awards in mathematics, you can look up if you want. My name is Paul Monasterio.

Cool PMV i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif Just curious, if you have a moment .. what do you think of string theory? And do you think sonoluminescence will ever be useful in future experiments with fusion and alternative energy development?

Power PMV
Mon, 04-19-2004, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT

Originally posted by: Power PMV
I'm 18 years also. In 2 years I'm going to be a Nuclear Engineer and Mathematician, and professors at my university are already asking me to go to graduate school there and start doing research with them.

In high school I got some international awards in mathematics, you can look up if you want.

Cool PMV i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif Just curious, if you have a moment .. what do you think of string theory? And do you think sonoluminescence will ever be useful in future expiriments with fusion and alternative energy development?

LOL, let me drink some beer and then I'll give you a better answer.

Let's get back on topic.

Mon, 04-19-2004, 05:04 PM
ehhh by the way elias its Brad pitt

Mon, 04-19-2004, 05:05 PM
ROFL, I think anyone reading this thread should have drank some beer by this point, or risk permanent damage to their brain's synaptic response i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Mon, 04-19-2004, 05:05 PM
MemnochTheCaT, I'd like to hear your opninion on this (as you are 'strong')

A friend of mine got into the hospital, he is weak/cannot protect himself. He was beaten up by 4 guys that were bigger/stronger than him, for no reason.. I know one of these guys (not a friend).
I am not strong ( I work out at home a little bit, but only my abs and stuff, to look 'healthy' and to 'impress' the girls when we go swimming, so I might look a little bit strong, but I know nothing of martial arts or so...).

I want to have the power to beat up those guys who did this to "Sven", because he would never pick on anyone or hurt someone. Now he has false teeth and his face is still a little "sore".

What would you do, if you (with kung-fu and all) were in my position?

Mon, 04-19-2004, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by: ELiA
MemnochTheCaT, I'd like to hear your opninion on this (as you are 'strong')

A friend of mine got into the hospital, he is weak/cannot protect himself. He was beaten up by 4 guys that were bigger/stronger than him, for no reason.. I know one of these guys (not a friend).
I am not strong ( I work out at home a little bit, but only my abs and stuff, to look 'healthy' and to 'impress' the girls when we go swimming, so I might look a little bit strong, but I know nothing of martial arts or so...).

I want to have the power to beat up those guys who did this to "Sven", because he would never pick on anyone or hurt someone. Now he has false teeth and his face is still a little "sore".

What would you do, if you (with kung-fu and all) were in my position?

Elia is Sven swedish?

Mon, 04-19-2004, 05:16 PM
lionheart1012000, you're just big boned right? i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif

Mon, 04-19-2004, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by: True_strengh

Originally posted by: ELiA
MemnochTheCaT, I'd like to hear your opninion on this (as you are 'strong')

A friend of mine got into the hospital, he is weak/cannot protect himself. He was beaten up by 4 guys that were bigger/stronger than him, for no reason.. I know one of these guys (not a friend).
I am not strong ( I work out at home a little bit, but only my abs and stuff, to look 'healthy' and to 'impress' the girls when we go swimming, so I might look a little bit strong, but I know nothing of martial arts or so...).

I want to have the power to beat up those guys who did this to "Sven", because he would never pick on anyone or hurt someone. Now he has false teeth and his face is still a little "sore".

What would you do, if you (with kung-fu and all) were in my position?

Elia is Sven swedish?

No, he lives in my village's so he's Dutch. Why, do you know someone who was also beaten up for nu reason?

Mon, 04-19-2004, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by: ELiA
MemnochTheCaT, I'd like to hear your opninion on this (as you are 'strong')

A friend of mine got into the hospital, he is weak/cannot protect himself. He was beaten up by 4 guys that were bigger/stronger than him, for no reason.. I know one of these guys (not a friend).
I am not strong ( I work out at home a little bit, but only my abs and stuff, to look 'healthy' and to 'impress' the girls when we go swimming, so I might look a little bit strong, but I know nothing of martial arts or so...).

I want to have the power to beat up those guys who did this to "Sven", because he would never pick on anyone or hurt someone. Now he has false teeth and his face is still a little "sore".

What would you do, if you (with kung-fu and all) were in my position?

rofl, dude, you're so fucking weird. this isn't a 1-800 help hot line forum. judging by the way you post, i advise you to shoot them.

Mon, 04-19-2004, 05:28 PM
Wow ELiA, that's pretty sad. He got jacked up so bad he got put in the hospital? i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif Anyways, back to the point at hand .. several problems here .. it would probably be best to 1st check into how the law handles assault charges in your country, and see if that might be an option. Of course, the guys might retaliate and try to get revenge against you and your friend if you went that route.

The other option, vigilante justice, would require either learning a combat fighting system (like Krav Maga, or perhaps an adaptive thai boxing+grappling style such as I prefer), utilization of a weapon (not recommended, as things can go tragically wrong), or forming a team (got any friends who are good fighters?) to accomplish that goal.

Learning to be effective in street fighting is not an instant process, and takes patience and more than a little bit of blood to become proficient. Let's just say that it would take many years and a great deal of skill to be able to handle 4 opponents simultaneously .. I've spent many years fighting and have been dealt brutal defeats by both weapon-carrying attackers, as well as multiple opponents. Escalating the encounter to absolute desperation also becomes an ever-present risk in street fights, because you never know if you might accidentally kill someone, or be killed, in an attack maneuver.

My advice would be to be the best friend possible to 'Sven', and hope that he will not get picked on again. If they bully him again, I suppose there is no other choice, but it would be the best possible course of action to let sleeping dogs lie. An escalation in violence will likely continue to repeat back and forth until there comes an outcome that you regret, for better or worse.

If you are serious about learning to fight, cool .. start with cardio training, and boxing (for footwork/hand speed/depth perception, also good for learning to become comfortable to getting hit hard and not losing concentration). After the basics, find a style that fits your body type well. If you are strong upper-body, then you might concentrate on a rapid-attack inside grappling style, look for quick joint locks .. break shoulders/elbows/wrists/neck ASAP. If you are more powerful lower body, you might try a heavy kicking/knee style like Thai Boxing, but be aware that you must develop excellent counters when someone gets inside your effective kicking range, and that must include things like headbutts, biting, and stance changes to disrupt their weight/balance as they try to grab you. I have taught a few of my friends and it is difficult to translate much of what I'm trying to say into text, so if you want to know more, PM me .. or start with the basics like I said.

Good luck in any situation .. hope it gets better.

Mon, 04-19-2004, 05:45 PM
Thanks, MemnochTheCaT. You know a lot.

It seems like you have gone a long way before me... you must be 30 or so... Anyway.
Thanks for the advice. Maybe it's best to hand it over to the "law". My mother said to me:

"Als je hun in elkaar gaat slaan, dan ben je net zo erg als die jongens"
which translates into:

If you fight them, you'll be as bad as them.

This might sound cowardly to you, but I am happy that I never had to fight/defend myself.

(BTW, isn't this a little more interessting than always talking about naruto?)

ANd: I like "timecop", although it has not much to do with martial arts...

Mon, 04-19-2004, 05:52 PM
Hehe, no problem. As a matter of fact, I'm already near 30! I'm 27 i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif Man, I'm gettin old (must be why I like Jiraiya and the 3rd so much as characters, they're old like me!)

As for your mom's advice, good stuff, I think you're on the right track.

As for talking about things other than Naruto, I replied with courtesy because I felt it was the right thing to do, but this type of discussion really belongs in 'General Discussion', we try to keep it to Naruto here in this area of the forums. If there is a mod peeping around, might be a good idea to lock this, since we have already thanked anbu/aone quite a bit i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif

Good to see the flames die down i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Mon, 04-19-2004, 05:57 PM
Okay, same here about the "inferno". I think I'll stick here with you guys, seems fun.
I look forward to talking with you guys again.
I'm off to sleep now, school tomorrow and everything. Thanks for the advice and for changing my view on most of the forum users here. Adios amigos!

Power PMV
Mon, 04-19-2004, 05:59 PM
LOL, this was a funny ending.

Mon, 04-19-2004, 06:13 PM
Just a quick note.

I am European, infact, I am English i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

If spending time with EliA in 'Europe' or talking to some loosers here on the forums
was my only choice. I would rather talk to the loosers because, at the end of the day
they are more friendly i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif .

Ahh well being a looser is great. I dont need to attention seek, give abuse to people
for no reason or put a bad image across for Europeans as a whole.

I just want to say on behalf of all the "stable minded" Europeans, a big warm thank you
to AonE subbing group. Since I have found you, I have not gone back to lower quality

With reguards to other groups, thank god they are out there for the more obscure titles.
AonE tend to do higher budget Animes but lower budget ones are entertaining and
Im greatful that in this non-communist forum we have such a thing as choice.

Good day to you all , and remember :

I am European as UK is a part of Europe i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Mon, 04-19-2004, 06:22 PM
Cheers, GaZ .. yeah I think I know how you feel by the 'guilty-by-association' kind of sentiment. I'm an American from Texas (like our silly president, heheh), but I am embarrassed by more than a few of my fellow countrymen and their often ignorant views regarding the rest of the world.

All I want to say is : we're not all insane over here in the states i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif Or at least, not THAT insane. i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gifi/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gifi/expressions/rolleye.gif

Mon, 04-19-2004, 06:25 PM
Ahh no need to defend yourself mate i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif Everyone needs a little sillyness inside of them otherwise we would all be robots i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

*Wibble fozz plop ding ding fozz ding*

BTW, ever heard of the phrase "this world is made of..... LOVE AND PEACE!!!???!!" i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Mon, 04-19-2004, 06:32 PM
Heh, haven't heard of that phrase GaZ, sounds like a classic line from the 60's! I think I'll make a new version of that quote i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

"This world is made of .... LOVE AND PEACE AND NARUTO!!?!?!?!?!!"i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gifi/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gifi/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Mon, 04-19-2004, 06:36 PM
What ? No Trigun ????

Deprived, imagine life without Naruto or AonE and that would be life without Trigun i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif

Mon, 04-19-2004, 06:37 PM
Trigun rocked, so did Cowboy Bebop .. but they are long since finished, so I live on Naruto now i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Mon, 04-19-2004, 06:39 PM
well as I said before :


Mon, 04-19-2004, 06:42 PM
Hahahah nice one GaZ! I like how Trigun used chibi-ized characters a lot, like Ginji in 'Get Backers'. I wonder what happened to KonohamaruCorps cool Midou Ban Avatar .. I liked that series too, other than the ending.


Mon, 04-19-2004, 06:54 PM
I have started downloading AonE's sub of Gokusen , its ..... interesting i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Totally different to anything I have seen before - and funny i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Also watched 4eps of Onegai Twins - thats strange aswell. At least we can get our anime fix for another week with the large back-log to watch i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Mon, 04-19-2004, 06:59 PM
wow.....i mustve been gone from the forums too long when i enter a thread for thanking AA and find ELiA talking about weight lifting to pick up women

Mon, 04-19-2004, 07:02 PM
AssertNFailure .. HAHAHAHAH I've been wondering what the spectators of this madness must be thinking, it's actually quite funny when I think about it... this thread went from A to B to X to Mars and back ..

Mon, 04-19-2004, 07:05 PM
well talk about a warm welcome to a new memeber to the forum , if I didnt read this thread and realise that ELiA was new here, maybe I would
never have posted at all. i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif

Mon, 04-19-2004, 07:09 PM
I think overall we've got some good members here, new members usually get kicked around a bit, but I try to be as friendly as possible (we're all new at one time or another to every place we ever go) .. karma and stuff i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Mon, 04-19-2004, 07:14 PM
In my experience the only new people who get kicked around are those that start poinless threads and make stupid posts to make up their posting count... ho-hum

Mon, 04-19-2004, 07:15 PM
If that's your experience, you haven't been here long enough i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif You will see plenty of flame-fests and n00b-kicking, and it's not always over dumb repeat threads i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

It can be fun though i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif Cheers! i/expressions/beer.gif

Tue, 04-20-2004, 02:59 AM
<Punts a n00b> hey i didnt stick around the forums for 9 months for nothing! i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif

Tue, 04-20-2004, 10:50 AM
That was fun read watching from the rafters! I gots me a new sig pa! Yee haw!. Welp I'm not one much for words but Thanks Anbu Aone and all the other fansubs out there for taking their time to do this stuff.

Oh and I hope Elia wasn't banned he may cause many IQ points to be lost but hes a riot.

Tue, 04-20-2004, 12:57 PM
I hereby nominate this thread for *MOST DERAILED* i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Tue, 04-20-2004, 01:12 PM
Props to A/A for their continued efforts on provinding the anime community with their subs. That's outta the way.

Tue, 04-20-2004, 01:56 PM
Seriously, can someone please lock this, we never really needed to know so much about ELiA's life...

Tue, 04-20-2004, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by: ELiA

Originally posted by: True_strengh

Originally posted by: ELiA
MemnochTheCaT, I'd like to hear your opninion on this (as you are 'strong')

A friend of mine got into the hospital, he is weak/cannot protect himself. He was beaten up by 4 guys that were bigger/stronger than him, for no reason.. I know one of these guys (not a friend).
I am not strong ( I work out at home a little bit, but only my abs and stuff, to look 'healthy' and to 'impress' the girls when we go swimming, so I might look a little bit strong, but I know nothing of martial arts or so...).

I want to have the power to beat up those guys who did this to "Sven", because he would never pick on anyone or hurt someone. Now he has false teeth and his face is still a little "sore".

What would you do, if you (with kung-fu and all) were in my position?

Elia is Sven swedish?

No, he lives in my village's so he's Dutch. Why, do you know someone who was also beaten up for nu reason?

No sry.....the name Sven sounded swedish

Tue, 04-20-2004, 05:09 PM
you really don't need to post three times in a row, you know. this isn't like narutofan.com where the morons post "1st!" or crap like that and post as if they were in a chat room.

Wed, 04-21-2004, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
Hahahah nice one GaZ! I like how Trigun used chibi-ized characters a lot, like Ginji in 'Get Backers'. I wonder what happened to KonohamaruCorps cool Midou Ban Avatar .. I liked that series too, other than the ending...

yea, Trigun, Bebop, and Get Backers are all good shows, I took away the Ban Avatar just because the Vicious avatar matches the sig...heh, this thread really has become useless.

Wed, 04-21-2004, 12:39 AM
i think the mods have really been neglecting their work on these forums....
but ah well, its still fun and thats what discussion forums are all about anyway, right?
<punts another n00b>

Wed, 04-21-2004, 12:42 AM
i think i'd be an awesome mod. i'm here more than often and have more naruto knowledge than 90% of the people here. of course, i'd become nicer.

Wed, 04-21-2004, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
i think the mods have really been neglecting their work on these forums....
but ah well, its still fun and thats what discussion forums are all about anyway, right?
<punts another n00b>

Hahahahah i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif I hereby nominate AssertNFailure for mod, I want to see some n00bs go flying i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif I'm not so sure about Dazzz, but maybe he could tone down his often overtly hostile mannerisms and become a good Catloaf. I might be a decent mod, but I'd be hesitant to lock some threads, it's far too interesting to see them spin into bizarre places that were never imagined in the beginning. Of course, there are more than a few *REALLY* dumb threads ..

Wed, 04-21-2004, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by: True_strengh
Anyone remember me from my thread "is naruto for kids?" ??? i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Yes that thread was n00bishly nutty but this one gives it a run for the money.
And just so you know, there's an "EDIT" function so you don't triple post.
Still open I see. i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif Can't believe the mods haven't locked this one down yet.

Wed, 04-21-2004, 01:23 AM
Hopefully this will be locked soon, and there are already enough mods around.

Wed, 04-21-2004, 01:28 AM
haha thanks memnoch.....although if i was mod then i'd prolly feel obligated to not pick on anyone i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif

Wed, 04-21-2004, 01:47 AM
Lol AnF, I understand, I have waaaay too much fun picking on Catloaf i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Wed, 04-21-2004, 05:32 AM
Hey, leave us mods alone! We're trying our best, we can only do so much! i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif

By popular demand, this thread is being locked.